Configuration Specific Variable Values in Windows Phone 8 Apps - c#

What I want to do is set different variable values depending on the current configuration. So when I run the project in Debug, I would like the app to point towards my development stack. When I run the app in Release I would like the app to run against my production stack. And I would like to create a Beta config which will be mostly the same as my Release config settings but slightly different.

Take a look at the Slow Cheetah extension for Visual Studio. It allows you to transform you config files based on the current build configuration.
Alternatively you could use Conditional Compilation Symbols. But I'd recommend the config transforms.
Seeing as you are unable to use the configuration transforms I think you're forced to go do the route of compilation symbols. So I'd create the configuration files and then have a class use compilation symbols to read the correct one at runtime. Something along the lines of:
public class ConfigurationLoader()
private readonly string _configFile;
public ConfigurationLoader()
_configFile = "app.Debug.config";
_configFile = "app.Release.config";
public UniversalAppConfig LoadCofig()
// Read file
// Create UniversalAppConfig
public class UniversalAppConfig()
public int ConfigurationValueA { get; set; }
public int ConfigurationValueB { get; set; }
You set the symbols under Project Properties -> Build by the way.


Embedding build information in local and CI builds like in Gradle

my question does not target a problem. It is more some kind of "Do you know something that...?". All my applications are built and deployed using CI/CD with Azure DevOps. I like to have all build information handy in the create binary and to read them during runtime. Those applications are mainly .NET Core 2 applications written in C#. I am using the default build system MSBuild supplied with the .NET Core SDK. The project should be buildable on Windows AND Linux.
Information I need:
GitCommitHash: string
GitCommitMessage: string
GitBranch: string
CiBuildNumber: string (only when built via CI not locally)
IsCiBuild: bool (Detecting should work by checking for env variables
which are only available in CI builds)
Current approach:
In each project in the solution there is a class BuildConfig à la
public static class BuildConfig
public const string BuildNumber = "#{Build.BuildNumber}#"; // Das sind die Namen der Variablen innerhalb der CI
// and the remaining information...
Here tokens are used, which get replaced with the corresponding values during the CI build. To achieve this an addon task is used. Sadly this only fills the values for CI builds and not for the local ones. When running locally and requesting the build information it only contains the tokens as they are not replaced during the local build.
It would be cool to either have the BuildConfig.cs generated during the build or have the values of the variables set during the local build (IntelliSense would be very cool and would prevent some "BuildConfig class could not be found" errors). The values could be set by an MSBuild task (?). That would be one (or two) possibilities to solve this. Do you have ideas/experience regarding this? I did not found that much during my internet research. I only stumbled over this question which did not really help me as I have zero experience with MSBuild tasks/customization.
Then I decided to have a look at build systems in general. Namly Fake and Cake. Cake has a Git-Addin, but I did not find anything regarding code generation/manipulation. Do you know some resources on that?
So here's the thing...
Short time ago I had to work with Android apps namly Java and the build system gradle. So I wanted to inject the build information there too during the CI build. After a short time I found a (imo) better and more elegant solution to do this. And this was modifying the build script in the following way (Scripting language used is Groovy which is based on Java):
def getGitHash = { ->
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', '--short', 'HEAD'
standardOutput = stdout
return stdout.toString().trim().replace("\"", "\\\"")
def getGitBranch = { ->
def fromEnv = System.getenv("BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH")
if (fromEnv) {
return fromEnv.substring("refs/heads/".length()).replace("\"", "\\\"");
} else {
def stdout = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
exec {
commandLine 'git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD'
standardOutput = stdout
return stdout.toString().trim().replace("\"", "\\\"")
def getIsCI = { ->
return System.getenv("BUILD_BUILDNUMBER") != null;
# And the other functions working very similar
android {
# ...
buildConfigField "String", "GitHash", "\"${getGitHash()}\""
buildConfigField "String", "GitBranch", "\"${getGitBranch()}\""
buildConfigField "String", "BuildNumber", "\"${getBuildNumber()}\""
buildConfigField "String", "GitMessage", "\"${getGitCommitMessage()}\""
buildConfigField "boolean", "IsCIBuild", "${getIsCI()}"
# ...
The result after the first build is the following java code:
public final class BuildConfig {
// Some other fields generated by default
// Fields from default config.
public static final String BuildNumber = "Local Build";
public static final String GitBranch = "develop";
public static final String GitHash = "6c87e82";
public static final String GitMessage = "Merge branch 'hotfix/login-failed' into 'develop'";
public static final boolean IsCIBuild = false;
Getting the required information is done by the build script itself without depending on the CI engine to fulfill this task. This class can be used after the first build its generated and stored in a "hidden" directory which is included in code analysis but exluded from your code in the IDE and also not pushed to the Git. But there is IntelliSense support. In C# project this would be the obj/ folder I guess. It is very easy to access the information as they are a constant and static values (so no reflection or similar required).
So here the summarized question: "Do you know something to achieve this behaviour/mechanism in a .NET environment?"
Happy to discuss some ideas/approaches... :)
It becomes much easier if at runtime you are willing to use reflection to read assembly attribute values. For example:
using System.Reflection;
var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
var descriptionAttribute = (AssemblyDescriptionAttribute)assembly
.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyDescriptionAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
var description = descriptionAttribute?.Description;
For most purposes the performance impact of this approach can be satisfactorily addressed by caching the values so they only need to read once.
One way to embed the desired values into assembly attributes is to use the MSBuild WriteCodeFragment task to create a class file that sets assembly attributes to the values of project and/or environment variables. You would need to ensure that you do this in a Target that executes before before compilation occurs (e.g. <Target BeforeTargets="CoreCompile" ...). You would also need to set the property <GenerateAssemblyInfo>false</GenerateAssemblyInfo> to avoid conflicting with the functionality referenced in the next option.
Alternatively, you may be able to leverage the plumbing in the dotnet SDK for including metadata in assemblies. It embeds the values of many of the same project variables documented for the NuGet Pack target. As implied above, this would require the GenerateAssemblyInfo property to be set to true.
Finally, consider whether GitVersion would meet your needs.
Good luck!

Preprocessor : Get Operating System .Net Core

I'm writing a class that I wish to use on both Windows & Linux.
One of the methods that is in this class is accessing the Windows Registry
What I'm hoping to achieve is to somehow disable this particular method from being used when using a Linux machine.First of all I did some research to see if there was something for .Net Core that would allow me to check which operating system is in use, I found this and sure enough that works.When I implemented it into my code when accessing a method, I was hoping to disable the method that's accessing the windows registry, however the closest I could get to this was using a switch statement, something like this
switch (OS)
case OSX:
case LINUX:
To return if the operating system was not supported, this worked, however I then thought disabling it from being accessed all together would be much better rather than throwing an error for an operating system thats not supported for that particular methodI then went on to look at preprocessor directives thinking that if I'm able to detect and disable parts of code depending the frameworks etc, maybe I could use something like this to disable parts of code depending on the operating system that way they could never be called even when trying to access the methodI went on from there to see if I could disable parts of code using preprocessor directives.I found this.I understand that it is for C++ however it seems to be the closest I could find for what I'm trying to achieve within .Net Core In a perfect world, it would look something like this
/// <summary>
/// Get the file mime type
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePathLocation">file path location</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetMimeType(this string filePathLocation)
if (filePathLocation.IsValidFilePath())
string mimeType = "application/unknown";
string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePathLocation).ToLower();
Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey regKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey(ext);
if (regKey != null && regKey.GetValue("Content Type") != null)
mimeType = regKey.GetValue("Content Type").ToString();
return mimeType;
return null;
I did see #Define so I tried something like this #define IS_WINDOWS and added it to my class along with #if IS_WINDOWS
however, I couldn't see how to change that value if I'm hoping to just reuse the static class over and over.
While you could pursue a route involving #define, it's compile-time and you'll loose a lot of .Net's multi-platform goodness. You'll also have to juggle multiple configurations, multiple builds, etc.
Where possible, hide the platform-dependent behavior behind a platform-independent abstraction and do the check at runtime using System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform:
interface IPlatform
void DoSomething();
class WindowsImpl : IPlatform
public void DoSomething()
// Do something on Windows
class LinuxImpl : IPlatform
public void DoSomething()
// Do something on Linux
// Somewhere else
var platform = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? new WindowsImpl() : new LinuxImpl();
This works well for many things including PInvoke. You will be able to use the same binaries on either platform, and it will be easier to add OSX later.
If you need to isolate the platform-dependent code at compile-time (perhaps a package is Windows-only), MEF2/System.Composition can help you make a plugin framework where each platform gets its own assembly:
// In Windows.dll class library project
using System.Composition;
public class WindowsImpl : IPlatform
public void DoSomething()
And then in your main program:
using System.Composition.Hosting;
var configuration = new ContainerConfiguration();
var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(pathToWindowsDll);
var host = configuration.CreateContainer();
var platform = host.GetExports<IPlatform>().FirstOrDefault();
I have a use-case where preprocessor directives are necessary. I found here that I can do this. As the site tells us, add the following to your project (.csproj) file:
<!-- insert the following -->
<IsWindows Condition="'$([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::IsOSPlatform($([System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform]::Windows)))' == 'true'">true</IsWindows>
<IsOSX Condition="'$([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::IsOSPlatform($([System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform]::OSX)))' == 'true'">true</IsOSX>
<IsLinux Condition="'$([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation]::IsOSPlatform($([System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform]::Linux)))' == 'true'">true</IsLinux>
... then add these for each preprocessor option:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(IsWindows)'=='true'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(IsOSX)'=='true'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(IsLinux)'=='true'">
It is the individual <PropertyGroup Condition> child element that defines the constant so I can do this:
#if Linux
private const string GLFW_LIB = "glfw";
#elif OSX
private const string GLFW_LIB = "libglfw.3";
#elif Windows
private const string GLFW_LIB = "glfw3";
// some error condition - unsupported platform

Determine if library loaded into Console, Desktop, or UWP app

I have a libary which needs to behave differently for console applications, desktop application (e.g. WPF), and for UWP apps.
How can I determine at run-time into which application type my libary is loaded?
Determining if it is a console application seems easy: How to tell if there is a console
For UWP, I can probably determine if WinRT is loaded. But how?
What distinguishing attributes do desktop applications have?
I ended up defining following enum:
public enum ExecutionMode
which is passed to the constructor of the main class of my libary. Not a new idea, but very reliable (if used correctly).
Create a CustomAttribute in an assembly that is available to all of the applications like so
using System;
namespace MyNamespace.Reflection {
public class ApplicationTypeAttribute : Attribute {
public enum ApplicationTypes {
public ApplicationTypeAttribute(ApplicationTypes appType) {
ApplicationType = appType;
public ApplicationTypes ApplicationType { get; private set; } = ApplicationTypes.Console;
Then add this attribute to your AssemblyInfo.cs file for a console application
using MyNamespace.Reflection;
[assembly: ApplicationType(ApplicationTypeAttribute.ApplicationTypes.Console)]
or a Desktop application
[assembly: ApplicationType(ApplicationTypeAttribute.ApplicationTypes.Desktop)]
Then wherever you want to check the calling type of the application that was started, use this
using MyNamespace.Reflection;
var assy = System.Relection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
var typeAttribute = assy.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(ApplicationTypeAttribute));
if (typeAttribute != null) {
var appType = ((ApplicationTypeAttribute)typeAttribute).ApplicationType;
There is one caveat to this method. .NET Core apps have a different project structure and the AssemblyInfo.cs file is auto-generated at build time by default. You can override this behavior by specifying the following in the .csproj file in the Project node.
To match the old project file structure, you can create a Properties directory in the project directtory and then you can add an AssemblyInfo.cs file to that directory. Otherwise you can place the Custom Attribute definition in any file (after the usings and before the namespace declaration).

Trying to nunit test enterprise logging

I'm trying to nunit test enterprise logging to proove creating of log etnries etc..
I cant seem to get it to work- I get an error the config section for loggin can not be found in config source - I think this has something to do with the fact that this is a wpf and the app config isnt being started when i run an nunit test from a class. Any thoughts?
namespace Nunit
public class NunitTests
string Path = #"C:\Users\dani\bin\Debug\trace.log";
public void TestLogCreation()
When you run NUnit executable, it tries to look into it's own config file for any configuration entries which it can't find. After that it searches for configuration entries in machine.config file. There also it does not find the config entries, hence it gives the error.
You can fix this by putting config entries in machine.config file.
But it would not be a right way to unit test. You have to provide fake class for reading configuration entries rather than reading actual config values from config file.
machine.config file can be found at below mentioned paths:
32 bit
64 bit
public interface IConfigReader
string ReadConfigEntry(string keyName);
public class ConfigReader : IConfigReader
public string ReadConfigEntry(string keyName)
return System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[keyName];
public class FakeConfigReader : IConfigReader
public string ReadConfigEntry(string keyName)
string configValue = string.Empty;
//provide dummy implementation instead of reading actual .config file
return configValue;
Now create instances of IConfigReader interface. In actual code use ConfigReader implementation to read config values and while unit testing use FakeConfigReader implementation. In FakeConfigReader you can return any arbitrary hard coded value from ReadConfigEntry method.
Much easier way to accomplish this would be to create an app.config file within the Nunit project and copy the contents over - works perfectly

C#: use "Class Library" Project for plugins

this question follows my previous question.
I have a c# ASP.NET application and i want to provide support for plugins. Plugins can be custom c# classes, javascript, html, css, images, etc.
I see no problem as long as my application is extended with c# classes because all the user has to do is create a new "class library" project in visual studio and implement the interfaces, i provide. Then build a dll out of it and upload it to my server. The plugin-developer can add static files (html, js, css, etc.) into this project as well but i found some problems with that:
Every static file i add to the plugin project gets the build action "content" and it seems i cannot read those files from my server. (see my previously answered question). I have to manually select "Embedded Resource" on each file, so it is packed with the plugin dll.
I want to support Typescript for the plugins. The Typescript compiler generates javascript files in the same directory as the typescript-files. But the javascript files are not included in the project and therefore i have to include these in the plugin project and then set the correct build action. I don't want the plugin developers to do that all the time.
If the static files have the build action "enbedded resources", then the server can pickup these files by using the assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() method. This method returns the resources as a string. The path is not separated by \ or / but with a dot instead. So i am not able to distinguish between file path (this is relevant) or filename (also relevant to pickup the correct files), because the original filename can also have dots.
So i am starting to question the "class library" project type is right for my needs. Is there a way to get around of my issues or do i have to use another project type?
Thank you for any help!
Edit: Changed the question a little bit so it is better to understand.
You could make a zip package with the plugin dll and files. NuGet also uses this mechanism. A .nupkg is also just a zip file.
I would start by looking at MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework).
MSDN information can be found here:
From that link you can get more information and I believe there is a tutorial as well.
Oh, for me it seems very simple.
Let the developer create the plugin freestyle and put all the additional files in a directory, let's call it extras
To implement the your interface they will need your assembly so I guess you will ship it via nuget, or just some link. No matter what the case, provide them with some powershell script what will be required to run before the final build
The script would create zip archive from the extras directory and add it to the ClassLibrary project as EmbeddedResource.
As you mentioned earlier, you can access EmbeddedResource. So all you would do is to unpack it and you would have the exact directory tree.
The best idea would be to provide project template with script included, and also the empty zip archive added as embedded resource (it will be easier to just pack the files in the script and replace the file), and pre-build action set to run the script.
Am I missing something?
What about this.
In your web application, you could add a function that loop into your plugin directory and find DLL implementing an Iplugin (name is up to you) interface.
The interface is defined in a class library that both your web application and plugins have to implement.
You can use the Httpcontext Server mappath to read javascript and other files.
Here is a very basic implementation
First, you have the plugin interface (a class library implemented both by the web application and the individual plugins) I implemented sample properties and methods...
using System.Web;
public interface IPlugin
string Name { get; set; }
string Output { get; set; }
void Load(ref httpcontext Context);
void Dispose();
void Display();
Next, you have the Actual plugin class library we want to implement.
using System.Web;
using IPlugins;
public class AwesomePlugin : IPlugins.IPlugin
private string _Name = "AwesomePlugin";
private HttpContext _Context;
public string Name {
get { return _Name; }
set { _Name = value; }
public string Output {
get { return "Yay !!!"; }
set {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Display()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Dispose()
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void Load(ref Web.HttpContext Context)
Finally, you dynamically load your plugins so you can use them in your application.
private Dictionary<string, IPlugins.IPlugin> _Plugins = new Dictionary<string, IPlugins.IPlugin>();
public void LoadPlugins()
lock (static_LoadPlugins_IpluginType_Init) {
try {
if (InitStaticVariableHelper(static_LoadPlugins_IpluginType_Init)) {
static_LoadPlugins_IpluginType = typeof(IPlugins.IPlugin);
} finally {
static_LoadPlugins_IpluginType_Init.State = 1;
string ServerPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "Plugins";
dynamic Plugins = io.Directory.GetFiles(ServerPath);
foreach (string PluginPath in Plugins) {
dynamic Assembly = system.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(PluginPath);
Type PluginClass = Assembly.GetTypes.Where(T => T.GetInterface("IPlugin") != null).First;
IPlugins.IPlugin MyPlugin = Activator.CreateInstance(PluginClass);
_Plugins.#add(PluginClass.ToString, MyPlugin);
static bool InitStaticVariableHelper(Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.StaticLocalInitFlag flag)
if (flag.State == 0) {
flag.State = 2;
return true;
} else if (flag.State == 2) {
throw new Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.IncompleteInitialization();
} else {
return false;
That way, you can implement whatever you want in your plugin.
I believe you could load your plugins in a separate appdomain with restricted permissions to everything.
The files (Javascript / CSS / Html) should be available by accessing the full path of the file.
string ServerPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "Plugins";
If the resources is embedded into the plugin DLL, you could read the stream from the loaded assembly or let the plugin manage its own embedded files.
For question Number 2, you can use
MS Build
to change the contenttype during build process.
You have to make yourself confident with MS Build
