The following code is used to compact multiple values in a long. The long is used as a key in a C++ unordered_map. It allows me to use the map with a number instead of a complex structure and ifs on each properties. The map searching to be as efficient as possible.
DWORD tmpNo = object->room->details->No;
unsigned char compactNo = tmpNo ;
unsigned __int16 smallX = object->x;
unsigned __int16 smallY = object->y;
unsigned __int64 longCode = 0;
longCode = (item->code[0] << 56) |
(item->code[1] << 48) |
(item->code[2] << 40) |
(compactNo << 32) |
(smallX << 24) |
(smallY << 8);
Am I using the | operator correctly here ?
To recover the values, I tryed :
unsigned char c0 = key >> 56;
unsigned char c1 = key >> 48;
unsigned char c2 = key >> 40;
etc, but it didn't work.
Is it because the original item->code chars are chars and not unsigned chars (the values are always positive though) ?
Also, in an ideal world, the long's values would be recovered in a .NET DLL. Is it possible to do so in C# ?
C# has a byte type for an 8-bit value, but otherwise the logic is similar.
Your | logic looks fine (except you should be shifting smallX by 16 and smallY by 0)
It would help if you gave a complete example.
But assuming that item->code[0] is a char or int (signed or unsigned), you need to convert it to a 64 bit type before shifting, otherwise you end up with undefined behaviour, and the wrong answer.
Something like
((unsigned __int64) item->code[0]) << 56
should work better.
I think that stdint.h is very useful to understand this kind of implementation (sized integers are very meaningful). So here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int8_t getValue8(int index, uint64_t container) {
return (uint8_t)((container >> (index * 8)) & 0XFF);
void setValue8(int index, uint64_t* container, uint8_t value) {
// get left part of container including the last byte (cleared by ~0xFF mask) to be used by value
int shift = index * 8;
uint64_t mask = (uint64_t) ~0xFF;
uint64_t left = (*container >> shift) & mask;
left = (left | value) << shift;
// right part of container (complement)
mask = ((uint64_t)1 << ++shift) - 1;
uint64_t right = *container & mask;
// update container
*container = left | right;
int main() {
uint64_t* container; // container: can contain 8 chars (64-bit sized container)
uint64_t containerValue = 0;
int n = 8; // n value must be <= 8 considering a 64-bit sized container
uint8_t chars[n]; // eight char values to be stored
// add/set values to container
container = &containerValue;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
chars[i] = (uint8_t)((i+1)*10);
setValue8(i, container, chars[i]);
printf("setValue8(%d, container, %d)\n", i, chars[i]);
// get values from container
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
printf("getValue8(%d, container)=%d\n", i, getValue8(i, *container));
return 0;
The code use only bit masks and some bitwise operations, and so you can easily port it to C#. If you have any questions about it just ask. I hope I have been helpful.
Let say we have two bitmaps that are represented by unsigned long(64-bit) arrays. And I want to merge this two bitmaps using specific shift(offset).
For example merge bitmap1(bigger) into bitmap2(smaller) starting offset 3. Offset 3 mean that 3rd bit of bitmap1 corresponds to 0 bit of bitmap2.
By merge I mean logical Or operation. What is the cleanest way to do this?
Currently I have done this with simple uneffective for loop
const ulong BitsPerUlong = 64;
MergeAt(ulong startIndex, Bitmap bitmap2)
for (int i = startIndex; i < bitmap2.Capacity; i++)
bool newVal = bitmap2.GetAt(i) | bitmap1.GetAt(i)
bitmap2.SetAt(i, newVal)
bool GetAt(ulong index)
var dataOffset = BitOffsetToUlongOffset(index);
ulong mask = 0x1ul << ((int)(index % BitsPerUlong));
return (_data[dataOffset] & mask) == mask;
void SetAt(ulong index, bool value)
var dataOffset = BitOffsetToUlongOffset(index);
ulong mask = 0x1ul << ((int)(index % BitsPerUlong));
if (value)
_data[dataOffset] |= mask;
_data[dataOffset] &= ~mask;
ulong BitOffsetToUlongOffset(ulong index)
var dataOffset = index / BitsPerUlong;
return dataOffset;
(C/C++/C# accepted).
As you probably figured out yourself, if offset < BitsPerULong the first block can be merged with:
data1[0] |= data2[0] << offset;
Which leaves some bits in data2[0] unmerged, but you can get those with:
data2[0] >> (BitsPerULong - offset)
So the next merge for i > 0 becomes:
data1[i] |= (data2[i] << offset) | (data2[i-1] >> (BitsPerULong - offset));
from which you can construct a for-loop to merge all data. Of course, this still means a couple of bits from data2 will "fall off" but I think that's inherent to your problem description?
If you need a more generic solution where offset can also be greater than BitsPerULong, this needs a bit more work.
I presume you mean that you want to "merge" the smaller INTO the bigger.
Have you tried: bitmapLarger |= ( bitmapSmaller << 3 ) ?
So I need help converting this ada code int c#, it's basically a checksum algorithm.
This is what I could come up with:
checksum = RotateLeft(checksum, rotateCount, sizeof(ushort) * 8) ^ word;
RotateLeft Function:
public static int RotateLeft(int value, ushort rotateCount, int dataSize)
return (value << rotateCount) | (value >> (dataSize - rotateCount));
However when comparing the checksum results from the ada and C# algorithms, they do not match so I think my conversion isn't correct, anyone who has used ada before can give some input would be really helpful.
The issue seems to be with the C# and perhaps not with your interpretation of the ADA code. If you are truly rotating a 16 bit unsigned number as your post is implying, then you will need to mask the upper 2 bytes of the resulting integer value so that they do not contribute to the answer. Casting an uint x to ushort in C# will do the equivalent of x & 0x0000FFFF
public static ushort RotateLeft(ushort value, int count)
int left = value << count;
int right = value >> (16 - count);
return (ushort)(left | right);
This answer is in C, since I don’t have a C# compiler.
You have value as an int, which is signed, so that a right shift extends the sign bit into the vacated space; so in (value << rotateCount) | (value >> (dataSize - rotateCount)), the right-hand half ((value >> (dataSize - rotateCount))) needs to have the top bits masked off. And I don’t know why you need dataSize, isn’t it sizeof(value)?
I think a better solution would be to use unsigned, so that a right shift introduces zeros into the vacated space.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned rotateLeft(unsigned value, int by) {
const unsigned bits = sizeof(value) * 8;
return (value << by) | (value >> (bits - by));
int main() {
unsigned input = 0x52525252;
unsigned result = input;
printf("input: %x\n", input);
int j;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
result = rotateLeft(result, 1);
printf("result: %x\n", result);
return 0;
The output is
input: 52525252
result: a4a4a4a4
result: 49494949
result: 92929292
result: 25252525
result: 4a4a4a4a
result: 94949494
result: 29292929
result: 52525252
I have a C# server which needs to calculate a CRC (CRC16 – CCITT (xModem)) from a byte array. The thing is that I would like to make a call for a C++ code from C#, for performance gain. But I'm struggling to accomplish this task, as the provided C++ algorithm they gave me is apparently not compatible with VC++.
CRC calculation function:
const UINT16 crc_table[16] = {
0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,
0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef
UINT16 CalculateCrc( UINT8 *data, UINT32 len )
UINT16 crc = 0;
while( len-- )
i = ( crc >> 12 ) ^ ( *data >> 4 );
crc = crc_table[ i & 0x0F ] ^ ( crc << 4 );
i = ( crc >> 12 ) ^ ( *data >> 0 );
crc = crc_table[ i & 0x0F ] ^ ( crc << 4 );
return ( crc & 0xFFFF );
where *data is a pointer to a byte[] and len is the length of this byte[];
To be able to "inject" this code onto my C# code I created a C++ Class Library,
but I'm uncertain on how to use it after it's finished.
Finally, my questions are:
How to port the provided algorithm to work with VC++?
How to use the compiled Class Library to actually calculate the code on my C#
Is this approach (create a C++ code to calculate the CRC)
better performance wise?
The Just In Time compiler in CLR is pretty good. I don't think you'll see much of a performance gain by using C++. In fact, it may even be slower because of the extra overhead.
Translating your algorithm from C to C# should be pretty easy; just change the data types to their equivalents and add casts where needed:
ushort[] crc_table = {
0x0000, 0x1021, 0x2042, 0x3063, 0x4084, 0x50a5, 0x60c6, 0x70e7,
0x8108, 0x9129, 0xa14a, 0xb16b, 0xc18c, 0xd1ad, 0xe1ce, 0xf1ef
ushort CalculateCrc( byte[] data )
int i;
ushort crc = 0;
int len = data.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
i = ( crc >> 12 ) ^ ( data[j] >> 4 );
crc = (ushort) (crc_table[ i & 0x0F ] ^ ( crc << 4 ));
i = ( crc >> 12 ) ^ ( data[j] >> 0 );
crc = (ushort) (crc_table[ i & 0x0F ] ^ ( crc << 4 ));
return crc;
I haven't tested this, though.
I am continuing from my previous question. I am making a c# program where the user enters a 7-bit binary number and the computer prints out the number with an even parity bit to the right of the number. I am struggling. I have a code, but it says BitArray is a namespace but is used as a type. Also, is there a way I could improve the code and make it simpler?
namespace BitArray
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a 7-bit binary number:");
int a = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
byte[] numberAsByte = new byte[] { (byte)a };
BitArray bits = new BitArray(numberAsByte);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (bits[i])
if (count % 2 == 1)
bits[7] = true;
bits.CopyTo(numberAsByte, 0);
a = numberAsByte[0];
Console.WriteLine("The binary number with a parity bit is:");
Might be more fun to duplicate the circuit they use to do this..
bool odd = false;
for(int i=6;i>=0;i--)
odd ^= (number & (1 << i)) > 0;
Then if you want even parity set bit 7 to odd, odd parity to not odd.
bool even = true;
for(int i=6;i>=0;i--)
even ^= (number & (1 << i)) > 0;
The circuit is dual function returns 0 and 1 or 1 and 0, does more than 1 bit at a time as well, but this is a bit light for TPL....
PS you might want to check the input for < 128 otherwise things are going to go well wrong.
ooh didn't notice the homework tag, don't use this unless you can explain it.
Almost the same process, only much faster on a larger number of bits. Using only the arithmetic operators (SHR && XOR), without loops:
public static bool is_parity(int data)
//data ^= data >> 32; // if arg >= 64-bit (notice argument length)
//data ^= data >> 16; // if arg >= 32-bit
//data ^= data >> 8; // if arg >= 16-bit
data ^= data >> 4;
data ^= data >> 2;
data ^= data >> 1;
return (data & 1) !=0;
public static byte fix_parity(byte data)
if (is_parity(data)) return data;
return (byte)(data ^ 128);
Using a BitArray does not buy you much here, if anything it makes your code harder to understand. Your problem can be solved with basic bit manipulation with the & and | and << operators.
For example to find out if a certain bit is set in a number you can & the number with the corresponding power of 2. That leads to:
int bitsSet = 0;
for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
if ((number & (1 << i)) > 0)
Now the only thing remain is determining if bitsSet is even or odd and then setting the remaining bit if necessary.
In order to utilize a byte to its fullest potential, I'm attempting to store two unique values into a byte: one in the first four bits and another in the second four bits. However, I've found that, while this practice allows for optimized memory allocation, it makes changing the individual values stored in the byte difficult.
In my code, I want to change the first set of four bits in a byte while maintaining the value of the second four bits in the same byte. While bitwise operations allow me to easily retrieve and manipulate the first four bit values, I'm finding it difficult to concatenate this new value with the second set of four bits in a byte. The question is, how can I erase the first four bits from a byte (or, more accurately, set them all the zero) and add the new set of 4 bits to replace the four bits that were just erased, thus preserving the last 4 bits in a byte while changing the first four?
Here's an example:
// Changes the first four bits in a byte to the parameter value
public void changeFirstFourBits(byte newFirstFour)
// If 'newFirstFour' is 0101 in binary, make 'value' 01011111 in binary, changing
// the first four bits but leaving the second four alone.
private byte value = 255; // binary: 11111111
Use bitwise AND (&) to clear out the old bits, shift the new bits to the correct position and bitwise OR (|) them together:
value = (value & 0xF) | (newFirstFour << 4);
Here's what happens:
value : abcdefgh
newFirstFour : 0000xyzw
0xF : 00001111
value & 0xF : 0000efgh
newFirstFour << 4 : xyzw0000
(value & 0xF) | (newFirstFour << 4) : xyzwefgh
When I have to do bit-twiddling like this, I make a readonly struct to do it for me. A four-bit integer is called nybble, of course:
struct TwoNybbles
private readonly byte b;
public byte High { get { return (byte)(b >> 4); } }
public byte Low { get { return (byte)(b & 0x0F); } {
public TwoNybbles(byte high, byte low)
this.b = (byte)((high << 4) | (low & 0x0F));
And then add implicit conversions between TwoNybbles and byte. Now you can just treat any byte as having a High and Low byte without putting all that ugly bit twiddling in your mainline code.
You first mask out you the high four bytes using value & 0xF. Then you shift the new bits to the high four bits using newFirstFour << 4 and finally you combine them together using binary or.
public void changeHighFourBits(byte newHighFour)
value=(byte)( (value & 0x0F) | (newFirstFour << 4));
public void changeLowFourBits(byte newLowFour)
value=(byte)( (value & 0xF0) | newLowFour);
I'm not really sure what your method there is supposed to do, but here are some methods for you:
void setHigh(ref byte b, byte val) {
b = (b & 0xf) | (val << 4);
byte high(byte b) {
return (b & 0xf0) >> 4;
void setLow(ref byte b, byte val) {
b = (b & 0xf0) | val;
byte low(byte b) {
return b & 0xf;
Should be self-explanatory.
public int SplatBit(int Reg, int Val, int ValLen, int Pos)
int mask = ((1 << ValLen) - 1) << Pos;
int newv = Val << Pos;
int res = (Reg & ~mask) | newv;
return res;
Reg = 135
Val = 9 (ValLen = 4, because 9 = 1001)
Pos = 2
135 = 10000111
9 = 1001
9 << Pos = 100100
Result = 10100111
A quick look would indicate that a bitwise and can be achieved using the & operator. So to remove the first four bytes you should be able to do:
byte value1=255; //11111111
byte value2=15; //00001111
return value1&value2;
Assuming newVal contains the value you want to store in origVal.
Do this for the 4 least significant bits:
byte origVal = ???;
byte newVal = ???
orig = (origVal & 0xF0) + newVal;
and this for the 4 most significant bits:
byte origVal = ???;
byte newVal = ???
orig = (origVal & 0xF) + (newVal << 4);
I know you asked specifically about clearing out the first four bits, which has been answered several times, but I wanted to point out that if you have two values <= decimal 15, you can combine them into 8 bits simply with this:
public int setBits(int upperFour, int lowerFour)
return upperFour << 4 | lowerFour;
The result will be xxxxyyyy where
xxxx = upperFour
yyyy = lowerFour
And that is what you seem to be trying to do.
Here's some code, but I think the earlier answers will do it for you. This is just to show some sort of test code to copy and past into a simple console project (the WriteBits method by be of help):
static void Main(string[] args)
int b1 = 255;
int b2 = b1 >> 4;
int b3 = b1 & ~0xF ;
// Store 5 in first nibble
int b4 = 5 << 4;
// Store 8 in second nibble
int b5 = 8;
// Store 5 and 8 in first and second nibbles
int b6 = 0;
b6 |= (5 << 4) + 8;
// Store 2 and 4
int b7 = 0;
b7 = StoreFirstNibble(2, b7);
b7 = StoreSecondNibble(4, b7);
// Read First Nibble
int first = ReadFirstNibble(b7);
// Read Second Nibble
int second = ReadSecondNibble(b7);
static int ReadFirstNibble(int storage)
return storage >> 4;
static int ReadSecondNibble(int storage)
return storage &= 0xF;
static int StoreFirstNibble(int val, int storage)
return storage |= (val << 4);
static int StoreSecondNibble(int val, int storage)
return storage |= val;
static void WriteBits(int b)