When I run my Windows Universal App on my Windows 8.1 phone, the LiveTile has additional text (the name of my app) on it that I'm trying to hide. The text seems to be coming from the Package.appxmanifest
<m3:VisualElements DisplayName="This Text Appears" ...
I found a similar question (Is it possible to create a Windows Phone live tile where no title is displayed?) that suggests leaving the value empty. When I do this, Visual Studio complains that it is invalid and I'm not able to compile. Removing the DisplayName entirely also results in an error.
I can see other applications that do not show any text, so it does seem possible.
Can anyone tell me how to hide the DisplayText from my LiveTile, but still have the name of my app appear correctly on the list of installed apps on the phone?
The template I'm using for the live tile (TileWide310x150Image).
The DisplayName attribute inside the Package.appxmanifest file is required and cannot be left blank. It's also the name that will show in the Phone's list of installed Apps. You want that be the proper name of your app.
The name of the app will appear on the LiveTile and, in that context, it's called 'Branding'.
<binding template = tileTemplateNameV2
fallback? = tileTemplateNameV1
lang? = string
baseUri? = anyURI
branding? = "none" | "logo" | "name"
addImageQuery? = boolean
contentId? = string >
It seems to default to 'name', but by setting it to 'none' the text will no longer be displayed on the live tile.
I was able to remove the Wide Tile Display Name in a Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime C# Application with the following code:
XmlDocument squareTileXml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileWide310x150PeekImage04);
XmlNodeList brandAttribute = squareTileXml.GetElementsByTagName("binding");
((XmlElement)brandAttribute[0]).SetAttribute("branding", "none");
squareTileXml is the name of the XML being configured to the Live Tile while TileWide310x150PeekImage04 is the chosen template.
Basically I specified a tile template (documentation) and I changed the property branding, which is inside the binding in the XML tree, according to this documentation, to none, removing the Display Name.
I'm not sure if this is the right way of configuring that, but at least it worked.
I am creating an ios app and in visual studio using storyboard. I have created a text field and I want to let the userName = what ever the user inputs. I am using c#.
You can create a textbox to achieve the user inputting.
Like the following:
string username = textBox1.Text;
If you want to know more about how it work in an ios app, you can refer to Hello, iOS – Quickstart.
I am using Xamarin.Forms and having difficulty using FontAwesome.
This font has its specific code to use.
public const string InfoCircle = "\uf05a";
I need to use them in a listview menu.
If I use them directly by typing it in Label, it works fine, but if I bring the font value from an API for example, instead of the FontAwesome-converted icon, the font-specific code appears. How to make the font appear correctly?
Print of iOS Simulator
I'm trying to figure out how to create programatically a tile with specified template (TileSquare150x150Text03)? I tried to follow these guides link , MSDN
and a few similiar, but wherever I paste < tile> ... < /tile > markup (e.g. in page or app .xaml file) Visual Studio underlines this markup and says that "tile is not supported in a Windows Phone project". I don't need any tile updates or tiles with two sides. Just simple one with specified template, background color/image and filled with my text.
Can someone explain me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you for your help.
Simple! You need to parse your tile template (an XML string) into an XElement object in code:
var template = "<tile>etc</tile>";
var tileXe = XElement.Parse(template);
Either configure the template xml to your liking before this or after (demo is in the article you linked)
then post it to the tile manager
var tileNotification = new TileNotification(tileXe);
You can do this anywhere in your app as long as this code runs on the UI thread. Also note that there is a limit to how often you can update the tile, last time I checked it was every 15 seconds at most.
I am start developing application for Windows Phone 8.
As usual, there is something coming up. yups, that is error. LoL
I have an application using panorama, and I planning to put an appbar for each panorama item which will generate different appbar for different panorama item.
Luckily, I've found a tutorial about it. Here is the link :
My problem is, how can I navigate to other windows phone page (known as xaml) from this App.cs??
Because when I start implement what I've known it bring me an error.
Any help and answer will be appreciated. ^_^
Thank you so much.
Budi Prasetyo
"How can I pass a parameter from my mainpage.xaml or mainpage.cs, to app.cs? "
You can create a public property in your App.cs, something like:
public int ItemId {get; set;}
As the App context is available everywhere, you can access it via your MainPage.cs.
App.ItemId = your ID here
I am building a mobile site and the footer has an background.
I want to check if the browser supports css property, background-image, if true display background with specific html, else display a different set of html.
I am using the following :
HttpBrowserCapabilities bc = new HttpBrowserCapabilities();
I can't seem to get a check for backgrounds.
The reason why I want to check for BG-image support is coz I have to switch between 2 sets of html. 1 with html text and bg image, and the other with the text on the image - sliced for each word/link...to give the same effect.
to get information by HttpBrowserCapabilities, you have to use Request.Browser property.
HttpBrowserCapabilities browerCapabilities = Request.Browser;
I think Asp.net will automatically check the type of the browser and render the page accordingly. So if the the browser don't support background images it will not come.
Another idea to solve the issue is getting the browser type by using code, then you can show or hide the background images based on the type.