I have not been able to find a solution regarding removing polylines from xamarin.forms.maps, there are plenty instances for googlemaps however.
Is it at all possible? Im not seeing anything obvious in the docs. I suppose that Im early enough into this project that I could probably switch over to googlemaps if need be.
int PointsCount = PointsInfoObj.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < PointsCount; i++)
// we want to ensure that the count is less than the final item, since the second point in a poly lands on the final
if (i < (PointsCount - 1))
Polyline polyLine = new Polyline
StrokeColor = Color.Blue,
StrokeWidth = 12,
Geopath =
// retrieve the current item and the next item for poyline drawing
new Position((double)PointsInfoObj[i].gpxPoints_Lattitude, (double)PointsInfoObj[i].gpxPoints_Longitude),
new Position((double)PointsInfoObj[(i+1)].gpxPoints_Lattitude, (double)PointsInfoObj[(i+1)].gpxPoints_Longitude)
// populate the polyline method
else continue;
// gather the first lat and last lon to do a proper MapSpan
double FirstLat = (double)PointsInfoObj[0].gpxPoints_Lattitude;
double LastLon = (double)PointsInfoObj[(PointsCount - 1)].gpxPoints_Longitude;
Console.WriteLine("lat: " + FirstLat + "---------------------------------------------");
Console.WriteLine("lon: " + LastLon + "---------------------------------------------");
GPSMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(FirstLat, LastLon), Distance.FromMiles(2.5)));
How do I update values that have already been created?
Like, I have this chart:
And then I want to update the chart values with other values. I've already tried many things but I don't manage to make it work...
My code:
int ratio = (int)PlayerStats.Kills - PlayerStats.Deaths;
string[] seriesArray = { "Kills", "Assists", "Deaths", "MVPS" , "Headshots", "Ratio" };
int[] pointsArray = { PlayerStats.Kills, PlayerStats.Assists, PlayerStats.Deaths, PlayerStats.MVPS, PlayerStats.Headshots, ratio };
this.chart1.Titles.Add("Statistics Chart");
for (int i = 0; i < seriesArray.Length; i++)
Series series = series = this.chart1.Series.Add(seriesArray[i]);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Enabled = AxisEnabled.False;
double realRatio = Math.Round((double)PlayerStats.Kills / PlayerStats.Deaths, 2);
double hsRatio = Math.Round((double)PlayerStats.Headshots / PlayerStats.Kills, 2);
label6.Text = PlayerStats.Kills.ToString();
label7.Text = PlayerStats.Assists.ToString();
label8.Text = PlayerStats.Deaths.ToString();
label11.Text = PlayerStats.MVPS.ToString();
label10.Text = String.Format("{0:P2}", hsRatio);
label9.Text = realRatio.ToString();
When I try to run the function a second time (to update the values) it gives me a exception: (inside the loop, first line)
Additional information: There is already a chart element with the name 'Kills' in 'SeriesCollection'.
I've managed to that that specific function (chart1.Series.Add(...)) only called once on the startup, but then the other function inside the loop gave me exceptions too.
Well, I hope that you understand my english :P
Are you clearing out the chart elements before looping through to add them again? Something like
Originally, I was using a short C# program I wrote to average some numbers. But now I want to do more extensive analysis so I converted my C# code to R. However, I really don't think that I am doing it the proper way in R or taking advantage of the language. I wrote the R in the exact same way I did the C#.
I have a CSV with two columns. The first column identifies the row's type (one of three values: C, E, or P) and the second column has a number. I want to average the numbers grouped on the type (C, E, or P).
My question is, what is the idiomatic way of doing this in R?
C# code:
string path = "data.csv";
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
int cntC = 0; int cntE = 0; int cntP = 0; //counts
double totC = 0; double totE = 0; double totP = 0; //totals
foreach (string line in lines)
String[] cells = line.Split(',');
if (cells[1] == "NA") continue; //skip missing data
if (cells[0] == "C")
totC += Convert.ToDouble(cells[1]);
else if (cells[0] == "E")
totE += Convert.ToDouble(cells[1]);
else if (cells[0] == "P")
totP += Convert.ToDouble(cells[1]);
Console.WriteLine("C found " + cntC + " times with a total of " + totC + " and an average of " + totC / cntC);
Console.WriteLine("E found " + cntE + " times with a total of " + totE + " and an average of " + totE / cntE);
Console.WriteLine("P found " + cntP + " times with a total of " + totP + " and an average of " + totP / cntP);
R code:
dat = read.csv("data.csv", header = TRUE)
cntC = 0; cntE = 0; cntP = 0 # counts
totC = 0; totE = 0; totP = 0 # totals
for(i in 1:nrow(dat))
if(is.na(dat[i,2])) # missing data
if(dat[i,1] == "C"){
totC = totC + dat[i,2]
cntC = cntC + 1
if(dat[i,1] == "E"){
totE = totE + dat[i,2]
cntE = cntE + 1
if(dat[i,1] == "P"){
totP = totP + dat[i,2]
cntP = cntP + 1
sprintf("C found %d times with a total of %f and an average of %f", cntC, totC, (totC / cntC))
sprintf("E found %d times with a total of %f and an average of %f", cntE, totE, (totE / cntE))
sprintf("P found %d times with a total of %f and an average of %f", cntP, totP, (totP / cntP))
I would use the data.table package since it has group by functionality built in.
dat <- data.table(dat)
# no quotes for the column names
If you would like to take the mean (or perform other function) on multiple columns, still by group, use:
dat[, lapply(.SD, mean), by=COL_NAME_TO_GROUP_BY]
Alternatively, if you want to use Base R, you could use something like
by(dat, dat[, 1], lapply, mean)
# to convert the results to a data.frame, use
do.call(rbind, by(dat, dat[, 1], lapply, mean) )
I would do something like this :
dat = dat[complete.cases(dat),] ## The R way to remove missing data
dat[,2] <- as.numeric(dat[,2]) ## convert to numeric as you do in c#
by(dat[,2],dat[,1],mean) ## compute the mean by group
Of course to aggregate your result in a data.frame you can use the the classic , But I don't think is necessary here since it a list of 3 variables:
Another option here is to use the elegant ave :
But the result is different here. In the sense you will get a vector of the same length as your original data.
EDIT2 To include more results you can elaborate your anonymous function:
by(dat[,2],dat[,1],function(x) c(min(x),max(x),mean(x),sd(x)))
Or returns data.frame more suitable to rbind call and with columns names:
Or use the elegant built-in function ( you can define your's also) summary:
One way:
ddply(dat, .(columnOneName), summarize, Average = mean(columnTwoName))
I want to display 2 sets of data on the one list box, for example, I would wont to display the 7 times table and the 8 times table on the same listbox. Here is how I get the first set of data displaying:
int awnser = 0;
int z;
z = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
awnser = z * i;
listBox6.Items.Add(z + " * " + i + " = " + awnser.ToString());
But how do I get a line break or separation so I can put the 8 times table just underneath?
How about this?
EDIT Insert it AFTER your loop
listBox6.Items.Add(z + " * " + i + " = " + awnser.ToString());
In WPF this is easy to do using a custom template, but in WinForms I think you must do it by rendering the list items yourself.
Look at this example where they override the OnDrawItem method: http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/windowsforms/faq_c87c.aspx#q627q
I have a column chart with multiple series each containing multiple points. Currently the columns all touch each other. I want to force a gap between each column. How can I achieve this?
I found that applying a PointWidth (Chart1.Series[seriesName]["PointWidth"] = (0.6).ToString();) gives me a separation between the x value groups but not between each series point in an individual group (which I need). Using an empty spacer series as suggested elsewhere does not solve the problem.
I am using .Net 4, VS 2010, Web Application. My chart code follows:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting;
namespace WebApplication1
public partial class _Default : Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].BackColor = Color.White;
Chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].BackSecondaryColor = Color.AliceBlue;
Chart1.ChartAreas["Default"].BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom;
Chart1.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue;
Chart1.BackSecondaryColor = Color.White;
Chart1.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom;
Chart1.BorderSkin.SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss;
var colors = new List<Color>(GetSystemColors().Where(c=>c.Name.StartsWith("Dark")));
var rng = new Random();
var start = rng.Next(0, colors.Count - 1);
for (var c = start; c < start + 6; c++)
var color = colors[c % colors.Count];
Chart1.Series[color.Name].BorderColor = color;
Chart1.Series[color.Name].BorderWidth = 1;
Chart1.Series[color.Name].Color = Color.FromArgb((int)(255 * .7), color);
Chart1.Series[color.Name].BackSecondaryColor = Color.White;
Chart1.Series[color.Name].BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom;
for (var year = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-5).Year; year < DateTime.Now.Year; year++)
Chart1.Series[color.Name].Points.Add(new DataPoint(year, rng.Next(0, 20)));
Chart1.Series[color.Name]["PointWidth"] = (0.6).ToString();
//Chart1.Series.Add("Spacer:" + color.Name);
//Chart1.Series["Spacer:" + color.Name]["PointWidth"] = (0.6).ToString();
static IEnumerable<Color> GetSystemColors()
Type type = typeof(Color);
return type.GetProperties().Where(info => info.PropertyType == type).Select(info => (Color)info.GetValue(null, null));
I had the devils own job reproducing your situation. I wanted to help because I thought I could learn something by doing so, but I needed your markup, or better yet, the whole solution! I struggled through the "Error executing child request for ChartImg.axd" when I tried a simple page with a chart. I discovered I needed to add a handler in the config. I then fought through the failure to load assembly System.Web.DataVisualization because the handler element I copied referenced the 3.5 DataVisualization assembly so I changed that to 4.0 and finally saw a graph. What a job THAT was!
The reason your spacer series is not creating a gap is because there are no values in that series. Notice the last two lines of code below, that add zero values to the spacer series. This produces the desired gap between the other series, but you will also find the spacer series listed in your legend if you have one, which is ugly to say the least.
for (var c = start; c < start + 6; c++)
var color = colors[c % colors.Count];
var seriesName = "Series "+ c;//color.Name);
Chart1.Series[seriesName].BorderColor = color;
Chart1.Series[seriesName].BorderWidth = 1;
Chart1.Series[seriesName].Color = Color.FromArgb((int)(255 * .7), color);
Chart1.Series[seriesName].BackSecondaryColor = Color.FromArgb((int)(255 * .2), color);
Chart1.Series[seriesName].BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom;
for (var year = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-5).Year; year < DateTime.Now.Year; year++)
Chart1.Series[seriesName].Points.Add(new DataPoint(year, rng.Next(0, 20)));
Chart1.Series[seriesName]["PointWidth"] = (0.6).ToString();
seriesName = "Spacer:" + seriesName;
Chart1.Series[seriesName]["PointWidth"] = (0.6).ToString();
for (var year = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-5).Year; year < DateTime.Now.Year; year++)
Chart1.Series[seriesName].Points.Add(new DataPoint(year, 0));
You can set the legend text to a space (NB. empty string is ignored and legend text is not set) as follows, but the Legend will still show these spacer series.
Chart1.Series[seriesName].LegendText = " ";
If you're lucky, you won't need to show the legend, or you can set the spacer series colours to the same colour as the legend background and the legend text to spaces. This results in a double-spacing look in the Legend which is likely to be acceptable.
you can control whether or not the series shows up in the legend by setting the "IsVisibleInLegend" value to false