sending and retrieving data to API - c#

I have a solution with 2 projects:
Contains the API
the module where i can select data (combobox etc...)
in the second module i select the API as reference that way i should be able to use data from the first module (my API) using Mollie.Api;
The First thing i want to do is fill a combobow with all the issuers, they should be in
Issuers issuers = mollieClient.GetIssuers();
foreach (Issuer issuer in
the problem i have is: mollieClient does not exist in current context
i want to fill another combobox with methods but when i try to do it how they say i should do it doesnt work:
Method methods = new Method();
methods = Mollie.Api.Method.all();
however when i do:
Mollie.Api.Method.* the helper gives me then all the possible methods at *, but how can i get them automaticly in my combobox?
The second thing is when the method and issuer is selected i want to send that data back to the API. The API should be able to proces this and send me a message back that the transaction was a succes.

It appears like you're using mollie-api-csharp. You've written mollieClient, but according to the source Mollie.Api.MollieClient should start with a capital letter.
EDIT: Looks like you're following the how-to-use tutorial from the repo.
I think you forgot to create the MollieClient instance before getting the issuers.
MollieClient mollieClient = new MollieClient();


TFS 2018 API: Can access workitems but not workitem API end point

I created a middleware app that will pull work item data from TFS.
I was able to do this using the workitems end point.
Now, I also need to get the work item links per work item. Per docu I would need to access the workitem with expand items. But unfortunately, work item end point does not seem to work.
Am I missing something here?
According to your description, looks like you just want the URL of created WorkItem, so that anyone when click on URL, created Work Item will be Open.
The URL should be above format and here DefaultCollection is the collection name and the PatrickProject is the project name. I used this url and got rid of the id '172' in this case and use the ID of newly created work item. This would return the URL to go to the work item HTML page.
So it's a fixed format, if you have Newly Created WorkItem ID and collection name , project name, you just need to follow above format and change the last value of work item ID. That's it , ignore of which work item type you created.
If you want do this with code, do not use Rest API, you need to use client API, sample snippet:
var tfsURI = new Uri("http://test:8080/tfs");
var networkCredential1 = new NetworkCredential("test", "test!");
ICredentials credential = (ICredentials)networkCredential1;
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.WindowsCredential winCred = new Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common.WindowsCredential(credential);
VssCredentials vssCredentials = new VssCredentials(winCred);
using (TfsTeamProjectCollection collection = new TfsTeamProjectCollection(tfsURI, vssCredentials))
TswaClientHyperlinkService hyperlinkService =
String TFSurl = hyperlinkService.GetWorkItemEditorUrl(17648).ToString(); //17648 WorkItem ID
Hope this Helps!
To get specific work item information you need to use the Get Workitem API call so try http://sampleserver:8080/tfs/sampleproject/_apis/wit/workitems/3?api-version=4.0 instead.
You can also use this http://sampleserver:8080/tfs/sampleproject/_apis/wit/workitems/3?$expand=Links&api-version=4.0 and this will return the work with Id of 3 and all it's links (parent, attached files, changetset, etc.)
Notice that the api-version=4.0 with change depending on the version of TFS/Service you are using and should always be the last string in the REST call.

Any downsides to replacing REST endpoints with SignalR?

I'm building a fairly simple single page app. It's basically a list of items, where each item has some details, an activity log, and a current status along with some buttons to trigger actions on the server to advance the status along a workflow.
It was originally written using MVC and REST/Web API but I got stuck on the problem of keeping concurrent users up to date. For example, if User A adds an item, we want the list on User B's screen to now update to include it.
To solve this I looked into SignalR which works great. But I had a problem.
When adding an item (using POST) the callback adds the item on the requesting client. This is fine.
I then triggered a SignalR broadcast on the server to tell all clients about the new item. This worked fine except the local client, who now has 2 items.
I was looking into filtering the duplicate id client-side, or sending the connection id with the POST, then broadcast to all clients except the requester but it seems a bit needlessly complicated.
Instead I'm just doing this.
public class UpdateHub : Hub
public void AddNewItem(NewItem item)
// and some server-side stuff, persist in the data store, etc
item.trackingID = new Guid();
item.addLogEntry("new item");
// ...
// send message type and data payload
Clients.All.broadcastMessage("add", item);
It seems a lot simpler to just get rid of all the REST stuff altogether, so am I missing anything important?
It'll run on an intranet for a handful of users using IE11+ and I guess we do lose some commonly-understood semantics around HTTP response codes for error handling, but I don't think that's a huge deal in this situation.
In order to solve duplicate you can try to use Clients.Others inside Hub class, or AllExcept(id) if you not in the Hub class.
Clients.Others.broadcastMessage("add", item);
In your case using SignalR shouldn`t have any downsides.

How to Update Account in StripeApi using C#?

I am trying to update Account in Stripe Api using Stripe.netlibrary ,using StripeAccountService and storing it in StripeAccountclass which i made by myself to store the result returned by API :
var accountService = new StripeAccountService("secretKey in string");
StripeRequestOptions option = new StripeRequestOptions();
option.StripeConnectAccountId = "AccountId to update";
StripeAccount x = accountService.Get(option);
x.Email = "";
//Then i do not know how to save changes back to api now.
But StripeAccountService class has no Update method define. How I can perform update on the Account.
I am using this library. Stripe api does have an update method too here. does not support managed accounts: "Managed Accounts are a valuable service as well, but they are not available in yet." doesnot support Managed account but it can be done using following approach it is for update account.
I won't be able to give code but can provide the correct approach, it is tested.
is the Url for updating stripe account.
Now you need to add two header and a body you can try WebRequest or httpclient class.
The reason i am unable to provide code because i did not do any research in adding multiple headers and a body.
so it would look something like this
Property value
Authorization bearer "SecretKey"
Stripe-Account "acct_16uR8kKN01245679"
Property value
email ""
support_phone "555-867-5309"
You can see complete property list here. i picked few for demonstration purpose only.
Then save the response in any variable and it is done.

how to do API calls of Kentico using ASP.NET MVC?

I'm struggling with API calls of Kentico forms using ASP.NET MVC, so that I can use AngularJS to display the return data (JSON format).
Specifically, my client is using Kentico on their server to create data using "Forms" on Kentico and I want to get the records stored in these forms via API calls using ASP.NET MVC. What I'm thinking is that in the general section of the "Forms", I see the "Form code name" showing that "Code name is a string identifier of the object that can be used by developers in API calls or URLs". But it seems to be there's no good example of it on internet. Keep trying to search it but no luck. I also tried to access data directly in SQL Server in which kentico stores the data. But the table's name that Kentico uses in SQL Server to store the data is different from the ones in "Forms" or "Custom tables" in Kentico.
Hope someone can show me how to do it and I really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
There is a very good example in the official documentation of Kentico.
Please note that Forms have been renamed a few times in the past (they were called BizForms and On-Line forms) that's the reason why the code below references CMS.OnlineForms and uses BizFormInfoProvider. It might also very well be the reason why you didn't find any good example :)
The example below shows how to retrieve Form's definition (metadata), get all the data and iterate through it.
using CMS.OnlineForms;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.SiteProvider;
using CMS.Helpers;
// Gets the form info object for the 'ContactUs' form
BizFormInfo formObject = BizFormInfoProvider.GetBizFormInfo("ContactUs", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
// Gets the class name of the 'ContactUs' form
DataClassInfo formClass = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(formObject.FormClassID);
string className = formClass.ClassName;
// Loads the form's data
ObjectQuery<BizFormItem> data = BizFormItemProvider.GetItems(className);
// Checks whether the form contains any records
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(data))
// Loops through the form's data records
foreach (BizFormItem item in data)
string firstNameFieldValue = item.GetStringValue("FirstName", "");
string lastNameFieldValue = item.GetStringValue("LastName", "");
// Perform any required logic with the form field values
// Variable representing a custom value that you want to save into the form data
object customFieldValue;
// Programatically assigns and saves a value for the form record's 'CustomField' field
item.SetValue("CustomField", customFieldValue);
The example above assumes that you're using the API from within the running Kentico instance. If you want to use Kentico API (DLLs) from an external application please follow the steps I described in another answer.
You also asked about the site identifier (siteId or siteName params of the BizFormInfoProvider.GetBizFormInfo() method). They refer to the SiteInfo object in Kentico (DB table CMS_Site). You can find site name if you navigate to Site->Edit site->General->Site code name.
If you don't want to use Kentico DLLs there is another option - using Kentico REST endpoint.

SignalR not adding server callbacks

When every I attempt to add a new server callback function I cannot seem to get the callback to show up in the $.connection server callback list.
What do I need to do to refresh the javascript that SignalR produces and sends to the client with the latest list of server callbacks.
I would think that I should be able to just add a server callback for the client to call and rebuild my app and fire up a new instance of Google Chrome and the newly added server callback would be in the list of available callbacks on the client.
For example here is exactly what I've done.
1.) A client joins a group and everyone is notified.
public override Task OnConnected()
string pid = this.Context.QueryString["pid"],
uid = this.Context.QueryString["uid"],
ispro = this.Context.QueryString["ispro"];
Groups.Add(this.Context.ConnectionId, pid);
return Clients.Group(pid).joined(new cmsg(Context.ConnectionId, UtilCommon.GetUserMini(new Guid(uid), bool.Parse(ispro))));
2.) On the client the joined function is called from the server
this.collaborateHub.client.joined = function (cmsg) {
//let the new attendee know about you
if (cmsg.cnnid !== that.chatBox.getMeAttendee().cnnid) {
that.chatBox.getMeAttendee().newbieid = cmsg.cnnid;
3.) Now, if someone joined and it was not the user of the currently opened window, that means the someone how just joined is someone other than myself, so I need to call the server back and notify the newly joined user to add me to their user list. I stead of having to keep up with the currently signed on users to the given group in a database, I am just using every signed on client of the group as a distributed database and let them manage their own info.
So, I need to call the server callback named addMeNewbie; however, this callback function is not available in the list.
public Task addMeNewbie(cmsg cmsg) {
return Clients.Client(cmsg.newbieid).addCurrAttendee(cmsg);
Here is a snapshot of the client side in debug mode
4.) And finally here is the client side callback that i need the server to call so that the newly joined group member can update their list of current group members.
this.collaborateHub.client.addCurrAttendee = function (cmsg) {
I would think that I should be able to add as many server callbacks as I want and they should show up on the next build and restart of a new instance of Google Chrome; however, this is not the case. What do I need to do to get newly added server callbacks to show up in the available server callbacks on the client side?
This doesn't make since to me, but I am thinking maybe this is a cashing issue or something?
The only callback that is available is the one shown in the snapshot provided. At this time I've only got two callbacks, the one that you see in the snapshot and the one that is not visible.
Somewhere along the way I created a signalr-hubs.js file from the generated JavaScript file that can be retrieved by http://localhost:3250/signalr/hubs and was adding new server functions to my hub but not updating the signalr-hugs.js file.
At this point every time I add a new server callback I retrieve the newly generated proxy by placing this url http://localhost:3250/signalr/hubs into the browser, coping the code, and then updating my signalr-hubs.js file.
