I've a txt file with a 360 numbers, I must read all of these and draw a kind of Disc made of FillPie eachone colored in scale of grey due to the value of the list. Until here everything is quite simple.I made a class with the data(value in the txt and degree) of one single fillpie with a Paint method that draw it of the correct color.
this is the code of the class:
class DatoDisco
int valoreSpicchio;
int gradi;
public DatoDisco(int valoreTastatore, int gradiLettura)
valoreSpicchio = valoreTastatore;
gradi = gradiLettura;
public void Clear()
valoreSpicchio = 0;
gradi = 0;
private int ScalaGrigi()
int grigio = 0;
if (valoreSpicchio <= 0)
grigio = 125 + (valoreSpicchio / 10);
if (grigio < 0)
grigio = 0;
if (valoreSpicchio > 0)
grigio = 125 + (valoreSpicchio / 10);
if (grigio > 230)
grigio = 230;
return grigio;
public void Paint (Graphics grafica)
Brush penna = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, ScalaGrigi(), ScalaGrigi(), ScalaGrigi()));
grafica.FillPie(penna, 0, 0, 400, 400, gradi, 1.0f);
public int ValoreSpicchio
return valoreSpicchio;
public int Gradi
return gradi;
here is where I draw everything:
public partial class Samac : Form
libnodave.daveOSserialType fds;
libnodave.daveInterface di;
libnodave.daveConnection dc;
int rack = 0;
int slot = 2;
int scalaGrigi = 0;
int angolatura = 0;
List<int> valoriY = new List<int>();
//Disco disco = new Disco();
List<DatoDisco> disco = new List<DatoDisco>();
float[] valoriTastatore = new float[360];
public Samac()
StreamReader dataStream = new StreamReader("save.txt");
textBox1.Text = dataStream.ReadLine();
for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i++ )
//AggiornaGrafico(textBox1.Text, chart1);
SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
string indirizzoIpPlc
FileIniDataParser parser = new FileIniDataParser();
IniData settings = parser.LoadFile("config.ini");
return settings["PLC_CONNECTION"]["PLC_IP"];
private void AggiornaGrafico(string nomeFile, Chart grafico, bool online)
int max = 0;
int min = 0;
grafico.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = 360;
grafico.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
grafico.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 500;
grafico.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -500;
String file = nomeFile;
if (online == false)
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("save.txt", nomeFile);
StreamReader dataStreamGrafico = new StreamReader(file);
StreamReader dataStreamScheda = new StreamReader("Scheda.sch");
string datasample;
string[] scheda = new string[56];
for (int i = 0; i < 56; i++)
scheda[i] = dataStreamScheda.ReadLine();
int gradi = 1;
while ((datasample = dataStreamGrafico.ReadLine()) != null)
grafico.Series["Series2"].Color = Color.Red;
grafico.Series["Series2"].BorderWidth = 3;
grafico.Series["Series3"].Color = Color.Green;
grafico.Series["Series3"].BorderWidth = 3;
grafico.Series["Series4"].Color = Color.Green;
grafico.Series["Series4"].BorderWidth = 3;
grafico.Series["Series1"].BorderWidth = 5;
disco.Add(new DatoDisco(int.Parse(datasample), gradi));
max = Convert.ToInt32(chart1.Series["Series1"].Points.FindMaxByValue().YValues[0]);
min = Convert.ToInt32(chart1.Series["Series1"].Points.FindMinByValue().YValues[0]);
lblCampanatura.Text = (((float)max + min) / 2000.0).ToString();
lblSbandieramento.Text = (((float)max - min) / 1000.0).ToString();
if ((Math.Abs(max) > 800) || (Math.Abs(min) > 800))
if (Math.Abs(max) >= Math.Abs(min))
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = max + 200;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -(max + 200);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = min + 200;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -(min + 200);
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = 800;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = -800;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
textBox1.Text = openFileDialog1.FileName;
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
AggiornaGrafico(textBox1.Text, chart1, timer1.Enabled);
ToolTip tooltip = new ToolTip();
private int lastX;
private int lastY;
private void chart1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.X != this.lastX || e.Y != this.lastY)
int cursorX = Convert.ToInt32(chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.PixelPositionToValue(e.Location.X));
tooltip.Show("X:" + cursorX.ToString("0.00") + "Y:" + Convert.ToInt32(chart1.Series[0].Points[cursorX].YValues[0]).ToString(), this.chart1, e.Location.X + 20, e.Location.Y + 20);
catch { }
this.lastX = e.X;
this.lastY = e.Y;
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
int indice = ((int)Char.GetNumericValue(textBox1.Text[textBox1.Text.Length - 5]))+1;
if (File.Exists(textBox1.Text.Substring(0, textBox1.Text.Length - 5) + indice + ".txt"))
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.Substring(0, textBox1.Text.Length - 5) + indice + ".txt";
AggiornaGrafico(textBox1.Text, chart1, timer1.Enabled);
MessageBox.Show("Il File non esiste");
MessageBox.Show("Il File non esiste");
private void btnGrafMeno_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int indice = ((int)Char.GetNumericValue(textBox1.Text[textBox1.Text.Length - 5])) - 1;
if (indice >= 0)
textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text.Substring(0, textBox1.Text.Length - 5) + indice + ".txt";
AggiornaGrafico(textBox1.Text, chart1, timer1.Enabled);
MessageBox.Show("Il File non esiste");
MessageBox.Show("Prima lettura disco");
private void btnConnetti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
fds.rfd = libnodave.openSocket(102, indirizzoIpPlc);
fds.wfd = fds.rfd;
if (fds.rfd > 0)
di = new libnodave.daveInterface(fds, "IF1", 0, libnodave.daveProtoISOTCP, libnodave.daveSpeed187k);
dc = new libnodave.daveConnection(di, 0, rack, slot);
int res = dc.connectPLC();
// AggiornaGrafico("Disco.csv", chart1, timer1.Enabled);
MessageBox.Show("Impossibile connettersi");
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (timer1.Enabled == true)
int res;
res = dc.readBytes(libnodave.daveDB, 21, 40, 1, null);
if (res == 0)
var letturaDati = (dc.getS8At(0) & (1 << 0)) != 0;
if (letturaDati == true)
int puntatore = 30;
StreamWriter datiDisco = new StreamWriter("DatiDaPlc.csv");
datiDisco.WriteLine("X;" + "C;" + "Z;");
while (puntatore <= 10838)
res = dc.readBytes(libnodave.daveDB, 3, puntatore, 192, null);
if (res == 0)
for (int i = 0; dc.getU32At(i) != 0; i = i + 12)
datiDisco.Write(dc.getU32At(i).ToString() + ";");
datiDisco.Write(dc.getU32At(i + 4).ToString() + ";");
datiDisco.WriteLine(dc.getFloatAt(i + 8).ToString() + ";");
puntatore = puntatore + 192;
StreamReader lettura = new StreamReader("DatiDaPlc.csv");
StreamWriter scritt = new StreamWriter("Disco.csv");
var titolo = lettura.ReadLine();
var posizioneLettura = lettura.ReadLine();
var posX = posizioneLettura.Split(';');
int minX = Convert.ToInt32(posX[0]) - 5;
int maxX = Convert.ToInt32(posX[0]) + 5;
int contatore = 0;
while (!lettura.EndOfStream)
var line = lettura.ReadLine();
var values = line.Split(';');
if ((Convert.ToInt32(values[1]) >= contatore && Convert.ToInt32(values[1]) < contatore + 1000) && (Convert.ToInt32(values[0]) > minX && Convert.ToInt32(values[0]) <= maxX))
scritt.WriteLine(Convert.ToInt32(float.Parse(values[2]) * 1000).ToString());
contatore += 1000;
AggiornaGrafico("Disco.csv", chart1, timer1.Enabled);
fds.rfd = libnodave.closeSocket(102);
fds.wfd = fds.rfd;
private void btnDisconnetti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (timer1.Enabled == true)
fds.rfd = libnodave.closeSocket(102);
fds.wfd = fds.rfd;
AggiornaGrafico(textBox1.Text, chart1, timer1.Enabled);
private void Samac_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (timer1.Enabled == true)
private void button1_Click_2(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (timer1.Enabled == true)
AggiornaGrafico("Disco.csv", chart1, timer1.Enabled);
AggiornaGrafico(textBox1.Text, chart1, timer1.Enabled);
private void chart2_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.X != this.lastX || e.Y != this.lastY)
int cursorX = Convert.ToInt32(chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.PixelPositionToValue(e.Location.X));
int cursorY = Convert.ToInt32(chart2.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.PixelPositionToValue(e.Location.Y));
//tooltip.Show("X:" + chart2.Series[0].Points[cursorX].XValue.ToString() + "Y:" + chart2.Series[0].Points[cursorX].YValues[0].ToString(), this.chart2, e.Location.X + 20, e.Location.Y + 20);
tooltip.Show("X:" + cursorX.ToString() + "Y:#VALY" , this.chart2, e.Location.X + 20, e.Location.Y + 20);
catch { }
this.lastX = e.X;
this.lastY = e.Y;
private void boxGraficaDisco_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics grafica = e.Graphics;
foreach (DatoDisco d in disco)
private void boxGraficaDisco_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.X != this.lastX || e.Y != this.lastY)
foreach (DatoDisco d in disco)
catch { }
this.lastX = e.X;
this.lastY = e.Y;
Now I need that when i go with the mouse over the drawn disc, a tooltip show me the data of the fillPie(degree and value of txt) but i can't figure out how.
Anyone can help me?
this is an image of the disc
Eventually it looks as if all you want is a function to get the angle between the mouse position and the center of the disc..
Here is a function to calculate an angle given two points:
double AngleFromPoints(Point pt1, Point pt2)
Point P = new Point(pt1.X - pt2.X, pt1.Y - pt2.Y);
double alpha = 0d;
if (P.Y == 0) alpha = P.X > 0 ? 0d : 180d;
double f = 1d * P.X / (Math.Sqrt(P.X * P.X + P.Y * P.Y));
alpha = Math.Acos(f) * 180d / Math.PI;
if (P.Y > 0) alpha = 360d - alpha;
return alpha;
I am working on a little program that starts taking pictures in the moment you click on a button. Also it can be ended earlier clicking another button.
The little bug that I am having is that I use a timer to process each time you go throw it since you hit the start button in a 1000ms interval, the problem comes when the first process finishes, the next process you start will duplicate the value of a progressbar x2 forever until you close the app.
namespace Fotos
public partial class Fotos : Form
private static string Path = #"C:\Fotos\";
//private static string Agua = #"C:\Marca de Agua\";
private bool HayDispositivos, terminado;
private string nombre;
private int i = 0, j = 0, z = 0, eleccion;
private FilterInfoCollection MisDispositivos;
private VideoCaptureDevice miWebcam;
private MagickImageCollection gif = new MagickImageCollection();
public Fotos()
private ImageCodecInfo GetEncoder(ImageFormat format)
ImageCodecInfo[] codecs = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
foreach (ImageCodecInfo codec in codecs)
if (codec.FormatID == format.Guid)
return codec;
return null;
private void Creador()
CreacionGif cg = new CreacionGif(gif, nombre);
private void MarcaAgua(PictureBox picturebox1)
RectangleF angulo = new RectangleF(1350, 975, 535, 90); //rectf for My Text
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(picturebox1.Image))
//g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Red, 2), 655, 460, 535, 90);
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
g.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
sf.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
g.DrawString(DateTime.Now.ToString(), new Font("Tahoma", 32, FontStyle.Bold), Brushes.White, angulo, sf);
EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetEncoder(ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Encoder myEncoder = Encoder.Quality;
EncoderParameter myEncoderParameter = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 30L);
myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;
if (progressBar1.Value == 0)
j = 0;
picturebox1.Image.Save(Path + textBoxNombreFoto.Text + "_" + i + ".jpg", jpgEncoder, myEncoderParameters);
gif.Add(Path + textBoxNombreFoto.Text + "_" + i + ".jpg");
gif[j].AnimationDelay = 200;
/* using (Image image = pictureBox1.Image)
using (Image watermarkImage = Image.FromFile(Agua +"fecha.jpg"))
using (Graphics imageGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(image))
using (TextureBrush watermarkBrush = new TextureBrush(watermarkImage))
int x = (image.Width / 2 - watermarkImage.Width / 2);
int y = (image.Height / 2 - watermarkImage.Height / 2);
watermarkBrush.TranslateTransform(x, y);
imageGraphics.FillRectangle(watermarkBrush, new Rectangle(new Point(x, y), new Size(watermarkImage.Width + 1, watermarkImage.Height)));
image.Save(Path + i +".jpg");*/
private void Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void CargaDispositivos()
MisDispositivos = new FilterInfoCollection(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);
if (MisDispositivos.Count > 0)
HayDispositivos = true;
for (int i = 0; i < MisDispositivos.Count; i++)
comboBox1.Text = MisDispositivos[0].Name.ToString();
else HayDispositivos = false;
private void CerrarWebcam()
if (miWebcam != null && miWebcam.IsRunning)
miWebcam = null;
private void Capturando(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
if(terminado == false)
Bitmap Imagen = (Bitmap)eventArgs.Frame.Clone();
pictureBox1.Image = Imagen;
private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
private void foto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (miWebcam != null && miWebcam.IsRunning && (radioButton1.Checked == true || radioButton2.Checked == true) && textBoxNombreFoto.TextLength > 0)
timer1.Enabled = true;
timer1.Interval = 1000;
timer1.Tick += new EventHandler(timer1_Tick);
terminado = false;
if(radioButton1.Checked == true)
eleccion = 18;
progressBar1.Maximum = 1800;
eleccion = 36;
progressBar1.Maximum = 3600;
MessageBox.Show("Por favor revisa que todos los campos estén rellenos");
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = comboBox1.SelectedIndex;
string nombreVideo = MisDispositivos[i].MonikerString;
miWebcam = new VideoCaptureDevice(nombreVideo);
miWebcam.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler(Capturando);
private void finFoto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
terminado = true;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (progressBar1.Value % 30 == 0 && progressBar1.Value <= eleccion && terminado != true || progressBar1.Value == 0)
miWebcam.NewFrame += new NewFrameEventHandler(Capturando);
if (progressBar1.Value < eleccion && terminado != true)
textBoxTiempo.Text = progressBar1.Value.ToString();
if ((terminado == true || progressBar1.Value >= eleccion) && i!=0)
progressBar1.Value = 0;
nombre = textBoxNombreFoto.Text;
i = 0;
MessageBox.Show("Proceso Terminado con Éxito");
I'm giving my panels inside another panel (this panel is in a usercontrol) a fixed location and a maximum size that changes with the size of the panel there in. Neither the resize or location works properly. The resize does happen but its to quickly. The location is fine if you only have 1 pinpanel for output and input. When you have more then 1 the locations are fixed but you need to resize the panel to resize to see the other panels. Could you point me in the right direction if you see the problem?
I have a panel drawPanel in this case that i use as a sort of background for the usercontrol. Inside this drawPanel i'm placing pinpanels. I want these pinpanels to resize with the usercontrol and give them a fixed location
private void OnClickPinPanel(object source, EventArgs e)
if (source is PinPanel p)
int index;
if ((index = Array.IndexOf(inputPins, p)) >= 0)
ClickedPinPanel?.Invoke(index, true);
ClickedPinPanel?.Invoke(Array.IndexOf(outputPins, p), false);
//else log here
private void CreatePinPanels(bool isInput)
int x = 0;
int y = -(int)(this.Width * 0.05)/2;
if (isInput)
for (int i = 0; i < inputPins.Length; i++)
y += (i + 1) * (this.Height / inputPins.Length + 1);
inputPins[i] = new PinPanel()
Location = new Point(x, y),
Size = new Size((int)(this.Width * 0.05), (int)(this.Width * 0.05)),
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right,
inputPins[i].Click += OnClickPinPanel;
x += this.Width - (int)(this.Width * 0.1);
for (int i = 0; i < outputPins.Length; i++)
y += (i + 1) * (this.Height / inputPins.Length+1);
outputPins[i] = new PinPanel()
Size = new Size((int)(this.Width * 0.1), (int)(this.Width * 0.1)),
Location = new Point(x, y),
Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right
outputPins[i].Click += OnClickPinPanel;
The result i get now is that the pinpanels get a fixed location but when you have more then 1 pinpanel, the location is wrong its like if he thinks that the usercontrol is bigger then it is Reality. In order to see all the pins i have to resize and get this After resize
I want it to look like this
Try something like this out.
Here is my test rig:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
numericUpDown1.Value = someChip1.NumberInputPins;
numericUpDown2.Value = someChip1.NumberOutputPins;
private void numericUpDown1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
someChip1.NumberInputPins = (int)numericUpDown1.Value;
private void numericUpDown2_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
someChip1.NumberOutputPins = (int)numericUpDown2.Value;
Sample chip with 5 inputs and 3 outputs:
Here is my PinPanel UserControl (just draws an ellipse/pin the size of the control):
public partial class PinPanel : UserControl
public PinPanel()
private void PinPanel_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Size(this.ClientRectangle.Width - 1, this.ClientRectangle.Height - 1));
e.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, rc);
private void PinPanel_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
And finally, my SomeChip UserControl:
public partial class SomeChip : UserControl
public event PinPanelClick ClickedPinPanel;
public delegate void PinPanelClick(int index, bool input);
private PinPanel[] inputPins;
private PinPanel[] outputPins;
private int _NumberInputPins = 2;
public int NumberInputPins
get {
return _NumberInputPins;
if (value > 0 && value != _NumberInputPins)
_NumberInputPins = value;
private int _NumberOutputPins = 1;
public int NumberOutputPins
return _NumberOutputPins;
if (value > 0 && value != _NumberOutputPins)
_NumberOutputPins = value;
public SomeChip()
private void SomeChip_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SomeChip_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SomeChip_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
int PinHeight;
// draw the input pin runs
if (inputPins != null)
PinHeight = (int)((double)this.Height / (double)_NumberInputPins);
for (int i = 0; i < NumberInputPins; i++)
int Y = (i * PinHeight) + (PinHeight / 2);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Y, this.Width / 4, Y);
// draw the output pin runs
if (outputPins != null)
PinHeight = (int)((double)this.Height / (double)_NumberOutputPins);
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOutputPins; i++)
int Y = (i * PinHeight) + (PinHeight / 2);
e.Graphics.DrawLine(Pens.Black, this.Width - this.Width / 4, Y, this.Width, Y);
//draw the chip itself (takes up 50% of the width of the UserControl)
Rectangle rc = new Rectangle(new Point(this.Width / 4, 0), new Size(this.Width / 2, this.Height - 1));
using (SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(this.BackColor))
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(sb, rc);
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rc);
private void CreatePinPanels()
if (inputPins != null)
for (int i = 0; i < inputPins.Length; i++)
if (inputPins[i] != null && !inputPins[i].IsDisposed)
inputPins = new PinPanel[_NumberInputPins];
for (int i = 0; i < inputPins.Length; i++)
inputPins[i] = new PinPanel();
inputPins[i].Click += OnClickPinPanel;
if (outputPins != null)
for (int i = 0; i < outputPins.Length; i++)
if (outputPins[i] != null && !outputPins[i].IsDisposed)
outputPins = new PinPanel[_NumberOutputPins];
for (int i = 0; i < outputPins.Length; i++)
outputPins[i] = new PinPanel();
outputPins[i].Click += OnClickPinPanel;
private void OnClickPinPanel(object sender, EventArgs e)
PinPanel p = (PinPanel)sender;
if (inputPins.Contains(p))
ClickedPinPanel?.Invoke(Array.IndexOf(inputPins, p), true);
else if (outputPins.Contains(p))
ClickedPinPanel?.Invoke(Array.IndexOf(inputPins, p), false);
private void RepositionPins()
int PinRowHeight, PinHeight;
if (inputPins != null)
PinRowHeight = (int)((double)this.Height / (double)_NumberInputPins);
PinHeight = (int)Math.Min((double)(PinRowHeight / 2), (double)this.Height * 0.05);
for (int i = 0; i < inputPins.Length; i++)
if (inputPins[i] != null && !inputPins[i].IsDisposed)
inputPins[i].SetBounds(0, (int)((i * PinRowHeight) + (PinRowHeight /2 ) - (PinHeight / 2)), PinHeight, PinHeight);
if (outputPins != null)
PinRowHeight = (int)((double)this.Height / (double)_NumberOutputPins);
PinHeight = (int)Math.Min((double)(PinRowHeight / 2), (double)this.Height * 0.05);
for (int i = 0; i < outputPins.Length; i++)
if (outputPins[i] != null && !outputPins[i].IsDisposed)
outputPins[i].SetBounds(this.Width - PinHeight, (int)((i * PinRowHeight) + (PinRowHeight / 2) - (PinHeight / 2)), PinHeight, PinHeight);
I am developing a GIS application. I want to open a particular form with drawn lines. The form which will open contains a textbox which is showing the length of the line. I am able to select the line. I am able to get the length of the line.
I want to link the form with each line. and the same form should be displayed whenever that line is selected. How can i do it?
should i go for serialization? or is there any good solution?
I know this is GIS related thing, but its more like a C# problem.
private bool amDigitizing = false;
private List<DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate> myDigitizedPoints = new List<DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate>();
private List<DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate> myExtractedPoints = new List<DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate>();
// DEM Layer
private DotSpatial.Controls.MapRasterLayer demLyr;
// Line Layer
private DotSpatial.Controls.MapLineLayer LineLyr;
FormTableEditor ft = new FormTableEditor();
public Form1()
private void map1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Coordinate c_mouse = map1.PixelToProj(new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y));
Xstrip.Text = "X:" + Convert.ToString(c_mouse.X);
Ystrip.Text = "Y:" + Convert.ToString(c_mouse.Y);
private void btnDraw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// do nothing
// Start a Drawing
MessageBox.Show(" Click on the map to draw, double click to stop drawing");
amDigitizing = true;
myDigitizedPoints = new List<DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate>();
map1.FunctionMode = DotSpatial.Controls.FunctionMode.None;
private void map1_MouseClick_1(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// digitizing
if (amDigitizing == true)
DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate c = new DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate();
System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point();
p.X = e.X;
p.Y = e.Y;
c = map1.PixelToProj(p);
//double[] s = c.ToArray();
//StartX = s[0];
//StartY = s[1];
int NoOfMines = 0;
private void map1_MouseDoubleClick_1(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Double click ends digitizing
if (amDigitizing == true)
DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate c = new DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate();
System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point();
p.X = e.X;
p.Y = e.Y;
c = map1.PixelToProj(p);
//double[] s = c.ToArray();
//EndX = s[0];
//EndY = s[1];
amDigitizing = false;
DotSpatial.Data.Feature f = new DotSpatial.Data.Feature(DotSpatial.Topology.FeatureType.Line, myDigitizedPoints);
DotSpatial.Data.FeatureSet fs = new DotSpatial.Data.FeatureSet();
NoOfMines = NoOfMines +1 ;
fs.Projection = map1.Projection;
for (int i = 0; i < NoOfMines; i++)
fs.Name = "Mine Field" + NoOfMines.ToString();
//fs.SaveAs(GraphicsPathExt, true);
//LineLyr = (DotSpatial.Controls.MapLineLayer)map1.AddLayer(GraphicsPathExt);
LineLyr = (MapLineLayer)map1.Layers.Add(fs);
// Length of the line
private void mnuThin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LineLyr.Symbolizer.SetOutline(Color.White, 1.0);
IRaster r = (IRaster)map1.Layers[0].DataSet;
IFeatureSet fs = LineLyr.DataSet;
int np = 0;
foreach (IFeature f in fs.Features)
np += f.Coordinates.Count * 100;
double[] plotX = new double[np - 99];
double[] plotY = new double[np - 99];
double x1= 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0 , y2 = 0 , dx = 0 , dy = 0, newx = 0, newy = 0;
double z = 0;
double TotalLength = 0.0;
int i = 0;
double[] Slope = new double[np / 100];
foreach (IFeature f in fs.Features)
foreach (DotSpatial.Topology.Coordinate c in f.Coordinates)
x2 = c.X;
y2 = c.Y;
if (i > 0)
dx = (x2 - x1) / 100;
dy = (y2 - y1) / 100;
newx = x1;
newy = y1;
for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
TotalLength += Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dx, 2) + Math.Pow(dy, 2));
z = demLyr.DataSet.GetNearestValue(newx, newy);
i += 1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
if (i == 0)
z = demLyr.DataSet.GetNearestValue(newx, newy);
i += 1;
x1 = x2;
y1 = y2;
//Length of the line
ft.textBox1.Text = TotalLength.ToString();
//Selection of layer
private void customizeToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
IMapLayer layerSelect = appManager1.Map.Layers.SelectedLayer;
if (layerSelect == LineLyr)
As Peter duniho mentioned in the comments of selection change event.
i used that approach to link the form.
DrawObject o = new DrawObject;
Form1 f = new Form1(o);
LegendItem li = new LegendItem();
if (li.IsSelected == true)
f.Textbox1.Text = frontage.ToString();
I am doing a program with Emgu.CV in C#
and i receive this error when compiling
An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException'
occurred in InAirSignature.exe
Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 'Emgu.CV.UI,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7281126722ab4438'
or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
any ideas how to solve?
for my coding, a webcam is needed.
below is my coding.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Emgu.CV;
using Emgu.CV.GPU;
using Emgu.Util;
using Emgu.CV.Structure;
using Emgu.CV.UI;
using Emgu.CV.CvEnum;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
using Emgu.CV.ML.Structure;
using Emgu.CV.ML;
using System.IO;
namespace InAirSignature
public partial class Main : Form
private Capture capture;
private Rectangle roi;
private Bgr redOrGreen;
private const int NUMBERS_OF_FRAMES = 90,
NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES = 3, // X Y Averange
private const int frameHeight = 640;
private const int frameWidth = 480;
private List<Image<Gray, Byte>> imgGrayBuffer = new List<Image<Gray, Byte>>();
private List<int> pointX = new List<int>();
private List<int> pointY = new List<int>();
private int[][][] pointsOfSign, distanceBetweenPoints;
private double[] finalAverage;
private int[][] pointsOfSignReference;
private int[] distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest;
private int[] classes = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1};
private int resultMode = 0;
private int recordSign = 0;
private bool record = false;
private int counter = 0;
private Stopwatch stopWatch;
private const string SYSTEM_MESSAGE = "System Message: ",
WELCOME_MESSAGE = "Welcome! ";
Matrix<int> layerSize;
MCvANN_MLP_TrainParams parameters;
ANN_MLP network;
///////////////////// Form /////////////////////
#region Form
public Main()
#region Initialize graph
chartX.Series["X1"].Color = Color.Blue;
chartX.Series["X2"].Color = Color.Green;
chartX.Series["X3"].Color = Color.Red;
chartX.Series["X4"].Color = Color.Pink;
chartX.Series["X5"].Color = Color.Purple;
chartX.Series["Xtest"].Color = Color.Aqua;
chartX.Series["Xref"].Color = Color.BlueViolet;
chartY.Series["Y1"].Color = Color.Blue;
chartY.Series["Y2"].Color = Color.Green;
chartY.Series["Y3"].Color = Color.Red;
chartY.Series["Y4"].Color = Color.Pink;
chartY.Series["Y5"].Color = Color.Purple;
chartY.Series["Ytest"].Color = Color.Aqua;
chartY.Series["Yref"].Color = Color.BlueViolet;
chartX.Series["X1"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartX.Series["X2"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartX.Series["X3"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartX.Series["X4"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartX.Series["X5"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartX.Series["Xtest"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartX.Series["Xref"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Y1"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Y2"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Y3"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Y4"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Y5"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Ytest"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
chartY.Series["Yref"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.FastLine;
#region Initialize Neural Network
layerSize = new Matrix<int>(new int[] { NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES, NUMBERS_OF_NEURONS, 1 });
parameters = new MCvANN_MLP_TrainParams();
parameters.term_crit = new MCvTermCriteria(10, 1.0e-8);
parameters.train_method = Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.ANN_MLP_TRAIN_METHOD.BACKPROP;
parameters.bp_dw_scale = 0.1;
parameters.bp_moment_scale = 0.1;
network = new ANN_MLP(layerSize, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.ANN_MLP_ACTIVATION_FUNCTION.SIGMOID_SYM, 1.0, 1.0);
#region Initialize camera
capture = new Capture();
capture.SetCaptureProperty(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, frameHeight);
capture.SetCaptureProperty(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CAP_PROP.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, frameWidth);
roi = new Rectangle(338, 2, 300, 300);
redOrGreen = new Bgr(Color.Red);
Application.Idle += processFrame;
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
///////////////////// Button /////////////////////
#region Button
private void btnSign_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
record = true;
redOrGreen = new Bgr(Color.LightGreen);
if (sender == btnSign1)
recordSign = 1;
else if (sender == btnSign2)
recordSign = 2;
else if (sender == btnSign3)
recordSign = 3;
else if (sender == btnSign4)
recordSign = 4;
else if (sender == btnSign5)
recordSign = 5;
recordSign = 6;
private void btnPredict_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
float predicted = predict(new int[,] { { distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[0], distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[1], distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[2] } }, network);
string result;
if (predicted < Convert.ToDouble(lblThreshold.Text))
result = "Success";
result = "Fail";
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "Matching result - " + result + ", value: " + predicted.ToString();
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tbId.Text == "")
throw new Exception();
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "Saved";
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "ID blank";
private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (tbId.Text == "")
throw new Exception();
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "Loaded";
btnVerify.Enabled = true;
btnSave.Enabled = true;
cbAuto.Enabled = true;
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "Invalid ID";
private void btnTrainNN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnVerify.Enabled = true;
btnSave.Enabled = true;
cbAuto.Enabled = true;
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
///////////////////// Check Box /////////////////////
#region Check Box
private void cbBinaryImage_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
ibBinaryImage.Visible = !ibBinaryImage.Visible;
private void cbResult_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
pnlResult.Visible = !pnlResult.Visible;
private void cbSign_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender == cbSign1)
chartX.Series["X1"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["X1"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Y1"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Y1"].Enabled;
else if (sender == cbSign2)
chartX.Series["X2"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["X2"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Y2"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Y2"].Enabled;
else if (sender == cbSign3)
chartX.Series["X3"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["X3"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Y3"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Y3"].Enabled;
else if (sender == cbSign4)
chartX.Series["X4"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["X4"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Y4"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Y4"].Enabled;
else if (sender == cbSign5)
chartX.Series["X5"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["X5"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Y5"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Y5"].Enabled;
else if (sender == cbSignRefer)
chartX.Series["Xref"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["Xref"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Yref"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Yref"].Enabled;
chartX.Series["Xtest"].Enabled = !chartX.Series["Xtest"].Enabled;
chartY.Series["Ytest"].Enabled = !chartY.Series["Ytest"].Enabled;
///////////////////// Radio Button /////////////////////
#region Radio Button
private void rbS_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender == rbS1)
resultMode = 0;
else if (sender == rbS2)
resultMode = 1;
else if (sender == rbS3)
resultMode = 2;
else if (sender == rbS4)
resultMode = 3;
resultMode = 4;
///////////////////// Text Box /////////////////////
#region Text Box
private void tbId_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
///////////////////// Function /////////////////////
private void processFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame = capture.QueryFrame().Flip(FLIP.HORIZONTAL);
Image<Bgr, Byte> frameCrop = frame.Copy(new Rectangle(338, 2, 300, 300)); // copy a crop
Image<Gray, Byte> frameBinary;
if (counter == (NUMBERS_OF_FRAMES - 2))
redOrGreen = new Bgr(Color.Red);
frame.Draw(roi, redOrGreen, 2);
frameBinary = ImageProcessing.getSkin(frameCrop);
if (record == true)
if (counter == NUMBERS_OF_FRAMES)
while (imgGrayBuffer.Count() > 0)
Point point = ImageProcessing.getHighestPoint(imgGrayBuffer.ElementAt(0));
pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_X] = pointX.ToArray();
pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_X] = normalizeSize(pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_X]);
pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_X] = normalizePosition(pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_X]);
pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_Y] = pointY.ToArray();
pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_Y] = normalizeSize(pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_Y]);
pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_Y] = normalizePosition(pointsOfSign[recordSign - 1][FEATURE_Y]);
record = false;
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "Time taken => " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString() + " seconds.";
if (cbAuto.Checked == true && recordSign == 6)
recordSign = 0;
counter = 0;
ibMain.Image = frame;
if(cbBinaryImage.Checked == true)
ibBinaryImage.Image = frameBinary;
private int[] normalizePosition(int[] position)
int min = int.MaxValue,
max = int.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < position.Count(); i++)
if (position[i] > max)
max = position[i];
if (position[i] < min)
min = position[i];
int midPoint = (min + max) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < position.Count(); i++)
position[i] -= midPoint;
return position;
private int[] normalizeSize(int[] position)
const int targetSize = 300;
int min = int.MaxValue,
max = int.MinValue;
for (int i = 0; i < position.Count(); i++)
if (position[i] > max)
max = position[i];
if (position[i] < min)
min = position[i];
int height = max - min;
if (height != 0)
height = targetSize / height;
for (int i = 0; i < position.Count(); i++)
position[i] *= height;
return position;
private void updateGraph()
foreach (var series in chartX.Series)
foreach (var series in chartY.Series)
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBERS_OF_FRAMES; i++)
(i, pointsOfSign[0][FEATURE_X][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[1][FEATURE_X][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[2][FEATURE_X][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[3][FEATURE_X][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[4][FEATURE_X][i]);
(i, pointsOfSignReference[0][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[5][FEATURE_X][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[0][FEATURE_Y][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[1][FEATURE_Y][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[2][FEATURE_Y][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[3][FEATURE_Y][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[4][FEATURE_Y][i]);
(i, pointsOfSignReference[1][i]);
(i, pointsOfSign[5][FEATURE_Y][i]);
private void calculateResult()
int average = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN - 1; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES - 1; k++)
distanceBetweenPoints[i][j][k] = DTW.Distance(pointsOfSign[i][k], pointsOfSign[j][k]);
average += distanceBetweenPoints[i][j][k];
distanceBetweenPoints[i][j][NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES - 1] = average / 2;
average = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN -1; i++)
finalAverage[i] = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN; j++)
finalAverage[i] += distanceBetweenPoints[i][j][NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES - 1];
finalAverage[i] /= NUMBERS_OF_SIGN - 2;
average = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES - 1; k++)
distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[k] = DTW.Distance(pointsOfSignReference[k], pointsOfSign[TEST][k]);
average += distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[k];
distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES - 1] = average / 2;
private void updateResult()
tbResult1X.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][0][0].ToString();
tbResult1Y.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][0][1].ToString();
tbResult1A.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][0][2].ToString();
tbResult2X.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][1][0].ToString();
tbResult2Y.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][1][1].ToString();
tbResult2A.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][1][2].ToString();
tbResult3X.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][2][0].ToString();
tbResult3Y.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][2][1].ToString();
tbResult3A.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][2][2].ToString();
tbResult4X.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][3][0].ToString();
tbResult4Y.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][3][1].ToString();
tbResult4A.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][3][2].ToString();
tbResult5X.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][4][0].ToString();
tbResult5Y.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][4][1].ToString();
tbResult5A.Text = distanceBetweenPoints[resultMode][4][2].ToString();
tbTotalA.Text = finalAverage[resultMode].ToString();
tbRatX.Text = distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[0].ToString();
tbRatY.Text = distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[1].ToString();
tbRatA.Text = distanceBetweenPointsForRefenceAndTest[2].ToString();
private float predict(int[,] testingSetInt, ANN_MLP network)
Matrix<float> testingSet = new Matrix<float>(Utility.arrayIntToFloat(testingSetInt)),
prediction = new Matrix<float>(1, 1);
network.Predict(testingSet, prediction);
return prediction.Data[0, 0];
private ANN_MLP trainNN(int[] trainingClassesInt, int[,] trainingSetInt)
int numbers_of_training_set = 4,
numbers_of_data = trainingSetInt.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
Matrix<float> trainingSet = new Matrix<float>(Utility.arrayIntToFloat(trainingSetInt)),
trainingClasses = new Matrix<float>(Utility.arrayIntToFloat(trainingClassesInt));
Matrix<float> trainingSetPositive = trainingSet.GetRows(0, numbers_of_training_set, 1);
Matrix<float> trainingSetNegative = trainingSet.GetRows(numbers_of_training_set, numbers_of_data, 1);
Matrix<float> trainClassesPositive = trainingClasses.GetRows(0, numbers_of_training_set, 1);
Matrix<float> trainClassesNegative = trainingClasses.GetRows(numbers_of_training_set, numbers_of_data, 1);
ANN_MLP network = new ANN_MLP(layerSize, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.ANN_MLP_ACTIVATION_FUNCTION.SIGMOID_SYM, 1.0, 1.0);
network.Train(trainingSet, trainingClasses, null, (Matrix<int>)null, parameters, Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum.ANN_MLP_TRAINING_FLAG.DEFAULT);
return network;
private void trainNN()
// Getting the most closest signature
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN - 1; i++)
if (finalAverage[index] > finalAverage[i])
index = i;
lblSM.Text = SYSTEM_MESSAGE + "Sign # no." + (index + 1).ToString() + " is the reference now!";
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES - 1; i++)
pointsOfSignReference[i] = pointsOfSign[index][i];
int total_training_data = 10; // 4 positive, 6 negative
int total_features_for_training = 3; // dtw of x, dtw of y, width of sign
int[,] trainingSet = new int[total_training_data, total_features_for_training];
// Get the distance (x and y) between closest signature and the rest of signature into training set
// Feature 0 and 1 => dtw of x, dtw of y
for (int i = 0, current = 0; i < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN - 1; i++)
if (i != index)
for (int j = 0; j < NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES; j++)
trainingSet[current, j] = distanceBetweenPoints[i][index][j];
// Generate negative data
int[] max_value = new int[NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES];
int[] min_value = new int[NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES];
for (int i = 0; i < NUMBERS_OF_SIGN - 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < NUMBERS_OF_FEATURES && i != index; j++)
if (max_value[j] < distanceBetweenPoints[i][index][j])
max_value[j] = distanceBetweenPoints[i][index][j];
if (min_value[j] > distanceBetweenPoints[i][index][j])
min_value[j] = distanceBetweenPoints[i][index][j];
Random random = new Random();
In your project, right click on the References, then look for the Emgu.CV.UI assembly and select it.
I am editing a program made by who knows, a teacher. Anyway, It is to display stock values that are stored in an array shown in a graph. The teacher has noted that the graph Y axis isn't correct, but we don't have to change that. What we have to change is the radio buttons to checkboxes so we can display multiple stock values on a graph.
So to draw the new graph we have to get the minimum and maximum Y values of the stocks selected. I decided to go with:
if (checkBox1.Checked == true)
maxVal[0] = StockArray.Max();
int maxValue = Convert.ToInt16(maxVal.Min());
return maxValue;
The same goes for minValue. The problem is I am not getting any correct numbers. Here is the whole program:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace VC2008_StockMktGraphics
public partial class frmMaster : Form
// let's make the stock values array be public so we don't have to pass
// them back and forth.
public double[] StockArray = new double[ 30 ] ;
public double[] minVal = new double [ 4 ];
public double[] maxVal = new double[4];
public frmMaster()
private void frmMaster_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Invalidate() ;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
int h = this.Bounds.Height ;
int w = this.Bounds.Width ;
Rectangle r = new Rectangle();
// Create the graphics context to draw into
Graphics gc = this.CreateGraphics() ;
Pen pBl = new Pen( Color.Black , 2) ;
SolidBrush sB = new SolidBrush(Color.Honeydew ) ;
// if the window is too small, force it to a size
if ( ( h < 200 ) || ( w < 200 ) )
this.Width = 200 ;
this.Height = 200 ;
// Set dynamic location of graphics box
r.X=Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble( w ) * 0.2 ) ;
r.Y=Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble( w ) * 0.2 ) ;
r.Width=Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble( w ) * 0.8 ) -r.X ;
r.Height=Convert.ToInt32( Convert.ToDouble( h ) * 0.8 -r.Y );
// draw the outer rectangle and fill with a light color
gc.DrawRectangle(pBl, r);
gc.FillRectangle(sB, r);
// set the location of the buttons
btnExit.Left = r.X + r.Width + 10;
btnExit.Top = 10;
chkStartAtZero.Left = r.X + r.Width + 10;
chkStartAtZero.Top = btnExit.Top + 25;
checkBox1.Left = r.X + r.Width + 10;
checkBox1.Top = chkStartAtZero.Top + 25;
checkBox2.Left = checkBox1.Left;
checkBox2.Top = checkBox1.Top + 25;
checkBox3.Left = checkBox2.Left;
checkBox3.Top = checkBox2.Top + 25;
checkBox4.Left = checkBox3.Left;
checkBox4.Top = checkBox3.Top + 25;
if (checkBox1.Checked == true)
DrawStock(0, gc, r);
if (checkBox2.Checked == true)
DrawStock(1, gc, r);
if (checkBox3.Checked == true)
DrawStock(2, gc, r);
if (checkBox4.Checked == true)
DrawStock(3, gc, r);
// dispose of object memories we've allocated
pBl.Dispose() ;
gc.Dispose() ;
public void DrawStock( int iWhichStock , Graphics gc , Rectangle r )
int i ;
int iLabelX;
int iMinY = 999999;
int iMaxY = 0;
int iCnt;
double dxIncrement;
double dyIncrement;
string strAxisLabel;
Point pLineStart = new Point();
Point pLineEnd = new Point();
Pen pB2 = new Pen(Color.Red, 2);
Font f = new Font("Ariel", (float)10.0);
Brush b = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
// Normally, we'd get stock from a database, I'm just going to go
// get it from a function with hard-coded values for demonstration
// purposes.
iMinY = Convert.ToInt16(GetMin());
iMaxY = Convert.ToInt16(GetMax());
// Take the min and max to the next increment of 5 outside them.
iMinY = Convert.ToInt16( iMinY / 5 ) * 5 ;
iMaxY = ( Convert.ToInt16(iMaxY / 5 ) + 1 ) * 5 ;
// Find the number of x-coordinate values
iCnt = 0;
foreach (double d in StockArray)
if (d > 0)
// so now we know how many x values there are to spread on the x-axis
dxIncrement = Convert.ToDouble(r.Width / iCnt);
// if the zero checkbox is checked, then we'll set the minimums to zero
if (chkStartAtZero.Checked == true)
iMinY = 0;
dMinStockValue = 0.0;
// so each y-axis pixel must contain this many dollars of actual stock price
dyIncrement = Convert.ToDouble(r.Height / (iMaxY - iMinY));
// set the starting point of the stock line
pLineStart.X = r.X;
pLineStart.Y = r.Top + r.Height -
Convert.ToInt16(dyIncrement * (StockArray[ 0 ] - Convert.ToDouble(iMinY) ) ) ;
// now graph them
for( i = 1 ; i < StockArray.Length ; i++ )
if( StockArray[i] == 0 )
continue ;
pLineEnd.X = pLineStart.X + Convert.ToInt16(dxIncrement);
pLineEnd.Y = r.Top + r.Height -
Convert.ToInt16(dyIncrement * (StockArray[i] - Convert.ToDouble(iMinY)));
gc.DrawLine(pB2,pLineStart, pLineEnd ) ;
pLineStart = pLineEnd ;
// now draw the y-axis labels
i = iMinY;
pLineStart.X = r.X;
pLineStart.Y = r.Top + r.Height - Convert.ToInt16(0);
pLineEnd.X = r.X - 8;
while( i <= iMaxY )
pLineStart.Y = r.Top + r.Height -
Convert.ToInt16( Convert.ToDouble(i-iMinY ) * dyIncrement ) ;
pLineEnd.Y = pLineStart.Y;
gc.DrawLine(pB2, pLineStart, pLineEnd);
strAxisLabel = Convert.ToString(i);
iLabelX = pLineEnd.X - 18;
if (i < 10)
iLabelX = pLineEnd.X - 8;
if (i < 100)
iLabelX = pLineEnd.X - 18;
if (i < 1000)
iLabelX = pLineEnd.X - 28;
gc.DrawString(strAxisLabel, f, b, iLabelX, pLineEnd.Y - 8);
i += 10;
public double GetMin()
if (checkBox1.Checked == true)
minVal[0] = StockArray.Min();
if (checkBox2.Checked == true)
minVal[1] = StockArray.Min();
if (checkBox3.Checked == true)
minVal[2] = StockArray.Min();
if (checkBox4.Checked == true)
minVal[3] = StockArray.Min();
int minValue = Convert.ToInt16(minVal.Min());
label1.Text = Convert.ToString(minValue);
return minValue;
public double GetMax()
if (checkBox1.Checked == true)
maxVal[0] = StockArray.Max();
if (checkBox2.Checked == true)
maxVal[1] = StockArray.Max();
if (checkBox3.Checked == true)
maxVal[2] = StockArray.Max();
if (checkBox4.Checked == true)
maxVal[3] = StockArray.Max();
int maxValue = Convert.ToInt16(maxVal.Min());
label2.Text = Convert.ToString(maxValue);
return maxValue;
public void GetStockValues(int iWhichStock)
if (iWhichStock == 0)
// IBM
StockArray[0] = 147.64; // 1-10-11
StockArray[1] = 147.28;
StockArray[2] = 149.10;
StockArray[3] = 148.82;
StockArray[4] = 150.00;
StockArray[5] = 150.65;
StockArray[6] = 155.69;
StockArray[7] = 155.80;
StockArray[8] = 155.50;
StockArray[9] = 159.63;
StockArray[10] = 161.44;
StockArray[11] = 161.04;
StockArray[12] = 161.07;
StockArray[13] = 159.21;
StockArray[14] = 162.00;
StockArray[15] = 163.56;
StockArray[16] = 163.30;
StockArray[17] = 163.53;
StockArray[18] = 164.00;
StockArray[19] = 164.83;
if (iWhichStock == 1)
// BA (The Boeing Company)
StockArray[0] = 69.09; // 1-10-11
StockArray[1] = 68.96;
StockArray[2] = 70.15;
StockArray[3] = 69.63;
StockArray[4] = 70.07;
StockArray[5] = 72.47;
StockArray[6] = 71.73;
StockArray[7] = 71.12;
StockArray[8] = 71.68;
StockArray[9] = 72.73;
StockArray[10] = 72.24;
StockArray[11] = 70.02;
StockArray[12] = 70.56;
StockArray[13] = 69.23;
StockArray[14] = 69.48;
StockArray[15] = 70.29;
StockArray[16] = 71.00;
StockArray[17] = 70.98;
StockArray[18] = 71.38;
StockArray[19] = 71.93;
if (iWhichStock == 2)
// CAP (CAI International
StockArray[0] = 19.44; // 1-10-11
StockArray[1] = 19.66;
StockArray[2] = 19.68;
StockArray[3] = 19.45;
StockArray[4] = 19.79;
StockArray[5] = 19.90;
StockArray[6] = 19.53;
StockArray[7] = 19.06;
StockArray[8] = 19.05;
StockArray[9] = 19.14;
StockArray[10] = 19.28;
StockArray[11] = 20.11;
StockArray[12] = 19.74;
StockArray[13] = 19.06;
StockArray[14] = 19.04;
StockArray[15] = 20.03;
StockArray[16] = 19.69;
StockArray[17] = 19.56;
StockArray[18] = 19.61;
StockArray[19] = 19.63;
if (iWhichStock == 3)
// TOT (Total Societe Anonyme)
StockArray[0] = 53.00; // 1-10-11
StockArray[1] = 53.32;
StockArray[2] = 55.00;
StockArray[3] = 56.03;
StockArray[4] = 57.11;
StockArray[5] = 57.10;
StockArray[6] = 56.95;
StockArray[7] = 57.12;
StockArray[8] = 57.12;
StockArray[9] = 58.04;
StockArray[10] = 58.79;
StockArray[11] = 58.69;
StockArray[12] = 59.00;
StockArray[13] = 59.50;
StockArray[14] = 57.80;
StockArray[15] = 58.77;
StockArray[16] = 61.03;
StockArray[17] = 60.70;
StockArray[18] = 59.76;
StockArray[19] = 59.25;
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void chkStartAtZero_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void checkBox1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void checkBox2_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void checkBox3_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void checkBox4_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void frmMaster_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
A couple problems.
Your main issue is you call int maxValue = Convert.ToInt16(maxVal.Min()); in GetMax(), I think you wanted int maxValue = Convert.ToInt16(maxVal.Max());.
However once you fix that you are going to run in to the fact that you are comparing uninitialized/old values of the maxVal array.
Say I only have checkbox 1 and 3 checked, then later I un-check 3, What will be the value of maxVal[2] the seccond time GetMax or GetMin is run, (here's a hint, it's not 0)