How to pass EventArgs from View to Presenter in MVP? - c#

I have an application based on MVP, WinForms and EntityFramework.
At one form I need to validate cell value, but I don't know proper way to pass EventArgs from Validating event of DataGridView to my presenter.
I have this Form (unrelated code omitted):
public partial class ChargeLinePropertiesForm : Form, IChargeLinePropertiesView
public event Action CellValidating;
public ChargeLinePropertiesForm()
dgBudget.CellValidating += (send, args) => Invoke(CellValidating);
private void Invoke(Action action)
if (action != null) action();
public DataGridView BudgetDataGrid
get { return dgBudget; }
public interface IChargeLinePropertiesView:IView
event Action CellValidating;
DataGridView BudgetDataGrid { get; }
And this presenter:
public class ChargeLinePropertiesPresenter : BasePresenter<IChargeLinePropertiesView, ArgumentClass>
public ChargeLinePropertiesPresenter(IApplicationController controller, IChargeLinePropertiesView view)
: base(controller, view)
View.CellValidating += View_CellValidating;
void View_CellValidating()
//I need to validate cell here based on dgBudget.CellValidating EventArgs
//but how to pass it here from View?
//typeof(e) == DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs
//pseudoCode mode on
if (e.FormattedValue.ToString() == "Bad")
View.BudgetDataGrid.Rows[e.RowIndex].ErrorText =
"Bad Value";
e.Cancel = true;
//pseudoCode mode off
Yes, I could expose a property through interface and set my EventArgs to this property in View to get them from Presenter, but this is ugly, isn't it?

public interface IChargeLinePropertiesView:IView
event Action CellValidating;
// etc..
Using Action is the problem here, it is the wrong delegate type. It doesn't permit passing any arguments. More than one way to solve this problem, you could use Action<CancelEventArgs> for example. But the logical choice is to use the same delegate type that the Validating event uses:
event CancelEventHandler CellValidating;
Now it is easy. In your form:
public event CancelEventHandler CellValidating;
public ChargeLinePropertiesForm() {
dgBudget.CellValidating += (sender, cea) => {
var handler = CellValidating;
if (handler != null) handler(sender, cea);
In your presenter:
void View_CellValidating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
if (nothappy) e.Cancel = true;


How do I add and subtract event handlers inside a derived abstract class?

Short version
In my abstract class MyCbo_Abstract (derived from ComboBox class), I want to create a custom property that when set will subtract all the control's event handlers, set the base property value, then re-add all the control's event handlers.
What I have so far
I have a concrete ComboBox class derived from an abstract ComboBox class derived from Microsoft's ComboBox class.
public abstract class MyCbo_Abstract : ComboBox
public MyCbo_Abstract() : base()
public partial class MyCboFooList : MyCbo_Abstract
public MyCboFooList() : base()
My main Form class subscribes to certain base ComboBox events.
Note: The designer has: this.myCboFooList = new MyCboFooList();
public partial class FormMain : Form
public FormMain()
myCboFooList.SelectedIndexChanged += myCboFooList_SelectedIndexChanged;
private void myCboFooList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// do stuff
There are times when I want to suppress the invocation of defined event handlers, e.g., when I programmatically set a ComboBox object's SelectedIndex property.
Instead of having to remember to write the code to subtract and re-add event handlers each time I want to modify the SelectedIndex property and suppress its events, I want to create a custom property SelectedIndex_NoEvents that when set will subtract all the control's event handlers, set the base property value SelectedIndex, then re-add all the control's event handlers.
The problem
My problem is that I don't know how to iterate over a EventHandlerList because it has no GetEnumerator. And, in looking at the list in the debugger, saveEventHandlerList is a weird chained thing that I can't figure out how to otherwise traverse.
public abstract class MyCbo_Abstract : ComboBox
int selectedIndex_NoEvents;
public int SelectedIndex_NoEvents
return base.SelectedIndex;
EventHandlerList saveEventHandlerList = new EventHandlerList();
saveEventHandlerList = Events;
//foreach won't work - no GetEnumerator available. Can't use for loop - no Count poprerty
foreach (EventHandler eventHandler in saveEventHandlerList)
SelectedIndexChanged -= eventHandler;
base.SelectedIndex = value;
//foreach won't work - no GetEnumerator available. Can't use for loop - no Count poprerty
foreach (EventHandler eventHandler in saveEventHandlerList)
SelectedIndexChanged += eventHandler;
saveEventHandlerList = null;
//Probably don't need this
public override int SelectedIndex
return base.SelectedIndex;
base.SelectedIndex = value;
public DRT_ComboBox_Abstract() : base()
Before giving you the solution that I created, let me say that this feels extremely hacky. I urge you to seriously think about another solution. There may be all kinds of crazy edge cases where this code breaks down, I haven't thoroughly tested it beyond the example code shown below.
Add the following utility class:
public class SuspendedEvents
private Dictionary<FieldInfo, Delegate> handlers = new Dictionary<System.Reflection.FieldInfo, System.Delegate>();
private object source;
public SuspendedEvents(object obj)
source = obj;
var fields = obj.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public);
foreach (var fieldInfo in fields.Where(fi => fi.FieldType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Delegate))))
var d = (Delegate)fieldInfo.GetValue(obj);
handlers.Add(fieldInfo, (Delegate)d.Clone());
fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, null);
public void Restore()
foreach (var storedHandler in handlers)
storedHandler.Key.SetValue(source, storedHandler.Value);
You can use it like this:
var events = new SuspendedEvents(obj); //all event handlers on obj are now detached
events.Restore(); // event handlers on obj are now restored.
I used the following test setup:
void Main()
var obj = new TestObject();
obj.Event1 += (sender, e) => Handler("Event 1");
obj.Event1 += (sender, e) => Handler("Event 1");
obj.Event2 += (sender, e) => Handler("Event 2");
obj.Event2 += (sender, e) => Handler("Event 2");
obj.Event3 += (sender, e) => Handler("Event 3");
obj.Event3 += (sender, e) => Handler("Event 3");
Debug.WriteLine("Prove events are attached");
var events = new SuspendedEvents(obj);
Debug.WriteLine("Prove events are detached");
Debug.WriteLine("Prove events are reattached");
public void Handler(string message)
public class TestObject
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Event1;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Event2;
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Event3;
public void RaiseEvents()
Event1?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Event2?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Event3?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
It produces the following output:
Prove events are attached
Event 1
Event 1
Event 2
Event 2
Event 3
Event 3
Prove events are detached
Prove events are reattached
Event 1
Event 1
Event 2
Event 2
Event 3
Event 3
There is no way to easily disable event firing of WinForm controls exposed in the .Net framework. However, the Winform controls follow a standard design pattern for events in that all event signatures are based on the EventHandler Delegate and the registered event handlers are stored in an EventHandlerList that is defined in the Control Class. This list is stored in a field (variable) named "events" and is only publicly exposed via the read-only property Events.
The class presented below uses reflection to temporarily assign null to the events field effectively removing all event handlers registered for the Control.
While it may be an abuse of the pattern, the class implements the IDisposable Interface to restore the events field on disposal of the class instance. The reason for this is to facilitate the use of the using block to wrap the class usage.
public class ControlEventSuspender : IDisposable
private const string eventsFieldName = "events";
private const string headFieldName = "head";
private static System.Reflection.FieldInfo eventsFieldInfo;
private static System.Reflection.FieldInfo headFieldInfo;
private System.Windows.Forms.Control target;
private object eventHandlerList;
private bool disposedValue;
static ControlEventSuspender()
Type compType = typeof(System.ComponentModel.Component);
eventsFieldInfo = compType.GetField(eventsFieldName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
headFieldInfo = typeof(System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList).GetField(headFieldName, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
private static bool FieldInfosAquired()
if (eventsFieldInfo == null)
throw new Exception($"{typeof(ControlEventSuspender).Name} could not find the field '{ControlEventSuspender.eventsFieldName}' on type Component.");
if (headFieldInfo == null)
throw new Exception($"{typeof(ControlEventSuspender).Name} could not find the field '{ControlEventSuspender.headFieldName}' on type System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList.");
return true;
private ControlEventSuspender(System.Windows.Forms.Control target) // Force using the the Suspend method to create an instance
{ = target;
this.eventHandlerList = eventsFieldInfo.GetValue(target); // backup event hander list
eventsFieldInfo.SetValue(target, null); // clear event handler list
public static ControlEventSuspender Suspend(System.Windows.Forms.Control target)
ControlEventSuspender ret = null;
if (FieldInfosAquired() && target != null)
ret = new ControlEventSuspender(target);
return ret;
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!this.disposedValue)
if (disposing)
if ( != null)
this.disposedValue = true;
public void Dispose()
private void RestoreEventList()
object o = eventsFieldInfo.GetValue(target);
if (o != null && headFieldInfo.GetValue(o) != null)
throw new Exception($"Events on {target.GetType().Name} (local name: {target.Name}) added while event handling suspended.");
eventsFieldInfo.SetValue(target, eventHandlerList);
eventHandlerList = null;
target = null;
Example usage in the button1_Click method:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (ControlEventSuspender.Suspend(comboBox1))
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 3; // SelectedIndexChanged does not fire
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = -1; // clear selection, SelectedIndexChanged fires
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 3; // SelectedIndexChanged fires
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("index changed fired");
SoapBox Diatribe
Many will say that the use of Reflection to access non-public class members is dirty or some other derogatory term and that it introduces a brittleness to the code as someone may change the underlying code definition such that the code that relies on member names (magic strings) is no longer valid. This is a valid concern, but I view it as no different than code that accesses external databases.
Reflection can be thought of a query of a type (datatable) from an assembly (database) for specific fields (members: fields, properties, events). It is no more brittle than a SQL statement such as Select SomeField From SomeTable Where AnotherField=5. This type of SQL code is prevent in the world and no one thinks twice about writing it, but some external force could easily redefine the database you code relies on an render all the magic string SQL statements invalid as well.
Use of hard coded names is always at risk of being made invalid by change. You have to weigh the risks of moving forward versus the option of being frozen in fear of proceeding because someone wants to sound authoritative (typically a parroting of other such individuals) and criticize you for implementing a solution that solves the current problem.
I was hoping to write code that would programatically locate all event handler method names created using controlObject.Event += EventHandlerMethodName, but as you see in the other answers, code to do this is complicated, limited, and perhaps not able to work in all cases
This is what I came up with. It satisfies my desire to consolidate the code that subtracts and re-adds event handler method names into my abstract class, but at the expense of having to write code to store and manage event handler method names and having to write code for each control property where I want to suppress the event handler, modify the property value, and finally re-add the event handler.
public abstract class MyCbo_Abstract : ComboBox
// create an event handler property for each event the app has custom code for
private EventHandler evSelectedValueChanged;
public EventHandler EvSelectedValueChanged { get => evSelectedValueChanged; set => evSelectedValueChanged = value; }
public MyCbo_Abstract() : base()
// Create a property that parallels the one that would normally be set in the main body of the program
public object _DataSource_NoEvents
return base.DataSource;
SelectedValueChanged -= EvSelectedValueChanged;
if (value == null)
base.DataSource = null;
SelectedValueChanged += EvSelectedValueChanged;
string valueTypeName = value.GetType().Name;
if (valueTypeName == "Int32")
base.DataSource = null;
SelectedValueChanged += EvSelectedValueChanged;
//assume StringCollection
base.DataSource = value;
SelectedValueChanged += EvSelectedValueChanged;
public partial class MyCboFooList : MyCbo_Abstract
public MyCboFooList() : base()
Designer has
this.myCboFooList = new MyCboFooList();
Main form code
public partial class FormMain : Form
public FormMain()
myCboFooList.SelectedValueChanged += OnMyCboFooList_SelectedValueChanged;
myCboFooList.EvSelectedValueChanged = OnMyCboFooList_SelectedValueChanged;
private void OnMyCboFooList_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// do stuff
And now, if I want to set a property and suppress event(s), I can write something like the following and not have to remember to re-add the event handler method name
myCboFooList._DataSource_NoEvents = null;

Raising Events from another Class - workaround

I need to Raise an Event from another Class - i know that this is not possible - but I need a workaround for this.
For now Im doing the following
This is the class, which have to raise the event
internal class DataTransfer
public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, OnReaderCommonEventArgs e);
public event EventHandler _OnSerialNumber;
public event EventHandler _OnReaderType
Task DataHandler()
//Recieving-Data and Stuff
_OnSerialNumber(this, new OnReaderCommonEventArgs { SerialNumber = RFIDParser.ParseSerialNumber(data) });
_OnReaderType(this, new OnReaderCommonEventArgs { ReaderType = RFIDParser.ParseReaderType(data) });
And in the Main-Class, which will be used by the user. So the user can only subscribe to the event from this class-object:
public partial class PUR_100U
public delegate void EventHandler(object sender, OnReaderCommonEventArgs e);
public event EventHandler OnSerialNumber;
public event EventHandler OnReaderType;
public PUR_100U(int portnumber)
dataTransfer = new DataTransfer(portnumber, GetIdentifierList());
dataTransfer._OnSerialNumber += dataTransfer__OnSerialNumber;
dataTransfer._OnReaderType += dataTransfer__OnReaderType;
void dataTransfer__OnSerialNumber(object sender, OnReaderCommonEventArgs e)
if (OnSerialNumber != null) { OnSerialNumber(this, new OnReaderCommonEventArgs { SerialNumber = e.SerialNumber }); }
void dataTransfer__OnReaderType(object sender, OnReaderCommonEventArgs e)
if (OnReaderType != null) { OnReaderType(this, new OnReaderCommonEventArgs { ReaderType = e.ReaderType }); }
Example of user-usage:
rfid = new PUR_100U(20);
rfid.OnSerialNumber += rfid_OnSerialNumber;
rfid.OnReaderType += rfid_OnReaderType;
Is there a better way of doing this?
I need to Raise an Event from another Class - i know that this is not possible - but I need a workaround for this.
That is rather trivial:
class Foo
public event EventHandler Fooed; //note, name is not OnFoo
public void FireFooed() => Fooed?.Invoke(this, new EventArgs);
And now, fire the event at will:
var foo = new Foo();
The question is, why do you want to do this? It seems like a really bad idea. Fooed should fire only and only if the preconditions inside Foo for it to fire are met; if you need Fooed to fire, then make the preconditions happen!
Firing Fooed at will if the conditions aren't met will break all other listeners, don't do that.

MVP pattern in winforms - Handling events

I just started with C# and MVP design pattern.
I'm in doubt about concrete implementation when it comes to event handling. I'm aware of that, view shouldn't know about presenter and presenter should control a view through view interface.
Let's say I have 2 text boxes and would like to check for errors. If an error occurs I want to change text box Text property. Is it wrong approach to create one EventHandler and use sender object to verify witch text box is user currently using?
Something like:
interface IMainView
event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPressed;
public partial class MainView : Form, IMainView
public frmInterakcija()
this.textBox1.Name = "textBox1";
this.textBox2.Name = "textBox2";
new MainPresenter();
private void Bind()
this.textBox1.KeyPress += KeyPressed;
this.textBox2.KeyPress += KeyPressed;
class MainPresenter
private IMainView _view;
public MainPresenter(IMainView view)
_view = view;
public void initialize()
_view.KeyPressed += _view_textBoxKeyPressed;
public void _view_textBoxKeyPressed(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (sender.GetType() == typeof(TextBox))
TextBox textBox = (TextBox)sender;
if (textBox.Name.Equals("textbox1")
{...} // Do validation/changes on textbox1
else ...
Or instead of this above I should create event handler for every textbox I have and update/handle errors through properties? (this will make my code redundant I guess)
What would be right approach?
IMHO the presenter should be unaware of view specific objects (example textbox in your code). That kind of logic should not be in presenter. And presenter must not know about the Ids of controls in the UI, that's even worse. Remember one of the benefits of this should be that you can test the presenter by mocking the view, if you have UI specific code you won't be able to unit test the presenter.
It does seem like two different events to me since you are doing different logic. I'd raise two different events and one would do validation, the other would do its own logic. The presenter won't have to check if the sender is textbox or the id of the textbox. Also what if you have another textbox, you'll need another if condition in this current implementation.
Also, in the view, it should be new MainPresenter(this);
Your presenter should absolutely not have view-specific types in it (e.g. controls, events, etc.) since these are hard to fake when it comes time to test the presenter's logic. Instead, you should have something like the following.
interface IMainView
// give these better names based on what they actually represent (e.g. FirstName and LastName)
// you could also add setters if you needed to modify their values from the presenter
string Text1 { get; }
string Text2 { get; }
// provide a way to bubble up validation errors to the UI
string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
class MainPresenter
private IMainView _view;
public MainPresenter(IMainView view)
_view = view;
public void ValidateText1()
if (/* some validation is false */)
_view.ErrorMessage = "Text1 isn't valid";
public void ValidateText2()
if (/* some validation is false */)
_view.ErrorMessage = "Text2 isn't valid";
public partial class MainView : Form, IMainView
var readonly MainPresenter _presenter;
public frmInterakcija()
_presenter = new MainPresenter(this);
private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs eventArgs)
private void textBox2_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs eventArgs)
#region Implementation of IMainView
public string Text1
get { return textBox1.Text; }
public string Text2
get { return textBox2.Text; }
public string ErrorMessage
get { return labelErrorMessage.Text; }
set { labelErrorMessage.Text = value; }

create event for notifying completed in another event

I have mainviewmodel where it makes a collection of itemviewmodel and binds that data to a longlist in Mainpage.xaml. Now in the process of making a collection of ItemViewModel I am making a web request and when that downloads I would make a list.
I wanted to know in MainPage as when this download finishes.
public void LoadData()
if (this.CanLoad)
WebClient dealsOfDay = new WebClient();
dealsOfDay.DownloadStringCompleted += dealsOfDay_DownloadStringCompleted;
dealsOfDay.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://loadsomedata.php"));
this.IsDataLoaded = false;
void dealsOfDay_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null && e.Result != null)
var deals=//something making a collection.
Items = new ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>(deals);
this.IsDataLoaded = true;
private static MainViewModel viewModel = null;
/// <summary>
/// A static ViewModel used by the views to bind against.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The MainViewModel object.</returns>
public static MainViewModel ViewModel
// Delay creation of the view model until necessary
if (viewModel == null)
viewModel = new MainViewModel();
return viewModel;
Inside the constructor I would set this.
DataContext = App.ViewModel;
if (!App.ViewModel.IsDataLoaded)
I think you have no need for bool IsDataLoaded. Instead that create event in MainViewModel and register in Main page.
public event EventHandler DataLoadedEvent;
void dealsOfDay_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error == null && e.Result != null)
var deals=//something making a collection.
Items = new ObservableCollection<ItemViewModel>(deals);
if ( DataLoadedEvent != null)
DataLoadedEvent(this, new EventHandler());
Now in MainPage constructor register this event.
App.ViewModel.DataLoadedEvent += new EventHandler(data_loadedEvent);
void data_loadedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
Remember also that you can subscribe more methods to DownloadStringCompleted - and they will be fired, so maybe there is no need to create new event. Also in many cases you can just perform actions in dealsOfDay_DownloadStringCompleted.
But if you want to make an Event which will be fired when DownloadCompletes it can look like this:
Create a delegate:
public delegate void StatusUpdateHandler(object sender, StatusEventArgs e);
public event StatusUpdateHandler OnUpdateStatus;
For this purpose you need somewhere to define StatusEventArgs Class:
public class StatusEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Status { get; private set; }
public StatusEventArgs(string status)
Status = status;
Then your method can look like this:
private void UpdateStatus(string status)
if (OnUpdateStatus == null) return;
StatusEventArgs args = new StatusEventArgs(status);
OnUpdateStatus(this, args);
Then you can freely subscribe to that event and put in your dealsOfDay_DownloadStringCompleted:

MVP and passing CancelEventArgs

I'm writing a simple input form using Model-View-Presenter, and I've encountered difficulty with handling the FormClosing event.
When dealing with a normal Form, it has an event that fires on closing called FormClosing that I can use to cancel the close if I deem it necessary. In this case, I'd like to cancel the form close if the input is bad. For instance:
public interface IView
event EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> Closing;
string Input { get; set; }
string ErrorMessage { set; }
public class Presenter
private IView view;
public Presenter(IView view)
this.view = view;
// bind to events
view.Closing += view_Closing;
private void view_Closing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = !ValidateInput();
private bool ValidateInput()
bool validationSuccessful = true;
// perform validation on input, set false if validation fails
return validationSuccessful;
I created my own event handler (Closing) because my understanding of MVP states that utilizing anything in System.Windows.Forms is not a good idea (e.g. if someday I update my view to WPF). Thus, in the WinForms implementation, I pass the event forward, as such:
public partial class View : IView
public event EventHandler<CancelEventArgs> Closing;
public string Input { get { return textBoxInput.Text; } set { textBoxInput.Text = value; } }
public string ErrorMessage { set { errorProvider.SetError(textBoxInput, value) ; } }
public View()
private void View_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (Closing != null)
Closing(this, new CancelEventArgs(e.Cancel));
I've found that even though in my Presenter I tell e.Cancel to set to true when validation fails, it does not cause the form to cancel the close. I'm clearly doing something wrong here, but I'm not sure what the proper solution is.
I figured it out after experimenting with the solution in another StackOverflow question. I needed to create a new CancelEventArgs in the View as follows:
private void View_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
CancelEventArgs args = new CancelEventArgs();
if (Closing != null)
Closing(this, args);
e.Cancel = args.Cancel;
args.Cancel properly updated after the Closing event was called, and successfully mapped the resultant boolean to e.Cancel.
