I am working on a WPF GUI (using MVVM) to control an embedded device. As of yet, the device is still in development and not currently functioning reliably. As such I have created the following fake device:
interface IConnection
bool IsValid { get; }
bool Open();
void Close();
void Write(string message);
class SerialConnection : IConnection
// Not yet implemented
class DevConnection : IConnection
Timer _timer;
Action<string> _callback;
public bool IsValid {...}
public DevConnection(Action<string> callback)
_timer = new Timer(tick, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
_callback = callback;
public bool Open() {...}
public void Close() {...}
public void Write(string Message) {...}
private void tick(object args)
_callback("V01" + ToHex(vol1) + "\n");
Action<string> _callback;
is the function used by my model to read the payload of the connection and update its state appropriately
class Model
IConnection _connection;
public Model()
_connection = new DevConnection(Message);
private void Message(string payload)
_volume1 = floatValue;
However when the Model is created, I change a bunch of the properties elsewhere before calling Model.IConnection.Open() to start the timer. Every time the Message() callback is called, the debugger shows the Model as still being in its original, constructed state.
1) What is going on behind the scenes here? Is the Threading.Timer creating a new thread for its counting / tick execution? If so, why is it creating a default copy of my Model class?
2) How do I fix it? I even tried giving the DevConnection a copy of my Model class to operate on directly (not how I'd like to setup the architecture) and it still resulted in the same undesired behavior
Unfortunately I have only a rudimentary understanding of the theory of threading, with no idea how to implement it in C#. Tragically I suspect that this issue is a result of thread mis-management.
Given that the mysterious "extra copies of the Model class" issue was solved. There remains the issue of how you can safely update your UI from a timer scheduled callback.
As was mentioned by #Frank J, your callback will be invoked on a thread pool thread, whereas it is only allowed to update UI elements from the context of the UI thread. This means you will need to marshal the callback's actions performed in the Message method to the UI thread context if they directly or indirectly update UI elements.
The code snippet below shows one way of doing that.
class Model
private readonly SynchronizationContext _synchronizationContext;
private readonly IConnection _connection;
public Model()
// Capture UI synchronization context.
// Note: this assumes that Model is constructed on the UI thread.
_synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
_connection = new DevConnection(MessageCallback);
private void MessageCallback(string payload)
// schedule UI update on the UI thread.
new SendOrPostCallback(ctx => Message(payload)),
private void Message(string payload)
_volume1 = floatValue;
One more piece of advice: I think IConnection should be an IDisposable because you will have to dispose of the timer somewhere.
I have a C# Windows IoT Background application I have created. That application has multiple threads in the ThreadPool that run indefinitely.
These threads need to be able to read/write to global variables in the main thread, but I am not sure how to accomplish this. Here is an example of what I am trying to do:
// main task
public sealed class StartupTask : IBackgroundTask
private static BackgroundTaskDeferral _Deferral = null;
private static MyThreadClass1 thread1 = null;
private static MyThreadClass2 thread2 = null;
private static MyThreadClass3 thread3 = null;
List<Object> MyDevices = null;
public async void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
_Deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
MyDevices = GetDeviceList();
thread1 = new MyThreadClass1();
await ThreadPool.RunAsync(workItem =>
thread2 = new MyThreadClass2();
await ThreadPool.RunAsync(workItem =>
thread3 = new MyThreadClass3();
await ThreadPool.RunAsync(workItem =>
internal class MyThreadClass1
public async void Start()
{ }
internal class MyThreadClass2
public async void Start()
{ }
internal class MyThreadClass3
public async void Start()
{ }
In any of the three threads that are running, I need to be able to read and write to List<Object> MyDevices.
The threads all have different functions, but they all interact with "MyDevices", so if one thread makes a change to that list, the other threads need to know about the change right away.
What is the best way to go about doing this?
These threads need to be able to read/write to global variables in the main thread
The easiest way to deal with this requirement is to remove it. Is it possible to code the solution so that each thread owns a device? Or is it possible to rethink the thread's responsibilities so that they communicate by message passing instead of updating shared data? Usually these alternative approaches result in much cleaner and less buggy code. But not always.
You will need locks to protect shared data. The easiest way to do this is with the lock statement, e.g.:
object _mutex = new object();
List<Object> MyDevices = null;
var device = ...;
lock (_mutex)
Generally, you want to minimize the code in the lock statement. Also, you may want to have one lock for the List<Object> and a separate lock for each item in the list, depending on how your thread use those devices.
One thing you might want to consider using is an ObservableCollection. This class implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, which notifies any listeners of changes to the underlying collection.
Next, you'll want to implement an event handler for PropertyChanged in your Thread classes like so (I recommend making either an interface or base class that handles this since you appear to be using different classes for each Thread):
public sealed class MyThreadBase
private ObservableCollection<object> MyDevices;
public MyThreadBase(ObservableCollection<object> deviceList)
MyDevices = deviceList;
MyDevices.PropertyChanged += MyDevices_PropertyChanged; // Register listener
private void MyDevices_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
lock (MyDevices)
// Do something with the data...
The lock statement is used so that the thread is blocked when another thread is reading or writing to MyDevices. This is typically important in synchronization and is known as the readers-writers problem. I'd suggest reading up on that and possible solutions as well.
If you intend, however, for each thread to iterate over the devices and do something with each one, then you will run into issues, as iterating over a changing collection is not a good idea (and when using a foreach loop, will actually throw an exception), so keep that in mind too.
other threads need to know about the change right away
If you want low latency notifications, threads must spend the majority of time sleeping on something. E.g. executing Dispatcher.Run() that will sleep waiting for messages/tasks to process.
If that’s your case, you can use ObservableCollection instead of List, and write CollectionChanged handler that forwards notifications for your 3 threads. Or if that’s what you want, forward notifications to 2 other threads, excluding the current one, if you won’t want the thread that initiated the change to process changed event.
I'm not sure if the Dispatcher class is available on Windows IoT platform. Definitely not the case for .NET core. Even if not, high-level building blocks to create one are available. Here’s an example implementation that also implements synchronization context, very simple because relies on high-level ConcurrentQueue and BlockingCollection generic classes.
using kvp = KeyValuePair<SendOrPostCallback, object>;
enum eShutdownReason : byte
class Dispatcher : IDisposable
const int maxQueueLength = 100;
readonly ConcurrentQueue<kvp> m_queue;
readonly BlockingCollection<kvp> m_block;
public Dispatcher()
m_queue = new ConcurrentQueue<kvp>();
m_block = new BlockingCollection<kvp>( m_queue, maxQueueLength );
createdThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
prevContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext( new SyncContext( this ) );
readonly SynchronizationContext prevContext;
readonly int createdThreadId;
class SyncContext : SynchronizationContext
readonly Dispatcher dispatcher;
public SyncContext( Dispatcher dispatcher )
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
// https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/pfxteam/2012/01/20/await-synchronizationcontext-and-console-apps/
public override void Post( SendOrPostCallback cb, object state )
dispatcher.Post( cb, state );
/// <summary>Run the dispatcher. Must be called on the same thread that constructed the object.</summary>
public eShutdownReason Run()
Debug.Assert( Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId == createdThreadId );
while( true )
kvp h;
h = m_block.Take();
catch( Exception ex )
ex.logError( "Dispatcher crashed" );
return eShutdownReason.Unexpected;
if( null == h.Key )
return (eShutdownReason)h.Value;
h.Key( h.Value );
catch( Exception ex )
ex.logError( "Exception in Dispatcher.Run" );
/// <summary>Signal dispatcher to shut down. Can be called from any thread.</summary>
public void Stop( eShutdownReason why )
Logger.Info( "Shutting down, because {0}", why );
Post( null, why );
/// <summary>Post a callback to the queue. Can be called from any thread.</summary>
public void Post( SendOrPostCallback cb, object state = null )
if( !m_block.TryAdd( new kvp( cb, state ) ) )
throw new ApplicationException( "Unable to post a callback to the dispatcher: the dispatcher queue is full" );
void IDisposable.Dispose()
Debug.Assert( Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId == createdThreadId );
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext( prevContext );
Regardless on whether you’ll use built-in Dispatcher or my custom one, all threads must call it’s Run method, then use asynchronous posted tasks, or async methods, to run code within the dispatcher.
I am working on a VS project/solution that is used by different applications. My job is to refactor the project and change it from using xxxAsync method to using BeginInvoke.
I came up to something similar to the following code:
public class AsyncTestModel {
private delegate string DoTaskDelegate();
public static EventHandler<TaskCompletedEventArgs> OnTaskCompleted;
public static void InvokeTask() {
DoTaskDelegate taskDelegate = Task;
taskDelegate.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(TaskCallback), null);
private static string Task() {
return "Thread Task successfully completed.";
private static void TaskCallback(IAsyncResult ar) {
string result = ((DoTaskDelegate)((System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult)ar).AsyncDelegate).EndInvoke(ar);
if (OnTaskCompleted != null) {
OnTaskCompleted(null, new TaskCompletedEventArgs(result));
public class TaskCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs {
private string _message;
public TaskCompletedEventArgs(string message) : base() {
_message = message;
public string Message {
get {
return _message;
I've tested this on a new UI project I've created. The UI project contains a button and a label controls. The UI has the following code:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
AsyncTestModel.OnTaskCompleted += OnTaskCompleted;
private void OnTaskCompleted(object sender, TaskCompletedEventArgs e) {
private void UpdateLabel(string message) {
this.label1.Text = message;
After running this, I've encountered the cross-thread exception saying the the control 'label1' is being accessed from other thread aside the thread that it was created.
Is there a way for me to invoke the OnTaskCompleted event handler on the same thread that calls the BeginInvoke method? I know I could just use the form's InvokeRequired and call the form's BeginInvoke like the following:
private delegate void DoUpdateLabelDelegate(string message);
private void UpdateLabel(string message) {
if (this.InvokeRequired) {
IAsyncResult ar = this.BeginInvoke(new DoUpdateLabelDelegate(UpdateLabel), message);
this.label1.Text = message;
But the solution above will require me to ask and apply that solution to the other development team handling applications that uses my project/solution. Those other developers shouldn't be required to know that the methods hooked to the event handler are running from different thread.
Thanks, in advance.
As designed, no, you have absolutely no idea which thread is the one on which the client's UI runs.
You can arbitrarily demand that your InvokeTask() is to be called from that UI thread. Now you know, you can copy SynchronizationContext.Current in the InvokeTask() method and, later, call its Post() or Send() method to call a method that fires the event. This is the pattern used by, for example, BackgroundWorker and async/await. Do note that copying the Current property is required to make this work, don't skip it.
That of course still won't work when your InvokeTask() method is not called from the UI thread, you'll see that Synchronization.Current is null and have no hope to marshal the call. If that's a concern then you could expose a property of type ISynchronizeInvoke, call it SynchronizingObject. Now it is up to the client code to make the call, they'll have no trouble setting the property, they'll simply assign this in their form class constructor. And you use the property's Post or Send method to call the method that raises the event. This is the pattern used by for example the Process and FileSystemWatcher classes. Don't use it if you expect your library to be used by non-Winforms client apps, unfortunately later GUI libraries like WPF and Silverlight don't implement the interface. Otherwise the exact same problem with approaches like calling Control.Begin/Invoke() yourself.
try to use this, maybe it can help you.
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
//Do something...
Here are my project requirements:
A Windows Service that hosts a WCF service.
The WCF service must initiate and keep track of many threads.
Each thread must be identifiable by a provided key.
There will be many different types of tasks (threads), each with a "maximum running at a time" limit with the additional tasks in a queue until others of same type finish.
What I have so far:
A Windows Service that hosts a WCF service (similar to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms733069(v=vs.110).aspx).
An abstract class containing a Thread (using composition because I cannot extend Thread)
Inside the WCF service class, I have a static instance of a class named MyThreadPool containing a ConcurrentDictionary that keeps record of my running threads.
My questions are:
What is the best way to remove the completed threads from the thread list (on completion of the thread)?
In this scenario, is a static instance of a ConcurrentDictionary a good method to manage threads? If not, what could be recommended?
Some of my code is shown below:
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "...")]
public interface IMyService
void StartProcess(int MIndexId, int MProcessId);
void StopProcess(int MIndexProcessId);
public class MyService : IMyService
private static MyThreadPool threadPool = new MyThreadPool();
public void StopProcess(int MIndexProcessId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void StartProcess(int ItemIdToProcess, int ProcessTypeId)
// call threadPool.LaunchThread(...)
public class MyThreadPool
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, BaseThread> _threads;
public void LaunchThread(BaseThread thread, int ItemIdToProcess)
// set additional data for thread (such as a key and name) for tracking in a database
_threads.AddOrUpdate(ItemIdToProcess, thread, (key, oldValue) => { return oldValue; });
public void KillThread(int ItemIdToProcess)
public abstract class BaseThread
// some additional properties for tracking thread
// ...
private Thread _thread;
protected BaseThread()
_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.RunThread));
_thread.IsBackground = true;
// Thread methods / properties
public void Start() { _thread.Start(); }
public void Join() { _thread.Join(); }
public bool IsAlive { get { return _thread.IsAlive; } }
public string Name
return _thread.Name;
_thread.Name = value;
public void Abort()
public abstract void RunThread();
public class ValidateThread : BaseThread
public override void RunThread()
// indicate to calling thread to remove from thread list();
Make the thread remove itself after it has done all meaningful work. Better yet, use Task with the LongRunning option. Composing tasks is easy.
Seems reasonable. You have avoided a lot of pitfalls already and the design seems solid. One pitfall with WCF services hosted in IIS is that worker processes can die at any time. You avoid that by using a Windows Service.
A Windows Service is mostly an externally started exe like any other.
One thing that is not ok, though, is: _thread.Abort(); Thread.Abort is evil. Cancellation must (not: should) be cooperative in .NET.
I have a WPF application and I need to listen to, and handle events for the lifetime of the application for a certain class.
Is it bad practice to create a wrapper class, create a static instance of it and call "StartListening()"? What if an unhanded exception happens on this static instance? Will it tear down the entire application as it would in an ASP.NET application?
Should I QueueUserWorkItem, create the class, attach events, and then put some kind of while(true){} statement to keep the thread alive?
What is the best practice?
To me this seems like a classic publisher/listener problem.
I would create an interface: IMyClassNameEventListener and make MyClass take an instance of it as a constructor parameter. Then in the constructor I would call the Attach(MyClass obj) method on the interface instance. Of course, the listener would have a singleton lifecycle, it doesn't need to be static.
A slightly better approach would be to use a factory to create instances of MyClass which would then do the attaching, so the Attach call and the dependency are out of the constructor.
Wether the app would fail would be dependent on how you start the listener. You can look into the TaskFactory class, it provides options to handle exception propagation. How would you want the app to behave if the listener fails?
Of course in the listener object itself, you only need to have code run when there is something to handle. So, when you receive an event, you startup a thread. You can use a queue of actions if you'd want to have only one thread running.
Inside the listener class, you might want to have something like the following:
private Queue<Action> ActionQueue = new Queue<Action>();
private object LockObj = new Object();
private volatile bool IsRunning;
public void Attach(Class1 obj)
obj.SomeEvent += this.HandleEvent;
private void HandleEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.ActionQueue.Enque(() => this.Handle(sender, e));
if (!this.IsRunning)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.Loop() );
private void Loop()
this.IsRunning = true;
while ((Action action = this.DequeueAction()) != null)
this.IsRunning = false;
private Action DequeueAction()
lock (this.LockObj)
return this.ActionQueue.Count > 0 ? this.ActionQueue.Dequeue() : null;
private void Handle(object sender, EventArgs e)
//handling code
I'd like to hear opinions on the best way to handle asynchronous operations with the Command pattern. Say we have the following example:
public class MyCommand
// Sets up receiver and does whatever stuff
public void Execute()
The problem is: MyCommand doesn't know whether MyReceiver.DoSomething() has async portions of code. If i wanted to push MyCommand into an undo stack after its execution, i couldn't guarantee that its receiver action has been fully executed, making it uncertain to know if MyCommand reached a state where undoing is possible or not.
I personally thought on the following solution:
Implement some sort of state control in Command
Include "BeginExecute" and "EndExecute" in Command
Include events in MyReceiver and make Command subscribe to them (that seems smelly to me)
To wrap things up, MyCommand would turn into:
public class MyCommand
public MyCommand(MyReceiver receiver)
_myReceiver = receiver;
_myReceiver.DoSomethingFinished += () => this.EndExecute();
public void BeginExecute()
public void EndExecute()
// State handling related stuff
I now have the means to make sure the Command's receiver has finished executing whatever action and it's ready to be pushed into the undo stack. However, to event-spam every single Receiver class that contains async operations really bugs me.
I haven't found much about this topic in the Internet and would love to hear different approaches.
OBS: Make the Command manage all the asynchronous-related code isn't an option :).
I think you've got way too much going on in a single class. I would break it down like this:
// An immutable command, to be handled in-process.
// ICommand is a marker interface with no members.
public class DoSomething : ICommand
public readonly Id;
public DoSomething(Guid id)
Id = id;
// To be handled out-of-process.
public class DoSomethingThatTakesAReallyLongTime : ICommand
public readonly Id;
public DoSomethingThatTakesAReallyLongTime(Guid id)
Id = id;
// This guy could take any number of dependencies: ISomethingRepository, DbContext, etc.
// Doesn't matter, but it's probably gonna have dependencies.
public class DoSomethingHandler : IHandler<DoSomething>
public void Handle(DoSomething command) // IHandler<T>'s only member
// CRUD or call call a domain method
public class CommandService : ICommandService
public void Execute(params ICommand[] commands) // ICommandService's only member
foreach(var command in commands)
var handler = GetHandler(command); // Could use your IOC container.
if (HasAsyncAttribute())
new Action(() => handler.Handle(command)).BeginInvoke(null, null);
// Something that might consume these
public class SomethingController
private readonly ICommandService _commandService;
public SomethingController(ICommandService commandService)
_commandService = commandService;
public void DoSomething(Guid id)
_commandService.Execute(new DoSomething(id));
public void DoSomethingThatTakesAReallyLongTime(Guid id)
_commandService.Execute(new DoSomethingThatTakesAReallyLongTime(id));
The big advantage here is that you can distribute your commands to clients without explicitly dragging along all the dependencies that go with the handlers. The handlers should not be known to the client. All the client needs to know is that it sent a command, and all commands should be assumed to succeed.
Something like this?
public interface ICommand
void Execute();
event EventHandler Finished;
public class MyCommand : ICommand
public MyCommand(MyReceiver receiver)
_myReceiver = receiver;
_myReceiver.DoSomethingFinished += () => Finished(); // dont forget null check here.
public void Execute()
public event EventHandler Finished;
This way, user of this command can register to Finished event so it knows when command has finished its async behaviour and can act acordingly.
Or if you dont wan't to use event, then what about callback?
public class MyCommand : ICommand
public MyCommand(MyReceiver receiver)
_myReceiver = receiver;
public void Execute()
_myReceiver.DoSomething(() => Finished()); // dont forget null check here.
public event EventHandler Finished;
Either way, there simply need to be a way for MyReciever to notify its caller, that it finished. There is no way to bypass it.
First I would add to the name of the method Async to esplicitly signal to your Command class consumer that method executes in async way.
Second, I would add like parameter an Action<T> which will be called as method async call completes. So this method caller can be notified when async sction was terminated.
obj.DoSomethingAsync(... params, Action<T> onComplete)
If you are going to impose the requirement that all processing is completed before control returns to your Execute method, without modifying the calling code's behavior, you could modify the way that your actions execute.
First initialize all your asynchronous calls and block(wait) on the current thread for calls to return. I'm not sure what the nature of your asynchronous calls are, as in if they are in a Thread that you are aware of, or will be returned on an arbitrary thread, but you should be able to come up with some kind of thread synchronization for your problem.
Try using a Semaphore to block current thread(after calling your async methods), and release the semaphore when all your async methods have returned their response(s). This will have the effect of "re-synchronizing" your async calls.
You can use another synchronization method, but a Semaphore is simple enough to understand.