I have 2 server side (dummy) programs which creates a TCP server (TCPListener) and then tries to authenticate the server with X509 certificates (BeginAuthenticateAsServer).
The client program is ready.
The difference between the two server side program is that one of them is a simple console application while the other is a Windows service.
For some reason client can connect to the console application but not to the service. Design is the same in both program.
I'm using the following line to describe the certificate I will use:
serverCertificate = new X509Certificate( "C:\\Users\\Tom\\workspace\\ServerSSL.cer", "12345678" );
I think something is fishy about privilages with the service program but I could not figured out in the last couple of days. Of course, I have the The server mode SSL must use a certificate with the associated private key. error. When I tried to search for answer as help, I got results in topics of IIS / webservices but I'm using a simple Windows 7 Pro.
May I ask your help?
The file ServerSSL.cer most likely contains only certificate, not the private key. That's what the error message tells you.
Try to find pfx or p12 file. Or if you have separate file that contains private key (i.e. .key) you need to make a pfx (p12) file from both of them (.key and .cer). You could use openssl or xca to do that.
I'm trying to instantiate a X509Certificate2 object in a Web Job, in an Azure App Service. The certificate is a PFX file.
When I try to instantiate like this, it fails to use the object in a WS call:
new X509Certificate2(byteArray, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.EphemeralKeySet)
By failing, I mean it starts throwing:
System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.
But when I try like this, the WS works correctly:
new X509Certificate2(byteArray, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet | X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet)
The only difference is the user of X509KeyStorageFlags.EphemeralKeySet. The app is running on .Net Framework 4.7.2. Does anybody know why this happens?
A little explanation: we've had a issue with disk space in the App Service and we've read in some articles and in some SO questions/answers that this could have been caused by the fact that Windows writes to disk all certificates read, thus consuming a lot of space.
One example is this question.
SslStream, on Windows, can't work with EphemeralKeySet keys. The underlying reason is that Windows doesn't do TLS in-proc, but does all of the crypto operations in a different process. Their current functionality doesn't try to export/transport ephemeral keys to that other process, so it fails on the other side with "I can't find the private key".
I am trying to send a push notification to IOS device via PushSharp. For android, it works. For IOS, the call to StopAllServices() hangs forever, without calling any exception handlers.
Could the problem be that I was given a .pem certificate file, and pushsharp requires a .p12 file?
The code is the following:
var br = new PushBroker();
br.OnNotificationSent += br_OnNotificationSent;
br.OnNotificationFailed += br_OnNotificationFailed;
br.OnChannelException += br_OnChannelException;
br.OnServiceException += br_OnServiceException;
br.OnDeviceSubscriptionChanged += br_OnDeviceSubscriptionChanged;
br.OnDeviceSubscriptionExpired += br_OnDeviceSubscriptionExpired;
br.OnChannelCreated += br_OnChannelCreated;
br.OnChannelDestroyed += br_OnChannelDestroyed;
var appleCert = Resource1.ck; // this is a pem file, not a p12 file!!! could this be the problem?
var sandbox = true;
br.RegisterAppleService(new ApplePushChannelSettings(!sandbox, appleCert, "223684"));
// password given to me by ios developer
var deviceIds = new string[] { "09eddcb8b89494adf802a0caf97d5daaa789a53f52d8c544dbdcf39f2c0b619a" };
foreach (var did in deviceIds)
new AppleNotification()
.ForDeviceToken(did)//the recipient device id
.WithAlert("test: " + DateTime.Now.ToString())//the message
br.StopAllServices(waitForQueuesToFinish: true); // hangs forever, no callbacks are called
I am using PushSharp taken via Git, and compiled by myself with Visual Studio 2013, as of yesterday.
The hang happens both if the code is in a console application and in an asp.net application.
I am using the sandbox, because I was told to. If I use the production server, I get an exception telling me that the certificate is for the sandbox.
Thanks for any hint as to the cause of the freeze.
We spent a whole day trying to guess the problem!
In the end it was in the wrong Newtonsoft.Json version
Some of the projects in our solution were dependant on the older version of this library as a result we had bad luck to get wrong version in the /bin folder of the Web project.
You can wait few seconds for br_OnNotificationFailed or any other event probably. It should contain some error description.
Nevertheless, I've found out PushSharp has strict requirements about certificates usage. PEM should be OK but it is not enough, even if you import it from file - you should have all necessary certificates in Windows certificates store (pem itself and its dependecies):
Import your PEM to Local Machine\Root storage and give read access rights of its private key to the user of your running application
Import from Apple site certificates Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and Apple Root CA into Local Machine\Trusted Root Certification Authorities
Import Entrust Secure CA certificate (for SSL as described in iOS Developer Library) into Local Machine\Trusted Root Certification Authorities
In the end it was a certificate problem. The .pem I was given is not accepted by PushSharp. Only when I was given a .p12 created with this guide
, the problem was solved.
However, PushSharp should have raised an exception instead of hanging.
An ASP.NET application is NOT the ideal place to use PushSharp. You'd be better off using a Windows Service, or some other infrastructure if at all possible. The reason is that in an ASP.NET application, the Application Pool (AppPool) can be restarted on you and is usually not under your direct control, which means all the Queued notifications that PushSharp may be in the process of sending could be lost if PushSharp is not cleaned up gracefully.
If you MUST run PushSharp in an ASP.NET application, the best way is to create a singleton PushBroker instance in your Global.asax file. You should keep this singleton instance around for the lifespan of your web application, including a call to pushBroker.StopAllServices() when your Application is ending (Application_End in global.asax).
You can help mitigate losing messages due to unforeseen App Pool terminations or restarts by persisting notifications you want to send in some other way, and only removing them from that persistent storage once the OnNotificationSent event has fired. This is still not perfect (you may risk multiple notification deliveries), but it's probably adequate for most.
You should not be creating and destroying instances of PushBroker each time you send a notification, as this uses unnecessary resources and if you're using Apple APNS, they require you to keep the connection to their servers open as long as possible when sending notifications. You should also call pushBroker.StopAllServices() in your Application_Ended event in your Global.asax. Keep in mind that PushSharp works.
Ref: https://github.com/Redth/PushSharp/issues/240
I have a Windows Service which polls Azure subscription logs (API: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/gg715318.aspx)
On my local development machine the service is set to log on as my account. The X509 certificate was imported under CurrentUser\Personal and in the source code where I check the cert store I have:
X509Store certStore = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
The service works fine on my dev machine, it can retrieve data from the API.
On the testing machine I get this error:
The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
The service is set to log on as a specific user, dmz\aaseclg1 and the current user\personal cert store has the required certificate.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: image of password prompt:
I have seen this error when I export the certificate from the machine on which it is created and while exporting, I choose to import it in .cer format (i.e. without exporting private keys). Can you try by exporting the certificate from your dev box in pfx format and then copy the file on your test box and import it again in your test box by selecting the file and installing the certificate?
I was able to reproduce this. When you import the certificate, please make sure that you have unchecked the checkbox which reads "Enable strong private key protection" as shown in the screenshot below.
When I check this checkbox, every time I use this certificate it prompts me to enter a password. Now I was using a GUI application so I could see that box. In your case since you are consuming the certificate through a Windows Service (a non UI thingie), this box never shows and you think the service is hanging.
If I use HttpsURLConnection in a Java program and try to open an URL starting with https:// I'll get an error message:
unable to find valid certification path to requested target
and the solution I found is to add the server certificate to the client certificate storage. But if I write a C# program that uses HttpWebRequest then I don't have to add anything anywhere.
So for me it looks like a C# client "just works" and a Java client only works after being tweaked with a hammer.
Why is an extra step required for a Java client? Can I somehow skip saving the certificate to the client storage of JVM?
HttpWebRequest will use Window's own certificate store to validate certificates, i.e. the same as IE. If your IE can validate the certificate correctly, either by having the certificate or a CA path back to a trusted root, then HttpWebRequest should accept the certificate OK.
In the Java case I suspect adding the server certificate itself is wrong, unless it's self-signed in which case you'll have no choice. You should add the CA path back to a trusted root instead - you can probably pull these certificates out of Windows's CA store or download them from the root CA's website if you need them.
I believe it is because C# uses the same HTTP client as MSIE, so it has a lot of pre-installed SSL certificates including one that your use. JVM has less certificates pre-installed.
By default, Java uses its own set of trust anchors (in the default truststore, see the JSSE Reference Guide).
If you want to use the Windows certificate store, you can use the Windows-ROOT keystore as a trust store.
A good source of information on this topic is the Leveraging Security in the Native Platform Using Java SE 6 Technology and Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Reference Guide on the Oracle site.
If you want Java to use the Windows certificate store to validate certificates then you can specify the the following system properties on launch:
-Djavax.net.ssl.keyStoreType=Windows-MY -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=Windows-ROOT
If you want only one connection to use the Windows certificate store to validate certificates you can modify the following code to fit your needs:
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-MY");
ks.load(null, null);
KeyStore ts = KeyStore.getInstance("Windows-ROOT");
ts.load(null, null);
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory
kmf.init(ks, new char[0]);
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
ctx.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
URL url = new URL("https://some.web.site.org");
javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection urlConnection =
(javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
try (InputStream in = urlConnection.getInputStream();) {
byte[] chunk = new byte[1024];
for (int len; (len = in.read(chunk)) > -1;) {
System.out.write(chunk, 0, len);
} finally {
I'm trying to use the HttpListener class in a C# application to have a mini webserver serve content over SSL. In order to do this I need to use the httpcfg tool. I have a .pfx file with my public and private key pair. If I import this key pair manually using mmc into the local machine store, everything works fine. However, if I import this key pair programmatically using the X509Store class, I am not able to connect to my mini webserver. Note that in both methods the cert is getting imported to the MY store in LocalMachine. Oddly, I am able to view the certificate in mmc once I programmatically import it and when I view it, the UI indicates that a private key is also available for this certificate.
Digging a little deeper, I notice that when I manually import the key pair, I can see a new file appear in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys, but one does not appear when I import programmatically. On a related note, when I delete a manually imported certificate, it does not remove the corresponding private key file from the previously mentioned directory.
Ultimately, my question is this: When I programmatically add the certificate to the store, where is the private key being stored and why isn't it accessible to the HttpListener class (HttpApi)?
Note that this question is slightly related but I don't think permissioning is the problem since this is all being done as the same Windows user:
How to set read permission on the private key file of X.509 certificate from .NET
Ok, I figured it out. It had to do with the key storage parameters for the certificate object. For anyone else that runs into this problem, make sure you construct your X509Certificate2 objects that you are adding to the store using the X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet and X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet flags. This will force the private key to persist in the machine key set location which is required by HttpApi (HttpListener wraps this).
Is this a 2 way SSL? If it is then did you send over a SSL Certificate Request file generated on your machine? This Certificate Request file will be used to create the SSL and they together form a public private key pair.
Also did you try assigning the cert permission for the user account that is being used to run the web app? You can do this by using the Microsoft WSE 3.0 tool.
Not exactly the answer to your question, but here for reference of others going down this path:
Here is a link to a MS chat that gives sample C# code to do what httpcfg does, thus eliminating the need for the tool on deployment.