I have added the SOAP services to my C# project and created a small application around it to test bing out. Everything is fine except the GeocodeServiceClient. From every example I've found, the following is fine
var geocodeService = new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
However, when I come to build, I'm finding that I need two parameters for the GeocodeServiceClient. Delving further, it seems that the base class needs the second parameter
public GeocodeServiceClient(EndpointConfiguration endpointConfiguration)
: base(GeocodeServiceClient.GetBindingForEndpoint(endpointConfiguration), GeocodeServiceClient.GetEndpointAddress(endpointConfiguration))
What is this second parameter that I need to pass in?
For completeness, here is the code I'm using
void GeocodeAddress(string address)
var geocodeRequest = new GeocodeRequest
Credentials = new Credentials
ApplicationId = App.Self.APIKEY,
Query = address,
Address = new Address()
var filters = new ConfidenceFilter[1];
filters[0] = new ConfidenceFilter();
filters[0].MinimumConfidence = Confidence.High;
var geocodeOptions = new GeocodeOptions
Filters = new ObservableCollection<FilterBase>(filters)
geocodeRequest.Options = geocodeOptions;
var geocodeService = new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
var myLoc = new Location();
geocodeService.GeocodeCompleted += async (object sender, GeocodeCompletedEventArgs e) =>
if (e.Error == null)
if (e.Result.Results.Length > 0)
if (e.Result.Results[0].Locations.Length > 0)
myLoc = e.Result.Results[0].Locations[0];
var uri = await Map.GetMapUri(myLoc.Latitude, myLoc.Longitude, 2, "HYBRID", 300, 300);
await Navigation.PushAsync(new Map(uri));
Don't use the legacy Bing Maps SOAP services. They are old, slow and haven't been updated in years. The documentation for this service isn't even online anymore. This service was replaced by the Bing Maps REST service 5 years ago. You can find information on the Bing Maps REST services here:
You can find documentation on using these services in .NET here:
I'm creating a new customer and adding them to a subscription in one call like so:
var customerService = new CustomerService();
var myCustomer = new CustomerCreateOptions
Email = stripeEmail,
Source = stripeToken,
Plan = StripeData.MonthlySubscriptionPlanId
Customer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(myCustomer);
Then I used to be able to do this:
myLocalUser.StripeCustomerId = stripeCustomer.Id;
myLocalUser.StripeSubscriptionId = stripeCustomer.Subscriptions.Data[0]?.Id;
But now the API isn't returning the customer's subscriptions so the second line fails
I'm now having to call the API again with this ugly code to get the customer's subscriptionId:
if (stripeCustomer.Subscriptions != null)
user.StripeSubscriptionId = stripeCustomer.Subscriptions.Data[0]?.Id;
//get subscriptionId
var cust = customerService.Get(stripeCustomer.Id, new CustomerGetOptions
Expand = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string> { "subscriptions" }
if (cust.Subscriptions.Any())
stripeSubscriptionId = cust.Subscriptions.First().Id;
CustomerService.Create() doesn't have the same Expand parameter option that the Get() method does...
This is expected, as subscriptions are no longer included by default on a customer object unless you expand them since API version 2020-08-27.
Creating a customer with a source and plan is still possible (although not the recommended integration path anymore since you might run into problems with 3DS and tax rates), although since you are on a newer API version you won't get the subscriptions list back. If you can you should update to creating subscriptions via their own API.
If you however still want to use this old integration path, you can still get the subscriptions back in the customer create call, you just need to expand the subscriptions on creation:
var customerService = new CustomerService();
var myCustomer = new CustomerCreateOptions
Email = stripeEmail,
Source = stripeToken,
Plan = StripeData.MonthlySubscriptionPlanId
Customer stripeCustomer = customerService.Create(myCustomer);
I'm trying to make a targetingIdeaService API call to Google AdWords. This is my code so far:
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
var user = new AdWordsUser();
using (TargetingIdeaService targetingIdeaService = (TargetingIdeaService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201802.TargetingIdeaService))
// Create selector.
TargetingIdeaSelector selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector();
selector.requestType = RequestType.IDEAS;
selector.ideaType = IdeaType.KEYWORD;
selector.requestedAttributeTypes = new AttributeType[] {
// Set selector paging (required for targeting idea service).
var paging = Paging.Default;
// Create related to query search parameter.
var relatedToQuerySearchParameter =
new RelatedToQuerySearchParameter
{ queries = new String[] { "bakery", "pastries", "birthday cake" } };
var searchParameters = new List<SearchParameter> { relatedToQuerySearchParameter };
var page = new TargetingIdeaPage();
page = targetingIdeaService.get(selector);
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
it looks ok, compiles at last, and so on. But then I went into debug mode. And I saw this:
So as you can see, the variable doesn't have the access token. The other data comes from app.config file.
I am quite certain the keys passed in are correct.
Then the code throws the famous invalid_grand error. In my case, I believe that's because the access token is not being generated. I'm new to AdWords and ASP.NET, so I probably missed something, but I have no idea what.
I used the
Code Structure instructions, and
code examples to put it all together.
I had my configuration wrong. I had to recreate all the credentials using incognito window. If you have any issues just open a thread here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/adwords-api
I am trying to get the total count of api keys in my API gateway via SDK.
However I am unsure on the proper implementation of the parameters that the GetApiKeysRequest takes in. My main objective is to get the count of all API keys that are already existing for my account.
The code I have so far looks like this :
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var awsUserAccessKey = "xxxxx";
var awsUserSecretKey = "yyyyyyyyyyy";
var regionEndpoint = "us-west-2";
var keysInRepository = new GetApiKeysRequest
CustomerId = "",
IncludeValues = true||false,
NameQuery = "",
Position = ""
var client = new AmazonAPIGatewayClient(awsUserAccessKey, awsUserSecretKey, regionEndpoint);
var apiKeys =client.GetApiKeys(keysInRepository);
This code throws an error saying that The security token included in the request is invalid (Amazon.APIGateway exception).I am unsure on how to set the parameters for this request.
Because the AmazonAPIGatewayClient you are using as described here takes three string arguments and the last one is awsSessionToken i think you are confusing with this one which takes as third argument RegionEndpoint
Do something like that instead :
var client = new AmazonAPIGatewayClient(awsUserAccessKey, awsUserSecretKey, RegionEndpoint.USWest2);
For someone looking for a solution to similar problems, this worked :
var awsUserAccessKey = "xxxx";
var awsUserSecretKey = "yyyyy";
var regionEndpointName = "us-west-2";
var regionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(regionEndpointName);
var keysInRepository = new GetApiKeysRequest
Limit = 500
//define the key and its fields
var client = new AmazonAPIGatewayClient(awsUserAccessKey, awsUserSecretKey, regionEndpoint);
var apiKeys = client.GetApiKeys(keysInRepository);
Console.WriteLine("Current number of api keys:{0}", apiKeys.Items.Count);
I'm using the AWS SDK with C# in Visual Studio 2017, and have a prototype working which launches a Fargate service in ECS. As part of the setup, you instantiate a CreateServiceRequest object which requires a NetworkConfiguration.AwsVpcConfiguration setting with SecurityGroups and Subnets.
var request = new CreateServiceRequest();
request.ServiceName = "myService";
request.TaskDefinition = "myTask"; // family[:revision] of the task definition to use
request.ClientToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); // max 32 characters!
request.Cluster = "default";
request.DesiredCount = 1;
request.LaunchType = LaunchType.FARGATE;
request.DeploymentConfiguration = new DeploymentConfiguration
MaximumPercent = 100,
MinimumHealthyPercent = 50
// configure the network and security groups for the task
List<string> securityGroups = new List<string>();
List<string> subnets = new List<string>();
request.NetworkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration
AwsvpcConfiguration = new AwsVpcConfiguration
AssignPublicIp = AssignPublicIp.ENABLED,
SecurityGroups = securityGroups,
Subnets = subnets
When I configure a service manually via the AWS Console, they display a list of subnets from which to choose. So, I'm wondering how I might programmatically retrieve that list of subnets which are available in our VPC.
I'm searching their SDK documentation for possible solutions, any pointers to their docs or examples is appreciated!
Take a look at EC2Client, you'll find a lot of VPC-related APIs are associated with the EC2 service. Specifically check out AmazonEC2Client.DescribeSubnets(DescribeSubnetsRequest), method documentation here:
Response contains a list of Amazon.EC2.Model.Subnet that you will retrieve string property SubnetId from, when deciding which subnet to pass on to your Fargate request.
Example Usage (From the linked documentation):
var response = client.DescribeSubnets(new DescribeSubnetsRequest
Filters = new List<filter> {
new Filter {
Name = "vpc-id",
Values = new List<string> {
List<subnet> subnets = response.Subnets;
Further Reading
AWS Documentation - EC2Client - Search this document for 'DescribeSubnets' to find async variants of this SDK method.
This is pretty general, but I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to consume some of the more complicated Sabre APIs.
I have built working .NET proxy classes in C# using the WSDL for the basic APIs (CreateSession, CloseSession) but for the more complicated APIs I have a really hard time parsing out the complicated XML schema to figure out which methods to call in my program.
Are there any other .NET resources/examples out there that aren't wrapped up in MVC like the code example that Sabre posted on GitHub?
I'm trying to figure out how to use APIs like OTA_AirPriceLLSRQ and TravelItineraryReadRQ.
Thanks in advance for any help!
As I mentioned on the comments, you should not focus on the actual MVC wrapping, as you'll be mainly putting stuff in the Model, or actually you'll put this somewhere else and consume it in the model.
Anyway, just for you to have as example, here's a VERY generic BFM (BargianFinderMax) class. With this approach it's required to create an instance, and after calling the Execute method it stores the response in the instance.
I hope it helps.
using BargainFinderMaxRQv310Srvc;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace ServicesMethods
public class BFM_v310
private BargainFinderMaxService service;
private OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ request;
public OTA_AirLowFareSearchRS response;
public BFM_v310(string token, string pcc, string convId, string endpoint)
MessageHeader mHeader = new MessageHeader();
PartyId[] pId = { new PartyId() };
pId[0].Value = "SWS";
From from = new From();
from.PartyId = pId;
To to = new To();
to.PartyId = pId;
mHeader.Action = "BargainFinderMaxRQ";
mHeader.Service = new Service()
Value = mHeader.Action
mHeader.ConversationId = convId;
mHeader.CPAId = pcc;
mHeader.From = from;
mHeader.To = to;
mHeader.MessageData = new MessageData()
Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString()
Security security = new Security();
security.BinarySecurityToken = token;
service = new BargainFinderMaxService();
service.MessageHeaderValue = mHeader;
service.SecurityValue = security;
service.SoapVersion = System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapProtocolVersion.Soap11;
service.Url = endpoint;
private void createRequest(string pcc)
request = new BargainFinderMaxRQv310Srvc.OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ();
request.AvailableFlightsOnly = true;
request.Version = "3.1.0";
request.POS = new SourceType[1];
SourceType source = new SourceType();
source.PseudoCityCode = pcc;
source.RequestorID = new UniqueID_Type();
source.RequestorID.ID = "1";
source.RequestorID.Type = "1";
source.RequestorID.CompanyName = new CompanyNameType();
source.RequestorID.CompanyName.Code = "TN";
source.RequestorID.CompanyName.CodeContext = "Context";
request.POS[0] = source;
OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQOriginDestinationInformation originDestination = new OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQOriginDestinationInformation();
originDestination.OriginLocation = new OriginDestinationInformationTypeOriginLocation();
originDestination.OriginLocation.LocationCode = "BCN";
originDestination.DestinationLocation = new OriginDestinationInformationTypeDestinationLocation();
originDestination.DestinationLocation.LocationCode = "MAD";
originDestination.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.DepartureDateTime;
originDestination.Item = "2017-09-10T12:00:00";
originDestination.RPH = "1";
request.OriginDestinationInformation = new OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQOriginDestinationInformation[1] { originDestination };
request.TravelerInfoSummary = new TravelerInfoSummaryType()
AirTravelerAvail = new TravelerInformationType[1]
request.TravelerInfoSummary.AirTravelerAvail[0] = new TravelerInformationType()
PassengerTypeQuantity = new PassengerTypeQuantityType[1]
PassengerTypeQuantityType passenger = new PassengerTypeQuantityType()
Quantity = "1",
Code = "ADT"
request.TravelerInfoSummary.AirTravelerAvail[0].PassengerTypeQuantity[0] = passenger;
request.TravelerInfoSummary.PriceRequestInformation = new PriceRequestInformationType();
request.TravelerInfoSummary.PriceRequestInformation.CurrencyCode = "USD";
//PriceRequestInformationTypeNegotiatedFareCode nego = new PriceRequestInformationTypeNegotiatedFareCode();
//nego.Code = "ABC";
//request.TravelerInfoSummary.PriceRequestInformation.Items = new object[1] { nego };
request.TPA_Extensions = new OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQTPA_Extensions();
request.TPA_Extensions.IntelliSellTransaction = new TransactionType();
request.TPA_Extensions.IntelliSellTransaction.RequestType = new TransactionTypeRequestType();
request.TPA_Extensions.IntelliSellTransaction.RequestType.Name = "50ITIN";
public bool Execute()
response = service.BargainFinderMaxRQ(request);
return response.PricedItinCount > 0;
My advice is you should add separate models which are built based on Sabre models, and which flatten the whole structure.
For example, TravelItineraryReadRS is a quite complicated document. Using it properties in your program is a real "pain", because every time you need to remember the whole path that leads to to specific information (like, "what is passenger type for PersonName of NameNumber 01.01?").
I suggest you have dedicated model (let's name it Reservation), which have all information that you will need later in your application, extracted from TravelItineraryReadRs.
In order to achieve this you need a dedicated converter which will make convert TravelItineraryReadRs model into Reservation model. Now, inside Reservation model you could have list of Passenger models, which have in on place all important information (NameNumber, PassengerType, SSR codes, etc).
This improves readability and as a bonus you decouple your application from Sabre (imagine, one day someone asks "can we switch from Sabre to Amadeus?" - if you use dedicated models the answer is "yes". If you don't have, then the answer is "probably yes, but it will take 6-9 months).