I have the following two classes:
public class Record
public int RecordId { get; set; }
public DateTime? InsertDate { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;
public DateTime BookingDate { get; set; }
public string AmountTypeName { get; set; }
public double? Amount { get; set; }
public string BookingAccountID { get; set; }
public string AccountCurrency { get; set; }
public string ClientCurrency { get; set; }
public string AffectsBalance { get; set; }
public double? AmountAccountCurrency { get; set; }
public string AmountClientCurrency { get; set; }
public int UnifiedInstrumentCode { get; set; }
public InstrumentInfo InstrumentInfo { get; set; }
public class InstrumentInfo
public int UnifiedInstrumentCode { get; set; }
public ICollection<Record> Record { get; set; }
public string AssetType { get; set; }
public int UnderlyingInstrumentUic { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentSubType { get; set; }
public string InstrumentSymbol { get; set; }
public string InstrumentDescription { get; set; }
public string InstrumentSubType { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentAssetType { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentDescription { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentSymbol { get; set; }
that I want to use as my context for EF6.
I defined the context the following way:
public class TransactionsContext: DbContext
public DbSet<Record> Records { get; set; }
public DbSet<InstrumentInfo> InstrumentInfos { get; set; }
public TransactionsContext()
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
If I run a test against it that shall add and InstrumentInfo object to the DB
public void AddInstrumentInfo_Added_IsTrue()
InstrumentInfo info = FakeFactory.GetInstrumentInfo();
using (var ctx = new TransactionsContext())
I get the following exception:
SqlException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column
'UnifiedInstrumentCode', table
'TransactionsContext.dbo.InstrumentInfoes'; column does not allow
nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.
I tried all different scenarios that I found here but I couldn't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
The ultimate goal is that i define my two classes in a way so that a "Record" is linked to the "InstrumentInfo" table via the "UnifiedInstrumentCode" property.
My guess is that my constraints for this two tables are still not correct, but I cant figure out how to define it in EF6 (code first) to get this working.
Adding the annotation [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)] to my primary key in InstrumentInfo solved the problem:
public class InstrumentInfo
public int UnifiedInstrumentCode { get; set; }
public ICollection<Record> Record { get; set; }
public string AssetType { get; set; }
public int UnderlyingInstrumentUic { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentSubType { get; set; }
public string InstrumentSymbol { get; set; }
public string InstrumentDescription { get; set; }
public string InstrumentSubType { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentAssetType { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentDescription { get; set; }
public string UnderlyingInstrumentSymbol { get; set; }
I did not investigate further but my guess is that if a new Record is added, EF initially creates and InstrumentInfo object that has a Null Value for its Primary key which causes the Exception.
I hope it helps if somebody runs into the same problem in future.
So I created a class using json2csharp
public class ResponseType
public class Query
public string q { get; set; }
public object sku { get; set; }
public int limit { get; set; }
public object reference { get; set; }
public object mpn_or_sku { get; set; }
public string mpn { get; set; }
public object brand { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public int start { get; set; }
public object seller { get; set; }
public class Request
public bool exact_only { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public List<Query> queries { get; set; }
public class Seller
public string display_flag { get; set; }
public bool has_ecommerce { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public string homepage_url { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public class Prices
public List<List<object>> USD { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> JPY { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> CNY { get; set; }
public class Offer
public string sku { get; set; }
public string packaging { get; set; }
public string on_order_eta { get; set; }
public string last_updated { get; set; }
public int? order_multiple { get; set; }
public int in_stock_quantity { get; set; }
public string eligible_region { get; set; }
public int? moq { get; set; }
public int? on_order_quantity { get; set; }
public object octopart_rfq_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public Seller seller { get; set; }
public string product_url { get; set; }
public object factory_order_multiple { get; set; }
public string _naive_id { get; set; }
public int? factory_lead_days { get; set; }
public Prices prices { get; set; }
public bool is_authorized { get; set; }
public bool is_realtime { get; set; }
public class Brand
public string homepage_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public class Manufacturer
public string homepage_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public class Item
public List<Offer> offers { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public string mpn { get; set; }
public List<object> redirected_uids { get; set; }
public Brand brand { get; set; }
public string octopart_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public Manufacturer manufacturer { get; set; }
public class Result
public List<Item> items { get; set; }
public int hits { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public object reference { get; set; }
public object error { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public int msec { get; set; }
public Request request { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public List<Result> results { get; set; }
The problem is at design-time, when I declare a variable with the type of my class:
ResponseType Response = new ResponseType();
Intellisense does not allow me to access the subclasses RootObject.results list. It only shows Equals, GetHashCode, GetType and ToString. I am assuming I did something wrong in my class declaration.
Thank you in advance!
Edit -- I am fairly new to C Sharp. I am trying to parse a response from a REST API. I took the JSON provided by the Rest API and converted it using json2csharp into a class. My intent was to do something like this
Within a function return:
public ResponseType ExecuteSearch(String PartNumber)
// Perform the search and obtain results
var data = client.Execute(req).Content;
JSON = data;
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseType>(data);
Then being able to access the response as an object outside of the function
Edit 2:
I figured out what I did. Instead of nesting everything within the ResponseType I should have simply renamed RootObject to ResponseType.
Intellisense does not allow me to access the subclasses RootObject.results list
it is because the property results is not static and you try to acces it this way. A static property is accessed via ClassName.PropertyName. For more information on static variables check the link.
It only shows Equals, GetHashCode, GetType and ToString
This is the basic set of methods that every object in C# inherits from the class object. This is why you can see it.
Intellisense will allow you to do this:
ResponseType.RootObject ro = new ResponseType.RootObject();
because you will need an Instance of that class to acces the property results.
I am assuming I did something wrong in my class declaration.
It depends. Basically if the compiler does not complain then you declared your classes as supposed to be. But the declaration of the properties commands you to access them in a specific way. So if you still want to access results with RootObject.results you need to make it static:
public class RootObject
public static List<Result> results { get; set; }
But note that this list will exist only once! and is not individual to each instance of RootObject! Since you have embedded classes you need to call it like this:
I guess you would like to get the Object of type RootObject inside the Object of type ResponseType. If I am right then it is not necessary to declare the classes inside ResponseType but you have to declare variables of each type inside it like:
public class ResponseType
public RootObject MyRootObject{ get; set; }
public class RootObject
public int msec { get; set; }
public Request request { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public List<Result> results { get; set; }
Now you will be able to access the results variable inside the ResponseType object:
ResponseType rt = new ResponseType();
For more information on how to deserialize JSON to classes please read the Deserialize JSON to C# Classes post
1) Object with ResponseType class isn't contain any fields(event static one).
2) You declare ResponseType object, but results is field of RootObject object.
So if you want to work with results you should do something like this:
ResponseType.RootObject rootObject = new ResponseType.RootObject();
Below is what I think you are trying to do. I would only use it in this form if this is some kind of Data Transfer Object (DTO) because otherwise it is pretty bad practice for a class that would be used in code (mostly because of the public getters and setters on all of the fields and the field names matching the class name), but it does show your main mistake and that is that classes need to be defined outside of your main class and if you need that type of class in your top level class you need to define a public field to access it.
public class ResponseType
public Query Query { get; set; }
public Request Request { get; set; }
public Seller Seller { get; set; }
public Prices Prices { get; set; }
public Offer Offer { get; set; }
public Brand Brand { get; set; }
public Manufacturer Manufacturer { get; set; }
public Item Item { get; set; }
public Result Result { get; set; }
public RootObject RootObject { get; set; }
public class Query
public string q { get; set; }
public object sku { get; set; }
public int limit { get; set; }
public object reference { get; set; }
public object mpn_or_sku { get; set; }
public string mpn { get; set; }
public object brand { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public int start { get; set; }
public object seller { get; set; }
public class Request
public bool exact_only { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public List<Query> queries { get; set; }
public class Seller
public string display_flag { get; set; }
public bool has_ecommerce { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public string homepage_url { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public class Prices
public List<List<object>> USD { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> JPY { get; set; }
public List<List<object>> CNY { get; set; }
public class Offer
public string sku { get; set; }
public string packaging { get; set; }
public string on_order_eta { get; set; }
public string last_updated { get; set; }
public int? order_multiple { get; set; }
public int in_stock_quantity { get; set; }
public string eligible_region { get; set; }
public int? moq { get; set; }
public int? on_order_quantity { get; set; }
public object octopart_rfq_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public Seller seller { get; set; }
public string product_url { get; set; }
public object factory_order_multiple { get; set; }
public string _naive_id { get; set; }
public int? factory_lead_days { get; set; }
public Prices prices { get; set; }
public bool is_authorized { get; set; }
public bool is_realtime { get; set; }
public class Brand
public string homepage_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public class Manufacturer
public string homepage_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public class Item
public List<Offer> offers { get; set; }
public string uid { get; set; }
public string mpn { get; set; }
public List<object> redirected_uids { get; set; }
public Brand brand { get; set; }
public string octopart_url { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public Manufacturer manufacturer { get; set; }
public class Result
public List<Item> items { get; set; }
public int hits { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public object reference { get; set; }
public object error { get; set; }
public class RootObject
public int msec { get; set; }
public Request request { get; set; }
public string __class__ { get; set; }
public List<Result> results { get; set; }
I am getting Json data from a web server, but when I try to deserialize it to objects, I am not getting any data. The Json string looks like this:
{"success":true,"data":[{"Id":6,"CustomerGuid":"70b390d8-82d5-4bba-aa68-fc8268a1b1ff","UserName":"victoria_victoria#nopCommerce.com","Email":"victoria_victoria#nopCommerce.com","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472393)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472393)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":5,"CustomerGuid":"eb9e6f24-f362-4c10-942a-366e2919dc11","UserName":"brenda_lindgren#nopCommerce.com","Email":"brenda_lindgren#nopCommerce.com","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472363)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472363)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":4,"CustomerGuid":"9f46dbae-6942-410c-90b8-9b38a0890064","UserName":"james_pan#nopCommerce.com","Email":"james_pan#nopCommerce.com","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472317)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472317)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":3,"CustomerGuid":"6277386b-13ee-427b-9cfe-4ebfa487c340","UserName":"arthur_holmes#nopCommerce.com","Email":"arthur_holmes#nopCommerce.com","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472253)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472253)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":2,"CustomerGuid":"241f45f1-b38c-4e22-8c5a-743fa3276620","UserName":"steve_gates#nopCommerce.com","Email":"steve_gates#nopCommerce.com","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":false,"Active":false,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":null,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933472207)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":null,"LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1472933472207)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[]},{"Id":1,"CustomerGuid":"a940dc03-5f52-47d2-9391-8597b3b31cf2","UserName":"tony#lakesideos.com","Email":"tony#lakesideos.com","CustomerRoles":[{"Id":1,"Name":"Administrators","SystemName":"Administrators"},{"Id":2,"Name":"Forum Moderators","SystemName":"ForumModerators"},{"Id":3,"Name":"Registered","SystemName":"Registered"}],"AdminComment":null,"IsTaxExempt":false,"AffiliateId":0,"VendorId":0,"HasShoppingCartItems":true,"Active":true,"Deleted":false,"IsSystemAccount":false,"SystemName":null,"LastIpAddress":"","CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1472933470783)\/","LastLoginDateUtc":"\/Date(1477522483903)\/","LastActivityDateUtc":"\/Date(1477523996553)\/","ExternalAuthenticationRecords":[],"ShoppingCartItems":[{"Id":1,"StoreId":1,"ShoppingCartTypeId":1,"CustomerId":1,"ProductId":18,"AttributesXml":null,"CustomerEnteredPrice":0.0000,"Quantity":1,"CreatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1473801903447)\/","UpdatedOnUtc":"\/Date(1473803336207)\/","IsFreeShipping":false,"IsShipEnabled":true,"AdditionalShippingCharge":0.0000,"IsTaxExempt":false}]}]}
I created these classes from the recommendation given in this link:
I used this to create the classes: json2csharp
Response class:
class Response
bool success;
IList<Customer> data;
Customer class:
class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string CustomerGuid { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public List<CustomerRole> CustomerRoles { get; set; }
public object AdminComment { get; set; }
public bool IsTaxExempt { get; set; }
public int AffiliateId { get; set; }
public int VendorId { get; set; }
public bool HasShoppingCartItems { get; set; }
public bool Active { get; set; }
public bool Deleted { get; set; }
public bool IsSystemAccount { get; set; }
public object SystemName { get; set; }
public string LastIpAddress { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public DateTime? LastLoginDateUtc { get; set; }
public DateTime LastActivityDateUtc { get; set; }
public List<object> ExternalAuthenticationRecords { get; set; }
public List<object> ShoppingCartItems { get; set; }
CustomerRole class:
class CustomerRole
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string SystemName { get; set; }
ExternalAuthenticationRecord class:
class ExternalAuthenticationRecord
public int Id { get; set; }
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public object ExternalIdentifier { get; set; }
public object ExternalDisplayIdentifier { get; set; }
public object OAuthToken { get; set; }
public object OAuthAccessToken { get; set; }
public string ProviderSystemName { get; set; }
ShoppingCartItem class:
class ShoppingCartItem
public int Id { get; set; }
public int StoreId { get; set; }
public int ShoppingCartTypeId { get; set; }
public int CustomerId { get; set; }
public int ProductId { get; set; }
public object AttributesXml { get; set; }
public double CustomerEnteredPrice { get; set; }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public DateTime CreatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public DateTime UpdatedOnUtc { get; set; }
public bool IsFreeShipping { get; set; }
public bool IsShipEnabled { get; set; }
public double AdditionalShippingCharge { get; set; }
public bool IsTaxExempt { get; set; }
I am using this statement to deserialzie the Json string: Response res = (Response)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(customerJson, (typeof(Response)));
When I stop it in the debugger, it shows "res" as data: null and success: false.
I am not getting any errors. It is just not giving me the data from the Json string.
Any help that anybody can provide to figure out why I'm not getting the data I want in "res", would be gratefully appreciated.
The problem is related to the accessibility level in your Response class. By default the fields, property and method are private so JsonConvert is not able to fill the properties.
Change the class as follow:
class Response
public bool success {get; set;}
public IList<Customer> data {get; set;}
And it wil works.
Another improvement is related to the JsonConvert use. To avoid the explicit cast use this type conversion: JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(string) where T will be Response
I'm trying to use EF to get data from my database. I have a table Interventions that has a Client associated with it like this:
public partial class Client
public Client()
this.Interventions = new List<Intervention>();
public int client_id { get; set; }
public string full_name { get; set; }
public string cgroup { get; set; }
public string nation { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Intervention> Interventions { get; set; }
public partial class Intervention
public int intervention_id { get; set; }
public int technician_id { get; set; }
public int client_id { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public int done { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public int month { get; set; }
public int week { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> avg_response_time { get; set; }
public int number_of_equip { get; set; }
public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
public virtual Technician Technician { get; set; }
I can get a list of interventions by doing this:
public object Any(GetInterventions request)
List<Intervention> dbItems;
using (var context = new operationsContext())
context.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
dbItems = context.Interventions.ToList();
return new GetInterventionsResponse{
interventions = dbItems
Although, when I try to retrieve the client associated with each intervention
dbItems = context.Interventions.Include("Client").ToList();
by including a Client navigation property I get a Visual Studio a stackOverflowException.
Am I doing anything wrong using EF or is just a question of general bad programming?
thanks in advance
The problem was solved by introducing decorations of [DataContract] and [DataMember] on the classes and fields that I wanted to serialize on the JSON response. Just like the example below:
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace OperationsAPI.Models
public partial class Intervention
public int intervention_id { get; set; }
public int technician_id { get; set; }
public int client_id { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public int done { get; set; }
public int year { get; set; }
public int month { get; set; }
public int week { get; set; }
public Nullable<int> avg_response_time { get; set; }
public int number_of_equip { get; set; }
public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
public virtual Technician Technician { get; set; }