I have an excel file with about 21000 rows . I imported it into a temp Table in my database.
Now I want to do some conversions on my data and then put them into my main table.
When I do SaveChanges() inside a foreach I got the following error:
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session
When I use it after the foreach no error occurs and the table has just 4 records inserted instead of all 21000 records that I expected.
public ActionResult FeedTempdataToMainDB()
var L = new Leave();
// var leaves = new List<Leave>();
foreach (var item in db.TempLeaves)
L.Pcode = Int32.Parse(item.Cod);
var z = int.Parse(item.LT) - 1;
if (z == 0) L.LT = Leave.LeaveType.Saati;
else L.LT = Leave.LeaveType.Roozane;
var o = int.Parse(item.DLT) - 1;
if (o == 0) L.DLT = Leave.DLType.Estehghaghi;
if (o == 1) L.DLT = Leave.DLType.Estelaji;
else L.DLT = Leave.DLType.Bihoghoogh;
L.LeaveDayStart = item.LeaveDayStart.Old6digToMiladi();
L.LeaveDayEnd = item.LeaveDayEnd.Old6digToMiladi();
L.LeaveTimeStart = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeStart);
L.LeaveTimeEnd = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeEnd);
L.LeaveDays = int.Parse(item.LeaveDays);
L.LeaveMinuts = SaatiLengh(item.LeaveMinuts);
L.RegDate = StringToHour(item.RegTime);
L.RegDate = item.RegDate.Old6digToMiladi().Date;
L.RegistrarCode = Int32.Parse(item.RegistrarCode);
L.HijriYear = L.LeaveDayStart.GetHijriYear();
var t = IsOk(item.RegTime);
if (L.DLT == 0 && t == false || L.LT == 0)
L.Calculate = false;
L.IsActive = false;
else { L.Calculate = true; L.IsActive = true; }
return RedirectToAction("index");
You have a bug in your code. You declared and created L outside of the loop. Each time you add the same L , only with different data. In the end you have list of the same data that was created during the last foreach loop cicle.
try this:
foreach (var item in db.TempLeaves)
var z = int.Parse(item.LT) - 1;
var L = new Leave{
Pcode = Int32.Parse(item.Cod),
LeaveTimeStart = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeStart),
LeaveTimeEnd = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeEnd),
LeaveDays = int.Parse(item.LeaveDays),
LT = z == 0? Leave.LeaveType.Saati : Leave.LeaveType.Roozane
or this
var leaves= new List<Leave>();
foreach (var item in db.TempLeaves)
var z = int.Parse(item.LT) - 1;
var L = new Leave{
Pcode = Int32.Parse(item.Cod),
LeaveTimeStart = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeStart),
LeaveTimeEnd = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeEnd),
LeaveDays = int.Parse(item.LeaveDays),
LT = z == 0? Leave.LeaveType.Saati : Leave.LeaveType.Roozane
if you want to use async save you have to make async action at first.
The raison every time that foreach execute the savechnages there is a thread that your not note controlling. Since entity framework is managing the savechanges function. You have to execute your savechnages after the foreach or use async function.
here an example for the async:
private static async Task<Student> GetStudent()
Student student = null;
using (var context = new SchoolDBEntities())
Console.WriteLine("Start GetStudent...");
student = await (context.Students.Where(s => s.StudentID == 1).FirstOrDefaultAsync<Student>());
Console.WriteLine("Finished GetStudent...");
return student;
*This Code finally worked:
public ActionResult FeedTempdataToMainDB()
var leaves = new List<Leave>();
foreach (var item in db.TempLeaves)
var L = new Leave();
L.Pcode = Int32.Parse(item.Cod);
var z = int.Parse(item.LT) - 1;
if (z == 0) L.LT = Leave.LeaveType.Saati;
else L.LT = Leave.LeaveType.Roozane;
var o = int.Parse(item.DLT);
if (o == 0) L.DLT = Leave.DLType.Estehghaghi;
if (o == 1) L.DLT = Leave.DLType.Estelaji;
else L.DLT = Leave.DLType.Bihoghoogh;
L.LeaveDayStart = item.LeaveDayStart.Old6digToMiladi();
L.LeaveDayEnd = item.LeaveDayEnd.Old6digToMiladi();
L.LeaveTimeStart = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeStart);
L.LeaveTimeEnd = StringToHour(item.LeaveTimeEnd);
L.LeaveDays = int.Parse(item.LeaveDays);
L.LeaveMinuts = SaatiLengh(item.LeaveMinuts);
L.RegDate = StringToHour(item.RegTime);
L.RegDate = item.RegDate.Old6digToMiladi().Date;
L.RegistrarCode = Int32.Parse(item.RegistrarCode);
L.HijriYear = L.LeaveDayStart.GetHijriYear();
var t = IsOk(item.RegTime);
if (L.DLT == 0 && t == false || L.LT == 0 && t == false)
L.Calculate = false;
L.IsActive = false;
else { L.Calculate = true; L.IsActive = true; }
if (leaves.Count > 0)
return RedirectToAction("index");
how can i add collection to another collection? I am returnging one collection _lastOpenedArticles and if that collection has less than 3 articles i need to add articles from allUsersArticles. However i keep getting article from collection _lastOpenedArticles 3 times. Can you help please.
async Task ShowLastListenedAsync(List<Article> allUserArticles)
var downloadedArticles = LangUpDataSaverLoader.DeserializeAllOptimizationData();
if (_lastOpenedArticles != null && _lastOpenedArticles.Count > 0)
foreach (var article in _lastOpenedArticles.Take(3))
var filename = string.Format(SharedConstants.ArticleImageUrl, SharedConstants.ApiBaseUri, article.Id);
var newCell = new ArticleDetailData()
Author = article.Author,
Id = article.Id,
if (downloadedArticles.DownloadedArticles.Any(m => m.Id == article.Id))
newCell.BackgroundImage = article.Id.ArticleImageFile();
newCell.BackgroundImage = filename;
var sec = article.Category;
if (sec == null)
newCell.Section = " ";
newCell.Section = article.Category;
if (_lastOpenedArticles.Count < 3)
foreach (var art in allUserArticles.Take(3))
filename = string.Format(SharedConstants.ArticleImageUrl, SharedConstants.ApiBaseUri, article.Id);
var cell = new ArticleDetailData()
Author = article.Author,
BackgroundImage = filename,
Id = article.Id,
sec = article.Category;
if (sec == null)
cell.Section = " ";
cell.Section = article.Category;
await FillAnonymousArticles(allUserArticles);
await FillAnonymousArticles(allUserArticles);
Instead of checking the count in the for loop, I'd propose to move the check whether you already have 3 articles after the loop. So you avoid to get the articles 3 times (once for each run of the loop):
async Task ShowLastListenedAsync(List<Article> allUserArticles)
var downloadedArticles = LangUpDataSaverLoader.DeserializeAllOptimizationData();
if (_lastOpenedArticles != null && _lastOpenedArticles.Count > 0)
foreach (var article in _lastOpenedArticles.Take(3))
var filename = string.Format(SharedConstants.ArticleImageUrl, SharedConstants.ApiBaseUri, article.Id);
var newCell = new ArticleDetailData()
Author = article.Author,
Id = article.Id,
if (downloadedArticles.DownloadedArticles.Any(m => m.Id == article.Id))
newCell.BackgroundImage = article.Id.ArticleImageFile();
newCell.BackgroundImage = filename;
var sec = article.Category;
if (sec == null)
newCell.Section = " ";
newCell.Section = article.Category;
// Move this check out of the for loop
if (_lastOpenedArticles.Count < 3)
foreach (var art in allUserArticles.Take(3))
filename = string.Format(SharedConstants.ArticleImageUrl, SharedConstants.ApiBaseUri, article.Id);
var cell = new ArticleDetailData()
Author = article.Author,
BackgroundImage = filename,
Id = article.Id,
sec = article.Category;
if (sec == null)
cell.Section = " ";
cell.Section = article.Category;
await FillAnonymousArticles(allUserArticles);
await FillAnonymousArticles(allUserArticles);
In addition, you could use Linq to create a union of the lists. This will result in much shorter code, for example:
.Select(x => ConvertToCell(x)) // You need this method that converts the articles to a cell
.ToArray(); // If you need a list, you can also use ToList()
the last one returns IEnumerable<T> and first one is void. Take one that suits you better
I'm wondering if it possible to override DefaultEndpointImpl.cs or add my own API logic in another file?
I'm struggling with a few API calls which require the logic in this file to be overridden or added to. For example I am able to create a purchase receipt for a PO via the api successfully, however I'm not able to add a "Transfer Receipt" purchase receipt in the same way.
I've included various non-standard fields to the API endpoints that reference the original transfer, transfer order and shipment but have been unsuccessful. The API calls succeeds but no lines are added. I've been able to get lines to update their quantity once generated but can't add or delete current lines.
The problem looks to stem from this code, which seems to add functionality that correctly handles adding Purchase order lines logic of the graph but doesn't do anything special for other receipt types.
[FieldsProcessed(new[] { "POLineNbr", "POOrderType", "POOrderNbr" })]
protected void PurchaseReceiptDetail_Insert(PXGraph graph, EntityImpl entity, EntityImpl targetEntity) {
var receiptEntry = (POReceiptEntry)graph;
var lineNbr = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "POLineNbr") as EntityValueField;
var orderType = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "POOrderType") as EntityValueField;
var orderNbr = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "POOrderNbr") as EntityValueField;
bool insertViaAddPO = lineNbr != null && orderNbr != null && orderType != null;
if (!insertViaAddPO && (lineNbr != null || orderType != null || orderNbr != null)) {
throw new PXException(PO.Messages.POTypeNbrLineNbrMustBeFilled);
var detailsCache = receiptEntry.transactions.Cache;
if (insertViaAddPO) {
receiptEntry.filter.Cache.Insert(new POReceiptEntry.POOrderFilter());
var filter = receiptEntry.filter.Current; var state = receiptEntry.filter.Cache.GetStateExt(filter, "OrderType") as PXStringState;
if (state != null && state.AllowedLabels.Contains(orderType.Value)) {
orderType.Value = state.ValueLabelDic.Single(p => p.Value == orderType.Value).Key;
receiptEntry.filter.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "OrderType", orderType.Value);
receiptEntry.filter.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "OrderNbr", orderNbr.Value);
var orders = receiptEntry.poLinesSelection.Select().Select(r => r.GetItem<POReceiptEntry.POLineS>());
var order = orders.FirstOrDefault(o => o.LineNbr == int.Parse(lineNbr.Value));
if (order == null) {
throw new PXException(PO.Messages.PurchaseOrderLineNotFound);
order.Selected = true;
} else {
detailsCache.Current = detailsCache.Insert();
After a lot of trial and error I have managed to get everything working as I need. However I'm concerned that since this is not documented information that it may be subject to change in the near future.
The methods in the class DefaultEndpointImpl are called via reflection. To add custom functionality for my default endpoint I have extended the default class and added the necessary attributes to my class and functions.
My custom class adds the following:
Overides the default PurchaseReceiptDetail_Insert function to add transfer receipt functionality.
Adds ReceiptDetail_Insert method to allow adding an IN receipt referencing
The first one was pretty straight forward and I'm happy with the outcome. The second one took a lot of time and debugging to get right, is hacky and probably doesn't work with serial tracked items. The reason it's taken so long is because there are many unknowns and I've essentially been guessing based on the code in the base class. For example I'm not even sure at which stage this function fires. It looks the functions completely override some other default logic which is invisible.
So take it or leave it! Maybe I will reach out to Acumatica to see if I can get more information.
using PX.Api;
using PX.Api.ContractBased;
using PX.Api.ContractBased.Models;
using PX.Data;
using PX.Objects.PO;
using PX.Objects.IN;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using PX.Objects.CM;
using PX.Objects.CS;
namespace AcuStock
[PXVersion("5.30.001", "AcuStock")]
[PXVersion("6.00.001", "AcuStock")]
[PXVersion("17.200.001", "AcuStock")]
public class AcuStockEndpointImpl : PX.Objects.DefaultEndpointImpl
[FieldsProcessed(new[] { "POLineNbr", "POOrderType", "POOrderNbr", "OrigLineNbr", "OrigRefNbr" })]
protected new void PurchaseReceiptDetail_Insert(PXGraph graph, EntityImpl entity, EntityImpl targetEntity){
var lineNbr = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "OrigLineNbr") as EntityValueField;
var refNbr = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "OrigRefNbr") as EntityValueField;
var receiptQty = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "ReceiptQty") as EntityValueField;
var location = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Location") as EntityValueField;
var inventoryID = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "InventoryID") as EntityValueField;
bool insertViaAddTR = lineNbr != null && refNbr != null;
var receiptEntry = (POReceiptEntry) graph;
if (insertViaAddTR){
receiptEntry.addReceipt.Cache.Insert(new POReceiptEntry.POReceiptLineS());
var filter = receiptEntry.addReceipt.Current;
receiptEntry.addReceipt.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "OrigRefNbr", refNbr.Value);
receiptEntry.addReceipt.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "OrigLineNbr", lineNbr.Value);
receiptEntry.addReceipt.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "InventoryID", inventoryID.Value);
receiptEntry.addReceipt.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "ReceiptQty", receiptQty.Value);
if (location != null)
receiptEntry.addReceipt.Cache.SetValueExt(filter, "LocationID", location.Value);
var lines = receiptEntry.addReceipt.Select().Select(r => r.GetItem<POReceiptEntry.POReceiptLineS>());
var line = lines.FirstOrDefault(o => o.OrigLineNbr == int.Parse(lineNbr.Value));
if (line == null){
throw new PXException(PX.Objects.PO.Messages.PurchaseOrderLineNotFound);
} else {
base.PurchaseReceiptDetail_Insert(graph, entity, targetEntity);
var allocations = (targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.Name, "Allocations")) as EntityListField).Value ?? new EntityImpl[0];
if (allocations.Any(a => a.Fields != null && a.Fields.Length > 0)){
// Remove automatically added allocation
if (receiptEntry.splits.Current != null){
[FieldsProcessed(new[] { "OrigLineNbr", "OrigRefNbr", "Quantity", "Location" })]
protected void ReceiptDetails_Insert(PXGraph graph, EntityImpl entity, EntityImpl targetEntity) {
var lineNbr = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "OrigLineNbr") as EntityValueField;
var receiptQty = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Quantity") as EntityValueField;
var location = targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Location") as EntityValueField;
var allocations = (targetEntity.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => string.Equals(f.Name, "Allocations")) as EntityListField).Value ?? new EntityImpl[0];
var hasAllocations = allocations.Any(a => a.Fields != null && a.Fields.Length > 0);
var receiptEntry = (INReceiptEntry) graph;
string transferNbr = receiptEntry.receipt.Current.TransferNbr;
var detailsCache = receiptEntry.transactions.Cache;
if (lineNbr == null || transferNbr == null){
detailsCache.Current = detailsCache.Insert();
INTran newtran = null;
decimal newtranqty = Decimal.Parse(receiptQty.Value);
decimal newtrancost = 0m;
using (new PXReadBranchRestrictedScope())
foreach (PXResult<INTransitLine, INLocationStatus2, INTransitLineLotSerialStatus, INSite, InventoryItem, INTran> res in
InnerJoin<INLocationStatus2, On<INLocationStatus2.locationID, Equal<INTransitLine.costSiteID>>,
On<INTransitLine.transferNbr, Equal<INTransitLineLotSerialStatus.transferNbr>,
And<INTransitLine.transferLineNbr, Equal<INTransitLineLotSerialStatus.transferLineNbr>>>,
InnerJoin<INSite, On<INSite.siteID, Equal<INTransitLine.toSiteID>>,
InnerJoin<InventoryItem, On<InventoryItem.inventoryID, Equal<INLocationStatus2.inventoryID>>,
On<INTran.docType, Equal<INDocType.transfer>,
And<INTran.refNbr, Equal<INTransitLine.transferNbr>,
And<INTran.lineNbr, Equal<INTransitLine.transferLineNbr>,
And<INTran.invtMult, Equal<shortMinus1>>>>>>>>>>,
Where<INTransitLine.transferNbr, Equal<Required<INTransitLine.transferNbr>>, And<INTransitLine.transferLineNbr, Equal<Required<INTransitLine.transferLineNbr>>>>,
OrderBy<Asc<INTransitLine.transferNbr, Asc<INTransitLine.transferLineNbr>>>>
.Select(receiptEntry, transferNbr, lineNbr.Value))
INTransitLine transitline = res;
INLocationStatus2 stat = res;
INTransitLineLotSerialStatus lotstat = res;
INSite site = res;
InventoryItem item = res;
INTran tran = res;
if (stat.QtyOnHand == 0m || (lotstat != null && lotstat.QtyOnHand == 0m))
if (newtran == null) {
if (!object.Equals(receiptEntry.receipt.Current.BranchID, site.BranchID))
INRegister copy = PXCache<INRegister>.CreateCopy(receiptEntry.receipt.Current);
copy.BranchID = site.BranchID;
newtran = PXCache<INTran>.CreateCopy(tran);
newtran.OrigBranchID = newtran.BranchID;
newtran.OrigTranType = newtran.TranType;
newtran.OrigRefNbr = transitline.TransferNbr;
newtran.OrigLineNbr = transitline.TransferLineNbr;
newtran.BranchID = site.BranchID;
newtran.DocType = receiptEntry.receipt.Current.DocType;
newtran.RefNbr = receiptEntry.receipt.Current.RefNbr;
newtran.LineNbr = (int)PXLineNbrAttribute.NewLineNbr<INTran.lineNbr>(receiptEntry.transactions.Cache, receiptEntry.receipt.Current);
newtran.InvtMult = (short)1;
newtran.SiteID = transitline.ToSiteID;
newtran.LocationID = transitline.ToLocationID;
newtran.ToSiteID = null;
newtran.ToLocationID = null;
newtran.BaseQty = 0m;
newtran.Qty = 0m;
newtran.UnitCost = 0m;
newtran.Released = false;
newtran.InvtAcctID = null;
newtran.InvtSubID = null;
newtran.ReasonCode = null;
newtran.ARDocType = null;
newtran.ARRefNbr = null;
newtran.ARLineNbr = null;
newtran.ProjectID = null;
newtran.TaskID = null;
newtran.CostCodeID = null;
newtran.TranCost = 0m;
receiptEntry.splits.Current = null;
newtran = receiptEntry.transactions.Insert(newtran);
receiptEntry.transactions.Current = newtran;
if (receiptEntry.splits.Current != null)
if (hasAllocations){
newtranqty = 0m;
foreach (var allocation in allocations) {
var newsplitqty = allocation.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Quantity") as EntityValueField;
var newsplitlocation = allocation.Fields.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Location") as EntityValueField;
INTranSplit newsplit = this.addReceiptSplitLine(receiptEntry, stat, lotstat, transitline, newtran, item, Decimal.Parse(newsplitqty.Value), newsplitlocation.Value);
newtrancost += newsplit.BaseQty.Value * newsplit.UnitCost.Value;
newtranqty += newsplit.BaseQty.Value;
} else {
INTranSplit newsplit = this.addReceiptSplitLine(receiptEntry, stat, lotstat, transitline, tran, item, newtranqty, null);
newtrancost += newsplit.BaseQty.Value * newsplit.UnitCost.Value;
newtranqty += newsplit.BaseQty.Value;
receiptEntry.UpdateTranCostQty(newtran, newtranqty, newtrancost);
[FieldsProcessed(new[] { "OrigLineNbr" })]
protected void ReceiptAllocations_Insert(PXGraph graph, EntityImpl entity, EntityImpl targetEntity) {
// no-op
private INTranSplit addReceiptSplitLine(INReceiptEntry receiptEntry, INLocationStatus2 stat, INTransitLineLotSerialStatus lotstat, INTransitLine transitline, INTran tran, InventoryItem item, Decimal qty, string location){
INTranSplit newsplit;
decimal newsplitqty;
if (lotstat.QtyOnHand == null)
newsplit = new INTranSplit();
newsplit.InventoryID = stat.InventoryID;
newsplit.IsStockItem = true;
newsplit.FromSiteID = transitline.SiteID;
newsplit.SubItemID = stat.SubItemID;
newsplit.LotSerialNbr = null;
newsplitqty = qty;
newsplit = new INTranSplit();
newsplit.InventoryID = lotstat.InventoryID;
newsplit.IsStockItem = true;
newsplit.FromSiteID = lotstat.FromSiteID;
newsplit.SubItemID = lotstat.SubItemID;
newsplit.LotSerialNbr = lotstat.LotSerialNbr;
newsplitqty = qty;
newsplit.DocType = receiptEntry.receipt.Current.DocType;
newsplit.RefNbr = receiptEntry.receipt.Current.RefNbr;
newsplit.LineNbr = tran.LineNbr;
newsplit.SplitLineNbr = (int)PXLineNbrAttribute.NewLineNbr<INTranSplit.splitLineNbr>(receiptEntry.splits.Cache, receiptEntry.receipt.Current);
newsplit.UnitCost = 0m;
newsplit.InvtMult = (short)1;
newsplit.SiteID = transitline.ToSiteID;
newsplit.PlanID = null;
newsplit.Released = false;
newsplit.ProjectID = null;
newsplit.TaskID = null;
if (location == null) {
newsplit.LocationID = lotstat.ToLocationID ?? transitline.ToLocationID;
} else {
receiptEntry.splits.SetValueExt<INTranSplit.locationID>(newsplit, location);
newsplit = receiptEntry.splits.Insert(newsplit);
newsplit.MaxTransferBaseQty = newsplitqty;
newsplit.BaseQty = newsplitqty;
newsplit.Qty = newsplit.BaseQty.Value;
receiptEntry.UpdateCostSubItemID(newsplit, item);
receiptEntry.SetCostAttributes(tran, newsplit, item, tran.OrigRefNbr);
newsplit.UnitCost = PXCurrencyAttribute.BaseRound(receiptEntry, newsplit.UnitCost);
return newsplit;
public bool UpdateLevelDetailsList(List<LevelDetailsDALDTO> LevelDetailsObjToUpdate)
bool result = false;
//List<LevelDetail> editLevelDetails = DBContext.LevelDetails.Where(g => g.LevelID == a.LevelID).ToList();
List<LevelDetail> levelDetails = DBContext.LevelDetails.ToList();
List<VisioShapeData> VisioData = DBContext.VisioShapeDatas.ToList();
foreach (LevelDetailsDALDTO a in LevelDetailsObjToUpdate)
//List<LevelDetail> editLevelDetails = DBContext.LevelDetails.Where(g => g.LevelID == a.LevelID).ToList();
List<LevelDetail> editLevelDetails = levelDetails.Where(x => x.LevelID == a.LevelID).ToList();
List<VisioShapeData> updatevisiodata = VisioData.Where(x => x.ID == a.ID).ToList();
if (a.CreatedDate == DateTime.MinValue)
a.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
if (a.ModifiedDate == DateTime.MinValue)
a.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
if (editLevelDetails != null)
foreach (LevelDetail b in editLevelDetails)
b.Cost += a.Cost;
b.Time += a.Time;
b.Responsible = b.Responsible + "," + a.Responsible;
b.ModifiedBy = a.ModifiedBy;
b.ModifiedDate = a.ModifiedDate;
if (updatevisiodata != null)
foreach (VisioShapeData c in updatevisiodata)
c.Level4Id = a.LevelID;
if (DBContext.SaveChanges() > 0)
result = true;
return result;
want to combine these two statement in
List<LevelDetail> editLevelDetails = levelDetails.Where(x => x.LevelID == a.LevelID).ToList();
List<VisioShapeData> updatevisiodata = VisioData.Where(x => x.ID == a.ID).ToList();
I Have to check and add the optional parameter in function but its taking lengthy code to go through IF-Else statement, If I choose switch statement then Cannot convert 'var' variable to string error keep coming up, How do I check and add optional parameters to linq query please help. Here is my code. (I will provide both the one with If statement and other one with switch statement which is throwing error)
Code 1 If-else statement:
public static void loadGrid(ref GridView gvMain, string cID, string desig = "All", string importancy = "All", string status = "All")
int _cId = Convert.ToInt32(cID);
List<clsclass> list = new List<clsclass>();
var db = new MyEntities();
if (_cId == 0 && desig == "All" && importancy == "All" && status == "All")
var query = from table in db.Members select table;
foreach (var item in query)
clsclass ctl = new clsclass();
ctl.Id = Convert.ToInt32(item.LID);
ctl.Name = item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName;
ctl.Gender = item.Gender;
ctl.Age = Convert.ToInt32(item.Age);
ctl.Mobile = item.Mobile;
ctl.Workphone = item.WorkPhone;
ctl.Designation = item.Designation;
ctl.Importancy = item.Importancy;
else if (_cId != 0 && desig == "All" && importancy == "All" && status == "All")
var query = from table in db.Members where table.CID == _cId select table;
foreach (var item in query)
clsclass ctl = new clsclass();
ctl.Id = Convert.ToInt32(item.LID);
ctl.Name = item.FirstName + " " + item.LastName;
ctl.Gender = item.Gender;
ctl.Age = Convert.ToInt32(item.Age);
ctl.Mobile = item.Mobile;
ctl.Workphone = item.WorkPhone;
ctl.Designation = item.Designation;
ctl.Importancy = item.Importancy;
//else if()
And In below code If I try to use switch statement to bind query based condition its throwing error:
Code 2:Switch statement:
public static void LoadGrid(ref GridView gvMain, string cID, string desig = "All", string importancy = "All", string status = "All")
int _cId = Convert.ToInt32(cID);
List<clsclass> list = new List<clsclass>();
var db = new MyEntities();
var query;
switch (query)
case _cId == 0 && desig == "All" && importancy == "All" && satus == "All":
query = from b in db.ConstituencyLeaders select b;
case _cId != 0 && desig == "All" && importancy == "All" && satus == "All":
query = from b in db.ConstituencyLeaders where b.ConstituencyID == _cId select b;
foreach (var item in query)
clsclass cl = new clsclass();
cl.LeaderId = item.LID;
//...remaining members add
gvMain.DataSource = list;
So basically I got two questions How to shorten the codes to capture the optional parameters if switch statement is better option then how would I achieve var query from Case:
any help much appreciated.
What you can do is.
var query = db.Members.AsQuerryable();
if(_cid != "")
query = query.where(table => table.CID == _cId);
Then use that in your statement
var result = from table in query where table.CID == _cId select table;
or we also used to do or statements.
var query= from table in query where (table.CID == _cId || _cId = "") select table;
so if the value is empty it just goes through or if there is a value it checks.