Struggling with converting a normal SQL Query to a LINQ Query that involves multiple LEFT OUTER JOINS..
Original SQL Query:
FROM Testers t
LEFT OUTER JOIN Users u ON u.TesterId = t.TesterId
LEFT OUTER JOIN ValidForms v ON v.DepartmentId = u.DepartmentId
LINQ Query Code is as below:
var x = (from t in Context.Testers.AsEnumerable()
from u in Context.Users
.Where(a => a.TesterId == t.TesterId)
from v in Context.ValidForms
.Where(b => b.DepartmentId == u.DepartmentId)
Select new myEntity
col1 = t.col1,
col2 = t.col2
return x.ToList();
Running the query, I am getting an error: Non-static method requires a target
Appreciate if someone could point out how to do the query properly in LINQ.
I also checked the SO question posted here, but I am unable to grasp the concept provided: SQL to Linq query with multiple left outer joins
I got this from this SO question.
This is a good way to do it. If you follow that example, your code should look something like this:
var x = (from t in Context.Testers.AsEnumerable()
join u in Context.Users on t.TesterId equals u.TesterId into group1
from a in group1.DefaultIfEmpty()
join v in Context.ValidForms on a.DepartmentId equals v.DepartmentId into group2
from b in group2.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new MyEntity {
col1 = b.col1,
col2 = b.col2
var x = (from t in Context.Testers.AsEnumerable()
join u in Context.Users on t.TesterId equals u.TesterId
join v in Context.ValidForms on u.DepartmentId equals v.DepartmentId into group1
from b in group1.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new MyEntity {
col1 = (b != null) ? b.col1 : null,
col2 = (b != null) ? b.col2 : null
I would like to write the following SQL query with LINQ syntax to understand the fundamentals of LINQ queries.
SELECT q.*, qpph.*
FROM [Questions] AS q
LEFT OUTER JOIN [QuestionPoolPickHandles] AS qpph
ON qpph.QuestionId = q.Id AND qpph.PickerId = 100
How can I apply left outer join and a condition in its ON clause at the same time using LINQ syntax? From my readings, it seems it is likely to be not possible.
Here's what I've tried so far.
var result = from q in context.Questions
join qpph in context.PoolPickHandles
on q.Id equals qpph.PickerId into Handles // notice the 'qpph.PickerId = 100' is absent
from m in Handles.DefaultIfEmpty()
where m == null
select q;
Any further elaboration will be appreciated.
With the help of the comments on the question, I've figured out writing the query using LINQ syntax.
from q in context.Questions
join qpph in context.PoolPickHandles
on new { questionId = q.Id, pickerId = user.Id }
equals new { questionId = qpph.QuestionId, pickerId = qpph.PickerId }
into Handles
from m in Handles.DefaultIfEmpty()
where m == null
select q;
I am trying to convert a SQL Command to Linq but gets the error 'Unable to process the type 'Anonymous type', because it has no known mapping to the value layer.'
SQL Code
SELECT, parts.title, appro.totalAppro, allo.TotalAllotment, cost.total_cost, (CASE WHEN cost.total_cost IS NULL THEN (SELECT allo.TotalAllotment) ELSE (SELECT allo.TotalAllotment - cost.total_cost) END) AS unobligated
FROM pmTA_OoeGeneral AS ooe INNER JOIN
pmTA_Particulars AS parts ON ooe.particular_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN
pmTA_vwObligationRequestDetailsTotalCostByOoe AS cost ON = cost.ooe_general_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN pmTA_vwTotalAllotmentGeneralFund AS allo ON = allo.ooe_general_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN pmTA_vwTotalAppropriationGeneralFund AS appro ON = appro.ooe_general_id
WHERE (ooe.year = #year) AND (ooe.project_category_id = #cat) and (ooe.type = #type) order by
var gvStatusGenOffices = (from a in db.iBudget_OoeGeneral
join b in db.iBudget_Particulars on a.ParticularID equals
join c in obligationRequestDetailsTotalCostByOoe on equals
join d in totalAllotmentGeneralFund on equals
join e in totalAppropriationGeneralFund on equals
where a.YearID==year && a.ProjectID==cat && a.type==type
select new
id =,
title = b.title,
appro = e.totalAppro,
allo = d.totalAllo,
cost = c.totalCost,
unobligated = c.totalCost==null ? d.totalAllo : d.totalAllo - c.totalCost
db.iBudget_OoeGeneral and db.iBudget_Particulars are model class in my project
obligationRequestDetailsTotalCostByOoe , totalAllotmentGeneralFund and totalAppropriationGeneralFund are variables with list values.
The question is what is causing this error? I tried looking the web for some answers but none was showing up.
var obligationRequestDetailsTotalCostByOoe = (from p in db.iBudget_ObligationRequestDetails
where p.ooe_general_id != null && p.is_approved == 1
group p by p.ooe_general_id into g
select g)
.Select(g => new {
id = g.Key,
totalCost = g.Sum(p => Convert.ToDouble(p.amount))
Originally, obligationRequestDetailsTotalCostByOoe , totalAllotmentGeneralFund and totalAppropriationGeneralFund were Views in SQL Server. Since I was practicing how to code Linq, I didn't create a View and just made a var with list same with the original View Code in SQL.
I am trying to perform an outer join in C# using Linq, the person mentoring me keeps saying I shouldn't try to do an outer join which isn't really an answer.
What I got from the other threads is that I need the .DefaultIfEmpty() where ever I may not have a record.
I tried it first on just the lines where there may be a missing information then added it to every line just to see if that was the problem.
Every time I run this I get only the inner join records. It works great other than it is not including the two records from my DB that only have information in the first two tables.
var sqlQuery =
from s in ctx.Suppliers
from sp in ctx.SupplierParts
.Where(sp => sp.SupplierID == s.SupplierID)
from sm in ctx.SupplierManufacturerRelations
.Where(sm => sm.SupplierPNID == sp.SupplierPNID)
from mp in ctx.ManufacturerParts
.Where(mp => mp.MfgPNID.Equals(sm.MfgPNID))
from m in ctx.Manufacturers
.Where(m => m.ManufacturerID.Equals(mp.ManufacturerID))
from im in ctx.ItemMasters
.Where(im => im.PreID == mp.PreID)
.Where(im => im.PartNumber == mp.PartNumber)
from c in ctx.ComponentClasses
.Where(c => c.CCID == im.CCID)
from um in ctx.UnitsOfMeasures
.Where(um => um.UOMID == sp.UOMID)
select new
{ my variables}
var querylist = sqlQuery.Where(n => n.SupplierID == thisSupplier).ToList();
I also tried
from s in ctx.Suppliers
join sp in ctx.SupplierParts on s.SupplierID equals sp.SupplierID
join sm in ctx.SupplierManufacturerRelations on sp.SupplierPNID equals sm.SupplierPNID into spartgroup
from sm in spartgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join mp in ctx.ManufacturerParts on sm.MfgPNID equals mp.MfgPNID into mpartgroup
from mp in mpartgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join m in ctx.Manufacturers on mp.ManufacturerID equals m.ManufacturerID into mgroup
from m in mgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join im in ctx.ItemMasters
on new { key1 = (int)mp.PreID, key2 = (int)mp.PartNumber }
equals new { key1 = im.PreID, key2 = im.PartNumber }
into tpartgroup
from im in tpartgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join c in ctx.ComponentClasses on im.CCID equals c.CCID into fullgroup
from c in fullgroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
join um in ctx.UnitsOfMeasures on sp.UOMID equals um.UOMID
This SQL query works and doesn't omit the rows
SELECT Supplier.SupplierID
, SupplierPart.SupplierPNID
, SupplierPart.SupplierPN
, SupplierPart.Description
, SupplierManufacturerRelation.MfgPNID
, ManufacturerPart.PreID
, ManufacturerPart.PartNumber
, ItemMaster.CCID
, ItemMaster.Description AS Expr1
FROM Supplier
Inner JOIN SupplierPart
ON Supplier.SupplierID = SupplierPart.SupplierID
Left JOIN SupplierManufacturerRelation
ON SupplierPart.SupplierPNID = SupplierManufacturerRelation.SupplierPNID
Left JOIN ManufacturerPart
ON SupplierManufacturerRelation.MfgPNID = ManufacturerPart.MfgPNID
Left JOIN ItemMaster
ON ManufacturerPart.PreID = ItemMaster.PreID
AND ManufacturerPart.PartNumber = ItemMaster.PartNumber
WHERE Supplier.SupplierID = 9
For translating SQL to LINQ query comprehension:
Translate FROM subselects as separately declared variables.
Translate each clause in LINQ clause order, translating monadic operators (DISTINCT, TOP, etc) into functions applied to the whole LINQ query.
Use table aliases as range variables. Use column aliases as anonymous type field names.
Use anonymous types (new { ... }) for multiple columns.
Left Join is simulated by using a into join_variable and doing another from from the join variable followed by .DefaultIfEmpty().
Replace COALESCE with the conditional operator and a null test.
Translate IN to .Contains() and NOT IN to !...Contains()
SELECT * must be replaced with select range_variable or for joins, an anonymous object containing all the range variables.
SELECT fields must be replaced with select new { ... } creating an anonymous object with all the desired fields or expressions.
Proper FULL OUTER JOIN must be handled with an extension method.
So from your SQL, your query should look like:
var ans = from s in ctx.Suppliers
join sp in ctx.SupplierParts on s.SupplierID equals sp.SupplierID
join sm in ctx.SupplierManufacturerRelations on sp.SupplierPNID equals sm.SupplierPNID into smj
from sm in smj.DefaultIfEmpty()
join mp in ctx.ManufacturerParts on sm?.MfgPNID equals mp.MfgPNID into mpj
from mp in mpj.DefaultIfEmpty()
join im in ctx.ItemMasters on new { key1 = (int)mp.PreID, key2 = (int)mp.PartNumber } equals new { key1 = im.PreID, key2 = im.PartNumber } into imj
from im in imj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
s.SupplierID, sp.SupplierPNID, sp.SupplierPN, sp.Description, sm.MfgPNID, mp.PreID, mp.PartNumber, im.CCID, Expr1 = im.Description
this is a bit confusing for me. I know that left outer joins aren't built in to LINQ natively and that you have to use 'into' and 'DefaultIfEmpty()', but I have a bit of a complex SQL query.
The query:
SELECT * FROM TableA as a
on a.ID = b.ID and a.StatusOne = 1 AND b.StatusOne = 1 AND (a.StatusTwo != 1 OR b.StatusTwo!= 1)
on a.ID = c.ID AND a.StatusOne = 1 AND c.StatusOne = 1 AND (a.StatusTwo != 1 OR c.StatusTwo != 1)
a.ID = 99999 AND (b.ID is not null OR c.ID is not null)
I'm not even really sure where to begin on this. If someone could help me out I would appreciate it immensely.
I am giving you the idea behind, I didn't tested the code, but to join two tables based on different fields, your join should have a anonymous type to compare.
var one = 1
from a in tableA
join b in tableB on new { a.ID, b.StatusOne } equals new { b.ID, one} into ab
But in your case you have more than one condition, so before calling DefaultIsEmpty, you should check the latest condition
from a in tableA
join b in tableB on new { a.ID, b.StatusOne } equals new { b.ID, one} into ab
from ab in ab.Where(x => x.a.StatusTwo != 1 || x.b.StatusTwo != one).DefaultIfEmpty()
Then the other outer join follows the same pattern and you need to make a final join. A good way to start is downloading the LinqPad and see which lambda expression it generates for your query, and you can take it from there. You can optimize it later but you will get the idea behind the generation. Hope this helps
I have below sql query which I want to convert into LINQ to obtain exactly same results and returned by below query
select *
from (
select distinct DocID
from UserViewDoc
where UserViewDoc.UVID in (102558)) a
left outer join
select distinct UserViewDoc.DocID
from UserViewDoc
inner join UserViewHeader on UserViewDoc.UVID = UserViewHeader.UVID
where UserViewDoc.UVID not in (102558)
and UserViewHeader.IsLock = 1) b on a.DocID = b.DocID
where b.DocID is null
What I have tried so far is below LINQ statement
var v = (from uvd in this.ViewSelectorControl.LDReviewContext.GetTable<UserViewDoc>()
where IDs.Contains(uvd.UVID)
select new { uvd.DocID, uvd.UVID });
var c = ((from uvd in this.ViewSelectorControl.LDReviewContext.GetTable<UserViewDoc>()
join uvh in this.ViewSelectorControl.LDReviewContext.GetTable<UserViewHeader>() on uvd.UVID equals uvh.UVID
where !IDs.Contains(uvh.UVID) && uvh.IsLock == true
select new { uvd.DocID, uvd.UVID } ));
var d = (from id in v
join ids in c on id.UVID equals ids.UVID into vc
from sub in vc.DefaultIfEmpty()
where sub == null
select id);
The problem I am facing is running the SQL query is returning 30583 records and LINQ version of it is returning all of the 30613 records
I rewrote the query to be exactly like the sql query, i believe that this is the way:
var firstQuery = (from u in this.ViewSelectorControl.LDReviewContext.GetTable<UserViewDoc>()
where IDs.Contains(u.UVID)
select u.DocID).Distinct();
var innerQuery = (from u in this.ViewSelectorControl.LDReviewContext.GetTable<UserViewDoc>()
join uvh in this.ViewSelectorControl.LDReviewContext.GetTable<UserViewHeader>() on uvh.UVID equals u.UVID
where IDs.Contains(u.UIVD) == false
&& uvh.IsLock
select u.DocID).Distinct();
var resultQuery = from f in firstQuery
join i in innerQuery on i equals f into lout
from i in lout.DefaultIfEmpty()
where i == null
select f;