So I am working on a text adventure to improve my programming skills (Just a beginner) and I was working on a new combat system for it because the old one was really boring. So I came across a rock paper scissors system but I wanted something that used a rock paper scissors like system with 5 options for the player to choose from, and the enemy or monster attacking the player.
I used a lot of if statements, which actually didn't take too long, but I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this so that my code is more efficient, and not so large.
public static void ResultsOfMoves(string PlayerMove, string MonsterMove, Monster CurrentMonster, Weapon CurrentWeapon, Armor CurrentArmor, Player CurrentPlayer)
//Monster Responses to Player
if (PlayerMove == "dodge" && MonsterMove == "heavy"||MonsterMove == "stealth")
if (MonsterMove == "heavy") { MonsterHeavyAttack(); }
if (MonsterMove == "stealth") { MonsterStealthAttack(); }
else if (PlayerMove == "charge" && MonsterMove == "dodge"||MonsterMove == "stealth")
if (MonsterMove == "dodge") { MonsterDodge(); }
if (MonsterMove == "stealth") { MonsterStealthAttack(); }
else if (PlayerMove == "block" && MonsterMove == "charge" || MonsterMove == "dodge")
if (MonsterMove == "charge") { MonsterChargeAttack(); }
if (MonsterMove == "dodge") { MonsterDodge(); }
else if (PlayerMove == "heavy" && MonsterMove == "block" || MonsterMove == "charge")
if (MonsterMove == "block") { MonsterBlock(); }
if (MonsterMove == "charge") { MonsterChargeAttack(); }
else if (PlayerMove == "stealth" && MonsterMove == "heavy" || MonsterMove == "block")
if (MonsterMove == "heavy") { MonsterHeavyAttack(); }
if (MonsterMove == "block") { MonsterBlock(); }
//Players Responses To Monster
if (MonsterMove == "dodge" && PlayerMove == "heavy" || PlayerMove == "stealth")
if (PlayerMove == "heavy") { MonsterHeavyAttack(); }
if (PlayerMove == "stealth") { MonsterStealthAttack(); }
else if (MonsterMove == "charge" && PlayerMove == "dodge" || PlayerMove == "stealth")
if (PlayerMove == "dodge") { MonsterDodge(); }
if (PlayerMove == "stealth") { MonsterStealthAttack(); }
else if (MonsterMove == "block" && PlayerMove == "charge" || PlayerMove == "dodge")
if (PlayerMove == "charge") { MonsterChargeAttack(); }
if (PlayerMove == "dodge") { MonsterDodge(); }
else if (MonsterMove == "heavy" && PlayerMove == "block" || PlayerMove == "charge")
if (PlayerMove == "block") { MonsterBlock(); }
if (PlayerMove == "charge") { MonsterChargeAttack(); }
else if (MonsterMove == "stealth" && PlayerMove == "heavy" || PlayerMove == "block")
if (PlayerMove == "heavy") { MonsterHeavyAttack(); }
if (PlayerMove == "block") { MonsterBlock(); }
First create a Move enum, rather than using strings:
public enum Moves
Next, use a Dictionary to determine the moves:
var moveResolution = new Dictionary<Tuple<Moves, Moves>, Action>
{ new Tuple<Moves, Moves>(Moves.Dodge, Moves.Heavy), MonsterHeavyAttack },
{ new Tuple<Moves, Moves>(Moves.Dodge, Moves.Steath), MonsterStealthAttack },
{ new Tuple<Moves, Moves>(Moves.Charge, Moves.Dodge), MonsterDodge },
Then to determine the appropriate move, simply do:
var moveCombination = new Tuple<Moves, Moves>(playerMove, monsterMove);
if (moveResolution.ContainsKey(moveCombination))
This code could then be further improved by replacing the lazy Tuple<Moves, Moves> with a MoveCombination struct. Note, use a struct to ensure the moveResolution.ContainsKey(moveCombination) part works as you need to compare by value, not by reference.
I have to two function which is used to find tags inside the tags like, there is a tag A=B(C(D(E))) so i have to find all the tags inside B then all the tags inside C and so on. I write two function but getting the error System.StackOverflowException. In the first function i am providing the tag ID and against that tag id i am getting getNestesCalTagsId and then calling the getNestedCalTagsIngredients() function. But when there are lot of recursion calls i get the error System.StackOverflowException. Below is my whole code.
public List<int?> getNestedCalTags(int? calTagId)
var getNestesCalTagsId = db.Dependencies_Metrix.Where(x => x.Cal_Tag_P_Id == calTagId && x.Status == true && x.Cal_Tag_Id_FK!=null).Select(x => x.Cal_Tag_Id_FK).ToList();
if (getNestesCalTagsId.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in getNestesCalTagsId)
if (item != null)
if (nestedCalFTags.Count > 0)
int countedTags = nestedCalFTags.Count;
List<int?> tags = new List<int?>(nestedCalFTags);
for (int i = 0; i < tags.Count; i++)
if (tags[i] != null)
return nestedRawTags;
public bool getNestedCalTagsIngredients(int nestCalTagId)
var getCalTags = db.Dependencies_Metrix.Where(x => x.Cal_Tag_P_Id == nestCalTagId && x.Status == true).ToList();
if (getCalTags.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in getCalTags)
if (item.Cal_Tag_Id_FK != null)
var getNestedCalTagParent = db.Dependencies_Metrix.Where(x => x.Cal_Tag_P_Id == item.Cal_Tag_Id_FK && x.Status == true && x.Cal_Tag_Id_FK!=null).Select(x => x.Cal_Tag_Id_FK).ToList();
if (getNestedCalTagParent != null)
var rawTagId = db.Dependencies_Metrix.Where(x => x.Cal_Tag_P_Id == item.Cal_Tag_P_Id && x.Real_Tag_Id_FK!=null).Select(x => x.Real_Tag_Id_FK).ToList();
if (rawTagId != null)
foreach (var rawItem in rawTagId)
if (rawItem!=null)
if (nestedRawTags.IndexOf(rawItem.Value) == -1)
return true;
I was hoping to get some help with this. The only real issue I'm having is that this code is not as efficient as it could be. Basically I have a set of tiles and need to decide what kind of tiles to instantiate based on the combination of tiles around them. In the code below, the position of the tile I'm checking is the key in my map (ex map[right] is the tile to the right, topLeft is the tile adjacent diagonally to the top left and top2 etc. is the tile two spaces in that direction).
The code in question:
if (map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[bottom].Type == TileType.NOTHING)
Instantiate(wallEdgeTopLeftInternalCornerTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.NOTHING)
Instantiate(wallEdgeTopRightInternalCornerTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[right].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL)
Instantiate(wallEdgeBottomLeftInternalCornerTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[top].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL)
Instantiate(wallEdgeBottomRightInternalCornerTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[right].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL)
Instantiate(wallEdgeCornerTopRightTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL)
Instantiate(wallEdgeCornerTopLeftTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[topRight].Type == TileType.NOTHING)
Instantiate(wallEdgeCornerBottomLeftTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[topLeft].Type == TileType.NOTHING)
Instantiate(wallEdgeCornerBottomRightTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top2].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[left2].Type == TileType.NOTHING) || (map[left].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left2].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.WALL))
Instantiate(wallTopLeftTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top2].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[right2].Type == TileType.NOTHING) || (map[right].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right2].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.WALL))
Instantiate(wallTopRightTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left2].Type == TileType.NOTHING) || (map[left].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left2].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR))
Instantiate(wallBottomLeftTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right2].Type == TileType.NOTHING) || (map[right].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right2].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR))
Instantiate(wallBottomRightTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left2].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR) || (map[left].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[left2].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR))
Instantiate(wallMidLeftTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right2].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR) || (map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right2].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR))
Instantiate(wallMidRightTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top2].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.WALL))
Instantiate(wallTopTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR))
Instantiate(wallBottomTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[top].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL)
Instantiate(wallEdgeBottomTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[right].Type == TileType.FLOOR) || (map[left].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type != TileType.NOTHING))
Instantiate(wallEdgeRightTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.FLOOR && map[right].Type == TileType.NOTHING) || (map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[top].Type != TileType.NOTHING))
Instantiate(wallEdgeLeftTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if (map[bottom].Type == TileType.NOTHING && map[top].Type == TileType.FLOOR)
Instantiate(wallEdgeTopTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
else if ((map[left].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top].Type == TileType.WALL && map[right].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom].Type == TileType.WALL && map[top2].Type == TileType.WALL && map[bottom2].Type == TileType.FLOOR))
Instantiate(wallMiddleTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
// Should never get here, so if a white Tile is seen, something went wrong!
Instantiate(whiteTile, t.Position, Quaternion.identity);
I had made a table because I thought that I would instead check each position, assign it a number from 0-2, convert that number from base 3 to decimal, then use a switch statement on the outcome to determine which tile to instantiate. The number codes are on the very right.
But there are so many combinations, I feel like there has to be a better or easier way. Any ideas at all are appreciated!
Table of conditions
To simply reduce the number of caparison operations, I would suggest arrange your AND conditionals in a tree-type fashion. here is a simplified example.
note: I'm using single & for readability- I mean logical AND.
starting with:
if(a&b&c) {functionW(a);return;} //1 comparison, 2 ANDops
else if(a&b&!c) {functionX(a);return;}//2 comparison, 4 ANDops
else if(a&!b&!c) {functionX(b);return;}//3 comparison, 6 ANDops
else if(a&!b&c) {functionX(c);return;}//4 comparison, 8 ANDops
else if(!&a&b&c) {functionY(b);return}//5 comparison, 10 ANDops
else if(!a&!b&c){functionZ(c);return}//6 comparison, 12 ANDops
else if(!b&!e){functionZ(c);return;}//7 comparison, 13 ANDops
Tree-format: take a branch for each element we are checking, so first check for a:
//out here,first, go all the statements, where it doesn't mater what value a has. We haveonly one condition in our example, but if we had many, we could create a separate "tree" out here.
if(!b&!e){functionZ(c);return;}//1 comparison, 1 ANDops
//now we start a branch based on a
{//in here go all the if statements where a is true
//now we create onther tree branch based on b
if(!c){ functionW(a); return;}// total 4 comparisons to get here. 1 ANDops
{//all option where b is false
if(c) {functionX(c); return;}// total 4 comparisons to get here, 1 ANDops
else {functionX(b); return;}// total 4 comparisons to get here, 1 ANDops
{//in here go all the if statements where a is false (there are only two, so no need for a branch)
if(b&c) {functionY(b);return}// total 3 comparisons to get here. 2 ANDops
else if(!b&c){functionZ(c);return}// total 3 comparisons to get here, 3 ANDops
Obviously you don't get a huge advantage with only 7 different conditionals, but this improvement grows, with the amount of conditionals you start with.
How do I break if-else-if.....Why its not working? its just checking all the conditions instead of performing the tasks. following is my code. I have checked it through breakpoints its moving to all conditions why it doesn't get stop after meeting the correct condition. even it is not going into the if activity it just read all the conditions and do nothing at the end.
private void ShowHash()
inpic = pb_selected.Image;
Bitmap image = new Bitmap(inpic);
byte[] imgBytes = new byte[0];
imgBytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(image, imgBytes.GetType());
string hash = ComputeHashCode(imgBytes);
txt_selectedText.Text = hash;
private void GetHash()
if (txt_sel1.Text == null && (txt_sel2.Text == null || txt_sel3.Text == null || txt_sel4.Text == null || txt_sel5.Text == null ))
txt_sel1.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (txt_sel1.Text != null && (txt_sel2.Text == null || txt_sel3.Text == null || txt_sel4.Text == null || txt_sel5.Text == null))
txt_sel2.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (txt_sel2.Text != null && (txt_sel3.Text == null || txt_sel4.Text == null || txt_sel5.Text == null))
txt_sel3.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (txt_sel3.Text != null && (txt_sel4.Text == null || txt_sel5.Text == null))
txt_sel4.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (txt_sel4.Text != null && (txt_sel5.Text == null))
txt_sel5.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
I strongly suspect the problem is that the Text property is never null for any of txt_sel*. Assuming these are text boxes in a UI, it's much more likely that if there's no text in the text box, the Text property will return "" instead of null. That's the way most UI frameworks handle empty controls.
I would also suggest extracting the conditions into local variables first:
bool hasSel1 = txt_sel1.Text != "";
bool hasSel2 = txt_sel2.Text != "";
bool hasSel3 = txt_sel3.Text != "";
bool hasSel4 = txt_sel4.Text != "";
bool hasSel5 = txt_sel5.Text != "";
if (!hasSel1 && (!hasSel2 || !hasSel3 || !hasSel4 || !hasSel5)
And ideally, give your controls more meaningful names - a collection of variables with the same prefix but then a numeric suffix is very rarely a good idea, in terms of readability.
If there is nothing in those textboxes, textbox.Text will return an empty string ("") not null.
Check against "" not null:
private void GetHash()
if (txt_sel1.Text == "" && (txt_sel2.Text == "" || txt_sel3.Text == "" || txt_sel4.Text == "" || txt_sel5.Text == ""))
txt_sel1.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (txt_sel1.Text != "" && (txt_sel2.Text == "" || txt_sel3.Text == "" || txt_sel4.Text == "" || txt_sel5.Text == ""))
txt_sel2.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
EDIT: You don't have to do ==true for boolean variables. If statement checks it against true by default. Use ! to check against false:
if (hasValue1 && (hasValue2 || hasValue3 || hasValue4 || hasValue5))
txt_sel1.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (hasValue2 && (!hasValue1 ||hasValue3 || hasValue4 || hasValue5))
txt_sel2.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (hasValue3 && (!hasValue1 || hasValue2 || hasValue4 || hasValue5))
txt_sel3.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
I think for string better to use inbuild null and whitespace check function:
bool hasValue1 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel1.Text);
bool hasValue2= string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel2.Text);
bool hasValue3= string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel3.Text);
bool hasValue4= string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace((txt_sel4.Text);
bool hasValue5 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel5.Text);
And then define if condition on these bool. This case can handle unexpected null or white space values.
That is bacause it probably doesn't find any of those conditions true.
If it would find a true condition it would execute that if block and won't event check the others.
To add to what others have said, you should really have a final else statement in there to catch issues such as this:
throw new InvalidOperationException("My If Statement is Broken");
Thanks to you all! My problem is solved by changing the conditions and your suggested alteration, following is the code may be helped some beginner like me.
private void GetHash()
bool hasValue1 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel1.Text);
bool hasValue2 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel2.Text);
bool hasValue3 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel3.Text);
bool hasValue4 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel4.Text);
bool hasValue5 = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txt_sel5.Text);
if (hasValue1 && (hasValue2 || hasValue3 || hasValue4 || hasValue5))
txt_sel1.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (hasValue2 && (!hasValue1 ||hasValue3 || hasValue4 || hasValue5 ))
txt_sel2.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (hasValue3 && (!hasValue1 || !hasValue2 || hasValue4 || hasValue5 ))
txt_sel3.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (hasValue4 && (!hasValue1 || !hasValue2 || !hasValue3 || hasValue5 ))
txt_sel4.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
else if (hasValue5 && (!hasValue1 || !hasValue2 || !hasValue3 || !hasValue4 ))
txt_sel5.Text = txt_selectedText.Text;
I have a ListBox that contains items, which I have chosen from a ComboBox. When I chose an item from my ComboBox, it also removes that item in my ComboBox.
I have a button on my form, that let's me duplicate the selected item in my ListBox, giving me two of the same items in the ListBox.
I also have a button on my form, that let's me remove the selected item from my ListBox. If I remove an item from the ListBox, that item goes back to the ComboBox, but if I have duplicated the item and I remove both items from the ListBox, they both show up in the ComboBox.
I don't want it to be possible to have two of the same item in the ComboBox
Here's the code I have tried to use:
private void buttonRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ComboBox.ToString().Contains("Chicken McNuggets"))
found = true;
if (!found)
ComboBox.Items.Add("Chicken McNuggets");
found = false;
MessageBox.Show(// Message);
This is my first time asking a question in here.
private void buttonRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Big Mac" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Quarter Pounder" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "McFeast" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Cheeseburger" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Hamburger" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Big Tasty Bacon" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "McChicken" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Fillet-O-Fish" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Chicken Nuggets")
else if ((String)listBox.SelectedItem == "BBQ dip" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Cheddar dip" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Gulerod" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Hvidløgs dip" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Karry dip" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Ketchup" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Pommes Frites Sauce" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Sennep dip" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Sursød dip" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Æbler")
else if ((String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Gulerodskage" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Kanelsnegl" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "McDonut chokolade" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Sundae m. chokoladesauce" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "McDonut sukkerovertræk" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "McFlurry Daim" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "McFlurry Smarties" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Sundae m. jordbærdsauce" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Sundae m. karamelsauce" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Triple chokolade muffin" || (String)listBox.SelectedItem == "Vaffelis")
else if (listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Stor") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Mellem") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Lille") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("9") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("6") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("4"))
string objectToString = listBox.SelectedItem.ToString();
string[] ord = objektToString.Split(' ');
string selectedItem = listBox.SelectedItem;
var check = comboBox.Items.Cast<string>()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(selectedItem));
if (check != null)
comboBox.Items.Add("Chicken McNuggets");
if (listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Pommes Frites"))
comboBox2.Items.Add(ord[1] + " " + ord[2]);
else if (listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Stor Coca-Cola") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Mellem Coca-Cola") || listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Equals("Lille Coca-Cola"))
else if (listBox.SelectedItem.ToString().Contains("Milkshake"))
comboBox4.Items.Add(ord[1] + " " + ord[2] + " " + ord[3]);
comboBox4.Items.Add(ord[1] + " " + ord[2]);
MessageBox.Show(// Message);
We need to Cast to string the items from ComboBox so we can now easily check the ListBox.SelectedItem that already from ComboBox.Items.
private void buttonRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string selectedItems = listBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
var check = comboBox1.Items.Cast<string>()
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Contains(selectedItems));
if (check != null)
comboBox.Items.Add("Chicken McNuggets");
Is there a better way to check the button state for all mouse buttons than to check for any different button extra?
var mouseEventArgs = (System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs)e.StagingItem.Input;
if (mouseEventArgs.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released &&
mouseEventArgs.MiddleButton == MouseButtonState.Released &&
mouseEventArgs.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Released &&
mouseEventArgs.XButton1 == MouseButtonState.Released &&
mouseEventArgs.XButton2 == MouseButtonState.Released)
If not, how could I do it more elegant without repeating myself so much?
Thanks in advance!
I don't think there is much you can do except refactoring this into a method, since there is no predefined collection for all buttons. If you want it completely out of sight you can use an extension method like this:
public static class Extensions
public static bool CheckUniformButtonState(this MouseButtonEventArgs e, MouseButtonState state)
switch (state)
case MouseButtonState.Pressed:
return (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed &&
e.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed &&
e.MiddleButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed &&
e.XButton1 == MouseButtonState.Pressed &&
e.XButton2 == MouseButtonState.Pressed);
case MouseButtonState.Released:
return (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released &&
e.RightButton == MouseButtonState.Released &&
e.MiddleButton == MouseButtonState.Released &&
e.XButton1 == MouseButtonState.Released &&
e.XButton2 == MouseButtonState.Released);
return false;
(Not that anyone would ever check if all 5 buttons are pressed..)
Then you can check like this:
if (mouseEventArgs.CheckUniformButtonState(MouseButtonState.Released))
var buttonStates = new [] {
if (buttonStates.All(s => s == MouseButtonState.Released))