Selecting driver dynamically from config file in selenium - c#

I have written some ATPs using Selenium Web Driver in C#. Currently I am using ChromeDriver to execute my scripts. But I want to take the driver information(like chrome, firefox...) dynamically from some source(like config file) and create driver object accordingly.
One way to do that is getting the driver information from config file and instantiating driver object accordingly using switch case...
Is there any other way to do that??
Thanks in advance.

Running Locally
I have created the function for choosing the driver dynamically based on browser value from config file, using the Switch case that you suggested. I believe this is the only way to dynamically initialize driver locally.
Running Remotely
In case, you want to create driver remotely, say on Saucelabs or Selenium Grid, there is a better approach than using the switch case. It can be initialized using the DesiredCapability object.
DesiredCapabilities capability = new DesiredCapabilities();
capability.setBrowserName(browserName); //browser value is dynamically taken
driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(remoteURL),capability);
return driver;


automate the edge update using selenium

Is there anyway to update the new edge browser using selenium web driver? Can we do it by setting any option or capabilities?
My present code:
EdgeOptions op= new EdgeOptions();
op.UseChromium = true;
op.BinaryLocation = #"msedge.exe";
var msedgedriverDir = #"webdriver location";
var driver = new EdgeDriver(msedgedriverDir, op);
driver.Navigate().GoToUrl("my site");
I try to search online and on this site for a solution but did not get any working solution.
We can use the Selenium web driver to automate the websites. We cannot access the update related settings of the Edge browser using the selenium web driver. So we cannot update the Edge browser by using the selenium web driver.
If you want to control the Edge updates for many users then you can try to deploy the Edge browser using Configuration Manager and try to manage updates by using it.
For a single user, by default Edge will download and install the updates automatically. You can control the updates using group policy.

How to identify chromedriver.exe?

I have some RPA processes which use ChromeDriver to connect to specific instances of Chrome identified by its remote-debugging-port and a custom command arument for chrome which idenitifies the specific chrome instances as "from my program".
I have a program using Selenium ChromeDriver. I do not let ChromeDriver create the Chrome Instance, but rahter re-use an existing one. So when my program starts up it can find the specific Chrome I want to use, and connect a new ChromeDriver to it. The issue is that sometimes the ChromeDriver is left running stuck because I exited without Quitting it (this is development work - stuff happens!)
I would like to be able to somehow tag the ChromeDriver that was launched by my programs. Iti is easy to tage the Chrome instance - I just pass in any unique argument and it happily accepts it, as in "--originator=me", then I can go through the chrome processes, get their command line and know which Chrome is mine. But I do not know how to do this with ChromeDriver. Here are ideas I have that have not worked:
Pass in a command line argument to chromedriver, but the only argument I see in the process is "port=12345"
Get the Process ID of the chromedriver I just created. But I do not know how to ask the new driver for this, even though I have access to it.
Any ideas on how to identify a chromedriver that my process created, assuming that later on my program will be looking for this specific instance?
You can use a ChromeDriverService to create a ChromeDriver then give the service a LogPath. That LogPathcan be the identifier as long as it's a valid file name. Just like this:
var svc = ChromeDriverService.CreateDefaultService();
svc.LogPath = LogPath
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
driver = new ChromeDriver(svc, options);
Then if you want to find the specific ChromeDriver, just find the windows process with this command-line argument. In this case we really don't care about the contents of that file itself, just the fact that the magic word is now programmatically discoverable.

Selenium C# integration With Neoload performance testing tool

Could anyone help me to elaborate procedure for integrating selenium C# script with neoload tool.i wanted to integrate selenium C# and Appium C# coding with neoload .So I went though some steps in documentation and unable to run the example code and didn't get the point how we can integrated with selenium/appium C# script with neoload for chrome or any browser and perform load testing for web or mobile application with same tool .Could you please have a look on shared screen shot and help me to share valuable document with any simple example for understanding the concept/getting some confidence.Thanks for giving valuable time
I modified the code found here for the chrome driver:
DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities();
object proxyCapability = cap.GetCapability(CapabilityType.Proxy);
ChromeProfile profile = new ChromeProfile();
if (proxyCapability != null) {
profile.SetProxyPreferences(proxyCapability as Proxy);
ChromeDriver webDriver = new ChromeDriver(profile);
Your problem is that you need to provide the ChromeDriver with a profile which has the DesiredCapabilities whereas you try to apply them directly to the driver.

C# selenium chromedriver proxy auth

im writing a automation tool in visual studio with c#.
im using selenium with chromedriver. i need proxy user pass auth for my session. But i try so many times and so many sources but didnt work.
How to basicly user pass ip port proxy for my chromedriver session. Thanks for help.
There are a couple of options.
Configuring a proxy using ChromeOptions and org.openqa.selenium.Proxy
If you want the solution to be easily portable to run on other systems, you can try configuring a proxy using ChromeOptions and org.openqa.selenium.Proxy. There will be some additional methods in here to configure your proxy, but we need to know what type of proxy and type of authentication is supported.
// Add the WebDriver proxy capability.
Proxy proxy = new Proxy();
options.setCapability("proxy", proxy);
// Add a ChromeDriver-specific capability.
ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(options);
Create a new chrome profile with proxy configuration
Alternatively, you could create a profile for chrome with the proxy configured and tell chrome driver to work with that. This would be difficult, if not impossible, to port to other systems without manual setup, unless you containerized it, but that's out of scope here.
As of chrome 71, head to chrome settings at chrome://settings/ and choose Manage other people. Create a new person to represent your proxy profile. Configure the proxy using the browser the way you normally would for manually connecting.
Locate the path to your profile, something like: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Profile 1 if you're on windows. You can easily find by navigating to chrome://version/ and looking for Profile Path
Utilize ChromeOptions to pass the option for setting the user data directory for chrome on startup
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
Some snippets pulled from documentation for chromedriver

How to open the Default Chrome Profile through Selenium, ChromeDriver and GoogleChrome

I want to load a new Selenium ChromeDriver that is using Chrome as if I open Chrome from my dock (Essentially it'll have all my extensions, history, etc.)
When I use the following code:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.AddArgument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\");
ChromeDriver chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(options);
It loads the Chrome browser with me signed into my Gmail and with all my extensions, just like I want, but the rest of my code:
doesn't execute. But when I use the following
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.AddArgument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\Andrea\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Default");
ChromeDriver chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(options);
The rest of my code executes perfectly (Notice the 'Default' added to the end of the first Argument). Any tips or suggestions on how I can get the first block of code (The one without 'Default' on the end) to execute the rest of my program would be great. Thanks!
I know this is an old question, but what worked for me is to do remove the "C:\" and replace all of the backslashes with forward slashes. So, with that from the original question, this should work to load the default profile:
options.AddArgument("user-data-dir=/Users/User/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data");
The Default Chrome Profile which you use for your regular tasks may contain either/all of the following items:
Customized Fonts
All these configurations untill and unless are part of your Test Specification it would be a overkill to load them into the session initiated by Selenium WebDriver. Hence it will be a better approach if you create a dedicated New Chrome Profile for your tests and configure it with all the required configuration.
Here you will find a detailed discussion on How to create and open a Chrome Profile
Once you have created the dedicated New Chrome Profile for your tests you can easily invoke the Chrome Profile as follows:
ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
options.AddArgument("user-data-dir=C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data\\Profile 2");
ChromeDriver chromeDriver = new ChromeDriver(options);
Here you will find a detailed discussion on How to open URL through default Chrome profile using Python Selenium Webdriver
I have the same issue. I don't know how to fix it, I guess the root cause is white space in profile path.
I know a workaround for this. Just copy the C:\\Users\\Andrea\\AppData\\Local\\Google\\Chrome\\User Data to c:\myUserData (no space in the path).
Then add the argument.
This is an Old question, but if you are facing this issue, all you have to do is close all tabs, Just shut down the chrome window..
Selenium can't use the data since it is already in use.
Hope you fond this helpful.
