I'm trying to decrypt xor string with key in c# but decrypting is wrong and i'm getting wrong value.
string text = "xorhash";
string key = "xorkey";
var result = new StringBuilder();
for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
result.Append((char)((uint)text[c] ^ (uint)key[c % key.Length]));
return result.ToString();
I've get it from this python code, which working good.
def xor(message, key):
return "".join(chr(ord(message[i]) ^ ord(key[i % len(key)])) for i in xrange(len(message)))
key = "my_xor_key"
message = "my_xor_hash".decode("hex")
print xor(message, key)
as soon as your input string is actually hex representation of codes, c# code should look like this:
for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c+=2)
result.Append((char)(Convert.ToUInt16(text.Substring(c, 2), 16) ^ (ushort)key[ (c/2) % key.Length]));
private static string xor(string text, string key) {
var result = new StringBuilder();
for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
result.Append((char)((uint)text[c] ^ (uint)key[c % key.Length]));
return result.ToString();
string text = "my_xor_hash";
string key = "my_xor_key";
string encrypt = xor(text, key);
string decrypt = xor(encrypt, key);
System.Console.Write("Encrypt " + encrypt);
System.Console.Write("Decrypt " + decrypt);
Decrypt my_xor_hash
And I didn't change a single line, only indentation.
private static string xor(string text, string key) {
var result = new StringBuilder();
for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
result.Append((char)((uint)text[c] ^ (uint)key[c % key.Length]));
return result.ToString();
private static string FromHex(string hex) {
byte[] raw = new byte[hex.Length / 2];
for (int i = 0; i < raw.Length; i++) {
raw[i] = Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(raw);
public static void Main() {
string text = FromHex("xor_hash");
string key = "xor_key";
string decrypt = xor(text, key);
System.Console.Write("Decrypt " + decrypt);
public static byte[] EncryptOrDecrypt(byte[] text, byte[] key)
byte[] xor = new byte[text.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
xor[i] = (byte)(text[i] ^ key[i % key.Length]);
return xor;
static void Main(string[] args){
string input;
byte[] inputBytes;
string inputKey;
byte[] key;
input = System.Console.ReadLine();
inputBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(input);
inputKey = System.Console.ReadLine();
key = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(inputKey);
//byte[] key = { 0, 0 }; if key is 0, encryption will not happen
byte[] encryptedBytes = EncryptOrDecrypt(inputBytes, key);
string encryptedStr = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(encryptedBytes);
byte[] decryptedBytes = EncryptOrDecrypt(encryptedBytes, key);
string decryptedStr = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedBytes);
System.Console.WriteLine("Encrypted string:");
System.Console.WriteLine("Decrypted string:");
} while (input != "-1" && inputKey != "-1");
//Encrypted string:
//Decrypted string:
I have a json web key(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-jose-json-web-key-41) and I want to use it to sign some data with the private key and then later verify it with the public key. I am using c# with .net framework 4.5.1 and I can't seem to instantiate the classes properly using the keys I have. I generated the keys using this tool: https://github.com/mitreid-connect/json-web-key-generator. The following json is available and from this I should be able to sign and verify:
"kty": "RSA",
"d": "rZ_cdME7usL5EavJW1q0cjz8dhfdO9P-E4dacHYFf4I-TN7o-Q0ksfWCb4fpQPghUoz6v2b6-m3IZk4CocmdEAoFH2JqI0PbH5HIBqgva-bE8-elNJIKwza0Hbrw13bRU6KgpOrc9hrX-NcRCTkeKHYtDWGUa2NDB_lNQvkyg-V0NVXf5oSa_cZ9_H4kHPXrzcBeQapn2M_CFb3qfYgVgQb5xU5n67eAcSlztWHIaSaLyu_YAR0SxnEAvWiik1rtSYrEOWsVrPHfHBFwVHluP0g--bedH6kI3mZRI6H_UbmTMnRtxBkCA5mVdzOmsyX2e98MUqIlOeDQ4zB21xSDQQ",
"e": "AQAB",
"use": "sig",
"alg": "RS512",
"n": "xwHPJaSvKvLqrqb6oeXDL3A4iNgRo5PEQOQCE5zGa6ZWeoC88IuJZxXFJ93wzJk0J22QZJWofC8vV8GAeB3d9mD25koh0dbtb0yoWK-ttWamMIAN4WPiZu30JWzxY1k8LRzOz5lIT9Ze87gV_lgXbpkzQzKFNhxOmV_BhEu1PCLcOTHhic93WQk_E97nYCOwOifmkEFOCBzHEuTG1XHJ1nGEfBCAsdUXrMg_lU3w86TfVDYS6xLVtfVAq4ihDjBsmtPthrdMG4H5Qls8EM-_cbIRe7UEAQK9MgXDLHaQZbx_lQ46_P852SpCprbvqWaoM8zKyEiDf1q6O89D6YIaDw"
Then in C# I have a model with those fields and I made a function to test if I can verify data:
public class RSAKeyPair
public string kty { get; set; }
public string e { get; set; }
public string use { get; set; }
public string alg { get; set; }
public string n { get; set; }
public string d { get; set; }
And the test code:
public static bool TestSigning(RSAKeyPair keySet)
if (keySet.alg != "RS512")
throw new ArgumentException("Only RS512 is supported.");
var oid = CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA512");
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
new RSAParameters()
Modulus = FromBase64Url(keySet.n),
Exponent = FromBase64Url(keySet.e),
D = FromBase64Url(keySet.d)
var hasher = SHA512.Create();
var testmsg = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("TestMsg");
var hash = hasher.ComputeHash(new MemoryStream(testmsg));
var signedData = rsaProvider.SignHash(hash, oid);
var isSigned = rsaProvider.VerifyHash(hash, oid, signedData);
return isSigned;
private static byte[] FromBase64Url(string base64Url)
string padded = base64Url.Length % 4 == 0
? base64Url : base64Url + "====".Substring(base64Url.Length % 4);
string base64 = padded.Replace("_", "/")
.Replace("-", "+");
var s = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
return s;
However when I run it. I get the System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException with the message Object contains only the public half of a key pair. A private key must also be provided. when trying to get the signedData
I have no idea which parameters to set because this seems correct according to what I understand from RSA and reading the docs.
I have also tried to create two instances of the RSACryptoServiceProvider One signer with Exponent = keySet.d and one verifier with Exponent = keySet.e. But when I call RSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportParameters for the signer it throws a Bad data exception.
Any help is appreciated.
The main reason is RSACryptoServiceProvider is not able to generate a private key using modulus, public and private exponent i.e n, e and d only, it requires p,q,dp and dq as well. To generate RsaParameters with private key you will require following code to calculate p,q,dp and dq and finally generate RsaParameters:
private static RSAParameters RecoverRSAParameters(BigInteger n, BigInteger e, BigInteger d)
using (RandomNumberGenerator rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create())
BigInteger k = d * e - 1;
if (!k.IsEven)
throw new InvalidOperationException("d*e - 1 is odd");
BigInteger two = 2;
BigInteger t = BigInteger.One;
BigInteger r = k / two;
while (r.IsEven)
r /= two;
byte[] rndBuf = n.ToByteArray();
if (rndBuf[rndBuf.Length - 1] == 0)
rndBuf = new byte[rndBuf.Length - 1];
BigInteger nMinusOne = n - BigInteger.One;
bool cracked = false;
BigInteger y = BigInteger.Zero;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && !cracked; i++)
BigInteger g;
g = GetBigInteger(rndBuf);
while (g >= n);
y = BigInteger.ModPow(g, r, n);
if (y.IsOne || y == nMinusOne)
for (BigInteger j = BigInteger.One; j < t; j++)
BigInteger x = BigInteger.ModPow(y, two, n);
if (x.IsOne)
cracked = true;
if (x == nMinusOne)
y = x;
if (!cracked)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Prime factors not found");
BigInteger p = BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(y - BigInteger.One, n);
BigInteger q = n / p;
BigInteger dp = d % (p - BigInteger.One);
BigInteger dq = d % (q - BigInteger.One);
BigInteger inverseQ = ModInverse(q, p);
int modLen = rndBuf.Length;
int halfModLen = (modLen + 1) / 2;
return new RSAParameters
Modulus = GetBytes(n, modLen),
Exponent = GetBytes(e, -1),
D = GetBytes(d, modLen),
P = GetBytes(p, halfModLen),
Q = GetBytes(q, halfModLen),
DP = GetBytes(dp, halfModLen),
DQ = GetBytes(dq, halfModLen),
InverseQ = GetBytes(inverseQ, halfModLen),
private static BigInteger GetBigInteger(byte[] bytes)
byte[] signPadded = new byte[bytes.Length + 1];
Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, 0, signPadded, 1, bytes.Length);
return new BigInteger(signPadded);
private static byte[] GetBytes(BigInteger value, int size)
byte[] bytes = value.ToByteArray();
if (size == -1)
size = bytes.Length;
if (bytes.Length > size + 1)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot squeeze value {value} to {size} bytes from {bytes.Length}.");
if (bytes.Length == size + 1 && bytes[bytes.Length - 1] != 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot squeeze value {value} to {size} bytes from {bytes.Length}.");
Array.Resize(ref bytes, size);
return bytes;
private static BigInteger ModInverse(BigInteger e, BigInteger n)
BigInteger r = n;
BigInteger newR = e;
BigInteger t = 0;
BigInteger newT = 1;
while (newR != 0)
BigInteger quotient = r / newR;
BigInteger temp;
temp = t;
t = newT;
newT = temp - quotient * newT;
temp = r;
r = newR;
newR = temp - quotient * newR;
if (t < 0)
t = t + n;
return t;
Now to continue with JWK use it like following:
public static bool TestSigning(RSAKeyPair keySet)
if (keySet.alg != "RS512")
throw new ArgumentException("Only SHA512 is supported.");
var n = GetBigInteger(FromBase64Url(keySet.n));
var d = GetBigInteger(FromBase64Url(keySet.d));
var e = GetBigInteger(FromBase64Url(keySet.e));
var rsaParams= RecoverRSAParameters(n, e, d);
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaProvider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(512);
var hasher = SHA512.Create();
var testmsg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("TestMsg");
var hash = hasher.ComputeHash(new MemoryStream(testmsg));
var oid = CryptoConfig.MapNameToOID("SHA512");
var signedData = rsaProvider.SignHash(hash, oid);
var isSigned = rsaProvider.VerifyHash(hash, oid, signedData);
return isSigned;
Using vsprintf, the c code below converts a char array to an int. How would I do this in c#? I have tried casting the c# string to an int, and then adding the values, but the return result is not the same. My c# code needs to return the same value as the c code does(3224115)
C# Code
var astring = "123";
int output = 0;
foreach(char c in astring){
var currentChar = (int)c;
output += c;
//output = 150
C Code
void vout(char *string, char *fmt, ...);
char fmt1 [] = "%d";
int main(void)
char string[32];
vout(string, fmt1, '123'); //output is 3224115
printf("The string is: %s\n", string);
void vout(char *string, char *fmt, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
va_start(arg_ptr, fmt);
vsprintf(string, fmt, arg_ptr);
Finally figured out. Could be a bit cleaner, but it works, and gets the same output as the c code.
public static ulong getAsciiLiteral(string x)
int len = x.Length;
string[] strArray = new string[32];
byte[] finalByte = new byte[32];
int i = 0;
int i2 = 0;
int i3 = 0;
int offset = 0;
var hexFinalString = "0x";
var bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(x);
if(len >= 5)
while (true)
if (4 + i3 == len)
offset = i3;
foreach (byte b in bytes)
strArray[i] = b.ToString("X2");
i = 0;
i3 = 0;
while (i3 < len - 1)
hexFinalString += strArray[offset];
var ret = Convert.ToUInt64(hexFinalString, 16);
return ret;
G'Day. I am attempting to convert a function that was initially made for Bohemia Interactives language SQF to C#. The script is designed to encrypt a string with the encryption method RC4, however, it works a little bit different to the way this is traditionally done thanks to limitations of the arma3 engine. The whole idea of this is so I can encrypt a string with the C# program, and decrypt it through Arma 3 in-game.
Here is the code I am trying to convert from.
Function: ALiVE_fnc_crypt
Author(s): Naught
Version: 1.0
Encrypts or decrypts a string with a specified encryption key.
0 - Decrypt (0) or encrypt (1) [number]
1 - Encryption method name [string]
2 - Encrypted or plain data [string]
3 - Encryption key [string]
Encrypted or decrypted data or nothing on failure [string:nil]
1. Current encryption method names:
- "rc4" // Rivest Cipher 4 Stream Encryption Algorithm
// Constants
private ["_method", "_key"];
_encText = _this select 0;
_key = _this select 1;
private ["_fnc_intToBin"];
_fnc_intToBin = {
private ["_int", "_bin", "_pwr", "_bool"];
_int = _this select 0;
_bin = if ((count _this) > 1) then {_this select 1} else {[]};
for "_i" from (MAX_CHAR_SIZE - 1) to 0 step (-1) do
_pwr = 2^(_i);
_bool = _pwr <= _int;
_bin set [(count _bin), _bool];
if (_bool) then {_int = _int - _pwr};
private ["_bin"];
_bin = [];
// Convert string to UTF-8 binary
{ // count (faster than forEach)
[(if (_x == CHAR_ZERO_REP) then {0} else {_x}), _bin] call _fnc_intToBin;
} count toArray(_encText);
systemChat str _bin;
// Encrypt & decrypt methods
_key = toArray(_key);
private ["_keyLen", "_state", "_temp", "_j"];
_keyLen = count _key;
_state = [];
_temp = 0;
_j = 0;
// Key-Scheduling Algorithm
for "_i" from 0 to 255 do {_state set [_i,_i]};
for "_i" from 0 to 255 do
_temp = _state select _i;
_j = (_j + _temp + (_key select (_i mod _keyLen))) mod 256;
_state set [_i, (_state select _j)];
_state set [_j, _temp];
private ["_temp1", "_temp2", "_rand", "_i", "_mod", "_rbit"];
_temp1 = 0;
_temp2 = 0;
_rand = [];
_i = 0;
_j = 0;
hint str _bin;
// Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm
_mod = _forEachIndex % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_mod == 0) then
_i = (_i + 1) mod 256;
_j = (_j + (_state select _i)) mod 256;
_temp1 = _state select _i;
_temp2 = _state select _j;
_state set [_i, _temp2];
_state set [_j, _temp1];
_rand = [(_state select ((_temp1 + _temp2) mod 256))] call _fnc_intToBin;
_rbit = _rand select _mod;
_bin set [_forEachIndex, (_x && !_rbit) || {!_x && _rbit}]; // XOR
} forEach _bin;
private ["_dec", "_buf", "_mod"];
_dec = 0;
_buf = [];
// Convert binary array to UTF-8 string
_mod = _forEachIndex % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_x) then {_dec = _dec + 2^((MAX_CHAR_SIZE - 1) - _mod)};
if (_mod == 7) then
if (_dec == 0) then {_dec = CHAR_ZERO_REP};
_buf set [(count _buf), _dec];
_dec = 0;
} forEach _bin;
I have made slight adjustments to this code, and it all still works fine in Arma 3.
Now, the converted function. I have changed about everything in this code from what my initial code was to try and get it working, so at this point, it may be completely incorrect, however, I will include it anyway.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace encrypt
class Program
static public int MAX_CHAR_SIZE = 8;
static public int CHAR_ZERO_REP = 256;
static public int _keyLen;
static void Main()
string[] args = new string[2];
args[0] = "Some Random Code";
args[1] = "4tuIc9tai";
string text = args[0];
// Convert the text to an array of decimal unicode || Same as toArray in arma 3
string[] txtArray = new string[text.Length];
txtArray = text.ToCharArray().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();
int[] utf = getUni(txtArray);
// Convert the key to an array of decimal unicode || Same as toArray in arma 3
string[] keyArray = new string[args[1].Length];
keyArray = args[1].ToCharArray().Select(c => c.ToString()).ToArray();
int[] key = getUni(keyArray);
// Debug the output
//foreach (int i in utf){Console.Write(i); Console.Write(",");} Console.WriteLine();foreach (int i in key){Console.Write(i);Console.Write(","); }
// Convert string to UTF-8 binary
Dictionary<int, bool> _bin = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
foreach (int i in utf)
int _num;
if (i == CHAR_ZERO_REP)
_num = 0;
_num = i;
_bin = intToBin(_num, _bin);
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, bool> i in _bin)
Console.Write(", ");
// Encrypt & decrypt methods
_keyLen = key.Length;
int[] _state = new int[1024];
int _temp = 0;
int _j = 0;
// Key-Scheduling Algorithm
for (int _i = 0; _i < 255; _i++)
_state.SetValue(_i, _i);
for (int _i = 0; _i < 255; _i++)
_temp = _state[_i];
_j = (_j + _temp + key[_i % _keyLen]) % 256;
_state.SetValue(_i, _state[_j]);
_state.SetValue(_j, _temp);
// Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm
int _temp1 = 0;
int _temp2 = 0;
Dictionary<int, bool> _rand = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
int __i = 0;
int __j = 0;
int indx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _bin.Count-1; i++)
int _mod = indx % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_mod == 0)
__i = (__i + 1) % 256;
__j = (__j + _state[__i]) % 256;
_temp1 = _state[__i];
_temp2 = _state[__j];
_state.SetValue(__i, _temp2);
_state.SetValue(__j, _temp1);
_rand = intToBin(_state[_temp1 + _temp2] % 256, _rand);
bool _rbit = _rand[_mod];
bool _bit = _bin[i];
if (_bin.ContainsKey(indx))
_bin.Add(indx, (_bit && !_rbit) || (!_bit && _rbit));
// Convert binary array to UTF-8 string
int _dec = 0;
int[] _buf = new int[_bin.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < _bin.Count-1; i++)
int _mod = i % MAX_CHAR_SIZE;
if (_bin[i])
_dec = _dec + 2 ^ ((MAX_CHAR_SIZE - 1) - _mod);
if (_mod == 7)
if (_dec == 0)
_buf.SetValue(_dec, _buf.Length-1);
_dec = 0;
_buf.SetValue(_dec, _buf.Length - 1);
static int[] getUni(string[] txtArray)
int[] ret = new int[txtArray.Length];
int idx = 0;
foreach (string i in txtArray)
ret.SetValue(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(i)[0], idx);
return ret;
static Dictionary<int, bool> intToBin(int val, Dictionary<int, bool> bin)
for (int i = MAX_CHAR_SIZE-1; i > 0; i--)
int _pwr = 2 ^ i;
bool _bool = _pwr <= val;
int cc = bin.Count;
if (bin.ContainsKey(cc))
bin.Add(cc, _bool);
if (_bool)
val = val - _pwr;
return bin;
Any help what so ever would be great :)
My goal is to be able to convert a string into binary code that is still a string. I am able to turn the string into byte[] but not back to a string without decoding it.
You can use the Convert method for that:
byte [] bytesToEncode = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (inputText);
string encodedText = Convert.ToBase64String (bytesToEncode);
If you can encode/decode a byte, e.g.
private static String ToBinary(Byte value) {
StringBuilder Sb = new StringBuilder(8);
Sb.Length = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
Sb[7 - i] = (Char) ('0' + value % 2);
value /= 2;
return Sb.ToString();
private static Byte FromBinary(String value) {
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; ++i)
result = result * 2 + value[i] - '0';
return (Byte) result;
You can easily encode/decode a whole string:
// Encoding...
String source = "abc";
// 011000010110001001100011
String result = String.Join("", UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(source).Select(x => ToBinary(x)));
// Decoding...
List<Byte> codes = new List<Byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i += 8)
codes.Add(FromBinary(result.Substring(i, 8)));
// abc
String sourceBack = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(codes.ToArray());
string str = "Welcome";
byte []arr = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
I wrote this code in C# to encrypt a string with a key:
private static int Bin2Dec(string num)
int _num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++)
_num += (int)Math.Pow(2, num.Length - i - 1) * int.Parse(num[i].ToString());
return _num;
private static string Dec2Bin(int num)
if (num < 2) return num.ToString();
return Dec2Bin(num / 2) + (num % 2).ToString();
public static string StrXor(string str, string key)
string _str = "";
string _key = "";
string _xorStr = "";
string _temp = "";
for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
_temp = Dec2Bin(str[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8 - _temp.Length + 1; j++)
_temp = '0' + _temp;
_str += _temp;
for (int i = 0; i < key.Length; i++)
_temp = Dec2Bin(key[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < 8 - _temp.Length + 1; j++)
_temp = '0' + _temp;
_key += _temp;
while (_key.Length < _str.Length) _key += _key;
if (_key.Length > _str.Length) _key = _key.Substring(0, _str.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < _str.Length; i++)
if (_str[i] == _key[i]) { _xorStr += '0'; } else { _xorStr += '1'; }
_str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < _xorStr.Length; i += 8)
char _chr = (char)0;
_chr = (char)Bin2Dec(_xorStr.Substring(i, 8)); //ERROR : (Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length)
_str += _chr;
return _str;
The problem is that I always get error when I want to decrypt an encryted text with this code:
string enc_text = ENCRYPT.XORENC("abc","a"); // enc_text = " ♥☻"
string dec_text = ENCRYPT.XORENC(enc_text,"a"); // ArgumentOutOfRangeException
Any clues?
If you have a character, a char, you can convert it to an integer, an int.
And then you can use the ^ operator to perform XOR on it. You don't appear to be using that operator at the moment, which might be the source of your problem.
string EncryptOrDecrypt(string text, string key)
var result = new StringBuilder();
for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
result.Append((char)((uint)text[c] ^ (uint)key[c % key.Length]));
return result.ToString();
That kind of thing. Here's a longer version with comments that does the same thing in steps, to make it easier to learn from:
string EncryptOrDecrypt(string text, string key)
var result = new StringBuilder();
for (int c = 0; c < text.Length; c++)
// take next character from string
char character = text[c];
// cast to a uint
uint charCode = (uint)character;
// figure out which character to take from the key
int keyPosition = c % key.Length; // use modulo to "wrap round"
// take the key character
char keyChar = key[keyPosition];
// cast it to a uint also
uint keyCode = (uint)keyChar;
// perform XOR on the two character codes
uint combinedCode = charCode ^ keyCode;
// cast back to a char
char combinedChar = (char)combinedCode;
// add to the result
return result.ToString();
The short version is the same but with the intermediate variables removed, substituting expressions directly into where they're used.
// Code
public static byte[] EncryptOrDecrypt(byte[] text, byte[] key)
byte[] xor = new byte[text.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
xor[i] = (byte)(text[i] ^ key[i % key.Length]);
return xor;
// Test
static void Main(string[] args){
string input;
byte[] inputBytes;
string inputKey;
byte[] key;
input = System.Console.ReadLine();
inputBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(input);
inputKey = System.Console.ReadLine();
key = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(inputKey);
//byte[] key = { 0, 0 }; if key is 0, encryption will not happen
byte[] encryptedBytes = EncryptOrDecrypt(inputBytes, key);
string encryptedStr = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(encryptedBytes);
byte[] decryptedBytes = EncryptOrDecrypt(encryptedBytes, key);
string decryptedStr = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(decryptedBytes);
System.Console.WriteLine("Encrypted string:");
System.Console.WriteLine("Decrypted string:");
} while (input != "-1" && inputKey != "-1");
//Encrypted string:
//Decrypted string:
Here is some simple code to encrypt and decrypt
class CEncryption
public static string Encrypt(string strIn, string strKey)
string sbOut = String.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < strIn.Length; i++)
sbOut += String.Format("{0:00}", strIn[i] ^ strKey[i % strKey.Length]);
return sbOut;
public static string Decrypt(string strIn, string strKey)
string sbOut = String.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < strIn.Length; i += 2)
byte code = Convert.ToByte(strIn.Substring(i, 2));
sbOut += (char)(code ^ strKey[(i/2) % strKey.Length]);
return sbOut;