XML to CSV in C# newbie - c#

Hello Guys i need help with this xml data.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xml-data xmlns="http://www.lucom.com/ffw/xml-data-1.0.xsd">
<dataset id="tbl_ZM_tabelle">
<element id="knre1">AT</element>
<element id="knre2">U18713701</element>
<element id="umsatz_art">0</element>
<element id="betrag">7605</element>
<element id="zeile_m">1</element>
I want to write a csv data by using the knre1,knre2 and "betrag" id's. Its always the same name.
It should be looking like this
Iam a totally newbie in c# and i need the help.

This is something very basic:
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.IO;
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("test.xml");
StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
foreach (XElement datarow in xdoc.Root.XPathSelectElements("dataset/datarow"))
string knre1 = datarow.Elements("element").Where(i => i.Attribute("id").Value.Contains("knre1")).First().Value;
string knre2 = datarow.Elements("element").Where(i => i.Attribute("id").Value.Contains("knre2")).First().Value;
string betrag = datarow.Elements("element").Where(i => i.Attribute("id").Value.Contains("betrag")).First().Value;
csv.AppendLine(knre1 + "," + knre2 + "," + betrag);
File.WriteAllText("cvsFile.csv", csv.ToString());

public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load("C:\\Users\\edvazubi\\Desktop\\ZM05.2015.xml");
StringBuilder csv = new StringBuilder();
foreach (XElement datarow in xdoc.Root.XPathSelectElements("instance/dataset/datarow"))
string knre1 = datarow.Elements("element").Where(i => i.Attribute("id").Value.Contains("knre1")).First().Value;
string knre2 = datarow.Elements("element").Where(i => i.Attribute("id").Value.Contains("knre2")).First().Value;
string betrag = datarow.Elements("element").Where(i => i.Attribute("id").Value.Contains("betrag")).First().Value;
csv.AppendLine(knre1 + "," + knre2 + "," + betrag + "L");
File.WriteAllText("C:\\Users\\edvazubi\\Desktop\\CSVFile.csv", csv.ToString());
this is my file now


Reading kml file to get coordinates in c#

Okay, so I've been working on reading in a kml file that contains the coordinates of the boundary of every county/city in America. However, I've ran into some problems. Particularly, how to get the value of the NextNode and what to do when there is another element tag in the middle of an element's value.
Here is what the kml file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">
<Document id="root_doc">
<Schema name="gadm36_USA_2" id="gadm36_USA_2">
<SimpleField name="NAME_0" type="string"></SimpleField>
<SimpleField name="NAME_1" type="string"></SimpleField>
<SimpleField name="NAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
<ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#gadm36_USA_2">
<SimpleData name="NAME_0">United States</SimpleData>
<SimpleData name="NAME_1">Alabama</SimpleData>
<SimpleData name="NAME_2">Autauga</SimpleData>
<MultiGeometry><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-86.8189620971679,32.3402709960939 -86.8108367919922,32.3471298217775 -86.8097915649414,32.3535118103028 -86.8103485107422,32.3585205078126 -86.8158340454101,32.3703498840333 -86.8239974975586,32.3785285949708 -86.8310775756835,32.3839797973634 -86.83544921875,32.3912506103515 -86.8419876098633,32.3980712890626 -86.8452758789062,32.4044418334961 -86.8458633422851,32.4140090942383 -86.8447875976562,32.4167404174805 </coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-86.8426208496093,32.4181213378907 -86.8361129760742,32.4204101562501 -86.8296127319336,32.4227104187012 -86.8274383544922,32.4240798950195 -86.8263626098633,32.4259109497071 -86.8280029296875,32.4277305603028 -86.8307189941406,32.4295387268066 </coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></MultiGeometry>
Note, this is not an actual example where these random element tags appear in the middle of the coordinates, the counties that have them typically have a massive coordinate list and from my experience if i go through the kml file and only use the values before the first element tags, it appears to map out the correct county boundaries
List<string> locationList = new List<string>();
var doc = XDocument.Load("gadm36_USA1.kml");
XNamespace ns = "http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2";
var result = doc.Root.Descendants(ns + "Placemark");
foreach (XElement xmlInfo in result)
var region = xmlInfo.Element(ns + "ExtendedData").Element(ns + "SchemaData").Value;
//var country = region.Element(ns + "SimpleData").Value;
//var state = region.Element(ns + "SimpleData");
//var cityCounty = region.Element(ns + "SimpleData");
locationList = xmlInfo.Element(ns + "MultiGeometry").Value.Split(' ').ToList();
CountyCoordinates.Add(region, locationList);
So when i get to the variable "region", it groups all the element values together. For example it will say "United StatesAutaugaAlabama".
As for the coordinates, since there are these random element tags in the middle of the coordinate values, when i split the coordinates by " ", it gets screwed up when it hits these random element tags. (when it gets to that text in the middle of the coordinates the split will return '-86, 32 -86', instead of just '-86, 32') So, I'm essentially looking for help on how to read in the country, state, and county separately and how to properly read in the coordinates despite these random element tags.
I just tested with following a get results :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const string FILENAME = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
XElement root = doc.Root;
XNamespace ns = root.GetDefaultNamespace();
List<XElement> simpleFields;
List<XElement> extendedDatas = doc.Descendants(ns + "ExtendedData").ToList();
foreach(XElement extendedData in extendedDatas)
simpleFields = extendedData.Descendants(ns + "SimpleData").ToList();
I think you meant:
List<XElement> extendedDatas = doc.Descendants(ns + "ExtendedData").ToList();
var a_docment = root.Element(ns + "Document").Value;
var result = doc.Root.Descendants(ns + "Placemark");
foreach (XElement xmlInfo in result)
List<string> locationList = new List<string>();
var gg = xmlInfo.Descendants(ns + "outerBoundaryIs").ToList();
foreach (XElement extendedData in gg)
locationList.AddRange(extendedData.Value.Split(' ').ToList());

How to find attributes and their values in an XML without the name?

I'm new to C#
Here the xml:
<Columns BaseXPath="//Orders/Position/">
<Colum XPath="#PositionSK" Name="Position"/>
<Colum XPath="#PosGroup" Name="Gruppen-Nr"/>
<Colum XPath="#PosNumber" Name="PositionsNr"/>
<Colum XPath="#PositionCommercialTypeSK" Name="Status"/>
<Colum XPath="#BundlePositionSK" Name="BundlePositionSK"/>
<Colum XPath="#MainPositionSK" Name="MainPositionSK"/>
<Colum XPath="#SalesAgentPrice" Name="Preis"/>
<Colum XPath="#BookingUnitSK" Name="Buch"/>
<Colum XPath="#ContentComponentCommSK" Name="IKO"/>
<Colum XPath="#PositionTypeSK" Name="PositionsTyp"/>
<Colum XPath="//Advertisement[#AdvertisementSK = PositionAdvertisementRelationship/#AdvertisementSK]/#AdvertisementSK" Name="AdvertisementSK"/>
<Colum XPath="//Advertisement[#AdvertisementSK = PositionAdvertisementRelationship/#AdvertisementSK]/#AdvertisementTypeSK" Name="Formatvorgabe"/>
This xml can always change. So its never the same. Sometimes there are more infos, sometimes less.
This xml give me the certain info, which should be searched in the second "main xml".
So now I know that I have to find the Attribute of PositionSK, PosGroup, PositionCommercialTypeSK, ... . In the other xml.
But how can I do this? The name is never the same, so I need a placeholder for them?
I tried this:
public class ResultNames
XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
public List<ResultNames> GetRightNames (string file)
xml.Load(file); //this is the xml file
var list = xml.SelectNodes("//ROOT/Columns/Colum");
foreach ( XmlNode colum in list)
XmlNode bla = colum.Attributes; //I dont know what I can do here, without any name.
return null;
and what is with the other xml file, do I need an extra class?
A small sample from the other xml:
<Orders OrderSK="0013233309" OrderTypeSK="ORDER" OrderDate="2000-01-01T12:00:00" OrderPrice="0.0000" OrderQuantity="0.00" DistrictSK="0026070180" PaymentTypeSK="E" OrderCreationTypeSK="SNW5ORD" SalesAgentSK="0020025518" ChangeDate="2018-01-25T15:48:29" SalesOrganisationSK="K10-100-1000-50-65" ChangeDateFS="2017-12-11T15:25:21" Source="CORE" Status="C">
<Position PosNumber="3" PosGroup="5" PositionTypeSK="ONL" PositionCommercialTypeSK="DEFAULT"
But its a lot bigger.
Use Xml Linq along with a dictionary
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const string FILENAME1 = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
const string FILENAME2 = #"c:\temp\test1.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME1);
Dictionary<string, XElement> dict = doc.Descendants("Columns").FirstOrDefault().Elements()
.GroupBy(x => (string)x.Attribute("XPath"), y => y)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.FirstOrDefault());
XDocument order = XDocument.Load(FILENAME2);
List<XElement> positions = order.Descendants("Position").ToList();
foreach (XElement position in positions)
foreach (XAttribute attribute in position.Attributes())
string name = attribute.Name.LocalName;
string value = (string)attribute;
XElement element = dict["#" + name];
Code below just gets the Name from first Xml file
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const string FILENAME1 = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
const string FILENAME2 = #"c:\temp\test1.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME1);
Dictionary<string, string> dict = doc.Descendants("Columns").FirstOrDefault().Elements()
.GroupBy(x => (string)x.Attribute("XPath"), y => (string)y.Attribute("Name"))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, y => y.FirstOrDefault());
XDocument order = XDocument.Load(FILENAME2);
List<XElement> positions = order.Descendants("Position").ToList();
foreach (XElement position in positions)
foreach (XAttribute attribute in position.Attributes())
string name = attribute.Name.LocalName;
string value = (string)attribute;
if(dict.ContainsKey("#" + name))
string xName = dict["#" + name];
Console.WriteLine("Key = '{0}', Name = '{1}'", name, xName);
Console.WriteLine("Not in dictionary : Key = '{0}'", name);
I had to make some assumptions about the data you are working with, since you haven't provided examples of everything.
The first assumption is the format of the 2nd XML document. I had to guess from the format of the first document.
The 2nd assumption is that that XPATHs specified in the 1st document Colum elements always point to an Attribute.
void Main()
string xml1 =
<Columns BaseXPath=""//Orders/Position/"">
<Colum XPath=""#PositionSK"" Name=""Position""/>
<Colum XPath=""#PosGroup"" Name=""Gruppen-Nr""/>
string data =
<Position PositionSK=""A"" PosGroup=""1"" SomeOtherAttribute=""ABC"" />
<Position PositionSK=""B"" PosGroup=""2"" SomeOtherAttribute=""DEF"" />
var schemaDoc = XDocument.Parse(xml1);
var dataDoc = XDocument.Parse(data);
var itemsXPath = schemaDoc.Descendants("Columns").FirstOrDefault()?.Attribute("BaseXPath").Value;
var basePath = schemaDoc.Descendants("Columns").FirstOrDefault().Attribute("BaseXPath").Value;
// XPATH isn't supposed to end with a trailing "/".
if (basePath.EndsWith("/"))
basePath = basePath.Substring(0, basePath.Length - 1);
var lines = dataDoc.XPathSelectElements(basePath);
var rowIndex = 0;
foreach (var line in lines)
Console.WriteLine($"---Row {rowIndex}");
foreach (var col in schemaDoc.Descendants("Colum"))
var columnName = col.Attribute("Name").Value;
Console.Write($"{columnName}: ");
var columnValue = ((XAttribute)((IEnumerable<Object>)line.XPathEvaluate(col.Attribute("XPath").Value)).FirstOrDefault()).Value;
This produces the following output:
---Row 0
Position: A
Gruppen-Nr: 1
---Row 1
Position: B
Gruppen-Nr: 2
You can change the attributes that are output by adjusting the content of xml1.

Reading XML with namespace and repeating nodes

I have the following XML:
<entity xmlns="TdmBLRuPlUz.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xsi:schemaLocation="TdmBLRuPlUz.xsd TdmBLRuPlUz.xsd">
<NKODS>SAG 2.0_014_150</NKODS>
<NNOSAUK>Sagatave 2.0mm*0.14*150m</NNOSAUK>
And this is my C# code:
XNamespace ns = "TdmBLRuPlUz.xsd";
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
foreach (XElement element in doc.Descendants(ns + "row"))
Console.WriteLine(element.Element(ns + "NKODS").Value);
string NKODS = element.Element(ns + "NKODS").Value;
string F_DAUDZ = element.Element(ns + "F_DAUDZ").Value;
string DAUDZ = element.Element(ns + "DAUDZ").Value;
What I need is to read values from the XML nodes NKODS, F_DAUDZ and DAUDZ.
The problem is that there are repeating nodes with those names and with this code it gives me the last ones which are under UzdMat node. What would be the way to get the values for these nodes under UzdProd?
I tried to change row to UzdProd, but that didn't work.
You need to read the specific row you want rather than looping through all of them. For example:
var prodRow = doc.Descendants(ns + "UzdProd").Elements(ns + "row").Single();
var matRow = doc.Descendants(ns + "UzdMat").Elements(ns + "row").Single();
var prodNkods = (string) prodRow.Element(ns + "NKODS");
var matNkods = (string) matRow.Element(ns + "NKODS");
See this fiddle for a working demo.
See if this works :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication25
class Program
const string FILENAME = #"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(FILENAME);
XElement entity = doc.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "entity").FirstOrDefault();
XNamespace ns = entity.GetDefaultNamespace();
var results = entity.Elements().Select(x => new {
uzd = x.Name.LocalName,
dict = x.Descendants(ns + "row").Elements().GroupBy(y => y.Name.LocalName, z => (string)z)
.ToDictionary(y => y.Key, z => z.FirstOrDefault())

How to group XML nodes based on their values in C#

I have my XML as:
Is there anyway we can group the nodes with same values like this:
    <groups name="first">
   <groups name="second"><element>
Is there a way to group it based on same node values?
I just tested the code below and it matches your results.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string xml =
"<root>" +
"<element>" +
"<id>1</id>" +
"<group>first</group>" +
"</element>" +
"<element>" +
"<id>2</id>" +
"<group>second</group>" +
"</element>" +
"<element>" +
"<id>3</id>" +
"<group>first</group>" +
"</element>" +
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
var groups = doc.Descendants("element")
.GroupBy(x => (string)x.Element("group"))
XElement newXml = new XElement("root");
foreach(var group in groups)
newXml.Add(new XElement("groups", new object[] {
new XAttribute("name", group.Key),
XPath approach
string val= "first";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
string text = string.Empty;
XmlNodeList xnl = doc.SelectNodes("/root/groups ");
foreach (XmlNode node in xnl)
text = node.Attributes["name"].InnerText;
if (text == val)
XmlNodeList xnl = doc.SelectNodes(string.Format("/root/groups [#name='{0}']/element", val));
foreach (XmlNode node2 in xnl )
text = text + "<br>" + node2["id"].InnerText;
text = text + "<br>" + node2["group"].InnerText;
var nodes = (from n in xml.Descendants("element").
Where(r => r.Parent.Attribute("name").Value == "first")
select new
id = (string)n.Element("id").Value,
group = (string)n.Element("group").Value
Group the elements and build up a new document placing each group in a new <groups> element.
var newDoc = new XDocument(
new XElement("root",
from e in doc.Descendants("element")
group e by (string)e.Element("group") into g
select new XElement("groups",
new XAttribute("name", g.Key),
I had to try this in VB. My Group By skills need a lot of practice.
Using this test data
Dim myXML As XElement
myXML = <root>
this seems to work
Dim newXML As XElement = <root></root>
newXML.Add(From el In myXML.Elements
Order By el.<group>.Value
Group By gn = el.<group>.Value Into g = Group
Select New XElement("Groups", New XAttribute("name", gn), g))
newXML =
<Groups name="first">
<Groups name="second">
Similar to other answers.

C# XML Document Error (2,2) deserialize xml and storing to array

- Deserialize data from an xml document and storing it as an array.
- Avoiding manually assigning the data to different strings.
- The xml document will be manually generated
public void DeserializeObject(string filename)
XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(string[]));
FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);
string[] XmlData = (string[])deserializer.Deserialize(fs);
foreach (string p in XmlData)
catch (Exception e)
The XML document is as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Mapping xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
Thank you, found this solution
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Location Name="Location1" IP=""></Location>
<Location Name="Location2" IP=""></Location>
<Location Name="Location3" IP=""></Location>
<Location Name="Location4" IP=""></Location>
<Location Name="Location5" IP=""></Location>
using System.Xml.Linq;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] strarr = GetStringArray("Locations.xml");
foreach (string str in strarr)
public static string[] GetStringArray(string url)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(url);
var locations = from l in doc.Descendants("Location")
select (string)l.Attribute("Name");
return locations.ToArray();
Try this
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication38
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string input =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" +
"<Mapping xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns:xsd=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\">" +
"<Products>" +
"<Product>" +
"<software>Seiko</software>" +
"</Product>" +
"<Product>" +
"<hardware>Martina</hardware>" +
"</Product>" +
"</Products>" +
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(input);
var results = doc.Descendants("Product").Select(x =>
x.Elements().Select(y => new { type = y.Name, value = (string)y }).ToList()
).SelectMany(z => z).ToList();
var groups = results.GroupBy(x => x.type).ToList();
You need to generate a class from your sample XML.
You can use the xsd.exe to generate a .xsd and from that create a .cs file.
The you need to add this type to your XmlSerializer
See this answer: Generate C# class from XML
XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Mapping)); <- Created class type here.
If all you want to do is get the data form the XML-document as an array of strings, you can use XmlDocument to load in the data
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
Then you can find the nodes you need using an xPath expression:
XmlNodeList nodelist = doc.SelectNodes(...);
