Web Api 2 serialize abstract property - c#

I'm currently having a problem that I cannot seem to find an answer for. In my web api 2 project, we use the post request to add a resource to the database. However, during serialization of the JSON to Model, i'm running into a problem with some of the models properties that are actually abstract. Let me illustrate:
public class Person
public string Name {get; set;}
public virtual Address Address {get; set;}
public abstract class Address
public int Id {get; set;}
public class ConcreteAddressType1 : Address
public string Street {get; set;}
public class ConcreteAddressType2 : Address
public string POBox {get; set;}
The ApiController Action looks like this:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post([FromBody]Person person)
// Validate and save to Database
return person;
Currently out-of-the-box this property Address is always null, which makes sense, since it is abstract an must be either one of the two concrete instances which the serializer cannot decide on its own.
So when deserializing the request body to an instance of Person, I need to "somehow" check the Address-field of the passed in Json/XML and depending on that, decide which concrete class it has to be. The fields for the two Address-superclasses are different enough that I can decide which concrete class it has to be.
So I have tried making custom model binders, for both the Person and Address, but it doesn't feel good, I just want to know if there is a way to use the regular Web Api ModelBinder for Person which works perfectly, just use a different custom binder for one of its properties.
I found something in JSON.NET Abstract / Derived Class Deserialization with WebAPI 2, however, I need a solution without the client $type parameter.
I also found Web Api Model Binding and Polymorphic Inheritence which looks really close to how I see it, but this is for the entire class in the parameter, not one of it's properties.
Lastly, I found I can do something like this with a custom model binder:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post([FromBody]Person person, [ModelBinder(typeof(AdresModelBinder))]Address address)
//The custom modelbinder has bound address to the correct concrete class
person.Address = address
// Validate and save to Database
return person;
But I'd like to just have the one input parameter and the entire Person object for readability reasons and separate binding and combining seems error-prone and not in the Controller-actions's scope.


parsing object with Property List<Claim> and tell the JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to use specific constructor for claims?

I'm using .NET Core with Newtonsoft.Json. I have a UserModel class that has a List<Claim> property
public class UserModel
public string GUID { get; set; }
public bool isActive { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public List<Claim> Claims { get; set; }
and I'm trying to parse the JSON request into this object class like so:
public IActionResult Testpost([FromBody]JObject body)
if (body == null) return BadRequest();
UserModel user = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<UserModel>(body.ToString());
return Ok(user);
but deserializing JSON into an object like Claim class which I don't have access to throws an exception
Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: 'Unable to find a constructor to use for type System.Security.Claims.Claim. A class should either have a default constructor, one constructor with arguments or a constructor marked with the JsonConstructor attribute. Path 'Claims
because it is not able to decide on a constructor
According to online sources I can create a custom converter class that can manage the UserModel object creation but I would like to avoid this.
Is it possible to deserialize a JSON object into my UserModel class and tell the JsonConvert.DeserializeObject to use a specific Claim constructor like Claim(String, String) for parsing the Claims?
as mentioned by #PaulG i have already check the answer for How to programmatically choose a constructor during deserialization?
however the accepted solution used Creates a new class that implements the JsonConverter class then manually parses the body of the JObject request. Moreover, the answer shows how to deal with Claims but not with complex objects where claims are nested as properties
reading another solution in the thread it shows how to create a class that directly implements the constructor needed like so:
class MyClaim : Claim {
public MyClaim(string type, string value):
base(type, value){}
but this will require me to keep note on the difference between Claim and MyClaim when writing my code. the JSON converter may not be able to assume which constructor to use but i should be able to tell it which one. or is it by design and i have to suck it up and write extra code just for this?
because the alternative for me would be something like this:
public IActionResult CreatePublicUser([FromBody]JObject body)
string Username = body["Username"].ToString();
string Password = body["Password"].ToString();
var Claims = body["Claims"].Children();
List<Claim> UserClaims = new List<Claim>();
foreach (var c in Claims)
new Claim(
UserModel NewUser = (new UserBuilder())
return Ok(NewUser)
I suggest that you take a different approach altogether which is a common practice as well. Define a model only for the interaction with client, e.g.
public class UserModelWeb
public List<ClaimWeb> Claims { get; set; }
These DTO objects will be used only for the data conversion from JSON and never in the business logic layer. Then you can map your web models to the business logic that you will be using later. This will allow you to not be dependent on internal classes when you read external data. I.e. if you suddenly add a new field, it will be populated from external (and probably untrusted) source. This clear separation of concerns will not allow this since you will have to explicitly define a field in a web model.
Example for your case: let's say you will have later an internal field in the database that only you can edit: "InternalNote". If you add that field to the model, anyone can post the data and edit the field while your intention was only to allow yourself to edit it.
Additionally this will solve your problem since you won't need to cast to other classes.
P.S. You can use your class directly in action methods:
MyAction([FromBody]UserModelWeb user)
It should be deserialized from json right away.

Domain Model with partially loaded objects

Let's say I have an application which consists of both client and server. Client is using MVVM pattern (with WPF) and server is simply a WCF service which fetches some data from database and returns data as DTO-objects to client. In client, DataAccess layer converts these DTOs to domain objects and passes them to Model. ViewModel uses Model to fetch data (Domain Object) and populates itself with it.
To optimize database performance, each ViewModel is given only the data it really needs and nothing more (as recommended by many sources). For example, let's say there is an entity called DbCustomer which has 30 properties, and there are also 3 different Views related to customers: CustomerProfileView, CustomersListView and CustomerThirdView. Every view needs different portion of data: CustomerProfileView uses 20 properties, CustomersListViewuses 10 properties and CustomerThirdView uses only 4 properties. For each View, only required properties are fetched from database and delivered to ViewModel.
Now the problem arises: how should I design my Domain Objects to support this?
Solution 1, one partially loaded Domain Object (no-go)
If I have only one Customer Domain Object which is used by all ViewModels, it would have different data depending on the ViewModel that requested it. Obviously this is a no-go way because if I have to use this Customer object somewhere else I cannot be sure does it have enough properties loaded.
For example, I might have method GetDataStoragePath which is supposed to return string describing path to customer's private files. The method requires properties FirstName, LastName, SSN and IsExternalCustomer. Now, let's say CustomerThirdView doesn't need IsExternalCustomer, so it is not loaded when CustomerThirdViewModel requests Model to load Customer. Now if I use this Customer somewhere else (it is not a ViewModel specific object), the method GetDataStoragePath will fail.
Solution 2, three different Domain Objects
In another solution there would be 3 different Domain Objects (used as data containers) with suitable interfaces, and thenGetDataStoragePath would depend only from this interface. Example:
public interface ICanGetDataStoragePath {
string FirstName { get; }
string LastName { get; }
string SSN { get; }
bool IsExternalCustomer { get; }
public CustomerProfileData : ICanGetDataStoragePath { ... } // Implements interface
public CustomerListViewData : ICanGetDataStoragPath { ... } // Implements interface
public CustomerThirdViewData { ... } // Does NOT implement interface
public class CustomerLogic : ICustomerLogic {
public string GetDataStoragePath(ICanGetDataStoragePath customer) {...}
This would lead to Anemic Domain Model but it is not a problem in my opinion. However, it seems messy since I can easily imagine that there would be 20 different methods with different needs which would result in 20 interfaces (and only for Customer, there are LOTS of other domain objects also). Of course in this simple case I could pass all four parameters separately to GetDataStoragePath but in real life there are many more required properties.
Are there any other options? What would be the best way to solve the problem?
Your model obviously has to much Data. Why not make 3 models and one composite model?
public class CustomerProfile
public string Phone { get; set; }
// other profile fields
public class Customer
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string SSN { get; set; }
public bool IsExternalCustomer { get; set; }
public CustomerProfile Profile { get; set; }
Then you'd put all of your always required fields into the Customer class and group the rest together, i.e. in a CustomerProfile class. If it's null, then that data wasn't fetched and isn't available

.Net MVC binding dynamic Type to a Model at runtime

I have a slightly long conceptual question I'm wondering if somebody could help me out with.
In MVC I've built a website which builds grids using kendoui's framework.
All the grids on my website are constructed exactly the same except for the model they use and the CRUD methods that need to be implemented for each model. I set things up where each Model implement an interface for CRUD methods like below to get the logic all in one place.
//Actual interface has variables getting passed
public interface IKendoModelInterface
void Save();
void Read();
void Delete();
public class Model1: IKendoModelInterface
public int IdProperty1 { get; set; }
public int SomeProperty2 { get; set; }
public string SomeProperty3 { get; set; }
public void Save(){
//Implement Save
public void Read(){
//Implement Read
public void Delete(){
//Implement Delete
Then to speed up the writing of all the scaffolding Action methods needed to get the grids to work I created an abstract Controller that can call the interface methods of the Model that gets passed into it.
//Implement the AJAX methods called by the grid
public abstract class KendoGridImplController<T> : Controller where T : class, IKendoModelInterface
// Method called from kendo grid
public virtual ActionResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<T> createdRecords)
//Invoke Create Method for Model and return results
public virtual ActionResult Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, int Id)
//Invoke read method for model and return results
//Update and Delete also implemented..
Then I just need a Controller per model that implements the abstract controller above passing in the type of Model being used.
public class ResponsibilityMatrixController : KendoGridImplController<Model1>
//Set up the page the grid will be on
public ActionResult Index(int id)
return View("SharedGridView", id);
//Can override abstract methods if needed but usually won't need to
I'm wondering if I can take this one step further or if I've reached the end of the road. To me it just seems like more repeated code if I have to create a controller per Model that does nothing but pass in the type to the abstract controller and calls the same View.
I attempted for quite a while yesterday to figure out if I could dynamically assign the type to the abstract controller. I setup something where I was sending back the type of model via strings and I could still invoke the methods needed. Where it failed, was that the mapping could no longer be done on any of the controller actions by default since the type isn't known at compile time. eg
public virtual ActionResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<T> createdRecords)
createdRecords can't be bound like this if T that's passed in is an interface and not the Model itself and I've found no real way to map the form data to an instance of a type that isn't known at compile time.
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to do this mapping between an instance of the type of object getting passed in that I can figure out at runtime, if there's some other way to set this up that I'm overlooking or if both those things are going to be way too much work and I should just not attempt something like this and build a controller per model like I do now?
In case anybody else finds this in the future here's what I've done so far to solve my issue. First I downloaded the impromptu-interface code lib which is incredibly helpful when dealing with dynamic types.
Then for the abstract controller's save methods where it was important that I could bind back to the original object type I did this.
// Method called from kendo grid
public virtual ActionResult Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, [Bind(Prefix = "models")]IEnumerable<ExpandoObject> createdRecords)
Type originalGridType = GetTypeOfModelUsingCustomCodeIDevelopedEarlier();
foreach (ExpandoObject record in createdRecords)
var convertedType = Impromptu.InvokeConvert(record, originalGridType);
T objectInstance = Impromptu.ActLike(convertedType);
Then I just needed to add a cast in my model that could convert from the ExpandoObject to my model. An extra method that I still wish didn't have to be there but with some helper methods that I wrote it's not a lot more code to make happen.
public static implicit operator Model1(ExpandoObject expando)
Model1 model = new Model1();
//Set fields of model...
return model;
From here everything works front to back. Maybe there's a better way but this is the best I could come up with so far.

Looking for a workaround to serializing a method or constant

Apparently my education has failed me, because I didn't realize that methods in C# cannot be serialized. (Good to know.)
I am trying to create a WCF service that returns a simple class I created. The problem is that this simple class contains methods that I want to expose, and the caller of my service won't have any access to them (assuming they won't have a .dll containing the class declaration).
public class Simple
public string Message { get; set; }
private const string _Hidden = "Underpants";
public string Hidden
get { return _Hidden; }
public string GetHidden()
return _Hidden;
I set up a WCF service (let's call it MyService) to return an instance of my Simple class. To my frustration, I'm only getting a partial build of my class back.
public void CallService()
using (var client = new MyService.Serviceclient())
Simple result = client.GetSimple();
string message = result.Message; // this works.
string hidden = result.Hidden; // this doesn't.
string fail = result.GetHidden(); // Underpants remains elusive.
Is there any type of workaround where I'm able to set up a property or method on my class that will be accessible to whomever calls my service? How does one handle constants or other methods that are set up in a class that only exists in a service?
Typically you would create three different projects.
1. Service project
2. Client project
3. Data project
The Data project contains only the data classes - no application code. The methods and constants in these data classes should be independent of the Service/Client projects.
The Data project is included as a reference in both the Service and Client projects so that serialization and deserialization happen against the same binary - and you get to retain your constants/methods/etc.
The downside here is that all your clients will either have to be .NET apps, or you will have to provide different data libraries for each platform you wish to support.
As far as I know the only things that can be returned in a WCF service are primitives or a class with public properties that have a get method on them. From a high level WCF exists to allow you to specify a contract between the client and the server that it in theory transportation agnostic (ie you can swap out an HTTP endpoint for a netTcp endpoint and the service will function the same way from a contractual level).
The question to answer then is what data are you trying to pass back in this service call. If it's an object called simple with the data points of Message and Hidden then I would advise creating a data class called Simple that has those values as properties:
public class Simple
public string Hidden { get; set; }
public string Message { get; set; }
When the client receives the response back Message and Hidden will be populated with whatever you have set their values to on the server side.
The DataMember attribute can only be used on properties and fields. This means that a WCF response can only serialize these types.
If you really want to only use the const in your WCF contract You could convert it to a field and place the DataMember attribute on it:
public class Simple
public string Message { get; set; }
public const string Hidden = "Underpants";
To be able to do this the field must be accessible (public).
Add the DataMember attribute to your property. To do so, you must have both a get and a set defined.
public string Hidden
get { return _Hidden; }
set { }
technically you could do
public class thingToSerialize{
public Func<ArgType1,ArgType2...,ReturnType> myFunction{get;set;}
and then assign it a lambda that takes the arguments and returns the return type
before serializing

Limiting the data returned by a controller

I need advice on how to return a limited set of data from an MVC controller.
Lets say I have a class that is constructed like so:
public interface ICustomerExpose
string Name {get; set;}
string State {get; set;}
public interface ICustomer: ICustomerExpose
int Id {get; set;}
string SSN {get; set;}
public class Customer: ICustomer
In my MVC project I have a controller action that returns customer data. The project is actually more like a web service as there is no View associated with the data... we use the XmlResult (provided by the MVCContrib project). The controller action looks like this:
// GET: /Customer/Show/5
public ActionResult Show(int id)
Customer customer = Customer.Load(id);
... // some validation work
return new XmlResult((ICustomerExpose)customer);
The above controller code does not work like I want it to. What I want to happen is that only the Name and State properties are serialized and returned in the XmlResult. In practice the whole customer object is serialized including the data I definitely don't want exposed.
I know the reason this doesn't work: you can't serialize an interface.
One idea floated around the office was to simply mark the properties Name and State as [XmlIgnore]. However, this doesn't seem like a good solution to me. There might be other instances where I want to serialize those properties and marking the properties on the class this way prohibits me.
What is the best way to achieve my goal of only serializing the properties in the ICustomerExpose interface?
For those interested in what XmlResult does here are the relevant parts of it:
public class XmlResult : ActionResult
private object _objectToSerialize;
public XmlResult(object objectToSerialize)
_objectToSerialize = objectToSerialize;
/// <summary>
/// Serialises the object that was passed into the constructor
/// to XML and writes the corresponding XML to the result stream.
/// </summary>
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (_objectToSerialize != null)
var xs = new XmlSerializer(_objectToSerialize.GetType());
context.HttpContext.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
xs.Serialize(context.HttpContext.Response.Output, _objectToSerialize);
You can try this, however I am not sure if it works with xml serializers:
return new XmlResult(new { customer.Name, customer.State });
See this related question which recommends using an anonymous type.
// GET: /Customer/Show/5
public ActionResult Show(int id)
Customer customer = Customer.Load(id);
... // some validation work
var result = from c in cusomter
select new
Name = c.Name,
State = c.State,
// or just
var result = new
Name = customer.Name,
State = customer.State,
return new XmlResult(result);
Consider using, just for this one problem, XML literals in VB9 rather than serialization. Seriously. Just give it 20 minutes of your time. There's many options.
For what you're doing, returning XML as a poor-man's Web Service, this is tailor-made.
I ended up just doing the XmlIgnore as co-workers suggested, even though this left me with some undesirable (or so I thought) behaviors.
To get around the fact that XmlIgnore would continue hiding properties that I might want serialized later I asked another question trying to find a way to around that issue. Cheeso came up with a great answer making the XmlIgnore the best route (in my opinion) to take.
