I'm working on a project where I want to "drag" data from a listview to a panel. The goal is that people can select the information on the listview and then position a panel with that information on it on a sort of flowchart on another panel.
Pretty much all of the code is already working but there's one thing which I'm still struggeling with. When I perform a Mouse Down on the listview, a panel is being generated with a few labels on it to be able to drag. The code below is a simplified version for readability.
private void createPlayerPanel()
var coordinates = this.PointToClient(Cursor.Position);
Panel panPlayer = new Panel();
panPlayer.Name = "panPlayer1";
panPlayer.Width = 200;
panPlayer.Height = 50;
panPlayer.BackColor = Color.Gainsboro;
panPlayer.Click += new EventHandler(this.panClick);
panPlayer.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(panMouseDown);
panPlayer.Location = new Point(coordinates.X - 14, coordinates.Y - 12);
public bool Dragging = false;
Point location;
Panel panSelected;
private void panMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
panSelected = (Panel)sender;
Dragging = true;
location = e.Location;
However with the same Mouse Down I would like to drag the panel to the flowchart. So in one smooth movement, click on the information in the listview and drag it to the second panel.
When I generate the panel, I also include a Mouse Down mouseeventhandler but which is not active yet when I perform the mousedown. So when I release the mouse and then hold down the mouse again, it works fine and I can drag the panel to it's new position. But I would like to do it in one action. So MOUSE DOWN > GENERATE PANEL > ACTIVATE MOUSE EVENT > DRAG PANEL
Is there a way I can activate the mousedown-event of the panel when I've finished creating it?
I'm a somewhat beginner to C# using Visual Studio 2019 and currently creating a game and am struggling to find a way to create a generic mousedown/mousemove event handler to move pictureboxes created at runtime through a class constructor with the mouse
I've figured out how to move them how I want but right now it only works when I click the form and not the picturebox itself, which is far from ideal. Is there a way to create a generic event handler that is able to determine which pictureBox is clicked and moves only that one? And how would I go about doing that? If it helps I've added the pictureBoxes to Form1's Controls in order to display them. The code is the class constructor of how the pictureBox is created at runtime using the line:
"new Piece(new Position(100, 100), 200, 300, form);"
public Piece(Position pos, int xSize, int ySize, Form form)
this.pos = pos;
this.xSize = xSize;
this.ySize = ySize;
pic = new PictureBox();
pic.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
pic.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(xSize, ySize);
pic.Visible = true;
childPlatforms = new List<Platform>();
If i understand it right, then you can use the event of the picturebox. The Parameter sender is the Control, which fire the event.
PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox();
// add image, set start location, etc...
pictureBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 50);
pictureBox.MouseDown += PictureBox_MouseDown;
// ...
private void PictureBox_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// cast object sender to PictureBox pictureBox
if (!(sender is PictureBox pictureBox)) return;
pictureBox.Location = CursorPosition;
I've done a mini test program to prototype a way to drag and drop an image (at the right)(using a button as a support) to a panel (left part)(The current panel background letter are only for test purpose) and to move it inside the panel perimeter.
The image on the moving control is manually drawn during the Paint event :
void bouton_Paint( object sender, PaintEventArgs e )
Button but = sender as Button;
Bitmap img = new Bitmap(WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Resources.triaxe);
e.Graphics.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, but.Width, but.Height);
As you can see below, during the moving process, the background of the moved control is frezzed. So it is not very pretty
Is it to make the progress smoother ?
Thank you.
This is the code to move my triaxe on the form :
void bouton_MouseUp( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
Button button = sender as Button;
button.Tag = false;
button.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
void bouton_MouseMove( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
Button button = sender as Button;
if (button.Tag != null && (bool)button.Tag == true)
button.Left += e.X - MouseDownLocation.X;
button.Top += e.Y - MouseDownLocation.Y;
private Point MouseDownLocation;
void bouton_MouseDown( object sender, MouseEventArgs e )
Button button = sender as Button;
MouseDownLocation = e.Location;
button.Tag = true;
button.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
Let's assume you do not want to draw the graphics alone but do want a Control with transparency move on top of another Control.
You have to solve two problems:
Winforms doesn't support transparency well; you have two options:
Either let the system fake it for you
Or do the faking yourself.
For the first it is enough to have a control with a transparent backcolor and an Image or BackgroundImage (depending on the control type) with transparency and then nest the moving control in the background control.
For a simplistic test you can add if (button.Parent != panel1) button.Parent = panel1; to your mousedown code. This will look jumpy but should display transparency correctly. (Don't forget to make the Backcolor transparent; in your code your make it SystemColors.Control.
To fake it yourself you would do exactly what the system does:
You get the target suface in a bitmaps (with DrawToBitmap) and then combine the area the mover currently covers with the image; here getting that area is key.
Then you can set that image as backgroundimage or draw it onto the mover.
The other problem is with the moving code. Here the issue is that when you move the mouse the MouseMove event is triggered and you can move the control. But by moving it the mouse will have moved relativly to the new location and the event will be triggered again leading to flicker an jumpiness!
To avoid this you can test the numbers or use a flag or unregister the move event before setting the location and re-register afterwards.
Also setting the location in one go instead of the two coordinates is a good idea..: button.Location = new Point(button.Left + e.X - MouseDownLocation.X, button.Top + e.Y - MouseDownLocation.Y);
Imo you should still consider drawing just the graphics on On panel.MouseMove and panel.Paint. On panel.MouseUp you can still add a Button to the panel.Controls right there. Both issues are avoided and you are free to add the functionality you want as well..
After following the instructions in the link here How to create draggable pin in windows 10 to give pick location functionality?
I have a half working dragging pin.
Currently the map pin (Grid) starts in the correct place on the map, however, upon dragging the map pin the pin initially pops up to the top left of the screen (0,0) and starts dragging from here.
Upon dropping the pin it appears to have disconnected from the map element itself as you can then scroll the map and the pin stays in place on the screen.
I am using Xamarin.Forms with a custom map renderer.
Following the original example the map would still pan along with the pin dragging, I corrected this by disabling panning upon Grid_ManipuationStarted.
The issue seems to be with the Grid_ManipulationDelta function as this is what removes the Grid from the MapControl children.
I've uploaded a video of the issue onto YouTube. Found here: https://youtu.be/uUkB5Pi5MnA
My code is as follows:
void IMapControls.startDraggable(Location l) {
// Create the XAML
var grid = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid {
Background = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource= new BitmapImage(new Uri("ms-appx:///pin.png",UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)),Stretch = Stretch.Uniform },
grid.ManipulationMode = ManipulationModes.TranslateX|ManipulationModes.TranslateY;
grid.ManipulationCompleted += Grid_ManipulationCompleted;
grid.ManipulationStarted += Grid_ManipuationStarted;
grid.ManipulationDelta += Grid_ManipulationDelta;
// Set RenderTransform so not null later
CompositeTransform tran = new CompositeTransform();
grid.RenderTransform = tran;
// Add XAML to the map.
Geopoint snPoint = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition() { Latitude = l.lat,Longitude = l.lng });
MapControl.SetNormalizedAnchorPoint(grid,new Windows.Foundation.Point(0.5,1.0));
private void Grid_ManipuationStarted(Object sender,ManipulationStartedRoutedEventArgs e) {
private void Grid_ManipulationDelta(object sender,ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e) {
var grid = sender as Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid;
CompositeTransform xform = grid.RenderTransform as CompositeTransform;
xform.TranslateX += e.Delta.Translation.X;
xform.TranslateY += e.Delta.Translation.Y;
e.Handled = true;
private void Grid_ManipulationCompleted(object sender,ManipulationCompletedRoutedEventArgs e) {
var grid = sender as Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Grid;
Rect point = grid.TransformToVisual(nativeMap).TransformBounds(new Rect(0,0,grid.Width,grid.Height));
Geopoint gPoint;
nativeMap.GetLocationFromOffset(new Windows.Foundation.Point(point.X,point.Y),out gPoint);
Solved this by creating a Grid and adding it to the map, then creating an Image and adding this to the Grid. You drag the Image using Delta.Translation as above and upon dropping the pin it moves the Grid using MapControl.SetLocation (Not TranslateX/Y) to where the pin drops, then TranslateX/Y the pin Image to 0,0 (relative to the parent Grid).
This works as the Grid only moves using SetLocation which seems to work fine and doesn't disconnect it from the map like before. The pin moves relative to the Grid and has no issues as before, ie. Moving to 0,0 upon start and disconnecting from the map object.
Can post code if anyone is interested but I think it is pretty self explanatory.
So I have this problem where I have this view structure:
and I have a button that's loaded in the mainview, but outside of scrollview's visible content. When I scroll up to see the button, the touch doesn't work, but if I place the button to load in the visible area it works.
I also tried with a simple imageview and setting a gesture recognizer (with user interaction enabled) and the problem is exactly the same.
This is where I define the button:
UIButton scrapbookbackground = new UIButton(new CGRect(SPACING, progresses_view.Frame.Y + progresses_view.Frame.Height + SPACING, View.Frame.Width - SPACING * 2, 90));
scrapbookbackground.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear.FromHex(0x4f80bc);
scrapbookbackground.Layer.CornerRadius = 10f;
scrapbookbackground.Layer.BorderWidth = 1f;
scrapbookbackground.Layer.BorderColor = UIColor.Blue.CGColor;
scrapbookbackground.ClipsToBounds = true;
scrapbookimg = UIImage.FromFile("Images/scrap_capa.png");
scrapbookbackground.SetBackgroundImage(scrapbookimg, UIControlState.Normal);
scrapbookbackground.TouchUpInside += (args, e) => {
NavigationController.PushViewController(new ScrapBookPageViewController(), true);
figured it out. was not setting contentsize of scrollview properly.
I'm making a game inventory system where I have a grid and borders that take up a grid space have a background image of the icon. For example in grid position 0,0 I have a border with a background of a health potion. I want to be able to drag this border to any other grid location. Right now I'm working on just clicking and dragging the border to follow the mouse.
What I have so far sort of works but not really. If sort of freaks out when I left click on the icon and move slowly. However I can move out of the icon fast and it doesn't keep up so it then stops moving until I'm back over it. Any ideas on how to get this kind of functionality?
public partial class MainWindow : Window
TranslateTransform trans = new TranslateTransform();
Border border;
public MainWindow()
// create a broder and set it's background image
border = new Border();
border.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
var img = (Image)MasterGrid.FindResource("notepad");
var imgBrush = new ImageBrush(img.Source);
border.Background = imgBrush;
border.Margin = new Thickness(2.0);
// add the border to the grid
Grid.SetRow(border, 0);
Grid.SetColumn(border, 1);
Grid.SetRowSpan(border, 2);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(border, 1);
// hook up events
_00.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(_00_MouseUp);
border.MouseDown += border_MouseDown;
border.MouseMove += border_MouseMove;
void border_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// make the border follow the mouse position
trans.X = e.GetPosition(border).X;
trans.Y = e.GetPosition(border).Y;
void border_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
border.RenderTransform = trans;
private void _00_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
It's not that easy, so I will give you some steps:
You should know sizes of cells, then you are able to calculate position of each one.
Prepare a container (a Grid for example), which will be only for moving purpose.
When you start dragging put the item in the container (2.), set its position under your cursor and hide the cell's content.
When you drop the item, calculate over which cell you are (maybe there is even a function to get a control under the cursor) and do the rest of logic.
I'm not sure if dragging is possible in case of regular controls, maybe you will have to replace your Grid with Canvas.
Try something like this:
<Border x:Name="DragContainer" Width="40" Height="40" />
and modify only Border's Margin.
Another way to do it is to do dragging inside Canvas, then you will be able to set Canvas.Left, Canvas.Top - it should work properly.
<Border x:Name="DragContainer" Width="40" Height="40" />