How to create a Log with listBox - c#

I'm creating a webapp in c# using visual stdio 2008.
In the page there's a button that starts a quite long (about 1 min) processing.
During this i would like to show what the program is doing in a listbox in the same page but I don't know how to do it beacuse when the process start the page is continuously refreshing so the listbox is always empty even if in the code there are many ListBox.Items.Add("..").
Hope you can help me.
(p.s. sorry for my bad english,I'm italian)

May be your page load is taking time for other reasons, but not sure.
public static void WriteLog(string Error)
using (StreamWriter logfile = new StreamWriter(filePath + "Log.txt", true))
logfile.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString() + " -#: " + Error);
Use this function to log.
Call this function in Page load


How to use Clipboard in C# services?

Keep in mind i am using services not Windows Form App.
When I try to use System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText(); my code
don't go to next step.
means System.Windows.Forms Controls are deprecated
I am Trying to get copied text from Clipboard and change the text then set back to clipboard.
Please Help me.
below is my code
public void working()
while (true)
// Get text from clipboard
string clipboardtext = System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.GetText();
string path = "c:\\sample.txt";
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path, true))
writer.WriteLine(string.Format("Clip Board Test " + "-" + " " + "Windows Service is called on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy hh:mm:ss") + ""));
System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetDataObject("Hello ClipBoard");
Thread.Sleep(ScheduleTime * 6000);
Windows service is not running in same "scope" as your user GUI, it cannot access to your clipboard or key stroke or anything you do. Services are useful, because they can run without logged user or under different user.
Services are not allowed to access your keystrokes or clipboard also for security reasons.

Running Powershell script causes 'Memory corruption' or 'Cannot Read or Write'

Im making a program that makes a Wi-Fi hotspot for you and enables Internet Connection Sharing automaticly using a powershell script.
The script works and runs perfectly, but i have to wait for it to be finished so i can notify the user its done. Im using below code which works but...
but it crashes and causes an error on my home computer which is allot faster.
I get a Cannot read or write or memory is corrupt error which i can't really explain.
public static void ToggleIcs(string connectionInterface, bool state)
string toggle;
string par1;
string par2;
if (state){
toggle = "EnableSharing";
par1 = "0";
par2 = "1";
toggle = "DisableSharing";
par1 = "";
par2 = "";
using (PowerShell powerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create())
// this script enables or disables internet sharing with the connectionInterface given.
powerShellInstance.AddScript("" +
"regsvr32 hnetcfg.dll /s;" +
"$m = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare;" +
"$m.EnumEveryConnection |% { $m.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_) };" +
"$c = $m.EnumEveryConnection |? { $m.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).Name -eq '" + connectionInterface + "' };" +
"$config = $m.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($c);" +
"Write-Output $config.SharingEnabled;" +
"Write-Output $config.SharingConnectionType;" +
"$config." + toggle + "(" + par1 + ");" +
"$m2 = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg.HNetShare;" +
"$m2.EnumEveryConnection |% { $m2.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_) };" +
"$c2 = $m2.EnumEveryConnection |? { $m2.NetConnectionProps.Invoke($_).DeviceName -Match 'Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter' };" +
"$config2 = $m2.INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection.Invoke($c2);" +
"Write-Output $config2.SharingEnabled;" +
"Write-Output $config2.SharingConnectionType;" +
"$config." + toggle + "(" + par2 + ");");
PSDataCollection<PSObject> outputCollection = new PSDataCollection<PSObject>();
IAsyncResult result = powerShellInstance.BeginInvoke<PSObject, PSObject>(null, outputCollection);
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ">> Started Powershell script");
int i = 0;
while (!result.IsCompleted)
if (i < 60)
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ">> Running script");
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ">> Executed Internet Sharing script");
This is the error im getting:
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
I don't get a line that says where it crashes but it crashes after Thread.Sleep(1000);. Which i found out using breakpoints
As I said, the script runs fine on my laptop, and it does work on my faster computer, but it crashes as soon as it hits Thread.Sleep(1000).
After it crashed, I checked if ICS was enabled in the network and sharing center, and and it did so correctly.
I tried removing the Thread.Sleep(1000); but then it crashes anyway a line before.
What can I try or do differently?
i dont have the stack trace yet, as i am not on my faster PC where it crashes. but I will post it as soon as possible.
As mentioned by TheLethalCoder, it could be that i try to acces IsCompleted While it is being updated. If that is why it happens, How would I check if it is being altered or wait for it to be done.
As i dont really know what the call stack is for, or what a stack trace is, and how i can use it ill provide an image of what i saw one moment before the crash.
I did some snooping around and found a few things i tried.
first, in the application properties -> build, i ticked "Prefer 32bit" off
Because some people fixed their problems with this. And i did not get a crash but the script also failed to run and caused my internet connection to drop.
so i turned it back on.
I also tried the netsh winsock reset command and restarting my pc but it still crashed.
Im all out of clues now, but i posted these two things for people who come by looking for an answer and maybe this will work.
The MSDN article: Polling for the Status of an Asynchronous Operation states that the way you are polling the result is correct. However their example doesn't include a Thread.Sleep:
while (result.IsCompleted != true)
So to eliminate this I would use the following snippet that keeps track of the variables without sleeping, note that printing to the Console on every loop is going to quickly pollute the window though:
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
while (!result.IsCompleted)
if (sw.EllapsedMilliseconds >= 60000) //60 seconds
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ">> Running script");
if (!result.IsCompleted)
This is more of a comment than an answer but it was getting too long to be used as a comment.

Windows Application Log Events being 'missed' somehow with my EventLog

I've written an application, a component of which watches for Events being raised in the Windows Application Log with a certain Source and EventID in order to parse data from them. However, it appears to miss some of these events for no readily apparent reason.
I have included debug messages to try to see where the issue is - this takes the form of comments sent to a text field.
When an Entry is written to the application log, a time-stamped message is added to the debug text field, and parseApplicationLogEntry() is called.
private void eventLogApplication_EntryWritten(object sender,
System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
txtDebug.Text = txtDebug.Text + "\n " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() +
+ ": Application Log has been written.";
The application log entry is parsed, and the Source and EventID are looked at to determine if they are what we are looking for. A time-stamped message is added to the debug text showing the Source and EventID found.
private void parseApplicationLogEntry()
System.Diagnostics.EventLog log = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application");
int entry = log.Entries.Count - 1;
string logMessage = log.Entries[entry].Message;
string logSource = log.Entries[entry].Source;
string logEventID = log.Entries[entry].InstanceId.ToString();
txtDebug.Text = txtDebug.Text + "\n " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() +
": Application Log Source is " + logSource;
txtDebug.Text = txtDebug.Text + "\n " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() +
": Application Log EventID is " + logEventID;
if (logSource == "ExpectedSource" & logEventID == "ExpectedEventID")
// Do stuff
The behaviour is as expected much of the time, however sometimes there is very odd behaviour.
For example, 13 logs were written to the application log. 3 with the looked-for source, and 10 with another source. The debug text shows 13 entries were seen, all with the unfamiliar source...
I'm not sure where to go from here.
There is no need to access the EventLog in this way to review the newest entries.
Instead of calling a method to iterate through the EventLog each time a new Entry is written, it is simpler (and safer) to access the Entry more directly using the event handler which triggers each time an Entry is written.
private void eventLog_Application_EntryWritten(object sender, EntryWrittenEventArgs e)
// Process e.Entry

Sporadic file movement error

I have a program that is a launcher for a mod for a game. The launcher works for most of the people who use it, including myself, but for some there is a strange bug that really has me struggling to fix it, and further more driving me absolutely mental!
The basic idea is that my mod files are contained in a folder, the launcher iterates through these files, reads a certain byte of the file and based on the result either moves the file, or moves the file and writes some text to a certain file, then launches the game. Seemingly simple.
The main launch function looks like this:
private void Launch()
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(userScriptPath, false, Encoding.Unicode))
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\", "*.pack"))
int p = GetPackType(file);
if (p == 3)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
writer.WriteLine("mod \"" + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\";");
else if (p == 4)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
Process game = Process.Start(gamePath);
// There is code here that waits for a minute until the game process is actually found, incase its slow starting up
RestorePacks(); // <- Method to put back the files after finishing
The problem some users are getting is that when launching the mod the game launches but it appears as though the launcher doesn't move the files as the game is still in its normal state, it was very hard to ascertain exactly why this was happening as I had no way of debugging it on their computers and the program was working fine for me and all of my test users.
To try and find out what was going on I added a number of checks and some logging to the launcher so that if the launcher didn't work, I'd at least have an idea why. (Note that no errors are thrown for the users even when it doesn't work)
The checks I added included using File.Exists() after attempting to move a file to make sure it was actually moved, the logging kept a note of move attempts and the result of this check to see if the file was actually moved.
I even added a specific if statement to the Process.Start function checking specifically that a certain file was indeed in the required location before launching the game.
Finally before launching all of the files in the folder where the mod files should now be are written to the log.
All of the logs from users who the launcher didn't work for shared one thing in common the program attempted to move the file, threw no error, and then when checking that the file was indeed moved, the file appeared to be there. But when reaching the point where all of the files in the required directory are written to the log, only one of the required 30+ mod files appear to be in the directory.
An example output log looked something like this:
File moving: modfile1.txt
Checking if file is where we tried to move it to: Yes
File moving: modfile2.txt
Checking if file is where we tried to move it to: Yes
File moving: modfile3.txt
Checking if file is where we tried to move it to: Yes
Writing out all files in directory:
After seeing this and noticing it was always only a single file that had moved and no others, and also that the program did think the files were where they where supposed to be, the confusion really started to kick in.
This is the method that reads the file to ascertain what type of file it is:
private int GetPackType(string path)
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path);
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(fs);
int packType = reader.ReadInt32();
return packType;
As you can probably see, and what I've just noticed is that I've failed to close/dispose of reader, and I'm guessing and somewhat hoping this might be the cause of my problem.
(Note I'm now using Using statements in this method but can't test this fix for quite a while)
SO, if you've read this far thank you, my question is..
Firstly do you have any idea what the problem is? Could it be that reader still might have the file open and has not closed and thus the file can't move, IF SO then why does it work perfectly for me and most others, but not for some? Surely a file still being used elsewhere would throw an error?
I've gone through all the simple stuff like making sure the program is run with administrator privileges, etc.
Thank you greatly for any help!
As asked in the comments this is the version of the code with my checks and logging added. Simple stuff, which is why I omitted it, the log simply adds to a string, the string is then printed to file when all is done.
private void Launch()
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(userScriptPath, false, Encoding.Unicode))
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\", "*.pack"))
int p = GetPackType(file);
if (p == 3)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
log += "Move File: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\r\n";
writer.WriteLine("mod \"" + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\";");
log += "Write mod line: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\r\n";
else if (p == 4)
if (File.Exists(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)))
File.Move(modFolderPath + "\\Files\\" + Path.GetFileName(file), dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file));
log += "Move File: " + Path.GetFileName(file) + "\r\n";
// Check the file did actually move
if (File.Exists(dataPath + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(file)) == false)
MessageBox.Show("The mod could not launch successfully!\n\nError: Packs failed to move", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
log += "File Found\r\n";
if (File.Exists(dataPath + "\\_GreatWar5_DB.pack")) // This pack should always be there if things have worked
Process game = Process.Start(gamePath);
MessageBox.Show("The mod could not launch successfully!\n\nError: Data pack missing", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
// There is code here waits for a minute until the game process is actually found, incase its slow starting up
RestorePacks(); // <- Method to put back the files after finishing

Got stuck thinking in an idea that i got

First of all, sorry that I was unable to give a proper title.
I got stuck with an idea that's been with me today almost the whole day after searching and searching and searching, till it came to a point that I decided to ask it on Stackoverflow!
So here's where I am stuck:
(I am making an auto-installer currently coded in C# and it is Dutch. It works really awesome but I just need one thing to finish my base. For example:
You have 'multiple' objects selected in a checklistbox, those are read from the checklistbox itself, they get trimmed and they get launched after that.
Now that's all working, I wanted to add a waiting method, for example we got:
Malwarebytes & CCleaner as installation 'example'.
Now when both are checked, and I click start, it starts both of the programs.
What I want to do is: to tell the program to start one program, do your thing, once its finished (closed) it should go to the next.
But... There is a problem, my programs are started in an array, so it basically works if there are multiple objects checked, than it will start all of the checked objects. And I really have no idea how to reach the same thing which is basically :
If there are multiple objects selected, start the object(s), do your thing(auto-clicking etc.),once its closed and confirmed its closed, move on to the next object and do the same thing until its been completed. I would like to make it work with a progressbar, but never really looked into a progress bar as they seem confusing.
I have a piece of code that finds the Process ID so maybe I can do something with that, but the Process ID is never the same on the applications that I start, so when they start in an array I got kinda of an issue.
Could someone help me please figuring out what & how to code / do this?
here's the code i use to make this work :
string pad = Application.StartupPath;
foreach (string checkedItem in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems)
if (checkedItem.Contains("."))
string str = checkedItem;
if (str.Contains("."))
int index = str.IndexOf('.');
string folder = str.Substring(0, index);
bool started = false;
var process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.FileName = pad + "/data/" + folder + "/" + checkedItem;
started = process.Start();
var processID = process.Id;
var processNAAM = process.ProcessName;
textBox1.Text += "Gevonden - ID: " + processID + " NAAM: " + processNAAM + Environment.NewLine;
textBox1.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " - " + "Installatie Keuze wordt opgestart." + Environment.NewLine;
catch (Exception)
First of all, you can make the code simpler and shorter by using the CheckedListBox's CheckedItems property. Secondly, there's no point to all your copying of strings from one to another. Strings are immutable in .NET - they never change. You can keep just one copy and cut from there.
Next, you can use the methods in System.IO.Path to cut the filename without the extension, or to build a full path without worrying about having too many or too few "/"'s.
Third, for your original question - just call WaitForExit on your Process object to make it wait before moving on with the list of processes.
foreach (string checkedItem in checkedListBox1.CheckedItems)
if (checkedItem.Contains("."))
string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(checkedItem);
string processPath = Path.Combine(pad, "data", baseName, checkedItem);
Process process = Process.Start(processPath);
After the line where you start the process (process.Start()), simply add the following:
This will pause the containing thread until the target process has exited.
