Azure media service for shared app - c#

I've been trying to use the Azure Media Service for a shared native app in Visual Studio 2015.. But whenever i try to install the windowazure.mediaservices.extensions package, i get an error because apparently it isn't cross platform compatible on all three OS. However i can add another nuget Microsoft.windowsAzure.Managment.MediaServices - but it does not give me the same namespace as the one i get with the media services samples i downloaded earlier.
Does anyone have experince with the two nugets - and can tell me the difference? And if so - could provide me with a link to a sample that uses the last mentioned nuget.
An additional remark/question - i cannot get it to work on xamarin.forms either - not on shared or portable project.


Issue with launching Feedback Hub from UWP app

I followed these two docs (Doc1, Doc2) to integrate Feedback hub in my app. I used NuGet to install the Microsoft Store Services SDK.
As recommended I am using StoreServicesFeedbackLauncher.IsSupported() to check if the Feedback hub is available or not. This works locally on my machine, but in production all customers hit System.Exception with message "Method 'StoreServicesFeedbackLauncher.IsSupported()' was not included in compilation, but was referenced in HomePage.<feedback_tapped>d__23.MoveNext(). There may have been a missing assembly."
I have read the docs again and don't seem to have missed any of mentioned the steps.
This app is a Desktop Bridge app. The solution has a UWP app which communicates with a win32 exe. I am trying to launch the app from UWP app. The solution has a Windows Application Packaging project to package the app.

UWP exception “Could not load file or assembly Windows.Data......"

I have a application UWP that I downloaded for to check how managed UWP with SQLServer from here:
When I try to Build the application I got so many errors about the Windows resource is not found,,, I have the last version of VS2017 and also W10 Pro SO....
I tried to add references and reinstall nugets, change the debug type, change the Frameworks... and I don't get works....
Can you tell me what more to do?? Maybe you can download the Project and see the same error than me...
This reference is used to call UWP APIs in "SqlBridge" windows console project.
To call UWP APIs from a classic .NET Framework application, you could install UWPDesktop NuGet package
For more info, please see Calling Windows 10 APIs From a Desktop Application.

Xamarin Forms - Plugins.BLE - MvvmCross.Plugins.BLE

I want to develop an app with Xamarin Forms which detects devices and interacts with them by bluetooth connection.
The plugin "Plugins.BLE" seems good to me for my request. I found this plugin here :
I did not find the plugin "Plugins.BLE" when I wanted to install it in Xamarin Studio, so I tried to use the MvvmCross.Plugins.BLE plugin. So I downloaded it and installed it in my project. A reference to MvvmCross.Platform has been installed in the same time. I set the permissions for bluetooth in the AndroidManifest.xml.
I have many problems with this plugin. In the first place, I initialized an adapter like this :
var adapter = Mvx.Resolve<IAdapter>();
I put this code in my App.xaml.cs but I got a NullReferenceException when I build.
Otherwise, when I put
var ble = Mvx.Resolve<IBluetoothLE>();
Xamarin Studio does not recognize the IBluetoothLE interface.
Maybe errors come from MvvmCross using. I don't want to use MvvmCross so if the plugin "Plugin.BLE" is available I would like to use it but I did not find it.
You have to search for pre release. Currently we haven't released a "stable" 1.0 without the "-beta" postfix. Every package thats version have "-foo" postix are recognized as prerelease by nuget.
The null reference exception is a typical error if you haven't referenced the platform specific package in your iOS or Android app. Running the package on a simulator can cause some problems, too. We are working on this.

Trouble integrating Azure mobile services into Windows Universal App in Visual Studio

I am currently building a Universal Windows Platform app, using an Azure database. Think all Microsoft stuff.
I created a mobile service and database through the official manage.windowsazure site. There I got 3 steps to follow, in order to add Azure :
Download a personalized Mobile Service project and add it to your project
Connect app and store data in it:
Add WindowsAzure.MobileServices Nuget Package to the project.
Add a public MobileServiceClient variable to app.xaml.cs
Add a sample ToDoItem class to your project
Use the Mobile Services client library to store data in the mobile service
Publish app to the cloud
Now, I downloaded that starter project and put it in one of the UWP's sub folders, cause it has to be incorporated in Visual Studio Online's version control, when I commit the whole thing. Screenshot of the folder structure is here, in case it's important:
Then I added the WindowsAzure.MobileServices package to both my project and the add-on Service project, just to be sure. I also added that variable, no problem. Though I didn't add that ToDoItem class, nor store any data already, since it wasn't necessary yet. Ditto for the publishing.
Now the problem: When I try to build the project or open any of the Service files, I get a huge load of errors:
Does anyone know where I went wrong? Did I forget something important? Do I have to add one project as reference to another? Or add another reference to the Service project?
I ended up solving it. I downloaded the entire project from Azure and modified that to my needs. So basically remake the whole project.

Mono For Android MapsAndLocationDemo

I have Mono for Android trial version and am having some trouble with the MapsAndLocation demo.
I start up the emulator, yet when I select 'Run->Start Without Debuggin', I get the following error:
C:\Users\Simon\Documents\Xamarin\MapsAndLocationDemo\xamarin-monodroid-samples-d76baf3\MapsAndLocationDemo\obj\Debug\android\src\mapsandlocationdemo\,33): Error: package does not exist
As well as another 20 errors.
What do I need to fix this situation. Do I need to install an additional package? If so, what is it, and where can I find it?
Please ensure you are deploying to an emulator that targets Google APIs.
To do this create a new emulator in the Android Virtual Device Manager and change the target from "Android 2.2 - API Level 8" to Google API eg. "Google APIs (Google Inc.) - API Level 16".
If you cannot see any Google API targets you will need to install one by using the Android SDK manager.
