WPF: TabControl with multiple DataTemplates - c#

I have a TabControl with multiple DataTemplate. the first DataTemplate will be used for search reasons and the second will be for displaying items obtained from that search. My XAML code will be as follows:
<!--First template-->
<!-- I will have a DataGrid here-->
<!--Second template-->
<DataTemplate >
<!-- I will have details of one item of the DataGrid-->
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding }"/>
What I want to accomplish is that in the TabControl the first tab will contain the first DataTemplate (the search template) and when I double click on one row of my DataGrid, a tab will be added with the details of that row (in other words a tab with the second template).
Since I am using MVVM, I thought of creating two UserControls, one for each template and then catch the double click event, but after this I don't know how to add a tab since now my search template is a UserControl seperated from the one that contains the TabControl.
So how do I do this?
As I read the answers I think I wasn't very clear in stating the problem.
My problem is how to add tabs with the second template, by catching double click events from the first template. I don't have any problem in adding the two templates independently.

Rather can creating two UserControls, you can create and use a DataTemplateSelector in order to switch different DataTemplates in.
Basically, create a new class that inhereits from DataTemplateSelector and override the SelecteTemplate method. Then declare an instance of it in the XAML (much like a value converter), and then apply it to ContentTemplateSelector property of the TabControl.
More info can be found here.

If you're going to do this with MVVM, your tab control should be bound to some ObservableCollection in your VM, and you just add and remove VM's to the collection as needed.
The VMs can be any type you like and your DataTemplates will show the correct view in the tab just like any other view, so yes, create two UserControls for the two views.
public class MainVM
public ObservableCollection<object> Views { get; private set; }
public MainVM()
this.Views = new ObservableCollection<object>();
this.Views.Add(new SearchVM(GotResults));
private void GotResults(Results results)
this.Views.Add(new ResultVM(results));

There are two options: Use datatemplate selector, or use implicit datatemplates and different types for each tabitem.
1. DataTemplateSelector:
public ObservableCollection<TabItemVM> Tabs { get; private set; }
public MainVM()
Tabs = ObservableCollection<TabItemVM>
new TabItemVM { Name="Tab 1" },
void AddTab(){
var newTab = new TabItemVM { Name="Tab 2" };
//SelectedTab = newTab; //you may bind TabControl.SelectedItemProperty to viewmodel in order to be able to activate the tab from viewmodel
public class TabItemTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
public DataTemplate Tab1Template { get; set; }
public DataTemplate Tab2Template { get; set; }
public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)
var tabItem = item as TabItemVM;
if (tabItem.Name == "Tab 1") return Tab1Template;
if (tabItem.Name == "Tab 2") return Tab2Template;
return base.SelectTemplate(item, container);
Tab1Template="{StaticResource Tab1Template}"
Tab2Template="{StaticResource Tab2Template}" />
2. Implicit Data Templates:
public class MainVM : ViewModelBase
public ObservableCollection<TabItemVM> Tabs { get; private set; }
public MainVM()
Tabs = new ObservableCollection<TabItemVM>
new Tab1VM(),
void AddTab()
var newTab = new Tab2VM()
//SelectedTab = newTab;
public class TabItemBase
public string Name { get; protected set; }
public class Tab1VM : TabItemBase
public Tab1VM()
Name = "Tab 1";
public class Tab2VM : TabItemBase
public Tab2VM()
Name = "Tab 2";
<!--First template-->
<DataTemplate DataType="local:Tab1VM">
<!-- I will have a DataGrid here-->
<!--Second template-->
<DataTemplate DataType="local:Tab2VM">
<!-- I will have details of one item of the DataGrid-->


get selected menuitem wpf

I have a menu and some submenus
MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel>
new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Select a Building",
MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel>
new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "Building 4",
MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel>
new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "< 500",
MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel>
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Executives" },
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Engineers" },
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Sales" },
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Marketing"},
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Support"}
new MenuItemViewModel { Header = "500 - 999",
MenuItems = new ObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel>
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Executives" },
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Engineers" },
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Sales" },
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Marketing"},
new MenuItemViewModel {Header = "Support"}
I am trying to capture the value of each selection the user makes and display them in a listbox. For example a user selects "Building 4" then "500 - 999" then "support" as those values are selected they populated the list box. I have a function in MenuItemViewModel that is called Execute(), this will get the Header of the last value selected, I.e "support" but I cannot figure out how to get that value to the listbox.
Here is the ViewModel
public class MenuItemViewModel
private readonly ICommand _command;
string Value;
public ObservableCollection<Cafe> Cafes
public MenuItemViewModel()
_command = new CommandViewModel(Execute);
public string Header { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<MenuItemViewModel> MenuItems { get; set; }
public ICommand Command
return _command;
public void Execute()
MessageBox.Show("Clicked at " + Header);
And finally the xaml for the MenuItem and ListBox:
<Menu x:Name="buildingMenu" Margin="0,15,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="20" Width="200" ItemsSource="{Binding MenuItems}" >
<Style TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
<Setter Property="Command" Value="{Binding Command}" />
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MenuItems}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}"/>
<ListBox Name="selectionListBox" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Height="179" Margin="0,177,55,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="500" />
I have tried to add the Header to a List in the ViewModel but I cannot get anything work. Is there something similar to a combobox's SelectedValue that can be used here? Thanks for the help
This is actually a lot harder to do than you might expect, because you're using menus in a way they're not really designed to be used.
First of all you're going to need a list of items in your view model to bind to, eg:
public ObservableCollection<string> ListItems { get; set; }
And the corresponding binding in your ListBox:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding ListItems}" Name="selectionListBox" />
Next, you'll need to populate this list with items as they're being clicked. This is tricky with the way you've done things at the moment because ListItems will need to be in your main view model, yet your command handler is in MenuItemViewModel. This means you'll either need to add a way for MenuItemViewModel to call it's parent, or better yet move the command handler to the main view model (so that it's now shared) and have the MenuItems pass in their data context object. I use MVVM Lite and in that framework you do something like this:
private ICommand _Command;
public ICommand Command
get { return (_Command = (_Command ?? new RelayCommand<MenuItemViewModel>(Execute))); }
public void Execute(MenuItemViewModel menuItem)
// ... do something here...
You don't seem to be using MVVM Lite, but whatever your framework it is it will have support for passing a parameter into your execute function, so I'll leave that for you to look up. Either way your MenuItem Command bindings will now all need to be modified to point to this common handler:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
<Setter Property="Command" Value="{Binding ElementName=buildingMenu, Path=DataContext.Command}" />
Your other requirement is for the list to populate as each submenu item is selected, and this is where things get nasty. Submenus don't trigger commands when they close, they trigger SubmenuOpened and SubmenuClosed events. Events can't bind to the command handlers in your view model, so you have to use code-behind handlers instead. If you were declaring your MenuItems explicitly in XAML you could just set them directly there, but your Menu is binding to a collection, so your MenuItems are being populated by the framework and you'll have to set the handler by adding an EventSetter to your style:
<Style TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
<EventSetter Event="SubmenuOpened" Handler="OnSubMenuOpened" />
<Setter Property="Command" Value="{Binding ElementName=buildingMenu, Path=DataContext.Command}" />
This works, in that calls the specified handler function in your MainWindow code-behind:
private void OnSubmenuOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// uh oh, what now?
The problem of course is that event handlers exist in the view, but in MVVM we need it in the view model. If you're happy to corrupt your views like this for the sake of getting your application to work then check this SO question for some example code showing how to get it working. However, if you're a hard-core MVVM purist like myself you'll probably want a solution that doesn't involve code-behind, and in that case you'll again need to refer to your framework. MVVM Lite provides a behavior that allows you to convert events to command, you typically use it like this:
<i:Interaction.Triggers xmlns:i="clr-namespace:System.Windows.Interactivity;assembly=System.Windows.Interactivity">
<i:EventTrigger EventName="OnSubmenuOpened">
<cmd:EventToCommand Command="{Binding SubmenuOpenedCommand}" />
The problem with behaviours though is that you can't set them in a style. Styles are applied to all objects, which is why EventSetter works fine. Behaviours have to be created for each object that they're used for.
So the final piece of the puzzle is that if you have cases in MVVM where you need to set a behaviour in a style then you'll need to use the solution posted by vspivak in his article Using System.Windows.Interactivity Behaviors and Actions in WPF/Silverlight styles. I've used this myself in commercial projects, and it's a nice general solution to the bigger problem of redirecting event handlers to command handlers in styles.
Hope that answers your question. I'm sure it seems ridiculously convoluted, but what you're trying to do is a fairly pathological scenario well outside how WPF is typically used.
Put a Click event on any MenuItem that is created and when the event is fired, acquire the data item off of the source's DataContext which seeded the MenuItem.
I created a recent list of operation which were needed as submenu's under a Recent menu. I seeded the sub list as a model of typeMRU which was used to load the menu *via ItemsSource and held in an ObservableCollection<MRU>() MRUS :
<MenuItem Header="Recent"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MRUS}">
private void SelectMRU(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var mru = (e.OriginalSource as MenuItem).DataContext as MRU;
if (mru is not null)
this.Title = mru.Name;
catch (Exception ex)
VM.Error = ex.Demystify().ToString();
public class MRU
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Data { get; set; }
public bool IsValid => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name);
public bool IsFile => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Address);
public bool IsData => !IsFile;
public MRU(string address)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address)
|| !File.Exists(address)) return;
Address = address;
Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(address);
// This will be displayed as a selectable menu item.
public override string ToString() => Name;
Note that the full Menu code can be viewed in public gist Gradient Menu Example with MRU

Caliburn Micro Conductor.Collection.AllActive not working

I have tried to activate multiple windows in application using Caliburn Micro with Conductor.Collection.AllActive
Steps Followed:
Inhertited MainHomeViewodel from Conductor.Collection.AllActive
1)created property
public ExploreViewModel Explorer {
get; private set;
2) Created ContentControl with name as property name
<ContentControl x:Name="Explorer" />
3)Activated viewmodel with property
Explorer = new ExplorerViewModel();
ActivateItem(Explorer );
After execution of above mentioned code its instantiating ExplorerViewModel but doesnt go to View's constructor or showing View .
Any problem with above implementation or do i need to do anything more to activate item.
Please Help!
public class MainHomeWindowViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.AllActive
protected override void OnInitialize()
public void ShowExplorer()
Explorer = new ExplorerViewModel();
ActivateItem(Explorer );
Conductor.Collection.AllActive uses Items property. If you want to display multiple Screens at once, you have to add them to Items property.
Then, because your views are stored in Items property, you want to bind your view to Items. This is an example:
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>.Collection.AllActive
public ShellViewModel()
Items.Add(new ChildViewModel());
Items.Add(new ChildViewModel());
Items.Add(new ChildViewModel());
Conductor view (note, because we show collection of items we want to use ItemsSource not ContentControl):
<ItemsControl x:Name="Items"></ItemsControl>
Child screen:
public class ChildViewModel : Screen
Child view:
<Border Width="50" Height="50" BorderBrush="Red" BorderThickness="5"></Border>
EDIT: Regarding discussion in comments, here is how you can use IWindowManager to show multiple windows:
public class ShellViewModel : Screen
public ShellViewModel(IWindowManager windowManager)
var window1 = new ChildViewModel();
var window2 = new ChildViewModel();

Nested ObservableCollection data binding in WPF

I am very new to WPF and trying to create a self learning application using WPF.
I am struggling to understand concepts like data binding,data templates,ItemControls to a full extent.
I am trying to create a learn page with the following requirements in mind.
1) The page can have more than one question.A scroll bar should be displayed once the
questions fills up the whole page.
2) The format of the choices vary based on the question type.
3) the user shall be able to select the answer for the question.
I am facing problem with binding nested ObservableCollection and displaying the content as for the above requirements.
Can someone help in how to create a page as shown below and how to use INotifyPropertyChanged along XMAL to do the nested binding.
Here is the basic code I am trying to use to use display the questions and answers.
namespace Learn
public enum QuestionType
public class Question
public Question()
Choices = new ObservableCollection<Choice>();
public string Name { set; get; }
public string Instruction { set; get; }
public string Clue { set; get; }
public ObservableCollection<Choice> Choices { set; get; }
public QuestionType Qtype { set; get; }
public Answer Ans { set; get; }
public int Marks { set; get; }
namespace Learn
public class Choice
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool isChecked { get; set; }
namespace Learn
public class NestedItemsViewModel
public NestedItemsViewModel()
Questions = new ObservableCollection<Question>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Question qn = new Question();
qn.Name = "Qn" + i;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
Choice ch = new Choice();
ch.Name = "Choice" + j;
public ObservableCollection<Question> Questions { get; set; }
public partial class LearnPage : UserControl
public LearnPage()
this.DataContext = new NestedItemsViewModel();
You initial attempt gets you 80% of the way there. Hopefully, my answer will get you a little closer.
To start with, INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface an object supports to notify the Xaml engine that data has been modified and the user interface needs to be updated to show the change. You only need to do this on standard clr properties.
So if your data traffic is all one way, from the ui to the model, then there is no need for you to implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
I have created an example that uses the code you supplied, I have modified it and created a view to display it. The ViewModel and the data classes are as follows
public enum QuestionType
public class Instruction
public string Name { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Question> Questions { get; set; }
public class Question : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Choice selectedChoice;
private string instruction;
public Question()
Choices = new ObservableCollection<Choice>();
public string Name { set; get; }
public bool IsInstruction { get { return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Instruction); } }
public string Instruction
get { return instruction; }
if (value != instruction)
instruction = value;
public string Clue { set; get; }
public ObservableCollection<Choice> Choices { set; get; }
public QuestionType Qtype { set; get; }
public Choice SelectedChoice
get { return selectedChoice; }
if (value != selectedChoice)
selectedChoice = value;
public int Marks { set; get; }
protected void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
var handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public class Choice
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool IsCorrect { get; set; }
public class NestedItemsViewModel
public NestedItemsViewModel()
Questions = new ObservableCollection<Question>();
for (var h = 0; h <= 1; h++)
Questions.Add(new Question() { Instruction = string.Format("Instruction {0}", h) });
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
Question qn = new Question() { Name = "Qn" + ((4 * h) + i) };
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
qn.Choices.Add(new Choice() { Name = "Choice" + j, IsCorrect = j == i - 1 });
public ObservableCollection<Question> Questions { get; set; }
internal void SelectChoice(int questionIndex, int choiceIndex)
var question = this.Questions[questionIndex];
question.SelectedChoice = question.Choices[choiceIndex];
Notice that Answer has been changed to a SelectedChoice. This may not be what you require but it made the example a little easier. i have also implemented the INotifyPropertyChanged pattern on the SelectedChoice so I can set the SelectedChoice from code (notably from a call to SelectChoice).
The main windows code behind instantiates the ViewModel and handles a button event to set a choice from code behind (purely to show INotifyPropertyChanged working).
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
ViewModel = new NestedItemsViewModel();
public NestedItemsViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
ViewModel.SelectChoice(3, 3);
The Xaml is
<Window x:Class="StackOverflow._20984156.MainWindow" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"
DataContext="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=ViewModel}"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<learn:SelectedItemIsCorrectToBooleanConverter x:Key="SelectedCheckedToBoolean" />
<Style x:Key="ChoiceRadioButtonStyle" TargetType="{x:Type RadioButton}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type RadioButton}}">
<DataTrigger Value="True">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource SelectedCheckedToBoolean}">
<Binding Path="IsCorrect" />
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" Path="IsChecked" />
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Green"></Setter>
<DataTrigger Value="False">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource SelectedCheckedToBoolean}">
<Binding Path="IsCorrect" />
<Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" Path="IsChecked" />
<Setter Property="Background" Value="Red"></Setter>
<DataTemplate x:Key="InstructionTemplate" DataType="{x:Type learn:Question}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Instruction}" />
<DataTemplate x:Key="QuestionTemplate" DataType="{x:Type learn:Question}">
<StackPanel Margin="10 0">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" />
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Choices}" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedChoice}" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type learn:Choice}">
<RadioButton Content="{Binding Path=Name}" IsChecked="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ListBoxItem}}, Path=IsSelected}" Margin="10 1"
Style="{StaticResource ChoiceRadioButtonStyle}" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<Button Content="Select Question 3 choice 3" Click="ButtonBase_OnClick" />
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Questions}">
<learn:QuestionTemplateSelector QuestionTemplate="{StaticResource QuestionTemplate}" InstructionTemplate="{StaticResource InstructionTemplate}" />
Note: My learn namespace is different from yours so if you use this code, you will need to modify it to your namespace.
So, the primary ListBox display a list of Questions. Each item in the ListBox (each Question) is rendered using a DataTemplate. Similarly, in the DataTemplate, a ListBox is used to display the choices and a DataTemplate is used to render each choice as a radio button.
Points of interest.
Each choice is bound to the IsSelected property of the ListBoxItem it belongs to. It may not appear in the xaml but there will be a ListBoxItem for each choice. The IsSelected property is kept in sync with the SelectedItem property of the ListBox (by the ListBox) and that is bound to the SelectedChoice in your question.
The choice ListBox has an ItemsPanel. This allows you to use the layout strategy of a different type of panel to layout the items of the ListBox. In this case, a horizontal StackPanel.
I have added a button to set the choice of question 3 to 3 in the viewmodel. This will show you INotifyPropertyChanged working. If you remove the OnPropertyChanged call from the setter of the SelectedChoice property, the view will not reflect the change.
The example above does not handle the Instruction Type.
To handle instructions, I would either
Insert the instruction as a question and change the question DataTemplate so it does not display the choices for an instruction; or
Create a collection of Instructions in the view model where the Instruction type has a collection of questions (the view model would no longer have a collection of questions).
The Instruction class would be something like
public class Instruction
public string Name { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Question> Questions { get; set; }
Addition based on comment regarding timer expiration and multiple pages.
The comments here are aimed at giving you enough information to know what to search for.
If in doubt, implement INotifyPropertyChanged. My comment above was to let you know why you use it. If you have data already displayed that will be manipulated from code, then you must implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
The ObservableCollection object is awesome for handling the manipulation of lists from code. Not only does it implement INotifyPropertyChanged, but it also implements INotifyCollectionChanged, both of these interfaces ensure that if the collection changes, the xaml engine knows about it and displays the changes. Note that if you modify a property of an object in the collection, it will be up to you to notify the Xaml engine of the change by implementing INotifyPropertyChanged on the object. The ObservableCollection is awesome, not omnipercipient.
For your scenario, paging is simple. Store the complete list of questions somewhere (memory, database, file). When you go to page 1, query the store for those questions and populate the ObservableCollection with those questions. When you go to page 2, query the store for page 2 questions, CLEAR the ObservableCollection and re populate. If you instantiate the ObservableCollection once and then clear and repopulate it while paging, the ListBox refresh will be handled for you.
Timers are pretty resource intensive from a windows point of view and as such, should be used sparingly. There are a number of timers in .net you can use. I tend to play with System.Threading.Timer or System.Timers.Timer. Both of these invoke the timer callback on a thread other than the DispatcherThread, which allows you to do work without affecting the UI responsiveness. However, if during the work you need to modify the UI, you will need to Dispatcher.Invoke or Dispatcher.BeginInvoke to get back on the Dispatcher thread. BeginInvoke is asynchronous and therefore, should not hang the thread while it waits for the DispatcherThread to become idle.
Addition based on comment regarding separation of data templates.
I added an IsInstruction to the Question object (I did not implement a Instruction class). This shows an example of raising the PropertyChanged event from property A (Instruction) for Property B (IsInstruction).
I moved the DataTemplate from the list box to the Window.Resources and gave it a key. I also created a second DataTemplate for the instruction items.
I created a DataTemplateSelector to choose which DataTemplate to use. DataTemplateSelectors are good when you need to select a DataTemplate as the Data is being loaded. Consider it a OneTime selector. If you required the DataTemplate to change during the scope of the data it is rendering, then you should use a trigger. The code for the selector is
public class QuestionTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container)
DataTemplate template = null;
var question = item as Question;
if (question != null)
template = question.IsInstruction ? InstructionTemplate : QuestionTemplate;
if (template == null)
template = base.SelectTemplate(item, container);
template = base.SelectTemplate(item, container);
return template;
public DataTemplate QuestionTemplate { get; set; }
public DataTemplate InstructionTemplate { get; set; }
The selector is bound to the ItemTemplateSelector of the ItemsControl.
Finally, I converted the ListBox into an ItemsControl. The ItemsControl has most of the functionality of a ListBox (the ListBox control is derived from an ItemsControl) but it lacks the Selected functionality. It will make your questions seem more like a page of questions than a list.
NOTE: Although I only added the code of the DataTemplateSelector to the addition, I updated the code snipits throughout the rest of the answer to work with the new DataTemplateSelector.
Addition based on comment regarding setting the background for right and wrong answers
Setting the background dynamically based on values in the model requires a trigger, in this case, multiple triggers.
I have updated the Choice object to include an IsCorrect and during the creation of the questions in the ViewModel, I have assigned IsCorrect on one of the Choices for each answer.
I have also updated the MainWindow to include style triggers on the RadioButton. There are a few points to not about triggers
1. The style or the RadioButton sets the backgound when the mouse is over. A fix would require recreating the style of the RadioButton.
1. Since the trigger is based on 2 values, we can either create another property on the model to combine the 2 properties, or use MultiBinding and a MultValueConverter. I have used the MultiBinding and the MultiValueConverter is as follows.
public class SelectedItemIsCorrectToBooleanConverter : IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
var boolValues = values.OfType<bool>().ToList();
var isCorrectValue = boolValues[0];
var isSelected = boolValues[1];
if (isSelected)
return isCorrectValue;
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
I hope this helps

How to Get a Reference to a ViewModel

All, I have a custom DataGridView control which overrides the DataGidView's OnItemsSourceChanged event. Inside this event I need to get a reference to a data set in the relevant ViewModel. Code is
public class ResourceDataGrid : DataGrid
protected override void OnItemsSourceChanged(
System.Collections.IEnumerable oldValue,
System.Collections.IEnumerable newValue)
if (Equals(newValue, oldValue))
base.OnItemsSourceChanged(oldValue, newValue);
ResourceCore.ResourceManager manager = ResourceCore.ResourceManager.Instance();
ResourceDataViewModel resourceDataViewModel = ?? // How do I get my ResourceDataViewModel
List<string> l = manger.GetDataFor(resourceDataViewModel);
On the marked line I want to know how to get a reference to ResourceDataViewModel resourceDataViewModel. The reson is that i have multiple tabs each tab contains a data grid and ascociated ViewModel, the ViewModel holds some data that I need to retrieve [via the ResourceManager] (or is there another, better way?).
The question is, from the above event, how can I get the ascociated ResourceDataViewModel?
Thanks for your time.
Get the DataContext and cast it to the view-model type:
var viewModel = this.DataContext as ResourceDataViewModel
Put a static reference to it on your app, when the VM is created place its reference on the static and access it as needed.
You ask if there is a better way... In my experience if you find yourself subclassing a UI element in WPF there ususally is.
You can get away from embedding business logic (the choice of which data to display in the grid), by databinding your entire tab control to a view model.
To demonstrate - here is a very simple example. This is my XAML for the window hosting the tab control:
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<TabControl ItemsSource="{Binding Tabs}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedTab}">
<Style TargetType="TabItem">
<Setter Property="Header" Value="{Binding TabName}"></Setter>
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding TabData}"></DataGrid>
The data context of my window is a TabsViewModel (I am using the NotificationObject that can be found in the PRISM NuGet Package):
public class TabsViewModel: NotificationObject
public TabsViewModel()
Tabs = new[]
new TabViewModel("TAB1", "Data 1 Tab 1", "Data 2 Tab1"),
new TabViewModel("TAB2", "Data 1 Tab 2", "Data 2 Tab2"),
private TabViewModel _selectedTab;
public TabViewModel SelectedTab
get { return _selectedTab; }
if (Equals(value, _selectedTab)) return;
_selectedTab = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedTab);
public IEnumerable<TabViewModel> Tabs { get; set; }
public class TabViewModel
public TabViewModel(string tabName, params string[] data)
TabName = tabName;
TabData = data.Select(d => new RowData(){Property1 = d}).ToArray();
public string TabName { get; set; }
public RowData[] TabData { get; set; }
public class RowData
public string Property1 { get; set; }
This is obviously an over simplified case, but it means that if there is any business logic about precisely what data to show in each tab, this can reside in one of the view models, as opposed to the code behind. This gives you all the 'separation of concerns' benefits that MVVM is designed to encourage...

WPF Usercontrol Items not showing

I have a bar chart which is built in wpf. The user specifies the items inside the bar.
public partial class BarChart : UserControl
List<BarItem> BarItems = new List<BarItem>();
List<Bar> Bars = new List<Bar>();
public List<BarItem> Items
get { return BarItems; }
BarItems = value;
int i=0;
//This line should show up but doesn't suggesting that that the property is not being set?
foreach(BarItem Item in BarItems){
Bar ThisBar=new Bar();
Debug.WriteLine("{0}:{1} at {2}",Item.Lable,Item.Value,(i*55));
public BarChart()
d:DesignWidth="640" d:DesignHeight="480">
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"/>
public class BarItem
public int Value
public string Lable
public BarItem()
To add a new BarChart you run
<local:BarItem Lable="B" Value="75"/>
<local:BarItem Lable="A" Value="50"/>
Yet according to the output no items have been added. What am I doing wrong and is there a better way?
Your problem is that the property setter never actually is being called.
Adding the BarItem objects the way you are doing in XAML, will add the items to the existing list instance. The property setter is only being called when you set the list to a new instance.
So I would create a new list in the code-behind, and set the property there. Doing that will call the setter, and your code will run. You might need to give the BarChart a name so you can reference it.
<local:BarChart x:Name="bar">
<!-- Doing this adds BarItems to the existing list.
<local:BarItem Lable="B" Value="75"/>
<local:BarItem Lable="A" Value="50"/>
public MainWindow()
//Setting the Items property to a new list, will call the setter..
bar.Items = new List<BarItem>
new BarItem { Lable = "Test1", Value = 500 },
new BarItem { Lable = "Test2", Value = 1000 },
new BarItem { Lable = "Test3", Value = 1500 }
Also i think you could do this using an ObservableCollection<BarItem> and then register to the event CollectionChanged for controlling the insertions and deletes.
But I think the right way for doing this, is using a DependencyProperty of ICollection, then if the collection implements the ICollectionChanged interface you could control the insertion and deletions for updating the view.This should be very useful if you may want make bindings to this collection.
Hope this could helps to you,...
I would do that with Binding. The code-behind would be just holding a property:
public partial class BarChart : UserControl
private List<BarItem> _items;
public List<BarItem> Items
get { return _items ?? (_items = new List<BarItem>()); }
set { _items = value; }
public BarChart()
While UI would be doing the rest:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Items, ElementName=BarChartList}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
<local:Bar CurrentLable={Binding Lable} CurrentValue={Binding Value}/>
What has been changed in UI:
ItemsControl, unlike Grid, has useful ItemsSource property, which makes things easier;
StackPanel, unlike Grid, eliminates the need to position items manually by stacking them. You can set local:Bar Margin to a constant value if you want to have a gap between the items.
