I am trying to write a small game, it works pretty good for now, but I need something like a collision detection and for that detection it is important to know the excat size of that unicode character(may be converted to a graphic, to work better with it, instead of using a label ?!)
I thought it would be great, to get all the coordinates of that element where it is black and leave out where it is transparent.Maybe something based on this, but I am m not quite sure wether it is a good and fast approach. By the way it is important to get the coordinates based on that canvas.
What I have so far:
The unicode characters e.g.:
The element for the canvas, I could also use a graphical object:
var customLabel = new Label
Uid= all[i].ToString().Equals("Biker")?"Biker":"",
TabIndex = i,
Margin = new Thickness(0),
Content = all[i].Icon,//"\U0001F6B5"
BorderThickness = new Thickness(2.0),
Name = controlName,
FontSize = 22,
Padding = new Thickness(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
ToolTip = tooltip, //may be tooltip with real pictures from that object in real life and a "Registerkare" with all its properties(armor, power,...)
//BorderBrush = Brushes.Red //to see the size of this element
Cursor = Cursors.Hand
// FlowDirection= //use if the object moves left, right, top, butoom ?
//IsHitTestVisible= //use for collision ?
//Setting the position on the canvas:
Canvas.SetLeft(customLabel, xRef); //X
Canvas.SetTop(customLabel, yRef); //Y
At the moment I came up with that solution(seeing an element as a rectangle), I use it only once, when I create a random map(later the player will check against those saved positions, via "INotifyPropertyChanged" if his position changed):
for (int xx = 1; xx <= customLabel.Width; xx++)//range for object
for (int yy = 1; yy <= customLabel.Height; yy++)//range for object
coordinatesInUse.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, int>((int)xRef+xx, (int)xRef+yy));
var lookup = coordinatesInUse.ToLookup(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value);
foreach (int look in lookup[1])
//checking wether that element exist or not
Create a custom class consisting of polygon(rectangle), x-cordinate and y-cordinate. Then List will be your collection of element,x and y coordinates put together. Instead of creating a new KeyValue Pair everytime, you can use the same collection all over and just change the values as needed.
What I want to achieve?
I'm working on an evolutionary algorithm finding min/max of non-linear functions. I have fully functional WPF application, but there's one feature missing: 3D plots.
What is the problem?
To accomplish this I've started with free trial of ilNumerics which provide 3D data visualisation. It works completely fine with examples from documentation, but there's something what prevents me from plotting properly my own 3D graphs.
Visualising problem:
So, here is how it behaves at the moment
Those are graphs of non-linear function: x1^4+x2^4-0.62*x1^2-0.62*x2^2
Left side: Contour achieved with OxyPlot
Right side: 3D graph achieved with ilNumerics
As you can see, OxyPlot contour is completely fine and 3D graph which I'm trying to plot with exactly same data is not proper at all.
How actual (not working) solution is done?
I'm trying to visualise 3D surface using points in space. ILNumerics has class called Surface which object I have to create in order to plot my graph. It has following constructor:
public Surface(InArray<float> ZXYPositions, InArray<float> C = null, Tuple<float, float> colorsDataRange = null, Colormap colormap = null, object tag = null);
where as you can see ZXYPositions is what I actually have problem with. Before instantiating Surface object I'm creating an Array like this:
int m = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < p; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < p; ++j)
sigma[m, 0] = (float)data[i, j];
sigma[m, 1] = (float)xy[0][i];
sigma[m, 2] = (float)xy[1][j];
where sigma[m, 0] = Z; sigma[m, 1] = X; sigma[m, 2] = Y;
And here's the problem. I cannot find any logical error in this approach.
Here is code responsible for creating object which I'm passing to ilNumerics plot panel:
var scene = new PlotCube(twoDMode: false) {
// add a surface
new Surface(sigma) {
// make thin transparent wireframes
Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.LightGray) },
// choose a different colormap
Colormap = Colormaps.Jet,
Additionaly I want to say that sigma array is constructed properly, because I've printed out its values and they're definitely correct.
Plot only data points.
At the end I need to add, that when I'm not creating surface object and plot only data points it looks much more reasonable:
But sadly it's not what I'm looking for. I want to create a surface with this data.
Good News!
I found the answer. Oddly almost evereything was fine.. I missunderstood just one thing. When I'm passing ZXYPositions argument to surface it can actually expect only Z data from me to plot graph correctly.
What did I changed to make it work
Two first for loops now looks like that:
sigma = data;
As you can see they're no longer loops, because sigma now contains only "solution" coordinates (which are Z coords), so I need to just assign data array to sigma.
Second part, where I'm creating Surface now looks like this:
var B = ILMath.tosingle(sigma);
var scene = new PlotCube(twoDMode: false) {
// add a surface
new Surface(B) {
// make thin transparent wireframes
Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50, Color.LightGray) },
// choose a different colormap
Colormap = Colormaps.Jet,
scene.Axes.XAxis.Max = (float)arguments[0].Maximum;
scene.Axes.XAxis.Min = (float)arguments[0].Minimum;
scene.Axes.YAxis.Max = (float)arguments[1].Maximum;
scene.Axes.YAxis.Min = (float)arguments[1].Minimum;
scene.First<PlotCube>().Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(new Vector3(1f, 0.23f, 1), 0.7f);
Basically one thing which changed is scaling XY axes to proper values.
Final results
Here you have final results:
I added a new chart control (System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualiation.Charting) with ChartType Bar.
As requirement the label text must be white and into the bar value. Therefore I set the BarLabelStyle=Right in the CustomProperties of the DataPoint objects and the LabelForeColor to White.
See the below images.
The label in the 2nd gray bar is correctly shown.
The first bar instead is too small and the white text is shown out on the right side but is not visible.
However, when the bar is too short, the label text is positioned outside the bar and the text cannot be seen using white color.
Is there a way to check when the label text is drawn outside the bar value so that I can change the color (e.g. black)?
Unfortunately MCChart has almost no capacities wrt to dynamic expressions.
To work around you can either..:
Code the ForeColor depending on the y-value your DataPoints has. Either right when you add them or in a function that loops over all points, whenever you call it.. - Depending on the Font, the axis range and the label text this could be some threshold number you have to determine.
int p = yourSeries.Points.AddXY(...);
yourSeries.Points[p].LabelForeColor = yourSeries.Points[p].YValues[0] < threshold ?
Color.Black : Color.White;
Or you can cheat a little ;-)
You can set the LabelBackColor to have the same color as the Series, i.e. the bar itself. Here is is how to do that:
To access the Series.Color we have to call:
Now we can set
yourSeries.LabelForeColor = Color.White;
yourSeries.LabelBackColor = yourSeries.Color;
Since you can't use the cheat you will have to set the colors.
The challenge is to know just how much space each label's text needs compared to how much space the bars have. The former can be measured (TextRenderer.MeasureString()) and the latter can be extracted from the y-axis (Axis.ValueToPixelPosition()).
Here is a function to do that; it is a little more complicated than I had hoped for, mostly because it tries to be generic..
void LabelColors(Chart chart, ChartArea ca, Series s)
if (chart.Series.Count <= 0 || chart.Series[0].Points.Count <= 0) return;
Axis ay = ca.AxisY;
// get the maximum & minimum values
double maxyv = ay.Maximum;
if (maxyv == double.NaN) maxyv = s.Points.Max(v => v.YValues[0]);
double minyv = s.Points.Min(v => v.YValues[0]);
// get the pixel positions of the minimum
int y0x = (int)ay.ValueToPixelPosition(0);
for (int i = 0; i < s.Points.Count; i++)
DataPoint dp = s.Points[i];
// pixel position of the bar right
int vx = (int)ay.ValueToPixelPosition(dp.YValues[0]);
// now we knowe the bar's width
int barWidth = vx - y0x;
// find out what the label text actauly is
string t = dp.LabelFormat != "" ?
String.Format(dp.LabelFormat, dp.YValues[0]) : dp.YValues[0].ToString();
string text = dp.Label != "" ? dp.Label : t;
// measure the (formatted) text
SizeF rect = TextRenderer.MeasureText(text, dp.Font);
dp.LabelForeColor = barWidth < rect.Width ? Color.Black : Color.White;
I may have overcomplicated the way to get at the text that should show; you certainly can decide if you can simplify for your case.
Note: You must call this function..
whenever your data may have changed
only after the axes of the chart have finished their layout (!)
The former point is obvious, the latter isn't. It means that you can't call the function right after adding your points! Instead you must do it at some later place or else the axis function needed to get the bar size will not work.
MSDN says it can only happen in a PaintXXX event; I found that all mouse events also work and then some..
To be save I'll put it in the PostPaint event:
private void chart_PostPaint(object sender, ChartPaintEventArgs e)
LabelColors(chart, chart.ChartAreas[0], chart.Series[0]);
i got a Little "Problem", i want to create a Chart looking like this:
So basically
Series 1 = Normal bar Chart. Color green if it Ends before the "time max" (series2) Series 2 = just a DataPoint / Marker on top of series 1 items.
I am struggling with this though...
my Code:
string series_timeneeded = "Time Needed";
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded]["PixelPointWidth"] = "5";
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Size = 10;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.ButtonStyle = ScrollBarButtonStyles.SmallScroll;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.IsPositionedInside = true;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScrollBar.Enabled = true;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].BorderWidth = 2;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].YValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss";
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++)
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_timeneeded].Points.AddXY("item"+ " " + (i + 1).ToString(), DateTime.Now.Add(Timespans[i]));
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].BorderWidth = 0;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerSize = 15;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Square;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].MarkerColor = Color.Black;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].YValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime;
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumber; i++)
DateTime YPosition = GetFinishTime(i);
chart_TimeChart.Series[series_FinishTime].Points.AddXY("item"+ " " +(i+1).ToString(), YPosition);
but this only Displays the 2nd series on top of the first one but the first one isnt visible anymore. The Maker of series 2 isnt shown but instead the bar is (eventhough i made borderwidth to 0). In my opinion/thinking i just have to make the "bar" of series 2 invisible and just Show the marker Points for series 2.
Any ideas?
string seriesname = Name+ i.ToString();
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].SetCustomProperty("DrawSideBySide", "false");
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedBar; //Y and X are exchanged
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].YValueType = ChartValueType.Time;
chart_TimeChart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "HH:mm:ss";
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].XValueType = ChartValueType.String;
DateTime TimeNeeded = DateTime.Now.Add(List_AllLiniengroupsTimespans[k][i]);
DateTime TimeMax = GetFinishTime(k, i);
TimeSpan TimeDifference = TimeNeeded - TimeMax;
if (TimeNeeded > TimeMax) //All good
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded); //Time till finish
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.Blue;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded.Add(TimeDifference)); //time left
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].Color = Color.Red;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
else if (TimeMax > TimeNeeded) //wont make it in time
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded); //time till still okay
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.Blue;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded.Add(TimeDifference)); //Time that is too much
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].Color = Color.Green;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[1].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
else if (TimeMax == TimeNeeded) //fits exactly
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points.AddXY(seriesname, TimeNeeded);
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].Color = Color.DarkOrange;
chart_TimeChart.Series[seriesname].Points[0].SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", seriesname);
the Code will be displayed as:
but i want it to look like this:
!! See the update below !!
If you really want to create a StackedBar chart, your chart has two issues:
If you want to stack datapoints they need to have meaningful x-values; without them how can it know what to stack on each other?
You add strings, which look fine but simply don't work. That is because the DataPoint.XValue field is double and when you add string into it it is set to 0 !! Your string is copied to the Label but otherwise lost.
So you need to come up with a suitable numeric value you use for the x-values..
And you also need to group the series you want to stack. For this there is a special property called StackedGroupName which serves to group those series that shall be stacked.
Here is how you can use it:
yourSeries1.SetCustomProperty("StackedGroupName", "Group1");
For a full example see this post !
It also shows one way of setting the Labels with string values of your choice..
This is the way to go for real StackedBar charts. Your workaround may or may not work. You could try to make the colors transparent or equal to the chart's backcolor; but it won't be more than a hack, imo.
I guess I have misread the question. From what I see you do not really want to create a stacked chart.
Instead you struggle with these issues:
displaying bars at the same y-spot
making some bars invisible
displaying a vertical line as a marker
Let's tackle each:
Some column types including all Bars, Columns and then some have a little known special property called DrawSideBySide.
By default is is set to Auto, which will work like True. This is usually fine as we don't want bars to sit upon each other, effectively hiding all or part of the overlaid points.
But here we do want them to share the same y-position, so we need to set the property to false for at least one Series; the others (on Auto) will follow..:
You can do it either like this:
aSeries["DrawSideBySide"] = "false";
or like this:
aSeries.SetCustomProperty("DrawSideBySide", "false");
Next we hide the overlaid Series; this is simple:
aSeries.Color = Color.Transparent;
The last issue is displaying a line marker. There is no such MarkerStyle, so we need to use a custom style. For this we need to create a suitable bitmap and add it as a NamedImage to the chart's Images collection.
This sounds more complicated than it is; however the MarkerImage will not be scaled, so we need to created suitable sizes whenever we resize the Chart or add/remove points. I will ignore this complication for now..
int pointCount = 10;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(2, chart.ClientSize.Height / pointCount - 5);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) g.Clear(Color.Black);
NamedImage marker = new NamedImage("marker", bmp);
chart.Images.Clear(); // quick & dirty
Here is the result:
A few notes:
I would recommend to use variables for all chart elements you refer to repeatedly instead of using indexed references all the time. Less code, easier to read, a lot easier to maintain, and probably better performance.
Since your code called for the visible datapoints to be either red or green the Legend will not show a good representation. See here for an example of drawing a multi-colored legend item..
I used the chart height; this is not really recommended as there may be Titles or Legends or even more ChartAreas; instead you should use the height of the ChartArea, or even more precise, the height of the InnerPlotPosition. You would need to convert those from percentages to pixels. Not too hard, see below or see here
or here for more examples!
The markers should be adapted from the Resize and probably from the AxisViewChanged events. Putting it in a nice function to call (e.g. void setMarkerImage(Chart chart, Series s, string name, int width, Color c)) is always a good idea.
If you need to adapt the size of the marker image repeatedly, you may want to write better code for clearing the old one; this should include disposing of the Bitmap that was used before..
Here is an example:
var oldni = chart.Images.FindByName("marker");
if (oldni != null)
In some situations one needs to nudge the Chart to update some of its properties; RecalculateAxesScale is one such nudge.
Example for calculating a suitable marker height:
ChartArea ca = chart.ChartAreas[0];
float cah = ca.Position.Height;
float iph = ca.InnerPlotPosition.Height;
float h = chart3.ClientSize.Height * cah / 100f * iph / 100f;
int mh = (int)(h / s.Points.Count);
Final note: The original answer stressed the importance of using meaningful x-values. Strings are useless! This was important for stacking bars; but it is equally important now, when we want bars to sit at the same vertical positions! Adding the x-values as strings is again resulting in nonsense..
(Since we have Bars the x-values go along the vertical axis and vice versa..)
I have a Winforms chart in which I have temperature readings arriving and displaying every second. I like the way the chart works automatically handling the display of the values, but I want to change one simple thing.
I want to increase the minimum displayed y axis range, so it displays a range of 20. At the moment it only displays around 5. I have tried a few things:
//(when new data arrives...)
//Does not work, I think because by default, Size is always NaN?
if (chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.Size < 20)
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.Size = 20;
None of these work either:
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.SmallScrollMinSize = 20;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.SmallScrollSize = 20;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.ScaleView.MinSize = 20;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum //doesn't seem to have any effect
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum //doesn't seem to have any effect
I'm sure I've missed something simple. I hope I have anyway.
The 'minimum display range' is not something built-in in the MSChart control.
But you can easily fake it:
Add a dummy Series which contains only two points to make sure the display range will not go below the range of their y-values..:
int rangeMin = -10;
int rangeMax = 20;
sDummy = chart.Series.Add("dummy");
sDummy.Color = Color.Transparent;
sDummy.IsVisibleInLegend = false;
sDummy.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Point;
sDummy.Points.AddXY(0, rangeMin + 1);
sDummy.Points.AddXY(0, rangeMax - 1);
Style your y-axis as you like:
Axis ay = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY;
ay.MajorGrid.Interval = 5;
And add one or more data Series:
sData = chart.Series.Add("data");
sData.LegendText = "Temperature";
sData.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
Now as you add data points with a larger range of values the y-axis will grow its display range to accommodate them. And if you remove the larger points it will shrink back, but not below the range needed for the dummy series..:
Note that since the Chart automatically adds some slack I reduce the range on both sides by 1; with other Intervals etc other numbers are needed..
The code to remove the larger values, btw:
var toRemove = sData.Points.Cast<DataPoint>()
.Where(x => x.YValues[0] >= rangeMax).ToList();
foreach (var dp in toRemove) sData.Points.Remove(dp);
I have a small project in WPF, in which I am required to interchange UIElements. Something resembling iGoogle's functionality.
Due to the fact that I can't post pictures (not enough reputation) I will explain in text. I have a 3x3 grid defined like this:
0 1 2
0 C e C
1 e e e
2 L e C
Where C = canvas, L = label, e = empty cell (column+row).
In the MouseMove event, I'm keeping track of my currently selected canvas and I go through a list of all the other canvases available in the grid to check if they are overlapping. And here comes the problem; even though I'm moving the canvas from (0,0) to the right by 1 pixel, it detects that it is intersecting with the canvas from (2,2).
I am using Rect.Intersect(r1, r2) to determine the intersected area and it should return an empty Rect, because r1 is not overlapping r2, but instead it always returns a non-empty Rect.
// Create the rectangle with the moving element width and height
Size draggedElementSize = new Size(this.DraggedElement.ActualWidth, this.DraggedElement.ActualHeight);
Rect draggedElementRect = new Rect(draggedElementSize);
foreach (Canvas c in canvases)
// Create a rectangle for each canvas
Size s = new Size(c.ActualWidth, c.ActualHeight);
Rect r = new Rect(s);
// Get the intersected area
Rect currentIntersection = Rect.Intersect(r, draggedElementRect);
if (currentIntersection == Rect.Empty) // this is never true
} // end-foreach
I am doing various other things inside the loop, but they don't interact in any way with this, since this isn't working properly.
I'd appreciate any help whatsoever.
Nowhere in your code example are you offsetting the rects by location. You're only setting the rects size.
So of course, all your rects start at Point(0,0), and therefore all intersect.
You'll need to transform the rects from the element your checking, to their parent.
The quickest way to accomplish this is VisualTreeHelper.GetOffset
// Create the rectangle with the moving element width and height
Size draggedElementSize = new Size(this.DraggedElement.ActualWidth, this.DraggedElement.ActualHeight);
Rect draggedElementRect = new Rect(draggedElementSize);
foreach (Canvas c in canvases)
if (this.DraggedElement == c) continue; // skip dragged element.
// Create a rectangle for each canvas
Size s = new Size(c.ActualWidth, c.ActualHeight);
Rect r = new Rect(s);
// Get the intersected area
Rect currentIntersection = Rect.Intersect(r, draggedElementRect);
if (currentIntersection == Rect.Empty) // this is never true
} // end-foreach
You might want to make sure you skip the currently dragged element, as indicated.
I don't see any references to positions in your code, only width and height. Do you really want to start all your rectangles at 0/0? Most likely, they will all overlap. You need to include the x/y coordinates.