Facebook : No permission to publish the video - c#

I am trying to upload video using c# facebook graph api, and its working fine for user development account, i am able to post on wall, but when i try to other user i am getting error :
(OAuthException - #100) (#100) No permission to publish the video
This is my sample code
**var fb = new Facebook.FacebookClient(token);
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.source = new Facebook.FacebookMediaObject { ContentType = "video/mp4", FileName = "video.mp4" }.SetValue(File.ReadAllBytes(#"D:\home\site\wwwroot\\Videos\abc.mp4"));
parameters.title = "test title";
parameters.description = "test description";
dynamic result = fb.Post("/me/videos", parameters);**
where i set the permission
Please help me, Thank you in Advance.

In order to make publish_actions work for other users without a role in the App, you need to go through Login Review. Everything you need to know about that is in the docs: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/review
If you are indeed trying with an App Admin/Developer/Tester and it still does not work, debug the Access Token in the Debugger and make sure publish_actions is authorized correctly: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/


Did Facebook change completely change their SDK?

I've had a working application that connects and registers my users through their Facebook Accounts and retrieves some public information. Anyway, the application stopped working with Facebook with the new update (V2.6). I haven't changed any of my code, and now it's failing at creating a login URL for Facebook.
Last time I managed to Login successfully was on the 10th of April. I've read the Changelog for V2.6 but couldn't find anything that would/should change the Login flow. Here is the function that used to generate the Login URL and I would just get asked if I'd allow "my app" to access my Facebook information, I'd press allow and everything would continue perfectly. Now, I get the "SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone. See the Facebook Help Centre for more information" error when the generated Login URL is called...
private string GenerateLoginUrlFacebook()
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.client_id = Globals.FBapplicationID;
parameters.redirect_uri = "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";
parameters.response_type = "token";
parameters.display = "popup";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Globals.FBextendedPermissionsNeeded))
parameters.scope = Globals.FBextendedPermissionsNeeded;
var fb = new FacebookClient();
Uri loginUri = fb.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
return loginUri.AbsoluteUri;
//return #"https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=471150563090234&redirect_uri=https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Facebook's OAuth "Given URL is not permitted by the Application configuration"

I was working on this program that connects my users through their Facebook accounts. It's been working quiet stable for the past couple of weeks, and I was able to add more value to my program during that period. However, starting today I was unable to connect through Facebook as I usually do. Whenever I ask for App authorization (1st step) I get a "Given URL is not permitted by the Application configuration" error, Even tho i didn't change anything in my App Settings.
I looked everywhere to check if maybe Facebook did some Updates or something, but couldn't find anything. Last time i logged in successfully was the 30th of March.
How could have this happened if I didn't edit any of my code, and apparently Facebook didn't either! Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
private string GenerateLoginUrlFacebook()
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.client_id = Globals.FBapplicationID;
parameters.redirect_uri = "https://www.facebook.com/connect/login_success.html";
parameters.response_type = "token";
parameters.display = "popup";
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Globals.FBextendedPermissionsNeeded))
parameters.scope = Globals.FBextendedPermissionsNeeded;
var fb = new FacebookClient();
Uri loginUri = fb.GetLoginUrl(parameters);
return loginUri.AbsoluteUri;

OneDrive API with C#, get authentication code programmatic

I have to write an application, no matter what language (c#, Java, shell, python ...) that can connect to OneDrive and then uploads file.
Following the OneDrive API I found that i need in one step to go to the browser (manually and to post a url that combines client_id and client_security to get an authentication code so i can connect my client with it to get the access token. (oAuth2 protocol)
I need to get the access_token pragmatically, i don't need any manual step to be involved.
I tried in c# to use the WebBrowser component to navigate to the url and to get the access token, I found that the browser stays in the same url and not getting the final url that includes the auth_code!
My code looks like:
// Initialize a new Client (without an Access/Refresh tokens
var client = new Client(options);
// Get the OAuth Request Url
var authRequestUrl = client.GetAuthorizationRequestUrl(new[] { Scope.Basic, Scope.Signin, Scope.SkyDrive, Scope.SkyDriveUpdate });
// TODO: Navigate to authRequestUrl using the browser, and retrieve the Authorization Code from the response
WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser();
wb.AllowNavigation = true;
wb.ScrollBarsEnabled = false;
wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;
while (wb.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)
Uri myUrl = wb.Url;
Anyone can help with fixing this, or maybe suggest other ideas please?
Thanks in Advance!
It looks like you're creating a Windows desktop app using C#. There's actually an example at https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh826529.aspx for using the WebBrowser class to get the authorization code, then the token, then make an API. In short, you'll first need to send a request to the following URL with your client_id and scopes.
In the response, you'll get the authorization code which you'll need to use to send another request to with your client_id, client_secret, authorization code like the following.
When you finally receive the access token, you can make requests to the API using your access token similar to the following.
"https://apis.live.net/v5.0/me?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN". The "me" can be changed to any other folder or directory.
I hope that helps.
dont u think the scope u provided are wrong, they should be wl.basic, wl.signin, and if ur using new onedrive api then it should be onedrive.readonly or onedrive.readwrite
if ur using liveconnect api for the purpose of using onedrive then scope should be wl.skydrive or wl.contacts_skydrive or wl.skydrive_update
depending upon ur uses (refer https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh243646.aspx)
and can u more elaborate how ur trying to get the access_token, from above it is quite confusing to me
Have you solved you issue?
Have you tried to use the LiveSDK to authenticate?
Have a look at my question there, it might help you :
Onedrive API vs LiveSDK
I have used the following code, after installing both the LiveSDK and the OneDrive SDK, and this does not require any login after the first authorization. However it "may" have to be a RT app (windows store or windows phone store)
var authClient = new LiveAuthClient();
var authResult = await authClient.LoginAsync(new string[] {
"wl.signin", "onedrive.readwrite", "onedrive.appfolder"});
if (authResult.Session == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("You need to sign in and give consent to the app.");
var Connection = new ODConnection("https://api.onedrive.com/v1.0",
new MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationInfo() { TokenType = "Bearer",
AccessToken = odArgs.Session.AccessToken });
Toan-Nguyen's answer almost helps me. On the step 2 (when I should send a request with authorization code) I get the response with error "Public clients can't send client secret". This answer said it's neccessary to remove the attribute client_secret from url.

Linq-to-Twitter always error 401 Unauthorized

I am using LinqToTwitter in my C# desktop application. Trying to send tweets and tweets with image to Twitter using OAuth credentials. Initially I am using these required attributes of my own Twitter application:
var auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer
Credentials = new SingleUserInMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = "key",
ConsumerSecret = "secret",
TwitterAccessToken = "token",
TwitterAccessTokenSecret = "tokensecret"
var context = new TwitterContext(auth);
context.UpdateStatus("Hello World");
NOTE: I have double checked that I am using correct values for above keys and tokens, but its always erroring 401 Unauthorized.
NOTE: Also I have checked this link for any mistake: http://linqtotwitter.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=LINQ%20to%20Twitter%20FAQ&referringTitle=Documentation
Any help to resolve this ?
Your code seems to be fine.
The FAQ, which you reference, is the best resource right now.
What type of application are you building, e.g. ASP.NET, Windows Phone, etc.?
You might also try downloading the source code and checking to see if the LinqToTwitterDemos project will work for you.

Facebook C# SDK - Post to wall

I'm developing an asp.net MVC 3 Facebook app and I am trying to post a message to my wall. Here is my code:
FacebookWebClient client = new FacebookWebClient();
// Post to user's wall
var postparameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
postparameters["message"] = "Hello world!";
postparameters["name"] = "This is a name";
postparameters["link"] = "http://thisisalink.com;
postparameters["description"] = "This is a description";
var result = client.Post("/me/feed", postparameters);
I can get the access token using client.AccessToken, so I'm assuming I don't have to set it anywhere. This code produces no errors and for the result I get an ID. However, when I bring up my Facebook, I see nothing on my wall nor in my news feed. I'm not sure what I'm missing. I've looked at related questions here at StackOverflow, but I see no reports/questions similar to mine. I've also tried changing the code based on what I've seen in other posts, but to no avail. I also checked my Facebook account settings and I see my application listed with permission to post to my wall. I also tried posting a message to my wall via the Graph API explorer and I'm getting the same result. I get an ID in return, but when I check my Facebook account I see nothing. At been at this for a couple of days. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I wonder if something is wrong with my app generated access_token. Using this access_token, as I mentioned in my post, I get the same result using the Graph API explorer. An ID is returned, but no message on my wall. However, if I give the Graph API explorer permission to post to my wall and use its own generated access_token, I can successfully post a message using the explorer. Here's the FB login button code:
<h1>Login using Facebook</h1>
<p><fb:login-button perms="user_location, publish_stream, email"></fb:login-button></p>
Basically you need to add an additional parameter into your post parameters.
args["access_token"] = account.access_token;
this is the token of the specific page.
I wont repeat the code, follow here for example: Post On Facebook Page As Page Not As Admin User Using Facebook C# SDK
(second answer)
Did you request right App permissions to Facebook in your action method?
Try: [CanvasAuthorize(Permissions = "user_location, publish_stream, email")]
Did you append the access_token to the URL? See example here. It's also documented here (see Using the Access Token).
with one small change, your code works fine for me. you have to pass the users auth token into the constructor like this...
var client = new FacebookClient(accessToken);
// Post to user's wall
var postparameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
postparameters["message"] = "Hello world!";
postparameters["name"] = "This is a name";
postparameters["link"] = "http://thisisalink.com;
postparameters["description"] = "This is a description";
var result = client.Post("/me/feed", postparameters);
this method works for me, although i am not sure which facebook sdk you are using.
i'm using http://facebooksdk.net/ its quite good so if you're not using it i would recommend it
