Use Same Class as Controller for Many Tables - c#

I am new to and azure mobile services.
Have some questions:
1)I have used the TodoItemController to query data from azure table storage
(just used their sample class as given below)
How do i modify it so that it acts as Generic Class for all Tables and not just for one table.for eg:if i had another Table called person apart from Todo
i want it to use the same class for both tables
2)Is the method Im suggesting a bad design pattern and if so why?
3)I also dint understand how this class gets called.
Saw somewhere that ../tables/Todo
is mapped to this class.if thats the case.Where is the mapping done.?
4)Will ApiController achieve my purpose 1?if So an example please
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using System.Web.Http.OData;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service;
using TempService.DataObjects;
using TempService.Models;
using System.Web.Http.OData.Query;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace TempService.Controllers
public class TodoItemController : TableController<TodoItem>
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
// Create a new Azure Storage domain manager using the stored
// connection string and the name of the table exposed by the controller.
string connectionStringName = "StorageConnectionString";
var tableName = controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName.ToLowerInvariant();
DomainManager = new StorageDomainManager<TodoItem>(connectionStringName,
tableName, Request, Services);
public Task<IEnumerable<TodoItem>> GetAllTodoItems(ODataQueryOptions options)
// Call QueryAsync, passing the supplied query options.
return DomainManager.QueryAsync(options);
// GET tables/TodoItem/1777
public SingleResult<TodoItem> GetTodoItem(string id)
return Lookup(id);
// PATCH tables/TodoItem/1456
public Task<TodoItem> PatchTodoItem(string id, Delta<TodoItem> patch)
return UpdateAsync(id, patch);
// POST tables/TodoItem
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> PostTodoItem(TodoItem item)
TodoItem current = await InsertAsync(item);
return CreatedAtRoute("Tables", new { id = current.Id }, current);
// DELETE tables/TodoItem/1234
public Task DeleteTodoItem(string id)
return DeleteAsync(id);

So I will try to address your questions by point:
Yes and no. What you are trying to do is follow the Repository Pattern. So yes, you can make a BaseRepository that will do the bulk of the work with a generic data type. No, you will still have classes that inherit the base but specify the generic data type.
No this is not a bad design pattern.
So the TableController is a specialized ApiController for the data table. It is called via the route configuration that translates the URL "/tables/TodoItem/Id"
Again, the TableController is an ApiController. Not sure it will help, but there are a number of examples of the "Repository Pattern" for Azure Mobile Services. You can look here to get an idea:


Attribute To Secure Web Api

I am working with a web api where it should have a request key and depending upon it, the api controller will do
specific task. I am using rest client program in vs code and did the following for testing:
GET http://localhost:PortNo/WeatherForecast/GetAllTeams
test: "12345678910" //Key
So in the controller, I did this to get the key value:
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<TeamDetails>>> GetAllTeams()
string Token = Request.Headers["test"]; //Getting the key value here
var teams = _service.GetAllTeams();
return Ok(teams)
But I've few things in mind and doing R & D like how can I make the above with an attribute. Say each controller
will have an attribute as follows and make the request invalid if no proper key found:
[InvalidToken] //This is the attribute
public async Task<ActionResult<IEnumerable<TeamDetails>>> GetAllTeams()
var teams = _service.GetAllTeams();
return Ok(teams)
I am not sure if this is going to make the api secure and my plan is to valid every http request (In my case, a simple form submission at the moment), so it should say the request is generated from the web api app.
N.B: I worked with web api earlier in small sections but now a broader thing to implement, so expecting few suggestions that can help me to guide for better design.
try it:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;
public class InvalidToken : Attribute, IActionFilter
public InvalidToken( )
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var Authorization = context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["test"];
if ( Authorization != "12345678910")
context.ModelState.AddModelError("Authorization", "Authorization failed!");
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
// "OnActionExecuted"
// add filter to whole api
services.AddControllers(options =>

Share my dbContext with all my repository/service class?

I'm working on a classic .Net Framework Web API solution.
I have 3 layers. Let's call them
MVC - with POST, GET, UPDATE, DELETE controllers.
BIZZ - for business with my service class. My service class are king of repositories with CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE and specific methods.
DATA - with POCO and definition of DB context.
I will not develop the EF layer. It is a classic Entity Framework project with POCO.Here is a sample of a Service and with BaseService class
public abstract class Service : IDisposable
protected DbContext dbContext = new DbContext();
public void Dispose()
Then I have a cart service and a order service. They are similar in their structure so I will only write the code useful for this example.
public class CartService : Service
public Cart Create(Cart cart)
// Create the cart
public Cart Read(Guid id)
// Read
public Cart Update(Cart cart)
// I do some check first then
public void Delete(Cart cart)
// Delete
public void Checkout(Cart cart)
// Validation of cart removed in this example
cart.DateCheckout = DateTime.UtcNow;
dbContext.Entry(cart).State = EntityState.Modified; // I think this line can be removed
using (var orderService = new OrderService())
foreach (var order in cart.Orders)
order.DateCheckout = cart.DateCheckout;
order.Status = OrderStatus.PD; // pending
public class OrderService : Service
public Cart Create(Cart cart)
// Create the cart
public Cart Read(Guid id)
// Read
public Cart Update(Cart cart)
dbContext.Entry(order).State = EntityState.Modified;
// More process here...
return order;
public void Delete(Cart cart)
// Delete
So, I have a service, cart service, that call another service, order service. I must work like this because I cannot simply accept the cart and all orders in it as it is. When I save a new order or update an existing order I must create a record in some other tables in other databases. The code is not in my example. So, I repeat I have a service that call another service and then I have 2 dbContext. At best this just create 2 context in memory, at worst this create exception. Exception like you cannot attach an entity to 2 contexts or this entity is not in context.
Well, I would like all my service use the same context. I suppose you will al tell me to use Dependency Injection. Yes, well ok but I don't want, each time I create a new service have to pass the context. I don't want to have to do that:
public void Checkout(Cart cart)
// ...
using (var orderService = new OrderService(dbContext))
// ...
I would like to do something that impact my base service only if possible. A singleton maybe... At this point I can see your face. Yes I know Singleton are soo bad. Yes but i'm doing a IIS Web API. Each request is a new instance. I don't care about the impact of the singleton. And I can load my database by changing the connection string in config file so the benefit of DI is there already. Well, I also know it is possible to have singleton with DI. I just don't know how.
So, what can I do to be sure I share my dbContext with all my services?
Disclaimer: This example is not intended to be a "good" one and certainly does not follow best practices, but faced with an existing legacy code base which from your example already suffers from a number of questionable practices, this should get you past the multiple context issues.
Essentially if you're not already using a IoC Container to perform dependency injection then what you need is to introduce a unit of work to manage the scope of a DbContext where your base Service class provides a DbContext provided by the unit of work. (Essentially a DbContext Registry)
For the unit of work and assuming EF6 I would recommend Mehdime's DbContextScope which is available as a NuGet package. Alternatively you can find the source code on Github and implement something similar without too much trouble. I like this pattern because it leverages the CallContext to serve as the communication layer between the ContextScope (Unit of Work) created by the DbContextScopeFactory and the AmbientDbContextScope. This will probably take a little time to get your head around but it injects very nicely into legacy applications where you want to leverage the Unit of Work and don't have dependency injection.
What it would look like:
In your Service class you would introduce the AmbientDbContextLocator to resolve your DbContext:
private readonly IAmbientDbContextLocator _contextLocator = new AmbientDbContextLocator();
protected DbContext DbContext
get { return _contextLocator.Get<DbContext>(); }
And that's it. Later as you refactor to accommodate Dependency injection, just inject the AmbientDbContextLocator instead of 'new'ing it up.
Then, in your web API controllers where you are using your services, (not the services themselves) you need to add the DbContextScopeFactory instance..
private readonly IDbContextScopeFactory _contextScopeFactory = new DbContextScopeFactory();
Lastly, in your API methods, when you want to call your services, you need to simply use the ContextScopeFactory to create a context scope. The AmbientDbContextLocators will retrieve the DbContext from this context scope. The context scope you create with the factory will be done in a using block to ensure your contexts are disposed. So, using your Checkout method as an example, it would look like:
In your Web API [HttpPost] Checkout() method:
using (var contextScope = _contextScopeFactory.Create())
using(var service = new CartService())
Your cart service Checkout method would remain relatively unchanged, only instead of accessing dbContext as a variable (new DbContext()) it will access the DbContext property which gets the context through the context locator.
The Services can continue to call DbContext.SaveChanges(), but this isn't necessary and the changes will not be committed to the DB until the contextScope.SaveChanges() is called. Each service will have its own instance of the Context Locator rather than the DbContext and these will be dependent on you defining a ContextScope to function. If you call a Service method that tries to access the DbContext without being within a using (var contextScope = _contextScopeFactory.Create()) block you will receive an error. This way all of your service calls, even nested service calls (CartService calls OrderService) will be interacting with the same DbContext instance.
Even if you just want to read data, you can leverage a slightly faster DbContext using _contextScopeFactory.CreateReadOnly() which will help guard against unexpected/disallowed calls to SaveChanges().
When using the ASP.NET Core stack, the tutorial for using EF with it defaults to using DI to provide your DB context, just not with a service layer. That said, it actually does the right thing for this out of the box. I'll give a brief rundown of the bare minimum necessary for this to work, using whatever the latest versions of ASP.NET Core Web API and EF Core were on NuGet at the time of writing.
First, let's get the boilerplate out of the way, starting with the model:
public class ShopContext : DbContext
public ShopContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) {}
// We add a GUID here so we're able to tell it's the same object later.
public string Id { get; } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public DbSet<Cart> Carts { get; set; }
public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public class Cart
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Order
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
Then some bare-bones services:
public class CartService
ShopContext _ctx;
public CartService(ShopContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
Console.WriteLine($"Context in CartService: {ctx.Id}");
public async Task<List<Cart>> List() => await _ctx.Carts.ToListAsync();
public async Task<Cart> Create(string name)
return (await _ctx.Carts.AddAsync(new Cart {Name = name})).Entity;
public class OrderService
ShopContext _ctx;
public OrderService(ShopContext ctx)
_ctx = ctx;
Console.WriteLine($"Context in OrderService: {ctx.Id}");
public async Task<List<Order>> List() => await _ctx.Orders.ToListAsync();
public async Task<Order> Create(string name)
return (await _ctx.Orders.AddAsync(new Order {Name = name})).Entity;
The only notable things here are: the context comes in as a constructor parameter as God intended, and we log the ID of the context to verify when it gets created with what.
Then our controller:
public class ShopController : ControllerBase
ShopContext _ctx;
CartService _cart;
OrderService _order;
public ShopController(ShopContext ctx, CartService cart, OrderService order)
Console.WriteLine($"Context in ShopController: {ctx.Id}");
_ctx = ctx;
_cart = cart;
_order = order;
public async Task<IEnumerable<string>> Get()
var carts = await _cart.List();
var orders = await _order.List();
return (from c in carts select c.Name).Concat(from o in orders select o.Name);
public async Task Post(string name)
await _cart.Create(name);
await _order.Create(name);
await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
As above, we take the context as a constructor parameter to triple-check it's what it should be; we also need it to call SaveChanges at the end of an operation. (You can refactor this out of controllers if you want to, but they'll work just fine as units of work for now.)
The part that ties this together is the DI configuration:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Use whichever provider you have here, this is where you grab a connection string from the app configuration.
services.AddDbContext<ShopContext>(options =>
AddDbContext() defaults to registering a DbContext to be created per-request by the container. Web API provides the AddControllers method that puts those into the DI container, and we also register our services manually.
The rest of Startup.cs I've left as-is.
Starting this up and opening https://localhost:5001/shop should log something like:
Context in CartService: b213966e-35f2-4cc9-83d1-98a5614742a3
Context in OrderService: b213966e-35f2-4cc9-83d1-98a5614742a3
Context in ShopController: b213966e-35f2-4cc9-83d1-98a5614742a3
with the same GUID for all three lines in a request, but a different GUID between requests.
A little additional explanation of what goes on above:
Registering a component in a container (using Add() and such above) means telling the container those components exist and that it should create them for you when asked, as well as what identifiers they're available under and how to create them. The defaults for this are more or less "make the component available as its class, and create it by calling its one public constructor, passing other registered components into it" - the container looks at the constructor signature to figure this out.
"Scoped" in an ASP.NET Core app means "per-request." I think in this case one could also use services with a transient lifetime - a new one created every time it's needed, but they'll still get the same DbContext as long as they're created while handling the same request. Which one to do is a design consideration; the main constraint is that you can't inject shorter-lived components into longer-lived components without having to use more complex techniques, which is why I favour having all components as short-lived as possible. In other words, I only make things longer-lived when they actually hold some state that needs to live for that time, while also doing that as sparingly as possible because state bad. (Just recently I had to refactor an unfortunate design where my services were singletons, but I wanted my repositories to be per-request so as to be able to inject the currently logged in user's information into the repository to be able to automatically add the "created by" and "updated by" fields.)
You'll note that with support for doing things this way being built-in to both ASP.NET Core and EF Core, there's actually very little extra code involved. Also, the only thing needed to go from "injecting a context into your controllers" (as the tutorial does) to "injecting a context into services that you use from your controllers" is adding the services into DI - since the controller and context are already under DI, anything new you add can be injected into them and vice versa.
This should give you a quick introduction into how to make things "just work" and shows you the basic use case of a DI container: you declaratively tell it or it infers "this is an X", "this is an Y", "this is a Z and it needs to be created using an X and a Y"; then when you ask the container to give you a Z, it will automagically first create an X and Y, then create Z with them. They also manage the scope and lifetime of these objects, i.e. only create one of a type for an API request. Beyond that it's a question of experience with them and familiarity with a given container - say Ninject and Autofac are much more powerful than the built-in one - but it's variations on the same idea of declaratively describing how to create an object possibly using other objects (its dependencies) and having the container "figure out" how to wire things together.

Implement data access layer best practices in .net Project MVC

I would like to improve my .NET project by adding another layer when accessing the database. This is my code:
namespace Company.Models
public static class AgencyBean
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public static String createGUID(string name)
DataAccess dataAccess = new DataAccess();
bool exists = dataAccess.checkIfExists(Id);
retur "ok";
I placed DataAccess class in a separate folder called "Helpers" and it contains most of my queries:
public class DataAccess
public bool checkIfExists(String Id)
SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(dataConnection);
SqlCommand check_Id = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE_GUID WHERE ([USER_ID] = #Id)", cnn);
check_Id.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Id", Id);
int UserExist = (int)check_Id.ExecuteScalar();
if (UserExist > 0)
return true;
return false;
catch (SqlException ex)
Debug.WriteLine("SQL Exception " + ex);
throw ex;
public class AgentBeanController : Controller
// GET: AgentBean
public ActionResult Index(string name)
return View();
public string AgentURL() //here we create Agent URL and return it to the view
string var = Models.AgentBean.createGUID("TODO");
return var;
I'm accessing the database pretty much in very direct way. How would it be with a better technique, so this access can be more secure, like accessing thru a service layer?
I'm connecting to a existing sql database in some server and working with MVC architecture in my project.
So here is what I have done in the past.
First, that is your "models" namespace... models should never have database connectivity. Instead you have a seperate class, such as a controller, that hydrates some model.
Second, I've had a "service" class, which hooks up to a "repository" class. The repository class implements an interface to identify the exact "type" of database you're using.. but if that's not a part of your requirements you probably don't need to go that far.
Third, look up dependency injection (aka, DI). There are several frameworks out there. Personally I've used Autofac, but others exist as well to get the job done easier.
Fourth, on your your "controllers", "services" and "respository" classes, implement dependency injection, as well as any interfaces as needed to form a contract.
Fifth, I would use an actual controller namespace and not be working out of your models namespace to be pushing http calls band and forth.... Instead, create an action in your controller class, and instantiate an instance of your "agencyBean", hydrate it with data, and return that model out to your view.
Basically, in a scenario like this you're trying to keep each component doing what it is designated to do... breaking down responsibilities into smaller pieces and focusing on that. Your controller should just "fetch" your model and maybe do some transformations on it as needed or any other business-type logic.
Your service should handle the communication between your controller and your database layer.
Your data access layer (ie, in this case, some "repository" class...) would do all of those new data connections and/or setting up calls to stored procedures or queries.
Doing things this way has a lot of benefit. Some of the big ones are maintainability, readability, code re-use. Sure it makes your project a bit more complicated in terms of files sitting wherever... but that can be a good thing. It's so much better than slamming everything into one single class and have it do everything :)
But, just FYI, this is from an implementation I've done in the past... I'm sure there are better ways but this setup worked quite well for my team and I.
Here is a small example using some of your code you posted. I DID NOT check this for typos and it wouldn't compile, but should help give a general idea of what I'm talking about....
namespace Company.Models
public class AgencyBean
public AgencyName{get;set;}
public AgencyId{get;set;}
// other properties...
namespace Company.Controllers
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly IMyService myService;
public MyController(IMyService myService) // <-- this is your dependency injection here...
this.myService = myService;
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public static String createGUID(string name)
var model = new AgencyBean();
model.AgencyId = 1;
model = myService.getAgency(agencyBean);
return model;
namespace Company.Services
public class MyService
private readonly IMyRepository myRepository;
public MyService(IMyRepository myRepository) // <-- this is your dependency injection here...
this.myRepository = myRepository;
public AgencyBean getAgency(AgencyBean model){
var dataTable = myRepository.getAgencyData(model.AgencyId);
// fill other properties of your model you have...
// ...
// ...
return model;
namespace Company.Repositories
public class MyRepository : IDatabaseCommon // <-- some interface you would use to ensure that all repo type objects get connection strings or run other necessary database-like setup methods...
private readonly String connectionString{get;set;}
public MyRepository()
this.connectionString = //get your connection string from web.config or somewhere else...;
public DataTable getAgencyData(int id){
var dataTable = new DataTable();
// perform data access and fill up a data table
return dataTable;

ASP.NET Web API - Change database application is running to based on HTTP header information

I have started a new Web API project that requires that we switch the database the application is running to based on HTTP header information sent to the API. The application user will be identified by a HTTP header and the application should then change to use their database.
I have a base controller CrudControllerBase<T> ( to handle simple generic HTTP requests ) which creates a DataService<T> in it's constructor. All of my controllers will derive from this base controller and will have access to this DataService. The DataService is used to do common DB queries ( FindById(), FindAll(), etc. ) and more complex queries are bolted on using extension methods.
public abstract class CrudControllerBase<T> : ApiController where T : class, IEntity
protected IDataService<T> _dataService;
public CrudControllerBase()
this._dataService = new DataService<T>();
public virtual async Task<IHttpActionResult> Get(Guid id)
var model = await _dataService.FindByIdAsync(id);
return Ok<T>(model);
//code left out
public class OrdersController : CrudControllerBase<OrderItem>
and in the DataService I new up the DbContext class:
public class DataService<T> : IDataService<T> where T:class, IEntity
private readonly AppDbContext _context;
public DataService()
_context = new AppDbContext(); // need to pass in connection string
// code left out
I need to be able to pass in the connection string to the constructor of AppDbContext but in the constructor of CrudControllerBase I do not have access to the HttpRequestMessage to be able to pass this info to the DataService.
Can anyone suggest a solution ? I am quite happy to try a completely different way of doing this if someone can suggest something. Thanks !
OK so I have got this working. It may not be the best solution but it works and if anyone has any feedback / improvements then please share. Thanks to #AaronLS for pointing me in the right direction. This article also helped a lot.
The first step was to create a CustomControllerFactory that implements the IHttpControllerActivator interface. This gives you a Create method in which you can write your own code for newing up your Controllers. This is my CustomControllerFactory where I new up my controller passing in the HTTP Header as a string:
public class CustomControllerFactory : IHttpControllerActivator
public IHttpController Create(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor, Type controllerType)
var schemaKey = request.Headers.Where(k => k.Key == "schema").FirstOrDefault().Value.FirstOrDefault();
return (IHttpController)Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType, new string[] { schemaKey });
The next step is to tell the web API to use this method for instantiating controllers. To do this I added this line to my WebApiConfig class:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Services.Replace(typeof(IHttpControllerActivator), new CustomControllerFactory());
The last thing I needed to was add a constructor to each controller which took in the string value and passed it to the base controller
public OrdersController(String databaseName) : base(databaseName) { }
and my base controller passes the parameter to the DataService
public CrudControllerBase(String databaseName)
this._dataService = new DataService<T>(databaseName);
and my database passes in the connection string to the AppDbContext() constructor
public DataService(String databaseName)
this._context = new AppDbContext(BuildConnectionString(databaseName));
I realise there is no error handling / security checking yet but I will add that in :-)

Entity tracking in multiple contexts

in a typical MVC3 app with an EF model, each controller instantiates its own copy of the model container. this means that if I were to create a class in a different file and it needed access to the model, it would need to instantiate its own container.
Consider the following:
namespace X.Web.Controllers
public class TestController : Controller
EFContainer db = new EFContainer();
public ActionResult Whatever()
User u = db.Users.Find(3);
if I wanted to abstract my fetching of a user in a class Auth then it would have to instantiate its own db since it doesn't have access to the controller's -- all fine until the controller wants to make changes to the returned object:
public ActionResult Whatever()
User u = Auth.GetUser();
u.Name = "ekkis";
since the user at that point belongs to a different context... so either I have to share my db with Auth or perhaps I'd have to do a moronic double-lookup:
public ActionResult Whatever()
int id = Auth.GetUserId();
User u = db.Users.Find(id);
u.Name = "ekkis";
what is the recommended way of dealing with this?
Why don't you pass in your model / EF context via constructor injection into your Auth class? That seems to be the most reasonable way (same applies to your controller actually once you have an IOC container set up).
public class Auth
public Auth(EFContainer db)
Ideally you would also make this work based on an abstract interface so you can test Auth independently of EF.
