Handle User Session Logout Time With Authentication Forms - c#

I have session table in database where datetime values of login and logout are stored. In my MVC application I am using authentication Forms. Where the cookie is persistent for example 20 minutes with slidingExpiration = true. What is the good practice to ping the session in database and to set accurate logout time. For example when the slidingExpiration fires and reset the expire time of cookie to plus 20 minutes in the same session key. How to handle this in databse to update the logout time of user session ? My end point is to keep accurate logout time of user session in database.
<forms loginUrl="/KJH/Account/SignIn" protection="All" timeout="20" name="FedCookie" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" defaultUrl="/NCB/Home/Index" cookieless="UseDeviceProfile" enableCrossAppRedirects="false" />
SQL script to update user session
UPDATE dbo.tSession SET LogoutTime = DATEADD(mi, 20, GETDATE()) WHERE Ukey = #Session and LogoutTime > GETDATE()


Can't control Session time in ASp MVC 4.5 Application

I am using this to login:
var f = from b in db.AdminToybias
where b.UserName == a.UserName
&& b.Password == a.Password
select b;
if (f.Count() >= 1)
Session["uname"] = f.FirstOrDefault().UserName;
Session["pass"] = f.FirstOrDefault().Password;
Session["role"] = f.FirstOrDefault().Role;
I tried both:
<sessionState timeout="1440" mode = "InProc"></sessionState>
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="288000" />
But the application automatically logout user after few mins (don't know exact time). I want to get session unlimited time untill he manually logout.
I tried so many hours but failed. What can i do to achieve this?
I am using Godaddy Hosting.
They are different things. The Forms Authentication Timeout value sets the amount of time in minutes that the authentication cookie is set to be valid, meaning, that after value number of minutes, the cookie will expire and the user will no longer be authenticated - they will be redirected to the login page automatically-. The slidingExpiration=true value is basically saying that after every request made, the timer is reset and as long as the user makes a request within the timeout value, they will continue to be authenticated. If you set slidingExpiration=false the authentication cookie will expire after value number of minutes regardless of whether the user makes a request within the timeout value or not.
The SessionState timeout value sets the amount of time a Session State provider is required to hold data in memory (or whatever backing store is being used, SQL Server, OutOfProc, etc) for a particular session. For example, if you put an object in Session using the value in your example, this data will be removed after 30 minutes. The user may still be authenticated but the data in the Session may no longer be present. The Session Timeout value is always reset after every request.

How setting session expired time use code on ASP.NET MVC5?

I'm not use FormsAuthenticatio.
When the user Login, I will save the user info to on session like:
HttpContext.Current.Session["UserId"] = model.Id;
HttpContext.Current.Session["Name"] = model.Name
But How I set the session expired time use code?
Maybe only for 30 minute, Maybe User select "Remember Me" then save it 24 hour.
Second question is : If I'm already set it expired time on web.config like:
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="30" />
Then How about the priority ? config first or code first?
You can set session in code, global.asax on session_start event using this.
Session.Timeout = 24*60 ;
I have checked in code that, setting session in code like above override that in web.config. So the above has more priority and this will be used and web.config's value will be discarded.
if the user ticks "Remember Me", just add a random guid to a database of active users and give them a cookie with the same guid. when the user comes back without a valid session, check for the cookie and search the database for the guid. if valid, the user is signed in

Increase timeout of an already started session

I want to add a "keep me logged in" option to my custom login control.
This is how I'm currently using the session:
I'm saving and reading values from HttpContext.Current.Session["key"] manually. Works fine.
Relevant parts of web.config:
<sessionState mode="StateServer" useHostingIdentity="true" cookieless="false" timeout="120" stateConnectionString="tcpip=" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="/login" name="AuthCookie" timeout="120" slidingExpiration="true" path="/" />
<allow users="*" />
As you can see, the default duration of a session is 120 minutes.
Through a custom login control with textboxes, I grant access to a member area. (I don't use System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication)
After entering valid credentials and a checked checkbox "keep logged in", I want to increase the duration of the already active session to ~30 days.
So far I've found solutions like
FormsAuthenticationTicket fat = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, "username", DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1), false, "username");
string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(fat);
Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket) { Expires = fat.Expiration });
which don't work, because System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.Timeout is still at 120 minutes.
The same goes for setting
Session.Timeout = 666;
Any suggestions?
You can't really approach it this way. You can't persist a session over days - it's just not going to scale well.
What most people do is provide a means for automatic login, so that when their session expires, they are seamlessly logged back in on the next action/reload. Most people do this with a cookie that contains a unique hash, which is checked at the server. If you want the person to be logged in for 30 days, you just set the cookie to expire in 30 days time.
I decided to give a short summary how I ended up doing it, because #David Haney asked me to:
I added a column to my usertable, which contains a GUID that is used for "relogging in" / giving credentials again. That GUID is created upon login and stored in the database.
It's also stored as an ecrypted value in a cookie. (My site doesn't use SSL)
Added to Login routine (if a user checked the "remeber me" checkbox):
HttpCookie aCookie = new HttpCookie("Session");
Guid sessionGuid = // Buisiness layer call to generate value
String sessionID = sessionGuid.ToString();
aCookie.Value = Helper.Protect(sessionID, "sessionID");
aCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);
where Helper.Protect and Helper.Unprotect are used from here How to use MachineKey.Protect for a cookie? to store an encrypted and MAC signed value in a cookie.
Relogging is done by having every content page inherit from a class, that implements that logic and inherits from System.Web.UI.Page.
public class BasePage : System.Web.UI.Page
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (Request.Cookies["Session"] != null && !CustomIsLoggedInCheckMethod)
String unprotected = Helper.Unprotect(Request.Cookies["Session"].Value, "sessionID");
Guid sessionID = Guid.Parse(unprotected);
// Calls to buisiness layer to get the user, set sessions values et cetera
If a user was banned after the last session or logs out, the cookie value expiration date will be set to a date in the past:
HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("Session");
myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d);
Ah I forgot to mention this. I've also added a notification bar, that tells the user that he has been logged back in. It's based on http://blog.grio.com/2012/11/a-copypaste-ble-jquery-notification-bar.html
See Demo

How can I expire the session when the user doesn't work with website?

Hello, I created a web site application with asp.net 4.5 and asp.net membership. I want user session to be expire if the user doesn't work with site (like Facebook).
I have set the timeout in web.config for the session but this time gets finished (times out), either if user works or doesn't work. Is there something I'm missing?
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Pages/Login.aspx" slidingExpiration="true" timeout="1"></forms>
While setting the forms auth cookie you need to set an expiry time for the cookie and create a http module in your application where you check the auth cookie in the request headers and if its not present you logout the user and redirect to the login page. And if the cookie exists just reset the expiry time for the cookie in the response.
Refer to this link. This is an answered that I'm currently help with another user. This should show you how to make the session start once the user logs in.
Edit: Not sure why the downvote, but here is code then.
Change the timeouts on each of the forms authentication and sessionState like below.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" defaultUrl="~/Dashboard.aspx" timeout="60"/>
<sessionState timeout="60" mode="InProc" cookieless="false" />
Then, put this into your Site.Master.cs under the page load.
if (HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// Handle the session timeout
string sessionExpiredUrl = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + "/DealLog/Account/SessionExpired.aspx";
StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
script.Append("function expireSession(){ \n");
script.Append(string.Format(" window.location = '{0}';\n", sessionExpiredUrl));
script.Append("} \n");
script.Append(string.Format("setTimeout('expireSession()', {0}); \n", this.Session.Timeout * 60000)); // Convert minutes to milliseconds
this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "expirescript", script.ToString(), true);
The session will only expire if the user is authenticated. The user logs in, becomes inactive, and then session times out. Once it times out, goes to an SessionExpired page. On the session expired page, place
in the page load so it signs out the user. Then you can set up a redirect from there. The Authentication and SessionState timeouts are both in minutes. 60 = 1 hour.
Edit 2: It looks like the user of the question that was linked in my answer was deleted by the user. Sorry for that. Hope this helps though.

Session timeout handled, but still not working in asp.net?

I set timeout for 30 mins in web.config like below
<forms name=".FormsAuth" loginUrl="/Login.aspx" timeout="30" protection="All"
slidingExpiration="true" >
<sessionState mode="InProc" stateConnectionString="tcpip="
stateNetworkTimeout="300" sqlCommandTimeout="300" sqlConnectionString="data
source=;Trusted_Connection=yes" cookieless="false" timeout="30" />
In master page page . I set SeTtime of 30 mins so it can redirect login page.
Dim sessionExpiredUrl As String = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) & "/labor"
Dim script As New StringBuilder()
script.Append("function expireSession(){ " & vbLf)
script.Append(String.Format(" window.location = '{0}';" & vbLf, sessionExpiredUrl))
script.Append("} " & vbLf)
script.Append(String.Format("setTimeout('expireSession()', {0}); " & vbLf, Me.Session.Timeout * 60000))
' Convert minutes to milliseconds
Me.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.[GetType](), "expirescript", script.ToString(), True)
It is working fine . after 30 mins it is redirect to login page. But If I click pages that have session object at "25 MINS". It is throwing exception [NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.].
I don't understand why session objects becoming "Null" before 30 mins and how to handle this?
Error happening here.
mUser = CType(Session("user"), User)
Dim processTime As String = mUser.GetLastProcessTime(lastProcessTime) // Error happening here
Since you are using InProc, possibly your app pool is reseting or shutting down due to inactivity, and that invalidates the session. Take a look at this article to see if it is your problem.
It's because you set SlidingExpiration = true and Sliding expiration resets the expiration time for a valid authentication cookie if a request is made and more than half of the timeout interval has elapsed.
