.NET C# - Google AdWords API Authorization Issue "USER_PERMISSION_DENIED" - c#

I've been trying to connect to the Google AdWords API, and I succeeded
with receiving information from only one client.
Everytime I use a different ClientCustomerId, it throws an exception with
an inner detail - "USER_PERMISSION_DENIED".
(Written in Web.config <add key="ClientCustomerId" value="val-val-val"/>)
Only one client works though. I have no idea with differences they have, they're all same. the only difference is that the working client is the first in my client list.
Here is my code for receiving campaign information:
AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();
CampaignService campaignService =
Selector selector = new Selector();
selector.fields = new string[] { "Id", "Name", "Status"};
selector.paging = new Paging();
int offset = 0;
int pageSize = 500;
CampaignPage page = new CampaignPage();
selector.paging.startIndex = offset;
selector.paging.numberResults = pageSize;
string result = "";
// Get the campaigns.
page = campaignService.get(selector);
// Display the results.
if (page != null && page.entries != null)
int i = offset;
foreach (Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201506.Campaign campaign in page.entries)
result += string.Format("{0}) Campaign with id = '{1}', name = '{2}' and status = '{3}'" +
" was found.", i + 1, campaign.id, campaign.name, campaign.status);
offset += pageSize;
} while (offset < page.totalNumEntries);
int a = page.totalNumEntries;
catch (Exception e)
throw new System.ApplicationException("Failed to retrieve campaigns", e);
Thanks in advance!


How to check if payment was successful or not Stripe ASP.NET

public ActionResult Index()
StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "secretKey";
var options = new SessionCreateOptions
PaymentMethodTypes = new List<string> {
LineItems = new List<SessionLineItemOptions> {
new SessionLineItemOptions {
Name = "Basic Plan",
Description = "Up to 1 Featured Product",
Amount = 1000,
Currency = "usd",
Quantity = 1,
SuccessUrl = "https://localhost:44390/payment/successful",
CancelUrl = "https://localhost:44390/payment/fail",
PaymentIntentData = new SessionPaymentIntentDataOptions
Metadata = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Order_ID", "123456" },
{"Description", "Basic Plan" }
var service = new SessionService();
Session session = service.Create(options);
return PartialView("_PaymentIndex", session);
Is there any way of checking the status of the payment, because I wanna call another action if the payment is confirmed. Like the same as adding a successful url, but for an action. I'm kinda new to this so :/
I added a webhook to https://xxxx.eu.ngrok.io/payment/UpdatePaymentStatus for this action:
public ActionResult UpdatePaymentStatus()
StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = "key";
Stream req = Request.InputStream;
req.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
string json = new StreamReader(req).ReadToEnd();
myLogger.GetInstance().Warning(User.Identity.Name, "| Check |", "Payment/UpdatePaymentStatus");
// Get all Stripe events.
var stripeEvent = EventUtility.ParseEvent(json);
string stripeJson = stripeEvent.Data.RawObject + string.Empty;
var childData = Charge.FromJson(stripeJson);
var metadata = childData.Metadata;
int orderID = -1;
string strOrderID = string.Empty;
if (metadata.TryGetValue("Order_ID", out strOrderID))
int.TryParse(strOrderID, out orderID);
// Find your order from database.
// For example:
// Order order = db.Order.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.ID == orderID);
switch (stripeEvent.Type)
case Events.ChargeCaptured:
case Events.ChargeFailed:
case Events.ChargePending:
case Events.ChargeRefunded:
case Events.ChargeSucceeded:
case Events.ChargeUpdated:
var charge = Charge.FromJson(stripeJson);
string amountBuyer = ((double)childData.Amount / 100.0).ToString();
if (childData.BalanceTransactionId != null)
long transactionAmount = 0;
long transactionFee = 0;
if (childData.BalanceTransactionId != null)
// Get transaction fee.
var balanceService = new BalanceTransactionService();
BalanceTransaction transaction = balanceService.Get(childData.BalanceTransactionId);
transactionAmount = transaction.Amount;
transactionFee = transaction.Fee;
// My status, it is defined in my system.
int status = 0; // Wait
double transactionRefund = 0;
// Set order status.
if (stripeEvent.Type == Events.ChargeFailed)
status = -1; // Failed
myLogger.GetInstance().Warning(User.Identity.Name, "| Purchase of basic plan failed |", "Payment/UpdatePaymentStatus");
if (stripeEvent.Type == Events.ChargePending)
status = -2; // Pending
myLogger.GetInstance().Warning(User.Identity.Name, "| Purchase of basic plan pending |", "Payment/UpdatePaymentStatus");
if (stripeEvent.Type == Events.ChargeRefunded)
status = -3; // Refunded
transactionRefund = ((double)childData.AmountRefunded / 100.0);
myLogger.GetInstance().Warning(User.Identity.Name, "| Purchase of basic plan refunded |", "Payment/UpdatePaymentStatus");
if (stripeEvent.Type == Events.ChargeSucceeded)
status = 1; // Completed
myLogger.GetInstance().Info(User.Identity.Name, "Bought Basic Plan", "Payment/UpdatePaymentStatus");
// Update data
// For example: database
// order.Status = status;
// db.SaveChanges();
return Json(new
Code = -1,
Message = "Update failed."
catch (Exception e)
//log.Error("UpdatePaymentStatus: " + e.Message);
return Json(new
Code = -100,
Message = "Error."
public ActionResult Successful()
return View();
public ActionResult Fail()
return View();
Still not working though. I'm not getting any logs(using nLog) and the webhook is failing(in stripe dashboard).
Your code is creating a Checkout Session via the API. This is associated with Stripe's Checkout product. Stripe controls the UI to collect all the payment method details which means you're going to redirect your customer directly to Stripe's hosted page.
Once a customer pays, they will be redirected to your payment page configured in SuccessUrl in your code. You need to write code that detects the customer hitting that URL and map it to the session they were paying.
Additionally, it's possible for a customer to close their browser too before hitting your page. For that reason, Stripe also sends the checkout.session.completed event to your webhook handler. You can write code to handle that event and look at the status of their payment and all relevant information.
Stripe covers all possible fulfillment approaches in their documentation: https://stripe.com/docs/payments/checkout/fulfill-orders

Why does my call to the Google Custom Search API fail with a Request Error (Invalid Argument)?

I need to get the results of google searches in order to loop through and parse them. With that aim in view, I followed (as best I could) the tutorial on how to do that here
This is my code, based on the sample/example code in the article referenced above:
private void btnRentFlick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenBestPageForSearchString("rent amazon movie Will Penny");
private void OpenBestPageForSearchString(string searchStr)
const string apiKey = "blaBlaBla"; // "blaBlaBla" stands for my API key
const string searchEngineId = "bla"; // "bla" stands for various things I tried: my client_id
(also called UniqueId), private_key_id (also called KeyId), and project_id. Not having
the correct value may be the problem. If so, how do I get it?
const string query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { ApiKey
= apiKey });
//CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List(query); // This is the
code in the article, but it won't compile - "no overload for "List" takes one argument"
// So how is the value in "query" assigned, then?
CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List();
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId;
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
IList<Result> paging = new List<Result>();
var count = 0; // I don't know what the purpose of the counting is, but I'll leave as-is
until I get it working at least
while (paging != null)
listRequest.Start = count * 10 + 1;
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items; // this takes several seconds, then it throws an
if (paging != null)
foreach (var item in paging)
linksReturned.Add("Title : " + item.Title + Environment.NewLine + "Link : " +
item.Link +
Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
MessageBox.Show("Done with google amazon query");
catch (Exception ex)
As the comment at the end of that line says, this line of code:
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items;
...works for several seconds, then throws an exception, namely this:
So what is causing this exception? Is it because the searchEngineId value I assigned is bad? Or is it because the search string (assigned to the query variable) has not been provided to the call?
The info about my Ids is contained in a .json file provided by google, and there is no "searchEngineId" value in it. This is what it does contain:
"type": "service_account", "project_id": "flix4famsasinlocator",
"private_key_id": "[my private key id]", "private_key": "-----BEGIN
PRIVATE KEY-----. . . PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email":
"[bla].gserviceaccount.com", "client_id": "[my client Id]",
"auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
"token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
So though the article previously mentioned purported to be, and at first appeared to be, just what the doctor ordered, I have ran into a wall of considerable dimensions. Does anybody know how to scale this wall - perhaps primarily by providing the search string to the CseResource.ListRequest object?
Trying DalmTo's code first, I used this (not showing his GetService() method, which I copied verbatim):
var query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var service = GetService("theRainInSpainFallsMainlyOnTheDirt");
var request = service.Cse.List();
// add option values to the request here.
request.ExactTerms = query;
request.Q = query;
var response = request.ExecuteAsync();
// my contribution:
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in response.Result.Items)
// next two lines also mine
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Title: {0}; Link: {1}; ETag: {2}", item.Title, item.Link, item.ETag));
...but this exception was thrown while in the foreach loop:
Yes, this works (adapted from Trekco's answer):
const string apiKey = "gr8GooglyMoogly";
const string searchEngineId = "theRainInSpainFallsMainOnTheDirt";
const string query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer { ApiKey = apiKey });
CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List();
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId;
listRequest.Q = query;
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
IList<Result> paging = new List<Result>();
var count = 0;
while (paging != null)
listRequest.Start = count * 10 + 1;
paging = listRequest.Execute().Items;
if (paging != null)
foreach (var item in paging)
The query is not being send to google. To fix your code you need to tell the api what query to use. After listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId; add listRequest.Q = query;
var count = 0;
string apiKey = "THE API KEY";
string searchEngineId = "THE SEARCH ENGIN ID";
string query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
ApiKey = apiKey
CseResource.ListRequest listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List();
listRequest.Cx = searchEngineId;
listRequest.Q = query; // <---- Add this line
List<string> linksReturned = new List<string>();
while (count < 10) // Google limit you to 100 records
listRequest.Start = count * 10;
var paging = listRequest.Execute().Items;
foreach (var item in paging)
linksReturned.Add("Title : " + item.Title + Environment.NewLine + "Link : " +
item.Link +
Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
In your code you have a comment that you don't know what var count = 0; is for. It is to keep track on how many items you have requested.
If you look at google's documentation you will see that they will only return 100 results max. After that they will give you a error. That error will also be the same generic message: "INVALID_ARGUMENT"
You can review the custom search api requirements here: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/reference/rest/v1/cse/list
The searchEngineId variable is the search Engine id that you generate on the site https://www.google.com/cse/all. The documentation you followed is a bit out of date. you will find the id here:
If you check the doucmntation cse.list I think you will find that the list method has no required fields which means that you need to add the option values in the following manner.
I think ExactTerms may be the one you are looking for. But it could also be Q i think you should read though the option values and decide which one is best for your purpose.
var query = "rent amazon movie Will Penny";
var service = GetService("MYKEY");
var request = service.Cse.List();
// add option values to the request here.
request.ExactTerms = query;
request.Q = query;
var response = request.ExecuteAsync();
foreach (var item in response.Result.Items)
My get service method
public static CustomsearchService GetService(string apiKey)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey))
throw new ArgumentNullException("api Key");
return new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
ApiKey = apiKey,
ApplicationName = string.Format("{0} API key example", System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName),
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Failed to create new Customsearch Service", ex);

Your Campaign is not ready to send in mailchimp api v3 using C#

I created code to send campaign immediately by consuming mailchimp api v3.0 using C# console. When i tried in free account everything goes well, but when i upgrade my account in premium i got this problem (only add 2 members).
My scenario:
create audience => success
add member subscriber into audience that i created => success
create campaign with specific template => success
send cehcklist in campaign already created => return is_ready false
send campaign => return Your Campaign is not ready to send
When I try to run my console program using console c# consume mailchimp api I got this error:
Type: http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/error-glossary/
Title: Bad Request
Status: 400
Detail: Your Campaign is not ready to send.
instance: 214b85f4-a288-44e7-b890-35925d8601ac
When I checked campaign into mailchimp website portal, I saw a message like this:
To send, you need at least 1 subscriber in your list.
This means that there is no recipients in my campaign, here is detail screenshot:
Please has anyone ever faced this, too? I really appreciate any suggestions.
Is there any way to resolve that issue before sending campaign? Because when I checked mailchimp portal (based on screenshot shown above), I back into campaign list then open my campaign above the problem automatically resolve, this is my confusing one.
Because mailchimp api v3.0 has limitation only 500 members subscriber on one call, finally I created class to partition my list:
//partition list of members more than 500
public static class Extensions
public static List<List<T>> SplitPartition<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection, int size)
var chunks = new List<List<T>>();
var count = 0;
var temp = new List<T>();
foreach (var element in collection)
if (count++ == size)
temp = new List<T>();
count = 1;
return chunks;
this my main code using several scenario to handle single method can call in many way:
public class MailChimpProcessor
static MailChimpProcessor()
ApiHelper.InitializeClient(baseUrl, apiKey);
public class MailChimpResponse
public string result { get; set; }
public GlobalErrorResponseModel error { get; set; }
public static MailChimpResponse MailChimpSendCampaign(SendEmailCampaignModel model)
MailChimpResponse mailchimpResult = new MailChimpResponse();
Contact contact = new Contact()
company = model.audience_company,
address1 = model.audience_address1,
address2 = model.address2Config,
city = model.audience_city,
state = model.audience_state,
zip = model.audience_zip,
country = model.audience_country,
phone = model.phoneConfig
CampaignDefaults campaign = new CampaignDefaults()
from_name = model.campaign_from_name,
from_email = model.campaign_reply_to,
subject = model.campaign_subject,
language = "en"
AudienceRequestModel audienceModel = new AudienceRequestModel();
audienceModel.name = model.audience_name;
audienceModel.contact = contact;
audienceModel.permission_reminder = permissionReminderConfig;
audienceModel.use_archive_bar = true;
audienceModel.campaign_defaults = campaign;
audienceModel.notify_on_subscribe = "";
audienceModel.notify_on_unsubscribe = "";
audienceModel.email_type_option = true;
List<Member> members = new List<Member>();
//prevent duplicate email_address
var queryMemberList = model.members.GroupBy(x => x.email_address).Select(x => x.First());
foreach (var item in queryMemberList)
members.Add(new Member
email_address = item.email_address.ToLower(),
status = "subscribed",
status_if_new = "subscribed",
merge_fields = new MergeFields()
FNAME = item.merge_fields.FNAME,
LNAME = item.merge_fields.LNAME
bool isUploadContact = false;
int offset = 0;
const int numberPerBatch = 500; // maximum member per execution.
double LoopMax = Math.Ceiling(members.Count / (double)numberPerBatch);
//partition array
var PartitionMembers = members.SplitPartition(numberPerBatch);
//create audience using post method
var audienceResult = AudienceProcessor.PostAudienceAsync(audienceModel).Result;
Recipients recipient = new Recipients()
list_id = audienceResult.ResponseModel != null ? audienceResult.ResponseModel.id : "0"
Settings setting = new Settings()
subject_line = model.campaign_subject,
title = model.campaign_title,
reply_to = model.campaign_reply_to,
from_name = model.campaign_from_name,
template_id = model.campaign_template_id
CampaignRequestModel campaignModel = new CampaignRequestModel();
campaignModel.recipients = recipient;
campaignModel.type = "regular";
campaignModel.settings = setting;
if (audienceResult.ResponseModel != null)
MemberProcessor.MemberResponse memberResult = new MemberProcessor.MemberResponse();
while (offset < LoopMax)
MemberRequestModel memberModel = new MemberRequestModel();
memberModel.members = PartitionMembers[offset];//list based on index of array
memberModel.update_existing = true;
//post contact member
memberResult = MemberProcessor.PostContatcAsync(memberModel, audienceResult.ResponseModel.id).Result;
if (memberResult.ResponseModel != null)
isUploadContact = true;
isUploadContact = false;
offset++; // increment
//create campaign
if (isUploadContact)//belum tereksekusi
//sleep thread 20 seconds after upload subcriber members
//create campaign using post method
var campaignResult = CampaignProcessor.PostCampaignAsync(campaignModel).Result;
if (campaignResult.ResponseModel.id != null)
CampaignProcessor.CampaignResponseCheckList campaignChecklist = new CampaignProcessor.CampaignResponseCheckList();
bool isReadySend = false;
int check = 0;
while (check <= 10) //maksimum 10 iteration
//check campaign using get method
campaignChecklist = CampaignProcessor.GetCheckListCampaign(campaignResult.ResponseModel.id).Result;
if (campaignChecklist.ResponseModel.is_ready == true) //when error model is not null
isReadySend = true;
isReadySend = false;
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); // will puase every 1 second
if (isReadySend)
//sleep action before send campaign
//send campaign
var sendCampaignResult = CampaignProcessor.SendCampaignAsync(campaignResult.ResponseModel.id).Result;
if (sendCampaignResult.ErrorModel == null)
mailchimpResult.result = sendCampaignResult.ResponseModel;
mailchimpResult.error = sendCampaignResult.ErrorModel; //i got this return indicate that my campaign is not ready
mailchimpResult.error = campaignChecklist.ErrorModel;
mailchimpResult.result = $"failed Check List Campaign / Your Campaign is not ready to send.";
mailchimpResult.error = campaignResult.ErrorModel;
mailchimpResult.result = "failed create Campaign";
mailchimpResult.result = $"failed create contact: {offset}";
mailchimpResult.error = memberResult.ErrorModel;
mailchimpResult.error = audienceResult.ErrorModel;
mailchimpResult.result = "failed create Audience";
return mailchimpResult;
Try this code below
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(40000); //try change this one
//create campaign using post method
var campaignResult = CampaignProcessor.PostCampaignAsync(campaignModel).Result;
if (campaignResult.ResponseModel.id != null)
CampaignProcessor.CampaignResponseCheckList campaignChecklist = new CampaignProcessor.CampaignResponseCheckList();
bool isReadySend = false;
int check = 0;
while (true) //just change this condition
//check campaign using get method
campaignChecklist = CampaignProcessor.GetCheckListCampaign(campaignResult.ResponseModel.id).Result;
if (campaignChecklist.ResponseModel.is_ready == true) //when error model is not null
isReadySend = true;
isReadySend = false;
if (isReadySend)
//send campaign
var sendCampaignResult = CampaignProcessor.SendCampaignAsync(campaignResult.ResponseModel.id).Result;
if (sendCampaignResult.ErrorModel == null)
mailchimpResult.result = sendCampaignResult.ResponseModel;
mailchimpResult.error = sendCampaignResult.ErrorModel; //i got this return indicate that my campaign is not ready
mailchimpResult.error = campaignChecklist.ErrorModel;
mailchimpResult.result = $"failed Check List Campaign / Your Campaign is not ready to send.";

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'. when access local database

I have no idea.. why this occurs.
In debug mode it is running well .
however, now I am trying to run my project in IIS web server and
it doesn't runs well.
I can access the main page of my project. but when I try to access the local database, the following error shows up.
this is my log file and codes:
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Error in integration: " + ex.Message);
StreamWriter file2 = new StreamWriter("c:\\resources\\file.log", true);
file2.Close(); //디버깅 계속................
In this catch I have the following error:
provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server
I am sorry that I can not explain which line is generating this exception because there's no exception occurring in debug mode...
Here is the code for Page Load:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Page.Form.Enctype = "multipart/form-data";
WA = Request.QueryString["WA"];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WA)) WA = "off";
string qstr = null;
qstr = Request.QueryString["vCnt"]; //ㅇㅈ이파라메터 들은 어디서...??
if (qstr != null && qstr != "") vCnt = Int32.Parse(qstr);
if (!IsPostBack)
Keywords = Request.QueryString["keywords"]; //ㅇㅈ search main -> searh 버튼 클릭
VideoSearch = Request.QueryString["VideoSearch"];//ㅇㅈ ~^~^~
// 스마트폰에서 포스팅 되었을 때
if (Request.UserAgent.Contains("Android"))
if (Request.Cookies["VIDEOSEARCH"] != null && Request.Cookies["VIDEOSEARCH"].Value != "")
VideoSearch = Request.Cookies["VIDEOSEARCH"].Value;
MAM.Models.Utils.CookieManager("VIDEOSEARCH", "");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords) && !Keywords.Contains("null")) SearchTextbox2.Text = Keywords;
Debug.WriteLine("search text is " + SearchTextbox2.Text);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(VideoSearch))
//ㅇㅈ DNA를 추출하여 유사 동영상을 돌려받음.
string results = RetrieveDNAfromVideo(System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(VideoSearch)/*video name*/);
string[] lines = results.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
vSearchResults = new List<VSearchResult>();
foreach (string line in lines)
string[] words = line.Split(',');
VSearchResult vSearchResult = new VSearchResult();
vSearchResult.VideoID = Int32.Parse(words[0]);
vSearchResult.idx = Int32.Parse(words[1]);
vSearchResult.RGBdifferce = Int32.Parse(words[2]);
} //ㅇㅈ vSearchResults : RetrieveDNAfromVideo가 알려준유사동영상정보
MAMDataContext db = new MAMDataContext();
List<int> VideoIDs = (List<int>)vSearchResults.Select(v => v.VideoID).ToList();
//vdo = (List<Video>)(from a in db.Video
// join b in vSearchResults
// on a.id equals b.VideoID
// orderby b.RGBdifferce
// select a).ToList();
vdo = (List<Video>)(from a in db.Videos
where VideoIDs.Contains(a.id)
select a).ToList(); //ㅇㅈ vdo는 결국, RetrieveDNAfromVideo가 알려준유사동영상정보-> id가 같은동영상들
vSearchResults2 = new List<VSearchResult2>();
VSearchResult v1 = null;
foreach (Video v in vdo)
VSearchResult2 v2 = new VSearchResult2();
v2.VideoID = v.id;
v2.overview = v.overview;
v2.title = v.title;
v2.filename720 = v.filename720;
v2.filename360 = v.filename360;
v1 = vSearchResults.Where(t => t.VideoID == v.id).OrderBy(t => t.RGBdifferce).FirstOrDefault();//ㅇㅈ ㅇㄱㅁㅇ
// ㅇㅈ RetrieveDNAfromVideo가 알려준유사동영상정보-> id가 같은동영상들[-> RGBdifferce가 가장작은 애] [] 무슨의미??
v2.idx = v1.idx;
v2.RGBdifferce = v1.RGBdifferce;
Debug.WriteLine("Video Serach done");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
string ret2 = null;
string str1 = null;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
Keywords = SearchTextbox2.Text;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str1)) str1 = Keywords; //ㅇㅈ str1 은 질의의도??
string[] searchTextArray = str1.Split(' ');
int cnt1 = searchTextArray.Count();
string st1 = ""; string st2 = ""; string st3 = "";
if (cnt1 > 0) st1 = searchTextArray[0];
if (cnt1 > 1) st2 = searchTextArray[1];
if (cnt1 > 2) st3 = searchTextArray[2];
MAMDataContext db = new MAMDataContext();
vdo = (List<Video>)db.Videos.Where(v => v.overview.Contains(st1)
|| (cnt1 > 1 ? v.overview.Contains(st2) : false)
|| (cnt1 > 2 ? v.overview.Contains(st3) : false)).ToList();//ㅇㅈ 검색어를 overview에 가지고 있는 동영상 리스트
vSearchResults2 = new List<VSearchResult2>();
foreach (Video v in vdo)
VSearchResult2 v2 = new VSearchResult2();
v2.VideoID = v.id;
v2.overview = v.overview;
v2.title = v.title;
v2.filename720 = v.filename720;
v2.filename360 = v.filename360;
v2.idx = 0;
v2.RGBdifferce = 0;
Debug.WriteLine("Video Search");
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Error in integration: " + ex.Message);
StreamWriter file2 = new StreamWriter("c:\\resources\\file.log", true);
file2.Close(); //디버깅 계속................
Debug.WriteLine("Search End");
if (fUpload.PostedFile != null) //ㅇㅈ
this is a guess because you did not provide a key information: the connection string.
my guess is that the application is using integrated authentication hence while debugging the access to the database is done using your credentials: as the developer you are likely allowed to do almost everything on the db so the application works correctly.
when the application is deployed the login to the database is performed using the credentials of the application pool used to run the application itself.
as a test you can change the user of the application pool on the iis server to use an account enabled on the db and retry to login.
there are two solutions:
- configure the application pool to use a specific windows user that is allowed to interact with the db
- change the connection string to log onto the db as a sql user (allowed to interact with the db)

EWS Search for Fields like Company or Street in Global Address List

I try to write a Webservice that can access to my exchange-server and search for names, companys and cities. At the moment i get the names like this:
ExchangeServiceBinding esb = new ExchangeServiceBinding();
esb.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
// Create the ResolveNamesType and set
// the unresolved entry.
ResolveNamesType rnType = new ResolveNamesType();
rnType.ReturnFullContactData = true;
rnType.UnresolvedEntry = "searchname";
// Resolve names.
ResolveNamesResponseType resolveNamesResponse
= esb.ResolveNames(rnType);
ArrayOfResponseMessagesType responses
= resolveNamesResponse.ResponseMessages;
// Check the result.
if (responses.Items.Length > 0 && responses.Items[0].ResponseClass != ResponseClassType.Error)
ResolveNamesResponseMessageType responseMessage = responses.Items[0] as
// Display the resolution information.
ResolutionType[] resolutions = responseMessage.ResolutionSet.Resolution;
foreach (ResolutionType resolution in resolutions)
"Name: " +
"EmailAddress: " +
if (resolution.Contact.PhoneNumbers != null)
foreach (
PhoneNumberDictionaryEntryType phone
in resolution.Contact.PhoneNumbers)
phone.Key.ToString() +
" : " +
"Office location:" +
But anybody know how i can serach for Propertys like Company and Street?
EWS only has limited Directory operations if your using OnPrem Exchange then the easiest way to do this is just use LDAP and lookup Active Directory directly. The resolveName operation is meant to be used to resolve a partial number and doesn't work with any other properties. If you have Exchange 2013 then there is the FindPeople operation http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj191039(v=exchg.150).aspx which supports using a QueryString which should work if those properties are indexed. eg
EWSProxy.FindPeopleType fpType = new EWSProxy.FindPeopleType();
EWSProxy.IndexedPageViewType indexPageView = new EWSProxy.IndexedPageViewType();
indexPageView.BasePoint = EWSProxy.IndexBasePointType.Beginning;
indexPageView.Offset = 0;
indexPageView.MaxEntriesReturned = 100;
indexPageView.MaxEntriesReturnedSpecified = true;
fpType.IndexedPageItemView = indexPageView;
fpType.ParentFolderId = new EWSProxy.TargetFolderIdType();
EWSProxy.DistinguishedFolderIdType Gal = new EWSProxy.DistinguishedFolderIdType();
Gal.Id = EWSProxy.DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.directory;
fpType.QueryString = "Office";
fpType.ParentFolderId.Item = Gal;
EWSProxy.FindPeopleResponseMessageType fpm = null;
fpm = esb.FindPeople(fpType);
if (fpm.ResponseClass == EWSProxy.ResponseClassType.Success)
foreach (EWSProxy.PersonaType PsCnt in fpm.People)
indexPageView.Offset += fpm.People.Length;
throw new Exception("Error");
} while (fpm.TotalNumberOfPeopleInView > indexPageView.Offset);
