Convert nested JSON to CSV - c#

I am converting a nested JSON object with more than 10 levels to CSV file in C# .NET.
I have been using JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<ObjectA>(json) or XmlNode xml = (XmlDocument)JsonConvert.DeserializeXmlNode(json) to break down the object. With the objects I can further write into CSV file. However now the JSON object further expand. Most data that is not really in use so I would prefer a raw data dump.
Is that easier way I can just dump the data into csv format without declaring the structure?
Sample JSON
And my expected CSV output is

There's an inconsistency in your request: you want a row to be generated for the root object, which has children, but you don't want a row to be generated for the "F3[2]" object, which also has children. So it sounds like your rule is, "print a row for an object with at least one primitive-value property, as long as that object is either the root object or does not have descendant objects with at a least one primitive-value property". That's a little tricky, but can be done with LINQ to JSON
var obj = JObject.Parse(json);
// Collect column titles: all property names whose values are of type JValue, distinct, in order of encountering them.
var values = obj.DescendantsAndSelf()
.Where(p => p.Value is JValue)
.GroupBy(p => p.Name)
var columns = values.Select(g => g.Key).ToArray();
// Filter JObjects that have child objects that have values.
var parentsWithChildren = values.SelectMany(g => g).SelectMany(v => v.AncestorsAndSelf().OfType<JObject>().Skip(1)).ToHashSet();
// Collect all data rows: for every object, go through the column titles and get the value of that property in the closest ancestor or self that has a value of that name.
var rows = obj
.Where(o => o.PropertyValues().OfType<JValue>().Any())
.Where(o => o == obj || !parentsWithChildren.Contains(o)) // Show a row for the root object + objects that have no children.
.Select(o => columns.Select(c => o.AncestorsAndSelf()
.Select(parent => parent[c])
.Where(v => v is JValue)
.Select(v => (string)v)
.Reverse() // Trim trailing nulls
.SkipWhile(s => s == null)
// Convert to CSV
var csvRows = new[] { columns }.Concat(rows).Select(r => string.Join(",", r));
var csv = string.Join("\n", csvRows);
public static class EnumerableExtensions
public static HashSet<T> ToHashSet<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
return new HashSet<T>(source);
Which outputs:

I wrote this and it is working for me
Here we save all breadcrumps of object tree in headers with format prop_prop
And save jarray property objects in headers in format prop1
public Dictionary<string, string> ComplexJsonToDictionary(JObject jObject, Dictionary<string, string> result, string field)
foreach (var property in jObject.Properties())
var endField = field + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field) ? "" : "_") + property.Name;
var innerDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var innerValue = JObject.Parse(Convert.ToString(property.Value));
result.AddOrOverride(ComplexJsonToDictionary(innerValue, innerDictionary, endField));
catch (Exception)
var innerValues = JArray.Parse(Convert.ToString(property.Value));
var i = 0;
foreach (var token in innerValues)
var innerValue = JObject.Parse(Convert.ToString(token));
result.AddOrOverride(ComplexJsonToDictionary(innerValue, innerDictionary, endField+i++));
catch (Exception)
result.Add(endField, string.Join(",", innerValues.Values<string>()));
catch (Exception)
result.Add(endField, property.Value.ToString());
return result;
Thanks for atantion and please write review if appropriate.

pass the json parsed jobject to static extension, then it will return the array of jobjects with flatten, then convert to csv. some of the source code is taken from the other stack overflow and other resources, I don't have reference.
public static IEnumerable<string> JsonToCsvRowsWithHierarchyHeaders(string jsonData)
if (jsonData.Trim().StartsWith("[") && jsonData.Trim().EndsWith("]"))
var startString = "{\"appendRoot\":";
var endString = "}";
jsonData = $"{startString}{jsonData}{endString}";
var jObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(jsonData);
var flattenJObjects = JsonParserExtensions.FlattenJsonGetJObjects(jObject).ToList();
var csvRows = new List<string>();
if (flattenJObjects.Any())
var firstRow = flattenJObjects.First().Children<JProperty>().Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
var header = string.Join(delimeter, firstRow).Replace("appendRoot_", "").ToLower();
foreach (var flattenJObject in flattenJObjects)
var tokens = flattenJObject.Children<JProperty>();
if (firstRow.Count() != tokens.Count())
var missMatchPropertyValues = firstRow.Select(cell => tokens.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == cell))
.Select(value => value == null
? string.Empty
: CheckAndUpdateRowCellValueTextQualifier(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string>(value.Value.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None))))
var rowString = string.Join(delimeter, missMatchPropertyValues);
var rowValue = tokens.Select(token =>
var rowString = string.Join(delimeter, rowValue);
return csvRows;
private static string CheckAndUpdateRowCellValueTextQualifier(string value)
const string q = #"""";
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && value.Contains('\"'))
return value;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && (value.Contains(',') ||
value.Contains('"') ||
value.Contains('\n') || value.Contains('\r')))
return $"{q}{value}{q}";
return value;
public static class JsonParserExtensions
public static IEnumerable<JObject> FlattenJsonGetJObjects(JObject jObject, string parentName = null)
if (!(parentName is null))
jObject = RenamePropertiesByHierarchyName(jObject, parentName);
var fields = jObject.Properties().Where(p => p.Value.GetType().Name == "JValue").ToList();
var objects = jObject.Properties().Where(p => p.Value.GetType().Name == "JObject").ToList();
var arrays = jObject.Properties().Where(p => p.Value.GetType().Name == "JArray").ToList();
var objectsArray = arrays.Where(array => array.Value.All(elements => elements.GetType().Name == "JObject")).ToList();
var valuesArray = arrays.Where(array => array.Value.All(elements => elements.GetType().Name == "JValue")).ToList();
var nestedObjects = ProcessNestedObjects(objects);
var joinedInnerObjects = nestedObjects.Any()
? nestedObjects.Select(innerObject => JoinJObject(new JObject(fields), innerObject))
: new List<JObject> { new JObject(fields) };
var arraysObjectList = GetJObjectsFromArrayOfJProperties(objectsArray);
var arraysValueList = GetJObjectsFromArrayOfValues(valuesArray);
var joinedAll = joinedInnerObjects.SelectMany(inner => JoinMultipleJObjects(arraysObjectList, arraysValueList, inner));
return joinedAll;
public static List<JObject> ProcessNestedObjects(List<JProperty> jObjects)
var processNestedObjects = new List<JObject>();
var renamedJObjects = jObjects?.Select(obj => RenamePropertiesByHierarchyName(obj.Value.ToObject<JObject>(), obj.Name)).ToList();
if (!(renamedJObjects?.Count > 0)) return processNestedObjects;
var renamed = renamedJObjects.Aggregate((acc, next) => JoinJObject(acc, next));
var nestedObjects = renamed.Properties().Where(p => p.Value.GetType().Name == "JObject").ToList();
var nestedArrays = renamed.Properties().Where(p => p.Value.GetType().Name == "JArray").ToList();
var nestedObjectsArray = nestedArrays.Where(array => array.Value.All(elements => elements.GetType().Name == "JObject")).ToList();
var nestedValuesArray = nestedArrays.Where(array => array.Value.All(elements => elements.GetType().Name == "JValue")).ToList();
nestedArrays.ForEach(p => renamed.Remove(p.Name));
nestedObjects.ForEach(p => renamed.Remove(p.Name));
var nestedObjectList = new List<JObject>();
var nestedMultipleObjectList = new List<JObject>();
foreach (var listJObjects in nestedObjects.Select(innerObject => FlattenJsonGetJObjects(innerObject.Value.ToObject<JObject>(), innerObject.Name)).ToList())
if (listJObjects.Count() > 1)
var jObjectsFromArrayOfJProperties = GetJObjectsFromArrayOfJProperties(nestedObjectsArray);
var jObjectsFromArrayOfValues = GetJObjectsFromArrayOfValues(nestedValuesArray);
var aggregate = nestedObjectList.Aggregate(renamed, (acc, next) => JoinJObject(acc, next));
var groupedNestedObjects = (nestedMultipleObjectList.Any()) ? nestedMultipleObjectList.Select(nested => JoinJObject(aggregate, nested))
: new List<JObject> { aggregate };
var groupedNestedObjectsList = groupedNestedObjects.Select(groupedNested => JoinMultipleJObjects(jObjectsFromArrayOfJProperties, jObjectsFromArrayOfValues, groupedNested));
processNestedObjects.AddRange(groupedNestedObjectsList.SelectMany(e => e));
return processNestedObjects;
public static List<JObject> JoinMultipleJObjects(List<JObject> nestedArraysObjectList, List<JObject> nestedArraysValueList, JObject groupedNestedObjects)
var result = new List<JObject>();
var joined = new List<JObject>();
if (!nestedArraysObjectList.Any())
nestedArraysObjectList.ForEach(e => joined.Add(JoinJObject(groupedNestedObjects, e)));
? nestedArraysValueList
.SelectMany(value => joined, (value, joinedItem) => JoinJObject(joinedItem, value)).ToList()
: joined);
return result;
public static List<JObject> GetJObjectsFromArrayOfJProperties(List<JProperty> nestedJProperties)
var fromArrayOfJProperties = new List<JObject>();
foreach (var jProperty in nestedJProperties)
var nestedArraysObjectList = new List<JObject>();
var name = jProperty.Name;
var jPropertyValue = jProperty.Value;
var renamedObjects = jPropertyValue?.Select(obj => RenamePropertiesByHierarchyName(obj.ToObject<JObject>(), name)).ToList();
foreach (var jObjects in renamedObjects.Select(innerObject => FlattenJsonGetJObjects(innerObject.ToObject<JObject>())))
if (fromArrayOfJProperties.Any() && nestedArraysObjectList.Any())
fromArrayOfJProperties = nestedArraysObjectList
.SelectMany(nested => fromArrayOfJProperties, (current, joined) => JoinJObject(joined, current)).ToList();
if (!fromArrayOfJProperties.Any())
return fromArrayOfJProperties;
public static List<JObject> GetJObjectsFromArrayOfValues(List<JProperty> nestedValuesArray)
return (from innerArray in nestedValuesArray let name = innerArray.Name let values = innerArray.Value from innerValue in values select new JObject(new JProperty(name, innerValue.ToObject<JValue>()))).ToList();
public static JObject RenamePropertiesByHierarchyName(JObject jObject, string hierarchyName)
var properties = jObject.Properties().ToList().Select(p => new JProperty($"{hierarchyName}_{p.Name}", p.Value));
return new JObject(properties);
public static JObject JoinJObject(JObject parentJObject, JObject innerObject)
var joinJObject = new JObject
return joinJObject;


How to make an List of Objects a parameter in a Lamba using C# Expression API

I'm trying to dynamically create an predicate to pass into a linq where clause. This is for a generic method that takes two list of the same Type and and list of property names to compare.
void SomeMethod<T>(List<T> oldRecords, List<T> newRecords, List<string> propertiesOfT)
// dynamically build predicate for this
var notMatch = oldRecords.Where(o => !newRecords.Any(n => n.Prop1 == o.Prop1 && n.Prop2 == o.Prop2)).ToList();
// do somethind with notMatch
I would like to convert this:
var notMatch = oldRecords.Where(o => !newRecords.Any(n => n.Prop1 == o.Prop1 && n.Prop2 == o.Prop2)).ToList();
To achieve this:
var predicate = "n => n.Prop1 == o.Prop1 && n.Prop2 == o.Prop2"; // sudo code
var notMatch = oldRecords.Where(o => !newRecords.Any(predicate));
or this
var predicate = "o => !newRecords.Any(n => n.Prop1 == o.Prop1 && n.Prop2 == o.Prop2)" // sudo code
var notMatch = oldRecords.Where(predicate);
How do I populate newRecords when dynamically creating the Expression?
And how would I reference parameter o and parameter n in the Expresssion.
I've gotten this far:
//construct the two parameters
var o = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "o");
var n = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "n");
// How to I go about populating o with values and n with values
// from oldRecords and newRecords? or is that no neccessary
var property = Expression.Property(o, typeof(T).GetProperty("Id").Name);
var value = Expression.Constant(Convert.ChangeType("12345", typeof(T).GetProperty("Id").PropertyType), typeof(T).GetProperty("Id").PropertyType);
BinaryExpression binaryExpression = Expression.MakeBinary(ExpressionType.Equal, property, value);
Any sudo code or clue where to look to achieve this?
With reflection it's quite easy. You just to have to think about it. Here's the working version.
void SomeMethod<T>(List<T> oldRecords, List<T> newRecords, List<string> propertiesOfT)
// get the list of property to match
var properties = propertiesOfT.Select(prop => typeof(T).GetProperty(prop)).ToList();
// Get all old record where we don't find any matching new record where all the property equal that old record
var notMatch = oldRecords.Where(o => !newRecords.Any(n => properties.All(prop => prop.GetValue(o).Equals(prop.GetValue(n))))).ToList();
And here's a sample set i tried and it works
public class test
public int id { get; set; } = 0;
public string desc { get; set; } = "";
public test(string s, int i)
desc = s;id = i;
private void Main()
var oldRecords = new List<test>()
new test("test",1),
new test("test",2)
var newRecords = new List<test>()
new test("test1",1),
new test("test",2)
SomeMethod(oldRecords, newRecords, new List<string>() { "id", "desc" });

Returning a LINQ database query from a Method

Hello everyone I have this query I am performing in multiple places. Instead of retyping the query over and over, I would like to be able to call a method that returns the query. I am not sure what to put as the return type for the method or if this is even possible to do. I use the query to write a csv file of the information, and I use the query to add items to my observable collection that is bound to a list view.
using (ProjectTrackingDBEntities context = new ProjectTrackingDBEntities())
var result = context.TimeEntries.Where(Entry => Entry.Date >= FilterProjectAfterDate
&& Entry.Date <= FilterProjectBeforerDate
&& (FilterProjectName != null ? Entry.ProjectName.Contains(FilterProjectName) : true))
.GroupBy(m => new { m.ProjectName, m.Phase })
.Join(context.Projects, m => new { m.Key.ProjectName, m.Key.Phase }, w => new { w.ProjectName, w.Phase }, (m, w) => new { te = m, proj = w })
.Select(m => new
Name = m.te.Key.ProjectName,
Phase = m.te.Key.Phase,
TimeWorked = m.te.Sum(w => w.TimeWorked),
ProposedCompletionDate = m.proj.ProposedCompletionDate,
ActualCompletionDate = m.proj.ActualCompletionDate,
Active = m.proj.Active,
StartDate = m.proj.StartDate,
Description = m.proj.Description,
EstimatedHours = m.proj.EstimatedHours
I am able to do both right now by retyping the query and performing the subsequent foreach() loops on the data. I would rather be able to do something like:
var ReturnedQuery = GetProjectsQuery();
foreach(var item in ReturnedQuery)
//do stuff
Any help would be appreciated.
You want to return IQueryable<T> with a known model that represents what it is you are returning. You should not return an anonymous type. Also you want to pass in the DbContext so it can be disposed of by the caller and not in the method otherwise you will receive an exception that the DbContext has been disposed of.
For example:
public IQueryable<ProjectModel> GetProjectQuery(ProjectTrackingDBEntities context) {
return context.TimeEntries.Where(Entry => Entry.Date >= FilterProjectAfterDate
&& Entry.Date <= FilterProjectBeforerDate
&& (FilterProjectName != null ? Entry.ProjectName.Contains(FilterProjectName) : true))
.GroupBy(m => new { m.ProjectName, m.Phase })
.Join(context.Projects, m => new { m.Key.ProjectName, m.Key.Phase }, w => new { w.ProjectName, w.Phase }, (m, w) => new { te = m, proj = w })
.Select(m => new ProjectModel
Name = m.te.Key.ProjectName,
Phase = m.te.Key.Phase,
TimeWorked = m.te.Sum(w => w.TimeWorked),
ProposedCompletionDate = m.proj.ProposedCompletionDate,
ActualCompletionDate = m.proj.ActualCompletionDate,
Active = m.proj.Active,
StartDate = m.proj.StartDate,
Description = m.proj.Description,
EstimatedHours = m.proj.EstimatedHours
public class ProjectModel {
public string Name {get;set;}
public string Phase {get;set;}
// rest of properties
Calling code
using (ProjectTrackingDBEntities context = new ProjectTrackingDBEntities())
var ReturnedQuery = GetProjectsQuery(context);
foreach(var item in ReturnedQuery)
//do stuff
It is easy to return the enumerator, but you can't return an enumerator for an anonymous type, unfortunately. Probably the easiest path forward for you would be to return enumerator over the full row object, like this:
public IEnumerable<TimeEntries> GetTimeEntries()
using (ProjectTrackingDBEntities context = new ProjectTrackingDBEntities())
return context.TimeEntries
Entry =>
Entry.Date >= FilterProjectAfterDate &&
Entry.Date <= FilterProjectBeforerDate &&
(FilterProjectName != null ? Entry.ProjectName.Contains(FilterProjectName) : true)
.GroupBy(m => new { m.ProjectName, m.Phase })
m => new { m.Key.ProjectName, m.Key.Phase },
w => new { w.ProjectName, w.Phase },
(m, w) => new { te = m, proj = w }
And use it like this:
var query = GetTimeEntries();
foreach (var row in query.Select( m => new { Name = row.te.Key.ProjectName })

Best algorithm to determine added and removed items when comparing to collections

I am looking for the best algorithm to compare 2 collections and determine which element got added and which element got removed.
private string GetInvolvementLogging(ICollection<UserInvolvement> newInvolvement, ICollection<UserInvolvement> oldInvolvement)
//I defined the new and old dictionary's for you to know what useful data is inside UserInvolvement.
//Both are Dictionary<int, int>, because The Involvement is just a enum flag. Integer. UserId is also Integer.
var newDict = newInvolvement.ToDictionary(x => x.UserID, x => x.Involvement);
var oldDict = oldInvolvement.ToDictionary(x => x.UserID, x => x.Involvement);
//I Want to compare new to old -> and get 2 dictionaries: added and removed.
var usersAdded = new Dictionary<int, Involvement>();
var usersRemoved = new Dictionary<int, Involvement>();
//What is the best algoritm to accomplish this?
return GetInvolvementLogging(usersAdded, usersRemoved);
private string GetInvolvementLogging(Dictionary<int, Involvement> usersAdded, Dictionary<int, Involvement> usersRemoved)
//TODO: generate a string based on those dictionaries.
return "Change in userinvolvement: ";
Added elements are only in newDict removed only in oldDict
var intersection = newDict.Keys.Intersect(oldDict.Keys);
var added = newDict.Keys.Except(intersection);
var removed = oldDict.Keys.Except(intersection);
I modify your base function, dictionaries is no neded.
Example UserInvolvement implementation
class UserInvolvement
public int UserId;
public string Name;
public string OtherInfo;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null)
return false;
UserInvolvement p = obj as UserInvolvement;
if ((System.Object)p == null)
return false;
return (UserId == p.UserId) && (Name == p.Name) && (OtherInfo == p.OtherInfo);
public override string ToString()
return $"{UserId} - {Name} - {OtherInfo}";
And example function:
private static string GetInvolvementLogging(ICollection<UserInvolvement> newInvolvement,
ICollection<UserInvolvement> oldInvolvement)
var intersection = newInvolvement.Select(x => x.UserId).Intersect(oldInvolvement.Select(x => x.UserId));
var addedIds = newInvolvement.Select(x => x.UserId).Except(intersection);
var removedIds = oldInvolvement.Select(x => x.UserId).Except(intersection);
List<UserInvolvement> modifiedUI = new List<UserInvolvement>();
foreach (var i in intersection)
var ni = newInvolvement.First(a => a.UserId == i);
var oi = oldInvolvement.First(a => a.UserId == i);
if (!ni.Equals(oi))
List<UserInvolvement> addedUI = newInvolvement.Where(x => addedIds.Contains(x.UserId)).Select(w => w).ToList();
List<UserInvolvement> removedUI = oldInvolvement.Where(x => removedIds.Contains(x.UserId)).Select(w => w).ToList();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var added in addedUI)
foreach (var removed in removedUI)
foreach (var modified in modifiedUI)
return sb.ToString();
And my test function:
static void Main(string[] args)
List<UserInvolvement> newUI = new List<UserInvolvement>()
new UserInvolvement()
UserId = 1,
Name = "AAA",
OtherInfo = "QQQ"
new UserInvolvement()
UserId = 2,
Name = "BBB",
OtherInfo = "123"
new UserInvolvement()
UserId = 4,
Name = "DDD",
OtherInfo = "123ert"
List<UserInvolvement> oldUI = new List<UserInvolvement>()
new UserInvolvement()
UserId = 2,
Name = "BBBC",
OtherInfo = "123"
new UserInvolvement()
UserId = 3,
Name = "CCC",
OtherInfo = "QQ44"
new UserInvolvement()
UserId = 4,
Name = "DDD",
OtherInfo = "123ert"
string resp = GetInvolvementLogging(newUI, oldUI);
Result is:
1 - AAA - QQQ
3 - CCC - QQ44
2 - BBB - 123
You could try with Linq:
var usersAdded = newDict.Except(oldDict);
var usersRemoved = oldDict.Except(newDict);
If you need dictionaries as a result you can cast:
var usersAdded = newDict.Except(oldDict).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
var usersRemoved = oldDict.Except(newDict).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
Think best algorithm will be
foreach (var newItem in newDict)
if (!oldDict.ContainsKey(newItem.Key) || oldDict[newItem.Key]!=newItem.Value)
usersAdded.Add(newItem.Key, newItem.Value);
foreach (var oldItem in oldDict)
if (!newDict.ContainsKey(oldItem.Key) || newDict[oldItem.Key]!=oldItem.Value)
usersRemoved.Add(oldItem.Key, oldItem.Value);
Finally this is my implementation of GetInvolvementLogging:
(the implementation of the string builder method is irrelevant for my question here)
private string GetInvolvementLogging(ICollection<UserInvolvement> newInvolvement, ICollection<UserInvolvement> oldInvolvement)
//I defined the new and old dictionary's to focus on the relevant data inside UserInvolvement.
var newDict = newInvolvement.ToDictionary(x => x.UserID, x => (Involvement)x.Involvement);
var oldDict = oldInvolvement.ToDictionary(x => x.UserID, x => (Involvement)x.Involvement);
var intersection = newDict.Keys.Intersect(oldDict.Keys); //These are the id's of the users that were and remain involved.
var usersAdded = newDict.Keys.Except(intersection);
var usersRemoved = oldDict.Keys.Except(intersection);
var addedInvolvement = newDict.Where(x => usersAdded.Contains(x.Key)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
var removedInvolvement = oldDict.Where(x => usersRemoved.Contains(x.Key)).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
//Check if the already involved users have a changed involvement.
foreach(var userId in intersection)
var newInvolvementFlags = newDict[userId];
var oldInvolvementFlags = oldDict[userId];
if ((int)newInvolvementFlags != (int)oldInvolvementFlags)
var xor = newInvolvementFlags ^ oldInvolvementFlags;
var added = newInvolvementFlags & xor;
var removed = oldInvolvementFlags & xor;
if (added != 0)
addedInvolvement.Add(userId, added);
if (removed != 0)
removedInvolvement.Add(userId, removed);
return GetInvolvementLogging(addedInvolvement, removedInvolvement);

Filter multiple parameters with MongoDB provider

I have the below document schema.
"region":"New Jersey",
"address":"92 Something Rd",
"city":"Jersey City",
"Car Rental",
I want with one call to the server to get all the documents matching any of the filter arguments where map 1-1 meaning "state" = "NJ" OR "city" = "Jersey City" but also when any value of the list contained to any document array child, example [ "Sauna", "Locker" ] ANY IN "amenities". And it should be an OR concatenation of all the possible filters.
Using the C# MongoDB Driver I came up with the below methods so far in a MongoRepository class but doesn't return the desired results.
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> DocumentsMatchEqFieldValueAsync<T>(string collectionName,
IDictionary<string, string> fieldsValues = null,
IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> fieldsWithEnumerableValues = null,
IEnumerable<ObjectId> ids = null)
var cursor = await GetEqAsyncCursor<T>(collectionName, fieldsValues, fieldsWithEnumerableValues, ids).ConfigureAwait(false);
return await cursor.ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
protected Task<IAsyncCursor<T>> GetEqAsyncCursor<T>(string collectionName,
IDictionary<string, string> fieldsValues = null,
IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> fieldsWithEnumerableValues = null,
IEnumerable<ObjectId> ids = null)
var collection = GetCollection<T>(collectionName);
var builder = Builders<T>.Filter;
// Not sure if this is the correct way to initialize it because it seems adding an empty filter condition returning ALL document;
FilterDefinition<T> filter = new BsonDocument();
if (fieldsValues != null &&
filter = filter | fieldsValues
.Select(p => builder.Eq(p.Key, p.Value))
.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 | p2);
if (fieldsWithEnumerableValues != null &&
filter = filter | fieldsWithEnumerableValues
.Select(p => builder.AnyEq(p.Key, p.Value))
.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 | p2);
if (ids != null &&
filter = filter | ids
.Select(p => builder.Eq("_id", p))
.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 | p2);
return collection.FindAsync(filter);
I want it to be generic so the client can call the method like this.
public async Task should_return_any_records_matching_all_possible_criteria()
// Arrange
IDocumentRepository documentRepository = new MongoRepository(_mongoConnectionString, _mongoDatabase);
// Act
var documents = await documentRepository.DocumentsMatchEqFieldValueAsync<BsonDocument>(Courses,
fieldsValues: new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "state", "NJ" },
{ "city", "Jersey City" }
fieldsWithEnumerableValues: new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>>
{ "services", new List<string> { "Car Rental", "Locker" } },
{ "amenities", new List<string> { "Sauna", "Shop" } }
// Assert
I would expect documents that have "state" = "NJ" OR "city" = "Jersey City" OR "services" CONTAINS ANY OF "Car Rental", "Locker" OR "amenities" CONTAINS ANY OF "Sauna", "Shop".
I am posting below the method I ended up using after some research for the future help of anyone looking to do the same. I found how to query using regex here, write plain MongoDB queries and add them to the filter collection here, and how to debug the generated query here.
After having all this information and a little bit of experimentation using the Studio 3T client find below the method.
protected Task<IAsyncCursor<T>> GetEqAsyncCursor<T>(string collectionName,
IDictionary<string, string> fieldEqValue = null,
IDictionary<string, string> fieldContainsValue = null,
IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> fieldEqValues = null,
IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<string>> fieldElemMatchInValues = null,
IEnumerable<ObjectId> ids = null)
var collection = GetCollection<T>(collectionName);
var builder = Builders<T>.Filter;
IList<FilterDefinition<T>> filters = new List<FilterDefinition<T>>();
if (fieldEqValue != null &&
.Select(p => builder.Eq(p.Key, p.Value))
.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 | p2));
if (fieldContainsValue != null &&
.Select(p => builder.Regex(p.Key, new BsonRegularExpression($".*{p.Value}.*", "i")))
.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 | p2));
if (fieldEqValues != null &&
foreach (var pair in fieldEqValues)
foreach (var value in pair.Value)
filters.Add(builder.Eq(pair.Key, value));
if (fieldElemMatchInValues != null &&
var baseQuery = "{ \"%key%\": { $elemMatch: { $in: [%values%] } } }";
foreach (var item in fieldElemMatchInValues)
var replaceKeyQuery = baseQuery.Replace("%key%", item.Key);
var bsonQuery = replaceKeyQuery.Replace("%values%",
.Select(p => $"\"{p}\"")
.Aggregate((value1, value2) => $"{value1},
var filter = BsonSerializer.Deserialize<BsonDocument>(bsonQuery);
if (ids != null &&
.Select(p => builder.Eq("_id", p))
.Aggregate((p1, p2) => p1 | p2));
var filterConcat = builder.Or(filters);
// Here's how you can debug the generated query
//var documentSerializer = BsonSerializer.SerializerRegistry.GetSerializer<T>();
//var renderedFilter = filterConcat.Render(documentSerializer, BsonSerializer.SerializerRegistry).ToString();
return collection.FindAsync(filterConcat);

IEnumerable with Prev/Next

Just looking for some confirmation on this. I need to capture the previous and next IDs for my list. Is there a better way?
var questionArray = dc.Question
.Where(i => !i.IsDeleted)
.OrderBy(i => i.SortOrder)
.Select(i => new
var questionList = questionArray
.Select((item, index) => new
PrevID = index > 0 ? questionArray[index - 1].QuestionID : (int?)null,
NextID = index < questionArray.Length - 1 ? questionArray[index + 1].QuestionID : (int?)null,
You could write a little helper extension to remove the need to have an array of results
public static IEnumerable<TResult> PrevNextZip<T, TResult>(this IEnumerable<T> stream, Func<T, T, T, TResult> selector) where T : class
using (var enumerator = stream.GetEnumerator())
if (enumerator.MoveNext())
T prev = null;
T curr = enumerator.Current;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
var next = enumerator.Current;
yield return selector(prev, curr, next);
prev = curr;
curr = next;
yield return selector(prev, curr, null);
Then building your result would look like this
var questionList = questionArray.PrevNextZip((prev, item, next) => new
PrevID = prev != null ? prev.QuestionID : (int?)null,
NextID = next != null ? next.QuestionID : (int?)null,
You could use Aggregate to build the list. The aggregate you build tracks the last element for setting PrevID in the next one and updates NextID of the last one as soon as a new one is inserted. About like this:
class Info { ... // QuestionID, PrevID, NextID, Name }
class ListBuilder { List<Info> list; Info lastElement; }
var questionList = dc.Question
.Where(i => !i.IsDeleted)
.OrderBy(i => i.SortOrder)
.Aggregate (
new ListBuilder () { list = new List<Info> (), lastElement = null },
(acc, source) => {
var lastElement = acc.lastElement;
var newElement = new Info () {
QuestionID = source.QuestionID,
PrevID = lastElement != null ? lastElement.QuestionID : null,
NextID = null
acc.list.Add (newElement);
if (lastElement != null) lastElement.NextID = source.QuestionID;
acc.lastElement = newElement;
return acc;
This preserves some "spirit" of functional programming, but you could as well simply use a closure and track the necessary information in a local variable defined just before your linq query.
Or build a function for it:
IEnumerable<Info> previousNextInfo (IEnumerable<QuestionType> sourceEnumerable) {
Info preprevious = null;
Info previous = null;
Info current = null;
foreach (Info newOne in sourceEnumerable) {
preprevious = previous;
previous = current;
current = newOne;
yield return new Info () {
QuestionID = previous.ID,
lastID = preprevious != null ? preprevious.ID : null,
nextID = current.ID
if (current != null)
yield return new Info () { QuestionID = current.ID, lastID = previous.ID, nextID = null };
questionList = previousNextInfo (dc.Question
.Where(i => !i.IsDeleted)
.OrderBy(i => i.SortOrder)
).ToList ();
