What are the ways to declare a class that cannot be instantiated? - c#

What are the ways to create a non-instantiable class? One way is by declaring it as an abstract class. Is it possible to do it by making the class constructor as private? Is a sealed class, non-instantiable? And, are there any other ways to do it in C#?

Marking a class as abstract or static (they are mutually exclusive) are the only two ways. Marking all constructors as private does not make the class uninstantiateable since the class can still construct itself, and others might be able to do it via reflection.

Only static looks like complete solution here because abstract class still can be instantiated when class instance that inherits from it is instantiated. Consider the scenario :
abstract class A { }
class B : A { }
somewhere in code :
B instance = new B(); // this creates instance of class A as well
At first i though that abstract sealed might be solution for this problem as well but it doesn't make much sense to use such a construction so it doesn't even compile :
Error 1 'A': an abstract class cannot be sealed or static D:\Projects\TEST\Testapp\Program.cs 15 27 ITT.Domain

As answered by others abstract and static classes cannot be instantiated however a class with private constructor can be by using a public member function. This is how the singleton pattern works

internal classes are only visible inside of your assembly and therefore cannot be instantiated outside of this assembly.
But as far as i know, you could still create an instance via reflection.
you can disable reflection via ReflectionPermission Class
As mentioned above you could declare it as abstract or add an abstract method.
If you just want to declare a contract, you could use an interface, but that's not a class at all.
sealed means you cannot inherit this class
singleton classes can only be created once per application
see sealed (C# reference)


C# - How to create constructor for inherited class where parent class only has static constructor

For example, say I wanted to create a class that inherits System.Diagnostics.StopWatch, and for this example pretend that System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew() is the only public constructor for that class (I know its not, but I'm trying to inherit a different class where that is the case) :
public class Example : System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
public Example()
// ... return System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
I know there are obvious workarounds, but just wondering if this is possible in C#
There are basically three scenarios where you can't inherit from a class:
The intended parent class is declared as sealed, which prohibits inheriting from it.
The intended parent class doesn't have an accessible constructor.
The intended parent class is a static class.
If you are in one of these 3 scenarios, you will not be able to inherit from that class, plain and simple, don't look for a usable workaround because there isn't.

Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface

I'm not familiar on using abstract class.
I'm trying to call a abstract class and get this error Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface and I already research this error but I'm really confused on this.
Here's my code:
string B1String;
while ((B1String = OasisFile.ReadLine()) != null)
Questions_Base oQuestions_Base = new Questions_Base(); // error here
Please advice me.. thanks!
The purpose of an abstract class it to serve as part of a class hierarchy where more-derived classes share some common implementation.
If you have a flight simulator, you might define an abstract class ThingsThatFly that implements some properties (air speed, altitude, heading) and methods (TakeOff(), Land()) that all flying things have in common, but would be declared abstract because ThingsThatFly is an abstraction of all concrete things that fly. You could certainly have classes inbetween as well, for example Cessna172 could inherit from Airplane that inherits from ThingsThatFly. You would do that if all airplanes have some common implementation that e.g. birds don't have (for example, a Fuel Remaining property).
You would then have a number of concrete (= real life) things that fly like a Cessna 172, a Space Shuttle and a Duck. Each of those would be a concrete class that derives from ThingsThatFly
This is different than having the concrete classes implement an interface such as IThingsThatFly in that the abstract class provides not only a definition of the properties and methods that are expected, but also provides a (hopefully useful) implementation of those properties and methods.
An Abstract class can only be inherited.
public class CustomClass : Questions_Base {
Here's a link all about abstract classes and how to use them.
You cant create an instance of an abstract class.
You need to define a concrete class that inherits the abstract class, and create an instance of that.
Abstract class is made to be overriden by Derived class. If you have to have Abstract class, first create s Derived class from it and use Derived class contructor.
If it's not important, just remove abstract word from Questions_Base class declaration, so making that non abstract one. Also because in code provided I don't see any abstract member, so may this one is correct choice.
An abstract class cannot be instantiated. You must provide an implementation for the class.
abstract class Animal
public abstract void Speak() { }
public class Dog : Animal
public override void Speak()
See MSDN on abstract for more information
From the documentation: "The abstract keyword enables you to create classes and class members that are incomplete and must be implemented in a derived class."
The purpose of using abstract is exactly to prevent instantiation, because you only created the class to use as a base class and never want an instance created.
More here.
An abstract class is one which MUST be inherited.
It falls somewhere between an Interface, which defines only the interface that a class must implement and no implementation code and a class that you can create an instance of which defines both the interface and the implementation code. There are several abstract classes in the .NET framework such as CollectionBase. You cannot create an instance of CollectionBase, it is intended for you to create a class that inherits from it and extends it's capabilities.
You should simpley be able to remove the kwy work "abstract" from your class definition of Questions_Base or create a new class definition that inherits from it.
Abstract classes, marked by the keyword abstract in the class definition, are typically used to define a base class in the hierarchy. What's special about them, is that you can't create an instance of them - if you try, you will get a compile error. Instead, you have to subclass them, as taught in the chapter on inheritance, and create an instance of your subclass. So when do you need an abstract class? It really depends on what you do. To be honest, you can go a long way without needing an abstract class, but they are great for specific things, like frameworks, which is why you will find quite a bit of abstract classes within the .NET framework it self. A good rule of thumb is that the name actually makes really good sense - abstract classes are very often, if not always, used to describe something abstract, something that is more of a concept than a real thing.

Query regarding static class in c#

Hi all I just wanted to know whether a static class which inherits another class, can have access to the parent classe's non static members or not?
Please help. Thanks in advance.
A static class cannot inherit or implement any class or interface.
The point of inheriting or implementing a class or interface is to allow instances of your class to be used as the base type.
Since static classes cannot have instances, there's no point.
How should that work? A static class cannot be instantiated and therefor it will never have access to any non static members.
A static class is basically the same
as a non-static class, but there is
one difference: a static class cannot
be instantiated. In other words, you
cannot use the new keyword to create a
variable of the class type
You can view more information about static classes.
static class cannot inherited .
I think you can go with the same concept with SingleTon class and you can inherit the same.
A static class can't inherit from any classes or implement any interfaces.
A static class does implicitly inherit from Object, though. But since it's (also implicitly) abstract you can never have any instances of it, and so can never call any instance methods in Object. Also, it's (implicitly) sealed, and as such cannot have subclasses that would be instantiatable. As a corollary to these characteristics, it can't be used to type any variables, fields or parameters; and it can't be used as a type parameter (if these were possible, null would be the only valid value for such references).
Given all this, a static class does not look like a class at all, and I think would be better represented as a module.

Abstract class without any abstract method

I am surprised to know that an abstract class in C# is possible with no abstract methods also.
abstract class AbstractDemo
public void show()
Console.WriteLine("In Show Method");
class MainDemo:AbstractDemo
public static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("In Main Method");
Any explaination ?
Sometimes you don't want to give the possibility to instantiate a class but you need this class as a base class for other classes.
The reason for choosing abstract classes over interfaces is that you can provide some basic implementation.
This is entirely valid, and occasionally useful if you want to provide event-like behaviour: provide an abstract class with all the "event handlers" implemented as virtual methods with a default behaviour of doing nothing.
I've also personally used this a lot for abstract remote API client classes where all methods throw exceptions: they're abstract for the purposes of test doubles, expecting our implementations to be the only production implementations, but allowing users to create their own test doubles either by hand or via mocking frameworks. Making the methods virtual instead of abstract means that new RPCs can be added without that being a breaking change.
A derived class can then override some of the methods, but doesn't have to override any specific one, because nothing's abstract. It still makes sense for the class to be abstract because an instance of the base class would be pointless (as everything would be a no-op).
This pattern is much more common in Java than C#, however - as in C# you'd normally just use "proper" events.
An abstract class is a class that must be extended before it can be used. This does not it any way mean that the function themselves must be abstract.
Take for example an Animal class
public abstract class Animal
void Move()
public class Fish : Animal
void Swim()
public class Dog : Animal
void Bark()
All animals can move but only the fish can swim and the dog can bark.
Or for a real life example. I have an Asp.net MVC base controller I use in my application. It has some basic methods I need very often like GetCurrentUser() and a function I wrote to help with localization. It also takes care of tracking so I don't have to rewrite that code in all of my controllers. The class has about 200 lines of code but not a single abstract method.
I think you're confusing abstract classes with interfaces. Interfaces can't have methods with body, abstract classes can. There are times when you want to prevent user from instantiating an object of a specific class; but still provide some base functionality for the classes that derive from it; this is what an abstract class is useful for.
If your class is just a base for other classes and it does not have an full usablility - in other words as a base itselfe is not usable at all then you want to prevent from creating instances of it. In this case you can make abstract class without abstract members.
You could use abstract keyword on a class just to signal the compiler that it can only used inheriting from it, and not directly; In this case you are not oblied to put abstract member on the class.
This is equivalent to put in the class only one protected constructor, but using abstract is more clear and understandable.
No better explanation than MSDN it self
An abstract class cannot be instantiated directly, and it is a
compile-time error to use the new
operator on an abstract class. While
it is possible to have variables and
values whose compile-time types are
abstract, such variables and values
will necessarily either be null or
contain references to instances of
non-abstract classes derived from the
abstract types.
An abstract class is permitted (but not required) to contain abstract
An abstract class cannot be sealed.
We have heard that in abstract class, there must be an abstarct member. But when I compile the abstarct class without an abstract method, it compiles. It gives me surprise. Now I am unable to find the article which explain exact behavior of an abstarct class.

C# inheritence and static classes

Why can't a static class be inherited into a normal class?
If B inherits from (is a subclass of) A, that means an instance of B can be stored in a variable of type A, and its virtual methods will call those of class B.
For static classes, you don't have the concept of an instance of the class, so there's no way to inherit. You might have better luck with a static (singleton) reference to a regular class.
From Static Classes and Static Class Members (C# Programming Guide)
Creating a static class is therefore
basically the same as creating a class
that contains only static members and
a private constructor. A private
constructor prevents the class from
being instantiated. The advantage of
using a static class is that the
compiler can check to make sure that
no instance members are accidentally
added. The compiler will guarantee
that instances of this class cannot be
Static classes are sealed and
therefore cannot be inherited. They
cannot inherit from any class except
Object. Static classes cannot contain
an instance constructor; however, they
can contain a static constructor.
As an alternative to inheriting from a static class, you can assign extension methods to interfaces.
You can not inherit a static class - The reason is simple. Static classes are marked as abstract and sealed in compiled IL which can be neither instantiated nor inherited.
This is actually by design. There seems to be no good reason to inherit a static class. It has public static members that you can always access via the class name itself. The only reasons I have seen for inheriting static stuff have been bad ones, such as saving a couple of characters of typing.
There may be reason to consider mechanisms to bring static members directly into scope (and we will in fact consider this after the Orcas product cycle), but static class inheritance is not the way to go: It is the wrong mechanism to use, and works only for static members that happen to reside in a static class.
(Mads Torgersen, C# Language PM)
Why can't I inherit static classes?
