WPF : MvvmLight, Usercontrol, Binding - c#

I have a simple usercontrol (DoubleRadioControl2), composed of 2 radio buttons. I have a Dep Prop on this UC : (bool?)IsOuiChecked :
true - 'yes' radio checked
false - 'no' radio checked
null - both
radios unchecked
Pretty simple.
private static readonly DependencyProperty IsOuiCheckedProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("IsOuiChecked", typeof(bool?), typeof(DoubleRadioControl2), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.BindsTwoWayByDefault));
public bool? IsOuiChecked
return (bool)GetValue(IsOuiCheckedProperty);
SetValue(IsOuiCheckedProperty, value);
if (value == null)
RadioYes.IsChecked = false;
RadioNo.IsChecked = false;
RadioYes.IsChecked = (bool) value;
RadioNo.IsChecked = !(bool) value;
And the logic between ths 2 radios :
private void OptDecompteConfnOui_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
IsOuiChecked = true;
private void OptDecompteConfnNon_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
IsOuiChecked = false;
When i bind this UC to my viewmodel, the prop binded if updated when i click on my radios. But when i set the value in the code of my view model, it won't update my radios.
In my viewmodel :
private bool? _isDRB2OuiChecked;
public bool? IsDRB2OuiChecked
return _isDRB2OuiChecked;
if (_isDRB2OuiChecked == value)
_isDRB2OuiChecked = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => IsDRB2OuiChecked);
TwoWay binding not working.

The getters and setters for your dependency property only exist for your (the programmers) convenience. WPF itself will not call them, but set the property directly.
You need to attach a handler to the changed event of the property. Use one of the FrameworkPropertyMetadata constructors, that take a PropertyChangedCallback . Your getter and setter logic needs to be handled there instead of inside the property.

If you are using MVVM you should call OnPropertyChanged

First of all this is a very BAD practice to put code inside the Get/Set parts of a dependency property, look at these exanples to get the solution. If you have the logic on DP changes, you have to put that login inside the callback.
Dependency properties explanation here.
MSDN Overview here.
if there is binding defined at the View/Viewmodel level you have to use a INotifyPropertyChange event at the Viewmodel side to inform View that the binded property was changed.


set IsEnabled = false a button in silverlight

I have the following code in the ViewModel class, in the constructor where I define that the buttons are always Enabled = false when starting the form ...
public partial class EditarConceptoWindow : ChildWindow
public EditarConceptoWindow(string documentoId)
viewModel.Saved += new EventHandler<Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Events.DataEventArgs<bool>>(ViewModel_Saved);
viewModel.Calculation += new EventHandler<Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Events.DataEventArgs<bool>>(ViewModel_Calculation);
this.DataContext = viewModel;
BtnCalcular.IsEnabled = false;
BtnObtenerTCRM.IsEnabled = false;
....... rest of code
In a checked event of a check box when placing the Selected check box, it must be enabled to be set to true, depending on whether a particular element of a combobox has been selected as well;
private void cbAgregarManual_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (this.ComboConcepto.SelectedValue.ToString() == "DPI")
BtnCalcular.IsEnabled = true;
BtnObtenerTCRM.IsEnabled= true;
This must be done if and only if the checkbox is clicked and the DPI value is selected in the combobox.
But the behavior of the buttons is that when starting the form they are always IsEnabled = true and if the checkbox control is clicked if it works but I can't find a reason because only until I click the checkbox it works, there are some controls (such as TextBoxes, and also the buttons) with this directive in the XAML.
IsEnabled="{Binding ElementName=cbAgregarManual, Path=IsChecked }"
I suggest that you centralize the logic of the enabling into one property to avoid this mismatch of logic setting confusion.
In this new property it will use INotifyPropertyChanged for the notification of that change, but called in from other properties. So to sum up, when any of the associated values change, they do the notify call on the logic property; that process ensures that the control is properly en/dis-abled.
Such as this pseudo code where I check three different other properties:
public bool IsEnabledCombo { get { return ClickStatus
&& OtherStatus
&& !string.IsNullOrEmpty( UserText); }
public bool ClickStatus { get { return _clickStatus; }
set { _clickStatus = value;
public bool OtherStatus { get { return _otherStatus; }
set { _clickStatus = value;
public string UserText { ...
set { _userText = value;
Bind your control as such
IsEnabled="{Binding IsEnabledCombo }"
So wherever one of the related values can change they also call NotifyPropertyChanged("IsEnabledCombo"); and the control status is updated automatically.
I provide a another notify chained example doing similar on my blog:
Xaml: ViewModel Main Page Instantiation and Loading Strategy for Easier Binding

Accessing ItemsSource from GridView

I have a button, When it's clicked it populates my Datagrid. The code is written within the .xaml.cs file, which I believe breaks the MVVM rule but it's just a temporary situation. I know it's not ideal for MVVM.
public void PopulateGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
BindableCollection<Payments> PaymentCollection = new BindableCollection<Payments>
Datagrid.ItemsSource = PaymentCollection
My question is if there's a way to read the Datagrids ItemsSource From the ViewModel.
What I've Tried
public BindableCollection<Payments> paymentCollection {get; set;}
<telerik:RadGridView ItemsSource="{Binding paymentCollection, Mode=TwoWay}" ... />
The collection paymentCollection Doesn't Update after calculate is clicked.
Just do this the correct MVVM way. Get rid of your PopulateGrid method in the .xaml.cs file and eliminate setting the Click property in your xaml. Instead bind the command property of the button to an ICommand property in your ViewModel the same way you are binding the ItemsSource of the RadGridView. You will need an implementation of ICommand to use and MVVM Lights RelayCommand is one option for that.
Here is the code for the ICommand:
private ICommand _populateGridCommand;
public ICommand PopulateGridCommand
if (_populateGridCommand == null)
_populateGridCommand = new RelayCommand(() => PopulateGrid());
return _populateGridCommand;
public void PopulateGrid()
//load data and then add to the collection
To do this in code behind, you'll need to access the ViewModel and work on the collection from it. I don't like this but it should work.
public void PopulateGrid(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var loansVM = DataGrid.DataContext as LoansViewModel;
var newData = //load data
foreach (var data in newData)
Your xaml code looks like it should work provided the DataContext of your grid is set to your ViewModel instance where your paymentCollection property is declared.
Once your binding is set, it calls the get on the paymentCollection property. If your collection property object is not reassigned any further, and you add and remove elements from it, and it notifies on those changes via INotifyCollectionChanged, it will work. This is how ObservableCollection works and used most commonly for such scenarios.
However, if when you calculate, you re-assign your paymentCollection property with a new instance, your grid will not update, because you now have an entirely different collection. In that case you will need to notify the view that the paymentCollection property itself has changed. In which case you should implement it as a notification property:
private BindableCollection<Payments>_paymentCollection;
public BindableCollection<Payments> paymentCollection {
get { return _paymentCollection; }
set {
_paymentCollection = value;
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name) {
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if(handler != null) {
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

Binding ListBox.SelectedItem to Property

This might be a duplicate question, but I'm unable to find a good answer. All the answers like Binding WinForms ListBox to object properties don't work on my WinForm. I'll explain.
I have a list of Firms that I show in a ListBox. I would like when the SelectedItem changes, that it updates a property on my model. So that I can read the Firms properties.
// the classes
public class Firm
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
// more properties ...
public class MyModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
private Firm _firm = new Firm();
public Firm Firm
get { return _firm; }
if (Equals(value, _firm)) return;
_firm = value;
// more properties and OnPropertyChanged() ...
// the form
private MyModel Model;
public void MyForm(List<Firm> firms)
lstFirm.DataBindings.Add("SelectedItem", Model, "Firm",
true, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
lstFirm.DisplayMember = "Name";
lstFirm.ValueMember = "Id";
lstFirm.DataSource = firms;
public void lstFirm_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Do something with Model.Firm
The problem is that Model.Firm null is. Does anybody have an idea what I need to do to make a databinding between the ListBox and the Model? I bind other stuff on my WinForm (such as TextBoxes to String properties) and those work nicely.
From what I can see, your code never sets Model.Firm... Where's the constructor for MyModel? If you don't provide one, Model.Firm will stay null unless you explicitly set it. Here's an example constructor:
public MyModel(Firm firm)
_firm = firm;
Also, Equals() doesn't do what you think it does. Instead of if (Equals(value, _firm)) return;, use this: if (value == _firm) return;
Ok, so after a weekend of testing, I figured it out.
I was debuging in the SelectedIndexChanged event and didn't see the change in my Model.Firm just yet. But as the SelectedItemChanged event is only internal, I couldn't use that and that's where the databinding on SelectedItem applies the values to databound items.
Now the reason why the change isn't visible yet, is because the SelectedItemChanged is only fired after the SelectedIndexChanged is executed. So internally in the ListBox control, it probably looks like
this.SelectedIndex = value;
this.SelectedItem = FindItem(value);
this.SelectedItemChanged(/*values*/); // Apply databinding changes
So it's quite normal that you don't see the changes, before the change has occured. And I didn't know this, so I was kinda stumped why the SelectedItem (who was displaying the changed value) wasn't copied over to the databound model property.
So I didn't have to change anything major to get it all working. :)

WPF CheckBox.IsChecked binding

I have a datagrid with a variable number of columns that I am generating programatically. It contains DataGridTemplateColumns, each with a DockPanel containing a CheckBox and a TextBlock.
Binding code:
Binding bindingPicked = new Binding(string.Format("Prices[{0}].Picked", i));
bindingPicked.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
CheckBox code:
FrameworkElementFactory factoryCheckBox = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(CheckBox));
factoryCheckBox.SetValue(CheckBox.IsCheckedProperty, bindingPicked);
Picked property:
private bool _picked;
public bool Picked
get { return _picked; }
set { _picked = value; }
When the datagrid is initialized, the Picked getters are called as expected. However, when I check/uncheck a checkbox, the setter isn't called. What is causing this? I do not want to use a DependencyProperty, and I don't think it should be needed as I just need the property setter to be called when the user clicks the CheckBox.
EDIT: Apparently I am a moron, I simply forgot
bindingPicked.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
Feel free to close this.
bindingPicked.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
That should do it :)
I Think you should Implement INotifyPropertyChanged's and call the event in set
As above, you need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged
The correct pattern to follow is:
private bool _picked;
public bool Picked
get { return _picked; }
if (_picked != value)
_picked = value;
if (null != PropertyChanged)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Picked"));
The UpdateSourceTrigger property tells databinding when to update the source.
For example, with a TextBox, the default is LostFocus. For most other controls it is PropertyChanged.

DependencyProperty binding mode twoway but propertychangedeventhandler is null

I'm trying to follow the MVVM design paradigm with C# and XAML. I'm running into trouble with a nested user control. I'm trying to bind an element on the nested user control to one of the values in the ViewModel (which is bound to the View via the DataContext property). The same ViewModel is used for both the outer and nested user controls.
It partially works as is, but changes only go one-way from the ViewModel to the nested user control. I need the changes made in the nested user control to propagate back to the ViewModel.
Starting with the XAML for the main View, I have:
<!-- ... -->
<local:MyViewModel x:Name="myViewModel" />
<!-- ... -->
CustomNestedValue="{Binding Path=CustomValue, ElementName=myViewModel, Mode=TwoWay}" />
In the C# code for the ViewModel:
// Constructor
public MyViewModel()
CustomValue = true;
private bool _customValue;
public bool CustomValue
get { return _customValue; }
if (_customValue != value)
_customValue = value;
RaisePropertyChanged ("CustomValue");
And in the code behind of the NestedUserControl, I have:
public static readonly DependencyProperty CustomNestedValueProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register (
typeof (bool),
typeof (NestedUserControl),
new FrameworkPropertyMetatdata
BindsTwoWayByDefault = true,
PropertyChangedCallback =
new PropertyChangedCallback (CustomNestedValueChangedCallback)
public bool CustomNestedValue
get { return (bool) GetValue (CustomNestedValueProperty); }
set { SetValue (CustomNestedValueProperty, value); }
protected static void CustomNestedValueChangedCallback (
DependencyObject Source,
DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
bool value = (bool) e.NewValue;
NestedUserControl control = source as NestedUserControl;
control.OnCustomValueChange (value);
public void OnCustomValueChange (bool value)
RaisePropertyChanged ("CustomNestedValue");
// Do other stuff ...
// This function is where the nested user control gets direct
// interactions from the user which cause the dependency
// property to change. When this event occurs, the change needs
// to be communicated back up to the view model.
private void _onPreviewMouseDown (object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
CustomNestedValue = !CustomNestedValue;
[Note: Not only do I set the binding mode to TwoWay when setting the binding in XAML, but I attempted to make this the default behavior of the DependencyProperty in the code above. No luck.]
Both the code behind for the nested user control and the ViewModel code contain the below PropertyChangedEventHandler event/response, which is necessary for the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. From what I understand, this is how bindings between XAML elements and the ViewModel are kept in sync.
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
catch (Exception e)
// ...
When I run the code, whenever the RaisePropertyChanged function is called for the NestedUserControl, the PropertyChanged event is always null. This is only a problem for the nested usercontrol, and not the outer one. Shouldn't this event be automatically set via the binding mechanism?
I've been struggling with this for several days now to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Binding to a DependencyObject operates without using the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. In fact, if you set a breakpoint in the getter or setter of the CustomNestedValue property of the NestedUserControl, you'll find it will never hit when binding in XAML. In essence, the INotifyPropertyChanged is a way of achieving binding without descending from DependencyObject.
When the MyViewModel.CustomValue is bound to the NestedUserControl, the binding code calls (in pseudo code):
NestedUserControl.SetBinding(binding, NestedUserControl.CustomNestedValueProperty)
The INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged event is never registered and will remain null. However, this doesn't necessarily answer why the value isn't going back to the ViewModel.
Regardless, you could remove a few moving pieces and go with
public static readonly DependencyProperty CustomNestedValueProperty =
typeof (bool),
typeof (NestedUserControl),
public bool CustomNestedValue
get { return (bool) GetValue (CustomNestedValueProperty); }
set { SetValue (CustomNestedValueProperty, value); }
That's how most of my DependencyProperties are written and they do support TwoWay binding.
