Is it good practice to convert a number to a string directly using ToString()? Like this:
string numStr = 0.ToString();
Or should the number be entered into an int variable first and then use ToString() on that? Like this:
int num = 0;
string numStr = num.ToString();
Its a Good practice to store your numbers in a Variable and then using the ToString() See example at the end
ToString() accepts an over load like ToString(IFormatProvider provider) where you can specify culture-specific format information
The Alternative to ToString() is to use Convert.ToString(Int value) the difference is that Convert also handles null values
var str = Convert.ToString(value);
var str1 = Convert.ToString(value,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
Is it good practice to convert a number to a string directly using
ToString()? Like this:
1.ToString(); // Compiles fine
-1.ToString(); // Compile error, note you can surround it with parenthesis to get it to compile
when you say "string a = 0.ToString();"
----------------------^-----here you are already declaring that its a string so saying .ToString(); is redundant
As documented in the Boolean.ToString(IFormatProvider) method doc, the IFormatProvider provider does not impact the constant "True/False" output.
Now, is there a way to however translate the "True" to "Verdadero"?
public static void Main(string[] args)
//Your code goes here
Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
System.Globalization.CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("es-ES");
// Hello, world!
// True
There isn't a library-based solution to your question, nor should there be. The reason is that a string representation of System.Boolean is unlikely to be useful for anything but the most trivial of localization. Note that is not the case for floating-point numbers where a culture-specific . or , can be applied when formatting. Dates (System.DateTime) have some localization support from the operating system itself, so .NET is able to build on that; this is not the case for System.Boolean.
Usually, there will be other words in addition to just "True" (or "False"); those words will have to be translated too. And, depending on the language and those other words, you might not be able to do simple string concatenation: string message = baseMessage + b.ToString();
Instead, you should store your strings in resource files and retrieve the right one.
bool b = ...;
string message = b ? Properties.Resources.TrueMessage : Properties.Resources.FalseMessage;
See How to use localization in C# for more details.
As per the docs, Boolean.ToString(IFormatProvider) will not reflect culture specific strings.
However, one workaround could be to create an extension method on the Boolean object:
public static class BoolExtensions
public static string ToSpanishString(this bool val)
return val ? "Verdadero" : "Falso";
You can achieve this in the following way:
bool test = true;
Console.WriteLine(test ? "Verdadero" : "Equivocado");
The first value is always the truthy one, the second is the falsy.
Why does string interpolation in c# does not work with const strings? For example:
private const string WEB_API_ROOT = "/private/WebApi/";
private const string WEB_API_PROJECT = $"{WEB_API_ROOT}project.json";
From my point of view, everything is known at compile time. Or is that a feature that will be added later?
Compiler message:
The expression being assigned to 'DynamicWebApiBuilder.WEB_API_PROJECT' must be constant.
Thanks a lot!
Interpolated strings are simply converted to calls to string.Format. So your above line actually reads
private const string WEB_API_PROJECT = string.Format("{0}project.json", WEB_API_ROOT);
And this is not compile time constant as a method call is included.
On the other hand, string concatenation (of simple, constant string literals) can be done by the compiler, so this will work:
private const string WEB_API_ROOT = "/private/WebApi/";
private const string WEB_API_PROJECT = WEB_API_ROOT + "project.json";
or switch from const to static readonly:
private static readonly string WEB_API_PROJECT = $"{WEB_API_ROOT}project.json";
so the string is initialized (and string.Format called) at the first access to any member of the declaring type.
An additional explanation why string interpolation expressions are not considered constants is that they are not constant, even if all their inputs are constants. Specifically, they vary based on the current culture. Try executing the following code:
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("cs-CZ");
Its output is:
Note that the output is different, even though the string interpolation expression is the same in both cases. So, with const string pi = $"{3.14}", it wouldn't be clear what code should the compiler generate.
UPDATE: In C# 10/.Net 6, string interpolations that only contains const strings can be const. So the code in the question is not an error anymore.
There is a discussion in Roslyn project at roslyn that finalize the following conclusion:
Read the excerpt:
It's not a bug, it was explicitly designed to function like this. You not liking it doesn't make it a bug.
String.Format isn't needed for concatenating strings, but that's not
what you're doing.
You're interpolating them, and String.Format is
needed for that based on the spec and implementation of how
interpolation works in C#.
If you want to concatenate strings, go
right ahead and use the same syntax that has worked since C# 1.0.
Changing the implementation to behave differently based on usage would
produce unexpected results:
const string FOO = "FOO";
const string BAR = "BAR";
string foobar = $"{FOO}{BAR}";
const string FOOBAR = $"{FOO}{BAR}"; // illegal today
Debug.Assert(foobar == FOOBAR); // might not always be true
Even the statement:
private static readonly string WEB_API_PROJECT = $"{WEB_API_ROOT}project.json";
The compiler raise an error:
"The name 'WEB_API_ROOT' does not exist in the current context".
The variable 'WEB_API_ROOT' should be defined in the same context
So, for the question of OP: Why does string interpolation is not working with const strings?
Answer: It's by C# 6 specs. for more details read .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") -String Interpolation for C#
C# 10 (currently in preview at time of writing) will include the ability to use const interpolated strings, as long as the usage does not involve scenarios where culture may affect the outcome (such as this example).
So if the interpolation is simply concatenating strings together, it will work at compile time.
const string Language = "C#";
const string Platform = ".NET";
const string Version = "10.0";
const string FullProductName = $"{Platform} - Language: {Language} Version: {Version}";
This is now allowed in VS 2019 version 16.9, if the preview language version is selected (set <LanguageVersion>preview</LanguageVersion> in your project file).
in C# 9.0 or earlier we can not allow to use const with interpolated strings.
if you want to merge constant strings together, you will have to use concatenation and not interpolation.
const string WEB_API_ROOT = "/private/WebApi/";
const string WEB_API_PROJECT = WEB_API_ROOT + "project.json";
but from C# 10.0 Allow const interpolated strings as features and enhancements to the C# language.
C# 10.0 feature available in .NET 6.0 framework, in that we can able to use it.
see below code, currently C# 10.0 (Preview 5)
const string WEB_API_ROOT = "/private/WebApi/";
const string WEB_API_PROJECT = $"{WEB_API_ROOT}project.json";
you can also checkout docs from official site What's new in C# 10.0
A constant used with string.Format would, by its nature, be intended to work with a specific number of arguments which each have a predetermined meaning.
In other words, if you create this constant:
const string FooFormat = "Foo named '{0}' was created on {1}.";
Then in order to use it you must have two arguments which are probably supposed to be a string and a DateTime.
So even before string interpolation we were in a sense using the constant as a function. In other words, instead of separating the constant, it might have made more sense to put it in a function instead, like this:
string FormatFooDescription(string fooName, DateTime createdDate) =>
string.Format("Foo named '{0}' was created on {1}.", fooName, createdDate);
It's still the same thing, except that the constant (string literal) is now located with the function and arguments that use it. They might as well be together, because the format string is useless for any other purpose. What's more, now you can see the intent of the arguments that are applied to the format string.
When we look at it that way, the similar use of string interpolation becomes obvious:
string FormatFooDescription(string fooName, DateTime createdDate) =>
$"Foo named '{fooName}' was created on {createdDate}.";
What if we have multiple format strings and we want to choose a particular one at runtime?
Instead of selecting which string to use, we could select a function:
delegate string FooDescriptionFunction(string fooName, DateTime createdDate);
Then we could declare implementations like this:
static FooDescriptionFunction FormatFoo { get; } = (fooName, createdDate) =>
$"Foo named '{fooName}' was created on {createdDate}.";
Or, better yet:
delegate string FooDescriptionFunction(Foo foo);
static FooDescriptionFunction FormatFoo { get; } = (foo) =>
$"Foo named '{foo.Name}' was created on {foo.CreatedDate}.";
C#6.0 have a string interpolation - a nice feature to format strings like:
var name = "John";
WriteLine($"My name is {name}");
The example is converted to
var name = "John";
WriteLine(String.Format("My name is {0}", name));
From the localization point of view, it is much better to store strings like :
"My name is {name} {middlename} {surname}"
than in String.Format notation:
"My name is {0} {1} {2}"
How to use the string interpolation for .NET localization? Is there going to be a way to put $"..." to resource files? Or should strings be stored like "...{name}" and somehow interpolated on fly?
P.S. This question is NOT about "how to make string.FormatIt extension" (there are A LOT of such libraries, SO answers, etc.). This question is about something like Roslyn extension for "string interpolation" in "localization" context (both are terms in MS .NET vocabulary), or dynamic usage like Dylan proposed.
An interpolated string evaluates the block between the curly braces as a C# expression (e.g. {expression}, {1 + 1}, {person.FirstName}).
This means that the expressions in an interpolated string must reference names in the current context.
For example this statement will not compile:
var nameFormat = $"My name is {name}"; // Cannot use *name*
// before it is declared
var name = "Fred";
class Program
const string interpolated = $"{firstName}"; // Name *firstName* does not exist
// in the current context
static void Main(string[] args)
var firstName = "fred";
To answer your question:
There is no current mechanism provided by the framework to evaluate interpolated strings at runtime. Therefore, you cannot store strings and interpolate on the fly out of the box.
There are libraries that exist that handle runtime interpolation of strings.
According to this discussion on the Roslyn codeplex site, string interpolation will likely not be compatible with resource files (emphasis mine):
String interpolation could be neater and easier to debug than either String.Format or concatenation...
Dim y = $"Robot {name} reporting
{} levels are {coolant.level}
{} levels are {reactor.level}"
However, this example is fishy. Most professional programmers won't be writing
user-facing strings in code. Instead they'll be storing those strings in resources (.resw, .resx or .xlf) for reasons of localization. So there doesn't seem much use for string interpolation here.
Assuming that your question is more about how to localise interpolated strings in your source code, and not how to handle interpolated string resources...
Given the example code:
var name = "John";
var middlename = "W";
var surname = "Bloggs";
var text = $"My name is {name} {middlename} {surname}";
The output is obviously:
My name is John W Bloggs
Now change the text assignment to fetch a translation instead:
var text = Translate($"My name is {name} {middlename} {surname}");
Translate is implemented like this:
public static string Translate(FormattableString text)
return string.Format(GetTranslation(text.Format),
private static string GetTranslation(string text)
return text; // actually use gettext or whatever
You need to provide your own implementation of GetTranslation; it will receive a string like "My name is {0} {1} {2}" and should use GetText or resources or similar to locate and return a suitable translation for this, or just return the original parameter to skip translation.
You will still need to document for your translators what the parameter numbers mean; the text used in the original code string doesn't exist at runtime.
If, for example, in this case GetTranslation returned "{2}. {0} {2}, {1}. Don't wear it out." (hey, localisation is not just about language!) then the output of the full program would be:
Bloggs. John Bloggs, W. Don't wear it out.
Having said this, while using this style of translation is easy to develop, it's hard to actually translate, since the strings are buried in the code and only surface at runtime. Unless you have a tool that can statically explore your code and extract all the translatable strings (without having to hit that code path at runtime), you're better off using more traditional resx files, since they inherently give you a table of text to be translated.
As already said in previous answers: you currently cannot load the format string at runtime (e.g. from resource files) for string interpolation because it is used at compile time.
If you don't care about the compile time feature and just want to have named placeholders, you could use something like this extension method:
public static string StringFormat(this string input, Dictionary<string, object> elements)
int i = 0;
var values = new object[elements.Count];
foreach (var elem in elements)
input = Regex.Replace(input, "{" + Regex.Escape(elem.Key) + "(?<format>[^}]+)?}", "{" + i + "${format}}");
values[i++] = elem.Value;
return string.Format(input, values);
Be aware that you cannot have inline expressions like {i+1} here and that this is not code with best performance.
You can use this with a dictionary you load from resource files or inline like this:
var txt = "Hello {name} on {day:yyyy-MM-dd}!".StringFormat(new Dictionary<string, object>
["name"] = "Joe",
["day"] = DateTime.Now,
String interpolation is difficult to combine with localization because the compiler prefers to translate it to string.Format(...), which does not support localization. However, there is a trick that makes it possible to combine localization and string interpolation; it is described near the end of this article.
Normally string interpolation is translated to string.Format, whose behavior cannot be customized. However, in much the same way as lambda methods sometimes become expression trees, the compiler will switch from string.Format to FormattableStringFactory.Create (a .NET 4.6 method) if the target method accepts a System.FormattableString object.
The problem is, the compiler prefers to call string.Format if possible, so if there were an overload of Localized() that accepted FormattableString, it would not work with string interpolation because the C# compiler would simply ignore it [because there is an overload that accepts a plain string]. Actually, it's worse than that: the compiler also refuses to use FormattableString when calling an extension method.
It can work if you use a non-extension method. For example:
static class Loca
public static string lize(this FormattableString message)
{ return message.Format.Localized(message.GetArguments()); }
Then you can use it like this:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var name = "Dave";
Console.WriteLine(Loca.lize($"Hello, {name}"));
It's important to realize that the compiler converts the $"..." string into an old-fashioned format string. So in this example, Loca.lize actually receives "Hello, {0}" as the format string, not "Hello, {name}".
Using the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting package you can achieve this.
You will need to create an object to store the data in, below a dynamic object is used. You could also create an specific class with all the properties required. The reason to wrap the dynamic object in a class in described here.
public class DynamicData
public dynamic Data { get; } = new ExpandoObject();
You can then use it as shown below.
var options = ScriptOptions.Default
var globals = new DynamicData();
globals.Data.Name = "John";
globals.Data.MiddleName = "James";
globals.Data.Surname = "Jamison";
var text = "My name is {Data.Name} {Data.MiddleName} {Data.Surname}";
var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync<string>($"$\"{text}\"", options, globals);
This is compiling the snippet of code and executing it, so it is true C# string interpolation. Though you will have to take into account the performance of this as it is actually compiling and executing your code at runtime. To get around this performance hit if you could use CSharpScript.Create to compile and cache the code.
The C# 6.0 string interpolation won't help you if the format string is not in your C# source code. In that case, you will have to use some other solution, like this library.
If we use interpolation then we are thinking in terms of methods, not constants. In that case we could define our translations as methods:
public abstract class InterpolatedText
public abstract string GreetingWithName(string firstName, string lastName);
public class InterpolatedTextEnglish : InterpolatedText
public override string GreetingWithName(string firstName, string lastName) =>
$"Hello, my name is {firstName} {lastName}.";
We can then load an implementation of InterpolatedText for a specific culture. This also provides a way to implement fallback, as one implementation can inherit from another. If English is the default language and other implementations inherit from it, there will at least be something to display until a translation is provided.
This seems a bit unorthodox, but offers some benefits:
Primarily, the string used for interpolation is always stored in a strongly-typed method with clearly-specified arguments.
Given this: "Hello, my name is {0} {1}" can we determine that the placeholders represent first name and last name in that order? There will always be a method which matches values to placeholders, but there's less room for confusion when the interpolated string is stored with its arguments.
Similarly, if we store our translation strings in one place and use them in another, it becomes possible to modify them in a way that breaks the code using them. We can add {2} to a string which will be used elsewhere, and that code will fail at runtime.
Using string interpolation this is impossible. If our translation string doesn't match the available arguments it won't even compile.
There are drawbacks, although I see difficulty in maintaining any solution.
The greatest is portability. If your translation is coded in C# and you switch, it's not the easiest thing to export all of your translations.
It also means that if you wish to farm out translations to different individuals (unless you have one person who speaks everything) then the translators must modify code. It's easy code, but code nonetheless.
Interpolated strings can not refactored out from their (variable) scope because of using of the embedded variables in them.
The only way to relocate the string literal part is passing the scope bound variables as parameter to an other location, and mark their position in the string with special placeholders. However this solution is already "invented" and out there:
string.Format("literal with placeholers", parameters);
or some of advanced library (interpolating runtime), but using the very same concept (passing parameters).
Then you can refactor out the "literal with placeholers" to a resource.
C#6.0 have a string interpolation - a nice feature to format strings like:
var name = "John";
WriteLine($"My name is {name}");
The example is converted to
var name = "John";
WriteLine(String.Format("My name is {0}", name));
From the localization point of view, it is much better to store strings like :
"My name is {name} {middlename} {surname}"
than in String.Format notation:
"My name is {0} {1} {2}"
How to use the string interpolation for .NET localization? Is there going to be a way to put $"..." to resource files? Or should strings be stored like "...{name}" and somehow interpolated on fly?
P.S. This question is NOT about "how to make string.FormatIt extension" (there are A LOT of such libraries, SO answers, etc.). This question is about something like Roslyn extension for "string interpolation" in "localization" context (both are terms in MS .NET vocabulary), or dynamic usage like Dylan proposed.
An interpolated string evaluates the block between the curly braces as a C# expression (e.g. {expression}, {1 + 1}, {person.FirstName}).
This means that the expressions in an interpolated string must reference names in the current context.
For example this statement will not compile:
var nameFormat = $"My name is {name}"; // Cannot use *name*
// before it is declared
var name = "Fred";
class Program
const string interpolated = $"{firstName}"; // Name *firstName* does not exist
// in the current context
static void Main(string[] args)
var firstName = "fred";
To answer your question:
There is no current mechanism provided by the framework to evaluate interpolated strings at runtime. Therefore, you cannot store strings and interpolate on the fly out of the box.
There are libraries that exist that handle runtime interpolation of strings.
According to this discussion on the Roslyn codeplex site, string interpolation will likely not be compatible with resource files (emphasis mine):
String interpolation could be neater and easier to debug than either String.Format or concatenation...
Dim y = $"Robot {name} reporting
{} levels are {coolant.level}
{} levels are {reactor.level}"
However, this example is fishy. Most professional programmers won't be writing
user-facing strings in code. Instead they'll be storing those strings in resources (.resw, .resx or .xlf) for reasons of localization. So there doesn't seem much use for string interpolation here.
Assuming that your question is more about how to localise interpolated strings in your source code, and not how to handle interpolated string resources...
Given the example code:
var name = "John";
var middlename = "W";
var surname = "Bloggs";
var text = $"My name is {name} {middlename} {surname}";
The output is obviously:
My name is John W Bloggs
Now change the text assignment to fetch a translation instead:
var text = Translate($"My name is {name} {middlename} {surname}");
Translate is implemented like this:
public static string Translate(FormattableString text)
return string.Format(GetTranslation(text.Format),
private static string GetTranslation(string text)
return text; // actually use gettext or whatever
You need to provide your own implementation of GetTranslation; it will receive a string like "My name is {0} {1} {2}" and should use GetText or resources or similar to locate and return a suitable translation for this, or just return the original parameter to skip translation.
You will still need to document for your translators what the parameter numbers mean; the text used in the original code string doesn't exist at runtime.
If, for example, in this case GetTranslation returned "{2}. {0} {2}, {1}. Don't wear it out." (hey, localisation is not just about language!) then the output of the full program would be:
Bloggs. John Bloggs, W. Don't wear it out.
Having said this, while using this style of translation is easy to develop, it's hard to actually translate, since the strings are buried in the code and only surface at runtime. Unless you have a tool that can statically explore your code and extract all the translatable strings (without having to hit that code path at runtime), you're better off using more traditional resx files, since they inherently give you a table of text to be translated.
As already said in previous answers: you currently cannot load the format string at runtime (e.g. from resource files) for string interpolation because it is used at compile time.
If you don't care about the compile time feature and just want to have named placeholders, you could use something like this extension method:
public static string StringFormat(this string input, Dictionary<string, object> elements)
int i = 0;
var values = new object[elements.Count];
foreach (var elem in elements)
input = Regex.Replace(input, "{" + Regex.Escape(elem.Key) + "(?<format>[^}]+)?}", "{" + i + "${format}}");
values[i++] = elem.Value;
return string.Format(input, values);
Be aware that you cannot have inline expressions like {i+1} here and that this is not code with best performance.
You can use this with a dictionary you load from resource files or inline like this:
var txt = "Hello {name} on {day:yyyy-MM-dd}!".StringFormat(new Dictionary<string, object>
["name"] = "Joe",
["day"] = DateTime.Now,
String interpolation is difficult to combine with localization because the compiler prefers to translate it to string.Format(...), which does not support localization. However, there is a trick that makes it possible to combine localization and string interpolation; it is described near the end of this article.
Normally string interpolation is translated to string.Format, whose behavior cannot be customized. However, in much the same way as lambda methods sometimes become expression trees, the compiler will switch from string.Format to FormattableStringFactory.Create (a .NET 4.6 method) if the target method accepts a System.FormattableString object.
The problem is, the compiler prefers to call string.Format if possible, so if there were an overload of Localized() that accepted FormattableString, it would not work with string interpolation because the C# compiler would simply ignore it [because there is an overload that accepts a plain string]. Actually, it's worse than that: the compiler also refuses to use FormattableString when calling an extension method.
It can work if you use a non-extension method. For example:
static class Loca
public static string lize(this FormattableString message)
{ return message.Format.Localized(message.GetArguments()); }
Then you can use it like this:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var name = "Dave";
Console.WriteLine(Loca.lize($"Hello, {name}"));
It's important to realize that the compiler converts the $"..." string into an old-fashioned format string. So in this example, Loca.lize actually receives "Hello, {0}" as the format string, not "Hello, {name}".
Using the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting package you can achieve this.
You will need to create an object to store the data in, below a dynamic object is used. You could also create an specific class with all the properties required. The reason to wrap the dynamic object in a class in described here.
public class DynamicData
public dynamic Data { get; } = new ExpandoObject();
You can then use it as shown below.
var options = ScriptOptions.Default
var globals = new DynamicData();
globals.Data.Name = "John";
globals.Data.MiddleName = "James";
globals.Data.Surname = "Jamison";
var text = "My name is {Data.Name} {Data.MiddleName} {Data.Surname}";
var result = await CSharpScript.EvaluateAsync<string>($"$\"{text}\"", options, globals);
This is compiling the snippet of code and executing it, so it is true C# string interpolation. Though you will have to take into account the performance of this as it is actually compiling and executing your code at runtime. To get around this performance hit if you could use CSharpScript.Create to compile and cache the code.
The C# 6.0 string interpolation won't help you if the format string is not in your C# source code. In that case, you will have to use some other solution, like this library.
If we use interpolation then we are thinking in terms of methods, not constants. In that case we could define our translations as methods:
public abstract class InterpolatedText
public abstract string GreetingWithName(string firstName, string lastName);
public class InterpolatedTextEnglish : InterpolatedText
public override string GreetingWithName(string firstName, string lastName) =>
$"Hello, my name is {firstName} {lastName}.";
We can then load an implementation of InterpolatedText for a specific culture. This also provides a way to implement fallback, as one implementation can inherit from another. If English is the default language and other implementations inherit from it, there will at least be something to display until a translation is provided.
This seems a bit unorthodox, but offers some benefits:
Primarily, the string used for interpolation is always stored in a strongly-typed method with clearly-specified arguments.
Given this: "Hello, my name is {0} {1}" can we determine that the placeholders represent first name and last name in that order? There will always be a method which matches values to placeholders, but there's less room for confusion when the interpolated string is stored with its arguments.
Similarly, if we store our translation strings in one place and use them in another, it becomes possible to modify them in a way that breaks the code using them. We can add {2} to a string which will be used elsewhere, and that code will fail at runtime.
Using string interpolation this is impossible. If our translation string doesn't match the available arguments it won't even compile.
There are drawbacks, although I see difficulty in maintaining any solution.
The greatest is portability. If your translation is coded in C# and you switch, it's not the easiest thing to export all of your translations.
It also means that if you wish to farm out translations to different individuals (unless you have one person who speaks everything) then the translators must modify code. It's easy code, but code nonetheless.
Interpolated strings can not refactored out from their (variable) scope because of using of the embedded variables in them.
The only way to relocate the string literal part is passing the scope bound variables as parameter to an other location, and mark their position in the string with special placeholders. However this solution is already "invented" and out there:
string.Format("literal with placeholers", parameters);
or some of advanced library (interpolating runtime), but using the very same concept (passing parameters).
Then you can refactor out the "literal with placeholers" to a resource.