An external framework has the following classes:
public class Boatmaker
public class Wood
public class Axe
public class Lake
public class Boat
public Boat(Wood wood, Axe axe) {
public Boat (Boatmaker maker) {
public Boat (Lake lake) {}
I need to do a lot of subclassing of Boat. For each of my subclasses, I have to assume that the external framework may want to instantiate it via any of the above constructors. So my subclasses get pass-through constructors. Notice how they never go away:
public class SmallBoat: Boat
public void DoSmallBoatStuff() {
// some code here
private void Initialize() {
public SmallBoat(Wood wood, Axe axe): base(wood, axe) {
public SmallBoat (Boatmaker maker): base(maker) {
public SmallBoat (Lake lake): base(lake) {
public class Canoe: SmallBoat
public void DoCanoeStuff() {
// some code here
private void Initialize() {
public Canoe(Wood wood, Axe axe): base(wood, axe) {
public Canoe (Boatmaker maker): base(maker) {
public Canoe(Lake lake): base(lake) {
I am wondering if there is a way to simplify the appearance of the code. The only difference between the way the constructors are written in SmallBoat and Canoe is the word SmallBoat or Canoe. Everything else is the same.
So if there were a way to write a constructor without actually using the name of the class in the constructor, it would help a lot. I could use direct copy and paste without a .tt file (which is not really viable for me -- most of my work is not done in Visual Studio). Is there a way to do that?
No. There is not. You have to specify which constructors of the base class you want to make available from the current class. There is no way to write the constructor without mentioning the real class name.
It might be a simplification you are showing, but if Initialize is the only method called, you might want to move that call to the base class calling a protected Initialize method you can override from the implementing classes. (You have to take in consideration the order of calling that method and instantiating properties/fields. You can run into trouble there, so it might not be viable in your situation)
1. Automation of code typing
There is code snippet : ctor that helps create "only" default constructor.
To use it type ctor an tabulation twice.
The original code snippet can be copied to create your own.
In Visual Studio, go in Tools menu/Code snippet manager.
You can see here the directories of the snippet files.
You can copy a snippet ( ctor.snippet for instance ) to "My Code Snippets", rename it and edit.
2. Design of the boat hierarchy
The boat hierarchy can also be designed so there is only a default constructor in the base class, and you have public properties or public method(s) in the base class to provide Lake, Axe, BoatMaker, ...
If you can change the design, I highly recommend separate object instantiation from the object itself. This way, the Factory Method combining with Template Method design pattern comes very helpful:
public abstract class BoatFactory
{ protected abstract void Initialize();
protected Wood Wood;
protected Axe Axe
protected Boatmaker Boatmaker ;
public Boat MakeBoat(Wood wood, Axe axe)
this.Wood = wood;
this.Axe = axe;
public Boat MakeBoat(Boatmaker maker)
this.Boatmaker = Boatmaker ;
public Boat MakeBoat(Lake lake)
this.Lake = lake;
public class SmallBoatFactory : BoatFactory
protected override void Initialize()
// do customized init operations here
As CA2214 states, one should not call an overridable method in a constructor. However, I've come across a case where I can't see another way to do what I'm trying to achieve and I can't see potential problems arising from breaking this rule:
I have an abstract base class for configurations. In this class, there is logic for how to fetch the values.
My applications have configs that can be made up of certain components. So my SpecificConfig would inherit from ConfigBase and be made up of ConfigComponentA and ConfigComponentB:
public abstract class ConfigBase
protected ConfigBase()
protected abstract void InitializeMembers();
private void SetConfigValues() {
// Set the config values
// Depends on members initialized in InitializeMembers
public class ConfigComponentA
public string FieldA1;
public string FieldA2;
public class ConfigComponentB
public string FieldB1;
public string FieldB2;
public sealed class SpecificConfig : ConfigBase
public SpecificConfig() : base() {}
public ConfigComponentA ConfigA;
public ConfigComponentB ConfigB;
protected override void InitializeMembers()
this.ConfigA = new ConfigComponentA();
this.ConfigB = new ConfigComponentB();
The main point is that the configs could be made up of different components, and I want to avoid code duplication by having the logic for fetching and setting the config values in SetConfigValues() in the base class.
I have a feeling there may be a better way of going about this altogether, but I don't really see any unexpected behaviour that could come of this. Is there a better approach?
I would like to ask what are the risks of having something as follows:
abstract public class HtmlTemplateBuilder
HtmlSource source;
protected HtmlTemplateBuilder()
public abstract void LoadTemplates();
The risk is if a derived class derives from the derived class:
DerivedClass2 -> #DerivedClass1 -> HtmlTemplateBuilder
This can be solved by sealing #DerviedClass1, but are there any more risks or better practices for implementing this functionality?
The situation in which this pattern bit me is as follows: at some later stage you want to add a specialized HtmlTemplateBuilder, which can load different templates based on some criteria unknown to the class itself (maybe you decide you want some cool templates on a specific day of the year). That is:
public class SpecialHtmlTemplateBuilder : HtmlTemplateBuilder
private bool someCondition;
public override void LoadTemplates()
if (someCondition)
But how are you going to pass someCondition to the class? The following won't work:
public class SpecialHtmlTemplateBuilder : HtmlTemplateBuilder
private bool someCondition;
public SpecialHtmlTemplateBuilder (bool someCondition)
this.someCondition = someCondition;
// ...
because the assignment of this.someCondition will be done after calling the base constructor, i.e., after LoadTemplates() is called. Note that sealing derived classes does not solve this problem.
The way to solve this is as #Rahul Misra described: add an explicit Initialize method and call that after the constructor.
Have a look at this link which explains the perils with simple easy to understand examples
I would remove the call to LoadTemplates from constructor and call Initialise on it when the templates actually need to be loaded and used.
abstract public class HtmlTemplateBuilder
HtmlSource source;
object locker = new object();
private bool initialised;
protected HtmlTemplateBuilder()
protected void Initialise()
lock (locker)
initialised = true;
public abstract void LoadTemplates();
I have a abstract class named Vehicle:
public abstract class Vehicle {
public void run() {
I want that every classes that extends Vehicle must call if they override run method. For example:
public class Car {
public void run() { // Error here because does not call
Is it possible in OOP concept, or Java/C#?
EDIT: Following Petar Ivanov, I have this code:
public abstract class Vehicle {
public final void run() {
Log.e("Run", "Add To List");
public void runImp() {}
public class Car extends Vehicle {
public void runImp() {
Log.e("Run", "Run in Car");
However, it's not very good for public APIs. When extending Vehicle, the end-users must override runImp, but then they have to call run() method, so I have to make public both run and runImp, which make nothing better.
Here is how I would do it (C#):
public abstract class Vehicle {
public void Run() {
//code that will always run
//code that can be overriden
protected virtual void RunImpl() { }
public class Car : Vehicle {
protected override void RunImpl() {
You can make the RunImpl protected to make sure it can't be called outside the subclasses of Vehicle.
If you need to require certain code to run in addition to the child class' implementation, perhaps you need to split this into multiple methods:
(C# example)
public abstract class Vehicle
public void Run()
// Code that always runs before...
// Code that always runs after...
protected virtual void RunCore()
Remember who you are designing for. If it's an internal piece of code a comment will suffice. If it's a public API and you want people to inherit then you need to write a piece of documentation telling them to do it.
In C# you can do some sneaky stuff with virtual and non-virtual methods but in Java as all inheritence is virtual it's a lot harder to enforce this without using an abstract base class.
Using an ABT may limit your ability to provide further inheritence and force modification of other code.
class GrandParent
public virtual void Foo() { ... }
class Parent : GrandParent
public override void Foo()
//Do additional work
class Child : Parent
public override void Foo()
//How to skip Parent.Foo and just get to the GrandParent.Foo base?
//Do additional work
As the code above shows, how can I have the Child.Foo() make a call into GrandParent.Foo() instead of going into Parent.Foo()? base.Foo() takes me to the Parent class first.
Your design is wrong if you need this.
Instead, put the per-class logic in DoFoo and don't call base.DoFoo when you don't need to.
class GrandParent
public void Foo()
// base logic that should always run here:
// ...
this.DoFoo(); // call derived logic
protected virtual void DoFoo() { }
class Parent : GrandParent
protected override void DoFoo()
// Do additional work (no need to call base.DoFoo)
class Child : Parent
protected override void DoFoo()
// Do additional work (no need to call base.DoFoo)
I think there is something wrong with your design here. Essentially, you want to "break" the rules of polymorphism. You are saying Child should derive from Parent but want to conveniently skip the implementation in it's parent.
Re-think your design.
No. It wouldn't be reliable anyway. You, as the implementer of your class, get to choose your immediate base class. But who is to say that a later release of Parent might not inherit from ParentBase, that in turn inherits from GrandParent? So long as Parent is still implementing the correct contract, this should not cause any issues for those classes inheriting from Parent.
No, this isn't possible. Imagine how crazy things would be if this was possible.
If you want something specific skipped in the Child case, consider reworking your design to better represent what you need (e.g. maybe you need to override something else in the Child class, too). Or, you could provide another Foo() in the Parent class that doesn't do anything except call its base.Foo().
If you have control of the code, the simplest way is to create a protected method in Parent class that only call base.Foo() and your child class Foo implementation call that method explicitly
We had exactly this scenario on a large project where the derived methods were called from various locations. Due to change management and QA scripts not to be broken, among other constraints, "drastic" refactoring and class re-structuring are not always possible on a large mature project. Also we did not want to override the method and exclude all base functionality. Most solutions seen elsewhere, looked a bit clumsy, but the solution from Josh Jordan on How to call base.base was quite useful.
However we followed the approach below (which I see now is very similar to what Dan Abramov propose).
public class Base
public virtual void Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Hello from Base");
public class Derived : Base
public override void Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Text 1");
Console.WriteLine("Text 3");
protected virtual void WriteText2Func()
Console.WriteLine("Text 2");
public class Special : Derived
public override void WriteText2Func()
//WriteText2Func will write nothing when method Foo is called from class Special.
//Also it can be modified to do something else.
All these strong opinions...
Sometimes it just makes sense to use 99% of something...
public class Base
public virtual void Foo()
// Do something
public class DerivedLevel1 : Base
public override void Foo()
protected void DerivedLevel1Foo()
// Do something
public class DerivedLevel2 : DerivedLevel1
public override void Foo()
protected void DerviedLevel2Foo()
// Do something
public class Special : Derived
public override void Foo()
// Don't do DerivedLevel2Foo()
Is there a tool that can generate extract and generate interfaces for existing classes?
I know Visual Studio will extract an Interface for an existing class. However, I would also like to generate a wrapper class that implements that functionality.
I believe this would help tremendously for unit testing.
Example Existing Class:
public class ThirdPartyClass
public void Method1(){}
public void Method2(){}
This can be generated by Visual Studio (Extract Interface):
public interface IThirdPartyClass
void Method1();
void Method2();
I would like to go one step further:
public class ThirdPartyClassWrapper : IThirdPartyClass
private tpc = new ThirdPartyClass();
public void Method1()
public void Method2()
This would be especially useful for static classes. As Morten points out I can just use a stub, however, I would like to break up my coupling if possible.
Found a way around it for non-sealed classes.
1 - Inherit from the external class
class MyWrapper : ExternalClass
2 - Extract interface for all public methods
class MyWrapper : ExternalClass, IExternalClass
3 - Remove the inheritance from the external class
class MyWrapper : IExternalClass
4 - You will get a hint on the class name about members from the interface not being implemented. Alt + Enter on it and let Resharper automatically implement them
5 - Use this code template to wrap properties
get { return $INNERCOMPONENT$.$NAME$; }
set { $INNERCOMPONENT$.$NAME$ = value; }
6 - Use this code template to wrap methods
I don't know a tool that would do that for you.
You probably know, but Visual Studio goes just half step further - it can provide empty implementation of interface. I would stop there if it is one time task.
Depending on actual goal using some other way may work - i.e. for testing you can use mocking frameworks - usually there is a way to wrap existing class and override some methods as needed.
Another really slick way of doing this is to use Resharper to generate the "Delegating members" for you as described here:
Create a new class that inherits from the class you want to wrap with a private variable of that class' type:
public class ThirdPartyClassWrapper : ThirdPartyClass
private ThirdPartyClass _ThirdPartyClass;
Do a Alt-Insert in/on the class to use Resharper to generate "Delegating members". Choose the methods you want to expose and pass through to the private variable.
If you have the free version of the GhostDoc extension installed you can highlight all of the created properties, methods, etc. and do a Ctrl-D to automatically grab all of the documentation from the base class and put it on the new members. (Resharper can do this too but I think you'd have to put "new" on each item which would then allow you to Alt-Enter and choose "Add xml-doc comments" from the Resharper popup menu).
You can then delete the base class and do some additional cleanup in case the method/property signatures expose any other types that you need to wrap.
What you are looking for is a stub, this can be done either by making your own stub implementation of the interface, or by using a mocking framework like Rhinomocks. Wrapping a difficult class in another class for testpurposes does nothing good for you.
I strongly suggest you look into a mocking framework like Fakeiteasy.
But to give you exactly what you asked for see below. I suspect ReSharper didn't have this operation when others answered.
add the interface to the class you wish to be the wrapping class
class MyWebElement : IWebElement { }
Find/Click "Delegate implementation of "YourInterfaceHere" to a new field
Select your options
Click finish and enjoy your new class
class MyWebElement : IWebElement
private IWebElement _webElementImplementation;
public IWebElement FindElement(By #by)
return _webElementImplementation.FindElement(#by);
public ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> FindElements(By #by)
return _webElementImplementation.FindElements(#by);
public void Clear()
public void SendKeys(string text)
public void Submit()
public void Click()
public string GetAttribute(string attributeName)
return _webElementImplementation.GetAttribute(attributeName);
public string GetCssValue(string propertyName)
return _webElementImplementation.GetCssValue(propertyName);
public string TagName
get { return _webElementImplementation.TagName; }
public string Text
get { return _webElementImplementation.Text; }
public bool Enabled
get { return _webElementImplementation.Enabled; }
public bool Selected
get { return _webElementImplementation.Selected; }
public Point Location
get { return _webElementImplementation.Location; }
public Size Size
get { return _webElementImplementation.Size; }
public bool Displayed
get { return _webElementImplementation.Displayed; }