How to print report on client side printer using ASPxDocumentViewer? - c#

We are working on 14.1.7 version of Devexpress. We have an application running on a server. This server is not in our local network.
Our project is preparing reports to print after some operation on each cleints in different network area.Think one our customer (client) in USA,
another is in Russia. But they want to use their loacal printer to print report. And we succesfully print report in development enviroment in visiual st 2010 until publish on remote server.
Additionly we add data to report as dynimically. And we get error "No printers are installed".
Thanks for helps....


Print Crystal Report to Intermec Printer

I have this situation in which I must print a barcode to a intermec printer (PC43T) and the printer is not installed on the server, as the clients will be using this printing from a web app.
The printer has a ethernet module and we have the Ip and the port (9100 the default one).
As I cannot use PrintToPrinter from the crystal report engine, I've tried to export the report and convert it to a byte array and send it in this way. I've also tried almost all of ExportFormatType formats and still nothing. The printer seems to receive some data but nothing is printed out.
Can you please help me with this issue on how to print crystal report on a remote printer?
I forgot to mention that the communication with the printer is established using client socket and IPEndPoint and it was tested using a .prn file for test and the printer it's working.
Tech stack: VS2017, SAP Crystal report version 13.0

Crystal Reports - Prints on 5 end user's machines but doesnt print on the newest member's pc

We have an Internal system that uses crystal reports to print a checksheet.
When I deployed this project, I had to do the following:
install Crystal Reports SP30 32bit runtime
install ODBC for MySQL 32/64bit
Once this was done on the other 5 user's the system printed as intended.
However with the newest member of the team, i have setup the system like all the others but it comes up with the error
File temp error: database connecter error
When I test the connection, it comes back as successful and so I'm just looking for advice on anything else to try within crystal reports / runtime's / Visual studio to try fix this issue
The user is on the same network, on the same OS.
This error is due to crystal reports unable to find database.
Open crystal report file in that system and give database connection to .rpt files once database server established error will be solved. Also open database in that system.
If you establish the connection in that system still you get error than check database profiler for checking query error.
If possible give port number or ip address to database and change connection string accordingly in applications.

Crystal reports - different detail section results on different servers

I have a Crystal Reports report that simply has a Blob field(BinaryImage). The reports is in landscape and should simply show 1 label per page.
The problem I recently encountered was that setting the height of my details section has different results on different servers. The report is being generated from a website as a pdf. The code of the website is written in C#(backend) and typescript(frontend).
If I set the height of the detail section to 10 cm the report shows 1 label per page on my development pc(when run locally from code) and on our production server. However when the report is generated from a website hosted on our development server or acceptance server it shows 2 labels per page(1 on top and 1 at the bottom).
Setting the height of the section to 11cm gives the correct behavior on the development and acceptance server but gives an error locally and on the production server: "The page size was not large enough to format the contents of an object"
My development pc has Windows 10(64-bit), the servers have Windows Server 2016(64-bit) as OS.
I've tried comparing the registry keys of Crystal Reports on my pc and the development server but found nothing conclusive. Looking at potential printer options that could influence the behavior also showed no real results.
The report was made in Crystal Reports XI release 2 and all the servers(and my development pc) have "SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework(64-bit)" version
The code is the same and so is the report. What could cause this different behavior?
Section expert of details section
Here are 2 screenshots of the drivers installed on the DEV server and the PRD server:
DEV Drivers
PRD Drivers
The default printer is Microsoft Print To PDF. The driver for this printer is the same across all mentioned servers. The only real differences are the "Remote Desktop Easy print" driver, which has a lower version on the production server, and the "Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver". The "uniFLOW Universal PclXL Driver" is only installed on the development server(and not on the acceptance server) so it should not be the cause.
I did not succeed in trying to get the "Remote Desktop Easy Print" to use the same version as the production server but I did remove it once and the behavior did not change.
This type of problem is usually tied to the print drivers installed on the individual computers. Insure that the servers all have the same print drivers install for whatever printer is set as the default.

Report viewer shows blank report

I have never used reports before and my knowledge is really limited. I have developed an application using C# and SQL Server 2012 Express and one of the features is to show customers account in ReportViewer.
This report gets its data from a stored procedure and for now everything works fine, but the client wants it to work on the desktop of several different machines.
So I made one machine work as a server with the others connecting to it by router and everything in the application works fine except the ReportViewer shows only a blank white report (but only on the client machines -- not the server)
I also tried updating the dataset's connection string in app.config.
What should I try next?

How to get Client PC Printer name using

I am currently developing a web application to print data directly to the client's printer. The application works well in my pc but when I post the application to our web server, instead of retrieving the printer list in client's pc, the application is trying to look for printers that are installed in the server machine.
I developed my application using C# and I am using System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters to retrieve the printer list I realised it only trying to retrieve printer installed in the local machine. The PC is not connected to any network.
Is there any way to get the list of installed printer in the client computer?
System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters will give the list of printers where the application is hosted and i am afraid there is nothing like getting clients printer lists in ASP.Net.
