I'm trying to follow along to this tutorial http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=Server_Side_Highscores
But it hasn't been updated to Unity 5.2 and I can't get the GetComponent to work no matter what I try.
IEnumerator GetScores()
GameObject text = new GameObject ("Loading Scores");
WWW hs_get = new WWW(highscoreURL);
yield return hs_get;
if (hs_get.error != null)
print("There was an error getting the high score: " + hs_get.error);
GetComponent<GUIText>(hs_get.text); //Line of code not working
// this is a GUIText that will display the scores in game.
The error is: Assets/HSController.cs(46,25): error CS0308: The non-generic method `UnityEngine.Component.GetComponent(System.Type)' cannot be used with the type arguments
I can't seem to get GetComponent working any help would be greatly appreciated
Have you tried
text.text = hs_get.text;
I'm not entirely sure what your code is supposed to do, but I don't know why you're using GetComponent. If you don't want to reuse the "text" variable, then you could maybe try something like
hsText = GetComponent <GUIText> ();
hsText.text = hs_get.text;
I don't know if I'm addressing the problem but I hope this helps!
I'm trying to use a cloud TTS within my Unity game.
With the newer versions (I am using 2019.1), they have deprecated WWW in favour of UnityWebRequest(s) within the API.
I have tried the Unity Documentation, but that didn't work for me.
I have also tried other threads and they use WWW which is deprecated for my Unity version.
void Start()
IEnumerator PlayTTS()
using (UnityWebRequestMultimedia wr = new UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(
yield return wr.Send();
if (wr.isNetworkError)
//AudioClip ttsClip = DownloadHandlerAudioClip.GetContent(wr);
The URL in a browser (I used Firefox) successfully loaded the audio clip allowing me to play it.
What I want it to do is play the TTS when something happens in the game, it has been done within the "void Start" for testing purposes.
Where am I going wrong?
Thanks in advance
UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip automatically adds a default DownloadHandlerAudioClip which has a property streamAudio.
Set this to true and add a check for UnityWebRequest.downloadedBytes in order to delay the playback before starting.
Something like
public AudioSource source;
IEnumerator PlayTTS()
using (var wr = new UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(
((DownloadHandlerAudioClip)wr.downloadHandler).streamAudio = true;
while(!wr.isNetworkError && wr.downloadedBytes <= someThreshold)
yield return null;
if (wr.isNetworkError)
// Here I'm not sure if you would use
// or rather
Typed on smartphone so no warranty but I hope you get the idea
I'm here getting started with Firebase inside Unity. I figured out how to get data from my database. But the problem is that I can't get the value outside of the task that I am creating to get the data.
Here is the function that I am using, so you guys know what I am talking about:
public double GetBankBalance()
double bankBalance = 0;
Router.PlayerMoney("ymO6Hyl8WjbuPGaWV7FksbVABGb2").GetValueAsync().ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.IsFaulted)
Debug.Log("Error in GetBankBalance()");
else if (task.IsCompleted)
DataSnapshot snapshot = task.Result;
bankBalance = Convert.ToDouble(snapshot.Child("bankBalance").Value);
return bankBalance;
I'll explain it a bit:
The "Router.PlayerMoney is just the path to the values that I need. The problem here is that inside the task the Debug.Log(bankBalance) returns the correct value but just outside (the Debug.Log above my return) the value is 0 as I gave bankBalance the value at the beginning of the function.
I can't seem to figure out what the problem is. I tried instance variables but that won't work.
Does anyone have an idea what might be the problem?
I am working on an application for my web service. I work with LitJson, I finished the application but at the moment of exporting it to test it in my android does not work related to WWW IEnumerators.
For example, a button that starts the session, only the function that calls the IEnumerator works, but the IEnumerator itself does not work, and I have checked it by placing an alert message that it creates for the application.
This is the function that the button calls:
public void LogIn() {
UserName = GameObject.Find("inputUsuario").transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent < Text > ().text;
Password = GameObject.Find("inputPassword").transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent < Text > ().text;
Debug.Log("Username:" + UserName + "And Password:" + Password);
And this is the IEnumerator:
public IEnumerator LogInWWW() {
WWW www = new WWW(UrlLogin + "?userName=" + UserName + "&password=" + Password);
yield return www;
if (www.error == null) {
} else {
Debug.Log("ERROR: " + www.error);
I must add that there is no error in the debug console on Android.
Also I must clarify that to the URL I have added the prefix "http://" since it is a solution that give in the questions that I have seen.
Well guys, sometimes the errors are rare but in short, I managed to get to the error thanks to "trial and error", the problem was that I tried to get the value of UserName and Password using GetChild, like the following code:
`Password = GameObject.Find("inputPassword").transform.GetChild(2).gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text;`
For some reason on Android the object does not exist, I learned this because I was testing until part of the code I got the problem. Then I decided to change the code to find the text in a more specific way, changing the text object by inputUserTextObj, the same with the Password object and changing the code by:
UserName = GameObject.Find("inputUsuarioTextObj").gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text;
Password = GameObject.Find("inputPasswordTextObj").gameObject.GetComponent<Text>().text;
As I said, I knew that the problem was not the IEnumerator, but it seems too strange that Debugging did not show me any error since it was a typical error of "GameObject is Null" and I could even swear to them by my life that Debug the application and I never showed the said error
But hey, thank you very much for your time guys, really feel the support and forgive me for taking your time.
When you instantiate a new WWW(strung Url) it implicitly starts the request as well but it is not sync operation, it is async so you have to check www.isDone before you can use www.text. I think it works on Unity Editor properly because it just has a faster connection.
public IEnumerator Request(){
using (var testRequest = new WWW(#"URL")) {
var totalWaited = 0;
var timeOuted = false;
while (testRequest.isDone == false) {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1);
if (totalWaited > timeOutInSeconds) {
timeOuted = true;
if (timeOuted) { Debug.LogError("TimeOut"); yield break; }
yield return testRequest.text;
I'm sure it's something stupid simple, but I can't get it figured out. The following code:
public GameObject AISelectCannon() {
Debug.Log("AISelectCannon called");
GameObject desiredCannon = AIController.selectCannon(0);
if (desiredCannon.tag.Contains("Cannon")) return;
m_SelectedCannon = desiredCannon;
aiSelectionPending = true;
return m_SelectedCannon;
is throwing the following error:
Scripts/CubeContainer.cs(61,59): error CS0126: An object of a type convertible to `UnityEngine.GameObject' is required for the return statement
(GameObject desiredCannon.... is line 61)
Other relevant information from AIController:
public static GameObject selectCannon(int side) {
So yeah, any ideas?
Your first return statement isnt returning anything, it just says return
if (desiredCannon.tag.Contains("Cannon")) return // return something
I might be asking something that's extremely obvious and I have overlooked something, but I'm trying to create a pause before it does something.
I have seen this being used in many places online -
yield WaitForSeconds(2);
However I get a syntax error of,
"Error CS1528: Expected ; or = (cannot specify constructor arguments
in declaration) (CS1528) (Assembly-CSharp)
Which confuses me as im not really sure what yield as a keyword really means or does, and im under the assumption that WaitForSeconds is a class of its on with the "2" being in the constructor (not in a declaration) any help would be appreciated. thanks!
What you want is t use an IEnumerator.
IEnumerator Example()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
Then you will ask: How do I call this?
void Start()
print("Starting " + Time.time);
print("Before WaitAndPrint Finishes " + Time.time);
IEnumerator WaitAndPrint(float waitTime)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(waitTime);
print("WaitAndPrint " + Time.time);
I just read the link Jon Skeet posted on the comments, I too recommend it, it has pretty valuable information.
You are using the Javascript code for Unity, and try it in the C# language, that´s why you get the error message.
If you click on the C# language selector on a page like http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/WaitForSeconds.html
you will get the following example code for C#:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
IEnumerator Example() {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);