google activity api limit result userid not working - c#

i try to limit the list activity to a specific user but i always get the same results. i've tried users email address and the user id from the user list api function, both are not working.
i found a an open issue here, without an answer:
my code:
ActivitiesResource.ListRequest listRequest = service.Activities.List();
listRequest.Source = "";
listRequest.DriveAncestorId = "root";
listRequest.UserId = "users email or Id";
listRequest.PageSize = 10;
IList<Activity> activities = listRequest.Execute().Activities;
additional info - i'm using a service account to authenticate

It is currently not possible to filter by user ID. Don't want to get into too many details, but the userId field has a different purpose that was never fully realized. Right now it's effectively ignored.


Retrieve all mobile devices Google Directory API in .NET Application

I want to Manage Device using Google API in my appilcation.How to retrieve all mobile/chrome OS device ?
var listReq1 = service.Mobiledevices.List(serviceAccountEmail);
MobileDevices allUsers = listReq1.Execute();
serviceAccountEmail = "Service accounts Key" (
I am getting error like
Bad Request [400]
I tried using
var listReq= new Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1.MobiledevicesResource.ListRequest(service,serviceAccountEmail);
Still not working ? I want all details of User just like Below Image
If you check the documentation for Mobiledevices: list
Retrieves a paginated list of all mobile devices for an account.
I will see that it takes a customer id as a parmater.
customerId The unique ID for the customer's Google account. As
an account administrator, you can also use the my_customer alias to
represent your account's customerId. The customerId is also returned
as part of the Users resource.
var listReq1 = service.Mobiledevices.List(customerId);
MobileDevices allUsers = listReq1.Execute();
You are sending service account email address which I really don't think is your customer id.

How to get user name, email, etc. from MobileServiceUser?

After a lot of digging around I've got my WPF application signing users in via Azure Mobile Service. My Mobile Service is connected to an Azure Active Directory that I have set up. However, when I log the user in with MobileServiceClient.LoginAsync(...) the MobileServiceUser UserId is in an unreadable hash it seems. For example it looks like: "Aad:X3pvh6mmo2AgTyHdCA3Hwn6uBy91rXXXXXXXXXX". What exactly is this?
I'd like to grab the user's display name to use but I can't figure out how.
That is the userID of Azure Active Directory. You need to create a service to expose your AAD info through a service and retrieve the additional information using the access token you get from your user.
ServiceUser user = this.User as ServiceUser;
var identities = await user.GetIdentitiesAsync();
var aad = identities.OfType<AzureActiveDirectoryCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
var aadAccessToken = aad.AccessToken;
var aadObjectId = aad.ObjectId;
This will give you the access token and objectID , then you need to query the information through AAD graphy API.
Look at the sample request part. You should provide the query with the access token you got and objectId.
Here is an alternative approach, after reading scroll to the section on Identity in .Net it talks how claims are a standard part of the framework. So once you get the credentials object like provided by #beast
var aad = identities.OfType<AzureActiveDirectoryCredentials>().FirstOrDefault();
You can actually grab a dictionary with the various properties. Examples of some the properties can be found at
So from there you can do the following:
if (aad != null)
var d = aad.Claims;
var email = d[ClaimTypes.Email];
I did this to pull the user id which was cross referenced in a table. FYI I am using App Service, but I believe the credentials object is the same in Mobile Service

ASP.NET MVC and Identity - Reset password doesn't work

I have problem with resetting password for user account. I am using Microsoft way to do it, but it's just not working. Here is the code that I use to generate reset password token
var resetPasswordToken = new ResetPasswordToken
Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
Token = UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetToken(user.Id),
User = user,
ValidFrom = DateTime.Now,
ValidTo = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(ApplicationConstants.SettingsResetPasswordTokensValidTimeInMinutes)
var email = new ResetPasswordEmailModel
ResetPasswordToken = resetPasswordToken,
User = user
IUserMailer mailer = new UserMailer();
That works fine, I have the token in database and I send it to user via email. Then user has to click the link. Here is how I generate new password and replace old password with the new one in database.
var resetPasswordToken = _resetPasswordTokensRepository.GetByEmailAndToken(email, code);
var newPassword = Membership.GeneratePassword(10, 2);
var result = await UserManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user.Id, resetPasswordToken.Token, newPassword);
if (result.Succeeded)
var model = new NewPasswordEmailModel
User = user,
Password = newPassword
IUserMailer mailer = new UserMailer();
And this also works. I mean it changes password in database and sends it to user via email. The problem is user can not login with the new password or with the old password.
I did not show it here, but I check if both token and user exist in database.
What am I doing wrong?
Despite that you already found the issue, I'll try to point in a better direction.
What you describe is not a "Microsoft" way. First time I see something like that. Is this part of a template? Open Visual Studio 2013 and create a new MVC project with Individual Accounts - this will give you the "Microsoft" way.
You save the token in you DB. No need for that. Token should be emailed to a user as a link and then clicked by user and this way the token will be passed to the controller where you reset the email.
You generate a new password for user. Don't do that - let users pick their own password. And you use Membership for that - bad practice to mix Identity and MembershipProvider. MebershipProvider is very invasive and tries to take over when it can. Possibly it can cause issues later down the lifetime.
You email the password to a user. Very bad security practice. Email is not a secure channel. Let the user pick their new password on your web-page and don't ever email the passwords.
Highly recommended article by Troy Hunt about password resetting - a very worthy reading if you work with passwords.

How to get last modifying user information using google drive API?

In Google.Apis.Drive.v2.Data.File class it just provides name of the last modifying user. How to obtain full info of the user (like email, user id etc.)?
var service = new DriveService(auth);
Google.Apis.Drive.v2.Data.File file = service.Files.Get("fileid").Fetch();
file.LastModifyingUserName;// = "User Name" //How to get email id of this user?
In an organization there can be more than one person with the same first and last name. It is user id which differentiates. So I need email ID.
E.g Allan Donald =>
Allan Donald =>
This is very much possible.
I figured out how to do it in the Java API. It's far from elegant, but it works.
File file; // start with your file
User user = file.getLastModifyingUser();
Permission permission = service.permissions().get(file.getId(), user.getPermissionId()).execute();
String email = permission.getEmailAddress();
You can also use the RevisionList interface to get all the modifying users.

DirectoryEntry results in The server is unwilling to process the request

I am writing a small app that integrates with AD and will be listing users and allowing members of the site to edit certain fields of the users. These fields will be, first name, last name, display name and email.
When I run the following code I get an exception that says
The server is unwilling to process the request.
Please note that result is not null and contains the correct active directory user that I want to edit. Also note that result is of type SearchResult. Also note that the user I am using to connect to AD is the Administrative user.
DirectoryEntry entryToUpdate = result.GetDirectoryEntry();
entryToUpdate.Properties["cn"].Value = user.Name;
entryToUpdate.Properties["mail"].Value = user.Email;
entryToUpdate.Properties["sn"].Value = user.Surname;
entryToUpdate.Properties["displayName"].Value = user.DisplayName;
string username = user.Email.Substring(0, user.Email.IndexOf("#"));
entryToUpdate.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Value = username;
Any Ideas?
I believe
entryToUpdate.Properties["cn"].Value = user.Name;
is your Problem. Use givenName as first Name. "cn" is managed by the System.
If using Exchange, the Mail attribute is managed by it.
Consider the ramifications of modifing samAccountName. Users may not know how to log in, seperate Systems with pseudo SSO may not recognize them, the Login Name does not match the local Profile Name, etc.
