I wrote a Console Application that I start with parameters in the following way
ABC.exe -oldParam
Inside the application I elaborate the parameters and then want to start the same application with different parameters:
string parms = "-newParam";
System.Diagnostics.Process proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("ABC.exe", parms);
The weird thing is, that the new process starts always with the "-oldParam" (the parameters of the 'parent' proccess) instead of "-newParam", regardless what I write into string parms.
Am I missing something?
I was trying to start a exe with arguments by Process.Start.
My first try is using Process.Start("Path/of/the/exe", "arguments of exe").
Here's my code snippets:
Process.Start(#"D:\Program Files\ITASCA\UDEC700\Exe64\udecConsole2017.exe", #"call 'D:\Work\202205\20220525\tunnel-for-cmd.txt'");
However the initialization of this exe is a bit slow, and the result is, I can only start the exe but the failed passing arguments. The following is the screenshot:
which is exactly the same result that starts without arguments.
By referencing this post C# - Making a Process.Start wait until the process has start-up, I changed my code as follows:
var process = Process.Start(#"D:\Program Files\ITASCA\UDEC700\Exe64\udecConsole2017.exe", #"call 'D:\Work\202205\20220525\tunnel-for-cmd.txt'");
while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(process.MainWindowTitle))
however these changes does not work.
I think my goal is to wait until exe completely started and then run it with arguments, but I dont know how to implement this.
New additions:
if I type in arguments call 'D:\Work\202205\20220525\tunnel-for-cmd.txt' in this started process, I will get my result:
SO I think the input arguments should be OK?
new addition 2:
code for checking outputstream end
It appears this is a console application and you are typing in the console after it starts. This typing is not arguments: Arguments are provided only when starting a new process and never change.
What you are doing is providing something to the standard input of the program. Console programs have three streams the OS provides (one input and two output). You need to redirect these to detect when the program has started and to provide the proper input.
Something like this:
// Start with stdio redirected
var psi = new ProcessStartInfo()
UseShellExecute = false,
FileName = #"your exe",
RedirectStandardInput = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
var p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi);
// Read until the udec> prompt
var line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
// Write the command
p.StandardInput.WriteLine(#"call 'D:\Work\202205\20220525\tunnel-for-cmd.txt'");
// Read the result
I created an c# wpf application that accepts command line parameters. If I open cmd and call the application with multiple parameters, the parameters are passed in correctly.
But if I do that same thing but from a batch file it passes the parameters as one parameter combined together rather then multiple parameters. I had the application output the parameters and it looks like all the spaces (which is what separates each command line parameter) were changed to a weird á character.
is there something special I need to do to get the parameters passed correctly?
I have tried resaving the file with ASCII encoding but that didn't change anything.
I also tried adding this line to the batch file
chcp 1253>NUL
that changed it so the á wasn't there but it still had it was one parameter.
seems like the spaces are just not getting passed as a space.
here is what my batch file line looks like, each parameter is separated by a space.
--UPDATE--Adding steps to reproduce...
this is just generic code similar to what I did just condensed
create c# wpf app.
in App.xaml.cs override OnStartup
protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
this.ShutdownMode = System.Windows.ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose;
bool shutdownapp = false;
MessageBox.Show(string.Join(",", e.Args));
build exe.
now launch cmd and cd to the location of the exe.
MyTestApp.exe /param1=test1 /param2=test2
you should get a message box that says
now create a batch file that has something like this...then run it
#echo off
start /wait c:\MyTestApp.exe /param1=test1 /param2=test2
this time the message box should have this...
Start sees all of that as a CMD to Start.
Is there a reason you actually need to use start? generally, there isn't and you can just call the executable directly.
eg TestMyApp.cmd
REM Call your Command here with all arguments:
If you sincerely require Start.
Then you should be aware that it treats all of that command as a single string, by nature, which is what you're running into, so you should be calling a new CMD instance explicitly instead in that case:
But that is a lot of extra work to go through if not needed.
Alternatively, you can also just run a CMD instance directly:
Or Use CALL:
My application is using Process.Start for opening another application to run. VeraCode [a security software scanning tool] reported this command as OS Command Injection Vulnerable. I would like to get some comment. I have found a lot of information on the web regarding to filter the input or to constraint the program name; however, I am curious to see if there's any other alternatives of using Process.Start?
Thanks for the comment, here is one of the sample, and yes, it is getting input from users:
public static void Run(string fileName, string arguments, bool waitForExit)
Process p = Process.Start(fileName, arguments);
if (waitForExit)
This is a command injection vulnerability because you have not filtered out the users input from the function and directly appended to the process.start()
Due to this, the tool has marked it as a vulnerability.
To avoid this issue you should use regex method to filter out the bad characters and depending on what that function is going to do when it gets run.
for eg. you function is created only to check from this path c:/users/docs.txt
then that function should not get executed for c:/admin/docs.txt.
This is how you need to validate before sending the user data directly into the process.
For more information refer this awesome link : https://dotnet-security-guard.github.io/SG0001.htm
The Process class is nothing else then a Managed wrapper class the the Native Create Process and its Variations like Create Process As User .
Process MSDN
I don't think that there is another way to start a process than this, because every other solution would also call the WinAPI function. ( because this function (or its overloads and Variations) is the only way to start a process in Windows).
Personally, I have not heard anything about a problem with Process.Start please clarify the problem
I ran into this as well. You need to set the UseShellExecute property to false. Then Veracode will not consider it a vulnerability.
using (WinProcess myProcess = new WinProcess())
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "notepad.exe";
myProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = Path.GetFileName(fullPath);
myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
myProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);
myProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
Is there a clean way to access the commandline arguments passed as part of an AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly call that starts a WPF application?
I'm spinning up a WPF application in a separate app domain and passing arguments to the application like so:
AppDomain moduleDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Friendly Name");
moduleDomain.ExecuteAssembly(path, new[] { "arg1", "arg2" });
There's a work-around to access these arguments, since both Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() and StartupEventArgs return the commandline arguments for the original application, not the one spun up with ExecuteAssembly().
I would like to access the arguments passed to the WPF application without having to manually define a Main method, preferably using StartupEventArgs. Is there a way to do so?
Starting the WPF application in a separate process works, but has performance penalties and complicates debugging.
Tigran's comment lead me to a solution that I'm happy with, using AppDomain.SetData instead of using command line arguments. The basic outline looks like this:
AppDomain moduleDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Friendly Name");
moduleDomain.SetData("arg1", "arg1Value");
moduleDomain.SetData("arg2", "arg2Value");
Then, to access the 'arguments' in the WPF app:
string arg1Value = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("arg1");
string arg2Value = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("arg2");
This works well for my use case.
We have a few commands(batch files/executables) on our network path which we have to call to initialize our 'development environment' for that command window. It sets some environmental variables, adds stuff to the Path etc. (Then only whatever working commands we type will be recognized & I don't know what goes inside those initializing commands)
Now my problem is, I want to call a series of those 'working commands' using a C# program, and certainly, they will work only if the initial setup is done. How can I do that? Currently, I'm creating a batch file by scratch from the program like this for example:
Then the actual commands
file.Writeline("Dowork -arguments -flags -blah -blah")
file.Writeline("DoMoreWork -arguments -flags -blah -blah")
Then finally close the file writer, and run this batch file.
Now if I directly execute this using Process.<strike>Run</strike>Start("cmd.exe","Dowork -arguments"); it won't run.
How can I achieve this in a cleaner way, so that I have to run the initialization commands only once? (I could run cmd.exe each time with all three initializers, but they take a lot of time so I want to do it only once)
As #Hakeem has pointed out, System.Diagnostic.Process does not have a static Run method. I think you are referring to the method Start.
Once you have completed building the batch file, then simply execute it using the following code,
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = batchFilePath;
p.StartInfo.Arguments = #"-a arg1 -b arg2";
Note that the # symbol is required to be prefixed to the argument string so that escape sequence characters like \ are treated as literals.
Alternative code
Process.Start(batchFilePath, #"-a arg1 -b arg2");
ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
processStartInfo.FileName = batchFilePath;
processStartInfo.Arguments = #"-a arg1 -b arg2";
More information
Process.Start method
Example of multi command batch file
dir /O
Save this file as .bat and then execute using the Start method. In this case you can specify the argument with the command in the batch file itself (in the above example, the /O option is specified for the dir command.
I suppose you already have done the batch file creation part, now just append the arguments to the commands in the batch file.
Redirecting Input to a process
Since you want to send multiple commands to the same cmd process, you can redirect the standard input of the process to the take the input from your program rather than the keyboard.
Code is inspired from a similar question at: Execute multiple command lines with the same process using C#
private string ProcessRunner()
ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe");
processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
processStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
Process process = Process.Start(processStartInfo);
if (process != null)
process.StandardInput.WriteLine("mkdir testDir");
process.StandardInput.WriteLine("echo hello");
//process.StandardInput.WriteLine("yourCommand.exe arg1 arg2");
process.StandardInput.Close(); // line added to stop process from hanging on ReadToEnd()
string outputString = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
return outputString;
return string.Empty;
The method returns the output of the command execution. In a similar fashion, you could also redirect and read the StandardOuput stream of the process.
The Process.Run method that you mentioned, is that from the Process class in System.Diagnostics namespace? AFAIK, the Process type doesn't have either a static or instance method named Run. If you haven't already I'd try with the Start method on Process, either instance or static