How to find possible set of k Elements from array? - c#

I have an array {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} and I have to find all combinations of k elements from array and k will be dynamic. So for 4 elements below code is sufficient but i have to make this dynamic means,it is not fixed that how many for loops will be used, so please suggest some solution for this.
for (i = 0; i < len - 3; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j < len - 2; j++)
for (y = j + 1; y < len - 1; y++)
for (k = y + 1; k < len; k++)
Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3}", s[i], s[j],s[y], s[k]);

All you need is to replace i, j, y, ... with array and manually unroll the for loops like this
static void PrintCombinations(int[] input, int k)
var indices = new int[k];
for (int pos = 0, index = 0; ; index++)
if (index <= input.Length - k + pos)
indices[pos++] = index;
if (pos < k) continue;
// Consume the combination
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
if (i > 0) Console.Write(",");
if (pos == 0) break;
index = indices[--pos];

You can use this methods for generating combinations of size l
public static List<List<T>> GenerateCombinations<T>(List<T> items, int l)
if (l == 0)
return new List<List<T>> { new List<T>() };
var allCombs = new List<List<T>>();
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count(); i++)
var listWithRemovedElement = new List<T>(items);
listWithRemovedElement.RemoveRange(0, i + 1);
foreach (var combination in GenerateCombinations(listWithRemovedElement, l - 1))
var comb = new List<T>(listWithRemovedElement.Count + 1);
return allCombs;
You can use this methods for generating permutations of size l
public static List<List<T>> GeneratePermutations<T>(List<T> items, int l)
if (l == 0)
return new List<List<T>> { new List<T>() };
var allCombs = new List<List<T>>();
for (int i = 0; i < items.Count(); i++)
var listWithRemovedElement = new List<T>(items);
foreach (var combination in GeneratePermutations(listWithRemovedElement, l - 1))
var comb = new List<T>(listWithRemovedElement.Count + 1);
return allCombs;
Permutationsof { 1, 2, 3 } with size of 2
var result = GeneratePermutations(new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }, 2);
foreach (var perm in result)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", perm));
Combinations of { 1, 2, 3 } with size of 2
var result = GenerateCombinations(new List<int>() { 1, 2, 3 }, 2);
foreach (var comb in result)
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",", comb));

This isn't how I'd do it in "real life", but since this seems to be a simple homework-style problem aimed at getting you to use recursion and with the aim of simply writing out the combinations, this is a reasonably simple solution:
class Program
public static void Main()
int[] test = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int k = 4;
WriteCombinations(test, k);
static void WriteCombinations(int[] array, int k, int startPos = 0, string prefix = "")
for (int i = startPos; i < array.Length - k + 1; i++)
if (k == 1)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", prefix, array[i]);
string newPrefix = array[i].ToString();
if (prefix != "")
newPrefix = string.Format("{0}, {1}", prefix, newPrefix);
WriteCombinations(array, k - 1, i + 1, newPrefix);
If having optional parameters is not "basic" enough, then you can either take away the default values and pass in 0 and "" on the first call, or you can create another "wrapper" method that takes fewer parameters and then calls the first method with the defaults.


Getting Time limit Exceed for last 3 Test Cases in a Program:C# [duplicate]

Given an array of n integers and a number, d, perform left rotations on the array. Then print the updated array as a single line of space-separated integers.
Sample Input:
5 4
1 2 3 4 5
The first line contains two space-separated integers denoting the respective values of n (the number of integers) and d (the number of left rotations you must perform).
The second line contains n space-separated integers describing the respective elements of the array's initial state.
Sample Output:
5 1 2 3 4
static void Main(String[] args)
string[] arr_temp = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int n = Int32.Parse(arr_temp[0]);
int d = Int32.Parse(arr_temp[1]);
string[] arr = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
string[] ans = new string[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ans[(i + n - d) % n] = arr[i];
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
Console.Write(ans[j] + " ");
How to use less memory to solve this problem?
This will use less memory in most cases as the second array is only as big as the shift.
public static void Main(string[] args)
int[] n = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
LeftShiftArray(n, 4);
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", n));
public static void LeftShiftArray<T>(T[] arr, int shift)
shift = shift % arr.Length;
T[] buffer = new T[shift];
Array.Copy(arr, buffer, shift);
Array.Copy(arr, shift, arr, 0, arr.Length - shift);
Array.Copy(buffer, 0, arr, arr.Length - shift, shift);
This problem can get a bit tricky but also has a simple solution if one is familiar with Queues and Stacks.
All I have to do is define a Queue (which will contain the given array) and a Stack.
Next, I just have to Push the Dequeued index to the stack and Enqueue the Popped index in the Queue and finally return the Queue.
Sounds confusing? Check the code below:
static int[] rotLeft(int[] a, int d) {
Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>(a);
Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>();
while(d > 0)
return queue.ToArray();
Do you really need to physically move anything? If not, you could just shift the index instead.
Actually you asked 2 questions:
How to efficiently rotate an array?
How to use less memory to solve this problem?
Usually efficiency and low memory usage are mutually exclusive. So I'm going to answer your second question, still providing the most efficient implementation under that memory constraint.
The following method can be used for both left (passing negative count) or right (passing positive count) rotation. It uses O(1) space (single element) and O(n * min(d, n - d)) array element copy operations (O(min(d, n - d)) array block copy operations). In the worst case scenario it performs O(n / 2) block copy operations.
The algorithm is utilizing the fact that
rotate_left(n, d) == rotate_right(n, n - d)
Here it is:
public static class Algorithms
public static void Rotate<T>(this T[] array, int count)
if (array == null || array.Length < 2) return;
count %= array.Length;
if (count == 0) return;
int left = count < 0 ? -count : array.Length + count;
int right = count > 0 ? count : array.Length - count;
if (left <= right)
for (int i = 0; i < left; i++)
var temp = array[0];
Array.Copy(array, 1, array, 0, array.Length - 1);
array[array.Length - 1] = temp;
for (int i = 0; i < right; i++)
var temp = array[array.Length - 1];
Array.Copy(array, 0, array, 1, array.Length - 1);
array[0] = temp;
Sample usage like in your example:
var array = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).ToArray(); // { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
array.Rotate(-4); // { 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 }
Isn't using IEnumerables better? Since It won't perform all of those maths, won't allocate that many arrays, etc
public static int[] Rotate(int[] elements, int numberOfRotations)
IEnumerable<int> newEnd = elements.Take(numberOfRotations);
IEnumerable<int> newBegin = elements.Skip(numberOfRotations);
return newBegin.Union(newEnd).ToArray();
IF you don't actually need to return an array, you can even remove the .ToArray() and return an IEnumerable
void Main()
int[] n = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int d = 4;
int[] rotated = Rotate(n,d);
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(" ", rotated));
I have also tried this and below is my approach...
Thank you
public static int[] RotationOfArray(int[] A, int k)
if (A == null || A.Length==0)
return null;
int[] result =new int[A.Length];
int arrayLength=A.Length;
int moveBy = k % arrayLength;
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
int tmp = i + moveBy;
if (tmp > arrayLength-1)
tmp = + (tmp - arrayLength);
result[tmp] = A[i];
return result;
I have tried to used stack and queue in C# to achieve the output as follows:
public int[] rotateArray(int[] A, int rotate)
Queue<int> q = new Queue<int>(A);
Stack<int> s;
while (rotate > 0)
s = new Stack<int>(q);
int x = s.Pop();
s = new Stack<int>(s);
q = new Queue<int>(s);
return q.ToArray();
I've solve the challange from Hackerrank by following code. Hope it helps.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApp1
class ArrayLeftRotationSolver
TextWriter mTextWriter;
public ArrayLeftRotationSolver()
mTextWriter = new StreamWriter(#System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("OUTPUT_PATH"), true);
public void Solve()
string[] nd = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
int n = Convert.ToInt32(nd[0]);
int d = Convert.ToInt32(nd[1]);
int[] a = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), aTemp => Convert.ToInt32(aTemp))
int[] result = rotLeft(a, d);
mTextWriter.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", result));
private int[] rotLeft(int[] arr, int shift)
int n = arr.Length;
shift %= n;
int[] vec = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
vec[(n + i - shift) % n] = arr[i];
return vec;
static void Main(string[] args)
ArrayLeftRotationSolver solver = new ArrayLeftRotationSolver();
Hope this helps.
public static int[] leftrotation(int[] arr, int d)
int[] newarr = new int[arr.Length];
var n = arr.Length;
bool isswapped = false;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
int index = Math.Abs((i) -d);
if(index == 0)
isswapped = true;
if (!isswapped)
int finalindex = (n) - index;
newarr[finalindex] = arr[i];
newarr[index] = arr[i];
return newarr;
Take the Item at position 0 and add it at the end. remove the item at position 0. repeat n times.
List<int> iList = new List<int>();
private void shift(int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
An old question, but I thought I'd add another possible solution using just one intermediate array (really, 2 if you include the LINQ Take expression). This code rotates to right rather than left, but may be useful nonetheless.
public static Int32[] ArrayRightRotation(Int32[] A, Int32 k)
if (A == null)
return A;
if (!A.Any())
return A;
if (k % A.Length == 0)
return A;
if (A.Length == 1)
return A;
if (A.Distinct().Count() == 1)
return A;
for (var i = 0; i < k; i++)
var intermediateArray = new List<Int32> {A.Last()};
intermediateArray.AddRange(A.Take(A.Length - 1).ToList());
A = intermediateArray.ToArray();
return A;
O(1) space, O(n) time solution
I think in theory this is as optimal as it gets, since it makes a.Length in-place swaps and 1 temp variable swap per inner loop.
However I suspect O(d) space solutions would be faster in real life due to less code branching (fewer CPU command pipeline resets) and cache locality (mostly sequential access vs in d element steps).
static int[] RotateInplaceLeft(int[] a, int d)
var swapCount = 0;
//get canonical/actual d
d = d % a.Length;
if(d < 0) d += a.Length;
if(d == 0) return a;
for (var i = 0; swapCount < a.Length; i++) //we're done after a.Length swaps
var dstIdx = i; //we need this becasue of ~this:
var first = a[i]; //save first element in this group
for (var j = 0; j < a.Length; j++)
var srcIdx = (dstIdx + d) % a.Length;
if(srcIdx == i)// circled around
a[dstIdx] = first;
break; //hence we're done with this group
a[dstIdx] = a[srcIdx];
dstIdx = srcIdx;
return a;
If you take a look at constrains you will see that d <= n (number of rotations <= number of elements in array). Because of that this can be solved in 1 line.
static int[] rotLeft(int[] a, int d)
return a.Skip(d).Concat(a.Take(d)).ToArray();
// using the same same array, and only one temp variable
// shifting everything several times by one
// works, simple, but slow
public static int[] ArrayRotateLeftCyclical(int[] a, int shift)
var length = a.Length;
for (int j = 0; j < shift; j++)
int t = a[0];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (i == length - 1)
a[i] = t;
a[i] = a[i + 1];
return a;
Let's say if I have a array of integer 'Arr'. To rotate the array 'n' you can do as follows:
static int[] leftRotation(int[] Arr, int n)
int tempVariable = 0;
Queue<int> TempQueue = new Queue<int>(a);
for(int i=1;i<=d;i++)
tempVariable = TempQueue.Dequeue();
return TempQueue.ToArray();`
Let me know if any comments. Thanks!
This is my attempt. It is easy, but for some reason it timed out on big chunks of data:
int arrayLength = arr.Length;
int tmpCell = 0;
for (int rotation = 1; rotation <= d; rotation++)
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++)
if (arr[i] < arrayElementMinValue || arr[i] > arrayElementMaxValue)
throw new ArgumentException($"Array element needs to be between {arrayElementMinValue} and {arrayElementMaxValue}");
if (i == 0)
tmpCell = arr[0];
arr[0] = arr[1];
else if (i == arrayLength - 1)
arr[arrayLength - 1] = tmpCell;
arr[i] = arr[i + 1];
what about this?
public static void RotateArrayAndPrint(int[] n, int rotate)
for (int i = 1; i <= n.Length; i++)
var arrIndex = (i + rotate) > n.Length ? n.Length - (i + rotate) : (i + rotate);
arrIndex = arrIndex < 0 ? arrIndex * -1 : arrIndex;
var output = n[arrIndex-1];
Console.Write(output + " ");
It's very straight forward answer.
Main thing is how you choose the start index.
public static List<int> rotateLeft(int d, List<int> arr) {
int n = arr.Count;
List<int> t = new List<int>();
int h = d;
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
if ((j + d) % n == 0)
h = 0;
return t;
using this code, I have successfully submitted to hacker rank problem,
// fast and beautiful method
// reusing the same array
// using small temp array to store replaced values when unavoidable
// a - array, s - shift
public static int[] ArrayRotateLeftWithSmallTempArray(int[] a, int s)
var l = a.Length;
var t = new int[s]; // temp array with size s = shift
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
// save cells which will be replaced by shift
if (i < s)
t[i] = a[i];
if (i + s < l)
a[i] = a[i + s];
a[i] = t[i + s - l];
return a;
public static void Rotate(int[] arr, int steps)
for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
int previousValue = arr[arr.Length - 1];
for (int j = 0; j < arr.Length; j++)
int currentValue = arr[j];
arr[j] = previousValue;
previousValue = currentValue;
Here is an in-place Rotate implementation of a trick posted by גלעד ברקן in another question. The trick is:
Example, k = 3:
First reverse in place each of the two sections delineated by n-k:
4321 765
Now reverse the whole array:
My implementation, based on the Array.Reverse method:
/// <summary>
/// Rotate left for negative k. Rotate right for positive k.
/// </summary>
public static void Rotate<T>(T[] array, int k)
k = k % array.Length;
if (k < 0) k += array.Length;
if (k == 0) return;
Debug.Assert(k > 0);
Debug.Assert(k < array.Length);
Array.Reverse(array, 0, array.Length - k);
Array.Reverse(array, array.Length - k, k);
Live demo.
Array: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
Array: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Array: 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

sum middle number with jagged array in C#

I write some code with jagged array but when i sum middle number program not working and i cant fix it...:
public class JaggedArray
public static void Array()
int[][] arrayOfArray = ArrayOfArray();
var tong = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < arrayOfArray.Length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < arrayOfArray[i].Length; j++)
var bienTam = arrayOfArray[i].Length;
var tamThoi = j;
if (bienTam%2==0&&tamThoi==bienTam/2)
tong += arrayOfArray[i][tamThoi];
OutPut(arrayOfArray, tong);
private static int[][] ArrayOfArray()
Random ngauNhien = new Random();
int[][] arrayOfArray = new int[13][];
for (var i = 0; i <arrayOfArray.Length; i++)
arrayOfArray[i] = new int[i];
for (var j = 0; j < arrayOfArray[i].Length; j++)
arrayOfArray[i][j] = ngauNhien.Next(0, 99); //throw exception
return arrayOfArray;
can someone explain reason why i wrong and how ti fix it?
The problem you are solving is the one Linq is very good for:
int[][] arrayOfArray = new int[][] {
new[] {1, 2, 3}, // 2 is the middle item
new[] {4, 5} // in case of tie, let 5 (right) be the middle item
new[] {7}, // 7
new int[] {}, // should be ignored
// 2 + 5 + 7 == 14
var result = arrayOfArray
.Where(line => line != null && line.Length > 0)
.Sum(line => line[line.Length / 2]);
So I've got it compiling:
public class JaggedArray
public static void Array()
int[][] arrayOfArray = ArrayOfArray();
var tong = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < arrayOfArray.Length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < arrayOfArray[i].Length; j++)
var bienTam = arrayOfArray[i].Length;
var tamThoi = j;
if (j % 2 == 0 && j / 2 == bienTam / 2)
// You need to check here that tamThoi isn't
// outside the bounds of your array
if (tamThoi >= arrayOfArray[i].Length)
tong += arrayOfArray[i][tamThoi];
private static int[][] ArrayOfArray()
Random ngauNhien = new Random();
int[][] arrayOfArray = new int[13][];
for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++)
arrayOfArray[i] = new int[i];
// here you're better off using i
// instead of the arrayOfArray[i].Length - because you know the length
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++)
arrayOfArray[i][j] = ngauNhien.Next(0, 99);
return arrayOfArray;
You can make this far more succinct with LINQ.

Does adding extra loop at the end of n(log n) algorithm affect the complexity?

I wrote an algorithm to find length of longest increasing sequence in an array.
The algorithm has an array m which will contain the sequence but in some conditions, it doesn't contain the exact sequence. So in such case, I record the index and value which needs to be changed.
This algorithm is n(log n)
Now, to find the actual sequence, I loop through the array m and replace the value recorded in another array. Will my algorithm now still have the complexity if n(log n) ?
Below is the code in C#:
int[] b = { 1, 8, 5, 3, 7, 2, 9 };
int k = 1;
int i = 1;
int N = b.Length;
List<int> m = new List<int>();
int[] lup = new int[b.Length];
lup[0] = 0;
while (i < N)
if (b[i] >= m[k])
k = k + 1;
if (b[i] < m[1])
m[1] = b[i];
int j;
j = Binary_Search(m, b[i], m.Count - 1);
//if the item to be replaced was not the last element, record it
if (m[j] > b[i] && j != k)
lup[j] = m[j];
m[j] = b[i];
i = i + 1;
Console.WriteLine("The Input Sequence is : " + string.Join("\t", b));
Console.WriteLine("Length of Longest Up Sequence is : " + k.ToString());
List<int> result = new List<int>();
// create result based on m and lup
for(int x = 1; x < m.Count; x++)
if (lup[x] == 0)
Your intuition is correct. Adding this loop is n*(log(n)+1) so it's still n*log(n).

Combining two double[] arrays into double[,]

I frequently have two arrays that I need to combine to one matrix (same lenght and type). I was wondering whether there is a linq way that is more elegant than:
var result = new double[dt.Count, 2];
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Count; i++)
result[i, 0] = dts[i];
result[i, 1] = dt[i];
I tried
var result =, (a,b) => new{a,b})
var result = dts.Concat(dt).ToArray()
But neither do what I would like to do...
There is nothing in the framework, but here is a general solution (that works for 2 or more arrays):
public static class ArrayConvert
public static T[,] To2DArray<T>(params T[][] arrays)
if (arrays == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("arrays");
foreach (var a in arrays)
if (a == null) throw new ArgumentException("can not contain null arrays");
if (a.Length != arrays[0].Length) throw new ArgumentException("input arrays should have the same length");
var height = arrays.Length;
var width = arrays[0].Length;
var result = new T[width, height];
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
result[i, j] = arrays[i][j];
return result;
Which can then be used as follows:
var convertedArray = ArrayConvert.To2DArray(new[]{1,2,3}, new[]{4,5,6}, new[]{7,8,9});
ok then use this
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
double[,] x = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } };
double[,] y = { { 7, 8, 9 }, { 10, 11, 12 } };
var xy = new StitchMatrix<int>(x, y);
Console.WriteLine("0,0=" + xy[0, 0]); // 1
Console.WriteLine("1,1=" + xy[1, 1]); // 5
Console.WriteLine("1,2=" + xy[1, 2]); // 6
Console.WriteLine("2,2=" + xy[2, 2]); // 9
Console.WriteLine("3,2=" + xy[3, 2]); // 12
class StitchMatrix<T> {
private T[][,] _matrices;
private double[] _lengths;
public StitchMatrix(params T[][,] matrices) {
// TODO: check they're all same size
_matrices = matrices;
// call uperbound once for speed
_lengths = _matrices.Select(m => m.GetUpperBound(0)).ToArray();
public T this[double x, double y] {
get {
// find the right matrix
double iMatrix = 0;
while (_lengths[iMatrix] < x) {
x -= (_lengths[iMatrix] + 1);
// return value at cell
return _matrices[iMatrix][x, y];
Here is another solution. I "prepare" the input for LINQ processing. Don't sure that this is elegant, but it is LINQ:
// the input
double[] dts = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
double[] dt = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 };
// list of lists, for iterating the input with LINQ
double[][] combined = { dts, dt };
var indexes = Enumerable.Range(0, dt.Length);
var subIndexes = Enumerable.Range(0, 2);
// the output
var result = new double[dt.Length, 2];
var sss = from i in indexes
from j in subIndexes
select result[i, j] = combined[j][i];
// just to activate the LINQ iterator
I suggest against doing it directly in LINQ. You can write a generic method to do it for you, something like:
public static T[,] To2DArray<T>(this T[][] arr)
if (arr.Length == 0)
return new T[,]{};
int standardLength = arr[0].Length;
foreach (var x in arr)
if (x.Length != standardLength)
throw new ArgumentException("Arrays must have all the same length");
T[,] solution = new T[arr.Length, standardLength];
for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < standardLength; j++)
solution[i, j] = arr[i][j];
return solution;
I know that wasnt the question but the most elegant answer is to use f#:
let combinearrays (arr1:array<'a>) (arr2:array<'a>) =
let rws = arr1|> Array.length
Array2D.init rws 2 (fun i j -> match j with |0 -> arr1.[i] |1 -> arr2.[i])
From John see here
Here is the solution Convert two 1d Arrays in one 2D Array which I developed for my own use.
(from a1 in array1.Select((n,index)=>new{Index=index,c1=n}).ToList()
join a2 in array2.Select((n,index)=>new {Index=index,c2=n}).ToList() on a1.Index equals a2.Index
select new {c1,c2}

How do I remove duplicates from a C# array?

I have been working with a string[] array in C# that gets returned from a function call. I could possibly cast to a Generic collection, but I was wondering if there was a better way to do it, possibly by using a temp array.
What is the best way to remove duplicates from a C# array?
You could possibly use a LINQ query to do this:
int[] s = { 1, 2, 3, 3, 4};
int[] q = s.Distinct().ToArray();
Here is the HashSet<string> approach:
public static string[] RemoveDuplicates(string[] s)
HashSet<string> set = new HashSet<string>(s);
string[] result = new string[set.Count];
return result;
Unfortunately this solution also requires .NET framework 3.5 or later as HashSet was not added until that version. You could also use array.Distinct(), which is a feature of LINQ.
The following tested and working code will remove duplicates from an array. You must include the System.Collections namespace.
string[] sArray = {"a", "b", "b", "c", "c", "d", "e", "f", "f"};
var sList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < sArray.Length; i++) {
if (sList.Contains(sArray[i]) == false) {
var sNew = sList.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < sNew.Length; i++) {
You could wrap this up into a function if you wanted to.
If you needed to sort it, then you could implement a sort that also removes duplicates.
Kills two birds with one stone, then.
This might depend on how much you want to engineer the solution - if the array is never going to be that big and you don't care about sorting the list you might want to try something similar to the following:
public string[] RemoveDuplicates(string[] myList) {
System.Collections.ArrayList newList = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
foreach (string str in myList)
if (!newList.Contains(str))
return (string[])newList.ToArray(typeof(string));
List<String> myStringList = new List<string>();
foreach (string s in myStringArray)
if (!myStringList.Contains(s))
This is O(n^2), which won't matter for a short list which is going to be stuffed into a combo, but could be rapidly be a problem on a big collection.
-- This is Interview Question asked every time. Now i done its coding.
static void Main(string[] args)
int[] array = new int[] { 4, 8, 4, 1, 1, 4, 8 };
int numDups = 0, prevIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
bool foundDup = false;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (array[i] == array[j])
foundDup = true;
numDups++; // Increment means Count for Duplicate found in array.
if (foundDup == false)
array[prevIndex] = array[i];
// Just Duplicate records replce by zero.
for (int k = 1; k <= numDups; k++)
array[array.Length - k] = '\0';
Console.WriteLine("Console program for Remove duplicates from array.");
Here is a O(n*n) approach that uses O(1) space.
void removeDuplicates(char* strIn)
int numDups = 0, prevIndex = 0;
if(NULL != strIn && *strIn != '\0')
int len = strlen(strIn);
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
bool foundDup = false;
for(int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if(strIn[j] == strIn[i])
foundDup = true;
if(foundDup == false)
strIn[prevIndex] = strIn[i];
strIn[len-numDups] = '\0';
The hash/linq approaches above are what you would generally use in real life. However in interviews they usually want to put some constraints e.g. constant space which rules out hash or no internal api - which rules out using LINQ.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string a = "a;b;c;d;e;v";
string[] b = a.Split(';');
string[] c = b.Distinct().ToArray();
if (b.Length != c.Length)
for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
if (b[i].ToString() != c[i].ToString())
Response.Write("Found duplicate " + b[i].ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
Response.Write("Found duplicate " + b[i].ToString());
Response.Write("No duplicate ");
Add all the strings to a dictionary and get the Keys property afterwards. This will produce each unique string, but not necessarily in the same order your original input had them in.
If you require the end result to have the same order as the original input, when you consider the first occurance of each string, use the following algorithm instead:
Have a list (final output) and a dictionary (to check for duplicates)
For each string in the input, check if it exists in the dictionary already
If not, add it both to the dictionary and to the list
At the end, the list contains the first occurance of each unique string.
Make sure you consider things like culture and such when constructing your dictionary, to make sure you handle duplicates with accented letters correctly.
The following piece of code attempts to remove duplicates from an ArrayList though this is not an optimal solution. I was asked this question during an interview to remove duplicates through recursion, and without using a second/temp arraylist:
private void RemoveDuplicate()
ArrayList dataArray = new ArrayList(5);
GetDistinctArrayList(dataArray, 0);
private void GetDistinctArrayList(ArrayList arr, int idx)
int count = 0;
if (idx >= arr.Count) return;
string val = arr[idx].ToString();
foreach (String s in arr)
if (s.Equals(arr[idx]))
if (count > 1)
GetDistinctArrayList(arr, idx);
idx += 1;
GetDistinctArrayList(arr, idx);
Simple solution:
using System.Linq;
public static int[] Distinct(int[] handles)
return handles.ToList().Distinct().ToArray();
Maybe hashset which do not store duplicate elements and silently ignore requests to add
static void Main()
string textWithDuplicates = "aaabbcccggg";
var letters = new HashSet<char>(textWithDuplicates);
foreach (char c in letters) Console.Write(c);
int[] array = new int[] { 12, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
var distinctArray = new HashSet<int>(array);
foreach (int i in distinctArray) Console.Write(i + ",");
NOTE : NOT tested!
string[] test(string[] myStringArray)
List<String> myStringList = new List<string>();
foreach (string s in myStringArray)
if (!myStringList.Contains(s))
return myStringList.ToString();
Might do what you need...
EDIT Argh!!! beaten to it by rob by under a minute!
Tested the below & it works. What's cool is that it does a culture sensitive search too
class RemoveDuplicatesInString
public static String RemoveDups(String origString)
String outString = null;
int readIndex = 0;
CompareInfo ci = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.CompareInfo;
return outString;
foreach (var ch in origString)
if (readIndex == 0)
outString = String.Concat(ch);
if (ci.IndexOf(origString, ch.ToString().ToLower(), 0, readIndex) == -1)
//Unique char as this char wasn't found earlier.
outString = String.Concat(outString, ch);
return outString;
static void Main(string[] args)
String inputString = "aAbcefc";
String outputString;
outputString = RemoveDups(inputString);
This code 100% remove duplicate values from an array[as I used a[i]].....You can convert it in any OO language..... :)
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
for(int j=i+1;j<size;j++)
if(a[i] == a[j])
for(int k=j;k<size;k++)
Generic Extension method :
public static IEnumerable<TSource> Distinct<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer)
if (source == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
HashSet<TSource> set = new HashSet<TSource>(comparer);
foreach (TSource item in source)
if (set.Add(item))
yield return item;
you can using This code when work with an ArrayList
ArrayList arrayList;
//Add some Members :)
//Remove duplicates from array
for (int i = 0; i < arrayList.Count; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < arrayList.Count ; j++)
if (arrayList[i].ToString() == arrayList[j].ToString())
Below is an simple logic in java you traverse elements of array twice and if you see any same element you assign zero to it plus you don't touch the index of element you are comparing.
import java.util.*;
class removeDuplicate{
int [] y ;
public removeDuplicate(int[] array){
for(int b=0;b<y.length;b++){
int temp = y[b];
for(int v=0;v<y.length;v++){
if( b!=v && temp==y[v]){
public static int RemoveDuplicates(ref int[] array)
int size = array.Length;
// if 0 or 1, return 0 or 1:
if (size < 2) {
return size;
int current = 0;
for (int candidate = 1; candidate < size; ++candidate) {
if (array[current] != array[candidate]) {
array[++current] = array[candidate];
// index to count conversion:
return ++current;
The best way? Hard to say, the HashSet approach looks fast,
but (depending on the data) using a sort algorithm (CountSort ?)
can be much faster.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
class Program
static void Main()
Random r = new Random(0); int[] a, b = new int[1000000];
for (int i = b.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) b[i] = r.Next(b.Length);
a = new int[b.Length]; Array.Copy(b, a, b.Length);
a = dedup0(a); Console.WriteLine(a.Length);
a = new int[b.Length]; Array.Copy(b, a, b.Length);
var w = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
a = dedup0(a); Console.WriteLine(w.Elapsed); Console.Read();
static int[] dedup0(int[] a) // 48 ms
return new HashSet<int>(a).ToArray();
static int[] dedup1(int[] a) // 68 ms
Array.Sort(a); int i = 0, j = 1, k = a.Length; if (k < 2) return a;
while (j < k) if (a[i] == a[j]) j++; else a[++i] = a[j++];
Array.Resize(ref a, i + 1); return a;
static int[] dedup2(int[] a) // 8 ms
var b = new byte[a.Length]; int c = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
if (b[a[i]] == 0) { b[a[i]] = 1; c++; }
a = new int[c];
for (int j = 0, i = 0; i < b.Length; i++) if (b[i] > 0) a[j++] = i;
return a;
Almost branch free. How? Debug mode, Step Into (F11) with a small array: {1,3,1,1,0}
static int[] dedupf(int[] a) // 4 ms
if (a.Length < 2) return a;
var b = new byte[a.Length]; int c = 0, bi, ai, i, j;
for (i = 0; i < a.Length; i++)
{ ai = a[i]; bi = 1 ^ b[ai]; b[ai] |= (byte)bi; c += bi; }
a = new int[c]; i = 0; while (b[i] == 0) i++; a[0] = i++;
for (j = 0; i < b.Length; i++) a[j += bi = b[i]] += bi * i; return a;
A solution with two nested loops might take some time,
especially for larger arrays.
static int[] dedup(int[] a)
int i, j, k = a.Length - 1;
for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
for (j = i + 1; j <= k; j++) if (a[i] == a[j]) a[j--] = a[k--];
Array.Resize(ref a, k + 1); return a;
private static string[] distinct(string[] inputArray)
bool alreadyExists;
string[] outputArray = new string[] {};
for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.Length; i++)
alreadyExists = false;
for (int j = 0; j < outputArray.Length; j++)
if (inputArray[i] == outputArray[j])
alreadyExists = true;
if (alreadyExists==false)
Array.Resize<string>(ref outputArray, outputArray.Length + 1);
outputArray[outputArray.Length-1] = inputArray[i];
return outputArray;
int size = a.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
if (a[i] == a[j])
for (int k = j; k < size; k++)
if (k != size - 1)
int temp = a[k];
a[k] = a[k + 1];
a[k + 1] = temp;
So I was doing an interview session and got the same question to sort and distinct
static void Sort()
int[] number = new int[Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine())];
for (int i = 0; i < number.Length; i++)
number[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
int[] num = number.Distinct().ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++)
catch (Exception ex)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Rextester
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> listofint1 = new List<int> { 4, 8, 4, 1, 1, 4, 8 };
List<int> updatedlist= removeduplicate(listofint1);
foreach(int num in updatedlist)
public static List<int> removeduplicate(List<int> listofint)
List<int> listofintwithoutduplicate= new List<int>();
foreach(var num in listofint)
return listofintwithoutduplicate;
strINvalues = "1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4";
strINvalues = string.Join(",", strINvalues .Split(',').Distinct().ToArray());
Kkk Not sure if this is witchcraft or just beautiful code
1 strINvalues .Split(',').Distinct().ToArray()
2 string.Join(",", XXX);
1 Splitting the array and using Distinct [LINQ] to remove duplicates
2 Joining it back without the duplicates.
Sorry I never read the text on StackOverFlow just the code. it make more sense than the text ;)
Removing duplicate and ignore case sensitive using Distinct & StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
string[] array = new string[] { "A", "a", "b", "B", "a", "C", "c", "C", "A", "1" };
var r = array.Distinct(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).ToList();
Console.WriteLine(r.Count); // return 4 items
Find answer below.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var nums = new int[] { 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 7, 7, 9, 9, 9 };
var result = removeDuplicates(nums);
foreach (var item in result)
static int[] removeDuplicates(int[] nums)
nums = nums.ToList().OrderBy(c => c).ToArray();
int j = 1;
int i = 0;
int stop = 0;
while (j < nums.Length)
if (nums[i] != nums[j])
nums[i + 1] = nums[j];
stop = i + 2;
nums = nums.Take(stop).ToArray();
return nums;
Just a bit of contribution based on a test i just solved, maybe helpful and open to improvement by other top contributors here.
Here are the things i did:
I used OrderBy which allows me order or sort the items from smallest to the highest using LINQ
I then convert it to back to an array and then re-assign it back to the primary datasource
So i then initialize j which is my right hand side of the array to be 1 and i which is my left hand side of the array to be 0, i also initialize where i would i to stop to be 0.
I used a while loop to increment through the array by going from one position to the other left to right, for each increment the stop position is the current value of i + 2 which i will use later to truncate the duplicates from the array.
I then increment by moving from left to right from the if statement and from right to right outside of the if statement until i iterate through the entire values of the array.
I then pick from the first element to the stop position which becomes the last i index plus 2. that way i am able to remove all the duplicate items from the int array. which is then reassigned.
