ViewModel with dynamic elements - c#

I need to receive the next JSON in .NET
"Name": {"system": "wfdss", "canWrite": true },
"DiscoveryDateTime": { "system": "wfdss", "canWrite": true },
"Code": { "system": "code", "canWrite": false },
This elements are dynamics, it doesn't have default elements, so, how can I define a class doing that following next model:
public class currentData
//<Data Element Name>: {
//data element system: <STRING of system>,
//the last system to update data element canWrite: <Boolean>
//true if requesting system may edit data element (based on ADS), otherwise false. }, ...
public List<Property> property { get; set; }
public class Property
public string system { get; set; }
public string canWrite { get; set; }

If you need to post dynamic structured Json to controller i have a bad news for you - you can't map it automattically in MVC. MVC model binding mechanism work only with stronly typed collecions - you must know structure.
One of the options that i can suggest you if use FormCollection and manually get values from it:
public JsonResult JsonAction(FormCollection collection)
string CurrentDataNameSystem = collection["currentData.Name.system"];
// and so on...
return Json(null);
Another option is to pass you dynamic json as string and then manually desirialize it:
public JsonResult JsonAction(string json)
//You probably want to try desirialize it to many different types you can wrap it with try catch
return Json(null);
Anyway my point is - you shouldn't mess with dynamic json unless you really need it in MVC.
I suggest you to creage object type that contain all the passible fields but make it all nullable so you can pass your Json and it will be mapped with Model binding MVC mechanism but some fields will be null.

I think the type format you are getting is an Object with a Dictionary.
So i think you need to Deserialize your Data into this.
public class ContainerObject
public Dictionary<String,Property> currentData { get; set; }


Why core sending empty object as response?

When I debug the code in VS, the cities list, which I am returning have 3 objects in it along with the properties. When I call this endpoint I am receiving a response of 3 list items of empty objects.
How to resolve this issue?
Model Class:
public class City
public string CityName;
public string AssociatedCities;
public string Province;
public int Status;
public City(string cityName, string associatedCities, string province, int status)
this.CityName = cityName;
this.AssociatedCities = associatedCities;
this.Province = province;
this.Status = status;
public ActionResult<IEnumerable<City>> GetCities()
return Ok(Cities);
This is how I am calling the endpoint
getCities() {
.subscribe(result => {
this.cities = result;
}, error => console.error('Something went wrong : ' + error));
The response I get:
The response that is needed:
"SearchCity": "Toronto",
"AssociatedCities": "Ajax, Whitby, Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton",
"Province": "ON",
"Status": 1
"SearchCity": "Vancouver",
"AssociatedCities": "Vancouver, Vancouver City",
"Province": "BC",
"Status": 1
I have tried this already: Fresh ASP.NET Core API returns empty JSON objects
System.Text.Json currently does not support serialization/deserialization of fields and non-parameter-less, non-default constructors.
Your example model uses both fields and a non-default constructor. If you need to use a custom constructor for some reason, you would need to implement your own JsonConverter<T> to support that. This doc might be helpful for that:
Only public properties with public getters/setters are supported along with the default, parameter-less constructor (what is referred to as Plain_old_CLR_object (POCO)). Note: If you are only serializing (i.e. writing), the setters generally don't have to be public.
Properties are different from fields (and contain getters/setters).
Here is the fix:
public class City
public string CityName { get; set; }
public string AssociatedCities { get; set; }
public string Province { get; set; }
public int Status { get; set; }
In my case, I just added this in my ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs (I am using Dot Net 5.0)
Based on the fact that all your action does is return Cities, which presumably is a property or field defined on your controller, I'm going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you're setting that in another request and expecting it to still be there in this request. That's not how it works. The controller is instantiated and disposed with each request, so anything set to it during the lifetime of a request will not survive. As a result, Cities has nothing in this request, so you get an empty response.
If you need a list of cities in the action, then you should query those in that action. Also, for what it's worth, System.Text.Json does not currently support serializing fields, as others have mentioned in the comments, but you may still use JSON.NET instead, which does. See:

Create RavenDB index based on dynamic properties

In RavenDB 4.2, I want to create an Index/Map based on a dynamic object. Better put, on dynamic properties which are not known at compile-time.
Here is an example of the raw JSON I'm ingesting:
"id": "A",
"steps": [
"object": {
"id": "A1",
"target": {
"domain_name": ""
"object": {
"id": "A2",
"target": {
"ipv4": ""
The above sample is ingested from a 3rd party and stored in a RavenDB collection. Roughly translated, the following model has the challenge:
public class Step
public string Id { get; set; }
public DateTime When {get; set;}
public dynamic Object { get; set; } // aware that it's not handy naming
The pickle in this is that the property name is dynamic. They cannot be strong-typed and can be a lot of things, like: domain_name, ipv4, ipv6, dns, shoe_size, hair_colour etc. This is why the entire steps.object is ingested and stored as either System.Object or dynamic.
My objective is to basically do a SelectMany() on each and extract the property name (key) and value. This would make my RavenDB Index something like this:
public class StepsIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Models.Step, StepsIndex.Result>
public class Result
public DateTime When { get; set; }
public string TargetKey { get; set; }
public string TargetValue { get; set; }
// ... removed other properties for brevity
public StepsIndex()
Map = steps =>
from block in blocks
from detection in blocks.Detections
from step in detection.Steps
select new Result
// extract property name (key), like 'domain_name'
TargetKey =[0].Name,
// extract property value, like ''
TargetValue =[0].Name).GetValue(, null)
Unfortunately this doesn't work due to step.Object being dynamic and resulting in the following error during compile-time:
Error [CS1963] An expression tree may not contain a dynamic operation
Second option I've tried is to cast it to JSON in the expression, which also fails because Raven's projection is not aware of Newtonsoft.Json during runtime:
// Error CS0103: The name 'JObject' does not exist in the current context
// Error CS0103: The name 'JsonConvert' does not exist in the current context
TargetKey = JObject.Parse(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ass.Object))["target"][0].Value<string>(),
A third option I thought of was perhaps changing the dynamic Object to System.Object Object, but haven't found a neat way to extract the property key/values without knowning the property.
The question: how can I extract these dynamic property keys and values and Map them to a RavenDB index?
RavenDB allows to index dynamic fields:

How to post a dynamic JSON property to a C# ASP.Net Core Web API using MongoDB?

How to post a dynamic JSON property to a C# ASP.Net Core Web API using MongoDB?
It seems like one of the advantages of MongoDB is being able to store anything you need to in an Object type property but it doesn't seem clear how you can get the dynamic property info from the client ajax post through a C# Web API to MongoDB.
We want to allow an administrator to create an Event with Title and Start Date/Time but we also want to allow the user to add custom form fields using Reactive Forms for whatever they want such as t-shirt size or meal preference... Whatever the user may come up with in the future. Then when someone registers for the event, they post EventID and the custom fields to the Web API.
We can have an Event MongoDB collection with _id, event_id, reg_time, and form_fields where form_fields is an Object type where the dynamic data is stored.
So we want to POST variations of this JSON with custom FormsFields:
Variation 1:
"EventId": "595106234fccfc5fc88c40c2",
"FormFields": {
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Public",
"TShirtSize": "XL"
Variation 2:
"EventId": "d34f46234fccfc5fc88c40c2",
"FormFields": {
"Email": "",
"MealPref": "Vegan"
I would like to have an EventController with Post action that takes a custom C# EventReg object that maps to the JSON above.
public void Post([FromBody]EventReg value)
EventReg Class:
public class EventReg
public EventReg()
FormFields = new BsonDocument();
public string EventRegId { get; set; }
public string EventId { get; set; }
public DateTime RegTime
set; get;
public MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument FormFields { get; set; }
public string AddEventRegistration(EventReg eventReg)
return eventReg.EventRegId;
Right now, if I post to the controller, my EventReg is null because it must not know how to map my JSON FormFields properties to a BsonDocument.
What type can I use for FormFields?
Can I have the FormFields property be a BsonDocument and is there an easy way to map the Web API parameter to that?
Is there an example of how some custom serializer might work in this case?
We could maybe use a dynamic type and loop through the posted properties but that seems ugly. I have also seen the JToken solution from a post here but that looks ugly also.
If MongoDB is meant to be used dynamically like this, shouldn't there be a clean solution to pass dynamic data to MongoDB? Any ideas out there?
In ASP.NET Core 3.0+ Newtonsoft.Json is not the default JSON serializer anymore. Therefore I would use JsonElement:
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] JsonElement elem)
var title = elem.GetProperty("title").GetString();
The JToken example works to get data in but upon retrieval it causes browsers and Postman to throw an error and show a warning indicating that content was read as a Document but it was in application/json format. I saw the FormFields property being returned as {{"TShirtSize":"XL"}} so maybe double braces was a problem during serialization.
I ended up using the .NET ExpandoObject in the System.Dynamic namespace. ExpandoObject is compatible with the MongoDB BsonDocument so the serialization is done automatically like you would expect. So no need for weird code to manually handle the properties like the JToken example in the question.
I still believe that a more strongly typed C# representation should be used if at all possible but if you must allow any JSON content to be sent to MongoDB through a Web API with a custom C# class as input, then the ExpandoObject should do the trick.
See how the FormFields property of EventReg class below is now ExpandoObject and there is no code to manually handle the property of the object being saved to MongoDB.
Here is the original problematic and overly complex JToken code to manually populate an object with standard type properties and a dynamic FormFields property:
public void Post([FromBody]JToken token)
if (token != null)
EventReg eventReg = new EventReg();
if (token.Type == Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JTokenType.Object)
eventReg.RegTime = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var pair in token as Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject)
if (pair.Key == "EventID")
eventReg.EventId = pair.Value.ToString();
else if (pair.Key == "UserEmail")
eventReg.UserEmail = pair.Value.ToString();
eventReg.FormFields.Add(new BsonElement(pair.Key.ToString(), pair.Value.ToString()));
//Add Registration:
Using ExpandoObject removes the need for all of this code. See the final code below. The Web API controller is now 1 line instead of 30 lines of code. This code now can insert and return the JSON from the Question above without issue.
public void Post([FromBody]EventReg value)
EventReg Class:
public class EventReg
public EventReg()
FormFields = new ExpandoObject();
public string EventRegId { get; set; }
public string EventId { get; set; }
public string UserEmail { get; set; }
public DateTime RegTime{ get; set; }
public ExpandoObject FormFields { get; set; }
public string AddEventRegistration(EventReg eventReg)
return eventReg.EventRegId;
If you are not sure about the type of Json you are sending i.e. if you are dealing with dynamic json. then the below approach will work.
public void DemoReportData([FromBody] JObject Jsondata)
Http client call from .net core app:
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
return await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(serviceUrl,
new demoClass()
id= "demoid",
name= "demo name",
place= "demo place"
You can define FormFields as a string and send data to the API in string format after converting JSON to string:
Then in your controller parse the string to BsonDocument
I would use AutoMapper to automate the conversion between the dto and the document

Receiving arbitrary JSON object in MVC method

I have a C# view class such as this:
public class DataObject
public int Number { get; set; }
public dynamic Data { get; set; } // <-----
being used in an MVC method like this
public ActionResult SaveData(DataObject request) {}
The problem is that I want to recieve multiple types of objects in the Data property of the DataObject class.
That is, I want both these to work as valid input json objects.
Type 1
Number: 1,
Data: {
Text: "a text"
Type 2
Number: 2,
Data: {
Value: 1,
Options: { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
Is there a way of doing this with either dynamic objects or some other type of json library magic (just making the property dynamic did nothing)?
All i want to do is store this data in a SQL column nvarchar field and return at a later time (through Entity Framework).
An alternate solution would be to create a view model for each type of input but as there will be 100's of variants to it creating all these views and the corresponding input methods would be cumbersome to maintain.
Adding more details as per comment request: The method is called through Angular.
pub.Save = function (jsonData) {
return $http(
method: "POST",
url: baseURL + "/Save",
data: { request: jsonData}, // tried this for string
// data: jsonData, // original way
timeout: 30000
.then(function (result) {
At the server side, DTO class must match with the same property name which the payload is carrying.
public class DataObject
public string test { get; set; } // <-----
So, your save method remains the same:
public ActionResult SaveData(DataObject request) {}
The payload json is in the object request.test but its seralized.
Deseralize it using Json Library.
How is it handling multiple different types of variables?
Deseralize it to a dynamic type as:
dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(request.test, typeof(object));
//Properties within the obj are checked at run time.
if(obj.Text != null) {
//Do your thing
if(obj.Value != null) {
//Do your thing
if(obj.Options != null) {
//Do your thing
By converting the data to a JSON string on the client side I was able to send it to the string property and thus being able to use the same typed view for all objects.
I ended up doing this when saving the object (I'm using angular on the front end), converting the Json object to a string.
entry.Data = angular.toJson(entryData.Data, false);
And then when getting the json string back from MVC I did this to get it back to a real javascript object.
entry.Data = angular.fromJson(entry.Data);
MVC would not accept the JSON object into the text property without making it into a json string first.
Using the above method I am storing data like this in my database:

WebAPI - Array of Objects not deserializing correctly on server side

In the client-side, I am using AngularJS and in the server-side I am using ASP.NET WebAPI.
I have two view models, ProductCriteriaViewModel and SimpleDisplayFieldViewModel:
public class ProductCriteriaViewModel
public int ID { get; set; }
public int? UserSearchID { get; set; }
public bool? Enabled { get; set; }
public SimpleDisplayFieldViewModel Property { get; set; }
public string Operator { get; set; }
public string CriteriaValue { get; set; }
public class SimpleDisplayFieldViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public string PropertyType { get; set; }
In Angular, I submit a POST request to a WebAPI controller action with the following signature:
public IList<...> FindProducts(List<ProductCriteriaViewModel> criteriaVM, bool userFiltering)
In testing, I tried to send an array of Product Criterias, and checked Fiddler to see what the array looked like in the body of the POST request when it was being sent to the server. This is what the array looked like:
"Operator":"Less than",
"Name":"Copyright Year",
"Operator":"Greater Than",
"Name":"Copyright Year",
The above array has the correct values, however the result of deserialization on the server-side is incorrect. This is where it gets strange.
After the server deserializes the array and arrives in the controller action, the first element in criteriaVM is correct, all the values are set properly. However the second element is incorrect, CriteriaValue and Property are nulled out:
This issue only occurs whenever I choose the same search property for more than one criteria (i.e. Copyright < 2013 and Copyright > 1988). However, if I choose different properties (i.e. Copyright < 2013 and Price > 20), then all elements in the resulting criteriaVM are correctly initialized.
I do not understand what could be causing this issue. Why are only CriteriaValue and Property set to null in the second element of the List? Why does this issue only occur when I choose multiples of the same search properties?
Json.NET uses the keywords $id and $ref in order to preserve object references, so you are having troubles with your deserialization because your JSON has "$id" in the "Property" object. See this link for more information about object references.
In order to fix your deserialization issues, you can add the following line in the Register method of your WebApiConfig.cs class
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.MetadataPropertyHandling = MetadataPropertyHandling.Ignore;
If your Web Api project does not include a WebApiConfig.cs class, simply add the configuration in your Global.asax:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SerializerSettings.MetadataPropertyHandling = MetadataPropertyHandling.Ignore;
Now your object in the web api method should look like this:
