Change style (in ResourceDictionary) from code - c#

I have this ResourceDictionary
<ResourceDictionary xmlns=""
<Style x:Key="MainMenuLabelStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Trigger Property ="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property= "Foreground" Value="White"/>
<Setter Property= "FontSize" Value="18"/>
<Setter Property= "FontFamily" Value="Arial"/>
If I want change the font size or color, what can I do ? This code doesn't work .
Application.Current.Resources("MainMenuLabelStyle") = 25
This is the xaml
<TextBlock Text="Uscita" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" TextAlignment="Left" Margin="4" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{DynamicResource MainMenuLabelStyle}">

Just before a style is used for the first time in a WPF application, it is sealed for performance reasons and it is not possible to modify it anymore. You can read it on MSDN.
So, if you want to change your style, you have to options. The first one (the easiest one) is to declare as many styles as you need and put them in your ResourceDictionary.
The second solution is to consider that a Setter is a DependencyObject, so you can bind its dependency properties. In this case your style will become:
<Style x:Key="MainMenuLabelStyle" TargetType="{x:Type TextBlock}">
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=Tag.Foreground, TargetNullValue=Red, FallbackValue=Red}" />
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=Tag.FontSize, TargetNullValue=18, FallbackValue=18}" />
<Setter Property="FontFamily" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=Tag.FontFamily, TargetNullValue=Arial, FallbackValue=Arial}" />
Now you can change the style just by setting the Tag property of every TextBlock control:
<TextBlock Text="Uscita" TextAlignment="Left" Margin="4" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{DynamicResource MainMenuLabelStyle}" />
<TextBlock Text="Uscita" TextAlignment="Left" Margin="4" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{DynamicResource MainMenuLabelStyle}">
<local:StyleConfig FontSize="50" FontFamily="Tahoma" Foreground="Orange" />
As you can see the first TextBlock will use the style as it was declared. On the other side, the second TextBlock will use a modified version of the original style.
Of course, in order to make this option work correctly, you must create a class (StyleConfig in my sample), which could be something like this:
public class StyleConfig
public string Foreground { get; set; }
public string FontSize { get; set; }
public string FontFamily { get; set; }
I hope it can help you.

In your code:
Application.Current.Resources("MainMenuLabelStyle") = 25
1) Wrong syntax. Application.Current.Resources["MainMenuLabelStyle"]
2) Application.Current.Resources["MainMenuLabelStyle"] this code will return object with type Style, not style property Font Size.
You can create new Style and replace it in ResourceDictionary.


C# WPF UI is not updated by datatrigger when I change a property in the listview item

I want to make a chess game in WPF, I decided to use listview to display my fields. I have a class named Field with properties. I have a list containing 64 fields and i changed to style of my listview in xaml so its look like a chess field. However, i have problem with the datatriggers. I need to change the picture (that will show the chess piece) when a property in that element in my list is changed.Nothing happens when the 'hasPiece' property is changed. I use INotifyPropertyChanged so i think i have no problem with the UI refresh, because i can update any displayed data in labels and testboxs. That is why i know i successfully changed the property when i selected 1 item, because i binded to a label. So when i select a field(an item) the 'hasPiece' property is updated to hidden, but the image still remains visible. I dont know much about datatriggers and I dont know what i did wrong.
<ListView Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Fields}" Width="410" SelectedItem="{Binding selectedField,Mode=TwoWay}">
<Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
<Setter Property="Height" Value="50"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Width" Value="50"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="0"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="ListViewItem">
<Border Name="Border" BorderThickness="4,4,4,4" Background="{Binding Brush}" BorderBrush="{Binding Brush}">
<Grid Name="Grid" Background="{Binding Brush}">
<Image Name="PieceImage" Height="40" Width="40" Source="Images/something.jpg" >
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="true">
<Setter TargetName="Grid" Property="Background" Value="{Binding MouseOverBrush}"/>
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderBrush" Value="{Binding MouseOverBrush}"/>
<Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderBrush" Value="Red"></Setter>
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding hasPiece}" Value="Hidden">
<Setter TargetName="PieceImage" Property="Visibility" Value="Hidden">
This is what i currently do when an item is selected:
private Field selected { get; set; }
public Field selectedField
get { return selected; }
selected = value;
// fieldId = selected.ID.ToString();
public void removeImage(int id)
foreach (Field item in Fields)
if (item.ID == id)
item.hasPiece = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
fieldId = item.hasPiece.ToString();
I currently just want to test everything that needed, i know later i have to change things, but now i just want to know how i can change something in the style with datatriggers properly.
I solved the problem!
I implemented the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to my ViewModel, so the UI got updated when a variable which was created there is changed or when I added or removed items to my Observable collection which was also created there.
However if I want to edit my collection I have to implement this interface to my model.
My problem was not related to DataTrigger. My problem was the lack of INotifypropertyChanged in my model.

Binding Custom Button Background/ Border to Custom Property

I am fairly new to WPF and the .NET Framework.
I have created a custom button class and have added a dependency property "Colors" which is another class that I created which defines a buttons border/face colors when enabled and disabled. In the style for this button, I am trying to use Relative Source Binding to Bind members of the "Colors" property to different Properties of the button (Border.Background, Border.BorderBrush, etc.).
Here is my button class:
public class FsnButton : Button
static FsnButton()
DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(FsnButton), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(FsnButton)));
public FsnButton()
Colors = FsnColors.GrayBtnColors;
public GuiTypes.ButtonColors Colors
get { return GetValue(ColorsProperty) as GuiTypes.ButtonColors; }
set { SetValue(ColorsProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty ColorsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Colors", typeof(GuiTypes.ButtonColors), typeof(FsnButton), null);
And here is the template portion of the style
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:FsnButton">
<Border Name="Face" CornerRadius="3"
Background="{ Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Colors.Enabled.Face}"
BorderBrush="{ Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Colors.Enabled.Border}">
<Trigger Property="IsPressed" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Background" Value="{ Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=Colors.Enabled.Border}"></Setter>
<Setter Property="Button.Effect">
<DropShadowEffect Color="DarkSlateGray" Direction="320" ShadowDepth="0" BlurRadius="5" Opacity="0.5"></DropShadowEffect>
<Setter Property="RenderTransform">
<TranslateTransform X="3" Y="3" />
This approach is unsuccessful. When I create an instance of my button class, It doesn't get drawn at all. Am I on the right path? Is there a better way to do what I want?
Your binding paths doesn't resolve. You have to use either TemplateBinding or RelativeSoure TemplatedParent, whenever you are inside a ControlTemplate and want to bind to the templated control itself:
<ControlTemplate TargetType="local:FsnButton">
<!-- TemplatedParent binding source -->
<Border Name="Face"
Background="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Colors.Enabled.Face}"
BorderBrush="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=Colors.Enabled.Border}" />
<!-- TemplateBinding -->
<Border Name="Face"
Background="{TemplateBinding Colors.Enabled.Face}"
BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding Colors.Enabled.Border}" />

Two selected tabs in tabcontroller

I'm having an issue with a TabControl where I manage (in some special cases) to get two tabs headers selected (only one body showing afaik), and I can't change the selected tab.
Selected tabs have bold header text.
In this image, "Ämnesinformation" and "R43" are both selected.
My application is structured as follows:
I have some views:
MainView: The main view, contains the TabControl which only contains one item in the image.
SubstanceTabsView: One of these for every tab in MainView.
SubstanceView and ClassificationView: the first is used for the "Ämnesinformation", of which there is only one per substance. The second can have multiple instances, like "R43", "R12" etc.
I also have some viewModels:
MainViewModel: The VM for the MainView.
SubstanceTabsViewModel: The VM for the SubstanceTabsView, contains a set of IViewModels
SubstanceViewModel, ClassificationViewModel: both implement IViewModel, are VMs for SubstanceView and ClassificationView
Some relevant xaml code:
Here's the tabcontrol in MainView.xaml
<TabControl SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedTab}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Tabs}" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}" >
<local:CrossButton Margin="3" Padding="0" Width="12" Command="{Binding CloseCommand}"/>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type TabItem}">
Background="{Binding Path=HeaderBackground}"
CornerRadius="3,10,0,0" >
<ContentPresenter x:Name="ContentSite"
<Trigger Property="IsSelected" Value="True">
<Setter Property="FontWeight" Value="Bold" />
<Setter Property="Panel.ZIndex" Value="100" />
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" Value="{Binding HeaderBackground}" />
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderThickness" Value="1,1,1,0" />
<Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="Background" Value="Yellow" />
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderBrush" Value="Black" />
<Setter TargetName="Border" Property="BorderThickness" Value="1,1,1,0" />
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Green" />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type localViewModels:SubstanceTabsViewModel}">
<localViews:SubstanceTabsView />
Here's how I control the connection between different views and viewmodels in SubstanceTabsView.xaml
<TabControl SelectedItem="{Binding Path=SelectedTab}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Tabs}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Header}" />
<local:CrossButton Margin="3" Padding="0" Width="12" Command="{Binding CloseCommand}"/>
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type localViewModels:ClassificationViewModel}">
<localViews:ClassificationView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type localViewModels:SubstanceViewModel}">
<localViews:SubstanceView />
Here's the code for SubstanceTabsViewModel.cs which controls the second level tabs, the setter for the selectedTab controls some logic which asks the user about changing from an unsaved tab:
private IViewModel selectedTab;
public IViewModel SelectedTab
return selectedTab;
MessageBoxResult rsltMessageBox = MessageBoxResult.Yes;
if (selectedTab != null && selectedTab.SaveNeeded() && selectedTab.Id != 0 && value != null && selectedTab is ClassificationViewModel)
rsltMessageBox = notifyUserService.Ask("Bedömning är ändrad men ej sparad vill du verkligen lämna fliken?", "Bedömning ändrad");
if (rsltMessageBox == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
selectedTab = value;
private ObservableCollection<IViewModel> tabs;
public ObservableCollection<IViewModel> Tabs
return tabs;
tabs = value;
Some things my investigations have resulted in: If I don't do the notifyUserService call (which results in a, there is no problem, only one tab is selected. If I look at the SelectedItem of the TabControl, it is only one item, the item it "should" be in my situation.
I finally found someone else having a similar problem, as described here**, "Displaying a message box causes a nested message pump; which means that almost all processing resumes. Of course, we are in the middle of trying to change the selected item, so this can cause all sorts of out-of-order or reentrancy problems. This class of problems is difficult to fix, and we are not going to be able to fix this in our next release." So the problem was with using MessageBox:es in the selectedItem setter.
I guess using some clever workaround is the appropriate solution in this case.
** Update March 2022
The URL referenced by the original post is no longer valid. The content can now be found here: WPF TabControl bug

Conditional styling of an element in XAML

I am building a Windows phone 8 app that has a view model property of:
public bool IsReply {get; set;}
In my xaml code, I would like to distinguish two cases:
<Grid Margin="0,0,0,0">
<Grid Margin="40,0,0,0">
Basically, I would like to style the Grid element depending on the value of IsReply. I know that in WPF Style.Triggers exists, but apparently not in WP.
The solution I have right now is to have a duplicate copy of the entire grid code and set the visibility of each to a data converter. However, I feel this should be simpler to do.
The easiest way is to use a Style with Triggers:
<Style TargetType="Grid">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="40 0 0 0"/>
<DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsReply}" Value="True">
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="0 0 0 0"/>
You can bind the margin of the grid in your MVVM
<Grid Margin="{Binding margin}">
In your model
margin = new Thickness("0,0,0,0");
margin = new Thickness("40,0,0,0");
No need to create separate grids.
You can use DataTrigger, but you have to add these two references (right click on References in your project and AddReference/Assemblies/Extensions/ ... ).
Binding="{Binding Path=IsReply}"
Value="0" />
Binding="{Binding Path=IsReply}"
Value="40,0,0,0" />

MouseOver trigger doesn`t work after programmatically set Foreground

I'm new to WPF, but searching internet for some days I couldn't figure out my problem.
After I programmatically change Foreground property, IsMouseOver trigger doesn't work. Please be tolerant and thank in advance :)
<Style x:Key="ZizaMenuItem" TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Setter Property="SnapsToDevicePixels" Value="True" />
<Setter Property="VerticalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
<Setter Property="HorizontalContentAlignment" Value="Center"/>
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="5,0,5,0"/>
<Setter Property="Height" Value="30"/>
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Button}">
<Label FontSize="14" Content="{TemplateBinding Content}" Name="ZizaMenuItemText" />
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter TargetName="ZizaMenuItemText" Property="Foreground" Value="#ff0000"/>
<StackPanel Height="30" Name="ZizaMenu" Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,12,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Label Content="ZIZA" FontSize="11" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="Black" Height="25" Margin="20,0,10,0" />
<Button Name="ZizaMenuInteresting" Click="ZizaMenuItemClicked" Content="ИНТЕРЕСНОЕ" Style="{StaticResource ZizaMenuItem}" />
<Button Name="ZizaMenuBest" Click="ZizaMenuItemClicked" Content="ЛУЧШЕЕ" Style="{StaticResource ZizaMenuItem}" />
<Button Name="ZizaMenuAuto" Click="ZizaMenuItemClicked" Content="АВТО" Style="{StaticResource ZizaMenuItem}" />
private void ZizaMenuItemClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// get label object from template
Button zizaMenuItem = (Button)sender;
Label zizaMenuItemText = (Label)zizaMenuItem.Template.FindName("ZizaMenuItemText", zizaMenuItem);
// set Foreground color for all buttons in menu
foreach (var item in ZizaMenu.Children)
if (item is Button)
((Label)(item as Button).Template.FindName("ZizaMenuItemText", (item as Button))).Foreground = Brushes.Black;
// set desired color to clicked button label
zizaMenuItemText.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(102, 206, 245));
That is horrible code, do not mess with controls inside control templates, ever. Template.FindName is something only the control that is being templated should call internally to get its parts, and only those, everything else should be considered uncertain.
If you need to change a property template bind it, and then bind or set said property on the instance. In terms of precedence you need to make sure not to create a local value which overrides the triggers (that is what you did). You can use a Style and Setter on the Label to bind the default Foreground.
<Style TargetType="Label">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="{TemplateBinding Foreground}"/>
Now you just need to set the Foreground of the Button itself, the Trigger should still internally have precedence over that Setter.
It has to do with dependency property value precedence. Local values have higher precedence than template triggers.
For more information read this:
