Atomically reading values of fields via reflection - c#

Let's suppose I have the following C# declaration:
struct Counters
public long a;
public long b;
public long c;
Is this possible to iterate through the fields of a given instance of Counters and read their values using Interlocked.Read()? I.e.
Counters counters;
foreach (var counter in typeof(Counters).GetFields())
var value = Interlocked.Read(???);

You can't use Interlocked.Read directly, because it requires a ref argument - and you can't use the required System.Int64& type directly.
So, back to reflection:
// You can keep this static in some helper class
var method = typeof(Interlocked).GetMethod("Read", new []{ typeof(long).MakeByRefType() });
var result = (long)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { counter.GetValue(instance) });
EDIT: This doesn't work either, I botched up my testing. You're still reading a copy that wasn't produced atomically.
This will work, though:
public delegate long AtomicReadDelegate<T>(ref T instance);
public static AtomicReadDelegate<T> AtomicRead<T>(string name)
var dm = new DynamicMethod(typeof(T).Name + "``" + name + "``AtomicRead", typeof(long),
new [] { typeof(T).MakeByRefType() }, true);
var il = dm.GetILGenerator();
il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldflda, typeof(T).GetField(name));
typeof(Interlocked).GetMethod("Read", new [] { typeof(long).MakeByRefType() }));
return (AtomicReadDelegate<T>)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(AtomicReadDelegate<T>));
private readonly AtomicReadDelegate<Counters>[] _allTheReads =
new []
public static void SomeTest(ref Counters counters)
foreach (var fieldRead in _allTheReads)
var value = fieldRead(ref counters);
You might want to cache the delegates you get from AtomicRead - they can be reused safely. A simple concurrent dictionary will work just fine.
Don't forget that this only supports longs; you'll need to use Interlocked.CompareExchange if you need to atomically read other types as well (apart from references and ints, of course - though depending on your code, you might need some memory barriers even in that case).

Values for instance fields are per object, so you need to take the value for a particular object.
Counters counter1 = new Counter() { a = 40; b = 50; c = 60; }
Type counterType = counter1.GetType();
foreach (var field in counterType.GetFields())
var value = Interlocked.Read(field.GetValue(counter1));
In this case we get values for the fields of counter1 and not any other struct instance.

If you really need an atomic long, then it's better to use library (which is available via NuGet).
If you need just read values of struct passed in your thread, then it's safe to read, since it's passed by value. But if it's passed by reference or if you work with unsafe/native code, then it's better to say what exactly you want to achieve.


Why the tuple-type list element's value cannot be modified?

In C# 8.0, I can modify the value inside a tuple directly by accessing the field name:
(string name, int score) student = ("Tom", 100); = "Jack";
And I can modify the list element's property as follow:
var list = new List<Student>(); // assume I have a Student class which has a Name property
list.Add(new Student { Name = "Tom" });
list[0].Name = "Jack";
But why can't I modify the tuple-type element's value like this?
var list = new List<(string name, int score)>();
list.Add(("Tom", 100));
list[0].name = "Jack"; // Error!
A tuple (ValueTuple) is a struct. Rather than returning a reference to the value as is the case with your Student example, you would actually recieve a copy of the tuple.
Changes to that copy wouldn't be reflected in the list and would be discarded. The compiler is smart enough to recognize this and stops you from doing it.
If it did compile, it would be to something similar to the following:
var list = new List<(string name, int score)>(); list.Add(("Tom", 100));
var copy = list[0]; = "Jack";
Console.WriteLine(; // Jack
Console.WriteLine(list[0].name); // still Tom
Mutable structs can be dangerous if you don't use them properly. The compiler is simply doing its job.
You can work around this with the following:
var list = new List<(string name, int score)>(); list.Add(("Tom", 100));
var copy = list[0]; = "Jack";
list[0] = copy; // put it back
Console.WriteLine(; // Jack
Console.WriteLine(list[0].name); // Jack
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If you use an array (string, int)[] instead of a List<(string, int)>, this isn't a problem due to the way array element access works:
var arr = new (string name, int score) [] { ( "Tom", 10 ) };
arr[0].name = "Jack";
Console.WriteLine(arr[0].name); // Jack
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This behavior is not unique to List or your tuple type. You'll experience this issue with any collection where the element is a Value Type (unless of course they offer a ref element accessor).
Note that there are similar issues when having a readonly field of a mutable value type that mutates via method calls. This can be much more insidious as no error or warning is emitted:
struct MutableStruct {
public int Val;
public void Mutate(int newVal) {
Val = newVal;
class Test {
private readonly MutableStruct msReadonly;
private MutableStruct msNormal;
public Test() {
msNormal = msReadonly = new MutableStruct(){ Val=5 };
public void MutateReadonly() {
Console.WriteLine(msReadonly.Val); // 5
msReadonly.Mutate(66); // defensive copy!
Console.WriteLine(msReadonly.Val); // still 5!!!
public void MutateNormal() {
Console.WriteLine(msNormal.Val); // 5
Console.WriteLine(msNormal.Val); // 66
new Test().MutateReadonly();
new Test().MutateNormal();
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ValueTuple is a great addition to the framework and language. But there's a reason you'll often hear that [Mutable] structs are evil. In the majority of cases you shouldn't hit these restrictions. If you find yourself falling into this pattern a lot, I suggest moving over to a record, which is a reference type (thus not suffering these issues) and can be reduced to a tuple-like syntax.
Mutable value types are evil, it's hard to see why this prints "Tom" not "Jack":
(string name, int score) student = ("Tom", 100);
(string name, int score) student2 = student; = "Jack";
The reason is that you always create a copy. Because it's not obvious you should avoid mutable value types. To avoid that people will fall into that trap the compiler just allows to modify the object directly via properties(like above). But if you try to do it via a method call you get a compiler error "Cannot modify the return value of ... because it is not a variable".
So this is not allowed:
list[0].name = "Jack";
It would create a new copy of the ValueTuple, assigns a value but doesn't use or store it anywhere.
This compiles because you assign it to a new variable and modify it via property:
(string name, int score) x = list[0]; = "Jack"; // Compiles
So it compiles but gives you again a suprising result:
Console.WriteLine(list[0]); // Tom
Read more about it here: Do Not Define Mutable Value Types

In C#, how can I create a value type variable at runtime?

I am attempting to implement a method like:
(Func<T> getFn, Action<T> setFn) MakePair<T>(T initialVal) {
It will return two runtime generated lambdas that get and set a dynamically created variable using Expression trees to create the code.
My current solution is to dynamically create an array of the type with one element, and reference that:
(Func<T> getFn, Action<T> setFn) MakePair<T>(T initialVal) {
var dynvar = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(T), 1);
Expression<Func<Array>> f = () => dynvar;
var dynref = Expression.Convert(f.Body, typeof(T).MakeArrayType());
var e0 = Expression.Constant(0);
var getBody = Expression.ArrayIndex(dynref, e0);
var setParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
var setBody = Expression.Assign(Expression.ArrayAccess(dynref, e0), setParam);
var getFn = Expression.Lambda<Func<T>>(getBody).Compile();
var setFn = Expression.Lambda<Action<T>>(setBody, setParam).Compile();
return (getFn, setFn);
Is there a better way to create what may be a value type variable at runtime that can be read/written to than using an array?
Is there a better way to reference the runtime created array other than using a lambda to create the (field?) reference for use in the ArrayIndex/ArrayAccess method calls?
Excessive Background Info
For those that wonder, ultimately this came up in an attempt to create something like Perl auto-virification of lvalues for Perl hashes.
Imagine you have a List<T> with duplicate elements and want to create a Dictionary<T,int> that allows you to look up the count for each unique T in the list. You can use a few lines of code to count (in this case T is int):
var countDict = new Dictionary<int, int>();
foreach (var n in testarray) {
countDict.TryGetValue(n, out int c);
countDict[n] = c + 1;
But I want to do this with LINQ, and I want to avoid double-indexing countDict (interestingly, ConcurrentDictionary has AddOrUpdate for this purpose) so I use Aggregate:
var countDict = testarray.Aggregate(new Dictionary<int,int>(), (d, n) => { ++d[n]; return d; });
But this has a couple of issues. First, Dictionary won't create a value for a missing value, so you need a new type of Dictionary that auto-creates missing values using e.g. a seed lambda:
var countDict = testarray.Aggregate(new SeedDictionary<int, Ref<int>>(() => Ref.Of(() => 0)), (d, n) => { var r = d[n]; ++r.Value; return d; });
But you still have the lvalue problem, so you replace the plain int counter with a Ref class. Unfortunately, C# can't create a C++ first class Ref class, but using one based around auto-creating a setter lambda from a getter lambda (using expression trees) is close enough. (Unfortunately C# still won't accept ++d[n].Value; even though it should be valid, so you have to create a temporary.)
But now you have the problem of creating multiple runtime integer variables to hold the counts. I extended the Ref<> class to take a lambda that returns a constant (ConstantExpression) and create a runtime variable and build a getter and setter with the constant being the initial value.
I agree with some of the question commenters that expression trees seem unnecessary, so here is a simple implementation of the shown API without them:
struct Box<T> {
public T Value;
(Func<T> getFn, Action<T> setFn) MakePair<T>(T initialVal) {
var box = new Box<T> { Value = initialVal };
return (() => box.Value, v => box.Value = v);
As an answer to the stated question (how to define dynref without a lambda), then, is there something wrong with the following modifications to dynvar and dynref?
var dynvar = new T[] { initialVal };
var dynref = Expression.Constant(dynvar);

Deep copying a Func within an object in C#

I am building a list of unit tests, which are organised as a list of objects, each of which contain the test method to be executed as a Func. Each object has a variable which is within scope of the Func and is used by it. The variable is not passed in as a parameter.
Iterating over the list and running all the tests runs fine, but is is possible to copy a Func from one object, -breaking the reference to that object-, and assign it to a new object? I assume this is possible somehow by creating a Deep Copy, but my attempt using BinaryFormatter has not worked, any tips would be appreciated!
I have a simplified forms application as follows to illustrate my problem:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing; using
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication4 {
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
public static object DeepClone(object obj)
object objResult = null;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(ms, obj);
ms.Position = 0;
objResult = bf.Deserialize(ms);
return objResult;
public class POCOwithFunc {
public POCOwithFunc(Func<string> myfunc)
mqi = myfunc;
public POCOwithFunc() { }
public Func<string> mqi;
public object parm;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<POCOwithFunc> testList = new List<POCOwithFunc>();
for (int x = 0; x < 5; x++)
var pc = new POCOwithFunc();
pc.parm = x;
pc.mqi = delegate()
var rrq = pc.parm;
return "result: " + pc.parm;
String output = "";
foreach (var test in testList)
output += test.mqi() + "\r\n";
//result: 0
//result: 1
//result: 2
//result: 3
//result: 4
var pocoToBeCopied = testList[2];
var newpoco = new POCOwithFunc();
newpoco.parm = 10;
newpoco.mqi = pocoToBeCopied.mqi;
var res = newpoco.mqi(); //returns 2
newpoco = (POCOwithFunc)DeepClone(pocoToBeCopied); //fails
} }
This is the first time I'm hearing about deep copy a delegate (which would not work, as the delegate (Func is type of delegate) contain reference to its closure (its environment, which contain any variable that that delegate is using).
I would suggest to change the parameter itself, or, to send it as a parameter (there is a delegate type for it too: Func<object, string >).
(and, I think you should think about redesign the whole thing :-/)
7 years later...
So I had encountered pretty much the same problem, also when writing tests (basically, I had a delegate that captured a lot of info from different parts of the program, and at the end of the program displayed it in a elaborate, error-prone way. I wanted to check that in all cases where captured variable turns to null/other weird values, the delegate handles it gracefully). I had a general idea that "no you can't" isn't completely true, so here goes.
Closures: compiler generates a class that contains references to all
"captured" variables. This class can be accessed and edited via
reflection, thus "redirecting" the closure to point to another
Delegate target can also be edited via reflection.
To "deep copy" a delegate within an object you need to change
delegates' Target and (if needed) redirect any fields that point to
original object.
Long version:
Turned out, there is two questions here: first (and the one that was more important for me) - redirecting closures. When compiler detects a delegate that forms a closure that is moved beyond the current scope, a class is generated. This class contains references to the objects that were "captured", so that they don't get garbage collected despite being out of scope. (Also, turned out, the fields of this class are helpfully called by the name of variable that got captured.) You can see the generated class with Reflection:
<!-- language: csharp -->
public static void PrintClass(System.Delegate f)
var compilerGeneratedType = f.Target.GetType();
var fields = compilerGeneratedType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Console.WriteLine(compilerGeneratedType.Name + " has fields:");
foreach (var field in fields)
Console.WriteLine(field.FieldType + "\t" + field.Name);
and the output when used on a classic closure example:
Action a = () => { };
for (int index = 0; index != 3; index++)
a += () => { Console.Write(index + " "); };
a(); //output: 3 3 3
output of PrintClass function:
<>c__DisplayClass0_1 has fields: System.Int32 index
Modifying that closure can be done with reflection, like that:
static System.Delegate RedirectClosure(System.Delegate f, object newTarget, string originalVariableName)
System.Delegate result = (System.Delegate)f.Clone();
var compilerGeneratedType = f.Target.GetType();
var fields = compilerGeneratedType.GetFields();
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.FieldType == newTarget.GetType() && field.Name == originalVariableName)
field.SetValue(result.Target, newTarget);
return result;
Using that earlier example:
Action a = () => { };
for (int index = 0; index != 3; index++)
a += () => { Console.Write(index + " "); };
a(); //output: 3 3 3
int j = 42;
RedirectClosure(a, (object)j, "index");
a(); //output: 42 42 42
Now for this specific example (delegate is inside a class, and it captured a field of this same class), second problem: the delegate's Target also needs to be changed. For this I modified the copying function to also redirect delegate's target. (Using .Clone() on delegate or straight-up copying it has the side effect: if I copy delegate from source to destination and modify only its "captured object" field to point to second destination - source delegate also starts pointing there. I guess they still share a reference to same Target.) Modified function (copies the delegate and redirects to new object):
static System.Delegate CopyDelegateAndRedirectClosure<T1>(System.Delegate f, T1 originalTarget, T1 newTarget)
System.Delegate result = (System.Delegate)f.Clone();
// I bet there is a better way to get a copy then this =(
var serialized = JsonSerializer.Serialize(result.Target);
var deserialized = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(serialized, result.Target.GetType());
var targetField = result.GetType().GetField("_target", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var compilerGeneratedType = f.Target.GetType();
var fields = compilerGeneratedType.GetFields();
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.FieldType == originalTarget.GetType() && field.GetValue(f.Target) == (object)originalTarget)
field.SetValue(result.Target, newTarget);
return result;
And here is an example of using it on the same situation the original poster had.
Test class:
class A
public int param;
public Func<int> del;
"Deep copying" the delegate from one instance to another:
var destination = new A { param = 10 };
var source = new A { param = 2 };
source.del = () => { return source.param + 100; };
Console.WriteLine($"source: param = {source.param}, del() result = {source.del()}");
// output:
// source: param = 2, del() result = 102
destination.del = (System.Func<int>)CopyDelegateAndRedirectClosure(source.del, source, destination);
Console.WriteLine($"destination: param = {destination.param}, del() result = {destination.del()}");
Console.WriteLine($"source: param = {source.param}, del() result = {source.del()}");
// output:
// destination: destination: param = 10, del() result = 110
// source: param = 2, del() result = 102
So there it is: copied the delegate from one instance to other, and it now operates on the new instance. The old one is unaffected.
Now again to "why would one do that" - yep, better architecture would have prevented me from ever finding this question. However, this did allow me to write a test replacing all captured variables of a specific type with "broken" value, and "bad architecture + tests" is better then "bad architecture + no tests".

Call function in dynamic linq

I'm trying to call a function in a dynamic linq select statement, but im getting error:
No property or field 'A' exists in type 'Tuple2'
Example code:
void Main()
var a = new Tuple<int, int>(1,1);
var b = new[]{ a };
var q = b.AsQueryable().Select("A.Test(it.Item1)");
public static class A
public static int Test(int i)
return i++;
How should I change my code to get this working?
If I call built in function Convert.ToInt32 for example it works fine.
var q = b.AsQueryable().Select("Convert.ToInt32(it.Item1)");
Also how do I cast a property using dynamic linq?
var q = b.AsQueryable().Select("((float)it.Item1)");
I'll say that the dynamic-linq isn't "strong enough" to do these things. It looks for methods only in the given objects and some special classes: Math, Convert, the various base types (int, float, string, ...), Guid, Timespan, DateTime
The list of these types is clearly visible if you use ilspy/reflector on the file. They are in System.Linq.Dynamic.ExpressionParser.predefinedTypes .
Now, clearly I could be wrong, but this works: .Select("Guid.NewGuid().ToString()").Cast<string>().ToArray()
showing that it's quite probable that that is the "correct" list.
There is an article here on how to modify Dynamic LINQ if you are interested
Now, an intelligent man would take the source of dynamic linq and simply expand that array... But here there aren't intelligent men... There are only programmers that want blood! Blood but especially innards!
var type = typeof(DynamicQueryable).Assembly.GetType("System.Linq.Dynamic.ExpressionParser");
FieldInfo field = type.GetField("predefinedTypes", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
Type[] predefinedTypes = (Type[])field.GetValue(null);
Array.Resize(ref predefinedTypes, predefinedTypes.Length + 1);
predefinedTypes[predefinedTypes.Length - 1] = typeof(A); // Your type
field.SetValue(null, predefinedTypes);
Do this (with the types you want) BEFORE the first call to Dynamic Linq (because after the first call the methods/properties of these types are cached)
Explanation: we use reflection to add our object(s) to this "special list".
I know there is already an accepted answer on this but it did not work for me. I am using Dynamic Linq 1.1.4. I wanted to do a query like this
$.GetNewestRisk() == null
Where GetNewestRisk() is a public method on the object represented by $. I kept getting this error "Error running query, Methods on type 'Patient' are not accessible (at index 2)".
I found in the source code there is a GlobalConfig object that allows a custom provider to be assigned which will hold all of the types you may want to work with. Here is the source code for the custom provider:
public class CustomTypeProvider: IDynamicLinkCustomTypeProvider
public HashSet<Type> GetCustomTypes()
HashSet<Type> types = new HashSet<Type>();
return types;
Here is how I am using it:
System.Linq.Dynamic.GlobalConfig.CustomTypeProvider = new CustomType();
After making this call I am able to call methods on the objects inside of the expression.
#xanatos answer doesn't work for .Net Core version. So I've found something similar related by #Kent on the System.Dynamic.Linq.Core tests DynamicExpressionParserTests written by the library's author himself.
The given TestCustomTypeProviderClass allows you to use the DynamicLinqType class annotation which is pretty usefull for this problem.
To answer to question, you then just needed to defined the class (ensure to annotate with DynamicLinqType) :
public static class A
public static int Test(int i)
return i++;
Add a customTypeProvider as mentioned above :
private class TestCustomTypeProvider : AbstractDynamicLinqCustomTypeProvider, IDynamicLinkCustomTypeProvider
private HashSet<Type> _customTypes;
public virtual HashSet<Type> GetCustomTypes()
if (_customTypes != null)
return _customTypes;
_customTypes = new HashSet<Type>(FindTypesMarkedWithDynamicLinqTypeAttribute(new[] { GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly }));
return _customTypes;
and use a ParsingConfig with the configurable Select to call it :
var config = new ParsingConfig
CustomTypeProvider = new TestCustomTypeProvider()
var q = b.AsQueryable().Select(config, "A.Test(it.Item1)");
#Armand has put together a brilliant solution for this issue, and being the only solution I was able to find regarding this I want to add to it for anyone who tries the same approach.
The class that is marked with...
... must be taken into consideration when you run the following line:
FindTypesMarkedWithDynamicLinqTypeAttribute(new[] { GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly })
In the solution provided above, this assumes the class that contains the function to be evaluated is on the same class the code currently resides in. If the methods are to be used outside of said class, the assembly will need to change.
FindTypesMarkedWithDynamicLinqTypeAttribute(new[] { typeof(AnotherClassName).Assembly })
Nothing changes from the solution above, this is just for clarification for anyone attempting to use it.
As regards the current version (1.2.19) of Dynamic LINQ, you will probably get another exception:
System.Linq.Dynamic.Core.Exceptions.ParseException : Enum value 'Test' is not defined in enum type 'A'
To make DLINQ know your type 'A', you have two options:
Set up parsing config with your own custom types provider where you directly specify the type 'A'.
Mark your type with the attribute [DynamicLinqType]. If that type is loaded into the current domain (that's the usual case), you don't have to do anything more since the default custom type provider already scans the current AppDomain for types marked with [DynamicLinqType]. And only if that's not the case, i.e. your type is not loaded into the current domain, you have to do something like in that answer.
What if you would like to use both approaches - the first for type 'A' and the second for type 'B'? In that case, you just have to "merge" your type 'A' with the default provider types:
public class DynamicLinqTests
public void Test()
var a = new Tuple<int, int>(1, 1);
var b = new[] { a };
var parsingConfig = new ParsingConfig
ResolveTypesBySimpleName = true,
CustomTypeProvider = new TestCustomTypesProvider()
var queryWithA = b.AsQueryable().Select(parsingConfig, "A.Test(it.Item1)");
var queryWithB = b.AsQueryable().Select(parsingConfig, "B.Test(it.Item1)");
public static class A
public static int Test(int i)
return i++;
public static class B
public static int Test(int i)
return i++;
public class TestCustomTypesProvider : DefaultDynamicLinqCustomTypeProvider
public override HashSet<Type> GetCustomTypes()
var customTypes = base.GetCustomTypes();
return customTypes;
I may be confused but your syntax whereby you are using a string in your Selects doesn't compile for me. The following syntax works:
var q = b.AsQueryable().Select(it => A.Test(it.Item1));
var b = new[]{ a };
The above array is don't know what type of array , and it's not type safe ?
Your values are assigned in variant data type so it's not integer value (I think string value) ,when you get this values in your query must need to convert.toint32() because your class parameter data type is integer
Please try it
var b = new **int**[]{ a };
instead of var b = new[]{ a };
The important hint is here (in bold):
No property or field 'xxx' exists in **type** 'xxx'
And Please look this for previous discussion :
Dynamic Linq - no property or field exists in type 'datarow'
The following works for me:
var a = new Tuple<int, int>(1, 1);
var b = new[] { a };
var q = b.AsQueryable().Select(it=>A.Test(it.Item1));
var q1 = b.AsQueryable().Select(it => Convert.ToInt32(it.Item1));
var q2 = b.AsQueryable().Select(it => (float) it.Item1);

C# using reflection to create a struct

I am currently writing some code to save general objects to XML using reflection in c#.
The problem is when reading the XML back in some of the objects are structs and I can't work out how to initialise the struct. For a class I can use
ConstructorInfo constructor = SomeClass.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes);
however, for a struct, there is no constructor which takes no parameters so the above code sets constructor to null. I also tried
but this throws a memberaccessexception. Google gives no promising hits. Any help would be appreciated.
If the values are structs, they're likely to be immutable - so you don't want to call a parameterless constructor, but the one which takes the appropriate values as constructor arguments.
If the structs aren't immutable, then run away from them as fast as possible, if you can... but if you absolutely have to do this, then use Activator.CreateInstance(SomeClass). You'll have to be very careful when you use reflection to set properties or fields on the value type though - without that care, you'll end up creating a copy, changing the value on that copy, and then throwing it away. I suspect that if you work with a boxed version throughout, you'll be okay:
using System;
// Mutable structs - just say no...
public struct Foo
public string Text { get; set; }
public class Test
static void Main()
Type type = typeof(Foo);
object value = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
var property = type.GetProperty("Text");
property.SetValue(value, "hello", null);
Foo foo = (Foo) value;
CreateInstance will not help you with structs with no explicitly defined constructors.
FormatterServices.GetUninitializedObject(Type type);
This does the trick with blank structs.
Just to add - with immutable structs, you are likely to have to do parameter matching to the constructor. Unfortunately this is tricky when there can be multiple constructs, and especially since some types have a separate static "Create" method instead of a public constructor. But assuming you've done the matching, you can still use Activator.CreateInstance:
Type type = typeof(Padding); // just an example
object[] args = new object[] {1,2,3,4};
object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, args);
However - the code to pick a constructor (the above has 3...) isn't easy. You could say "pick the most complex" and then attempt to match parameter names to property names (case insensitive)...
A naïve example:
static void Main() {
Dictionary<string, object> propertyBag =
new Dictionary<string, object>();
// these are the values from your xml
propertyBag["Left"] = 1;
propertyBag["Top"] = 2;
propertyBag["Right"] = 3;
propertyBag["Bottom"] = 4;
// the type to create
Type type = typeof(Padding);
object obj = CreateObject(type, propertyBag);
static object CreateObject(Type type, IDictionary<string,object> propertyBag)
ConstructorInfo[] ctors = type.GetConstructors();
// clone the property bag and make it case insensitive
propertyBag = new Dictionary<string, object>(
propertyBag, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
ConstructorInfo bestCtor = null;
ParameterInfo[] bestParams = null;
for (int i = 0; i < ctors.Length; i++)
ParameterInfo[] ctorParams = ctors[i].GetParameters();
if (bestCtor == null || ctorParams.Length > bestParams.Length)
bestCtor = ctors[i];
bestParams = ctorParams;
if (bestCtor == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot create - no constructor");
object[] args = new object[bestParams.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < bestParams.Length; i++)
args[i] = propertyBag[bestParams[i].Name];
object obj = bestCtor.Invoke(args);
// TODO: if we wanted, we could apply any unused keys in propertyBag
// at this point via properties
return obj;
