An existing system generated signatures using Bouncy Castle (.NET) and I need to verify these existing signatures using the Microsoft ECDsaCng class.
Consider the following code that attempts to do this:
public static void InterchangeTest()
//AsymmetricCipherKeyPair bKeyPair_0 = Crypto.GenerateEcdsaKey();
String sPassPhrase = "bob is your uncle";
byte[] bPassPhrase = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(sPassPhrase);
int SaltBitSize = 128;
int EcdsaBitLength = 521;
byte[] bSalt = new byte[SaltBitSize / 8];
new SecureRandom().NextBytes(bSalt);
if (EcdsaBitLength != 192 && EcdsaBitLength != 256 && EcdsaBitLength != 521)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid EcdsaBitLength length () " + EcdsaBitLength + " ECDSA supports 192, 256, and 521 bit lengths.");
string curveName = "P-" + EcdsaBitLength.ToString();
X9ECParameters ecP = NistNamedCurves.GetByName(curveName);
ECDomainParameters ecSpec = new ECDomainParameters(ecP.Curve, ecP.G, ecP.N, ecP.H, ecP.GetSeed());
IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator g = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("ECDH");
g.Init(new ECKeyGenerationParameters(ecSpec, new SecureRandom()));
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair aKeyPair = g.GenerateKeyPair();
ECPrivateKeyParameters mPrivateKey = (ECPrivateKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Private;
ECPublicKeyParameters mPublicKey = (ECPublicKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Public;
byte[] bPrivateKey = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Private).D.ToByteArray();
String SignerName = "SHA-256withECDSA";
ISigner bSigner = SignerUtilities.GetSigner(SignerName);
bSigner.Init(true, aKeyPair.Private);
bSigner.BlockUpdate(bPassPhrase, 0, bPassPhrase.Length);
byte[] bouncySignature = bSigner.GenerateSignature();
ISigner bVerifier = SignerUtilities.GetSigner(SignerName);
bVerifier.Init(false, aKeyPair.Public);
bVerifier.BlockUpdate(bPassPhrase, 0, bPassPhrase.Length);
bool passed = bVerifier.VerifySignature(bouncySignature);
Console.WriteLine("Verified with Bouncy: " + passed);
var xmlImport = "<ECDSAKeyValue xmlns=''>\n"
+ " <DomainParameters>\n"
+ " <NamedCurve URN='urn:oid:' />\n"
+ " </DomainParameters >\n"
+ " <PublicKey >\n"
+ " <X Value='" + ((ECPublicKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Public).Q.X.ToBigInteger().ToString() + "' xsi:type='PrimeFieldElemType' xmlns:xsi='' />\n"
+ " <Y Value='" + ((ECPublicKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Public).Q.Y.ToBigInteger().ToString() + "' xsi:type='PrimeFieldElemType' xmlns:xsi='' />\n"
+ " </PublicKey >\n"
+ " </ECDSAKeyValue>";
//using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(#"C:\Dev\x2.txt"))
// outputFile.WriteLine(xmlImport);
ECDsaCng eccImporter = new ECDsaCng();
eccImporter.FromXmlString(xmlImport, ECKeyXmlFormat.Rfc4050);
Console.WriteLine("hash algorithm = " + eccImporter.HashAlgorithm + " Probably " + CngAlgorithm.Sha256);
Console.WriteLine("Signature algorithm = " + eccImporter.SignatureAlgorithm + " Probably ECDsa");
Console.WriteLine("After import, key size = " + eccImporter.KeySize + " probably 521");
if (eccImporter.VerifyData(bPassPhrase, bouncySignature))
Console.WriteLine("Verified the signature from bouncy castle using .NET");
catch (CryptographicException e)
// "The parameter is incorrect"
Console.WriteLine("Did not verify bouncy signature with .NET because: " + e.Message);
CngKey msKey = CngKey.Create(CngAlgorithm.ECDsaP521, null, new CngKeyCreationParameters { ExportPolicy = CngExportPolicies.AllowPlaintextArchiving });
ECDsaCng ms_ecdsaCNG = new ECDsaCng(msKey);
String xmlExport = ms_ecdsaCNG.ToXmlString(ECKeyXmlFormat.Rfc4050);
eccImporter = new ECDsaCng();
eccImporter.FromXmlString(xmlExport, ECKeyXmlFormat.Rfc4050);
byte[] ms_SignedData = ms_ecdsaCNG.SignData(bPassPhrase);
Console.WriteLine("Verify .NET signature with .NET: " + ms_ecdsaCNG.VerifyData(bPassPhrase, ms_SignedData));
Console.WriteLine("Verify .NET signature with imported .NET: " + eccImporter.VerifyData(bPassPhrase, ms_SignedData));
Everything works fine until I attempt to verify the signature in with the Microsoft classes, at which point it generates an exception stating that the Parameter is incorrect.
any thoughts?
Maarten Bodewes is correct. My problem is that the signature is encoded using BouncyCastly using ASN.1/DER format. MS uses an smaller format (I think that it is IEEE P-1393). So, I wrote this little routine in C# to transform the signatures.
public static byte[] ConvertDerToP1393(byte[] data)
byte[] b = new byte[132];
int totalLength = data[1];
int n = 0;
int offset = 4;
int thisLength = data[offset++];
if (data[offset] == 0) {
// Negative number!
for (int i= thisLength; i < 66; ++i) {
b[n++] = 0;
if (thisLength > 66) {
System.Console.WriteLine("BAD, first number is too big! " + thisLength);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < thisLength; ++i) {
b[n++] = data[offset++];
thisLength = data[offset++];
for (int i = thisLength; i < 66; ++i){
b[n++] = 0;
if (thisLength > 66) {
System.Console.WriteLine("BAD, second number is too big! " + thisLength);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < thisLength; ++i) {
b[n++] = data[offset++];
return b;
Although I have done only limited testing, the code has worked with my tests.
I convert private Key to public, with VB:
Dim Point As Org.BouncyCastle.Math.EC.ECPoint = PrivateKey.Parameters.G.Multiply(PrivateKey.D)
Dim ToPublic = New Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters.ECPublicKeyParameters(PrivateKey.AlgorithmName, Point, PrivateKey.PublicKeyParamSet)
I have send a valid hex format data to ( NETS Terminal Ingenico ) using IP and port.
But I received a response (NACK - "\u0015" ),its should come response (ACK - "\u0006")
Sample request send : 0200184e455453303931353038313335353031301C033D
Sample text explain in below.
STX : 02 ,
COUNT :0018 ,
ECN : 4e4554533039313530383133 ,
RFU : 30 ,
ETX : 03 ,
LRC : 3D
I am not sure issue in code are data sending format.
if (txtECN.Text == "Auto" || txtECN.Text == "")
txtECN.Text = "NETS" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddhhmm");
//Message Header Header
var hex_txtECN = GetHex(txtECN.Text);
var hex_txtFuctionCode = GetHex(txtFuctionCode.Text);
var hex_txtVersionCode = GetHex(txtVersionCode.Text);
var hex_txtRFU = GetHex(txtRFU.Text);
var hex_txtSeparator = txtSeparator.Text;
var Req_Header = hex_txtECN + "|" + hex_txtFuctionCode + "|" + hex_txtVersionCode + "|" + hex_txtRFU + "|" + hex_txtSeparator;
var total_bytes = Req_Header.Replace("|", "");
var length = "00" + (total_bytes.Length) / 2;
var Message_Header = length + total_bytes;
//Message Header End
//Message Data start
var hex_txtTranTypeIndicator = GetHex(txtTranTypeIndicator.Text);
var hex_txtAmount = GetHex(txtAmount.Text);
var hex_txtCashAmount = GetHex(txtCashAmount.Text);
var hex_ECRReffNo = GetHex(ECRReffNo.Text);
var hex_txtSeparator2 = txtSeparator2.Text;
var Req_Data = hex_txtTranTypeIndicator + "|" + hex_txtAmount + "|" + hex_txtCashAmount + "|" + hex_ECRReffNo + "|" + hex_txtSeparator2;
var total_bytes1 = Req_Data.Replace("|", "");
var length1 = "00" + (total_bytes1.Length - 1);
var Message_Data = "";
if (txtTranTypeIndicator.Text != "")
var fieldCode1 = GetHex("T2");
var val1 = GetHex("02");
var len1 = "0001";
var separator1 = "1C";
var data1 = fieldCode1 + len1 + val1 + separator1;
var fieldCode2 = GetHex("T2");
var val2 = GetHex("000001");
var len2 = "0006";
var separator2 = "1C";
var data2 = fieldCode2 + len2 + val2 + separator2;
Message_Data = data1 + data2;
//Message Data send
var Message = Message_Header + Message_Data + txtETX.Text;
txtLRC.Text = LRC(Message).ToString();
var send_command = txtSTX.Text + Message + txtLRC.Text;
txtresponse.Text = txtSTX.Text + " " + length + Req_Header.Replace("|", " ") + " " + Req_Data.Replace("|", " ") + " " + txtETX.Text + " " + txtLRC.Text;
var endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 3000);
using Socket client = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
await client.ConnectAsync(endPoint);
var messageBytes = Encoding.UTF32.GetBytes(send_command);
_ = await client.SendAsync(messageBytes, SocketFlags.None);
// Receive ack.
var buffer = new byte[1024];
var received = await client.ReceiveAsync(buffer, SocketFlags.None);
var response = char.ConvertFromUtf32(received);
var UTF8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, received);
int sendTry = 0;
int ms = 0;
bool success = false;
while (true)
if (receivedACK)
success = true;
receivedACK = false;
receivedNACK = false;
if (receivedNACK)
success = false;
receivedACK = false;
receivedNACK = false;
if (ms > 1000)
ms = 0;
if (sendTry == 3)
_ = await client.SendAsync(messageBytes, SocketFlags.None);
// Receive ack.
buffer = new byte[1024];
received = await client.ReceiveAsync(buffer, SocketFlags.None);
response = char.ConvertFromUtf32(received);
UTF8 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, received);
if(response == ((char)0x06).ToString())
receivedACK = true;
else if (response == ((char)0x15).ToString())
receivedACK = false;
receivedACK = false;
catch (Exception ex)
This question already has an answer here: losing values of variables
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am running a web Form where I call a new thread on a button press to execute an Rdotnet snippet of code ( I needed the thread because the current thread kept sending stack overload errors ).
In the Rdotnet function , I have it access a global class variable and put data into it. Once the function completes and the button submit function is over I try to access that global class on another button click ( separate button ), however it is empty. I assume that the thread ends so all data in it ends to, so I tried returning the class and putting it into the global variable in the buttonclick function itself,same result.
I need help.
public partial class BTForm : Page
List<DirectorDetail> Details = new List<DirectorDetail>();
BindingList<string> Test = new BindingList<string>();
List<string> Line = new List<string>();
List<string> output = new List<string>();
WebDetails BTlibrary;
OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
List<string> Months = new List<string>();
List<string> Year = new List<string>();
BTBill Billfile = new BTBill();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
foreach (var x in Months)
foreach (var y in Year)
ListBox4.DataSource = Test;
catch(Exception x)
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread current = Thread.CurrentThread;
WebDetails BTlibrary2 =BTlibrary;
Thread t = new Thread(() => { BTlibrary2 = processes(BTlibrary2); }, 2500000);
BTlibrary = BTlibrary2;
// Thread.Sleep(10000);
public WebDetails processes(WebDetails library)
if (FileUpLoad1.HasFile)
string location = #"C:/BTBill/" + FileUpLoad1.FileName;
Billfile.Tablename = FileUpLoad1.FileName;
Billfile.Month = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.ToString();
Billfile.Year = DropDownList2.SelectedItem.ToString();
Billfile.Filename = Cleaning.PathCleaning(location);
Billfile.Limit = TextBox3.Text.ToString();
string fpath = Billfile.Month + " " + Billfile.Year + " Query " + "Limit -£ " + Billfile.Limit + "\\";
string filename = Billfile.Month + " " + Billfile.Year + " Query " + "Limit -£ " + Billfile.Limit;
Billfile.Savelocation = "//lonvmfs01/commonwealth_Data/BT BILL Alert/" + filename;
Billfile.Sfilename = "//lonvmfs01/commonwealth_Data/BT BILL Alert/" + filename;
catch (Exception x)
Error1.Text = "Please Select Month and year\nERROR : " + x;
FileUpLoad1.SaveAs(#"C:\BTBill\" + FileUpLoad1.FileName);
library = Executable.executable(Billfile);
// FileUpLoad1.
// = "File Uploaded: " + FileUpLoad1.FileName;
Label1.Text = "No File Uploaded.";
DataFrame Director = library.Director;
DataFrame bill = library.Query;
DataFrame limit = library.Btlim;
int colcount = Director.RowCount;
for (int x = 0; x < colcount; x++)
string cost_centre = Director[x, 0].ToString();
string director = Director[x, 1].ToString();
string email_address = Director[x, 2].ToString();
double total = SendMail.calculatetotal(bill, limit, cost_centre);
if (total > 0)
Line.Add(x + " )\t" + cost_centre + "\t" + director + "\t\t" + email_address + "\t" + total);
Test.Add(x + " )\t" + cost_centre + "\t" + director + "\t\t" + email_address + "\t" + total);
ListBox4.DataSource = Test;
//foreach (var x in getline().ToArray())
// {
// ListBox4.Items.Add(x);
// }
// ListBox4.DataBind();
return library;
protected void Sendmail(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataFrame Director = BTlibrary.Director;
DataFrame bill = BTlibrary.Query;
DataFrame limit = BTlibrary.Btlim;
string test;
foreach (Object selecteditem in ListBox4.GetSelectedIndices() )
test = ListBox4.Items[(int)selecteditem].Text;
test = test.Substring(0, 1);
List<int> index = new List<int>();
for (int y = 0; y < output.Count; y++)
for (int y = 0; y < index.Count; y++)
DirectorDetail temp = new DirectorDetail();
temp.cost_centre = Director[index[y], 0].ToString();
temp.director = Director[index[y], 1].ToString();
temp.email_address = Director[index[y], 2].ToString();
for (int count = 0; count < limit.RowCount; count++)
if (limit[count, 0].ToString() == temp.cost_centre)
temp.limit = limit[count, 1].ToString();
SendMail.Mailing(BTlibrary.Query, BTlibrary.Deplist, BTlibrary.Btlim, BTlibrary.Bill, Details);
//Session["Details"] = Details;
// this.Close();
private void addyear()
DateTime time = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
int baseyear = time.Year - 3;
for (int x = baseyear; x < (baseyear + 10); x++)
// returns the list of years
public List<string> getYear()
return Year;
// returns the list of months
public List<String> getMonth()
return Months;
//adds months to a list
private void addMonth()
public List<string> getline()
return Line;
public static WebDetails executable(BTBill bill)
StartupParameter rinit = new StartupParameter();
rinit.Quiet = true;
rinit.RHome = #"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4.4\";
rinit.Home = #"C:\R";
REngine engine = REngine.GetInstance(null,true,rinit);
// engine.Initialize();
//install and make connection to Postgres
// engine.Evaluate("install.packages('RPostgreSQL') \n install.packages('gridExtra')");
engine.Evaluate("require('RPostgreSQL')" + "\n" +
"pw <- {'admin'}" + "\n" +
"drv <- RPostgreSQL::PostgreSQL()" + "\n" +
"drv <- dbDriver('PostgreSQL')" +"\n"+
"con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = 'postgres'," +"\n"+
"host = 'localhost', port = 5432," +"\n"+
"user = 'postgres', password = pw)");
engine.Evaluate("postgresmfile<- dbGetQuery(con,'select * from masterfile')" + "\n" +
"Contact <- dbGetQuery(con, 'select * from contact')"+"\n"+
"btlim<- dbGetQuery(con, ' select * from bt_departmentlimit')"+"\n"+
engine.Evaluate("BTBill = read.csv(file<-'"+bill.Filename+"', header=TRUE, sep=',',skip=1)");
// building dataframes and queries
DataFrame BTBill = engine.Evaluate("BTBill").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame MasterFile = engine.Evaluate("postgresmfile").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame BTLim = engine.Evaluate("btlim").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame Contact= engine.Evaluate("Contact ").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame Query = engine.Evaluate("Merged <- merge(BTBill,postgresmfile,by.x='SERVICE.NO',by.y = 'service_number')" + "\n"+ "Merged_2 <- merge(Merged,Contact,by.x='cost_centre',by.y='cost_centre') " + "\n"+
"query <- Merged_2[c('SERVICE.NO','username','cost_centre','job_post','USAGE.CHARGES','TOTAL.COST','USAGE.START.DATE','USAGE.END.DATE','director','email_address')]").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame Merge2 = engine.Evaluate("Merged_2").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame maillist = engine.Evaluate("data.frame(query)" +"\n"+
"test <-subset(query, TOTAL.COST >= "+bill.Limit+ ", select = c(SERVICE.NO,username,cost_centre,job_post, TOTAL.COST, USAGE.START.DATE, USAGE.END.DATE,director,email_address,USAGE.CHARGES))").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame DepList = engine.Evaluate("x<-test[c('cost_centre','director','email_address')]" + "\n" +
"ux<-unique(x) ").AsDataFrame();
DataFrame DepList2=engine.Evaluate("y <-query[c('cost_centre', 'director', 'email_address')]" + "\n" +
"uy<-unique(y) ").AsDataFrame();
engine.Evaluate("dir.create(file.path('" + bill.Savelocation + "'))");
//creating pdf files for each department head
engine.Evaluate("write.csv(Merged_2, file = '" + bill.Savelocation + "/MasterFile.csv');");
for (int count = 0; count < DepList.RowCount; count++)
DataFrame temp = engine.Evaluate("data.frame(query);" +
"test2 <-subset(query, USAGE.CHARGES >= " + bill.Limit + " & cost_centre=='"+DepList[count,0]+"', select = c(SERVICE.NO,username,cost_centre,job_post, USAGE.CHARGES, USAGE.START.DATE, USAGE.END.DATE,director,email_address))").AsDataFrame();
engine.Evaluate("pdf('" + bill.Sfilename +"/"+ DepList[count, 0] + ".pdf', height=20, width=20);" );
engine.Evaluate("grid.table(test2); ;");
catch (Exception e)
SendMailForm form = new SendMailForm();
WebDetails web = new WebDetails(DepList2, Query, BTLim);
web.Deplist = DepList;
web.Bill = bill;
engine.Evaluate("write.csv(test, file = '" + bill.Savelocation + "/Users over threshold.csv')");
return web;
// form.Director=DepList2;
//form.bill = Query;
//form.limit = BTLim;
List<DirectorDetail> output = form.Details;
SendMail.Mailing(Query, DepList,BTLim, bill,output);
// to filter by department
// DataFrame maillist = engine.Evaluate("data.frame(query)" + "\n" +
// "test <-subset(query, TOTAL.COST >= " + bill.Limit + "& Cost.Centre=='"+bill.Dep+"', select = c(SERVICE.NO, User.Name, Cost.Centre, ROLE.JOB.POST, TOTAL.COST, USAGE.START.DATE, USAGE.END.DATE,DIRECTOR,EMAIL.ADDRESS))").AsDataFrame();
It seems my problem turned out to be unrelated to variable sharing through threads, but instead to deal with the way button click instances worked.
long story short, in order to share a variable between two event instances, the easiest way to do it is through Sessions.
I needed to put the BTlibrary in a session and access it in the second button click event for it to get the value saved from the previous.
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread current = Thread.CurrentThread;
WebDetails BTlibrary2 =BTlibrary;
Thread t = new Thread(() => { BTlibrary2 = processes(BTlibrary2); }, 2500000);
Session["BTLib"] = BTlibrary2;
// Thread.Sleep(10000);
protected void Sendmail(object sender, EventArgs e)
List<DirectorDetail> Details = new List<DirectorDetail>();
BTlibrary = (WebDetails) Session["BTLib"];
this worked
The first saved file name on the hard disk is: 201701311645---0 then 201701311645---1 then 201701311645---20 then 201701311645---21 then 201701311645---40 and 201701311645---41
But i want it to be saved as: 201701311645---0 then 201701311645---1 then 201701311645---2 then 201701311645---3 then 201701311645---4 and 201701311645---5
In the top i added a counter variable
private int countFilesNames = 0;
Then in a dowork event i also reset the counter to 0 once so if i start the backgroundworker over again it will start from 0.
private void bgwDownloader_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
Int32 fileNr = 0;
countFilesNames = 0;
if (this.SupportsProgress) { calculateFilesSize(); }
if (!Directory.Exists(this.LocalDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(this.LocalDirectory); }
while (fileNr < this.Files.Count && !bgwDownloader.CancellationPending)
m_fileNr = fileNr;
if (bgwDownloader.CancellationPending)
cleanUpFiles(this.DeleteCompletedFilesAfterCancel ? 0 : m_fileNr, this.DeleteCompletedFilesAfterCancel ? m_fileNr + 1 : 1);
fileNr += 1;
Then in the downloadFile method
private void downloadFile(Int32 fileNr)
FileStream writer = null;
m_currentFileSize = 0;
FileInfo file = this.Files[fileNr];
Int64 size = 0;
Byte[] readBytes = new Byte[this.PackageSize];
Int32 currentPackageSize;
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch speedTimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
Int32 readings = 0;
Exception exc = null;
writer = new FileStream(this.LocalDirectory + "\\" + file.Name +
"---" + countFilesNames + ".png", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
catch(Exception err)
string ggg = err.ToString();
HttpWebRequest webReq;
HttpWebResponse webResp = null;
webReq = (HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(this.Files[fileNr].Path);
webResp = (HttpWebResponse)webReq.GetResponse();
size = webResp.ContentLength;
catch (Exception ex) { exc = ex; }
m_currentFileSize = size;
if (exc != null)
bgwDownloader.ReportProgress((Int32)InvokeType.FileDownloadFailedRaiser, exc);
m_currentFileProgress = 0;
while (m_currentFileProgress < size && !bgwDownloader.CancellationPending)
while (this.IsPaused) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); }
currentPackageSize = webResp.GetResponseStream().Read(readBytes, 0, this.PackageSize);
m_currentFileProgress += currentPackageSize;
m_totalProgress += currentPackageSize;
writer.Write(readBytes, 0, currentPackageSize);
readings += 1;
if (readings >= this.StopWatchCyclesAmount)
m_currentSpeed = (Int32)(this.PackageSize * StopWatchCyclesAmount * 1000 / (speedTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds + 1));
readings = 0;
if (!bgwDownloader.CancellationPending) { fireEventFromBgw(Event.FileDownloadSucceeded); }
countFilesNames += 1;
I build the file name:
writer = new FileStream(this.LocalDirectory + "\\" + file.Name +
"---" + countFilesNames + ".png", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
The move the counter forward by 1:
countFilesNames += 1;
But i'm getting other files names then i wanted.
Maybe there is a better way to give the files names some identity ? The problem is that if i will not give the files names some identity it will overwrite the files all the time. The files names are the same the content is not so i need to give each file another name.
Why don't you just increment the counter only when a file is written (since the variable doesn't look like it is accessed elsewhere) and not below:
writer = new FileStream(this.LocalDirectory + "\\" + file.Name +
"---" + countFilesNames++ + ".png", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
This way the counter won't be incremented on errors.
My program reads data off of a datatable using linq queries and writes it to a local file. I have the stream and the streamwriter wrapped in using statements but I'm getting many system out of memory exceptions. Am I supposed to call the dispose method on the datatables as well in my code? That is the only solution I can think of
My code:
public static async void getTrainingData(string symbol, string market)
decimal returnPct = 0, shortRating = 0, rsi = 0, mfi = 0, williamsR = 0, macd = 0, sma20 = 0, sma50 = 0, sma200 = 0;
string path = "training.csv";
List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();
int count = 0;
using (Calculations calc = createCalcClass(symbol, market))
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write, 4096, FileOptions.Asynchronous))
using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs))
DateTime date;
var amexQuery = from c in calc.dailyAmexTable.AsEnumerable()
orderby c.Date descending
select c;
count = Convert.ToInt32(calc.dailyAmexAdapter.ScalarQuerySymbol(symbol));
for (int i = 0; i < count - 14; i++)
if (i != count - 15)
returnPct = calc.calculateReturnPercentage(amexQuery.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1).AdjustedClose, amexQuery.ElementAtOrDefault(i).AdjustedClose);
date = amexQuery.ElementAtOrDefault(i + 1).Date;
if (returnPct >= 10)
calc.calculatePctGainsLosses(14, date);
shortRating = calculateRating(calc, ratingType.short_rating, date);
rsi = calc.calculateRSI(14, date);
mfi = calc.calculateMFI(14, date);
williamsR = calc.calculateWilliamsR(14, date);
macd = calc.calculateMACDDivergence(date);
sma20 = calc.calculateReturnPercentage(calc.calculateSMA(20, date),
calc.getSpecificValues(Calculations.valueType.Most_Recent_Close, 0, date));
sma50 = calc.calculateReturnPercentage(calc.calculateSMA(50, date),
calc.getSpecificValues(Calculations.valueType.Most_Recent_Close, 0, date));
sma200 = calc.calculateReturnPercentage(calc.calculateSMA(200, date),
calc.getSpecificValues(Calculations.valueType.Most_Recent_Close, 0, date));
Task write = TextWriter.Synchronized(writer).WriteLineAsync(returnPct + "," + symbol + "," + shortRating + "," +
rsi + "," + mfi + "," + williamsR + "," + macd + "," + sma20 + "," + sma50 + "," + sma200);
// add the necessary info to the training data file
// stock rating, pct change, rsi, mfi, williams r, macd, 20 day sma, 50 day sma, 200 day sma
await writer.FlushAsync();
// wait for all tasks to complete
Console.WriteLine("Return percentages for " + symbol + " saved to training file.");
catch (Exception ex)
Example output:
im writing a code in C# that watches a folder and when a file gets created the code makes some actions and writes the results to a log file.
im having this very strange behaviour. when i file gets created in the watched folder the function that handles the change is executed twise! even if it is only one change event.
initially i used FileSystemWatcher. but i after looking it up, i saw that it has meny stability issued so i switched to MyFileSystemWatcher which is a much more stable impliminatation. but im still getting duplications in my log file. i have no idea why the code that is in chanrge for looking up the change runs twise. here is the code sample
protected void Folder_Watch(string path)
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
catch (Exception ex)
File.AppendAllText(logPath + "\\SSHErrorLog.log", "[]*******" + DateTime.Now + " Error: " + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
MyFileSystemWatcher m_Watcher = new MyFileSystemWatcher(path);
//m_Watcher.Path = path;
m_Watcher.Filter = "*.*";
m_Watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName;
m_Watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
m_Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
here is the onChange function
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
File.AppendAllText(logPath + "\\SSHConnectionLog.log", "[]*******" + DateTime.Now + " OnChanged function: " + Environment.NewLine);
// Decrypt the file.
DecryptFile(keyPath + "\\id_rsa_Encrypted", keyPath + "\\id_rsa", sSecretKey);
// Remove the Key from memory.
//PKey = new PrivateKeyFile(keyPath + "\\id_rsa");
keyResult.Text = "RSA keys Were Generated at:" + keyPath;
//ScpClient client = new ScpClient("remnux", "adi", PKey);
Chilkat.SFtp client = new Chilkat.SFtp();
string[] tempPath = e.FullPath.Split('\\');
string fullPathNew = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < tempPath.Length - 1; i++)
fullPathNew += tempPath[i];
if (Directory.Exists(fullPathNew))
File_Upload(e.FullPath, client);
File_Upload(e.FullPath, client);
catch (Exception ex)
File.AppendAllText(logPath + "\\SSHErrorLog.log", "[]*******" + DateTime.Now + " Error in OnChanged function: " + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
any help would be very much appriciated!
handled the onChange function. added time and file name to handle duplicate hits
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
string[] temp = new string[3];
string[] tempNow = new string[3];
string[] tempSeconds = new string[2];
string[] tempNowSeconds = new string[2];
int temp1 = 0;
int temp2 = 0;
changeName = e.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changeTime))
changeTime = DateTime.Now.ToString();
temp = this.changeTime.Split(':');
tempNow = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(':');
tempSeconds = temp[2].Split(' ');
tempNowSeconds = temp[2].Split(' ');
temp1 = Convert.ToInt16(tempSeconds[0]);
temp2 = Convert.ToInt16(tempNowSeconds[0]);
// Decrypt the file.
DecryptFile(keyPath + "\\id_rsa_Encrypted", keyPath + "\\id_rsa", sSecretKey);
// Remove the Key from memory.
PKey = new PrivateKeyFile(keyPath + "\\id_rsa");
keyResult.Text = "RSA keys Were Generated at:" + keyPath;
ScpClient client = new ScpClient("remnux", "adi", PKey);
string[] tempPath = e.FullPath.Split('\\');
string fullPathNew = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < tempPath.Length - 1; i++)
fullPathNew += tempPath[i];
if (Directory.Exists(fullPathNew))
File_Upload(e.FullPath, client);
File_Upload(e.FullPath, client);
catch (Exception ex)
File.AppendAllText(logPath + "\\SSHErrorLog.log", "[]*******" + DateTime.Now + " Error in OnChanged function: " + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
if (!this.changeTime.Equals(DateTime.Now.ToString()))
temp = this.changeTime.Split(':');
tempNow = DateTime.Now.ToString().Split(':');
tempSeconds = temp[2].Split(' ');
tempNowSeconds = temp[2].Split(' ');
temp1 = Convert.ToInt16(tempSeconds[0]);
temp2 = Convert.ToInt16(tempNowSeconds[0]);
if (temp[2] != tempNow[2])
if ((temp1 < temp2 + 10 || temp1 > temp2 +40) && e.Name != changeName)
// Decrypt the file.
DecryptFile(keyPath + "\\id_rsa_Encrypted", keyPath + "\\id_rsa", sSecretKey);
// Remove the Key from memory.
PKey = new PrivateKeyFile(keyPath + "\\id_rsa");
keyResult.Text = "RSA keys Were Generated at:" + keyPath;
ScpClient client = new ScpClient("remnux", "adi", PKey);
string[] tempPath = e.FullPath.Split('\\');
string fullPathNew = string.Empty;
for (int i = 0; i < tempPath.Length - 1; i++)
fullPathNew += tempPath[i];
if (Directory.Exists(fullPathNew))
File_Upload(e.FullPath, client);
File_Upload(e.FullPath, client);
catch (Exception ex)
File.AppendAllText(logPath + "\\SSHErrorLog.log", "[]*******" + DateTime.Now + " Error in OnChanged function(second if): " + ex.Message.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);