Localizing Xamarin Forms - c#

I am trying to localize a Xamarin Forms app. I followed all the steps included here: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/localization/
However, in the Android Emulator, after changing the default language, the strings do not get displayed, they remain the default language. On the device the app doesn't even launch.
Steps taken so far:
1) tried breakpoint (BP) in the main launcher, it skipped the BP and entered the main page
2) tried BP on the Localize class, it doesn't reach it
3) tried BP on the Device.OS check, skips it.
The resource files in Visual Studio are the following:
Anyone ever succeeded localizing a Xamarin Forms app before ? I need some assistance with this as Visual Studio does not raise any exception ...
The resource files in Visual Studio are the following:
After recent suggestions and modifications I have the following exception: Markup extension not found.
This is disturbing as the markup extension class is there.

Doesn't work in DEBUG mode (Android only)
If the translated strings are working in your RELEASE Android builds
but not while debugging, right-click on the Android Project and select
Options > Build > Android Build and ensure that the Fast assembly
deployment is NOT ticked. This option causes problems with loading
resources and should not be used if you are testing localized apps.

The problem was in the declaration of the extension. In a PCL project, the following took place:
a) the TranslateExtension class is located in a subfolder named Pages
b) initial declaration was
c) the following declaration solved the problem:
along with language code naming conventions of the .resx files as mentioned above

All the current answers are not valid anymore! You need to add resources. Right click your xamarin forms project (Not xamarin android or ios) => Go to project properties ==> Resources ==> Add Resource.
This will create a "Properties" Folder and a resources.resx file which you can delete if you want to.
Then follow the official microsoft documentation by creating a AppResources.resx and other language files (such as AppResources.ar.resx file for arabic). All these files MUST BE in the properties folder.
Then, in your XAML page, declare the namespace as:
Then simply use:
<Label Text="{x:Static res:AppResources.Address}" >
This will use the corresponding Language files depending on what language the device is using. If the language is not supported it will use the defulat file (AppResources.res)
FIUH!!! Wasted one hour to solve this!!!


Global Resources translation doesn't work

I am trying to implemented App_GlobalResources for my application to support multi-language.
I've created an AppGlobalResources folder, inside two files:
In each one, I put a TestString name which equals to 'test' in the default one and 'German' in the de one.
In the Page_Load I put the following:
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo("de");
When I call:
txtTest.Text = WebResources.TestString;
I get the default text 'test' and not 'German' as it supposes to.
The file properties for both resx files are:
Build Action: Embedded Resource
Custom Tool: PublicResXFileCodeGenerator
I checked the WebResources.de.designer.cs and it's empty, unlike the WebResources.Deisgner.cs which has code generated for it.
Developing a .NET 4.6.1 web project using Visual Studio Community edition 2017.
The problem was that the second resx file didn't have the right build action and custom tool set. Once I changed it, it works.

Xamarin Resource designer does not update properly

I have a Visual Studio solution containing a Xamarin Android project.
Since the migration to VS17, the Resource designer from Xamarin started behaving strangely.
If I add a new XML layout in the Resources/layout folder, the Resource Designer will only notice it after I exclude, and re-include the new file.
However, if these steps are reproduced with a second new file, the Resource designer will notice the second new file, but the first one will be erased.
This makes refactoring impossible, and leads to completely corrupted project.
Has anyone a workaround for this ?
Visual studio 2017 entreprise version : 15.3.0
Xamarin version : (306f67a)
On Android, files in the Resources folder should have its build action set to 'AndroidResource' in order for the Resource Designer to notice them.
So when you add existing files, make sure the build action is also set properly.
Same goes for files in the resource folder on iOS.
Only, the build actions is called 'BundleResource'.

Xamarin.Forms Windows 10 Universal Error "CS0103 InitializeComponent does not exist"

I have a working Android Project with a .Droid-Solution and a SharedProject. I started the App on my phone and it works great. Now, I just added a blank Windows 10 Universal Solution and did the instructions here: http://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/platform-features/windows/installation/universal/
Anyway... I did nothing else. Just followed the instructions and tryed to start the Windows 10 Universal app, but I get this error:
"CS0103 C# The name 'InitializeComponent ' does not exist in the
current context."
I googled a few times, but didn't find something that helps.
I also tryed the example here: https://github.com/jamesmontemagno/Hanselman.Forms with the same error.
Does someone know this error with Xamarin.Forms and Windows 10 Universal Apps?
Everytime you create a .XAML page in Xamarin.Forms, you are using partial class definitions in three different places.
Your actual .xaml file will have a Class="" attribute on the root element that defines the namespace and class name.
The actual root element type will define the base class that your new .xaml page is subclassing. By default, that would be ContentPage.
You also get a .xaml.cs file that is linked which contains a partial class definition as well. This is your code behind file, where you put page specific code, this is also where the InitializeComponent() call is called from the constructor.
This call serves to parse the xaml contents and fill out the references to all the views you gave ids to using x:name="something" in xaml.
InitializeComponent() is automatically generated by xamarin, it is part of the output of your project and it should get re-generated each time you edit your .xaml file.
In order for this to happen, in the properties of your .xaml file Build Action needs to be set to "Embedded Resource" and the Custom Tool needs to be set to "MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml"
Now, even with these values set correctly, there are bugs in Xamarin which can lead to the file not getting generated and you getting the error.
The absolute first thing to try when you get this error is to right click the .xaml file and click on "Run Custom Tool".
You only need to do this once, on ONE xaml file, the tool will automatically run for all the .xaml files in your project.
This is somethign that I have to do about once a day during my normal development and it started when i switched to VS 2015. Your mileage may warry.
Another very important thing to check is the BuildTargets in your .csproj file.
The way Xamarin is able to do it's thing is by specifying build actions that call into it's DLL that you get when you install the Xamarin.Forms nuget package. Sometimes the build actions import line get's messed up and this causes all sorts of problems.
Unload your .csproj and find the line that imports Xamarin.Forms.targets.
It should look something like this:
<Import Project="..\..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\portable-win+net45+wp80+win81+wpa81+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\packages\Xamarin.Forms.\build\portable-win+net45+wp80+win81+wpa81+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10+Xamarin.iOS10\Xamarin.Forms.targets')" />
make sure that the version in here matches the version of Xamarin.Forms from your packages.config file, then make sure that you can actually navigate to your project's root folder, and find the actual file the important line is referring to. Ie, packages\xamarin...\Xamarin.Forms.targets
A common thing to do is to delete everything from \packages\ and let nuget re-download everything on your next build. Just make sure the version in your .csproj import and the version in packages.config is the same.
If all of these are done, you should have a valid generated partial class that implements InitializeComponent() and the errors should dissapear.
Just as an update to this:
New, clean Windows 10 Pro installation with all updates in a VM.
New, clean Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition installation with all options selected and all updates.
New project: Blank Xaml App (Xamarin.Forms.Portable) with nowt but generated code.
The project will not build as InitializeComponent in App.xaml.cs does not exist in the current context.
Opinion: this Xamarin add-on is a free add-on on top of a free product, but even so this kind of thing doesn't really inspire you to use it...

Windows Forms: Form not localized

We have successfully localized our windows-forms application. One form refuses to use the localized resources and is always shown with the embedded resources. I checked the following points:
The forms Localizable attribute is true
At runtime the UI-culture is set correctly
The satellite assembly is in the correct location
With SysInternals process explorer I verified that the process uses the satellite assembly
I opened the satellite assembly with IL-Spy and checked that it contains the translated resources
In the debugger I stepped into Microsofts ComponentResourceManager.ApplyResources Method for a button. It finds the text property but as the code is optimized I cannot see the really interesting things.
All other forms (different assemblies) appear with the correct language, only this one ...
I hope someone out there has a helpful idea.
Just stumbled upon the same issue but could solve it.
I just imported the localized resx files into the project. So the *.de.resx were part of the project, but the localized resources were not applied to all forms.
Referring to http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/y99d1cd3%28v=vs.110%29.aspx, the localized resource files should appear beneath the form (as a sub item).
So my solution was:
- go through all forms, change language from Default to German and back to Default.
- as a result, the *.de.resx files were listed as sub items of the forms
- then overwrite the just created *.de.resx files with the localized ones
Then it works for all forms. I have no idea, though, why it worked before for 3 forms out of 4.
What is the recommended way to add a new language to a Windows Forms application? Do I really need to click through all forms of my application for creating the empty resx files for the new language? Of course, I could edit the project file manually...

Multiple icons in executable in VS2010

I have Googled and found multiple ways of adding multiple icons into the executable, but they all seem to work for VS 2003-2005-2008, nothing for VS2010. I have not tried the Win32 resource with /win32res because I do not know how to use it (can't figure to get a good Google result for that either).
Any simple suggestion?
I've just created a simple tool to do exactly this without having to mess with .res files. It's a tiny utility which you can use as part of your Post-Build event and lets you add all icons files in a particular folder to your assembly. If we assume that you have a icons folder under your main project folder you can add the following post-build event:
C:\path\to\InsertIcons.exe $(TargetPath) $(ProjectDir)icons
A further description and a download can be found at http://einaregilsson.com/add-multiple-icons-to-a-dotnet-application/
This works for me:
If you're using visual studio 2012:
For C#.NET Here I found a good solution for this problem for c# projects as an example. But it only works in my C# projects
Create a new "Native Resource Template" from the File | New dialog box.
In project properties(project->application->resources) there is option to choose resource file (.res) rather than "Icon and manifest" which is selected by default (This option is visible only to C# projects!).
For VB.Net projects this link (Also mentioned here by Waldo) can be more helpful because in my visual 2012 there is no option to select/browse Native Resource Template(.res) files but you could manually change project definition file for vb.net project as described to compile project win a native win32 resource file:
Open your project file in notepad (*.vbProj) and add the following block:
The Code Project article explains how to create a "assemblyWin32.res" file.
