Pushpins clustering in universal windows apps - c#

I'm new to UWA development and Microsoft hadn't provided any documentation about this. I was just wondering if any one knows how to make multiple pushpins on a map cluster together if there are more of them close together?

There is no built-in feature to cluster pushpin in the Bing Maps SDK but you can easily do it on your own.
Here is a great example with full source code using MVVM.
There's also a library on Codeplex which includes a clustering features


Animations on pushpins Bing Map Control

Hello I am working on UWP map based application. I want to provide a path animation to my pushpin the way demonstrated in the Bing Maps documentation here .
The Issue is
I can't use the bing map SDK as I can not use any other Tile source (like OSM) except for bing and neither can I remove the copyright information.
Anyone can help me with creating path animations a pushpin on the XAML map control? which is provided by default in the Controls
I can't use the bing map SDK
Bing Map SDK is used for previous versions, in UWP app we have MapControl instead. And the animations you mentioned are not provided by SDK, they are just animations in UWP app. So actually you don't need use the Bing Map SDK as what you want has no relationships with the SDK.
Anyone can help me with creating path animations a pushpin on the XAML map control
This article you provided already taught about creating animations with Maps. But the target version in that article is windows 8.1 with Bing SDK not UWP app, so some APIs cannot be used in UWP app. Such as LocationCollection() is replaced by Geopath class, MapShapeLayer() maybe replaced by MapItemsControl class. More details please reference Maps and location overview and the official sample.
I convert some of the animations that now they can be used in a UWP app. You can download the demo here for testing.

Is Nutiteq the tool that I need

I have a VS 2008 C# program that I would like to port to a mobile app. It used Microsoft.sqlserver.types, geography, polygon, etc. It does not need maps, connection to the internet, etc. It calculated acreage, drew the polygon, never accessed or wrote to a DB file. I am learning and playing with Xamarin (now that it is free).
I do realize that not all the C# code is applicable to Android and IOS, and some would have to be other code. Can I do this same kind of coding\calculating, without accessing the internet, without using maps, without accessing a DB (although that might be useful later on), etc...using Nutiteq (the free version), across Windows, Android, and IOS?
Nutiteq SDK is specifically for display of maps. It has own geography objects and methods, not related to Microsoft.sqlserver. It is meant to replace e.g. Google/Apple maps, to have offline map view and routing features, and also some GIS: vector data editing, reading various GIS data formats like ShapeFile, GeoTIFF etc, and it works with native development on iOS and Android, and also Xamarin.
If you do not have any Map View, then probably Nutiteq SDK is not the best tool for your app.

Bing Maps WPF control in OFFLINE mode (MercatorMode)

We are investigating the potential use of Bing Maps WPF control in OFFLINE mode (which will be called MercatorMode in the control). OFFLINE mode implies that we download on a desktop machine the tiles for different zoom levels and then the WPF control accesses these pre-saved tiles instead of connecting to the Internet. Technically this scheme works perfectly.
What is unclear right now is how to obtain (download) the tiles without violating any Bing Maps license rules. So it raises two questions:
Whether there exists a way to officially download Bing Maps tiles
Whether it is officially allowed to use the control in the OFFLINE
mode (assuming that we’ve got some tiles from some source of tiles)
The legal documentation for Bing Maps is rather confusing than clarifying. So we’d like to ask about the particular experience of other developers.
Our ultimate goal is to have:
a good WPF control for maps (which is a natural WPF control, not just a
wrapper over a WinForms control) supporting OFFLINE mode
a legal source of tiles to be used in the OFFLINE mode (costs are
not an issue – we are ready to pay for tiles)
Maybe the community would suggest another pair WPF Control + data source for tiles. We do not need any deep level of zooming since we plan to use the control and tiles only for drawing the borders of countries (excluding extremely small countries).
Right now we see that Bing Maps as a data source also supports Bing Maps WPF control, but the licensing terms are a real mess.
We are developing an “in-house” desktop application which will be used internally in our organization while the Bing Maps license never explicitly references desktop applications while mentioning web-applications and Windows Store. Does anybody know whether Microsoft intentionally doesn’t mention the desktop applications?
None of the Bing Maps controls can be used offline. This is against the terms of use. MercatorMode is not an offline mode, this is just a mode which all the standard map views inherit from and which you can use to have a blank background to a custom tile layer. The Map control will always need to have access to the internet otherwise it will not be able to authenticate the map. When it can't authenticate the map an error is thrown. You can handle this error such that it disables the map instead of crashing the app by using the following code sample: http://rbrundritt.wordpress.com/2012/04/05/bing-maps-wpf-internet-connection-issue/
For an offline map control solution take a look at GMap.NET: http://greatmaps.codeplex.com/
Telerik has a nice Map control which supports:
Rich geographical context for large volumes of data
Heat maps
Multiple tile layers
Multiple Map Providers
Support for Bing Maps, OpenStreetMaps, custom map providers, as well
as visualization of geospatial data.
You can try https://greatmaps.codeplex.com/ which works fine in WPF/Offline mode. First you may have to use their application to download the desired maps at all zoom levels. The maplets are stored in SQLLite database which you may consume in your WPF application. The entire source code along with the map control in WPF is also available there.

Maps for commercial WPF applications

I'm currently developping a commercial Windows application (closed-source, free demo with limited functionality available) in .Net 4.0 using C# and WPF. I'm now looking for a map library with the following features:
World-wide online map and/or satellite data (Like Bing or Google Maps. Due to lack of coverage however, OpenStreetMap does not qualify)
Display of custom colored placemarks
Optionally: Possibility to easily add a simplified offline map, on a lower zoom level
Which mapping solution satisfy those requirements without violating any licenses of the map provider?
If you'd choose Bing, it is fairly simple. As I said, I haven't done it myself, but I've seen it on a demo. It should be something like:
<maps:Map Name="bingmap" Mode="AerialWithLabels" CredentialsProvider="enteryourkeyhere"/>
Where maps is the namespace: clr-namespace:Microsoft.Maps.MapControl;assembly=Microsoft.Maps.MapControl
Then, in code-behind:
GeoCoordinate co = new GeoCoordinate((double)myLatitude, (double)myLongitude);
bingmap.SetView(co, 18);
Courtesy goes to Kevin Derudder who did a great presentation (which is where I saw it). It was about Silverlight, but should be almost the same for WPF. Check out his blog post, with code sample.
Have you looked at NASA World Wind? They have a lot of developer information hosted on their website. It is JAVA based, but there are ways around that.
And being a Government Agency, I would image that their imagery is Free-Use.
ESRI website Developer Tools Product Page
You may have to go commercial. If so, also look at Thinkgeo Mapsuite.
This is excellent, I guess it will have more than you need:
Great Maps for Windows Forms & Presentation
Just download code and check out the demo!

wpf bing map application with heat map?

i am trying to integrate bing map with heat map feature into my wpf desktop application, is there any API to do this? i searched the microsoft website and i can only found API for developing a map apps, which i think is different from what i want... any idea where should i start??
update: i think microsoft only provide the bing API for silverlight, and i found this one for WPF, but i dont know how to generate the heat map on this... can anyone point me to somewhere?
Maybe that 3rd party component from Telerik would be useful? If you can afford it, it will save you a lot of time.
It uses Bing maps and supports heat maps.
ArcGIS also offers a more flexible WPF control with heat maps, check the dev tools here
