Getting client ip address on WCF CustomUserNameValidator - c#

We are using CustomUserNameValidator on our WCF project. I need to get client ip adresses when I'm authenticating. OperationContext is null, I cannot get it. ı don't want to turn on Asp.Net Compability mode on.
public class CustomUserNameValidator : UserNamePasswordValidator
public override void Validate(string userName, string password)
if (null == userName || null == password)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
int userId = Common.AuthenticateUser(userName, password); //need ip adresses here
catch (Exception)
throw new SecurityTokenException("Unauthorized");
Is there any resolve about this issue?


ASP.NET MVC 5 function from another project within same solution always fails

I have a project that contains 2 applications that are structured like this:
AppAPI references App and calls AuthenticateUser within the ApiAccountController class from App.
public class TokenController : ApiController
// This is naive endpoint for demo, it should use Basic authentication to provide token or POST request
// GET api/token/
public string Get(string username, string password)
if (CheckUser(username, password))
return JwtManager.GenerateToken(username);
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);
private bool CheckUser(string username, string password)
ApiAccountController accountController = new ApiAccountController();
return accountController.AuthenticateUser(username,password);
ApplicationDbContext dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext();
Logger log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
PasswordHasher passwordHasher = new PasswordHasher();
// GET: Account
public bool AuthenticateUser(String username, String password)
var user = dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == username);
//var user = dbContext.Users.Count(u => u.UserName == username);
if (user == null)
log.Error(username + " not found");
return false;
var result = passwordHasher.VerifyHashedPassword(user.PasswordHash, password);
if (result == PasswordVerificationResult.Success)
return true;
log.Error("Invalid password for user: " + username);
return false;
//return false;
catch (Exception e)
log.Error(e, "Exception found for user: " + username);
return false;
The expected behaviour is for me to use Postman to connect to AppApi like this
and for it to authenticate this user.
However, for some reason this has been failing by returning null even though there is already a user that has been created.

ASP.NET How to receive HTTP data from Android app using OkHttp

I am learning android and webservices. I have an android application that sends data using okHttp and I need to ingest that data on my server and put it into the database. I have a little experience calling and getting data from webservices but have never received data.
As I understand it, in ASP.Net I will need to use a HttpHandler and I have seen some examples but they always seem to be returning data per the request. How do you keep the HttpHandler always listening for this particular incoming data?
Here is the code from my sample android application.
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
TextView outputText;
Button sendData;
EditText edtUser, edtPass;
final String URL = "";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
outputText = (TextView) findViewById(;
outputText.setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod());
sendData = (Button) findViewById(;
edtUser = (EditText) findViewById(;
edtPass = (EditText) findViewById(;
sendData.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String userName = edtUser.getText().toString();
String passWord = edtPass.getText().toString();
OkHttpHandler handler = new OkHttpHandler(userName, passWord);
String result = null;
try {
result = handler.execute(URL).get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
outputText.append(result + "\n");
The Class
public class OkHttpHandler extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> {
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
String userName, passWord;
public OkHttpHandler(String userName, String passWord) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
this.userName = userName;
this.passWord = passWord;
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
RequestBody formBody = new FormEncodingBuilder()
.add("name", userName)
.add("pass", passWord)
Request request = new Request.Builder()
try {
Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
if (!response.isSuccessful())
throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + response.toString());
return response.body().string();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
The URL will be changed to whatever I create on my server. My question is.. What type of data will this be sending? What do I need to create on my server to ingest it?
If anyone has an example that would be very helpful.
Look into Web API.
Example to read a POST to address hxxp://yourdomain/test/[variable]/[variable] and GET to address hxxp://yourdomain/test/[id]. For example:
hxxp://yourdomain/test2/1 will return the string "You requested number 1"
hxxp://yourdomain/test2/2 will return the string "You requested number 2"
public class TestController : ApiController {
public string Post(string username, string password) {
if(username == "user" && password == "pass") { // check user/pass
string data = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
//do something
return "User is authenticated";
[Route("test2/{id}")] {
public string GetData(int id) {
return "You requested number " + id;
In your example above you would call:
And get the response "User is authenticated"

Managing SignalR connections for Anonymous user

I am using SignalR version 2.1.2 with ASP.Net MVC 5 & NServiceBus and have following requirement
There is a signup page (anonymous authentication) in which SignalR is used to send notifications. Every form submit will generate a new connection id which needs to be kept in a collection so that I can send response to the client. Context.User.Identity.Name is empty hence _connections.Add(name, Context.ConnectionId); cannot be used in OnConnected() hub event as given in this post
Similar problem exists in Login page.
If there is a possibility to control the ConnectionId then I could overcome this situation but it looks like new version of SignalR has got rid of connection factory.
I am using Redis cache so one option is to write my own connection management code to keep these connection ids in it.
Second option is to use Forms Authentication in such a way that a 'Anonymous Role' is assigned to these users which restricts the usage to anonymous views/controllers but gives a 'Name' to the user so that Context.User.Identity.Name is not empty. With this I can use built in SignalR mechanism to manage connection ids for me.
This is what we did in BaseAnonymousController
public class BaseAnonymousController : Controller
protected override void OnAuthentication(System.Web.Mvc.Filters.AuthenticationContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.Controller.GetType().Name == "AccountController" && filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName == "login")
Guid result;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionVariables.UserId) && Guid.TryParse(SessionVariables.UserId, out result))
//Already a anonymous user, so good to go.
//Seems to be a logged in a user. So, clear the session
//Perform a false authentication for anonymous users (signup, login, activation etc. views/actions) so that SignalR will have a user name to manage its connections
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SessionVariables.UserId))
filterContext.HttpContext.User = new CustomPrincipal(new CustomIdentity(SessionVariables.UserId, "Anonymous"));
string userName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
filterContext.HttpContext.User = new CustomPrincipal(new CustomIdentity(userName, "Anonymous"));
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false);
SessionVariables.UserId = userName;
and used this class as base class for all of anonymous controllers.
public class AccountController : BaseAnonymousController
public ActionResult Signup()
//Your code
public ActionResult Login()
//Your code
public ActionResult ForgotPassword()
//Your code
public ActionResult ForgotUsername()
//Your code
In the SignalR hub (nothing extraordinary than what is in SignalR documentation)
public override Task OnConnected()
SignalRConnectionStore.Add(Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId);
return base.OnConnected();
public override Task OnReconnected()
string name = Context.User.Identity.Name;
//Add the connection id if it is not in it
if (!SignalRConnectionStore.GetConnections(name).Contains(Context.ConnectionId))
SignalRConnectionStore.Add(name, Context.ConnectionId);
return base.OnReconnected();
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled)
SignalRConnectionStore.Remove(Context.User.Identity.Name, Context.ConnectionId);
return base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled);
This works for both anonymous and authenticated users.
SignalRConnectionStore class and Interface
public interface ISignalRConnectionStore
int Count { get; }
void Add(string userName, string connectionId);
IEnumerable<string> GetConnections(string userName);
void Remove(string userName, string connectionId);
internal class SignalRConnectionStore : ISignalRConnectionStore
private readonly Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> _connections = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
public int Count
return _connections.Count;
public void Add(string userName, string connectionId)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionId))
lock (_connections)
HashSet<string> connections;
if (!_connections.TryGetValue(userName, out connections))
connections = new HashSet<string>();
_connections.Add(userName, connections);
lock (connections)
public IEnumerable<string> GetConnections(string userName)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
HashSet<string> connections;
if (_connections.TryGetValue(userName, out connections))
return connections;
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
public void Remove(string userName, string connectionId)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionId))
lock (_connections)
HashSet<string> connections;
if (!_connections.TryGetValue(userName, out connections))
lock (connections)
if (connections.Count == 0)
Declare a static variable of SignalRConnectionStore in Hub class as below.
public class ProvisioningHub : Hub
private static ISignalRConnectionStore SignalRConnectionStore;
public ProvisioningHub(ISignalRConnectionStore signalRConnectionStore)
: base()
SignalRConnectionStore = signalRConnectionStore; //Injected using Windsor Castle
Use Forms Authentication, store a Federated Cookie and store the hub region in the cookie as well..
In SignalR jQuery code, use a jQuery plugin to read HTTP cookie and get the region name and subscribe to notifications.
Alternatively, in your .cshtml, render jQuery with region populated from your View Model.
Note: Use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie as this will create HTTP Only cookie and will be sent in Ajax and non-Ajax calls.

WCF UserNamePasswordValidator Caching

I have looked across the internet with no luck, I am trying to find a suitable way to cache a username and password token on the service side so each time a connection to the service is made I don't have to create a database connection.
This is what I am trying to achieve:
public class ServiceAuth : UserNamePasswordValidator
public override void Validate(string userName, string password)
var user = Repository.Authenticate(userName, password);
if (user != null)
// Perform some secure caching
throw new FaultException("Login Failed");
Is it possible to use caching when validating credentials in C# 4.0 WCF using UserNamePasswordValidator?
If so, can someone give me some clues on how to achieve this?
I would like to request the super users not to delete the answer as that could help others who wants to find the solution for their issues..!
I have implemented the the following CUSTOM security manager using key-value pair Dictionary collection for caching. Hope this helps
public class SecurityManager : UserNamePasswordValidator
//cacheCredentials stores username and password
static Dictionary<string, string> cacheCredentials = new Dictionary<string, string>();
//cacheTimes stores username and time that username added to dictionary.
static Dictionary<string, DateTime> cacheTimes = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
public override void Validate(string userName, string password)
if (userName == null || password == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (cacheCredentials.ContainsKey(userName))
if ((cacheCredentials[userName] == password) && ((DateTime.Now - cacheTimes[userName]) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))// && timespan < 30 sec - TODO
if (Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password))
//cache usename(key) and password(value)
cacheCredentials.Add(userName, password);
//cache username(key), time that username added to dictionary
cacheTimes.Add(userName, DateTime.Now);
throw new FaultException("Authentication failed for the user");

Connection context and UserNamePasswordValidator

I´am using UserNamePasswordValidator for WCF. My code is similar. I use database.
Does any know how can I get information about current connection context in this method.
I want to log ip address of unsuccessful calls
public class MyCustomUserNameValidator : UserNamePasswordValidator
// This method validates users. It allows two users, test1 and test2
// with passwords 1tset and 2tset respectively.
// This code is for illustration purposes only and
// MUST NOT be used in a production environment because it is NOT secure.
public override void Validate(string userName, string password)
if (null == userName || null == password)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (!(userName == "test1" && password == "1tset") && !(userName == "test2" && password == "2tset"))
throw new SecurityTokenException("Unknown Username or Password");
Check this
Getting the IP address of server in ASP.NET?
in your exception you can get ip address.
