i am using NReco html to pdf converter for my project.
It is giving me error for 3 days on server machine,it was working for months without any problem.Worse thing is , the project is working well on my local pc with same codes.I guess, the problem is related with some folder autorization or temp files which is already created on server pc.I have also deleted temp files under /user and windows/temp folders but still getting error:
the simple error message is : "The file exists"
public static byte[] ToPDF(this HttpContext context, string htmlContent )
string logFile = context.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "\\" + "log.txt";
var converter = new HtmlToPdfConverter();
converter.Margins = new PageMargins { Bottom = 20, Top = 18 };
var pdfBytes = converter.GeneratePdf(htmlContent); //THROW EXCEPTION ON THIS LINE
errorMsg = "Error Code:00x1";
return null;
catch (Exception exp)
errorMsg = "Error Code:00x2";
CreateErrorLog(context ,exp);
return null;
I have fixed it by updating NReco.PdfGenerator.dll to version to , was using out-of date version(released 3 years ago) and error has gone.
Note: When i uninstall and install Nreco using Nuget Package manager , it is installed same old version , i don't know why so i had to download it from :
and manually remove old .dll from Project's references and add new NReco.PdfGenerator.dll
Im working on a small school project where i need to update an file from my github repo.
Everything worked fine until i got an error out of nowhere.
I am using Octokit .net with a C# WPF Application. Here the Exception:
Octokit.ApiException: "is at 1ce907108c4582d5a0986d3a37b2777e271a0105 but expected 47fa57debd39ee6a63f24d39e9513f87814a5ed6"
I dont know why this error shows up, because i didn't change anything before the error happend and now nothing works anymore. Can someone help me with this?
Here the code:
private static async void UpdateFile(string fileName, string fileContent)
var ghClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(HEADER));
ghClient.Credentials = new Credentials(API_KEY);
// github variables
var owner = OWNER;
var repo = REPO;
var branch = "main";
var targetFile = fileName;
// try to get the file (and with the file the last commit sha)
var existingFile = await ghClient.Repository.Content.GetAllContentsByRef(owner, repo, targetFile, branch);
// update the file
var updateChangeSet = await ghClient.Repository.Content.UpdateFile(owner, repo, targetFile,
new UpdateFileRequest("API Config Updated", fileContent, existingFile.First().Sha, branch));
catch (Octokit.NotFoundException)
// if file is not found, create it
var createChangeSet = await ghClient.Repository.Content.CreateFile(owner, repo, targetFile, new CreateFileRequest("API Config Created", fileContent, branch));
I found the issue after a bit of experimenting.
I updated 3 files at the same time, it turns out Octokit can't handle more than 1 request at the same time...
If you're stuck on this problem too, just add a delay of ~2 seconds before posting a new request.
I have an application written in C# MVC 4, which will run on server, that has one certificate inside the project, in the App_Data folder. I need to get this certificate file to access a Web Service. The server is a Windows Server 2012, using iis7.
The code runs as expected locally, but it does not work on the server. There I receive the message "The system cannot find the file specified". But this file IS there (I return the content of this directory and the previous one, getting them on the browser's console).
I tried to rename the certificate from .pfx to .pcertx (a random one) and doesn't work on the server again, although it works locally.
Here's the code I'm using to try to get this file:
public string getCertificado()
string path = string.Empty;
path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#"~\App_Data\CERTIFICATE.pcertx");
Byte[] rawCert = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
String certificado = Convert.ToBase64String(rawCert);
_X509Cert.Import(Convert.FromBase64String(certificado), "PASSWORD", X509KeyStorageFlags.PersistKeySet);
client.AddCerts(new X509Certificate[] { _X509Cert });
return string.Empty;
catch (Exception ex)
// In case of error, list the content of the current directory and the previous
string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#"~\App_Data"));
string pastaAnterior = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(#"~\App_Data"), #"..\"));
string[] filePathsAnt = Directory.GetFiles(pastaAnterior);
return "Cannot get certificate." + ex.Message + "; " + ex.InnerException + "; Path: " + path + "; Folder content: " + string.Join("\n",filePaths) + "; Previous folder content" + string.Join("\n",filePathsAnt);
This is what I get from the browser's console:
"Não foi possível obter nenhum certificado.
The system cannot find the file specified.
Path: C:\Unisys\Management\Applications\sicopplustest\App_Data\CERTIFICATE.pcertx;
Caminho pasta:
Caminho pasta anteriorC:\Unisys\Management\Applications\sicopplustest\ApplicationInfo.Debug.xml
If I got the certificate properly, no message would be sent.
I think it may be related to security, but how can I fix it? I don't know how to procede with this situation.
I am trying to read files from different server, using c# console application, but it gives error - "The specified network name is no longer available".
When I ping the server, i am getting a reply, but when I run the exe file of project that has code to access files from server it shows the mentioned error.
The path I am using is in this format: \\xxx.xxx.xx.x\EEE\EEE\FolderName
The code that access/read files:
public List<string> GetFiles()
List<string> filelist = null;
string fileFromPath = help.fileFromPath;
filelist = Directory.GetFiles(fileFromPath).ToList();
if (filelist.Count == 0)
log.Error("No file to be processed.");
catch (Exception ex)
return filelist;
Where help.fileFromPath has path value and it is stored in app.config
What could be the reason and how could it be fixed?
I know that this is a common problem facing over, but am getting this this problem with a different scenario.
am going to explain scenario here
I created a two different projects in a solution. The image containing folder that i want to use for save, i-e upload is outside of these above projects but under same solution.
Actually i created virtual directly (My File Server) on IIS server of this folder
here is my code.
private void SaveData()
string filename = Path.GetFileName(ImageUpload.PostedFile.FileName);
string servpath = Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TempFolder"]);
ImageUpload.SaveAs(servpath + filename);
string remoteServerPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductImagesPath"] + filename;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.UploadFile(remoteServerPath, servpath + filename);
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
objProductsCustom.ProductName = txtProductName.Text;
objProductsCustom.ProductDiscription = txtAddDiscription.Text;
objProductsCustom.ProductPrice = txtPrice.Text;
objProductsCustom.Quantity = txtQuantity.Text;
objProductsCustom.ImagePath = "servpath" + filename;
int productID = objProductsManager.CreatProduct(objProductsCustom);
Where on try-catch, I found "The remote server returned an error: (405) Method Allowed." error. I am stuck.
This is the remoteserverpath :
And this is the file which i am uploading to remoteserverpath:
C:\Documents and Settings\saltaf\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects \OnlineShoppingSystem\OnlineShoppingSiteAdminPanel\Temp\Images\untitled.bmp
And this is my call:
webclient.UploadFile(http://localhost/ProductImages/untitled.bmp,C:\Documents and Settings\saltaf\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\OnlineShoppingSystem\OnlineShoppingSiteAdminPanel\Temp\Images\untitled.bmp)
Have you tried checking the permissions for the folder which you are saving the file into? It's supposed to include the 'IIS_IUSRS' profile there (which should also have the WRITE permission to the target folder).
Hope this helps.
I have been writing a small application using C# to copy a document into an individuals 'My Documents' folder on our DMS server.
I've beased the code around the listing provided in the 'WorkSite SDK 8: Utilize the IMANEXT2Lib.IManRefileCmd to File New Document Folders' blog.
Using this code in a WinForm application I have no problems copying the file from the source folder into the users DMS 'My Documents' folder.
However if I use the code in a command line application/.dll or any other type of application (other than WinForm) during the copy process I receive the error messages;
Error occurred when try to log the event!
IManExt: Error occurred when try to log the event!
Access is denied.
The document was imported to the database, but could not be added to
the folder.
IManExt: The document was imported to the database, but could not be
added to the folder.
IManExt.LogRuleEventsCmd.1: Error occurred when try to log the event!
IManExt.LogRuleEventsCmd.1: Access is denied.
Error occurred when try to log the event!
Does anyone know why I'd receiving the 'Access Denied' error messages when using a non-WinForms application to copy documents?
What would I need to do to get around this issue?
Any help would be amazing!
Code in place:
public void moveToDMS(String servName, String dBName, String foldName)
const string SERVERNAME = servName; //Server name
const string DATABASENAME = dBName; //Database name
const string FOLDERNAME = foldName; //Matter alias of workspace
IManDMS dms = new ManDMSClass();
IManSession sess = dms.Sessions.Add(SERVERNAME);
//Get destination database.
IManDatabase db = sess.Databases.ItemByName(DATABASENAME);
//Get destination folder by folder and owner name.
IManFolderSearchParameters fparms = dms.CreateFolderSearchParameters();
fparms.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderOwner, sess.UserID);
fparms.Add(imFolderAttributeID.imFolderName, FOLDERNAME);
//Build a database list in which to search.
ManStrings dblist = new ManStringsClass();
IManFolders results = sess.WorkArea.SearchFolders(dblist, fparms);
if (results.Empty == true)
//No results returned based on the search criteria.
Console.WriteLine("NO RESULTS FOUND!");
IManDocumentFolder fldr = null;
if (results.Empty == false)
//Assuming there is only one workspace returned from the results.
fldr = (IManDocumentFolder)results.ItemByIndex(1);
if (fldr != null)
// Import file path
string docPath = #"C:\Temp\";
string docName = "MyWord.doc";
// Create an instance of the ContextItems Collection Object.
ContextItems context = new ContextItemsClass();
// Invoke ImportCmd to import a new document to WorkSite database.
ImportCmd impCmd = new ImportCmdClass();
// The WorkSite object you pass in can be a database, session, or folder.
// Depends on in where you want the imported doc to be stored.
context.Add("IManDestinationObject", fldr); //The destination folder.
// Filename set here is used for easy example, a string variable is normally used here
context.Add("IManExt.Import.FileName", docPath + docName);
// Document Author
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocAuthor", sess.UserID); //Example of a application type.
// Document Class
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "BLANK"); //Example of a document class.
//context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocClass", "DOC"); //Example of a document class.
// Document Description (optional)
context.Add("IManExt.Import.DocDescription", docName); //Using file path as example of a description.
// Skip UI
context.Add("IManExt.NewProfile.ProfileNoUI", true);
if (impCmd.Status == (int)CommandStatus.nrActiveCommand)
bool brefresh = (bool)context.Item("IManExt.Refresh");
if (brefresh == true)
//Succeeded in importing a document to WorkSite
IManDocument doc = (IManDocument)context.Item("ImportedDocument");
//Succeeded in filing the new folder under the folder.
Console.WriteLine("New document number, " + doc.Number + ", is successfully filed to " + fldr.Name + " folder.");
Just in case this helps someone else.
It seems my issue was the result of a threading issue.
I noticed the C# winform apps I had created were automatically set to run on a single 'ApartmentState' thread ([STAThread]).
Whereas the console applications & class library thread state and management hadn't been defined within the project and was being handled with the default .NET config.
To get this to work: In the console application, I just added the [STAThread] tag on the line above my Main method call.
In the class library, I defined a thread for the function referencing the IMANxxx.dll and set ApartmentState e.g.
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(PerformSearchAndMove));
In both cases ensuring single 'ApartmentState' thread was implemented set would resolve the issue.