I want to find out, whether my string contains a text like #1, #a, #abc, #123, #abc123dsds and so on... ('#' character with one or more characters (digits and letters).
My code so far won't work:
string test = "#123";
boolean matches = test.Contains("#.+");
The matches variable is false.
String.Contains does not accept a regex.
Use Regex.IsMatch:
var matches = Regex.IsMatch(test, "#.+");
test.Contains("#.+"); does not "understand" regular expressions. It literally checks if the string test literally contains #.+ sequence of characters, which #123 does not contain.
Use Regex.IsMatch instead:
bool matches = Regex.IsMatch(test, "#.+");
Or without regex, you can use a combination of StartsWith, Enumerable.Any and char.IsLetterOrDigit methods like;
var s = "#abc123dsds+";
var matches = s.Length > 1 && s.StartsWith("#") && s.Substring(1).All(char.IsLetterOrDigit);
You need to use Regex in order to use a regex pattern.
string text = "#123";
Regex rgx = new Regex("#[a-zA-Z0-9]+");
var match = rgx.Match(text);
bool matche = match.Success)
Well this worked for me. \# checks if it starts with #, \w checks if it is a word.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string text = "#2";
string pat = #"\#(\w+)";
Regex r = new Regex(pat);
Match m = r.Match(text);
The programmer hope to get two variables day1 and day2 by using regex, all the other variables in string expression beginning with the character # too.
The example of a string expression: #day1 - #day2 > 3
You can simply use positive lookahead here.
string = "#day1 - #day2 > 3";
Regex regex = new Regex("(?<=#)\\w+", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var match = regex.Matches(a);
foreach( var val in match )
val contains the match values.
You could use a lookbehind to get the variable names, like so:
var regex = new Regex("(?<=#)\\w+");
This will get the words preceded by an # sign
what is the faster way to trim all alphabet in a string that have alphabet prefix.
For example, input sting "ABC12345" , and i wish to havee 12345 as output only.
Please use "char.IsDigit", try this:
static void Main(string[] args)
var input = "ABC12345";
var numeric = new String(input.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
You can use Regular Expressions to trim an alphabetic prefix
var input = "ABC123";
var trimmed = Regex.Replace(input, #"^[A-Za-z]+", "");
// trimmed = "123"
The regular expression (second parameter) ^[A-Za-z]+ of the replace method does most of the work, it defines what you want to be replaced using the following rules:
The ^ character ensures a match only exists at the start of a string
The [A-Za-z] will match any uppercase or lowercase letters
The + means the upper or lowercase letters will be matched as many times in a row as possible
As this is the Replace method, the third parameter then replaces any matches with an empty string.
The other answers seem to answer what is the slowest way .. so if you really need the fastest way, then you can find the index of the first digit and get the substring:
string input = "ABC12345";
int i = 0;
while ( input[i] < '0' || input[i] > '9' ) i++;
string output = input.Substring(i);
The shortest way to get the value would probably be the VB Val method:
double value = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Val("ABC12345"); // 12345.0
You would have to regular expression. It seems you are looking for only digits and not letters.
string result =
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace("Your input string", #"\D+", string.Empty);
I'm looking for a way to search a string for everything before a set of characters in C#. For Example, if this is my string value:
This is is a test.... 12345
I want build a new string with all of the characters before "12345".
So my new string would equal "This is is a test.... "
Is there a way to do this?
I've found Regex examples where you can focus on one character but not a sequence of characters.
You don't need to use a Regex:
public string GetBitBefore(string text, string end)
var index = text.IndexOf(end);
if (index == -1) return text;
return text.Substring(0, index);
You can use a lazy quantifier to match anything, followed by a lookahead:
var match = Regex.Match("This is is a test.... 12345", #".*?(?=\d{5})");
.*? lazily matches everything (up to the lookahead)
(?=…) is a positive lookahead: the pattern must be matched, but is not included in the result
\d{5} matches exactly five digits. I'm assuming this is your lookahead; you can replace it
You can do so with help of regex lookahead.
var data = "This is is a test.... 12345";
var rxStr = ".*(?=12345)";
var rx = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex (rxStr,
var match = rx.Match(data);
if (match.Success) {
Console.WriteLine (match.Value);
Above code snippet will print every thing upto 12345:
This is is a test....
For more detail about see regex positive lookahead
This should get you started:
var reg = new Regex("^(.+)12345$");
var match = reg.Match("This is is a test.... 12345");
var group = match.Groups[1]; // This is is a test....
Of course you'd want to do some additional validation, but this is the basic idea.
^ means start of string
$ means end of string
The asterisk tells the engine to attempt to match the preceding token zero or more times. The plus tells the engine to attempt to match the preceding token once or more
{min,max} indicate the minimum/maximum number of matches.
\d matches a single character that is a digit, \w matches a "word character" (alphanumeric characters plus underscore), and \s matches a whitespace character (includes tabs and line breaks).
[^a] means not so exclude a
The dot matches a single character, except line break characters
In your case there many way to accomplish the task.
Eg excluding digit: ^[^\d]*
If you know the set of characters and they are not only digit, don't use regex but IndexOf(). If you know the separator between first and second part as "..." you can use Split()
Take a look at this snippet:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string input = "This is is a test.... 12345";
// Here we call Regex.Match.
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, #"(?<MySentence>(\w+\s*)*)(?<MyNumberPart>\d*)");
foreach (Match item in matches)
You could just split, not as optimal as the indexOf solution
string value = "oiasjdoiasj12345";
string end = "12345";
string result = value.Split(new string[] { end }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] //Take first part of the result, not the quickest but fairly simple
Cannot find a consistent way to replace a random string between quotes with a specific string I want. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
String str1 = "test=\"-1\"";
should become
String str2 = "test=\"31\"";
but also work for
String str3 = "test=\"foobar\"";
basically I want to turn this
String str4 = "test=\"antyhingCanGoHere\"";
into this
String str4 = "test=\"31\"";
Have tried:
Case insensitive Regex without using RegexOptions enumeration
How do you do case-insensitive string replacement using regular expressions?
Replace any character in between AnyText: and <usernameredacted#example.com> with an empty string using Regex?
Replace string in between occurrences
Replace a String between two Strings
Current code:
Regex RemoveName = new Regex("(?VARIABLE=\").*(?=\")", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
String convertSeccons = RemoveName.Replace(ruleFixed, "31");
Returns error:
System.ArgumentException was caught
Message=parsing "(?VARIABLE=").*(?=")" - Unrecognized grouping construct.
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.ScanGroupOpen()
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.ScanRegex()
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexParser.Parse(String re, RegexOptions op)
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex..ctor(String pattern, RegexOptions options, Boolean useCache)
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex..ctor(String pattern, RegexOptions options)
at application.application.insertGroupID(String rule) in C:\Users\winserv8\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\application\application\MainFormLauncher.cs:line 298
at application.application.xmlqueryDB(String xmlSaveLocation, TextWriter tw, String ruleName) in C:\Users\winserv8\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\application\application\MainFormLauncher.cs:line 250
found answer
string s = Regex.Replace(ruleFixed, "VARIABLE=\"(.*)\"", "VARIABLE=\"31\"");
ruleFixed = s;
I found this code sample at Replace any character in between AnyText: and with an empty string using Regex? which is one of the links i previously posted and just had skipped over this syntax because i thought it wouldnt handle what i needed.
var str1 = "test=\"foobar\"";
var str2 = str1.Substring(0, str1.IndexOf("\"") + 1) + "31\"";
If needed add check for IndexOf != -1
I don't know if I understood you correct, but if you want to replace all chars inside string, why aren't you using simple regular expresission
String str = "test=\"-\"1\"";
Regex regExpr = new Regex("\".*\"", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
String result = regExpr.Replace(str , "\"31\"");
Note: You can take advantage of plain old XAttribute
String ruleFixed = "test=\"-\"1\"";
var splited = ruleFixed.Split('=');
var attribute = new XAttribute(splited[0], splited[1]);
attribute.Value = "31";
Console.WriteLine(attribute);//prints test="31"
var parts = given.Split('=');
return string.Format("{0}=\"{1}\"", parts[0], replacement);
In the case that your string has other things in it besides just the key/value pair of key="value", then you need to make the value-match part not match quote marks, or it will match all the way from the first value to the last quote mark in the string.
If that is true, then try this:
Regex.Replace(ruleFixed, "(?<=VARIABLE\s*=\s*\")[^\"]*(?=\")", "31");
This uses negative look-behind to match the VARIABLE=" part (with optional white space around it so VARIABLE = " would work as well, and negative look-ahead to match the ending ", without including the look-ahead/behind in the final match, enabling you to just replace the value you want.
If not, then your solution will work, but is not optimal because you have to repeat the value and the quote marks in the replace text.
Assuming that the string within the quotes does not contain quotes itself, you can use this general pattern in order to find a position between a prefix and a suffix:
In your case
Here we are using the prefix \w+=" where \w+ denotes word characters (the variable) and =" are the equal sign and the quote.
We want to find anything .*? until we encounter the next quote.
The suffix is simply the quote ".
string result = Regex.Replace(input, "(?<=\\w+=\").*?(?=\")", replacement);
Try this:
var pattern = "\"(.*)?\"";
var regex = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
var replacement = regex.Replace("test=\"hereissomething\"", "\"31\"");
string s = Regex.Replace(ruleFixed, "VARIABLE=\"(.*)\"", "VARIABLE=\"31\"");
ruleFixed = s;
I found this code sample at Replace any character in between AnyText: and <usernameredacted#example.com> with an empty string using Regex? which is one of the links i previously posted and just had skipped over this syntax because i thought it wouldnt handle what i needed.
String str1 = "test=\"-1\"";
string[] parts = str1.Split(new[] {'"'}, 3);
string str2 = parts.Length == 3 ? string.Join(#"\", parts.First(), "31", parts.Last()) : str1;
String str1 = "test=\"-1\"";
string res = Regex.Replace(str1, "(^+\").+(\"+)", "$1" + "31" + "$2");
Im pretty bad at RegEx but you could make a simple ExtensionMethod using string functions to do this.
public static class StringExtensions
public static string ReplaceBetweenQuotes(this string str, string replacement)
if (str.Count(c => c.Equals('"')) == 2)
int start = str.IndexOf('"') + 1;
str = str.Replace(str.Substring(start, str.LastIndexOf('"') - start), replacement);
return str;
String str3 = "test=\"foobar\"";
str3 = str3.ReplaceBetweenQuotes("31");
returns: "test=\"31\""
I have a string like:
string originalStringBefore = "http://www.abc.com?a=||ThisIsForRndNumber||&qq=hello&jj=||ThisIsForRndNumberAlso||";
I want every string which comes between || to be replaced with a random number.
Now, the random number generation is easy, but i can't find the way to write a Regular expression to search the string using a pattern and replace it.
I don't want to do it by string manipulation functions.
Expected Solution/ outcome:
string originalStringAfter = "http://www.abc.com?a=||254877787||&qq=hello&jj=||6594741454||";
string originalStringBefore = "http://www.abc.com?a=||ThisIsForRndNumber||&qq=hello&jj=||ThisIsForRndNumberAlso||";
Random r = new Random();
Regex rgx = new Regex(#"\|\|.*?\|\|");
Console.WriteLine(rgx.Replace(originalStringBefore, "||" + r.Next(int.MaxValue) + "||"));
It looks like you want this regex:
which finds alphanumeric between || and leaves strings that contain non-alphanumeric characters (like &) alone.
Then, in C#:
public String ComputeReplacement(Match m) {
return RandomNumberString();
resultString = Regex.Replace(subjectString, #"(?<=\|\|)\w+(?=\|\|)", new MatchEvaluator(ComputeReplacement));
Please find the regular expression replace command pasted below
string result = Regex.Replace(originalStringBefore, #"\|\|.*?\|\|","||ReplaceCharactors||");
how ever to write reguler expression's go through this site hope this wil help you