Discrepancy in C# LINQ results - c#

When I do this:
currentPage = metadataResponse.ApplicationType.Pages.Find(
page => page.SortOrder == ++currentPage.SortOrder);
The value of currentPage is null.
But the same logic, when I assign the increment value to an integer variable, and then try to get the currentPage
int sortOrder = ++currentPage.SortOrder;
currentPage = metadataResponse.ApplicationType.Pages.Find(
page => page.SortOrder == sortOrder);
currentPage gets populated.
Does anyone have a good answer as to why one works and the other doesn't?

Note: I assume Find method is applied to a collection of values.
In the first code example, you are incrementing currentPage for each element in your collection (this is happening because lambda expressions introduce closures over variables captured from outer scope - see below code block for more info about that). In the second code example, currentPage is incremented only once. Take a look how the following program behaves:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
private static void Func1()
int i = 0;
var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
list.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(++i));
private static void Func2()
int i = 0;
int j = ++i;
var list = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
list.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(j));
Here is some more info about closures in lambda expressions. Have fun! ;-)


verify cummulative sum verify property efficiently with LINQ

I would like to verify if the sum of the elements (which are non-negativ) of my list isinferior to some values. And I don't want to calculate the the whole sum it is not necessary.(if we prove that the sum of the first element don't respect the property, we stop the computation)
So I would like a LINQ command that verify each element of the cummulative sum is inferior to some value as long as it see that the ineqality hold.
var b = a.Aggregate(new List<int> { 0 }, (ls, x) => { ls.Add(x + ls.Last()); return ls; }).All(x => x < 4);
This method doesn't work. All stop when it see that the ith element of the cummulative sum doesn't safisty the property but the whole cummulative sum is compute.
Have you a better way to do that? (I know we can do that efficiently with loop but I want to do that with LINQ)
if I use a loop:
var s = 0;
var b = true;
foreach(var x in list)
if(s>4){ b= false; break;}
Thank you
You don't need to use a LINQ method to do what you want. You can write your own using enumerators and loops. After all, LINQ-to-Objects operations themselves are implemented using loops. For example TakeWhile is implemented as an iterator that loops over the source and yields matching elements :
static IEnumerable<TSource> TakeWhileIterator<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, int, bool> predicate) {
int index = -1;
foreach (TSource element in source) {
checked { index++; }
if (!predicate(element, index)) break;
yield return element;
The downside is that this generates a state machine for the iterator and returns all matching elements, whether they are used or not.
You can write your own extension method that calculates the sum in a loop and returns true if the loop completes without reaching the limit :
public static bool SumBelow(this IEnumerable<int> source, int limit)
int sum=0;
foreach (var element in source)
if (sum>limit)
return false;
return true;
And use it as an extension method :
var isSumBelow = someEnumerable.SumBelow(5);
Why not a generic method ?
There's no way to specify an operator constraint or an IAddable interface, which is why Sum() itself is implemented for each type separately, eg :
public static int Sum(this IEnumerable<int> source) {
if (source == null) throw Error.ArgumentNull("source");
int sum = 0;
checked {
foreach (int v in source) sum += v;
return sum;
The functional way
Passing the accumulator and condition checker as functions can be used to create one generic, reusable method that can work with any transormation and condition :
public static bool AccWithinLimit<T>(
this IEnumerable<T> source,
Func<T,T,T> accumulator,
Func<T,bool> terminator,
T seed=default)
T total=seed;
foreach (var element in source)
total = accumulator(element,total);
if (terminator(total))
return false;
return true;
This can be used to check for partial sums with integer arrays :
var myArray=new []{1,2,3};
var limit = 5;
var totalBelowLimit = myArray.AccWithinLimit(myArray,
Or partial products with a list of doubles:
var myList = new List<double>{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
var limit = 10;
var totalBelowLimit = myList.AccWithinLimit(myArray,
You can use TakeWhile to take items from the list until the sum exeeds some value
public void TestTakeWhileCumulativeSum()
int[] numbers = new[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
int maxCumulativeSum = 5;
int previous = 0;
var result = numbers.TakeWhile(n => (previous = n + previous) <= maxCumulativeSum);
Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(), 5);

index out of range in For loop despite having enough items in array

I was trying to test this case of resusing the loop variable in foreach in c# as mentioned in following question
Is there a reason for C#'s reuse of the variable in a foreach?
After going through this and this, i tried to reproduce this error with for loop as foreach part has been fixed in c# releases.
But to my surprise, when i tried this code, I got an "Index was outside the bounds of the array." exception from code. Although my array has 4 items and i am trying to access the 3rd index.
public static void Main()
var strings = new string[] { "sd2", "dafs3", "dasd5", "fdf6" };
var actions = CreateActions(strings);
actions.ForEach(f => f());
private static List<Action> CreateActions(string[] strings)
var actions = new List<Action>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var fiber = strings[i];
actions.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(strings[i]));
return actions;
Then I changed my code like this
public static void Main()
var strings = new string[] { "sd2", "dafs3", "dasd5", "fdf6" };
var actions = CreateActions(strings);
actions.ForEach(f => f());
private static List<Action> CreateActions(string[] strings)
var actions = new List<Action>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
var fiber = strings[i];
actions.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(fiber));
return actions;
This code is running fine and i got no out of range exception which is strange. Also regarding reusing variable my case was proved.
My first code has this output if run upto index 2 in for loop as for index 3 it throw out of range exception.
My second code piece gave this output and list all 4 items in output
Is there any explanation with c# or any issue with my test code.

Adding a value to a specific location in a list of queues

public class Queue
public Queue() { }
public process Front() { return this.q_list.ElementAt(0); }
public int Size { get { return this.q_list.Count; } }
public bool IsEmpty { get { return this.q_list.Count <= 0 ? true : false; } }
public void Enqueue(process proc) { this.q_list.Add(proc); }
public void Dequeue() { this.q_list.RemoveAt(0); }
public List<process> q_list = new List<process>();
Creation of a list:
List<Queue> rr_list = new List<Queue>();
The process struct:
public class process
public int Proc_a;
public int Proc_b;
public int Proc_Index;
Let's say I want to add a process to the list at a specific location depending on the value of Proc_Index. How can I do that? Let's also assume the list is initially empty.
process proc = new process{
Proc_a = 1,
Proc_b = 2,
Proc_Index = 4 };
I want to add that to a queue that is in the list located at index 4.
Is this possible?
I've tried:
But it says there's an issue with index not being found or something.
The only thing I can thing of is initializing the list by adding empty queues for up to 20 indexes, but I don't know if there's a better way.
You should use a System.Collections.Generic.Queue instead of writing your own. Use a System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary if you want key-value lookup.
var rr_list = new Dictionary<int, Queue<process>>();
process proc = new process{
Proc_a = 1,
Proc_b = 2,
Proc_Index = 4 };
You may want to use a dictionary instead of a list.
var rr_list = new Dictionary<int, Queue>();
Then have an addprocess function as such
function void AddProcess(proccess proc){
} else {
rr_list[proc.Proc_Index] = (new Queue()).Enqueue(proc);
A list is usually supposed to have no holes, so if you were to add an element at index 4 to an empty list, this would make indexes 0 to 3 contain null.
Now, you can do it like that. You could check if the length is bigger than the requested index, and if not, keep adding null values until it is. Then the index would exist, and you could assign something to it:
static void EnsureLength<T> (List<T> list, int index)
while (list.Count <= index)
Then you could use it like this:
List<int?> list = new List<int?>();
EnsureLength(list, 3);
list[3] = 123;
A possibly better way would be to simply use a Dictionary, especially if you know that you will have holes. So you would just have a Dictionary<int, T>:
Dictionary<int, int?> dict = new Dictionary<int, int?>();
dict[3] = 123;

Java and C# pass by value differences

I think the code below will make my question clear. If they both pass by value, why are they different.
C# below:
static void Main(string[] args)
var list = new List<int> {1, 2, 3,};
foreach (var i in list)
private static void ChangeVars(List<int> list)
for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
list[i] = 23;
Returns 23, 23, 23,
Java below:
public static void main(String[] args)
List<Integer> goods = new ArrayList<Integer>();
goods.add(1); goods.add(2); goods.add(3);
for(int item: goods)
private static void ChangeThings(List<Integer> goods)
for(int item: goods)
item = 23;
Returns 1, 2, 3.
I don't understand the discrepancy.
You're seeing the difference between a foreach loop and a regular for loop.
Your Java code only assigns the local item variable; it doesn't actually modify the list.
If you write goods.set(i, 23), you will modify the list.
The "discrepancy" has nothing to do with passing by value. You are using a different kind of loop in Java, the one where the list is not modified. That's why you see the difference.
If you replace the Java loop with a for (int i = 0 ... ) kind or replace the C# loop with a foreach, there would be no differences between the two programs. In fact, C# program will not compile, because assigning the loop variable is a very common error:
foreach(int item in list)
item = 23; // <<=== This will not compile in C#
The list is passed by reference in both cases. Just, but
for(int item: goods)
item = 23;
doesn't extract a reference to the items from the list but copy it to a variable, you would get the same in C# if you wrote x=list[i] followed be x=23.
you must use
for(int i=0;i<goods.size() )
goods.set(i, 23);

Strange array behavior

I observe a very strange behavior, maybe could you help me to see what happen.
Here the class:
public sealed class Sudoku
private SudokuCell[] _grid = new SudokuCell[81];
// ctor {}
private IEnumerable<SudokuCell> Grid
get { return _grid; }
private SudokuRow[] _rows;
public IEnumerable<SudokuRow> Rows
if (_rows == null)
_rows = new SudokuRow[9];
for (int i = 0, length = 9; i < length; i++)
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == i
select cell);
// Always print 9 (GOOD)
Trace.WriteLine("First Loop " + i + " : " + _rows[i].Cells.Count());
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
// Always print 0 ! Huh !?
Trace.WriteLine("Second Loop " + i + " : " + _rows[i].Cells.Count());
return _rows;
public abstract class SudokuPart
public SudokuPart(IEnumerable<SudokuCell> cells)
Cells = cells;
public int Index
{ get; protected set; }
public IEnumerable<SudokuCell> Cells
{ get; protected set; }
public sealed class SudokuRow : SudokuPart
public SudokuRow(IEnumerable<SudokuCell> cells)
: base(cells)
base.Index = cells.First().Row;
Could anyone tell me why in the second loop it trace 0 instead of 9 !? I changed nothing between both loops !!!
This is the problem:
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == i
select cell);
That's capturing the loop variable (i)... within the loop, it has a sensible value, which is why you're seeing 9 matches.
However, when you count the matching values in the second loop, that single captured variable will have the value 9. Now no cell.Row has a value of 9, so you're not getting any matches. For more information on this, see Eric Lippert's great blog post, "Closing over the loop variable considered harmful."
Three fixes:
Capture a copy of the loop variable:
int copy = i;
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == copy
select cell);
Each iteration of the loop will get a separate copy.
Materialize the query in the loop:
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow((from cell in Grid
where cell.Row == i
select cell).ToList());
Or even:
_rows[i] = new SudokuRow(Grid.Where(cell => cell.Row == i).ToList());
Don't use LINQ at all! Why not just have an array of arrays to represent the grid? That's a much more natural approach, IMO.
I think Jon Skeet answer is great, but I just wanted to add a bit to it with an example of Deferred LINQ Queries. Once I saw this in action, it helped me understand a bit more about some of the nuances of this kind of code problem you ran into.
Try this code.
var numbers = new List<int> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
//Lets create an IEnumerable<int> with the values in our numbers list greater then 3.
var bignumbers = numbers.Where(n => n > 3);
//You may assume our variable bignumbers now contains the numbers 4 and 5
//now lets add another number to our original list that fits the criteria of our LINQ Where statement
foreach (var big in bignumbers) {
Our output from our foreach loop is going to be 4,5,6! This is because our query doesn't run until the foreach causes the enumeration of the items in our bignumbers variable.
Just something else to consider when your building lists within loops and your querying those lists outside of the loops. Your often going to get something other than what your expecting.
