Im working on an EConnect integration Windows form app in C#. Im having a lot of trouble testing my connection string. Basically I give the user the option to change the connection string so I want to be able to test it. As far as I know EConnect doesnt have any built in functions that test the connection so I'm writing a pretty crude function to do it myself. Just for everyones information the connection string consists of a server name that the GP databases are located on and a database name.
The particulars of the actual test function I dont think are that important but the main issue is within that function I call an eConnect method called getEntity, this method uses the connection string and if the connection string is right it will pull information. If the database name is wrong the getEntity method will return an eConnect exception which is easy enough to catch, however if the server name is wrong the getEntity method will just spin and my app gets stuck.
Im trying to write something where I can possibly run my test function asynchronously and simultaneously check for a timeout or the econnect exception. This is where I get stuck, I cant for the life of me get it to work. Here is the first thing I tried (this is in my TestConnection method):
task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => requester.GetEntity(GPCongfigSettings.GPConnectionString, myXmlDocument.OuterXml), token);
if (!task.Wait(timeOut, token))
Console.WriteLine("The server name is incorrect - task timed out");
return false;
catch (ThreadInterruptedException)
return false;
catch (AggregateException ae)
ae.Handle((x) =>
if (x is eConnectException) // This we know how to handle.
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Database Name! -- " + x.Message);
return false;
return false; // Let anything else stop the application.
This would catch the cases where the server was wrong and if my econnect method would just time out. But it never caught the eConnect exception, Visual Studio would break the app and tell me I had an unhandled exception.
Here is what Im trying now, this is the full class I have for my form. Here I'm trying to use IAsyncResult and using a WaitHandle to check to see if the function completes or times out. This seems to work sometimes, it works for a correct string and for when the database is wrong, and sometimes it works for when the server is wrong, but once I test for a wrong server name it doesnt work correctly for anything else anymore. Is there something I'm missing or is there a better way to run the getentity method in TestGPConnection and check to see if it hasnt completed after a certain time period and if it hasnt kill that method and have the user reenter a server name?
public partial class UpdateGPConnection : Form
Task task;
AsyncCallback cb;
public delegate string startProcessToCall();
startProcessToCall sp2c;
public UpdateGPConnection()
this.txtDatasourceName.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("GPDataServer");
this.txtDatabaseName.Text = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("GPDatabase");
cb = new AsyncCallback(startProcessCallback);
sp2c = new startProcessToCall(TestGPConnection);
public void startProcessCallback(IAsyncResult iar)
startProcessToCall mc = (startProcessToCall)iar.AsyncState;
bool result = mc.EndInvoke(iar);
Console.WriteLine("Function value = {0}", result);
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
config.AppSettings.Settings["GPDataServer"].Value = txtDatasourceName.Text.ToUpper();
config.AppSettings.Settings["GPDatabase"].Value = txtDatabaseName.Text.ToUpper();
GPCongfigSettings.GPConnectionString = #"data source=" + txtDatasourceName.Text.ToUpper() + ";initial catalog=" + txtDatabaseName.Text.ToUpper() + ";integrated security=SSPI;persist security info=False;packet size=4096";
IAsyncResult asyncResult = null;
asyncResult = sp2c.BeginInvoke(cb, null);
timer1.Enabled = true;
bool test = asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(15000);
if (test)
string testResult = sp2c.EndInvoke(asyncResult);
catch (Exception exc)
bool result = asyncResult.IsCompleted;
public string TestGPConnection()
eConnectMethods requester = new eConnectMethods();
// Create an eConnect document type object
eConnectType myEConnectType = new eConnectType();
// Create a RQeConnectOutType schema object
RQeConnectOutType myReqType = new RQeConnectOutType();
// Create an eConnectOut XML node object
eConnectOut myeConnectOut = new eConnectOut();
// Populate the eConnectOut XML node elements
myeConnectOut.ACTION = 1;
myeConnectOut.DOCTYPE = "GL_Accounts";
myeConnectOut.OUTPUTTYPE = 2;
myeConnectOut.FORLIST = 1;
myeConnectOut.WhereClause = "(ACTNUMST = '99-9999-99-999')";
// Add the eConnectOut XML node object to the RQeConnectOutType schema object
myReqType.eConnectOut = myeConnectOut;
// Add the RQeConnectOutType schema object to the eConnect document object
RQeConnectOutType[] myReqOutType = { myReqType };
myEConnectType.RQeConnectOutType = myReqOutType;
// Serialize the eConnect document object to a memory stream
MemoryStream myMemStream = new MemoryStream();
XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(myEConnectType.GetType());
mySerializer.Serialize(myMemStream, myEConnectType);
myMemStream.Position = 0;
// Load the serialized eConnect document object into an XML document object
XmlTextReader xmlreader = new XmlTextReader(myMemStream);
XmlDocument myXmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
string reqDoc = requester.GetEntity(GPCongfigSettings.GPConnectionString, myXmlDocument.OuterXml);
return "Correct Connection";
catch (eConnectException exc)
return "eConnect Excpetion";
catch (Exception ex)
return "Excpetion";
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
You are not handling the eConnectException. You are showing a message in the Console and then essentially rethrowing the exception by returning false.
If you do handle an exception then you should return true to avoid rethrowing it:
catch (AggregateException ae)
ae.Handle((x) =>
if (x is eConnectException) // This we know how to handle.
Console.WriteLine("Incorrect Database Name! -- " + x.Message);
return x is eConnectException; //rethrow anything that is not an eConnectException
I have a c# windows service which is doing various tasks. Its working perfectly on my local system but as soon as I start it on my product server, its doesn't perform a particular task on it.
This is how my service is structured:
public static void Execute()
// .... some work ....
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
string cc = dr["ccode"].ToString();
Task objTask = new Task(delegate { RequestForEachCustomer(cc); });
catch (Exception ex)
// Logging in DB + Text File
public static void RequestForEachCustomer(object cc)
// .... some work ....
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
WriteLog("RequestForEachCustomer - Before Task");
Task objTask = new Task(delegate { RequestProcessing(dr); });
WriteLog("RequestForEachCustomer - After Task");
catch (Exception ex)
// Logging in DB + Text File
public static void RequestProcessing(object dr)
WriteLog("Inside RequestProcessing");
// .... some work ....
catch (Exception ex)
// Logging in DB + Text File
Now what happens on the production server is that it logs the last entry in RequestForEachCustomer which is "RequestForEachCustomer - After Task" but it doesn't log the entry from RequestProcessing which mean the task is not starting at all. There are no exceptions in either database or text file.
There are no events logged in window's event viewer either. Also the service keeps working (if I insert another record in database, its processed by the service immediately so the service isn't stuck either. It just doesn't seem to process RequestProcessing task.)
I am baffled by this and it would be great if someone could point out the mistake I am making. Oh, btw did I forgot to mention that this service was working perfectly few days ago on the server and it is still working fine on my local PC.
WriteLog :
public static void WriteErrorLog(string Message)
StreamWriter sw = null;
lock (locker)
sw = new StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\Logs\\LogFile.txt", true);
sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString() + ": " + Message);
catch (Exception excep)
// .... Inserting ErrorLog in DB ....
throw excep;
throw excep;
I have also logged an entry on OnStop() something like "Service Stopped" and its logs every time I stop my service so the problem couldn't exist in WriteLog function.
I suggest you refactor your code as in this MSDN example. What bother me in your code is, you never wait for tasks to finish anywhere.
The following example starts 10 tasks, each of which is passed an index as a state object. Tasks with an index from two to five throw exceptions. The call to the WaitAll method wraps all exceptions in an AggregateException object and propagates it to the calling thread.
Source : Task.WaitAll Method (Task[])
This line from example might be of some importance :
In the constructor i'm calling WatchDirectory method:
private void WatchDirectory()
FileSystemWatcher watcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
watcher.Path = userVideosDirectory;
watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.Size;
watcher.Filter = "*.mp4";
watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Then the event OnChanged:
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
var info = new FileInfo(e.FullPath);
fileforupload = info.FullName;
if (e.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Changed)
var theSize = info.Length;
label2.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
label2.Text = theSize.ToString();
dirchanged = true;
catch (Exception ee)
string err = ee.ToString();
Then i'm using a while loop to check when dirchange flag is true:
while (dirchanged == false)
if (dirchanged == true)
Youtube_Uploader youtubeupload = new
The problem is that sometimes it's never changes the dirchanged to true on the OnChanged event. Not sure why. It seems to fire the OnChanged event but sometimes it doesn't execute the dirchanged = true;
Therefore inside the while loop dirchanged flag remains false all the time.
I added now a new method i called it IsFileLocked:
protected virtual bool IsFileLocked(FileInfo file)
FileStream stream = null;
stream = file.Open(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None);
catch (IOException)
return true;
if (stream != null)
return false;
And i use this in the event OnChanged:
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
var info = new FileInfo(e.FullPath);
fileforupload = info.FullName;
if (e.ChangeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Changed)
var theSize = info.Length;
label2.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
label2.Text = theSize.ToString();
dirchanged = true;
catch (Exception ee)
string err = ee.ToString();
And in the method IsFileLocked i'm getting exception:
The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\bout0_000\Videos\My Great Game - My Great Capture - 2015-08-10 14-22-52.mp4' because it is being used by another process.
I'm using external program that create the file and since the program still working on creating the file the watcher can't get to it.
So i have a confilct here from one side i want to know to watch when the file is ready finished created but on the other side i can't know since the external program still working on it.
So how can i find out when the external program finished working on the file and the file is ready ?
This is the whole part of the code of the while:
if (request.QueryString[0] == "stop")
dirchanged = false;
result = "Recording stopped and preparing the file to be shared on youtube";
while (dirchanged == false)
if (dirchanged == true)
string ttttt = "ok";
I added a string ttttt just for testing.
Sometimes it's getting to the string ttttt when using a break point and sometimes not.
In my program when i touch my android screen it send command to the pc web server and it's getting here but someting is wrong with the while loop and the flag dirchanged sometimes it does enter the while and the IF and does the string ttttt and sometimes it dosen't.
This is what i did now with the await:
TaskCompletionSource<bool> sy;
public async void SendResponse(HttpListenerRequest request)
string result = "";
string key = request.QueryString.GetKey(0);
if (key == "cmd")
if (request.QueryString[0] == "nothing")
return "Connection Success";
if (request.QueryString[0] == "start")
result = "Recording started";
if (request.QueryString[0] == "stop")
dirchanged = false;
result = "Recording stopped and preparing the file to be shared on youtube";
sy = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
await sy.Task;
Youtube_Uploader youtubeupload = new Youtube_Uploader(fileforupload);
result = "Nothing have been done";
if (Youtube_Uploader.fileuploadedsuccess != null && Youtube_Uploader.fileuploadedsuccess != "")
result = Youtube_Uploader.fileuploadedsuccess;
return result;
But some problems.
First i'm getting errors over all the returns.
Error 2 Since 'Automatic_Record.Form1.SendResponse(System.Net.HttpListenerRequest)' returns void, a return keyword must not be followed by an object expression
And error when init my web server:
WebServer ws = new WebServer(SendResponse, "http://+:8098/");
On the SendResponse i'm getting:
Error 1 'void Automatic_Record.Form1.SendResponse(System.Net.HttpListenerRequest)' has the wrong return type
This errors happen now when changed the method to async.
This is my WebServer method that i get error when init it since it should get something else then async:
public WebServer(Func<HttpListenerRequest, string> method, params string[] prefixes)
: this(prefixes, method) { }
public void Run()
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
Console.WriteLine("Webserver running...");
while (_listener.IsListening)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((c) =>
var ctx = c as HttpListenerContext;
string rstr = _responderMethod(ctx.Request);
byte[] buf = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rstr);
ctx.Response.ContentLength64 = buf.Length;
ctx.Response.OutputStream.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder();
catch { } // suppress any exceptions
// always close the stream
}, _listener.GetContext());
catch { } // suppress any exceptions
This code is horribly broken. Yes, dirchanged is always false inside the while loop, because if it becomes true you won't be in the while loop any longer.
In addition, your code blocks events from occurring, which may block the file watcher event itself, and also is not optimization safe. Use proper synchronization, here's an example:
TaskCompletionSource<bool> sy;
private void OnChanged(object source, FileSystemEventArgs e)
and wait with
sy = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
await sy.Task; // or sy.Task.Wait()
(You'll need to use the async keyword on the method containing that code).
This fixes all the problems you had before -- it doesn't burn CPU cycles, it continues processing Windows messages, and it won't break if the compiler chooses to cache variables in registers.
dirchanged could be getting set to true just after evaluating the inner if block. Then, next loop it breaks out without ever running your uploader.
So you have two main questions?
1.) Why is dirchanged not being set to true?
and the apparent cause...
2.) How do you use FileSystemWatcher to only act on a file that's available for edit?
FileSystemWatcher is known for being a little touchy, and I agree with your diagnosis that file access is probably the culprit. An unpredictable file access error is exactly what I would expected from a FileSystemWatcher trying to do something with a file that was just modified. Can you edit the code that's creating the file? If so, one method I've used with FileSystemWatcher is to have it only watch for file creation of a fictitious file type such as ".fsw". The program creating the file will then rename it to ".fsw" whenever it is done editing it, that way the FileSystemWatcher only gets called when it has a file available to act upon, and it can then rename the file to it's actual type. Also, if you can edit the creation code, make sure that you are doing everything you can to release the file from there. I've seen this behavior before because I forgot to close a TextWriter.
Also, I would move the line
dirchanged = true;
Outside of the try statement. Why have it in there since it definitely wont throw an error? Also, your catch statement isn't really doing error handling. Any error in your try statement and you get ejected before reaching the dirchanged = true line without being alerted that this is what happened. Have you tested your delegate code on its own? Is there a need to have the if statement for type = changed right there? If you're troubleshooting, I would consider limiting your try statement content or moving it to after the while loop as much as possible.
Also, wouldn't this be a lot more simple for your while statement?
while (dirchanged == false){}
Youtube_Uploader youtubeupload = new Youtube_Uploader(fileforupload);
It's not the most elegant solution, but one work around is to simply wait if you know the program creating/editing the file is going to close it very soon...
while (dirchanged == false){}
Youtube_Uploader youtubeupload = new Youtube_Uploader(fileforupload);
EDIT: Better yet, rather than a while statement use Ben Voigt's suggestion of a TaskCompletionSource. You'll still have to deal with the file being locked but you should be able to do that after the "task" has been flagged as completed.
using IPC over local TCP to communicate from Client to a Server thread. The connection itself doesn't seem to be throwing any errors, but every time I try to make one of the associated calls, I get this message:
System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Could not connect to an IPC Port: The System cannot Find the file specified
What I am attempting to figure out is WHY. Because this WAS working correctly, until I transitioned the projects in question (yes, both) from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.0.
Listen Code
private void ThreadListen()
_listenerThread = new Thread(Listen) {Name = "Listener Thread", Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal};
private void Listen()
_listener = new Listener(this);
LifetimeServices.LeaseTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(365);
IDictionary props = new Hashtable();
props["port"] = 63726;
props["name"] = "AGENT";
TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(props, null, null);
ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel, false);
RemotingServices.Marshal(_listener, "Agent");
Logger.WriteLog(new LogMessage(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, "Now Listening for commands..."));
LogEvent("Now Listening for commands...");
Selected Client Code
private void InitializeAgent()
_agentController =
(IAgent)RemotingServices.Connect(typeof(IAgent), IPC_URL);
//Note: IPC_URL was originally "ipc://AGENT/AGENT"
// It has been changed to read "tcp://localhost:63726/Agent"
catch (Exception ex)
HandleError("Unable to initialize the connected agent.", 3850244, ex);
//This is the method that throws the error
public override void LoadTimer()
// first check to see if we have already set the agent process id and set it if not
if (_agentPid < 0)
var tries = 0;
while (tries < RUNCHECK_TRYCOUNT)
_agentController.ReloadSettings();//<---Error occurs here
} catch (RemotingException)
catch (Exception ex)
HandleError("Unable to reload the timer for the connected agent.", 3850243, ex);
If you need to see something I haven't shown, please ask, I'm pretty much flying blind here.
Edit: I think the issue is the IPC_URL String. It is currently set to "ipc://AGENT/AGENT". The thing is, I have no idea where that came from, why it worked before, or what might be stopping it from working now.
I was able to get the IPC Calls working correctly by changing the IPC_URL String, but I still lack understanding of why what I did worked. Or rather, why the original code stopped working and I needed to change it in the first place.
The string I am using now is "tcp://localhost:63726/Agent"
Can anyone tell me, not why the new string works, I know that...but Why did the original string work before and why did updating the project target to .NET 4.0 break it?
I have an application talking to a USB-GPS. It’s working as a charm if nothing out of the ordinary happnes. But I have a big problem. If the USB gets pulled out, my program (some times) crashes. I have Try/Catch where I need them but this IOExeption doesn’t get caught. I just get "The device does not recognize the command" and the program stops. Here is the code that starts the port:
public LatLongFromGPS(Form1 parent)
this.parent = parent;
String port;
this.SPort = new SerialPort(port, 4800);
this.SPort.ReadTimeout = 500;
this.SPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(dataReceived);
public bool checkIfPortsOpen()
return (this.SPort.IsOpen);
public void openPort()
if (!this.SPort.IsOpen)
catch(Exception ex)
parent.LoggIt.WriteLogg("OPENPORT " + ex.ToString(), Logger.LoggType.Debug);
public void dataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
if (SPort.IsOpen)
String GPGGAString;
buffert = new char[this.SPort.BytesToRead];
this.SPort.Read(buffert, 0, buffert.Length);
GPGGAString = findStringFromGPS();
if (GPGGAString != null)
this.newData = true;
catch(Exception ex)
parent.LoggIt.WriteLogg("GPSERROR " + ex.ToString(), Logger.LoggType.Debug);
Then I have this in a Timer to check the info
if (this.LatLong.newDataReceived())
if (!this.LatLong.checkIfPortsOpen())
Anyone have any suggestions how to stop the crashes?
[EDIT] The stack:
at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError(Int32, System.String)
at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError()
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Dispose(Boolean)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Finalize()
I'm not entirely sure if it applies here, but there are mechanisms to catch overall crashes at the appdomain level -
(not the section on other events, e.g. ThreadException - these may need their own handlers depending on the situation)
Although not a best practice, top-level exception handling might solve your problem. See for an example.
I have a page which is fetching data from a webservice using async call.
If i get the response from webservice control goes to catch where a message box is pooped.
The code is given below:
string uri = "";
UriBuilder fullUri = new UriBuilder("");
fullUri.Query = "key=b7d3b5ed25080109113008&q=Mumbai&num_of_days=5";
HttpWebRequest forecastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fullUri.Uri);
// set up the state object for the async request
ForecastUpdateState forecastState = new ForecastUpdateState();
forecastState.AsyncRequest = forecastRequest;
// start the asynchronous request
forecastRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(HandleForecastResponse), forecastState);
This part is response
private void HandleForecastResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
// get the state information
ForecastUpdateState forecastState = (ForecastUpdateState)asyncResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebRequest forecastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)forecastState.AsyncRequest;
// end the async request
forecastState.AsyncResponse = (HttpWebResponse)forecastRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult);
Stream streamResult;
string newCityName = "";
//int newHeight = 0;
// get the stream containing the response from the async call
streamResult = forecastState.AsyncResponse.GetResponseStream();
// load the XML
XElement xmlWeather = XElement.Load(streamResult);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Connection Error");
Problem :
when the page is loaded it starts fetching data from webservice(consider the case when the web service is not responding and control goes to catch part).
In the mean time if we press the back button or navigate the page the message box popps on the new page.
How could i stop that.
Thanks and Regards
Haven't tested it, but it may work:
1/ Store the value of the NavigationService.CurrentSource property somewhere it can be retrieved (the best would be in the asyncState parameter, but a property may work as well
2/ In the HandleForecastResponse, compare the old and new value of the NavigationService.CurrentSource. This way, you should be able to deduce if the active page has changed or not.
ifixed that problem by add
System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
try this
private void HandleForecastResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
// get the state information
ForecastUpdateState forecastState = (ForecastUpdateState)asyncResult.AsyncState;
HttpWebRequest forecastRequest = (HttpWebRequest)forecastState.AsyncRequest;
// end the async request
forecastState.AsyncResponse = (HttpWebResponse)forecastRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult);
Stream streamResult;
string newCityName = "";
//int newHeight = 0;
// get the stream containing the response from the async call
streamResult = forecastState.AsyncResponse.GetResponseStream();
// load the XML
XElement xmlWeather = XElement.Load(streamResult);
catch (Exception ex)
System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
MessageBox.Show("Connection Error");
Finally solved it.
catch (Exception x)
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
var currentPage = ((App)Application.Current).RootFrame.Content as PhoneApplicationPage;
if ((currentPage.ToString()).Equals("MumbaiMarathon.Info.News"))
MessageBox.Show("Connection Error");
I just checked at the time of popping the message box the name of the Current UI application page. If its same as the page from which message box is initiated than it pops otherwise not.