Reduce image size in C# - c#

I want function which will reduce image size.
The function should take the image URL, check is image 4MB size or bigger and if it is then resize it to lover then 4MB and return bytes.
I have next method:
public byte[] ResizeImage(string url)
var uri = new Uri(url);
var c = new WebClient();
var oldImgStream = new MemoryStream(c.DownloadData(uri));
if (oldImgStream.Length <= 4194304)
return oldImgStream.ToArray();
using (var oldImage = new Bitmap(oldImgStream))
using (var newImageStream = new MemoryStream())
var format = oldImage.RawFormat;
float resizePercent = (float)4194304 / oldImgStream.Length;
var newImage = ResizeImageByPercent(oldImage, resizePercent);
newImage.Save(newImageStream, format);
return newImageStream.ToArray();
public static Bitmap ResizeImageByPercent(Bitmap image, float resizePercent)
//Set minimum resizePercentage to 80%
resizePercent = resizePercent > 0.8 ? (float)0.8 : resizePercent;
int newWidth = (int)(image.Width * resizePercent);
int newHeight = (int)(image.Height * resizePercent);
var newImage = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(newImage))
graphics.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
graphics.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
graphics.PixelOffsetMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.Transparent, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
graphics.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
return newImage;
But this doesn't work fine.
I have an jpg image as example.
The image size is a little more then 4MB (4194587 bytes).
Resolution of the image is 2272 x 1704.
So when I try to resize this image with my method above.
It first calculate "resizePercentage" as:
float resizePercent = (float)4194304 / oldImgStream.Length;
resizePercent = (float)4194304 / 4194587;
resizePercent = 0.9999325 //(99.99325%)
But because I have set minimum of resizePercent it will be set to 0.8 (80%).
resizePercent = 0.8;
Then it will calculate new width and height with this resizePercent.
And new resolution will be: 1817 x 1363 and image is resized to new resolution.
But after it is saved to stream and it read bytes it returns even larger image.
Site of the returned image is "5146056 bytes" 5MB
So does anyone has idea how to implement this, or what is wrong this my method so it's returning larger image even resolution is reduced.
I should be able to reduce size of images png, jpg and gif

There's not a one to one correlation between image file size and resolution, when dealing with compressed bitmaps. That correlation does exist for a true bitmap (BMP, for example), since 1 pixel is always equal to a defined number of bytes (based on the colorspace).
However, when talking about compressed bitmaps, like JPEG, the file size is based on efficiency of the compression (how many colors needs to be encoded overall, how many pixels can combine based on being the same color, or how much dithering can be done to create more pixels of the same color that can be combined). That may end up being less with a lower resolution image, but it also could just as easily remain unchanged or even increase, depending on how efficient the original compression was and how what effect a lesser quantity of pixels overall has on the efficiency of the compression.
Long and short, you can't just apply a simple percentage-based reduction in resolution to ensure a certain file size. The best you could really to is gradually decrease the resolution, testing the file size with each iteration, until it's below your threshold, assuming it does actually go below the threshold. With 4MB to play with, there's conceivably a certain resolution that would definitely be below that, but where that point lies is virtually impossible to calculate.
Additionally, this will vary based on a the type of image format. JPEG functions mostly by trying to spread color out as much as possible (dithering). This is why lower quality JPEGs display artifacts. PNG and GIF are mostly indexed, though, where the overall amount of colors is attempted to be reduced (though both can also employ dithering as well). PNG further complicates matters in that it you can also have lossless PNGs, where all colors and pixels are preserved but a simple compression is applied (much like a ZIP archive) to reduce file size. All of these will have different behavior from each other and at various resolutions.

try to change the quality of InterpolationMode, SmoothingMode, CompositingQuality, PixelOffsetMode. You can see that all of these are set to high quality


Does making a Bitmap Transparent a smaller image, as in bytes

When building Bitmaps and collectively building a few Bitmaps and combining them into one Bitmap does it help to .MakeTransparent().
And or, before I send the Bitmap to the requesting client if I .MakeTransparent() will it become smaller in size? not width or height, buy in bytes?
In other words will .MakeTransparent() optimize the Bitmap, and if not does anyone get any suggestions on how to optmize a Bitmap before sending to the requesting client over the wire via internet?
The code in question is sheet.MakeTransparent()
internal static Task<Bitmap> GetDoorSecheduleSheetAsync(ShopDrawing.DoorSchedules schedules, RotateFlipType rotate, byte schedulesPerSheet, byte currentI)
return Task.Run(() =>
var sheet = new Bitmap(DrawingOptions.PAGE_HEIGHT_SIZE, DrawingOptions.PAGE_WIDTH_SIZE);
sheet.SetResolution(150, 150);
byte scheduleCnt = 0;
float prevWidth = 0;
using (Graphics dc = Graphics.FromImage(sheet))
using (Pen pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(80, Color.Black), 4))
for (; currentI < schedules.Count(); currentI++)
if (scheduleCnt > 0)
dc.DrawLine(pen, prevWidth, 380/*need constant for start height*/, prevWidth, sheet.Height);
using (var doorSchedule = schedules[currentI].Door)
dc.DrawImage(doorSchedule, prevWidth + 50, 380/*need constant for start height*/);
prevWidth += doorSchedule.Width + 50;
if (scheduleCnt == schedulesPerSheet)
return sheet;
return sheet;
Thank you!
BMP is uncompressed format with essentially raw bytes (or palette indexes) for each pixel - there is no transformation that will change size of resulting file except changing bit-per-pixel count.
Don't send uncompressed bmp over network - use either loss-less PNG/GIF or (if it works for you) JPG.
As said by Alexei Levenkov sending the raw BMP-Format over the wire is the worst choice.
Calling MakeTransparent() would (if it's not already the case) convert the image format to 32bit (= with alpha cannel), which is most byte hungry - transparency has its costs.
You should save the Bitmap as a i.e. jpeg (if you don't really need transparency) or png (if you really need it) - they're both much more efficient.
Look at this answered question about it: High Quality Image Scaling Library
It shows how to use the .NET built-in image encoders.
When you call the MakeTransparent method the bitmap will be converted to the Format32bppArgb format, as this format supports an alpha channel.
The Format32bppArgb is a format what uses 32 bits per pixel; 8 bits each are used for the alpha, red, green, and blue components. Therefore it could mean a change in size.
But just to have control over what really happens you could zip the bitmap or compress it bye converting it to other formats as PNG o JPG as Alexei Levenkov suggested
Here you can find and example of how to convert PNG to BMP, you can use the same code but exchanging formats
How to convert PNG to BMP at runtime?

Picturebox Bitmap Scaling

I have a Picturebox and a ton of Bitmaps that can be displayed in it. The relative size of the Bitmap when compared to the others is of importance to the user. They need to be able to see that one image is smaller or bigger than another. The Bitmap must also fit in the picturebox entirely and the picturebox cannot be resized.
When simply displaying the Bitmaps unscaled in a huge picturebox the relative sizes of the bitmaps is easy to see, but when trying to fit them in a small box and having to scale them down my problem starts.
When using the Stretch PictureBoxSizeMode as you would imagine the images sometimes appear distorted due to the nonspecific sizes of the Bitmaps and the fact they then get stretched to fill the whole box regardless, but the Stretch sizemod is the closest to the kind I need.
None of the other sizemodes suit my needs so I know now I need to create a function to resize the Bitmap and here was the start of my attempt until I realized I was going in completely the wrong direction, the image returned here retains no 'scale'.
private Bitmap ResizeBitmap(Bitmap img)
int newWidth = 0;
int newHeight = 0;
double imgRatio;
if (img.Width > img.Height)
imgRatio = ((double)img.Height / (double)img.Width) * 100;
newWidth = pictureBox.Width;
newHeight = (int)(((double)newWidth / 100) * imgRatio);
imgRatio = ((double)img.Width / (double)img.Height) * 100;
newHeight = pictureBox.Height;
newWidth = (int)(((double)newHeight / 100) * imgRatio);
Bitmap newImg = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(newImg))
g.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
return newImg;
I've been staring at the screen for a while now and the math to do the scaling currently eludes me, I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. It's almost 4am so maybe my brain just isn't grasping some simple concepts.
Set the PictureBoxSizeMode to Zoom. This maintains the aspect ratio.

How to set images height and width in inches?

I am trying to save an image from string.
so I want to know how I can set image height and width in inches at the time of saving the image.
my code follows for image saving :
private void Base64ToImage(string base64String)
Image fullSizeImg = null;
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes);
fullSizeImg = Image.FromStream(ms, true);
System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort dummyCallBack = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
System.Drawing.Image thumbNailImg = fullSizeImg.GetThumbnailImage(700, 800, dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
thumbNailImg.Save(ImagePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
That doesn't work. We save in pixels because an inch/cm/mile does not convert to on-screen real estate. The reason for this is that we all use different DPI settings, albeit 92 DPI seems to be one of the more common settings nowadays.
There are also varying DPI settings for printers...
To calculate the pixels from inches, you could try:
pixels = inches * someDpiSetting
but bear in mind this will not result in inches on every screen, every printout, etc.
EDIT: If you take a look at WPF you'll find that it has fantastic support for DPI, and will translate a form to the same (give or take) size regardless of DPI. Maybe that helps?
Bitmaps don't have a size in inches, their size is measured in pixels. That said most modern bitmat formats have a piece of metadata called DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate a size in pixels to a size in inches via the simple formula:
inches = pixels / dpi
For the Image class you set metadata using the SetPropertyItem Method where the pieces of metadata we are interested in are:
PropertyTagResolutionUnit - set this to "2" for inches
PropertyTagXResolution - Essentially the X DPI as long as PropertyTagResolutionUnit is in inches.
PropertyTagYResolution - The Y DPI as long as PropertyTagResolutionUnit is in inches
See Property Item Descriptions for details.
(Actually, I realised half way through writing this that the setting of property metadata using SetPropertyItem looks really complicated - you might just be better off using Bitmat instead, which has resolution properties making the whole thing a lot easier)
As a contrast to those imperial measures and formula-only's:
// inches = pixels / dpi
// pixel = inches * dpi
// 1 centimeter = 0.393700787 inch
// pixel = cm * 0.393700787 * dpi
single sngWidth = 2.25; //cm
single sngHeight = 1.0; //cm
sngWidth *= 0.393700787 * bmpImage.HorizontalResolution; // x-Axis pixel
sngHeight *= 0.393700787 * bmpImage.VerticalResolution; // y-Axis pixel
Like so:
public static int Cm2Pixel(double WidthInCm)
double HeightInCm = WidthInCm;
return Cm2Pixel(WidthInCm, HeightInCm).Width;
} // End Function Cm2Pixel
public static System.Drawing.Size Cm2Pixel(double WidthInCm, double HeightInCm)
float sngWidth = (float)WidthInCm; //cm
float sngHeight = (float)HeightInCm; //cm
using (System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1))
sngWidth *= 0.393700787f * bmp.HorizontalResolution; // x-Axis pixel
sngHeight *= 0.393700787f * bmp.VerticalResolution; // y-Axis pixel
return new System.Drawing.Size((int)sngWidth, (int)sngHeight);
} // End Function Cm2Pixel
If you are using a Bitmap then it has the method SetResolution ( that allows you to set the x and y dpi which can be easily derived from your knowledge of the height and width of the image in pixels and inches that you already have.
I'm hoping here that using a Bitmap instead of an Image shouldn't be a problem. Its a subclass so I would imagine it is likely you can.
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
new FileStream(Afiladdress, FileMode.Open).CopyTo(ms);
Bitmap myimage = new Bitmap(ms);
float Width = myimage.Width / myimage.HorizontalResolution;//in INCHES
float Height= myimage.Height/ myimage.VerticalResolution;//in INCHES

Display captured Jpeg File

I'm able to save the captured image from a barcode scanner using this code:
Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog();
dlg.DefaultExt = ".jpg";
dlg.Filter = "JPEG Images (.jpg)|*.jpg|All files (*.*)|*.*";
if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true)
using (FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(dlg.FileName))
file.Write(e.ImageBuffer, 0, e.ImageSize);
However, I would like to display the captured image using WPF but I get a distorted image.
private void _barcodeScannerInstance_SavePhotoEvent(object sender, ImageEventArgs e)
SetBitmap(e.ImageBuffer, 350, 263, 96);
private void SetBitmap(byte[] image, int width, int height, int dpi)
MainWindow.Instance.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart)delegate()
BitmapSource bitmapSource = BitmapSource.Create(
width, height, (double)dpi, (double)dpi, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null, image, ((width * 24 + 31) & ~31) >> 3);
Image myImage = new Image();
myImage.Width = HwModeScreen.BarcodeImageCanvas.ActualWidth;
myImage.Height = HwModeScreen.BarcodeImageCanvas.ActualHeight;
myImage.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
myImage.Source = bitmapSource;
Here is the image I see. It should be a black and white picture of a kleenex box.
Here is the saved jpg file:
did you mix up width and height? are you sure your dpi value is correct?
I suspect the whole problem is this line:
BitmapSource bitmapSource = BitmapSource.Create(
width, height, (double)dpi, (double)dpi, PixelFormats.Bgr24, null, image, ((width * 24 + 31) & ~31) >> 3)
What I would do to debug the issue is to write out the image to file and confirm all the inputs. Use photoshop,, file properties...
Are you sure you are working with bitmap format?
Are you sure you are working with 24bits per pixel?
Are you sure you have height and width correct, and you are feeding the values into the correct argument
What is this line all about, and why are you doing it? I am slightly suspicious.
((width * 24 + 31) & ~31) >> 3)
Basically, the way I look at this is that you are feeding the bitmap library a stream of bits... it doesn't know what the bits are but it will attempt to create the image from the information you give it: bits per pixel, size, etc. If you give it incorrect information, it will create a corrupted image as you have shown.
I am slightly suspicious that the problem is not with width and height; even if you mix those two values up-- I think you would get at least part of the first row of pixels to be rendered correctly. I see static / noise / snow, which tells me that there is something about the way the stream of bits was interpreted-- it is rendered as random blacks and whites.
Another thing: in your screen cap, I see color. this is another hint that there is something incorrect about your assumptions about the image. The values should probably 1 to 256 ( 8 bits per pixel I think? ) I would try creating a 8 bit per pixel black and white bitmap. Somehow the library thinks this is a color image.
I just noticed that you are assuming jpeg. jpeg is a lossy format-- I would have assumed that you would end up with a bitmap or tiff image. double check that you are indeed getting back a jpeg image (check the barcode api documentation)
The JPEG compression algorithm is quite unsuitable for the kind of image you are capturing. It works well for photos, it behaves poorly on images containing fine lines. The slight artifacts the compression produces makes it a lot harder to properly scan the barcode.
You don't see the Kleenex box because you are writing the raw image bytes. You need to use an image encoder. I recommend you use the PngBitmapEncoder class. GifBitmapEncoder should work too since you don't need a lot of colors, it makes smaller files. A code snippet that shows how to use an encoder is available here.
this is likely distorting it
myImage.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
I used a jpeg decoder to fix the problem.
private void SetBitmap(byte[] image, int width, int height, int dpi)
MainWindow.Instance.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, (ThreadStart)delegate()
BMemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
JpegBitmapDecoder decoder = new JpegBitmapDecoder(ms, BitmapCreateOptions.PreservePixelFormat, BitmapCacheOption.Default);
BitmapSource bitmapSource = decoder.Frames[0];
Image myImage = new Image();
myImage.Width = HwModeScreen.BarcodeImageCanvas.ActualWidth;
myImage.Height = HwModeScreen.BarcodeImageCanvas.ActualHeight;
myImage.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
myImage.Source = bitmapSource;

Converting from a Format8bppIndexed to a Format24bppRgb in C#/GDI+

Alright, I have an image coming through from an external application in an 8-bit indexed format. I need this image converted to a 24-bit format of the exact same size.
I've tried creating a new Bitmap of the same size and of type Format24bppRgb and then using a Graphics object to draw the 8-bit image over it before saving it as a Bmp. This approach doesn't error out but when I open the resulting image the BMP header has all kinds of funky values. The height and width are HUGE and, in addition, there are funny (and large) values for the compression flags and a few others. Unfortunately my particular requirements are to pass this file off to a specific printer driver that demands a 24-bit image with specific header values (which I'm trying to achieve through GDI+)
Anyone know of an example on "up-converting" an indexed file to a not-indexed 24-bit file? If not an example, which path should I start down to write my own?
-Kevin Grossnicklaus
I used the code below to "up-convert" an image from 8bpp to 24bpp. Inspecting the generated 24bpp file with a hex editor and comparing against the 8bpp file shows no difference in height and width in the two files. That is, the 8bpp image was 1600x1200, and the 24bpp image has the same values.
private static void ConvertTo24(string inputFileName, string outputFileName)
Bitmap bmpIn = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(inputFileName);
Bitmap converted = new Bitmap(bmpIn.Width, bmpIn.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(converted))
// Prevent DPI conversion
g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel
// Draw the image
g.DrawImageUnscaled(bmpIn, 0, 0);
converted.Save(outputFileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);
Everything else in the headers looks reasonable, and the images display identical on my system. What "funky values" are you seeing?
This is my conversion code. Notice the matching of resolution between source image and resulting image.
private void ConvertTo24bppPNG(Stream imageDataAsStream, out byte[] data)
using ( Image img = Image.FromStream(imageDataAsStream) )
using ( Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb) )
// ensure resulting image has same resolution as source image
// otherwise resulting image will appear scaled
bmp.SetResolution(img.HorizontalResolution, img.VerticalResolution);
using ( Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) )
gfx.DrawImage(img, 0, 0);
using ( MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream() )
bmp.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
data = new byte[ms.Length];
ms.Position = 0;
ms.Read(data, 0, (int) ms.Length);
It seems odd that you're creating a Bitmap of the same width and height as your input, yet the generated BMP is much larger. Can you post some code?
The problem is probably the difference between the Vertical- and HorizontalResolution of your source image and your output image. If you load a 8bpp indexed bitmap with a resolution of 72 DPI, and then create a new 24bpp bitmap (default resolution will be 96 DPI... at least it is on my system) and then use Graphics.DrawImage to blit to the new bitmap, your image will appear slightly zoomed in and cropped.
Having said that, I don't know off the top of my head how to properly create the output Bitmap and/or Graphics object to scale properly when saved. I suspect it will have something to do with creating the images using a common scale like inches instead of pixels.
