I need to update the Expiry Date and update the Cardholder Name on an existing card in Realex payments.
The hash value syntax should be in the following format:
And here is an example of how it should look
When I run the following method I get the error:
"sha1hash incorrect - check your code and the Developers Documentation"
private string ReturnHash(string timeStamp, string merchantId, string payerRef, string reference, string expDate, string cardNum )
SHA1 hash = new SHA1Managed();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append(cardNum );
string resultingHash = BitConverter.ToString(hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(builder.ToString())));
resultingHash = BitConverter.ToString(hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resultingHash)));
return resultingHash;
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your message.
Could you try before running this line of code:
string resultingHash = BitConverter.ToString(hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(builder.ToString())));
To make "resultingHash" all lowercase?
Also before running:
resultingHash = BitConverter.ToString(hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(resultingHash)));
make "resultingHash" to lowercase as well.
var timeStamp = RealexDateFormatter.DateFormatForRealex();
var orderid = model.ORDER_ID;
var secret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Appsecretkey"];
var merchantId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppMerchantId"];
var temp1 = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(
timeStamp + "." +
merchantId + "." +
orderid + "." +
model.AMOUNT + "." + "EUR", "sha1");
temp1 = temp1.ToLower();
var temp2 = temp1 + "." + secret;
var sha1hash = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(temp2, "sha1");
sha1hash = sha1hash.ToLower();`enter code here`
var url = "https://hpp.sandbox.realexpayments.com/pay?MERCHANT_ID="
+ ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppMerchantId"] +
"&ORDER_ID=" + orderid + "&CURRENCY=EUR" + "&AMOUNT=" + model.AMOUNT + "&TIMESTAMP=" + timeStamp + "&SHA1HASH=" + sha1hash + "&MERCHANT_RESPONSE_URL=http://deposit.projectstatus.in/Payment/Response";
I am trying to use the Google Streetview Static API to get mass amounts of streetview images. I have a working API key and URL signing secret but I am having trouble with encoding the signature. No matter what I have tried I get the wrong signature and the url does not work. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is what I have done (the Encode method is not mine):
static void Main(string[] args)
Process.Start(GenerateURL(0, 0, "40.7488115", "-73.9855688", 1920, 1080, 90));
public static string GenerateURL(double heading, double pitch, string locationLat, string locationLong, int resX, int resY, int fov)
string universalURL = "size=" + resX + "x" + resY + "&location=" + locationLat + "," + locationLong + "&heading=" + heading + "&pitch=" + pitch + "&fov=" + fov + "&key=" + apiKey;
string getURL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?" + universalURL;
string getSignature = "_maps_api_streetview?" + universalURL;
return getURL + "&signature=" + Encode(getSignature, signingKey);
public static string Encode(string input, string inputkey)
byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(inputkey);
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(input);
using (var myhmacsha1 = new HMACSHA1(key))
var hashArray = myhmacsha1.ComputeHash(byteArray);
return hashArray.Aggregate("", (s, e) => s + String.Format("{0:x2}", e), s => s);
The reason I use _ instead of / for getSignature is because here it says it needs to be replaced. I have already tried with / and it does not work.
Thanks for any help.
I have found the solution on the google website:
static void Main(string[] args)
Process.Start(GenerateURL(0, 0, "-26.235859", "28.077619", 500, 500, 90));
public static string GenerateURL(double heading, double pitch, string locationLat, string locationLong, int resX, int resY, int fov)
return Sign("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=" + resX + "x" + resY + "&location=" + locationLat + "," + locationLong + "&heading=" + heading + "&pitch=" + pitch + "&fov=" + fov + "&key=" + apiKey, signingKey);
public static string Sign(string url, string keyString)
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
// converting key to bytes will throw an exception, need to replace '-' and '_' characters first.
string usablePrivateKey = keyString.Replace("-", "+").Replace("_", "/");
byte[] privateKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(usablePrivateKey);
Uri uri = new Uri(url);
byte[] encodedPathAndQueryBytes = encoding.GetBytes(uri.LocalPath + uri.Query);
// compute the hash
HMACSHA1 algorithm = new HMACSHA1(privateKeyBytes);
byte[] hash = algorithm.ComputeHash(encodedPathAndQueryBytes);
// convert the bytes to string and make url-safe by replacing '+' and '/' characters
string signature = Convert.ToBase64String(hash).Replace("+", "-").Replace("/", "_");
// Add the signature to the existing URI.
return uri.Scheme + "://" + uri.Host + uri.LocalPath + uri.Query + "&signature=" + signature;
I'm using an example for setting up HMAC authentication for a Web API project. The original example source code/project is available here:
I'm trying to get Postman to construct and send a GET request in it's pre-request script. However the request always fails with a 401 and I can't figure out why.
Postman pre-request script:
var AppId = "4d53bce03ec34c0a911182d4c228ee6c";
var APIKey = "A93reRTUJHsCuQSHR+L3GxqOJyDmQpCgps102ciuabc=";
var requestURI = "http%3a%2f%2flocalhost%3a55441%2fapi%2fv1%2fdata";
var requestMethod = "GET";
var requestTimeStamp = "{{$timestamp}}";
var nonce = "1";
var requestContentBase64String = "";
var signatureRawData = AppId + requestMethod + requestURI + requestTimeStamp + nonce + requestContentBase64String; //check
var signature = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(signatureRawData);
var secretByteArray = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(APIKey);
var signatureBytes = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signature,secretByteArray)
var requestSignatureBase64String = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signatureBytes);
postman.setGlobalVariable("key", "amx " + AppId + ":" + requestSignatureBase64String + ":" + nonce + ":" + requestTimeStamp);
This is the code I'm using in my Pre-Script. It works for any query GET, PUT, POST, DELETE.
You need to change the AppId & the APIKey values and on the last line adjust the name of the environment variable "hmacKey" with yours.
function interpolate (value) {
const {Property} = require('postman-collection');
return Property.replaceSubstitutions(value, pm.variables.toObject());
var uuid = require('uuid');
var moment = require("moment")
var hmacPrefix = "hmac";
var AppId = "4d53bce03ec34c0a911182d4c228ee6c";
var APIKey = "A93reRTUJHsCuQSHR+L3GxqOJyDmQpCgps102ciuabc=";
var requestURI = encodeURIComponent(pm.environment.values.substitute(pm.request.url, null, false).toString().toLowerCase());
var requestMethod = pm.request.method;
var requestTimeStamp = moment(new Date().toUTCString()).valueOf() / 1000;
var nonce = uuid.v4();
var requestContentBase64String = "";
var bodyString = interpolate(pm.request.body.toString());
if (bodyString) {
var md5 = CryptoJS.MD5(bodyString);
requestContentBase64String = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(md5);
var signatureRawData = AppId + requestMethod + requestURI + requestTimeStamp + nonce + requestContentBase64String; //check
var signature = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(signatureRawData);
var secretByteArray = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(APIKey);
var signatureBytes = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signature,secretByteArray);
var requestSignatureBase64String = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signatureBytes);
var hmacKey = hmacPrefix + " " + AppId + ":" + requestSignatureBase64String + ":" + nonce + ":" + requestTimeStamp;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("hmacKey", hmacKey);
After a few days of testing I figured out the problem. It was actually to do with the variable placeholders provided by Postman of all things. In testing the placeholder {{$timestamp}} at face value was passing a valid value. When I stripped the signature back to start with just a single segment I was getting authenticated successfully. Until of course I put the timestamp placeholder back in.
When I swapped out the placeholder for the actual value passed in the header it worked fine. I can only conclude that there must be some extra character I can't see. Perhaps on the Postman side when it creates the signature. The problem extends to other placeholders such as {{$guid}}.
If you are having trouble with the script provided by Florian SANTI and you are using Postman v8.0 or higher. You'll need to make sure that the empty string is set by the variable requestContentBase64String is set properly by correctly inspecting the request body.
This is how I solved the issue.
var uuid = require('uuid');
var moment = require("moment")
var AppId = "4d53bce03ec34c0a911182d4c228ee6c";
var APIKey = "A93reRTUJHsCuQSHR+L3GxqOJyDmQpCgps102ciuabc=";
var requestURI = encodeURIComponent(pm.environment.values.substitute(pm.request.url, null, false).toString()).toLowerCase();
var requestMethod = pm.request.method;
var requestTimeStamp = moment(new Date().toUTCString()).valueOf() / 1000;
var nonce = uuid.v4();
var hasBody = (pm.request.body !== null);
if (hasBody) {
hasBody = (!pm.request.body.isEmpty);
var requestContentBase64String = "";
if (hasBody) {
var md5 = CryptoJS.MD5(JSON.stringify(postBody));
requestContentBase64String = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(md5);
var signatureRawData = AppId + requestMethod + requestURI + requestTimeStamp + nonce + requestContentBase64String; //check
var signature = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(signatureRawData);
var secretByteArray = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(APIKey);
var signatureBytes = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(signature,secretByteArray);
var requestSignatureBase64String = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(signatureBytes);
var hmacKey = "amx " + AppId + ":" + requestSignatureBase64String + ":" + nonce + ":" + requestTimeStamp;
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("hmacKey", hmacKey );
Im trying to convert an object (Lead) to a reduced form of the same object (ApiLead)
The object contains a list of objects (OtherInHousehold) which also needs to be reduced (ApiOtherInHousehold):
result = leads.Select(lead => new ApiLead()
UserId = lead.UserId,
DepartmentId = lead.DepartmentId,
CompanyId = lead.CompanyId,
CPR_number = lead.CPR_number,
CVR_number = lead.CVR_number,
Name = (lead.FirstName == "[virksomhed]" ? "" : lead.FirstName + " ") + lead.LastName,
Address = (lead.Street + " " + lead.StreetNumber + " " + lead.Floor + " " + lead.Side).Trim(),
Zipcode = lead.Zipcode,
City = (lead.PlaceName + " " + lead.City).Trim(),
Phonenumber = ("Fastnet: " + lead.Phonenumber + " Mobil: " + lead.Cellphonenumber),
Email = lead.Email,
BestReached = lead.BestReached,
**OthersInHousehold = lead.OthersInHousehold.Select(oih => new ApiOtherInHousehold(){ CPR_number = oih.CPR_number, Name = oih.Name }).ToList()**,
WantsVisit = lead.WantsVisit,
WantsPhonecall = lead.WantsPhonecall,
WantsInsuranceImmediately = lead.WantsInsuranceImmediately,
ExistingInsurance = lead.ExistingInsurance,
CurrentInsuranceCompany = lead.CurrentInsuranceCompany,
OtherInfo = lead.OtherInfo,
Status = lead.Status,
CreationDate = lead.CreationDate
But this throws an
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<LeadsApp.ApiModels.ApiLead>' to
Is this not possible or am I doing it wrong?
Thanks, guys.
At the linq statement, you are returning List<ApiLead>. But result variable is List<Lead>. You have to declare your result variable as List<ApiLead>.
Hope helps,
dynamic counter = 1;
string FileNameWithoutExtestion = "";
FileNameWithoutExtestion = file.Split('.')[0];
string FileExtestion = file.Split('.')[1];
while (System.IO.File.Exists(Dir + file))
if (true)
counter = counter + 1;
if (FileNameWithoutExtestion.EndsWith('_'))
file = FileNameWithoutExtestion + counter.ToString() + "." + FileExtestion;
file = FileNameWithoutExtestion + "_" + counter.ToString() + "." + FileExtestion;
if (FileNameWithoutExtestion.EndsWith('_')) //the error occurred here
Whats wrong ?
String.EndsWith() only has overloads with string as parameter, you insert a char.
and i would use those path-methods to parse filenames and extensions
string FileNameWithoutExtestion = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
string FileExtestion = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file); //.jpg
because FileNameWithoutExtestion = file.Split('.')[0]; will lead to a invalid value in case of a filename like foo.bar.jpg
i am having problem that this following script generates Email address when page is loaded and i want to parse that email how can i do that?
<td align='right' class='generalinfo_left' >Email Address:</td>
<td class='generalinfo_right'><script type="text/javascript">
var o3752aaa9bb29d904adeb88838117fd7c = String.fromCharCode(109);var f03de7e643c296e211edddbc3197b33f6 = String.fromCharCode(97);var k7c3bf82468602c0f8dff4950e4b6ff1e = String.fromCharCode(105);var b3eaa633e44451be8df1fa47d75149934 = 'l';var ma2fa16c3a3f532b780aaf0fa5a5b75c6 = 't';var re0c13fc69c03925782867a0540f8c084 = 'o';var j335f1365672123d1fcaf9a83b76f1b7b = String.fromCharCode(58);var f32820e1c54cbc3fa0d418cd1c195eaec = String.fromCharCode(105);var y8c24ea00a7a1edf1c01f794d487697e3 = String.fromCharCode(110);var bcc0ad4f628e703f9ff6e25b87b77ec34 = 'f';var c985c961c7ee85fe6a25d5a66fb421745 = String.fromCharCode(111);var z5ab4e3bdc353d621cea5babcc5dca417 = String.fromCharCode(64);var s4e087167cd0bac466344e72016511172 = String.fromCharCode(97);var re26f6ae180723793af62bc36d5ab2530 = String.fromCharCode(108);var ye1b53d01de118079a38de5e951586731 = 'c';var g9fc5710c9266ce08afbe4da24702dfdd = String.fromCharCode(105);var k5cd5ea1bac40fdbb8b133b7e356809c6 = String.fromCharCode(118);var fcd6e4771e956e270c6897d24ca51c256 = String.fromCharCode(97);var y9d7854a5921fa2be88c8cd72c7e2884e = String.fromCharCode(114);var xa58bea1ecad6fe7d2c736aab1df2df44 = '.';var e4569f6c98804675f7117a84abb0b8d5c = 'c';var o4d2081e2344020922dcb924690c9972e = 'o';var af150185e5eef8ecd8dc1b0a4977c7d55 = String.fromCharCode(109);document.write("<a href='" + o3752aaa9bb29d904adeb88838117fd7c + f03de7e643c296e211edddbc3197b33f6 + k7c3bf82468602c0f8dff4950e4b6ff1e + b3eaa633e44451be8df1fa47d75149934 + ma2fa16c3a3f532b780aaf0fa5a5b75c6 + re0c13fc69c03925782867a0540f8c084 + j335f1365672123d1fcaf9a83b76f1b7b + f32820e1c54cbc3fa0d418cd1c195eaec + y8c24ea00a7a1edf1c01f794d487697e3 + bcc0ad4f628e703f9ff6e25b87b77ec34 + c985c961c7ee85fe6a25d5a66fb421745 + z5ab4e3bdc353d621cea5babcc5dca417 + s4e087167cd0bac466344e72016511172 + re26f6ae180723793af62bc36d5ab2530 + ye1b53d01de118079a38de5e951586731 + g9fc5710c9266ce08afbe4da24702dfdd + k5cd5ea1bac40fdbb8b133b7e356809c6 + fcd6e4771e956e270c6897d24ca51c256 + y9d7854a5921fa2be88c8cd72c7e2884e + xa58bea1ecad6fe7d2c736aab1df2df44 + e4569f6c98804675f7117a84abb0b8d5c + o4d2081e2344020922dcb924690c9972e + af150185e5eef8ecd8dc1b0a4977c7d55 + "'>" + f32820e1c54cbc3fa0d418cd1c195eaec + y8c24ea00a7a1edf1c01f794d487697e3 + bcc0ad4f628e703f9ff6e25b87b77ec34 + c985c961c7ee85fe6a25d5a66fb421745 + z5ab4e3bdc353d621cea5babcc5dca417 + s4e087167cd0bac466344e72016511172 + re26f6ae180723793af62bc36d5ab2530 + ye1b53d01de118079a38de5e951586731 + g9fc5710c9266ce08afbe4da24702dfdd + k5cd5ea1bac40fdbb8b133b7e356809c6 + fcd6e4771e956e270c6897d24ca51c256 + y9d7854a5921fa2be88c8cd72c7e2884e + xa58bea1ecad6fe7d2c736aab1df2df44 + e4569f6c98804675f7117a84abb0b8d5c + o4d2081e2344020922dcb924690c9972e + af150185e5eef8ecd8dc1b0a4977c7d55 + "</a>")
out put is like this
<td class="generalinfo_right">
<script type="text/javascript">
same above script plus following Line
I wrote my own custom parser that will read the script and parse Email from it.here goes the code
If this code can be optimized or can be written more neatly please let me know
private string ReadEmail(string EmailScript)
string EncriptedEmail = "";
string dataPart = "";
dataPart = EmailScript.Substring(0, EmailScript.IndexOf("document.write")).Replace("//<![CDATA[\r", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("\r\n","");
EncriptedEmail = EmailScript.Replace("\"","");
EncriptedEmail = EncriptedEmail.Substring(EncriptedEmail.IndexOf("'> + "), EncriptedEmail.IndexOf(" + </a>") - EncriptedEmail.IndexOf("'> +")).Replace("'> +", "").Trim();
string[] requiredVariables = EncriptedEmail.Split('+');
List<string> ExtractedDataFromRaw = new List<string>();
string email = "";
foreach (string variable in requiredVariables)
string temp = dataPart.Substring(dataPart.IndexOf(variable),dataPart.Length-dataPart.IndexOf(variable)).Replace(" ","");
string tempValueofVariable = temp.Substring(0, temp.IndexOf(";"));
tempValueofVariable = tempValueofVariable.Substring(tempValueofVariable.IndexOf("="), tempValueofVariable.Length - temp.IndexOf("=")).Replace("=","");
if (tempValueofVariable.Contains("String.fromCharCode"))
tempValueofVariable = GetCharacterFromASCII(tempValueofVariable.Replace("String.fromCharCode(", "").Replace(")", ""));
email += tempValueofVariable.Replace("'", "");
return email;
private string GetCharacterFromASCII(string value)
int result = 0;
int.TryParse(value, out result);
return char.ConvertFromUtf32(result);
That code is building the email address one character at a time from character codepoints and then assembling it later. I suppose this is an attempt to prevent email spam. Depending on what you need to do, it might be easiest to just pull the email address from the link using jQuery or something. $('a[href^=mailto]').attr('href').substring(7) or something ought to do it.